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Linda Ol so n, Mayor ATTEST I, Step hanie Car lil e, City C lerk fo r th e C ity of Eng lewood Co lora do, hereb y ce rti fy th e above is a true copy of Reso lu tion No. 7, Seri es of 2020. 2 EXHIBIT D -STATEMENT OF WORK Applicant Agency : Englewood Police Department Project Title: Victim Advocate Project Description: Describe t he project, staff and services yo u pl an to provi de with these gra nt funds. See instruct ions for further information. The Englewood Police Department is a small agency within the larger Denver Metropolitan area. We are a home rule municipality and have a Municipal Court that also has a domestic violence program similar to a Fast Track program where victims of domestic violence experience the criminal justice process. Our comm unity has a lower leve l of education than the surrounding counties as well as a higher level of poverty and homelessness. Compared to our neighboring cities, calls for service are higher and more people are victims of crime. Englewood Police Victim Assistance has historically employed two full time Advocates to provide services to victims of crime. We have also maintained a volunteer force ranging from 8 to 11 people on average. Calls for services have increased and our volunteer pool has declined. Englewood is also a community in transition. We have recently added 6 new apartment complexes that will add approximately 1200 people to our population. At this time, the Victim Assistance Unit would like to add a part-time Advocate to assist with the increase in call load and to provide more in-depth services to victims of crime who interact with the Englewood Police Department. Englewood Victim Assistance has two full time staff members, both who have been with the Department for a long time, are highly trained and experienced, and who are committed to victims of crime. At times, we have ·had had interns to help us provide in-depth services to victims in our community. During the regular work day, the two full- time Advocates are generally able to respond to needs of victims. The Victim Assistance Unit runs extremely well during the day time hours; however, crime does not occur from 8:00am to 5:00pm. We have identified a gap in service that can be filled with a part-time Advocate and fill-in from our current volunteers. We have had difficulty maintaining volunteers over the last 10 years and getting shifts covered on nights and weekends has become problematic. We have relied on neighboring agencies to cover some of the on-call hours. This has been a wonderful help, but it does not allow for continuity of services for victims. At times, we don't receive reports from the on-call Advocates and victims may need to repeat their stories or start over with a new Advocate. Hiring a part time Advocate would provide victims with compassionate and professional advocacy over the weekend and some nights. We have also experienced a higher rate of felonious assaults, sexual assault, and domestic violence. These cases require more in-depth and personal advocacy, which takes time and dedication. The project would aim to hire a part-time Advocate who would work some nights and weekend hours. Calls for service increase on Friday and Saturday during our swing-shift and the Advocate would work these hours as well as a week day so that the Advocate can make referrals to community agencies and provide follow-up assistance to victims. The Advocate would provide crisis intervention to victims on scene or over the phone as well as provide information on the Rights under the Victim Rights Act. The Advocate would attempt to help the victim recover from the crime through support, information on Victim Compensation, resources, information on the criminal justice process, and assuring safety of the victim. Providing professional advocacy during nights and weekends will provide continuity of care for victims. The Advocate would respond to crimes that fall under the Victim Rights Act and assist with felonious crimes, sexual assault, domestic violence, crimes against children, elder abuse, vehicular assaults or homicides, homicides, and other incidents that would result in trauma. The Advocate will increase the response to after hours on-call by 80% and will respond within 30 minutes to the scene. During the day time hours, response expectations are 10 minutes. Victims will indicate an increased understanding of the criminal justice process. Advocates will participate in 4 SART team meetings per year to network and learn best practices for victims of crime. Advocates will also attend the Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance Conference to network and broaden skills and stay up to date with best practices. The Victim Assistance Unit will provide a response to approximately 1,000 victims of crime per year. With the additional Advocate, we would like to increase service to 200 more victims per year. The Advocate will be part of the Victim Assistance Team that will provide direct services to victims under the Victim Rights Act C.R.S. 24-4.1-302.5. Victims of crime will be informed of their Righ t s, they will be supported during their interactions with Law Enforcement, they will be provided the case number, contact information for the Detective or Court that is hearing the case, appropriate Community Agency referrals, referral to Victim Compensation, Safety planning, immediate physical needs will be met, they will be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect, and all aspects of the statue will be met through personal interaction with the Advocate. We are mandated by the Victim Rights Act and it is also the mission of the Englewood Police Department and the Victim Assistance Unit to treat all victims with fairness, dignity, and respect. We also strive to assist victims with their recovery from crime. Victims of crime recover better from trauma if they receive compassionate and professional services as soon as available. In adding another Advocate, we will be able to provide more timely and in-depth Advocacy to the victims in our community. Project Purpose Area: Victims Services Complete these data grids only if your project will provide DIRECT v ictim se rvices. Provide only the number of victims (primary and secondary) who will recei v e services from Crim e Victim Services (CVS) grant -funded personnel during each of the 24 -month periods in the tables below. Types of Crimes Estimated Numbers of Victims Adult Phy sical Assault 100 Adult Se x ual Assault 15 Adults Sexually Abused / Assaulted as Children Arson 3 Bullying (Verbal, Cyber or Physical) 10 Burglary 13 5 Child Physical Abuse or Neglect 35 Child Pornography Child Sexual Abuse / Assault 20 Domestic and /or Family Violence 133 DUI /DWI Incidents 10 Elder Abuse or Neglect 15 Hate Crime: Racial / Religious / Gender /Se x ual Orientation / Other Human Trafficking: Labor Human Trafficking: Se x Identity Theft/Fraud /Financial Crime Kidnapping (noncustodial) Kidnapping (custodial) Mass Violen ce (domestic /international) Other Vehicular Victimization (e .g. Hit & Run ) Robbery 20 Stalking / Harassment 4 Survi vors of Homicide Victims 10 Teen Dating Violence 10 Terrorism (dom esti c/inte rnational) Other: pleas e explain UNDUPLICATED TOTAL 520 Types of Services Estimated Numbers of Victims Information ft Referral Services Information about the criminal justice process 520 Information about victim rights, how to obtain notifications, etc. 520 Referral to other victim service programs 500 Referral to other services, supports & resources (legal, medical, faith-500 based , address confidentiality, etc.) Personal Advocacy/Accompaniment Services Victim advocacy/accompaniment to emergency medical care so Victim advocacy/accompaniment to medical forensic exam 15 Law enforcement interview advocacy/accompaniment so Individual advocacy (assistance in applying for public benefits, return of so personal property or effects) Performance of medical forensic exam or interview, or medical evidence 0 collection Immigration assistance (e.g . special visas , continued presence 10 application, and other immigration relief) Intervention with employer, creditor, landlord or academic institution 25 Child or dependent care assistance (includes coordination of services) 15 Transportation assistance (includes coordination of services) so Interpreter services 10 Emotional Support or Safety Services Crisis intervention (in-person, includes safety planning, etc.) 500 Hotline/crisis line counseling 200 On-scene crisis response 425 Individual counseling 0 Support groups (facilitated or peer) 0 Other therapy (traditional, cultural or alternative healing; art, writing or 0 play therapy, etc.) Emergency financial assistance 200 Shelter/Housing Services Emergency shelter or safe house 0 Transitional housing 0 Relocation assistance (includes assistance with obtaining housing) 0 Criminal/Civil Justice System Assistance Services Notification of criminal events 500 Victim impact statement assistance 200 Assistance with restitution (includes assistance in requesting and when 200 collection efforts are not successful) Civil legal assistance in obtaining protection or restraining order 200 Civil legal assistance with family law issues (custody , visitation or so support) Other emergency justice-related assistance so Immigration assistance (e.g. special visas , continued presence 0 application, and other immigration relief) Prosecution interview advocacy /accompaniment (includes so accompaniment with prosecuting attorney and victim /witness) Law enforcement interview advocacy/accompaniment so Criminal advocacy/ accompaniment 75 Other legal advice and /or counsel Crime Vict;m Compensation Assistance with Victim Compensation 500 Project Purpose Area: Law Enforcement Complete this section if you are requesting funds for a Law Enforcement Officer or Investigator who will handle domestic violence , sexual assault, stalking, and /or dating violence cases /incidents for victims age 11 and older (including secondary victims of these crimes). These are the only positions /types of crime that can be funded with these grant dollars. If you apply for funds in this category , remember to complete the question regarding which nonprofit victim services agencies you consulted with in developing your application. Estimate below the number of cases /incidents that will be handled by grant funded personnel during each year of the grant period. Type of Crime Estimated # of Cases/Incidents Calls for Assistance (911 & other) Incident Reports Cases /Incidents Investigated Arrests Dual Arrests Protection /Ex Parte/Temporary Restraining Orders Served Arrests for Violation of Bail Bond Enforcement of Warrants Arrests for Violation of Protection Orders Protection Orders Issues Referrals of Cases to Prosecutor Referrals of Federal Firearms Charges to Federal Prosecutor Forensic Medical Evidence TOTAL Project Purpose Area: Prosecution Complete this section if you are requesting funds for a Prosecutor or Investigator who will handle domestic violence , sexual assault , stalking, and /or dating violence cases /incidents for victims age 11 and older (including secondary victims of these crimes). These are the only positions /types of crime that can be funded with these grant dollars . If you apply for funds in this category, remember to complete the question regarding which nonprofit victim service s agencies you consulted with in developing your application . Estimate below t he number of cases /incidents that will be handled by grant funded personnel during each year of the grant period . Type of Crime Estimated # of Cases/Incidents Misdemeanor Sexual Assault Felony Sexual Assault Homicide Related to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence or Stalking Domestic Violence /Dating Violence Ordinance Misdemeanor Domestic Violence /Dating Violence Felony Domestic Violence /Dating Violence Stalking Ordinance Misdemeanor Stalking Felony Stalking Violation of Protective Order Violation of Bail Violation of Probation or Parole Violation of Other Court Order TOTAL Project Purpose Area: Training Complete this section only if you are requesting funds for a FORMAL training project to train professionals /volunteers , primarily outside your agency, who work directly with victims . There are only two eligible categories of training activities that can be paid for with these grant funds : • Training on domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence or; • Statewide or multijurisdictional training pertaining to victim assistance. NOTE: This section should not be used to indicate the people who will be trained at outreach trainings / community presentations about your program or to in house staff /volunteer training. People Trai ne d Estimated# of People Trained Advocacy Organization Staff (NAACP, AARP) Attorneys /Law Students (Non Prosecutors) Batterer Intervention Program Staff Correction Personnel (probation , parole, and correctional facilities) Court Personnel (judges, clerks ) Disability Organization Staff (non-governmental) Educators (teachers, administrators) Elder Organization Staff (non-governmental) Faith-based Organization Staff Government Agency Staff (vocational rehabilitation , food stamps , TANF) Health Professionals (doctors , nurses -not including SANE or SAFE 's) Immigrant Organization Staff (non-governmental) Law Enforcement Officers Legal Services Staff (not including attorneys ) Mental Health Professionals Military Command Staff Multidisciplinary Group Prosecutors Sex Offender Treatment Providers Sexual Assault Nurse/Forensic Examiners Socia l Service Organization Staff (food bank , homeless shelter) Substance Abuse Organization Staff Supervised Visitation and Exchange Center Staff Translators / Interpreters Tribal Government/Tribal Government Agency Victim Advocates (non-governmental, includes sexual assault, domestic violence and dual) Victim Assistants (governmental, includes victim witness specialists / coordinators) Volunteers Other UNDUPLICATED TOTAL Project Purpose Area: System Improvement Check items in this section only if one of the primary purposes of your grant-funded project is to improve a community's or a system's (e.g. criminal justice system) response to victims of crime. Check only those system improvement areas that describe the type of activities and services for which you are requesting grant funds. D Specialized Units D Policies, Protocols , Orders D Multidisciplinary Coordinated Response to Domestic Violence D Multidisciplinary Coordinated Response to Sexual Assault D Multidisciplinary Coordinated Response (non DV /SA crimes) D Statewide /Multijurisdictional formal & informal multidisciplinary efforts D Data Collection & Communication Systems D Model project that can demonstrate success and a plan for statewide replication D Coordinating meetings between tribal and nontribal entities D Other (please describe) Project Specific Goals and Objectives: Applicants are limited to four goals and no more than three objecti ves for each goal. Objectives must be measurable and related to the personnel /consultants requested in the grant and any match personnel. Do not repeat services you have alread y addressed in the project purpose area grids. Please use 8 point font i nside the boxes. Goal 1: The Advocate will provide direct serv ices to meet the needs of crime victims i n Englewood Objective/Position Title Intended Outcome/Impact Data Collection Timeframe Responsible 1 .1 The part-time advocate wi ll provide on -Victims will report Staff notes/callout logs During the 24 month sce ne crisis intervention to 300 crime that they feel and victim report Grant cycle victims informed of their rights and resources that may assist them 1.2 The part-time advocate will assist 100 Victims wi ll Staff documentation During the 24 month victims of domestic violen ce through participate in the and co urt notes Grant cycle the Englewood Municipal Court criminal justice process with support, knowledge, and access to services 1.3 The part-time advocate will assist 200 Victims will feel Staff documentation During the 24 month crime victims by phone for case supported as the case Grant cycle updates, information on critical stages, moves through the and on -g oing support and provide criminal justice Victim Rights notifications. system. Goal 2: The Advocate will provide support to Victims and encourage finan ci al and emotional reco very through appropriate referrals Objective/Position Title Intended Outcome/Impact Data Collection Timeframe Responsible 2.1 The part-time advocate will assist 350 Victim s wi ll have Staff documentation During the 24 month crime victims with the app li cation for access to financial and Victim Grant cycle Victim Compensation resources to aid in Compensation recovery Applications received. 2.2 The part-time advocate will make 200 Victims will recover Staff documentation During the 24 month referrals to community based financial faster when Grant cycle resources to assist victims in recovery immediate needs are through payment of rent, cell phone met through referral bills, prescriptions, and travel. to community agencies 2.3 Goal 3: The Advocate will maintain best practices by networking and participating in community task force meetings Objective/Position Title Intended Outcome/Impact Data Collection Timeframe ResDonsible 3.1 The part-time advocate will attend 6 The Advocate will Staff documentation During the 24 month Sexual Assault Response Team network with those Grant cycle meetings. working to end sexual assault and learn best practices to better serve victims 3.2 The part-time advocate will attend 8 The Advocate will Staff documentation During the 24 month Englewood Schools interagency team network with the Grant cycle meetings school counselors and others on the team to best assist victims of crime from Englewood Schools 3,3 The part-time advocate will participate The Advocate will Staff notes and Human During the 24 month in 12 Multidisciplinary Team meetings network with Services Grant cycle with Arapahoe County Human Services. caseworkers from documentation Human Services in order to provide appropriate victim advocacy and services such as Victim Compensation. More victims will access Victim Compensation Goal 4: Objective/Position Title Intended Outcome/Impact Data Collection Timeframe Responsible 4.1 4.2 4.3 Overall Project Evaluation: Describe the approach for evaluating the project in response to the stated objectives, intended outcomes /impact and data collection. See instructions for further i nformation. The project will have met its goa ls and objectives by increasing services to victims of crime and providing all victims with ongoing support during the criminal justice proce ss. The project will have provided all victims w ith information on their Rights as well as referrals to resources that may assist victims with recovery . Our goal is to provide safety and support for victims as we ll as to educate v ictims of the Court process and services avai labl e. One measure of success is the rate of acceptance of Victim Compensation applicatio ns for counse ling. We constant ly encourage victims to participate in counseling . We hope our efforts to encourage counseling for victims will help them recover . The program also refers victims to commun ity resources to aid with financial recovery. In particular, we refer frequently to Catholic Cha rites and Integrated Community Family Services (IFCS) to assist those fleeing violence with financial assistance for various financial needs, such as rent, cel l phone replacement, bus tickets, and moving expenses. This project success will also be measured by the amount of services provided to victims. We hope to provide services to 200 more victims per year and to close the gap in service s that exists on some nights and weekends. Th e project will be successful if we can maintain coverage for the after-hours calls with the new part-time Advocate and the volunteers. Victims will receive professional and compassionate Advoca cy from the program and they will have knowledge of their Rights, feel supported, and receive appropriate referrals for assistance i n recovery. The project will also be successful through commun ity networking and participation in Multi-Di sciplinary Teams and training. To evaluate the program's success, we aim to: Provide direct services to 200 more victims per year; To provide crisis intervention to 300 vi ctims on-scene; To assist 350 victims with applications for Victim Compensation; To provide 200 victims with case updates and support through the criminal ju stice process ; To assist 100 victims through the Englewood Municipal Court process; To provide 200 victims with referral s to community based assistance; To participate in Multi-Disciplinary teams to further knowledge and networking; and to provide continuous coverage for Vi ctim Assistance through volunteers and the new part-time Advocate .