HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Ordinance No. 037• ORDINANCE NO. 37 SERIES OF 2016 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 40 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER OLSON AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ENGLEWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT, THE LITTLETON POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE (ACSO) FOR PARTICIPATION IN A MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL TEAM "THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY NARCOTICS TEAM" (ACNT). WHEREAS, C.R.S 29-1-203 as well as Article XIV §18(2) of the Colorado Constitution encourage governmental entities to make efficient and effective use of their powers and responsibilities through cooperation and the execution of intergovernmental agreements; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Englewood approved Englewood's participation on the Arapahoe County hnpact Team (ACIT) by the passage of Ordinance No. 59, Series 2013; and WHEREAS, the Arapahoe County hnpact Team (ACIT) is a multi-agency law enforcement team that combines law enforcement resources, to better identify, investigate, and combat criminal activity within Arapahoe County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the ACIT is to combat pattern crimes, drugs, etc. the purpose of the Arapahoe County Narcotics Team (ACNT) is to specifically address drug-related crime to include doing case filings for Englewood; and WHEREAS, when fully staffed, one Sergeant and one Investigator will be assigned to the Arapahoe County Narcotics Team (ACNT) in order to assist with criminal drug investigations in both Englewood and Arapahoe County, whose salary/benefits will be paid by the Englewood Police Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes Englewood's participation in the Arapahoe County Narcotics Team (ACNT), attached hereto as "Exhibit A". Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Intergovernmental Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Englewood. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 17th day of October, 2016. 1 Published by Title as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City's official newspaper on the 20th day of October, 2016. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the City's official website beginning on the 19th day of October, 2016 for thirty (30) days. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 7th day of November, 2016. Published by title in the City's official newspaper as Ordinance No~ Series of 2016, on the 10th day of November, 2016. Published by title on the City's official website beginning on the November, 2016 for thirty (30) days. · I, Loucrishia A Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is 4,2:e copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No.::> Series of 2016. . 2 • • INTE~GO~~NTAL ~GREEMENT This Agreement is rnade:·and·ente.rc:d.'into ihis __ day pf ______ 20.16. by and between the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, acting oil beha1f". of the ENGLEWOOD POLJCE 'QEPAR'.™~. ~e CJTY OF LITTLETON,. a~ting c;m beha1f -~f :the LlTTLET.ON. POLICE DEPARMENT, and-th1: BOARD op· COUN1Y ·COMMISSIONERS OF ARAPAHOE COUNr(, STATE QF COJ,.ORADO, ~(;ting. on : behalf of. the ARA·PAHOl} CQtJNtY SHERIFF•S:·oFFICE (f4ACSO''-), and prov.ides as :follows= WHEREAS, St:ction 29~1.aOJ ·of ilie: Colorado .Revised Statues. as well Article XIt Secti9n .18(2), of fhe · Color.ado <;onstitutio~ ·e~coutage aov~rnm"n~l entittes to.' ~ake efficjent., ·and effective;. us~ o.f thc;ir. pow~ and r~sponsibilitics "thro1,1gh .coopc;ration and the .execution .of iritergove{ilinenta_l as_reemen~; and WHEREAS, intergovernmental agreements inay_provide fc:ir the Joint exercise offuncti'ons, ser-vic~sL9r·(aci]jti~ JawftiUy-~uthoriz~ ~Q ea~b-c~ntracting,.govel'Jlfllenijd ~ntity; q.nd waEREAS, the signatori~ ~o thls. agreement .ar,c each authori~cd by la~ .to prov id~ l~w enfon:emcnt -and other ·emei8ency services: and WHEREAS, narc0.tios relatccf. activities and related crimes COfll'll1Qnly .tra11s.i;end the geographical bound~ries of the· s·ep~~Je. g,ove~rrteritaJ jurisdittions.situa~ wi~in the county of· Arapahoe; and WHeREAS; Ule::earties li~r~to ~esir;e fo ~.hcJre and co~rdinate re:io~rces in the eqforc~mcn.t, intervention. ahd prevention of narcotics related-activities and related crimes within the co.unty of Arap,boe; and · N0"1 'THE~ORE, in oons_idcration of the. foregoing recitals and ·the ~utual t1t,rrns., <.ovenimts, and condit~on.s &e.l forth below, the signatories·lu;retp vQluntari~y B$l'e.e as follQws: 'i . ,:lie pJJr-posc of this.agr~cm~nt is .ta set forth a .frameworkwit1'in which th.~. parties hereto shall:comoine their law-enforeement resourtes in order to better idc::htify, inv~stjgate, arid ·combat n!lrcotics-rell\ted activities-and related odm~s wi~1in Arapahoe {;Quilty, CQIO,l'.~do, · ~rough. ethe creation pf.a specia:l.multi-jurisdictioi:tal criminal investiptionsuitit coniprised of me'inbcrs drawh from e~cli parijcipaµng jµcisdictkin. 'Thi~ unit_ sh~l be :kJiown ~ the.·_Arapahoe 'County NarQotic~ Team (''AC'NT--'). Those entities-pnrtieipating in.the fo'rmation and operatian:ofthe ACNT '.shall be feferred to h~i:ei11, as-"member juris~ictionst 2. Each· tnetnber jurisdiction shall assign not less thari one sworn law enforceme"t officer ta . the ACNt ·who shall serv~ on th~ ,unit 011 a: ftilltlt.µc ·bas fs durin"g'the assignment. All offi.cers ass~gned .to• the ACNT s'i1all have: been adequately trained by their ·home jurisdiction in criminal investig~tiv~·t~ctiniqq~s and Qperat,ions P.riorto tQeir assignmtmt: The totaf.number pf_persons ·who I! X ... I B I T A shall or may be · assig!led to the ACNT frQni'al'!Y. on·e member jurjsqiction shall be :ag~ee4 upon. by. Ute participating entiti~s from time -to ~ime as circl,lmstances and needs warrant~ Ea.ch member · jurtsdictfon shall be solely resj>onsible'fortl1e salary and other" compensation_ paid. the officer(s) it .may a~sign .to the -ACNt, and shall :stJppJy .P'Ji ACNT 9ffiQers such' ~quipm~nt , ii:icfading, where appropriate, vehfclc~_., necessary to allow \10th the ofticct' and ·the ACNT to ~ffe¢tively .carry· out "their· resp~ctive -d1,1ties and· _resp_onsibiljt:ies, 3~ Offi~ets ·assigned to 'the A,q,:IT ~hall.~_erv!' a tour of duty qe~et~ined 1;,y ·~e ,9,fficer's J1api~jurisdiction unle.ss-ot •until 'the ass!gnment is withdrawn-by-the·o.fficer'-s-J1omc jurisd iction or is othetwise terrnm~ted as elsewhere: provid1~d for itqhis agreement. .4. Each officer and/or oth~r· person t\Ssi"gmid to se·rve oh -~1e ACNT sh~ll. remaiQ. ·the employee ~fhis or .he.r h9me jµrisclit;tlon and shall. likewise, r;emain ~ubj~m. to-and c~verect 4nd~r that jurisdiction'-s liability arid other insurance :or self-insurartce covtrage, in .additio,:i to its .pcrs.011.nel policies and · prQced.u~es, in~lu~ive of p.olicies IJtl~ prqced~res .governing overtime, .employ.m~nt compensation. and benefits, worker's ·compensation, vacation-. and ~ick. -tim~. w,:icyanccs nnd discipljne,_job p~rtorJl_lance r:cvi~w. dµty' assjgnmc.nts, .and teEJTiinatio_n. E1:1~h mc;:mber ju~isdiotiQtt shall also retain responsibility fot the conduct of those officers it assigns to tqe AC~T and wilt be responsib~e-for-inv,es~iga~ing· and l~andling ~Y. cQmplpi11ts made against those.offic~rs tt assigns-to :the ACN'.f.-ln th.eevent a claim or l~gal at .tion should' be brought against -an .offiter.assigned to .~h~ ACNT ~d/or. the ACNTarising froin the as~igned officer• s conduct~ the !llember jurisdictiQn that-assigned -me officer to -the. ACNT, at. its sole.cost, shall be ~pQnsiblc: tp defend ·and indemn'ify the officer ·consiste'nt with tht. fotms and limitations-p~yideg under the Colonido I,.b,bility,of Pc.ac~·Offic~~s,Stat11te an<;t OovernmentJll Immunity t\,ot. CQLO.REV-S'fi\T. -§.§ :2.9.-.s ::Ju imd ,24-10-101 1 et seq., respecti\leJy. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive ·and rem1,1tn jo.effect _e_gajnst ally ~c;rhb~r. jµrisdiQµOQ that sl)oul(J with~raw from participati9n in the ACNT, as we.ll its the-termination-or the. 88fCC11)Cllt., 5. The ~pahQ.e CQ1.Jnty $he!iff sh~U tlepujize. all officers assigned to ,th~ AC.NT .as Arapahoe County Sheriff's deputies in order to· -ensure that each. officer has-lilw ~!ifQtcement auili9ricy ~hrqughout._Arapaho~ Coqncy. l'he t~nn of that qppointment ~h~l~ remain• eff~cti\!c durin-g·t11e·-tetm of.the officer's assignment to .the ACNT and"wm 11utomaticai•ly terminate ~f ot when the· officer is -withdraw~ or terminated fro~ the ACN_T, Qf 1,1nles_s the app~intment is othcrwise·terminated in the discretioh of the.Afapahoe County Shedff, The ·officer and en1plC!)'il!g menibet juris4.iction shall be -pr_qvjded nqtice of any sucp t_erminati9n, Eac~ 111,~rQQcrj~risdicti.on, by sig11ing·.this agreement, also .acknowlc:dgcs. 11J1d ~ees that officers asslgned• to the ACNT and deputized by ~e ArJJpahoe County Sheri_ff shaU-be ves~cf by ~e juri_sdiction witl:i the .a~Qrity to exe~ise Jqeir ~11. law -~nfon;ement auttiority wiihin the. geographical boundaries ·of the •m~mber jurisdiction -when perfoimirig-ACNT activities. Thi~ al,thority-shall _fcmai"~ e~cti_ve. durir:ig..the tenn-oftb~-offic~r• s Jssignmeot •J'O, the:ACNT ·unle_ss ·th.e same is with.drawn or terminated .by :the vcstin~·n1et'nb.~r jurisdiction. 6. Thc ·AGNT shall-operate "from offices within tlte ACSO aildthe.day-to•day manageme:nt art~ ·tactical coinmanµ .of' the AGNT shall res~ ir;t a· lieuten~nt {tbe ACNT C.ommander) with -the 2 • ACSO,'wiia shall be assign·ed to thd unit by the ¾apahoe G1>unty ·Sheriff. Upon rcas.~nnble notice-, to: the.1~em~er-jurisc!iption and Arap~hoe:County· Sheriff, the-ACNT Commander shall have ·th.c ·authority and -discretioirto terminate·th·c assignment of.any officer upon such.grounds .as he.or-she m?Y ~ecm ne~~aey c:>~· appn:ipriat~ for th~ efficient and/or ~ffe~tiv~ o~rati.on oftht uriit. . 6il~ Displ1~es :"among officer~ and/-0r oth~r staff &$sigoed, to the ACNT shall 'be: -rc;sQlycd 90op~ratively among ·su~h officers/staff.and their assigned Ser&eant{s}.-If the 'dispute cannot be - reso1ved cooperatively among ~c:-~fficers/staff aJJ.d their assigned _Sergeant(s). th~ dispute-shall be elevated to the AGNT Commander who shall attempt to resolve . the dispute in conjunction with -supe1id~or(s) fr.om the .home jurisdiction of tq-e· tnyolved ACNT officersi.'~ff. A-nY disc~pl.i,nary actio11.imposed against·offic_crs o,idlor.staff.~signcd .to A.CNT as ,aresult of his or h~r involvement or participation ·.in ACNT ·shail-be the responsibility Qf the· homejqr.isdicti.on WPP. assigned sucb offlc~r 8l)d/Qf staff. -. 1. 11,le·operatigns:.ofthe A~T ~hall be i11fi;,m1ed ~nd guided twthe policies and proc.edures ~ftbe AC"SO. ACSO siialf strve as the-repository ·tor alt reports; .ev.idenec/and-records ·cotnpiled or generated l:iy the ·ACNT's··a¢tiyiaes. ACSQ shall· also serve B_s the custodi_an, Qf record~ upcler 'the ColQ~dQ Criminal 1ustice ·R,ecocds Act (CCJRA). andlor the · Colorado Open Records· Act - (CORA) ·as 'it-relates n,·. apy reco~ds related to the Qp.erotions of Aq.lT. 8'. Net forfeitures g_eilerated fron1 seizures of money --~nq/or pe_r.;onal_ .or r~nl Pf!lPerty resul~irig. from ACNT -qperations shall be .-maintnined by -A.CSO foliowirrg established forfeiture gµii:lelines ·as set forth in .C-.R.S. "§§ 16-13-'3'1 l to 16-13-315,:thc Coloi'!3~0 'Corttrabail~ Forfei~ir~ ~ct, c:~s. ,§§ 16-13-'501, eh:eq! and/or :p1Jrsu~nf,tQ fed~ral.gg.idelfnes. ~u.ch forfeltP,1res she,11 be the sole property o,f ACSO and shalJ. be deposited .in Arapahoe County's Forfeited-Property Fund, and expenditures: of tne·sf!ine sli'all be made only:after approysl..~Y. me -CpmJni~ee· 9n ,Disposition 9f Porfeited Prop~rty, as set forth in A~pahoe Countts Forfeited Property Expeniliture.PolicY,, 9.: The i,tanagement and .general operatiQns of the ACN'r'shall be subject-to .joint review by the chieflawenforceh1entofficers from each ·r,nembcr jurisdiction (Qf th~ir ~uthonzed d1:signee) s'_ittirig fogcthE;r as. th~y ~ay deem a.e~ssary or ttppr:Qpfll:!te Jrom timo to time-.-it ."is -not the intent o'f th~ mem~r jurisdictions to create a separate legal ertticy. oi' govetnment subd!visicm/ag~ncY, _by. the ·creation of the ACNT -artd any member juris4iction may, .wlthin its di~cretion ,. withdraw from pardc.ipation iq the ACNT at any time upon providing written hotioe to·the other members not less than thirty.{3 0) d~ys _ prior-to such withdmwal. Thi~ agreement ~ey aJso pe fermi~atcd in its entirety uppn th~ nffim1adve vot~ ofa. maJority ·<>f.the member, jurisdittibris. 10. No ·change, EJm~n.dment,.orwaiver of any of the tettns:or prov'isions ·ofthis.agt,e~mcnt shall be valid ot binding untess the same has"been -approved _in writ_ing by nil mem.bc;_l'jutisdiotions . 11. TI1hn1greem~nt is made soleJy for the benefit ·of the parties f1erefu and is not i_nt~_n(Jeq, nor shall it ~e deemed.J o. confer,~ivc,. or .all~w -any rights or claiin or right of ac.tjon ·by n~y p~.rson pr entit.Y'QQt signa~ocy he.refo . 'J 12. This a~eement·emboclie~ the· en6re ·.agreemen~ of~~ piirties. Tli~re arc no prqrrlJsc.s, ter.ms •. ~Qn~itiot?,s,. or obligatiQns· .Q.ther ~an th9s~ coot.ained:herein; and this writing supersedes all previous commtinicationst representa:tfons, .or 11gi:ectnents1.. either Yerbal or written, betw~en. th~- parti~s. 13. This· a·greemen~ may ~e executed in several couOlerparts aQd, as so : r;=x.e(}pted, sh~ll • .i.onsiitute an~. ag~ement, binding on all the· parties ·ev.en though alJ have not sigited· tfle .same counterpa~t. A~.Y _couµterpart whic~ has attached .to ii s~pil~\e ~ignatµre PM~S. whfo_h tQgetht;r tontain th~signa~ of aH ~he parties shaH be·deemed a-fully -e;cecuted insfrlim~ntfor all .purpos~. . 1'4.. This agi:eep,e.n~ shall not be deemed a pledge of-the .c~dit of any $ignatory. heretb, ·and nothing herein :Sh'all be construed tel create a ·multipJe~fisc~l year·dir~ct or !ndirect ·debt or-flnimoial -~bligation, 1"5. This ugrecmeht shall not become ~ftccti'vc · or J,e bin~ing US!'h:is.t any me~b~.!-' jur-isdicdon ~xcept upon the affirmative written approval of authorization of the·.legisfatiYe body -for s,1ch j1:1risdi.cti.on. IN WITNESS WHEREOF., the-parti~·hay~ executed thls.agi:e·~ment_as.ofthe date written above, THE CITY OF.ENGLEWOOD By:. __________ _ •Printed Name: Joe Jefferson 0 Title: May.or ATTEST: Till~ Loucrishia A. Ellis APPROVED AS-TO ·FORM: Title: THE CITY OF LITTLETON By:. __________ _ P.Jtll Cerµanec, ~~YQt &. Couqcil flresJdcnt ATIE.ST: Tide! A.PPROVED AS ·TO.FORM~ Title: 4 • • • • BOARD ·OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AluPAHPECOUNTY,COLORADO By i-_·......,....-------- .Printed. Name: 'Title.: ~TTEST: Cler.le of the Board: s COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Subject: November 7, 2016 9bi Intergovernmental Agreement -Arapahoe County Narcotics Team Initiated By: Staff Source: Police Department Commander Vance Fender PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION City Council previously approved our participation on the Arapahoe County Impact Team (Ordinance No. 59, Series of 2013). RECOMMENDED ACTION The Police Department is recommending that City Council approve an Ordinance on second reading authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Englewood Police Department, the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office and the Littleton Police Department to allow our participation on the Arapahoe County Narcotics Team (ACNT). BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED Currently, the Police Department participates on the Arapahoe County Impact Team (Ac1n with the purpose of combining law enforcement resources in order to better identify, investigate, and combat criminal activity within Arapahoe County, Colorado. Whereas the purpose of the ACIT is to combat pattern crime, drugs, etc., the purpose of the ACNT is to specifically address drug-related crime to include doing case filings for our agency. When fully staffed, one Sergeant and one Investigator will be assigned to the ACNT to assist with criminal drug investigations in both Englewood and Arapahoe County. FINANCIAL IMPACT There will be no additional financial impact. One Sergeant and one Investigator will be assigned to the ACNT. The salary/benefits of these positions will paid by the Police Department. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Bill for an Ordinance ACNT Intergovernmental Agreement TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chief John Collins Commander Vance Fender October 19, 2016 Council Request 16-217 16-217 (Narcotics Arrests) Requested by: Councilmember Russell Assigned to: Police Request for statistics on narcotics arrests The breakdown of felony arrests made by the Englewood Police Department in 2015 is as follows: Offense 2015 Controlled substance/ Narcotics loossession/sale/use ) 161 Forae ry/1.D. theft/possession of financial transaction 43 Burglary/Trespassing/Criminal Mischief 32 Assaults 23 Weapons Offenses 28 Aaa ravated motor vehicle theft 26 Other miscellaneous offenses 2 Sex offenses 13 Robbe ry 3 Theft 8 Stalkin g/False imprisonment 2 Obstructing Gov't/Police/Fire 10 MurderNehicular homicide 4 Kidnaop ina 2 Total 354 There were a total of 354 felony arrests in 2015. The Arapahoe County Narcotics Team/Arapahoe County Impact Team completed the case filing with the District Attorney's office on157 of the narcotics arrests. In addition to these arrests made by Englewood Police Officers, the ACNT/ACIT made approximately 20 additional arrests that were self-initiated by those teams within the City of Englewood. • ' ' ' ~ECrrYOFI d ~ ng ~}'YQQENT TO: Chief John Collins FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Commander Vance Fender October 19, 2016 Council Request 16-218 16-218 (Arapahoe County Narcotics Task Force) Requested by: Councilmember Barrentine Assigned to: Police Request for the constituent membership of the Arapahoe County Narcotics Task Force The Arapahoe County Narcotics Team is currently staffed with: • • • • • One lieutenant from the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office One Sergeant from the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office One Sergeant from the Englewood Police Department One Investigator from the Englewood Police Department Seven Investigators from the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office In addition, in January of 2017, the Littleton Police Department will have one investigator assigned to the team and the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office is assigning an additional investigator to the team. At that time, the team will consist of one lieutenant, two sergeants and 10 investigators . . t • .. • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Subject: October 17, 2016 9ai Intergovernmental Agreement -Arapahoe County Narcotics Team Initiated By: Staff Source: Police Department Commander Vance Fender PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION City Council previously approved our participation on the Arapahoe County Impact Team (Ordinance No. 59, Series of 2013). RECOMMENDED ACTION The Police Department is recommending that City Council approve an Ordinance on first reading authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Englewood Police Department, the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office and the Littleton Police Department which will allow our participation on the Arapahoe County Narcotics Team (ACNT). BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED Currently, the Police Department participates on the Arapahoe County Impact Team (ACIT) with the purpose of combining law enforcement resources in order to better identify, investigate, and combat criminal activity within Arapahoe County, Colorado. Whereas the purpose of the ACIT is to combat pattern crimes, drugs, etc., the purpose of the ACNT is to specifically address drug-related crime to include doing case filings for our agency. When fully staffed, one Sergeant and one Investigator will be assigned to the ACNT in order to assist with criminal drug investigations in both Englewood and Arapahoe County. FINANCIAL IMPACT There will be no additional financial impact. One Sergeant and one Investigator will be assigned to the ACNT. The salary/benefits of these positions will be paid by the Police Department. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Bill for an Ordinance ACNT Intergovernmental Agreement