HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 Resolution No. 031RESOLUTION NO. 31 SERIES OF 2018 A RESOLUTION A WARDING A NEGOTIATED CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND HOSTING OF A KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM AND BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM AT THE NEW ENGLEWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS BUILIDNG. WHEREAS, Section 116(b) of the Englewood Home Rule Charter, allow contracts for public works or improvements associated with capital improvements to be negotiated, provided that contracts for which no competitive bids have been requested are approved and accepted by Resolution setting forth the reason for the exception to the competitive bidding requirement; WHEREAS, Section 4-1-3-1 of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000 allows for the purchase of materials, equipment, machinery or devices without competitive bids where the standardization of such materials and equipment is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of existing equipment, machinery or devices and/or to prevent the duplication of existing equipment; WHEREAS, the Englewood Public Works department believes that utilizing Security Central, Inc., for the installation and hosting of a keyless entry and burglar alarm system at the new Englewood Police Department Headquarters is in the best security and financial interests of the City; WHEREAS, Security Central, Inc. is the current security provider for the Civic Center Building, Service Center and Waste Water Treatment plant; WHEREAS, the City currently uses Honeywell Vista alarm systems throughout those areas currently being monitored and maintained by Security Central; WHEREAS, utilizing Security Central to install the same Honeywell equipment in the headquarters building, allows for an integrated security system, a security system provider who is knowledgeable about the City's entire security system and how each component of the system interacts with all other components of the system, and a single security company providing security alarm monitoring for all City buildings; WHEREAS, the standardization of the City's security equipment is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of existing equipment, machinery or devices and/or to prevent the duplication of existing equipment and services; WHEREAS, the funds for the purchase would come from the Police Headquarters bond premium for construction of the police headquarters building; and WHEREAS, the cost of the installation of the alarm system through Security Central 1s $168,602.21. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. The Englewood City Council hereby authorizes the installation of a keyless entry and burglar alarm system for the Englewood Police Department's new headquarters from Security Central, Inc., pursuant to a negotiated agreement in lieu of the competitive bid process as allowed by Section l 16(b) of the Englewood Home Rule Charter, and Section 4-1-3-l(A) of the Englewood Municipal Code, in the amount of in the amount of $168,602.21, as set forth in the Contract for Services and Proposal, attached hereto. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 1711' day of December, 20 I 8. ATTEST: I, Stephanie Carlile, City Clerk for the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify the above is a true copy of Resolution No. 31, Series of 2018. · Eri°Flewood gPROCUREMENT DIVISIO N CONTRACT FOR SERVICES AGREEMENTNUMBEACFS/18~2 Kaylaaa Entry System S 168,602.21 THIS CONTRACT made and entered into on _________ ~-• 20_ by and between Security Central. Inc. 7100 S. Clinton St.# 200 Centennlal co 80112 hereinafter Name Address City St Zip called the CONTRACTOR and the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, hereinafter called the CITY. WITNESSETH; The parties do hereby contract and agree as follows: 1. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the CITY the following services: Keyless Entry System EPP HO At the location of: 3615 South Elati Street, Englewood, CO BO] Jo For a total contract price of: pne Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand-Six Hundred Twg Dollars and Twenty One Cents. ($ 168,602.21). 2. The Initial term of this contract is for one year. The term of this contract shall begin on _ December 17, 2018, with work to be completed on or before February 28, 2019. In the event that the parties desire to extend the contract beyond the one year period, written notice given no later than sixty (60) days prior to the end of the contract, shall be provided to the City by the Contractor. The parties shall then enter into a renewal amendment to this Contract, including a new Schedule A -Outline of Statement of Work, and any exhibits necessary for the extension. The parties may enter into a maximum of five (5) one year renewals, unless either party gives written sixty (60) day notice of non-renewal. All of the terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to any renewal. 3. The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until the insurance required under Paragraph 20 of the General Terms and Conditions has been acquired and satisfactory proof of such insurance has been submitted to the City. 4. The services shall be supervised by; or the project shall be inspected by the Project Manager for the City, or his or her authorized representative. 5. Terms of Payment: The City agrees to pay the Contractor for the performance of all the work required under this contract, and the Contractor agrees to accept as the entire and only compensation therefore, such sum or sums of money as may be proper ln accordance with the total estimated price or prices set forth in the Contractor's proposal attached hereto and made a part hereof. Payment shall be made in a lump sum upon final completion of the project unless other terms are agreed to by the City in the Statement of Work. A 5% retainage of the awarded project amount will be withheld until final inspection and acceptance by the Project Manager. 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, Colorado 80110-2373 (303) 762-2300 www.englewoodgov.org 6 The Contractor shall guarantee all labor and material used in lhe performance of this Contract rar a period of one year from lhe final written approval by the City or as per the Request for Qualification and Specincatlons. 7 This Contract includes Attachment A• General Terms and Conditions as prinlad and set forth In the following pages, and the Contractor. by executing this Contract, agrees to comply with ell such General Tanna and Condlllons. In addition, lo the general terms and conditions.any Exhibits provided by the Contractor, shall be Incorporated and made a part of this Contract Atl addiUonal documents shall be clearly marked and delineated as an Exhibit CITY OF ENGLEWOOD By: -....... ----,----------Date:. _______ _ (Department Dltedor) By: ______________ Dale! _______ _ (Cltv Manager) By: ___ .,--_________ Date: _______ _ (Mayor) ATTEST: __________ _ City Clerk Date: /o,/~/t r{ I ~~- NOTE: Federal Ragulatlan■ (Cada Sections 6041 and 8209, require non-corporate recipients of $800.00 or more to furnish their taxpayer Identification number ta the payer. The regulatlans also· provide that a p1nalty may be Imposed for fallunt ta furnish lhe taxpayor Identification number. In order to comply with these ,-gufaUons, tha City requires your federal tax ldentlflcatJon number or Social Security Number, whichever is appflcable. 1000 Englewood Pmkway, Englewood, Colorado 80110.2373 (303) 762-2300 www anglewoodgoV.org ~ ATTACHMENT &-GENERAL JEBMS AND coNDmgMs GPfERAb DBMS AND CQNQOOQNS 1. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANC!. Prapoull ,,. subj9ct ta acceplanca by Illa tlgnlng or a caraac:1 and lssu1nca of an apprapriai. plll'ChlH onllr at any llrnll Mrllhin •My (80) daya after the m:elpl of quotu unleu olhefwlse stlpulaled. Tht City rn1rws ,.,_ right to acaip& or rafecl any and al quc111 and ruorves the right to wal1111 any lnfcumalily In any quota. Al canlrada ower 525,000 ere 111bjecl lo 1pp,oy1I by Cit~ <:euncll Til!S c:intrxa and 1t1y attadvnents .,. not valid untn 111ch approval hU !Men obtllncd. 2. 8J]J EXAMINAJ19N. If appllcabla, Contractor mr.111 elUlffllna Ula Site and ce,t,fy DII fflHIUr'lffl4lnls, speclllcallonl and conditions llffKlina u,e work lo be performlld ll lhe lill By autmilllng lhllt qllOle, Ille consrac:to, warrants lhlt 119 or w (he,elnlfter he or his) made IUC:h site llllffllnallan u they deem necassary regaldlng the mndilloft at Ille a., Ill aceaaalbity for murlllla, waclunen alld utaitlita and IN Conu=k!r'a ability lo PIVtecl aidsling sudace and aubllllflc:a lmprovetnents. No dalm for lllowancs of time or money will bo llloMd at ID IUch malttnl 01 lor any oltler ulldlsc:onrad cunditiont on the all• 3. EQUIPMENT AND UBOR. The Coi11ractor stiaa fumish aD lollll. equlpffllnt, appatah.11, fadilln, lransparlalian , labor, and m11arilll neceua,y la rumllh lht sorvlccs he.rein deleribed. The servlc:a Iha■ be pelfOfflllCI al IUCh limes and plKes at dlrtdttd by Ula 1utnori:ld City rapraan~hla u lndk:aled In Iha \I/Olk specifications ar atatarnent al wo,tt attached hereto, ◄. suscoNiflACJQRS. COl\lndor agrees lo bind evesy subcontractor to Iha tanns or this conlratl as far as sudl 11nns ant appllcabll la 1ubcantradaf'II wart If Contractor wa IIUbeonlnld any pllt d Ulla Cl:lnlnld, Conlrac:Sor ahal be fully mpanslbllt ID !tie Ci&y foradS and omluions of Ilia IUbeonlradOf and of 11.,.ans eiltlet dlladly or ~edlv lfflCIIOilld by himlelr. Nalhlng conlalnlld In lhl cantrlld croeuments 1hall create 11ny canlradual rellUons betwlln any 1ubcanflac:lar and lha City. s. DEFAULT ey CONJBACTQR. wn.n Cantlador. nt any ■wcontractor, nr vandar IIIOll filll to ClelMr any lllldtt or AfVlca or shal detlver any ar1ide or IIMCI■ which doH nat confonn lo lhl Mll1I speci&:allona or tho Slltamenl of Woltl, the City may, upon live (SI bulineu days' priof wlftlen noUc:e d1scriblng 01it defaul. at ls option, IMUI and hi aiidl IN c:onlracl entenid lnta wllh 11ld Contr.acsar. IUbc:onlrador or vendor either In whale o, In pa,t, Md 1ntar Into • naw conlntct In auch Ill manner whldl would be to Iha tlesl ldvanLJQI al 1h11 City. TheCityniseMIS lherigtltlOcancatanyart.lclelorHMCeSwhldl Iha Cantradar may be unal>III 10 furnish because al econamlc candllians, gave1M11n111 f9glllallon1 ar att,a, !imllar cause ■ beyond lhe c:aril1II of Iha Canndar prt1'11ded ■alllfadory proof II futnillwtd to lhl City, if -UHltd, 6. CONTRACT CHANGES No change or all■mlons ta this contract shall be made 'Mlhout spedlk: prior wrlhtn 1ppn:w11 by bath parties. 7. WORKERS. Cantlador lhall al .aa lines enfon:a strld di'ldplkle and goad order among his ■mployees and shd not employ on wof1I any unfit person or anyone nae llllllad 1n 1lfOdl assigned ta him or her. Any parwon in the emplo~ ar the Conlndor 11111D Ute Clly may deem lncompe1ent 01 unf!I 1hal Ila dismissed from Iha lob Illa and ltld not again ba employed at U'le site wilhoul written ClffllHtlll fwam the Clly a. SUUDIYIJ0NS. No tllbJlitutions af m1t1nals ar pallClnl fnll11 lhOM spedllod In 1111 stalemanl olWork lhaD be made "-'Uloul the prior wrinen approval Df lhl City II . CONTRACTOR SYP§BYJS!Qft. CanllKlor shall provldl compe11111 111panrislan or pereannel employed on 1111 jm sit•. IIM at eqi.ipment. and qu■Wy of wo!Mlllnlhlp. 10 . CLEAN UP. D ■blla shall bt ,emoved from lho prllffl!Ha, The jab ■Ill ■hall be kept In goad ~ at alt lfflll l#hln work ta not acllldy being pe,fonnec:I Ind ahall be mllnlalned In• safe and c:Je ■n candillon. n . ACCQ9 IQ WORK. City rep,H11ntaUve1 wll at 111 tln\n havll accasa ta work whaniwr II ii in p .. paralion ot pn,gri:11 Conlrador 1'1d provide Hfll and propel facililles far IIICh acr:ass. 12, PBQTICJJQN of WORK e'HP PftQP!RJY . Tho Conlflaar shall erec:1 and property ffl8lnllln at el llmet, as ntqUlted by conditions and pragrea1 or work, al naca1ury 1af19uanr1. signs. banin. llghll, and watchman for prottctlcm ar WOftrnefl and the pubic, 1111d Stld post dlngar signs wsmlng egaJn1t haurdl cni.tld by alldl reatura in U,11 COllfll or Ute constnJc:Uon. 13. QCCUPANCV. TIMI City reserves Iha right lo occupy buildings Ill ■ny llffltt btfore locmal contraa campla\lon and IUdl occupancy -'tal nol constltule llnll ■=tpllnc:a or approval or any pan or u1e work cawred by ltlls conv■ct. no, 1h11 such occupancy aalend 1h11 date specifild for subleanlfll Cl:lffllllellon of lhewarll 1.t ,!,SSIONfllENT Of CQNJBACJ ANO PURCHASE 2fmm. Thti Conlrac:lGr ltld not Hlign at lransfer by operlllon of law ar othelwlse any or al af kl rights, twnten1, dllUet, or cbligallons under 1h11 COfllraQ wilhaut the prior writlen consent ar tneClly, 15. fOBCI MAJ!Uft! CJ.AVIE. The parties ta lhlt ConlnK:t shall bit e1ICllHd frGm Plffannance hereunderdllrlng Ille llme and 10 ui. utant Ill.at 111ey ant prawnltd lrom obtaining, delivering. or perfonnlng by an ad af Gad, llrl. 1lrdl1, lau, tllOl'llge of transportation t.:lclllln, lodl~ut, or tlll c:ammandeering al mallriall, pn:xfUdl, planta ar fac:ilin by 1111 (llffllrnmenl; whln lllltfldoly ewlenca !hereof ls presenltd la lhl Olhtr PIIIY(lelt, PIDYkllld that It II Ulilfactalily estiblilhtd lhaC the nan.pedormanc:■ II nat di.le lo t/11 ~ull at neglect of the pally nal pe,fOffnlng 11. HQLQ HARMLESS CONTRACT. The Canttactor thlll save, defend, hold nanntass Ind Indemnify lha City from and IIQllnll any and 1111 ICIIHt, amages, Nablltin. d.alma, and a2Sls of whalSOeffl kind and nawre for lnJulY to or dealh ar ¥IY po,son and rar loll 11r dam■gl lo lftV prop1,ty occuning in CDIIMCllan with o, In any 111■)' Incident la or arising DUI ortne oa::up■ncy, use. Hl'Vlc:e, operallonJ, Of pli'formanca of work an pn,p■4y under the lemr.i ol lhb conllKI by any employee, agent. or rapr1511nt.ltJve or Conllae10t and/or Ill aullc:Dnlrldlld unlas such laP was a mull of Iha n■Qllglllll 111d1 or omluiona of th• City. 'Ola preaidlng lnd1mnity shall appl'/ only to dlfflllltS caused dlrldly by lbe Contradar MIiie we~ on City prvptrly. All mm■ ,.lalld lo sec.unly bre,icties, remote senrlces, andlor ac:11 of others 1haU be subjed 10 loffllS ol separate Security Central ServlcH Agreement 1000 Englewood Parilway, Englewood, Color.lcfo 80110-2373 (303) 782-230D www.englawoocfgov.org 3 17 PAYMENT Unm1 olhllfWl1e apaciGld, the Conttador shd r1ndet lnvolce1 for materials dlli.,.rad Dt NJVlcu pelfolmed under th• Coniraa or PurdlaN Older. The Clly 1h11 make payn111nt fo, matariala, avppllel or other servlcil1 lumilhed under 11111 Contrac:s In 111mp sum on ~lllloft of Ule work wkllln ll\llty (30) da~ ■Ila, ......, to and a,,ptoval by Ille autharimcl Clly ,ap,.unlaliv9 of all lnwlcn and othar dOCU'INIIIWY evldtra rus11111biy Nqwtlld by Iha Cly lncluclklg lhe u&llw:to,y ntleue or al liens or dlims ror Hens by subcanlnlclcn. labor111, Pd materilil auppllerS fo, WOltC or rnalariatl pn:ivlded under lhia eantract « Pun:haH oni. (Wllk:h ■pp,oval 11h11 not 11a Ul'ltHIClnaDly wilhheldl 18. PfRM(TS AND LICENSE9. The Conlraclor and al of hl1 employaH. aganls, and IUbc:on\l'aCIDl'I lhal MCld and malnlllR In l'on:e. II Conltactor'a Iola cost and pPen ■e, suc:tl lic:enMI and paimils .. .,. qqulred by IN. lnc:ludklg ■ll't' lic:elllft or pennlls requlnid by the City In cannedkln with Iha furnishing DI materials , 1upplla1. OI MMCU MINI lilied . 19, CQHTRACTQR NOT AN OFffCiB, EMPLQJEI, QB AGENT Of THE cny, Whle engaged In DI' carrying out Clhar Ianni and condlllons ot the COnvact or Purchau Order, Ille Cofl&lactor la an lndl!pandent contrldor, and not an officer , ■mployff, aganl, paltl'ler. or joint venlure ol lhe City. 20. CQNJBACIPB:I AND suacoNmACTOfrS INSURANCE. The Co111taaor shall not conwence wark uncsar this cancna unbl he hat olllllnld Ula lnsuranc:a required undlr lh11 pa,avraph and sallllactClf't' pioof of 1udl lnturanca ha Ileen lllbmlled lo City . Eaus,l for WG111e(1 compensa1lan lnluranc:a. Iha policy 111■11 no, bit amended or modilled and Iha CG1111r.19■ amDUllts WI not be reduced wilhout 1119 City• pmW wnUen CCNISlfflL Tit■ Cily shall lie named DS an addlllonll lnsind and be f1,rnislled thllty 1301 dap written IIDllca prio, to c::ancelatlon. Th• Conlrador 1h11 not allow any Iubcannct0r, amplayee or agent lo ccmmanca work on !his mnltact or any subcanlract unt• this lnluraftce hu Ileen obtailled. a) lNstJRANcJ 'JYPES AND AMOUNTS, Th• City 19q11Wes the lolDWffl9 minimum amaunla ol inlur:lnca eovtng■: Corrmercial Ge11■t11 Uabl-.Y In the amount ol SJ,000,DDD per oCQIITlnQ; Ptofalional Liabiity em,,. and Ommslions in lh• amount ot 51,000.000 per accurrenca. 1h11 lbova amounts may ~ amended UpWtrd or clownwanl d9pendlng an the CMtall CDll al the 1eJVicel pRNlcled, 1111d only with 1h11 approval of ltlliClly. bl WOflKEfl'J CQNfENSATf QN INSURANCE. 1ti. Coalrldo, anal proc:u,a Ind 11\al maintain during Ute life of 1h11 conlrld. WolklA Companullon lnsunnm CIA II al his tffl$110yff1 to be engaged In wo,k on 1h11 project undlt Ulil contr■cl alld ill casat of any IUCh worti nbmnlTldad. Iha CanllKlor shall requlta 1M Sllbmnlrlaor provide lll:111le(1 Compen■allon Insurance ror all of the aullcoatraclarl 1mptoyees lo be engaged In auch wark unlUI luch emplcyHs •• cavttea by Iha Canlraclat'S Wortien Compensatlan lnturance. c) CQNl'RACTQR'!I PUBLIC L(ABIUJY AND PAQPEBIY DAMAGE JNSURANC§. Thi Conllildor and any 1Ubconlrae10r llld praa.119 and ltllll mainllin during the ~,a of 1h11 cotilract ContradOl's Pubic Uilbllity lnlllr.mc:a In an amount not lesa thin s,.000,000 for Injuries, fnclucling ac:cidlnlal death lo any on11 person, and subject la Ille same llnil for each person. In an amount not 11111 lhan S1,D00.000 on account of one acoant, and shall also maintain Contrador's P,opo,1y Damage lnst1nar1ca In en llfflOunl not laas lhan $1,000,000. 21. WARRANJYIQUAUJY. Th■ C011tractar. manuf■cwrer , or !heir eSSlgnltd agents lllal guarantee lh• WOIIUT'IIIISlllp. prodlld or Hrvlca padonnad agalnll dtflela 0t falhtrea of metariall for a millilun period of one (1) vt• from delffly orlhe fina!c:ompletjon dale for Iha wofll. AIWOtlunanllllp and ffilfd1andlH mUII be Wlnallled lo be In Cllfflplilnca wilh appllc:allle Colorado energy, CDnHNallan, end envifallmanl1I 1tandardl: unlHa a 1ona1, rnlnirum pariod a ntqWl8d In lhe slalamtnt or work. Conncto, llld rumlsh au manulactutea' and aui,pller' wriUlln guaranlffl and W■fflnlllel CIMffng ffllleriall and equ!pmenl ,Urnlst,ld pu,suant to this Contrac:l or Plln:hft• Order. 22. &llfGHNm 9E CLAIMS. Ill Iullmllllng a quott on 1h11 prqaCI, lhe Conlraclor or any subconlrlc:tor 8llf'ltllntl 10 1upptf goads, HNlca. or m1lerlals, and enlerlng Into this cantraCI , Ult Conltlcto, andlof tubconlraelor da offer and ag1H to aulgntollle City all righls, lillll, and intel1Nlln and to all caUNS of adlon It may have puisuanl lhlt conlnd at l&lbcancract. Thia 111algnment 1h11 be mada Ind taKDTNt elftaiwe at lhl lime 1hl Clty IMdttrs 11nal pa~ ID Ille Conlnldct wilhoUI lwlllft acllnowltctgmenl by ltil panlu. :13. COMPUAffCli WQ1t µws Consractar It11H 11M all nallct1 and comply wtlh Ill laWs. Oldlnani:as, ruin and ragularions beating on condllCl or wark as lndlc:attcl or Ipeclfted In ltil Slalament af Work. tf Cordractor obleMt thal any of Illa walk requltad by lhit conlracl Is at wrianc:a wilh any tuc:tl iawa. onllnanca1 . 1111a or regulations, CGAlractor shall natify Iha City, tn wrillng , and. al Ille sole option ot the City, any nacasa,y changn totlle scope atwurk shall be made and this conlrad lhall be 1pprop,lalaty amanded, In ~ling. o, this con&raa shall bl lermlnlled alfec:tlve upon Conlradal't fece~ or I written lermlnlllon nollce flOITI lite Oty. ti C«uacto, performs arry wortc knawlnf It 10 bll 111 ~lclallon of such laws, Oldlnancn, nilH or ,egw1Uons ■nd wWiout llrat nolif1ln9 w.11 City or tuct1 vlolaUon, Contnldor shall beard cmtl arilklg lhelWfram, 24 . TIMEISOfTHl!ESSENCE. Tmalsollhuuancaln IINI perfarmanca of Ind aimplllnco ~h each of the pnwlslons and candlllans of this ainltacl. 2s. OPYCB!tNG uw . lhs conlrld 1h11 11■ IIOYllmed by 111d canttnlld In acc:ordilla with th■ laws or lhl Stale or Colonldo, Venu ■ wil be propll' In Arap■tl• Cwnly, CO. 215. NO ORAL MOQfflCAJIQN. Any wllvlr, amandment. modillcatlon. consent or acqulnc:ence With ,npea ID lhls CDll!rld or any pruvfslon of this contlact Of with 1'9Specl lo lfr'/ railure lo petfann In aa:ordance l""9wittl 111111 be ■et rollh In ~ IUld duly uecutld by or on ll■hllf of UI• .,.,iy ta be bound them,y. 27. ~ The panles undefstan.cl and adlnllwladge Ulal eildl party is subjtd to Anlc:le X. § 20 or Iha Colanida Conltitullon ("TABOR"), Any pnwlsion of this camnct a, ill 1t11dlmonll wNch mposn upon lh ■ City. dnclly ar ~. any fwlanc:lal obllgauon w1'llsoeVllr 10 bl pelfotmed or wtlJch may be performed In any filA! Yillf lll!IMqu.nt of lhe year of OIIICUlfon of 1h11 con&rad ls UfllllSI~ made canllngenl upon and aulljtct lo fundl fot 1udl lln~ndal Olllfgatlon being appraprlalad . budgeted and Olhel'Mle made avlllabll 28. PRQYJ!HQNI Bl9UIREQ DX uw De§MiP fNSERTEQ. Eacn and eftfY pnllllllon of 11w and ctauu raqlllrld by law ID be lnlltlld In 1h11 conlllct shall be dHmlct to be lnHl1ttd herein and this cornract shd 1M ,.,a and ■nfcuad &1 U!Oalgh it_,.,. lndbded therein 1000 Englewood Palilway, Englewood, Colorado 80110-2373 (303) 782-2300 www .1nglewoodgov.org ., 29 PJICbP9YBli QE G0Nf!P:ENFAb tNFQBMADQN . Th• Clly as an arm of the state II gowmed by Iha terms af the Cokmdo Open Recards Ad, C R.S. 2'-72·201 eL lllq In It!• event a Dlldallng Pany recelYn an Open Rec:onls reqllfll th ■ DiKloslng Party ■hall notify Ille 0lhet' pa,ty lo ttu contracc of such raqu11t 30. AJTQRNEV'S Fm In Iha ev1n11hat either party la this Contract lhal c:cirnmence •111 ac11on ag1m1 Ula ccher pany arl,ing out ar or In c:annectian wilh this Contract , or cclll■lli'lg IINI Villdity ol 1111 Cantract or :■ny PRNIIIOIIS of Iha ConCracL Iha pl'IVllling party sml tie enliUld to recaver rnnn Ille other party r■uonablll attom■y'I ,... and relaled CCIIII, lJiid flNttl and upansaa lncunad by Iha a,r■va»ing P111Y In COM■dlon with sucn actian or proc:aedlng. 31 . Vl!RIFICATIOM 0F COMPUANCI! WITH C.R,S. f: 1z,s-1q1 ET,seg, Rl;GABQING HIRING PE ILLEOH-ALIENS {et l!mplOfNI, Cat1lnct.Dl"II lllld Subc:antractors: Conlr.adAr ltiall not knowingly employ or contnacl witn ■n fll9al ahlft to palfonn wortc unellr Ult. c:omract Controdor 1lhall n!:11 CDnb'8d Wllh a 1ubc:onlntdo, that r• lo certlf'I to UII Contr■dor thal UWI subc:anlnldat will not lcnowfngty employ or cantl2Cl will\ an Illegal alien lo perfocm woik under 11\ls Contract (CRS 8-17.5-102(2}(1HI) & (II).) Cb} Vertfk:allon: CDlliladol will paltk:ipate In ellher tho l!Nanfy program or lhe Depam19nt program. a defined In C.RS. 11.,1.s-,o, (3 3) and 11+17.!i--101 (3 .7} mpleliwely, In ordlr to c:otlflnn ine ~re ellglbllity of al employns .no ara newly hired r01 employment ta perfo,m woltl under.,. public conltad for HMi:a . Cantral:tor II prohl,lted ham using i.. E•Vlrify prognm 11r the Department program pratlldura lo undeflalca ~ ICtffftlng GI Jab appllanta whtla this comraa ia being performed . (cl Duty ID Tennlna.&a a Subcontract: tr Contnad:M otulna actual klllMlltdQ■ ltial II subcDnlrador ptmxmlng wortl undw lhla r:cnaract knowingli employs or c:onlrlcta will! an Illegal allen. lt:e Conu■ClOr Ihatt; ,,, ~ lh■ subcontradot and Ill■ Clly within ltll'l!II days tllal u,e Cc;nlnlc:tor has ldU■I lcnovwledge 11\.11 Iha subconlradclf Is .:mployfng or conlrac:Ung Mtll an lllag ■I alien, ■nd (2) tennlnlt• lhl subcanUKI with UII 1ubconlnldDf If, llltUlln lhree days or l1ICl!Mng notlca raqulrad pl.lr■ullnl to du paragraph Iha SubcantradOr doll nol ltap lfflploying Of C0ftlllding Wllh Iha ilegal a&on: eac:a,t Ulat lh■ Contr■do, ■hall not i.rmilllllit 111■ canlrac:t wilh th ■ submntrado, if dUring Such lhrlll days th■ 1ubmnlr■dor provldn WClffll ■tlon ta lslablllh that Iha lubconlractor llad nDt knciwlngly employld or cc,nnaed wilh the lllc;al Pen. dt Duty ID Comply with St■ta lnvnllpdon: Conuaclo, sllal comply With •ny ntuon ■bfl request al Ute Colofado Dep■ltment of labor and Employment m ■de In !hit I•) DamagN for Bnac:h of Contnc:t: The City may termna 1h11 canlrlct lor a btUch of ca111ta1:1.1n whole or In 111111. due tG Conlradar'1 bnslldl of any Mellon ol lhil paragiaph o, provisions requklld p1,111uant to C.R.S, a.11.s-102, Contrac:ar 1h11 be liable for ■dual and ccna.quentlal damages to lhe City In lddilion to 1ny o&Mr le;al or equllable l'lll'lledf Che C'Y mty be 11nt1Uld 10 for ■ breldl ol Ulls Con\R.ct under 1h11 P~ph 29. cour,e of an imlntigallon by that the Deparlfflent is undertaking (REMAINDER OF PAGE INlENTIONAU. Y LEFT Bt.AHK) pu111uanl lo C.R.S.11-17.5•102 (5), 1000 Englewood Parkway , Englewood, Colorado80110-2373 (303) 762·230D www.englewoodgov org s 1. GENERAL ATTACHMENT B STATEMENT OF WORK (Provide 1he n:qucstcd inrormaiion below) Security Central, Inc. Contrad for Services -CFS/18-42 2. NAMES OF PROJECT COORDINATORS Mike Carvill (303) 721-0111 or (303) 931-2315 mikec@securitycentralinc.com 3. SUMMARY OF PURPOSE FOR STATEMENT OF WORK Security Central will be furnishing and Installing a hosted keyless entry system to include all keyless entry panels, readers, and devices to exclude locking hardware. Security Central will also be Installing a burglar alarm system for specific areas of the building, mainly the property and evidence area. All programming and set up will be performed by Security Central with information provided by the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Department. 4. EQUIPMENT AND PROGRAMMING TO BE PROVIDED BY CITY (IF ANY) All access control dale lo Include U!ers, door names, schedules, access groups, etc. Refer to Security Central proposal #11492 for more information. 5. OTHER CONSULTANT RESOURCES 24n Hosting of access control system and support, remote unlocking (emergency basis, only), training, etc. 8. DESCRIPTION OF WORK PRODUCT AND DELIVERABLES This prcposal Is for tha new service center access control system. This proposal Includes • Installation of earn readers, access conuol panels, power supplies, and a&aociated equipment • Programming of access control system • Programming of intar1ocklng for detection/sally port areas • Connection to Motorola system relays (PROVIDED BY OTHER) • Access control hybrid cable (1,000' spools, wire Installed by other) • Making wire connections to all equipment 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood , Colorado 80110-2373 (303) 782•2300 WWW englewoodgc,l .org J Exclusions: • 110v • Running wire from panel to above doors • Door hardware and installation • C0nduit 1 back boxes, wiring pathsJ].boxes around doors should be provided according to specs. • Hosting, support, and maintenance services (See Separate Services Agreement) Refer ta Security Central proposal #1 1492-1 for mare lnfonnalfon 7. SPECIAL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS, IF ANY 8. MOOE OF PAYMENT 9. PAVMENTSCHEDULE City will pay Consultant for the work In accordance with the following payment schedule. All payments to Consultant are contingent on Consultant's satisfying the Cellverables/Mllastones set forth below. Payments shall be made upon City's written confirmation to Consultant that the Oellverables-Milestones have been satisfied. [Insert payment schedule) 10. SCHEDULE AND PERFORMANCE MILESTONES This schedule sets ror the target dates and performance milestones for the preparaUon and delivery of the Deliverables by Consultanl Perfonnance MIiestone A. Receipt of Equipment B. Installation of Equipment Respcnsible Party C , Programming and ActivaUon of System Target Date 11 . DATE FOR COMPLETION OF WORK: ___________ _ 12. ACCEPTANCE ANO TESTING PROCEDURES, IF NECESSARY. 13. LOCATION OF WORK FACILITIES NIA 1000 En9lewood Pllkway, Englewood, Colorado 80110-2373 (303) 762-2300 WWW engfewoodgov org .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, pursuant and In accordance wfth the Professional Services Agreement between the parties hereto dated _____ _. 20_, lhe parties have executed this Statement of Work as of this __ day of ______ ~ 20_. CllY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO By: ___ -=---------(Sl;natutt) (Print Namtl Title: ____________ _ Date: ____________ _ 5~c\.l.-lLIT"( Cer/Tftrf-l, _Lie. Consultant N By: - /o (PdntNlme) Tille: tr-e. S. Date: _ __._f t) __ 1,_/=~--3_,,_,&.......:f: ____ _ 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, Colorado 80110-2373 (303) 762·2300 www englll!WOGdgov.org 5 ATTACHMENT C CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL (If nec:eaa,y) 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, Colorado 80110-2373 (303} 782-2300 www.engtewoodgov ,orv 6