HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 Resolution No. 042RESOLUTION NO . 42
WHEREAS, in 2003 Arapahoe County voters approved a ten ( I 0) year, quarter-of-a-penny
sales and use tax to pay for preservation of open space, protect lands, preserve water quality and
provide, maintain and improve neighborhood parks, sport fields , picnic facilities and trails;
WHEREAS, in 2005 Arapahoe County set aside a portion of the revenues to fund competitive
grant projects;
WHEREAS, each year, the City of Englewood is eligible to apply for up to two (2) Arapahoe
County Open Space (ACOS) grants;
WHEREAS, the City would utilize ACOS Grant funds for the replacement of aging
playground and tennis equipment in Roman Park;
WHEREAS, the project's purpose is to improve the quality, safety and ADA access to the
park playground and tennis courts ;
WHEREAS, the City of Englewood, through the 2017 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, has
identified Romans Park as one of three park areas designated as a priority and replacing the
playground and tennis equipment will complete the first phase of improvements;
WHEREAS, the City commits to completing the Romans Tennis and Playground
Improvements project if the grant is awarded;
WHEREAS, the project site is owned by the City of Englewood ;
WHEREAS, if the grant is awarded, the City of Englewood acknowledges responsibility of
cost overruns for the Romans Park Tennis and Playground Improvements project;
WHEREAS, the total project costs for these improvement to Romans Park Tennis and
Playground areas is estimated at $700,000, to include $500,000 in ACOS grant funds and
$200,000 provided by the City as part of the Grant Matching Funds project; and
WHEREAS, the City 's matching funds will be coming from the Parks, Recreation and
Library 2019 budget in the amount of$200,000.
Section I. The City Council for the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby supports the City's
Arapahoe County Open Space grant application for Romans Park Tennis and Playground
improvement project, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Section 2. The City Council for the City of Englewood certifies that the Romans Park
Playground and Tennis Improvement project will be open to the public and serve a public
purpose upon completion.
Section 3 . The Director of Parks, Recreation and Library Services is authorized to sign all
necessary documents for the Arapahoe County Open Space Grant application for and on behalf of
the City Council and the City of Englewood.
ADOPTED AND APPROV ED this 18th day of March , 2019.
I, Stephanie Carlile, City Clerk for the City of Englewood , Colorado, h reby certify the above
is a true copy of Resolution No. 42 , Series of 2019 .
Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Executive Summary*
Highlight key points of your proposal, such as project description, goals, need, partnerships,
deliverables, etc.
Romans Park is a City of Englewood neighborhood park and has a total of 4.6 acres. The total
population of the surrounding four Census Block Groups is 6,138, with 1,429 children under the age of
18. The houses in this neighborhood are small, single family bungalows approximately 1000-1600 SF
and built in the 1950's, there are also several multi-family apartment buildings that border the park on
the south side. Median household incomes vary greatly between the western Census Block Groups and
the eastern Census Block Groups.
The center section of the park includes a small covered picnic area, two playgrounds, a public restroom,
basketball court, and 4 tennis courts, with 2 large rectangular grassy areas both east and west of this
central section. The east end of the park has a natural rock fountain waterfall and numerous mushroom
cement sculptures that are used for seating. The west side of the park has a large grassy area that is
currently used as an on-leash dog area. The park is heavily used by local neighbors, surrounding
communities, school sports programs and Arapahoe County residents for a wide range of uses. Most
park visitors live within one-half mile walking distance of the park. In addition, several groups such as
the Friends of Englewood Parks, Pirate Youth Sports Program, and St. Mary's Academy would like to
utilize the park amenities for tennis, soccer and recreational programs.
The City of Englewood has two primary goals to make improvements utilizing Arapahoe County Grant
Funds to the Romans Park. The ist goal is total replacement of the existing damaged Tennis courts and
upgrade the tennis court area to be safer and compliant with United States Tennis Association (USTA)
Guidelines to accommodate both children and adults. The 2nd goal is to relocate the existing 5-12-year-
old play area in adjacent proximity to the 2-5-year-old play area. This relocation will be safer and more
convenient for child caretakers to supervise children. Both new playgrounds will be updated with
American Society Testing and Materials (ASTM) new and safer equipment and materials that will also be
surrounded by American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant walkways. The Pirate Youth Sports program
has made a request to utilize the east side grassy area, currently an unofficial off-leash dog area, as a
small soccer field for young elementary age children. This Romans Park renovation project aims to
improve community resources by providing newly designed and constructed tennis courts and a new,
collocated, accessible neighborhood playground for all ages.
The City of Englewood has secured $200,000 in matching funds, 28.5% of the $700,000_total project
budget for the tennis courts and playground improvements. However, if this project is delayed, the City
funds will be shifted to Cushing Park improvements which are slated to start in late 2020. We do not
want to miss this opportunity. The current state of both the playgrounds is poor and all 4 tennis courts
are damaged and determined unsafe for continuous use. Postponement of this project would impact
the residents and neighboring communities by limiting their recreational and outdoor needs.
The City of Englewood is also pursuing some limited Grant funding from the United States Tennis
Association (USTA) in the amount of $20,000 for reconstruction of the tennis courts.
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Question 1•
ls the applicant in good standing with Arapahoe County Open Spaces? Discuss recent performance
(past five years) and list all open Arapahoe County Open Space grants. List any other applications
your agency is submitting in this grant cycle.
The applicant is in good standing with the Arapahoe County Open Space (ACOS) Department. For the
past five years, the applicant has provided the required progress and final reporting documents per the
grant agreement according to the time schedule.
The applicant has two open projects with Arapahoe County including: River Run Phase Ill and the Jason
Park Playground Replacement. The projects are on track for being completed within the designated
time frame and within the approved budgets. There are no outstanding funds or required
documentation specific to Arapahoe County Open Space Grants.
The applicant will be submitting 1 ACOS grant proposal this cycle for a Standard Grant.
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Question 2*
How does this project align with the Arapahoe County Open Space Master Plan, Arapahoe County
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, agency master plan, or other approved planning documents?
The ACOS Master Plan provides a 100-year vision, 25-year master plan and 5-year action plan for
implementing the purpose and goals of the program. The vision states that the County will be forward
thinking, understand and embrace the open space, park and trail needs of the current residents, and
define a harmonious relationship between people and nature in the County for future generations. The
Mission and Purpose Statement proposes to maintain and improve neighborhood parks in the study
area of the Master Plan including the City of Englewood. Goal #OS 1.2 establishes level of service
standards for parks and trail in growth areas policy.
The Arapahoe County Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan was adopted in 2017. One of the County's goals
is to increase biking and walking activity, and a connected and comfortable network is critical to
achieving this goal. The bicycle lanes on Floyd Avenue and the Bus Stop next to Romans Park encourage
multi-modal transportation and support continued growth and utilization of Roman Park amenities.
The City of Englewood's 2017 Park and Recreation Master Plan goal is to provide nearby recreation and
leisure opportunities within walking distance (one-half mile) of residential areas which will be met by
completing this project. The Table of Existing Conditions and Facility Needs Assessment lists Romans
Park in the Action Plan as a priority for construction improvements due to the aging condition of the
This ACOS Grant proposal is in alignment with all the goals in the Master Plans noted above.
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Question 3*
Describe how this project addresses specific objectives in the Arapahoe County Open Space
Resolution #030381/#110637. The resolution is available on the Open Space website.
The tennis courts and playground replacement project at Romans Park in Englewood addresses the
specific objectives set forth in the Arapahoe County Open Space Resolutions #030380 and #110637 by
providing, maintaining and improving neighborhood parks per Section VIII.C.3.D.
The proposed project and applicant meet the current objectives of the Arapahoe County Open Space
Resolution #110637 adopted 12/5/11. Specifically, this project meets the approved ballot element
identified including:
-Provide, maintain and improve neighborhood parks, open space, sports fields, picnic facilities and
biking, walking and multi-use trails;
Construction of the Romans Park Tennis Courts and new Playgrounds meets this fundamental need. This
project will enhance an under-served neighborhood by providing a common location to gather around a
newly completed playground and tennis court facility. Improvements made by this project will enhance
the outdoor experience while encouraging youth and their families to spend more time outdoors.
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Budget Narrative•
Provide a clear and concise budget narrative. Include details about expenses in each budget category,
justification for any unusual line items, and an explanation of how you arrived at these
estimates. Include amounts and sources of cash/in-kind match.
The total project budget is $700,000 and this grant proposal is requesting $500,000 from the Arapahoe
County Open Spaces grant program. The City of Englewood has committed and secured $200,000
reflecting a 28.5% cash match using ACOS Share back funds. We will be responsible for any overages in
the project costs. The City of Englewood is also seeking up to $20,000 of Category Ill Funds from the
United States Tennis Association as an additional funding partner.
The line item project costs included were calculated March 2019. With Englewood's long history of
constructing, updating and maintaining park amenities, these budget numbers are guaranteed.
• Demolition and Erosion Control-$58,000:
Includes mobilization, erosion control, temporary fencing, removal of: equipment, edging materials,
tennis courts and walkways
• Landscape & Grading -$29,300: Includes soils, cuts, fills, grading and sod
• Site Improvements -$316,000: Tennis Courts-($197,000), playground curb/boulder/fiber
mulch, Tennis/Dumar benches, concrete walkway/retaining wall
• Playground Equipment -$278,000: 2-5 year play equipment; 5-12 year play equipment
• Irrigation -$18,700: Spray system restoration
• Total estimated cost -$700,000
The costs reflected above have been reviewed by the planning team, project partners and design team.
The costs identified represent extremely competitive costs for this type of project.
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Question 1•
Describe the project goals, scope, expected results, and deliverables. Describe project elements,
including useful life. Discuss the current condition of the project site and what improvements are ,
proposed and why. Discuss how this project Improves access to the outdoors, connectivity, and/or
educational opportunities.
The City of Englewood, Parks and Recreation Division has hired the firm, Goodbee & Associates, Inc. to
provide a site assessment, design drawings/specifications, and estimating services to address the needs
to renovate the tennis courts and playgrounds.
The City of Englewood has two primary goals to make improvements utilizing Arapahoe County Grant
Funds to the Romans Park.
1. Tennis Courts: The 1st goal is total replacement of the existing damaged Tennis courts and upgrade
the tennis court area to be safer and compl iant with United States Tennis Association (USTA)
Guidelines to accommodate both children and adults.
The existing tennis courts have multiple cracks, low spots and peeling surfaces. They have been
used by both residents and school groups in the past, however, are largely unused by the
community due to the poor conditions and have been recently closed.
The first project goal includes replacement of damaged tennis courts with functional post tension
concrete that last up to 7 times longer than as phalt courts, have a more controlled slope for
drainage, less potential liability from structural cracking and increased resistance to settling and/or
heaving. This type of court may be constructed over existing courts with less major excavation and
transporting of material. (Less waste/pollution).
2. Playgrounds: The 2nd goal is to relocate the existing 5-12-year-old play area in adjacent proximity to
the 2-5-year-old play area. This relocation will be safer and more convenient for child caretakers to
supervise children . Both new playgrounds will be updated with American Society Testing and
Materials (ASTM) new and safer equipment and materials that will also be surrounded by American
Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant walkways. This Romans Park renovation project aims to improve
community resources by providing newly designed and constructed tennis courts and a new,
collocated, accessible neighborhood playground for all ages.
The existing facilities consist of two play pits approximately 7750 S.F . The 5 to 12 area contains 2
aging structures and a swing set. The 2 to 5 area contains a cl imbing wall, a see saw, 2 spring
animals and a swing. Paint is peeling on the play structures, see saw and swings and the slides have
cracked and peeling plastic. There is no accessible swing and only the 2-5 play area contains
accessible play events. There is currently no ADA compliant access route to the playgrounds. The
play pits are surrounded by wood timbers that are splintered and uncomfortable to sit on. The 2 to
5 area contains a pea gravel surface which is not accessible.
Currently, the two play areas are separated by a restroom building. For parents and caretakers with
children of both age groups, they cannot monitor both play areas at the same time. There is a
considerable amount of wasted play area space.
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The second project goal is to provide an updated accessible children's playground that is currently
not accessible from a sidewalk, play surfacing or equipment standpoint. The Project will provide
improvements in three key areas:
1. A 6' accessible route concrete sidewalk will be constructed up to the play pit areas. The slope of
the walk will not exceed 4.5%. An ADA access ramp will also be provided for entrance into each
play pit.
2. The play pits will receive an ADA compliant surface material such as engineered wood fiber.
3. New ADA accessible equipment will be provided for both the 2-5 and 5-12 age groups.
• The 2-5 age group will have 1 accessible play structure (with 6 play events -3 elevated and 3
ground). In addition, this area will include 2 more accessible ground play events and 2 swings.
• The 5-12 age group will have 1 accessible play structure (with 9 play events -5 elevated and 4
ground), 1 net climber, an accessible spinner, see saw and 4 swings, 1 of which will be
Sustainability/Recycled Materials
Playground surfacing material is made from 100% recycled materials. Soils excavated for new play pits
will be utilized on site in fill areas needed for access route and smoothing out slope transition between 2
to 5 play pit and tennis court removal.
Proposed benches are made from the highest percentage of post-consumer and post-industrial content
The project will be designed to provide updated, accessible children's playgrounds with minimal existing
vegetation removal. Some existing play equipment will be removed, reconditioned and placed in other
city locations. Additionally, some designated metal play equipment will be repurposed as art for future
projects. Several mature shade trees that surround the Project Site will require tree protection fencing
during construction and will provide long-term shade for the new playground. The City will provide
ongoing park and playground maintenance.
Accessibility requirements
The proposed project will improve access to the outdoors, connectivity, and/or educational
opportunities. The City's goal to provide nearby recreation and leisure opportunities within walking
distance (one-half mile) of residential areas will be met by completing this project. Importantly, we will
meet the City's goal to provide a common area for neighbors of all ages to gather, socialize and play;
interactive play equipment; ADA accessible trails; and shaded areas for picnics and sitting once this
project is completed.
The following guidelines are all addressed in this design proposal:
minimumreguirements-x02-1-public-sidewalks -updated guidelines
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adastandards/ada-standards/chapter-4-accessible-routes#405%20Ramps -public sidewalks
https:ljwww.access-board.gov/attachments/article/1369/play-guide.pdf -playgrounds
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Question 2*
Describe the community/neighborhood and user groups the project will serve. Discuss the type of
users (children, families, seniors, sports leagues, etc.), and estimate the number of users that will
benefit annually. How did you arrive at this estimate?
Include up to five community support letters in the Attachments section. Support letters should come
from users, working groups, community members, volunteers, schools, etc. Letters should be dated
within the last six months.
Romans Park is a City of Englewood neighborhood park and has a total of 4.6 acres. This neighborhood
has historically represented a lower income level within Englewood and now includes four Census Block
Groups within a quarter mile of Romans Park. The total population of the surrounding four Census Block
Groups is 6,138, with 1,429 children under the age of 18. Most houses in this neighborhood are small,
single family bungalows approximately 1000-1600 SF and built in the 1950's; there are also several
multi-family apartment buildings that border the park on the south side. Median household incomes
vary greatly between the western Census Block Groups and the eastern Census Block Groups.
The median household incomes for the western Census Block Groups are $27,805 and $50,555, while
the eastern Census Block Groups have higher than average median household incomes than for the City
of Englewood as a whole. There is a significant percentage of persons living in female headed
households within the four Census Block Groups (33.3%).
A significant percentage of the total population of the four Census Blocks Districts is of Hispanic origin.
The Denver Regional Council of Governments has designated parts of the Romans Park as Environmental
Justice Zones due to significant minority populations and low incomes.
Charles Hay World School serves the educational needs of Romans Park. The population of Charles Hay
World School is 60.7% white and 29.8% Hispanic. The percentage of students receiving free or
discounted lunches is 55.7%.
Park users include families, children, young adults, adults and seniors that might be running, walking,
playing, dog walking, relaxing, and simply enjoying being outdoors within an urban environment. Most
park visitors live within one-half mile walking distance of the park.
Today, you might see youth playing basketball on the court and trying to play soccer in the grassy areas;
children ages 2 to 12 years playing on the playground; visitors of all ages stretching and relaxing on the
green open space; friends playing a friendly game of basketball; and guests of all ages seeking a place to
sit and relax under the notorious Mushroom Sculptures and the small covered shelter next to the
The proposed playground replacement will be predominately visited by children ages 2 to 12 and their
parents, friends, caregivers, grandparents and neighbors. We anticipate these visitors being the primary
users of the new playground equipment.
Support letters have been gathered from several organizations. Pirates Youth Sports will be utilizing the
park on the west side for young elementary age soccer, another possibility is usage for tennis day
camps. St. Mary's Academy has stated their interest in renting the Tennis Courts for their Middle School
program. The local elementary school, Charles Hay World School has supported the improvements
needed to support the after-school youth sports programs and recreational needs. The Friends of
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Englewood Parks stated Romans Park is an area where young families with children seek to visit the
playgrounds with their children. Thus, Roman Park could be easily programmed for 5 days per week on
a steady basis for children ages 3-18. Additionally, adults and senior citizen programs in Tennis and
Pickleball are growing rapidly and this location is convenient and would be highly sought after for tennis
practice and USTA games.
Englewood Parks and Recreation Department estimates 300 children and youth players visit the park
monthly for programmed sports as mentioned above. In addition, based on similar park size and
amenities activity usage is approximately 1000 monthly users, or 15,000 annual users including siblings,
family members, and neighbors attending the sport events, will benefit from the new playground
equipment and tennis courts. Most current United States Census Block reports and City of Englewood
Parks and Recreation 2017 Master Plan data support these estimates.
In addition to the programmed groups, the City could be positioned to receive athletic field/tennis court
rentals for day camps, USTA matches and athletic events.
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Question 3*
Discuss the need and urgency for this project and why it is a priority. Was the project prioritized in a
master plan or other planning document, an independent community planning process, a working
group, etc.? Is this part of a larger phased project? What opportunities will be lost if this project is
not funded now?
The need and urgency for new tennis courts and playground equipment is high. The tennis courts are
badly cracked and have uneven surfaces, it currently is closed due to safety conditions. The playground
has not had any improvements for over 25 years. The playground equipment is outdated and not ADA
compliant. It is important to demonstrate to the community that the City of Englewood is willing to
invest the ACOS Funds in this neighborhood to improve safety conditions and offer a place where
residents can enjoy outdoor recreational activities.
As the number of residents in the community and interest in playing outdoors increase, the immediate
priority is to improve the existing parks to support additional use. Many of Englewood's older parks like
Romans Park need upgrades or enhancements to meet current recreational, aesthetic and safety needs
and trends, and increase residents' satisfaction levels. Renovating Romans Park is currently identified as
a priority in the 2017 Master Plan.
According to Real Estate demographics, the neighborhood surrounding Romans Park is experiencing a
large increase in turnover, as many homes are selling, and new younger families are moving into the
The City's priorities, based on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2017), support system-wide
enhancements at most parks to include playground upgrades, shelters, open space and natural areas,
where not already completed; integration of imaginative play and unique play features; and, ADA
compliant walkways, curbs, and restrooms. The proposed components of this project meet this priority.
The recommendations outlined in the updated 2017 City's Master Plan for Romans Park include
replacing the tennis courts, expanding the small playground and replacing old playground equipment,
and adding new accessible walkways. Also, by adding a smaller youth sized soccer field to the Park's
west side grassy area, another goal of developing more athletic field space would be recognized.
According to the 2017 Master Plan, nearly 40% of Englewood's residents polled were not satisfied with
the community's park playgrounds. Our assessment is that this poor/fair rating is due to the age,
conditions, inaccessibility and unappealing older playgrounds. Romans Park has one of these older
In addition, the Friends of Englewood Parks (FEP) a locally formed committee, has made several
presentations to the City of Englewood during City Council meetings. This committee did extensive
research noting the local demographics that surround Romans Park. The presentation states the park is
surrounded by 3 apartment complexes, and hundreds of smaller homes, with many new families moving
into the area. There is a school bus stop along Floyd Ave in front of the park and committee members
witnessed 20-40 people after school visiting the park. Many photos of park equipment were taken, and
conditions were accessed and noted in a report, (see attachment). FEP conducted a local survey and
gained 100% support, from 50 community members polled, to renovate the park due to public concerns.
In subsequent meetings, the FEP committee continued to make requests to the City Council to seek
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additional Grant funding for needed improvements to Romans Park. The City of Englewood has made a
commitment to the FEP committee and is seeking ACOS Grant money to renovate Romans Park.
The City has secured $200,000 in matching funds and is applying for $20,000 from the USTA Grant
Funding for this Romans Park project. However, if this project is delayed, due to non-funding of this
Arapahoe County Open Space Grant, the City funds will be shifted to Cushing Park improvements which
are slated for funding in fall of 2020. We do not want to miss this opportunity as this would impact the
neighboring communities by limiting their recreational and outdoor needs.
There is always potential for development costs to rise so we would like to secure current costs. This
project is ready to go with the goal to begin construction in March 2020 and complete the project within
six months.
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Question 4*
Summarize any planning completed prior to submitting this grant proposal. Is design and engineering
complete? Does the project necessitate a zoning change? List any permits that need to be obtained
and status of obtaining those permits (Federal 404, County or City, Storm Water Drainage, etc.).
If applicable, include eligible planning costs in the match section of the Detailed Expense Budget Form
(costs must be incurred within 90 days of application submission and pre-approved by Grants Program
staff) and include proof of any such expenses in the Attachments section.
The City hired a design consultant from Goodbee & Associates, LLC, a_Landscape Architect and
Environmental Services Firm, to conduct a site assessment, provide drawings, specifications and obtain
estimates associated with the Romans Park Tennis, Playground and Soccer field improvements. The
plan includes site work, demolition, purchase and installation of all equipment, landscaping, grading,
planting, irrigation and walkways.
The 2017 City Master Plan has guided the process of ensuring all issues and needs are addressed with
upgrading the aging park to meet current design and accessibility standards. The City is not requesting
the reimbursement of any planning costs that have been incurred.
The Design plan is 100% complete and does not require a zoning change. This park lies within a flood
retention zone and the permits identified to meet all City and County requirements are as follows:
Building Permit, Grading Permit and Stormwater Drainage Permits with estimated costs of $2500 that
are included in construction costs.
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Question 5*
Describe how the project will be completed within the required two-year timeframe. Discuss the
agency's capacity to complete the project, including project management, resources, and experience
implementing similar projects.
The City retained Goodbee & Associates, Inc. as a Landscape Architect, and Environmental Consultant to
do a site assessment and design plan for new tennis courts, playgrounds, walkways and soccer fields.
The consultant will also perform site visits and oversee construction. The Romans Park Design, Budget
and Timeline is complete and has been approved by the City Council as attached. The playground
project will need to bid out as designated the City's policy and charter, the bidding process is planned
for Fall 2019. The timeline includes 6 months for the solicitation of vendors, project bidding, City
Council approval, ordering materials, and site preparation.
Project Management will be assigned internally by the City's Parks and Recreation Department to an
experienced design/construction project manager to oversee all contractors, including the consultant,
Goodbee & Associates, Inc. We anticipate the construction period will take a minimum of 6 months to
regrade and construct the playgrounds and tennis courts. We anticipate completing the project by
September 2019.
Our past ACOS projects include Jason Park Playground, Rotolo Park Playground, Northwest Greenbelt
Playground and Belleview Park Improvements have all successfully adhered to the proposed schedule
and budget. The City has demonstrated its capacity to follow timelines and complete projects on
schedule for the past several decades.
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Question 6*
Summarize any efforts to obtain public input, disseminate information to the public, develop
partnerships, and garner community support for this project. Evidence of a transparent public process
will be required. List the stakeholders that are involved. Discuss any known or anticipated opposition
to this project and how this will be addressed.
If applicable, include letters, petitions, or other documents evidencing opposition in the Attachments
The Friends of Englewood Parks (FEP) committee held a public meeting on September 15, 2018 after
presenting their concerns about the aging Romans Park at the City of Englewood Council meeting.
FEP co-founders, Emily Gonzales and Jessica Dory led an initiative to conduct a current assessment of
Roman's Park. The assessment included:
• Photographs of current conditions of playgrounds, tennis courts, benches and walkways
• Recording observations of number of daily visitors
• Comparable analysis of other cities and their park budgets
• Market research of available sustainable playground equipment
• Survey results of neighborhood community members
FEP provided their findings with a Power Point presentation at a City Council meeting. FEP surveyed SO
residents and gained 100% support to petition the City Council to seek additional Grant funding to
renovate the aging Romans Park infrastructure.
Attached are subsequent newspaper articles from the Englewood Herald dated 9/12/2018 and
9/22/2018 reporting on the efforts of the FEP.
There is no known opposition to this project.
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Question 7*
How much of your planned cash match is secured? If applicable, what are your plans for securing
additional funds? Describe cash and in-kind match partnerships established for this project.
Include partner support letters in the Attachments section and include cash match from partners on
the Budget Forms. Grant recipients are responsible for project cost overruns.
The cash match of $200,000, nearly 30% of total project cost is fully secured for this project using ACOS
Share Back funds. This project will not need to raise funds to secure the match. Englewood fully
understands that all overruns are the responsibility of the City. The City is also pursuing another grant
partnership with the United States Tennis Association (USTA) for a Capital Ill level grant of $20,000.
Support letters have been received from the following organizations:
• Friends of Englewood Parks
• Charles Hay World Elementary School
• Pirate Youth Sports
• St. Mary's Academy
• local Romans Park neighborhood citizen
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Describe any scenic, historic, or cultural values associated with the project site. Will they be preserved
or restored? Discuss specific natural resources at the site (habitat, water, wildlife, vegetation, etc.)
and impacts to these resources as a result of this project. If applicable, discuss environmental
sustainability benefits of this project (such as energy or water conservation, water quality
improvement, etc.).
The Romans Park Tennis Courts and Playground Improvement project will result in little or no impact to
the natural resources in the area since there are no native ecosystems that will be impacted by this
project; no mitigation is required. Predominant wildlife species include red fox squirrel, rabbit, skunk,
raccoon, red fox, coyote and various bird species typical in the urban/suburban setting.
This park is unique because the community has requested the City to repurpose several existing
playground structures in some capacity. This park has been visited by multiple generations throughout
the years and the area residents have a cultural connection to the existing features of playground
equipment, although the equipment is extremely well worn and do not meet ADA or safety standards.
To meet the community's request to preserve specific historic playground elements, the City's Facilities
team will remove, and store identified metal playground equipment for later usage. The City anticipates
these recycled design elements will be recreated to provide art and functionality, enhancing future park
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Question 9*
Discuss ownership and legal access at the proposed project site. Detail any third-party rights,
easements, or other encumbrances that exist.
Provide supporting documentation showing ownership, legal access, and/or permission from
landowner in the Attachments section.
The City of Englewood owns the property designated for the proposed project. During construction, the
crews will not need to access any other land/property owner for right of way. All construction access
will be on the City of Englewood's property. The project site is maintained as open space/park land.
See attachments for Legal Deed of ownership document.
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Question 10•
Describe long-term plans for maintaining the project. Who will be responsible for maintenance?
Estimate annual costs to maintain the project site, and explain how maintaining the site will affect
your agency's budget.
The City of Englewood will manage the complete and long-term maintenance of this playground
replacement project including litter control and vandalism repairs. Since this project is for new
equipment and construction, there will be minimal maintenance.
The primary maintenance needs for this project will include trash pickup, graffiti removal, and
spreading/adding engineered wood fiber annually. Funding has been budgeted for maintenance in the
2019 Parks General Fund Budget for this park. If the project is funded there are not any budget
increases anticipated to maintain the playground, and this budget has been approved.
The City of Englewood has demonstrated their stewardship of the parks, playgrounds and open spaces
throughout the years. We will continue to follow the high-quality maintenance currently provided with
this project.
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Question 11 •
Describe how this project will address inclusivity per Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines.
The Romans Park Tennis, Playground and Walkways Improvement project includes designs to fully
comply with current ADA Guidelines. The playground will include ADA accessible play equipment
(swings and play structures) to meet all guest play needs.
The proposed engineered wood fiber playground surface has high impact absorbing qualities yet firm,
slip resistant surface that meets accessibility guidelines.
The design provides for an updated accessible children's playground that is currently not accessible from
a sidewalk, play surfacing or equipment standpoint. The Project will provide improvements in three key
1. A 6' accessible route concrete sidewalk will be made up to the play pit areas. The slope of the
walk will not exceed 4.5%. An ADA access ramp will also be provided for entrance into each play
2. The play pits will receive an ADA compliant surface material such as engineered wood fiber.
3. New ADA accessible equipment will be provided for both the 2-5 and 5-12 age groups.
• The 2-5 age group will have 1 accessible play structure (with 6 play events -3 elevated
and 3 ground). In addition, this area will include 2 more accessible ground play events
and 2 swings.
• The 5-12 age group will have 1 accessible play structure (with 9 play events -5 elevated
and 4 ground), 1 net climber, an accessible spinner, see saw and 4 swings, 1 of which will
be accessible.
lnclusivity per the Americans with Disabilities Act: A primary focus of this improvement project is to
ensure children with disabilities are generally able to access the diversity of play components at Romans
Park. The new play pits and equipment will meet both ADA surface requirements and ASTM safety
standards. ADA wear mats will also be installed under all swings, slides, and poles.
To this end, several guidelines have been specifically addressed:
1. A concrete sidewalk and ramp to provide access to the play areas. Sidewalk slope is 4% for
approximately 75 feet.
2. 2 play pits are provided, to separate age groups for compliance.
3. All play equipment has an accessible route.
4. Based upon the number of elevated play components (8 provided), we meet the minimum
number of different types of ground level play components required (7 provided).
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Question 12•
If successful in obtaining this grant, how will the agency use this project to inform citizens about the
value of the Arapahoe County Open Space Sales and Use Tax? Discuss plans for public outreach,
signage, celebration, dedication, etc.
The City of Englewood will partner with Arapahoe County on all media release, articles and stories
relevant to the Jason Park Playground Replacement project. The use of ACOS sales tax dollars support
the playground project will also be included in the Englewood Herald newspaper and additional local
community publications. Information will be shared via the City's website and in the Englewood Citizens
Newsletter, which the City distributes to all Englewood households. An Arapahoe County Open Space
Sign will be installed on the site upon project completion. County Commissioners and OSTASB Board
Members will be invited to visit upon request.
Through prior trail and park openings, ribbon cuttings, and volunteer events, the City of Englewood has
demonstrated their support of ACOS Programs to the community. We have installed public recognition
signs throughout the City's parks, trails and open spaces demonstrating our support of ACOS.
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT -DRAFT created
Attachment 1: Evidence of Support from Highest Authority*
Please attach evidence of support from the agency's highest authority (official letter or resolution) as
a PDF document. At a minimum, this document must include: project title, amount of grant funds
requested, statement that matching funds are secured and/or efforts to secure funds are underway
(include the amount of matching funds committed), and certification that the project will be open to
the public or serve a public purpose upon completion. A sample resolution is available on the Open
Space website.
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_SupportHighestAuthority.pdf
[1 MiB allowed]
Attachment 2: Evidence of Community Support"'
Please attach up to 5 letters of support from users, working groups, community members, volunteers,
schools, etc. as a single PDF document. Letters should be specific to the project and dated within the
last 6 months.
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_ CommunitySupport.pdf
{1 MiB allowed]
Attachment 3: Documentation of Opposition"'
Please attach documentation of opposition to the project (such as letters, petitions, articles, etc.) as a
single PDF document. If there is no known opposition, please attach a page stating that this section is
not applicable.
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_ Opposition.pd/
[1 MiB allowed]
Attachment 4: Evidence of Commitment from Project Partners"'
Please attach evidence of commitment from project partners (such as partner support letters,
commitment to provide cash/in-kind match, or maintenance agreements) as a single PDF document.
There is no maximum allowable number of partner support letters. If there are no partners for this
project, please attach a page stating that this section is not applicable.
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_PartnerCommitments.pdf
{1 MiB allowed]
Attachment 5: Primary Project Photo*
Please attach one high resolution photo in JPG format. Please choose the photo that provides the best
overall representation of your project. This photo will be used for presentations and/or publications.
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_PrimaryPhoto.jpg
[7 MiB allowed]
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Romans Park Arapahoe County Open Space GRANT-DRAFT created
Attachment 6: Photos•
Please attach photos of existing conditions at the project site (Including captions) as a single PDF
document. Include conceptual drawings if applicable.
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_Photos.pdf
[5 MIB allowed]
Attachment 7: Maps•
Please attach a site map and a vicinity map as a single PDF document.
Please name your file as follows: Appl/cant_Maps.pdf
[2 MIB allowed]
Attachment B: Site Visit Form•
Please attach a completed site visit form as a PDF document. Required forms are available on the
Open Space website.
Please name your file as follows: Appllcant_SiteVisitForm.pdf
[1 MiB allowed]
Attachment 9: Evidence of Property Ownership/Access•
Please attach evidence of property ownership/legal access (legal documentation, ArapaMAP, etc.) as
a PDF document.
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_EvidenceofOwnership.pdf
[1 MiB allowed]
Attachment 10: Other Attachments
Please attach additional supporting documentation (news articles, cost estimates, etc.) as a single PDF
Please name your file as follows: Applicant_ OtherAttachments.pdf
[2 MiB allowed]
Please click the "I Agree" button below to certify that your application is complete and ready to
submit. Once submitted, applications are final and cannot be returned.
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