HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 Ordinance No. 015.. • • ORDINANCE No.I? SERIES OF 2015 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL Bil,L NO. 14 INTRODUCEDBYCOUNCil, MEMBER Gil,LIT AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR AND ACCEPTANCE OF A NORTH CENTRAL ALL-HAZARDS REGION (UASI) GRANT. WHEREAS, the North Central All-Hazards Region (UASI) program is intended to provide financial assistance to address the unique multi-discipline planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density urban areas, and to assist these areas in building and sustaining capabilities to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism using the Whole Community approach; and WHEREAS, as a concept, Whole Community is a means by which residents, emergency management practitioners, organizational and community leaders, and government officials are involved in the process rather than the traditional approach of relying solely on government entities; and WHEREAS, Englewood Police Department is applying for the North Central All-Hazards Region Grant and if the Grant is awarded it will provide materials and monthly trainings to Englewood citizens, businesses, and City employees related to disaster and emergency preparedness; and WHEREAS, the North Central All-Hazards Region Grant will fund $13,680.00 for educational materials and the printing costs and postage for two citywide mailings; and WHEREAS, the North Central All-Hazards Region Grant will require no matching funds from the City of Englewood for the federal funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes the City to apply for and accept the North Central All-Hazards Region Grant Funding for the proposal attached hereto as Exhibits A. Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to execute and accept the North Central All-Hazards Region Grant Funding for and on behalf of the City of Englewood. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 20th day of April, 2015. Published by Title as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City's official newspaper on the 23n1 day of April, 2015. 9 b ti Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the City's official website beginning on the 22nd day of April, 2015 for thirty (30) days. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 4th day of May, 2015. Published by title in the City's official newspaper as Ordinance No. I:![, Series of 2015, on the 7th day of May, 2015. Published by title on the City's official website beginning on the 6th day of May, 2015 for thirty (30) days. ~ 1--:r:r ~dyP.Penn, Mayor -- I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is cl l_!lle copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as O rdinance No. 6 Series of 2015 . • 37 -Preparing Englewood Project Number 37 Agency Englewood Police Applfcant Created 2/17/2015 ByJ Amn]dy Funds Requested 540700000 Name Preparing Englewood First Name Toni Updated 2/17/2015 By I Arnoldy Matching Funds 0 Last Name 1Amoldy Submit 3/31/2015 By I Arnoldy Score 0 1 eMall I tamoldy@eoglewoodgov,arg I !Accepted 3/31/2015 I By _Ju5tlo Bukartck Committee I , Citizen Corps Phone 303-762-2490 Rejected Farm Detail Farm Name FY 2015 SHSP/UASI Grant Farm Description Grant Appllcatlon for the FY 2015 SSGP/UASI Grant Farm Details This Is the grant application for the FY 2015 HSGP/UASI grant. The deadline to have all appllcatlons submitted will be dependent upon guidance disseminated by the Federal government. Any updates to grant guidance, pallcles, and deadlines will be announced through both the North Central Reglon and UASI Boards. Please complete all eight sections below. Once all sections are completed, please review your application before submitting. • Basic Information This Is the Basic Information section. Please answer all of the fallowing questions: Committee (click <a href='http://ncrcoJorado.org/sttes/default/flles/NCR_Admln_Documents/lolntO/o20NCR- UASIO/o20Commltteeo/o20Structure.pdr target='_blank'>here</a> to view the NCR/UASI committee structure and POCs) Citizen Corps Agency Represented Englewood Pollce Department Project Manager First Name Toni Project Manager Last Name Arnoldy Project Manager Title Community Relations Project Manager Phone Number 303-762-2490 Project Manager E•MalJ Address tamoldy@englewoodgov.org Thank you far fllllng out the Basic Information section. Please proceed to the Project Background section. Project Background This Is the Project Background section, Please answer all of the following questions: Provide a summary description of the project. Describe what activities wlll be implemented ~nd what wlll be accomplished by this project. • The primary focus of this project Is to prepare the community for disaster. The project will Include several "Are you Ready?" Classes that "VIII Include Information on the Sirens that re used In our city. The classes will be given on different dates and times to the Englewood Citizens, Businesses, Sc~ools and Faith based establishments. There will also b~ many tables and Information areas set up at local community events. The schools will be visited and offered the education on preparedness. The Englewood City Center wlll be given classes as well, A second project that will be part of this funding Is a preparedness flyer that wlll go out to all Englewood Citizens and Businesses talklng about the seasonal disasters and preparedness tips. The flyer wlll be sent to over 22,000 addresses twice a year. Provide a summary description of the current stat■ of this project. This project Is currently In the planning stages and trainer stages. The event dates and locatlo'r'is are being ga~ered and Volunteer Instructors are being trained to assist with the events, We are also working on getting the word out the this Information ls available and encouraged. Currently we are getting quotes for the malling and determining what materials are needed for the classes and community events. We Intend on using our current avenues of communication, examples being the email list, the bl-monthly Englewood Citizens Newsletter and Nextdoor.com. Provide a summary description of the objectives of this project. The objectives of this project are as follows: Increase citizen awareness of the various risks/disasters that are posslble In their area. Each Citizen Is offered the opportunity to leam what preparedness Is and Its Importance. Each Citizen and Business will be offered educatlonal opportunities to understand.how to prepare for a disaster at their home and/or business. There will be Information given on the city"s warning systems and how they can be Informed of an emergency. Each Participant wlll know how to pack a kit and how to_ best protect themselves a_nd loved ones In th_e event of a disaster. Provide a summary description of any outcomes that wlll be completed prior to the award of funds. The citizens were asked to complete a survey to gauge their Interest In _ disaster preparedness. (98 out of 100) are · . Interested In additional training, The citizens were asked If they are more Interested In Business or Personal training. ( 88 out of 100) were more Interested In personal preparedness, The citizens were asked about their preferred day and time to receive training. (the two highest responses were during the week either early afternoon or early evening). We plan to reach out to the schools and local faith based organizations. • Previous Project Name (If applicable) N/A Previous Funding Received N/A Previous Funding Source N/A Previous Funding Year 0000 Thank you for filling out the Project Backgro'und section. Please proceed to the Risk Mitigation section • •• Risk Mitigation This Is the Risk Mitigation section. Please answer all of the following question: Describe how the proposed project addresses risk within the Region. Specifically, how will the project mitigate a regional risk area or address geographic risks to terrorism and all-hazards threats? The Identified risks In our specific area are those of a HAZMAT, Rallway emergency, terrorism, tornado, flood, snow and power outage, All of these risks are posed due the manufactures that are part of the city, the RaUway that we have, the fact that there are major corridors that run through our city, Highly populated hospitals, terrorism and the Colorado weather that Is a constant threat. This project wlll help the community first, be aware of the possible risks, and how they can prepare to react to the situation at hand. The project Is going make the education available to help the whole community •lncludlng lndlvlduals, businesses, faith-based organizations, nonprofit groups, schools and academia and all levels of government •understand Its risks, Thank you for fl/1/ng out the Risk Mitigation section, Please proceed to the Regional Strategy section, Regional Strategy This Is the Regional Strategy section, Please answer all of the following questions: Identify the Regional Homeland Security Strategy goal and objective that the project will support. Provide an • explanation of how the proposed project supports the goal, *This goal Is tied to the committee you selected In the Basic Information section. Engage citizens In emergency preparedness actions, training, and volunteer opportunities by utlllzlng a variety of outreach channels. Provide an explanation of how the proposed project supports the goal/objective from the <a href='http:/ /www.ncrcolorado.org/ sites/ default/flles/NCR_Admln_Documents/ GranLDocuments/NCR D/o20I target='_blank'>Strategy</a>, The entire community will be offered trainings during the times and on the days that work best for them. The citizens will be contacted at outreach events and offered Information on who, what, when, where and most Importantly the why they should be Involved with preparedness. This Information will be delivered through the "Are you Ready" presentation. The schools wlll be offered education on the Importance of preparedness both at school and at home. This will reach a large population ranging from school age kids to parents. The Englewood City center Employees will be prepared to handle a disaster and have Information available for citizens that are visiting the area. Each faith based establishment will also be contacted and offered the opportunity have an Are you Ready class. There will also be a portion added to educate on the city's sirens. This will talk about what the sirens mean and what they should do next. It wlll clearly Inform the citizens on when the sirens are "just a test" and when the require action, The classes will be presented by the volunteers that understand the material, It's Importance and are engaging speakers, There wlll be numerous volunteer opportunities for city events and preparedness presentations, Scenario Unkage, THJRA Planning Scenario Explain how the project relates to and supports one of the <a href= 'http:/ /www.ncrcolorada.org/ sites/ default/files/ NCR,_Admln_Documents/Grant_Documents/DenverD/o target='_blank'>THIRA planning scenarlos</a> or <a href= 'http://ncrcolorado.org/ sites/ default/flles/NCR_Admln_Documents/ Grant_Documents/ 2014D/o20RiskOJ target='_blank'>Rlsk Assessment planning scenarlos</a>. The project relates to the TH IRA as It has the same outputs of the process. The goal of the project ls to help the whole communlty1elncludlng lndlvlduals, businesses,. faith-based organizations, nonprofit groups, schools and academia and all levels of govemment •understand Its risks and estimate capability requirements. The project will address the posslble risks and help the community understand what to prepare for a how. This project will be the same as the THIRA In regards to the shared goal of helping the community answer the same questions: What do we need to prepare fori' What shareable resources are required In order to be prepared? How does this project address an Improvement area(s) Identified at the <a href= 'http:/ /www ,ncrcolarado,org/ sites/ default/files/ Strategles_Plans_and_Assessments/ 2014%20IPWD/o target='_blank'>Reglonal Improvement planning workshop</a>? During the project events there will an added component to educate the citizens about the sirens that are used In our community. There will be a program developed to educate the citizens on what the wamlngs mean and what they need to do next. There will also be Information provided to the publlc through the use of social media and the portion of our project that sends out malling about what disaster season It Is and the safety tips that go with them. The project will also Improve the amount and level of education that Is provided to the schools and faith based establishments on prevention as well as r ecovery. Thank you for filllng out the Regional Strategy section, Please proceed to the Budget Management/Matching Funds section. • Budget Management/Matching Funds This Is the Budget Management/Matching Funds section. Please answer the following questions: Please list your expenditures CIiek <• href='https://www.llls.dhs.gov/knawledgebase' target='_blank'>here</:e_ to access the AEL (authorized equipment 11st) •..•.... Agency ; Equipment Catalog ---!Quantity-c~;t-····- Number 1 · Estimate Englewood Police '2 Table, 4 Chairs and Popup Tent . 0 180.00 --, Departm~~---. -· ___ ~---_ .. _______ •.• ____ • ---· __________ . -··. __ .• __ .l --·-·-i Englewood Police · Handouts and education matlers for community , o 1000.00 , Department ' members I : Englewood Police Department -•••.• ----·--·· ·-··•--·---·····-······-· -f----···· ·----1-·--__ , Folders and binders for trainers and participants SOD 50.00 1 Englewood Portee j Educational Malllng i 45000 12000.00 Englewood Police . Class participant lanyards and ld badge 1500 450,00 -·-.. -··---·---·-----·· -···-· "·---··· ---· .•• ·-------·-· .. -----·--1 ... -- Please fist matching funds sources (ff appllcable), __ ~----..• _ •... ________ -------·---______ . _:;;~?-o_~!~~~e C o!"~~~1i ~~~tl~ns ;~~d -~~luni~~~tl~-~~__P~~l~~~~~-2 h~~~ ~;i ~v;~t~~~:-_· ~=~-·--r t:~u!1~. ·: Matching Funds Percent 0,0000 Provide a budget narrative describing the overall budget request for this project and how the capability funded with this project wlll be sustained long term ( e.g. maintenance costs, annual costs, yearly license costs, capital replacement, etc.) Products that will be purchased with this funding wlll Include, but not llmlted to: 2 tables@ approximately $40 each. 4 Chairs@ approximately $100. Lanyards and/or Id badge for the participants/volunteers, approximately $450.00 for approximately 1500 pieces. Binders and Folders for trainers and participants. $50 Handouts and education materials for community members $1000 preparedness tools for the kits. A postcard malllng sent to 22,000 addresses twice a year stating the season's rtsk and the safety tips. approximately $6000 per malllng. All of the materials budget ed for wllJ be used durtng the classes, presentations and attend community outreach events. There will be additional education given through social media, email blasts and the budgeted malllngs. When all of the Items are gone, addltlonal Items wlll be purchased by Englewood Pollce or possible funds requested next cycle. Thank you for filling out the Budget Management/Matching Funds section. Please proceed to the Core Capabll/ty section. Core Capability This Is the Core Capability section, Please answer all of the fol/owing questions: *In order to complete this section, a committee must be selected In the Basic Information section. If the committee Is changed, the primary core capab/1/ty and measure will be reset. Core Capability Community Reslllence Measure Community outreach efforts (events, websites, and collateral materials In both print and electronic formats) promoting pre- Incident preparedness (e.g. communication plan, emergency supply kits, practice evacuation/In-place sheltering and develop psychosoclal resilience) are readily available to all citizens In English and other commonly used languages, In formats easlly accesslble to all citizens. Describe how the proposed project supports the selected measure, The proposed project supports the selected measures by hosting educational campaigns and continuing education through the use of social media, malllngs, websites, outreach events and scheduled seminars. All events will be open to the entire region and targeted within our city. We will encourage ongoing participation In programs such and CERT and other outreach and/or educational activities. Secondary Core Capablllty (If Appllcable) Community Reslllence Secondary Measure Programs encourage feedback measuring participants' satisfaction with the program objectives, Describe the core capablllty gap that this project wlll addresa within the Region. Give specific examples Hnked to capability assessment tools of how the capablllty area wlH be Improved through this project. With this project we wlll gather feedback from the citizens on how we can Improve the current program and what Information they found as valuable, the level of attendance and how they can participate In exercises and other classes offered In the Region. This wlll be done by evaluatlons at the end of each scheduled class, comment forms at outreach events, dlgltal surveys and social media, thus Improving the communication gap and level of services and training to the citizens. Current Regional Rating (see <a href:::'http://ncrcolorado.org/ sites/ default/flies/ NCR_Ad mln_Documents/ Grant_Documents/ 2014°/o 20NCRIIJ target='_blank'>commlttee capablllty assessment</a>) 5.00 Projected Regional Rating 6.00 Thank you for filling out the Core capability section. Please proceed to the Multl-.Iurlsdlr:tlonal Collaboration section. • • • M ultl•Jurlsdlctlonal Collaboratlon This Is the Multi-Jurisdictional Collaboration section. Please answer all of the following questions: Describe how this project affects multiple jurisdictions and/or levels of government. This project wlll affect the entire City of Englewood from the City Manager to the youngest of citizen and everyone In between. Englewood will continue to work wlth Littleton and other areas of the region to share training exercises and promote volunteerlsm In all areas. What agencies wlll benefit from this project? The city of Englewood and surrounding areas such as Sheridan, Denver, Littleton, Cherry HIiis and others. Describe anv formal agreements In place related to this project. N/A Thank you for "1/lng out the Mu/ti-Jurisdictional Collaboration section. If you have completed entry of all sections, please review for accuracy before submitting . .. COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date: Agenda Item: Subject: April 20, 2015 9 aii Ordinance approving an Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Application Initiated By: Staff Source: Police Department Commander Tim Englert COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION City Council has previously approved North Central All-Hazards Region/Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) funding for projects within the City of Englewood. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends Council approve a Bill for an Ordinance authorizing the Police Department to apply for and accept 2015 grant funding in the amount of $13,680.00 from the North Central All-Hazards Region/ UASI. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The UASI program is intended to provide financial assistance to address the unique multi-discipline planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density urban areas, and to assist these areas in building and sustaining capabilities to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism using the Whole Community approach. As a concept, Whole Community is a means by which residents, emergency management practitioners, organizational and community leaders, and government officials are involved in the process rather than the traditional approach of relying solely on government entities. The funding, if approved, will provide materials and monthly trainings to Englewood citizens, businesses, and City employees related to disaster and emergency preparedness. Two citywide mailings are included in this request. FINANCIAL IMPACT The North Central All-Hazards Region Grant will fund $13,680.00 for educational materials and the printing costs and postage for two citywide mailings. There are no required matching funds from the City of Englewood. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed Bill for an Ordinance