HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Ordinance No. 022•
WHEREAS, the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (CISC) was established in 2007 to
further the sharing of information between and among law enforcement agencies within the State
of Colorado through the use of"COPLINK"; and
WHEREAS, COPLINK is a software product that connects disparate police records
management systems and other data systems; and
WHEREAS, allowing police officers to conduct ad hoc inquiries to match evidence, explore
tips and hunches, generate leads and solve crime; and
WHEREAS, in 2007 the original CISC was formed via a memorandum of understanding
between the participating agencies which created no legal status or authority for the original
CISC; and
WHEREAS, the purpose in creating a governmental authority under Colorado Revised
Statutes is to allow the CISC to legally enter into contracts to purchase updated products for a
statewide entity, to pursue grant opportunities to fund new and improved technologies and
systems, and to provide governmental immunity; and
WHEREAS, the passage of this Ordinance authorizes the City of Englewood to participate in
the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (CISC); and
WHEREAS, financial obligations and governance of the CISC are contained within the
intergovernmental agreement; and
WHEREAS, no federal funding will be used by the City in the execution of this agreement.
Section 1. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes the
Intergovernmental Agreement for the City of Englewood to participate in the Colorado
Information Sharing Consortium (CISC), attached hereto as "Exhibit A".
Section 2. The Englewood City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to sign the agreement for
and on behalf of the City of Englewood, attached as Exhibit A.
9 b ii
Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 21 st day of April, 2014.
Published by Title as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City's official newspaper on the 25th day of
April, 2014.
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the City's official website beginning on the 23rd day of
April, 2014 for thirty (30) days.
Read by title and passed on final reading on the 5th day of May, 2014.
Published by title in the City's official newspaper as Ordinance No.~ Series of 2014, on
the 9th day of May, 2014.
Published by title on the City's official website beginning on the 7th day of
May, 2014 for thirty (30) days. ~
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L Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by
title as Ordinance No.~Series of 2014.
• X
' T
QL. Definitions ......................................................................................................... 2
02. Creation of the c,sc ......................................................................................... 2
QJ.. Principal Place of Business ······••···•·••·•··•·•···•···•··•··························•····•·••······•···· 2 2!:.. CISC Pu:cpos .................................................................................................... 3
~ Data Sharing ...................................................................................................... 3
~ Data U.se ............................................................................................................ 3
~ Personnel Authorized to Access Data ................................................................ 3
J2L Pata Security: ......................................................................................................... 3
Pata Custody and Control •......••.•...•.•...•.••....•................................................••.. 3
Pata Accuracy ................................................................................................... 3
Intelligence Tnfonnation .................................................................................... 3
Powers of the CISC ............................................................................................... 4
Rest rict iP::1:D..on Powm 9''tM-CI SC ...................................................................... 4
Bo@:rd of~ ................................................................................................ s
Number of Ojrectors. Tenn, and Term Limits ................................................... 5
El~ibil ity. Aw,ojntntffil. Removal. and v ~ ............................................ s
Compeosa.tion ...................................................................................................... s
Ac:mn o[.tlJ.e Q,gprd at a Mcetig ............................................................................ 5
Committees ................................................................................................................ 6
Alternates and Absentee Voting ........................................................................... 6
R;presemarivo's Rjght to Attend Meet igs ........................................................ 6
CISC Manager .................................................................................................. 6
Add jtjonal Assistance fro m Assj gne d Emp loyees .............................................. 7
Deposits and Expenditures ................................................................................ 8
Fiscal Agent ........................................................................................................... 8
Fiscal YeDJ: .............. , ..................................................... , .................................................... 8
NQ Muku Year Eis! Qbli u ti,ons ................................................................. s
No Duty to Pay Membership. Annual. or Ocher Fees ......................................... 8
Voluntary Assumption of Debts ........................................................................ 8
Financial Re~ibillty .................................................................................... 8
Imergovenun,mtal Agreement of the Colorado lnformaJion Sharing Consortium
Egamination of Reco rds .................................................................................... a
Add it ion of New Parties ........................................................... ···························· .... 9
Right to Iem,ioue Pa11.icipation ................................................•...•................... 9
~ Amendments ..•••..•••••••••••••••••••.••.•••..•••.••••.•••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.••••.••.•••••••••..••••••••• 9
~ Construction and lnteepretation ......................................................................... 9
36. Qyp)icate Counteepart5 ..•.••..•...•.••..•...•.••.•.•.. ·••t1 ••·························· •••••••••••••••••••••• 9
3 7. Entire Aere.emeot ••••••••.••••...•.•..••••••......•.••..........•..•••••...•..•.•....•....••..••...•.••.•.•.• 1 o
~ Govemina; Law ••••.•••••.•••.•...•.••...........••...•.•.•.......•..•.•.......•.•....•....•....••..••..••••.• 10
l2a. [ndemnification ·········•······················· .. ················· .............................................. 10
~ Mediation ................................................................................................................... 1 o
iL No Ibird·Party Beneficiaries ............................................................................ l 0
~ Sevecability ................................................................................................................. 10
~ .Torm ....................................................................................................................... l 0
~ Termination ......................................................................................................... I 0
Imergovemmenta/ Agreement of the Colorado /11formatio11 Sharing Consortium
THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is effective as of
the£ l day of[ _______ ~, 2014 (the "Effective Date," as further
defined below) by and between the Adams County Sheriffs Office , the Arapahoe County
Sherifrs Office, the City of Aurora, the Colorado Department of Public Safety of the State of
Colorado, the City of Colorado Springs, the City of Commerce City, the City and County of
Denver, the Douglas County Sheriffs Office, the City of Grand Junction, the Board of County
Commissioners of the County of Jefferson, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of
Mesa, and all other entities or agencies that sign this Agreement consistent with the requirements
herein (individually a "Party" and collectively the "Parties,.).
WHEREAS, the Parties are each authorized to lawfully provide, establish, maintain, and
operate law enforcement services;
WHEREAS, Part 2 of Article t, Title 29 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (the "C .R.S .")
encourages and authorizes intergovernmental agreements for the joint and cooperative provision
of public services;
WHEREAS, C.R.S. § 29-1-203 authorizes governments to cooperate and contract with one
another to provide any function, service, or facility lawfully authorized to each and to establish a
separate legal entity to do so;
WHEREAS, 21 U.S.C. § 873 and regulations promulgated thereunder authorize certain
agencies within the Federal government to cooperate with local, state, tribal. and Federal
agencies for the purpose of exchanging certain infonnation;
WHEREAS, the Parties, along with other Colorado law enforcement entities, have
previously entered into a nonbinding and voluntary memorandum of understanding (the "MOU .. )
to jointly develop the statewide Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (the "CISC") with the
purpose and intent of sharing law enforcement information, primarily through a software product
known as COPLINK;
WHEREAS, the Parties, along with the other signatories of the MOU, have detennined that
it is in the public's best interest to fonnalize the CISC into a legal entity in order to pennit the
CISC to enter into contracts and utilize economies of scale for the purchase of future services,
products. and maintenance and to enter into information sharing agreements with jurisdictions
outside the Stale of Colorado;
WHEREAS, the Parties and other signatories of the MOU have agreed to organize and
operate a separate legal entity pursuant to C.R.S. § 29-1-203(4), which shall be known as the
Colorado lnfonnation Sharing Consortium; and
lutergo\/emmental Agreement of the Colorado Information Sharing Consortfu,n
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WHEREAS, the Parties intend for other entities or agencies to join as Parties to this
Agreement by signing a separate signature page to this Agreement consistent with the
requirements herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of
which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Definitions. In addition to the above defined tenns, the following tenns shall have the
meaning ascribed to them.
a. "Assigned Employee" shall mean a Party's employee assigned to work full-or
part-time on behalf of the CISC.
b. "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the CISC.
c. "Data" shall mean facts, detailed information, police report narratives,
supplemental report narratives, other text-related information as determined and released
by each Party's internal information sharing policy, and other materials provided by a
Party to the CISC. "Data" shall not mean Intelligence Information (defined below).
d. "Director" shall mean a director on the Board of the CISC.
e. "Effective Date" shall be the date written in the preamble, which shall be the date
on which the sixth Party signed this Agreement.
r. "Intelligence Information" shall mean evaluated data relevant to the identification
of criminal activity engaged in by an individual or organiz.ation reasonably suspected of
involvement in criminal activity that meets criminal intelligence system submission
criteria as set forth in Part 23 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Intelligence
Information is a criminal justice record pursuant to C.R.S. § 24. 72-302( 4 ).
g. "Manager" shall mean a person who is assigned to manage the day-to-day
operations of the CISC.
b. "Representative" shall mean the chief law enforcement officer of each Party or
the person designated by the chief Jaw enforcement officer of each Party.
2. Creation of the CISC. Pursuant to C.R.S. § 29-1-203(4), the Parties hereby create a
separate legal entity known as the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium, or CISC, which
shall have the powers, authorities. duties, privileges, immunities, rights, and responsibilities as
set forth herein.
3. Prjncjpal Place of Business, The principal place of business of the ClSC shall be 15001
East Alameda Parkway, Aurora, CO 80012, unless and until otherwise established from time to
time by the Board.
Intergovernmental Agreement of the Colorado /nfonnatlon Sharing Consortium
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4. CISC Pm])Ose. The purpose of the CISC is to facilitate the sharing of Data and
Intelligence Information between the Parties and non-Party governmental entities and agencies
authorized by the Board.
S. Data Sharing, Each Party shall share Data with the Parties and with non-Party
go vernmental entities or agencies authorized by the Board.
6. Data Use. Shared Data shall only be used for law enforcement purposes cons istent with
the welfare and protection of the general public.
7. Personnel Authorized to Access Data, Only the Parties' employees and employees of
non-Party governmental entities or agencies authorized by the Board shall be allowed to access
the Data. All persons with access to the Data must fll'St pass an adequate background screen. The
Board shall detennine what constitutes an adequate background screen for the purpose of access
to Data.
8. Data Security. The Parties and any non-Party governmental entities or agencies
authorized by the Board shall maintain, enforce, and follow security re quirements for the Data as
specified by the Board, including requirements on network configuration and network access.
9. Data Custody and Contmt Each Party shall retain custody and control and shall remain
the official custodian of any Data shared by that Party. The CISC shall not have custody and
control and shall not be the official custodian of any Data. The CJSC shall not release any Data
pursuant to a request under Part 2 or Part 3 of Article 72, Title 24, C.R.S. or pursuant to a
subpoena unless specifically ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction.
1 O. Data Accura1cy. The Parties understand that the Data shared by the Parties may not be
accurate. The Board may set standards and requirements for Parties to correct inaccurate Data.
11. Intelligence lnformatjon.
a. No Obligation to Share. No Party shall be required to share Intelligence
Information and may deny a request to share Intelligence Information for any reason .
b. Standard for Sharing, When Intelligence Information is disseminated through the
CISC, it shall be disseminated consistent with Part 23 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal
c. Poljcjcs and Procedures, The Board may set policies and procedures regarding
Intelligence Information use, receipt. maintenance, security, and dissemination not
inconsistent with Part 23 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations .
d. Jntelligence Information Custody and Control, All Intelligence Information shall
remain the sole proprietary information of the Party contributing that Intelligence
Information. Each Party shall retain custody and control and shall remain the official
custodian of any Intelligence Information shared by that Party. The CISC shall not have
custody and control and shall not be the official custodian of any Intelligence
Information. The CISC shall not release any Intelligence Information pursuant to a
lntergovem1ne111a/ Agreeme11t of the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium
PageJ o/16
request under Pan 2 or Part 3 of Anicle 72, Title 24t C.R.S. or pursuant to a subpoena
unless specifically ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction.
12. Powers of the CISC. In order to enable the CISC to carry out its functions and provide the
services described hereiRt the CJSC shall have the power:
a. Acquire Prope[ty. To acquiret hold, lease (as lessor or lessee), sellt or otherwise
dispose of any legal or equitable interest in real or personal property;
b. Add Partjes, To approve other governmental entities or agencies authorized to
lawfully provide, establis~ maintaint or operate law enforcement services to join the
CISC on the conditions determined by the Board;
c. Adopt Rules and Regulatjons. To adopt rules and regulations regarding the
exercise of its powers and the carrying out of its purposes;
d. Agply for Grants. To apply for and receive grants in its own name;
e, Conduct Business. To conduct its business and affairs for the benefit of the Parties
and their residents;
f. Contract. To enter into, make, and perform contracts of every kind;
g. Engage AKeots, To engage, employt or appoint agents, including but not limited
to accountants, architects, attorneys, consultants, employees, engineers, and managers
and to pay the direct and indirect reasonable costs of such agents for services rendered to
the CJSC;
h. Fees and Charges. To assess, fix, maintain, and revise fees and charges for
functions, services, or facilities provided by the CISC or to cover the cost of operating
and managing the CISC; however, pursuant to paragraph 28, neither the CISC nor any
Party shall have the power to compel a Party to pay any fees, rates, or charges;
i. Incur Debt. To incur debts and obligations, deliver bonds or notes for monies
borrowed or other obligations of the CISC, and to secure the payment of such bonds or
obligations, except that no party shall be liable for any debts or obligations of the CISC;
Legal Process. To litigatet arbitrate, or mediate in its own name;
Recejve Contrjbutjons. To receive contributions of gifts, grants, or services; and
L Terminate a Partts Panjcipatjon jn thjs Agreement. To terminate or limit a
Party's participation in this Agreement.
Restrictions on Powers of the CISC. The CISC shall not have the power:
a. Eminent Domain. To take property by eminent domain;
lmergovemmental Agreeme111 of tl,e Colorado Informat ion Shari11g Consortium
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b. Obligate Payment. To obligate a Party to pay any money to the CISC or to
another Party, except that the CISC may enter into contracts with Parties for the payment
of money; or
c. Tax. To impose taxes.
14. Board of Pirectors, The governing body of the CISC shall be the Board, in which all
administrative and legislative power of the Cl SC is vested. The purpose of the Board is to set
policy for the CISC and decide important issues of the CISC.
IS. Numbet_pf Diw;tors, Tenn. and Tenn, Limits. There shall be eleven ( 11) Directors on the
Board. Six (6) Directors shall have tenns that expire on March 31 of every even numbered year.
Five (5) Directors shall have tenns that expire on March 31 of every odd numbered year. There
shall be no limit to the number oftenns an individual may serve as a Director.
16. EH~ibjljty, Appointment. Removal, and Vacancies, Each Director must be an employee
of a Party. If a Director is no longer employed by a Party, the Director shall no longer be a
Director. A Director may resign at any time and for any reason by giving two weeks prior written
notice to the Board. A vacant Director position shall be filled by majority vote of the
Representatives as soon as practicable.
a. Initial Appointment, The initial Directors shall be appointed by the
Representatives of the eleven named Parties listed in the preamble of this Agreement.
The Representatives of the first six (6) named Parties that agree to and sign this
Agreement shall each appoint one Director, whose tenns shall expire on March 31, 2016.
The Representatives of the next five (5) named Parties that agree to and sign this
Agreement shall each appoint one Director, whose tenns shall expire on March 31, 201 S.
b. Sug:gquent ARP9 intment. After the initial Directors• terms expire, all subsequent
Directors shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Representatives.
17. Compematjon. A Director shall not receive compensation for the Director's service to the
CISC. The Board may provide for reimbursement to a Director, Representative, or other person
for actual and reasonable expenses incurred while perfonning duties for the CISC. At no time
shall a Director or a Representative be considered an employee of the CISC.
18. Action by the Board at a Meetjng, Meetings of the Board may be held at any place that a
majority of the Directors on the Board may determine. Directors may attend the meeting in
person or by conference telephone or similar commun ications equipment, and such participation
at a meeting shall constitute attendance. The following rules shall apply.
a. Quorum. The attendance of at least a majority of the Directors of the Board shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
b. Voting. The affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors on the Board that are
present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be en act of the Board, unless a
supcrmajority is specified herein or by rules adopted by the Board.
Intergovernmental Agreement of the Colorado Information Sharing Consorti11m
PogeS o/16
c. Minutes. Minutes of each meeting and a record of each decision shall be kept by
the Board.
19. Committees. The Board may designate one or more comminees that shall serve at the
pleasure of the Board. Any committees shall have the powers and responsibilities granted by the
Board to that committee.
20. Alternates and Absentee Votin1, A Director may appoint an alternate who will have the
same voting rights as the Director when participating in Board meetings in the absence of the
Director. Alternates must be employed by a Party. Absentee voting, where a Director votes
without attending a meeting (whether in person or by other communications equipment) or
without appointing an alternate, is not allowed.
21. Representative's Rjeht to Attend Meetimis. Each Representative, or an akemate, shall
have the right to attend, whether in person or by conference telephone or similar communications
equipment, any meeting of the Board and to voice opinions on any matter concerning the CISC.
c1sc Mamu:er.
a. A52pojntrnent, Upon request from the Board, the Representatives shall jointly
nominate one or more persons to be the Manager and submit those persons' names to the
Board. Based on those nominations, the Board shall select one or more persons to be the
Manager. The appointment of a Manager shall be contingent upon the approval of the
Representative of the Party employing the Manager.
b. CISC Manager. The Manager shall manage the day-to-day operations of the CISC
and undertake and execute the Board's instructions and directions. The Manager shall
have the administrative authority necessary to perform the tasks and responsibilities
assigned pursuant to this Agreement. The Board may grant to the Manager any additional
administrative authority as the Board deems necessary. The Manager shall attend all
meetings of the Board and follow the Board's instructions and directions.
c. Elia=ibility and Employment. The person(s) serving as the Manager must be an
employee of a Party at all times during that person's tenure as the Manager. The Manager
shall not be considered an employee of the CISC. The Board may hire an employee of the
CISC under terms written and negotiated by the Board to perform the duties of the
Manager under the supervision and direction of the Board.
d. ~ The Manager's term is expected to last for two (2) years, but the actual
length (whether longer or shorter) shall be detennined by agreement between the Board
and the Representative of the Party employing the Manager. Whether the Manager works
full-or part-time on Cf SC matters shall be detennined by agreement between the Board
and the Representative of the Party employing the Manager. The Board may remove the
Manager at any time and for any reason. The Representative of the Party employing the
Manager may recall the Manager at any time and for any reason by giving sixty (60) days
prior written notice to the Board, unless the Representative and the Board agree to other
notification requirements.
lntergovernmemal .Agreement of the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium
Page 60//6
e. Compensation, The Party employing the Manager shall bear the full cost of the
Manager. The CISC shall not be obligated to reimburse the Party employing the Manager
for the cost of the Manager. However, the Board may assess an annual fee on the Parties
to reimburse the Party employing the Manager (or the CISC, if the CISC hires an
employee to perform the duties of the Manager) for all or part of the costs associated with
employing the Manager. As is stated in paragraph 28 of this Agreement, and cons istent
with that paragraph, no Party is obligated to pay any annual fees but may be denied
access to the CISC or face other non-monetary penalties.
23. Addjtiona) Assjstance &om Assigned Employees.
a. Appointment. The Board may seek an Assigned Employee from the Parties. Upon
request ftom the Board, any Representative may volunteer one or more Assigned
Employees to work full• or part-time on behalf of the CISC. The Board may accept or
decline the person volunteered to become an Assigned Employee.
b. Assjgned Emp!Qyees, Each Assigned Employee shall work under the supervision
and direction of the Manager. Each Assigned Employee shall have the administrative
authority necessary to undertake and execute the tasks and responsibilities assigned by
the Manager and the Board. The Board may grant to any Assigned Employee any
additional administrative authority as the Board deems necessary. An Assigned
Employee shall attend meetings of the Board if and when the Board or the Manager
requests that Assigned Employee's presence.
c. Eligibility and Employment. Any person serving as an Assigned Employee must
be an employee of a Party at all times during that person's tenure as an Assigned
Employee . The Assigned Employee shall not be considered an employee of the CISC.
The Board may hire one or more full• or parMime employees of the CISC under terms
written and negotiated by the Board to work under the supervision and direction of the
Manager and the Board.
d. Imn.. The Assigned Employee 's term shall be determined by agreement between
the Board and the Representative of the Pany employing the Assigned Employee .
Whether the Assigned Employee works full~ or part-time on CISC matters shall be
detennined by agreement between the Board and the Representative of the Party
employing the Assigned Employee. The Board may remove the Assigned Employee at
any time and for any reason. The Representative of the Party employing the Assigned
Employee may recall the Assigned Employee at any time and for any reason by giving
thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Board, unless the Representative and the Board
agree to other notification requirements.
e. Compensatjon. The Party employing an Assigned Employee sha ll bear the full
cost of that Assigned Employee. The CJSC shall not be obligated to reimburse the Party
employing the Assigned Employee for the cost of the Assigned Employee. However, the
Board may assess an annual fee on the Parties to reimburse the Party employing the
Assigned Employee (or the CJSC, if the CISC employs an employee to perfonn the
duties of the Assigned Employee) for all or part of the costs associated with employing
the Assigned Employee . As is stated in paragraph 28 of this Agreement, and consistent
Intergovernmental Agreement of tlie Colorado lnformotio11 Sharing Consortium
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with that paragraph, no Party is obligated to pay any annual fees but may be denied
access to the CISC or face other non-monetary penalties.
24. Deposjts and Expenditures. All funds of the CISC shall be deposited to the credit of the
CISC in an interest bearing account. No payments or withdrawals of such funds in an amount
over five hundred dollars ($500) shall be allowed without prior approval of the Board and the
written authorization of two (2) Directors. Payments or withdrawals of such funds in amounts up
to and including five hundred dollars (SSOO) may be authorized by the Manager.
2S. fiscal Agent. The Board may request that a Party or other entity be the fiscal agent for
the CISC.
26. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the CISC shall be January I through December 31 of each
21. No Multiple Vear Fjscal Obligations. The Patties do not intend to create a multiple year
fiscal obligation for any Party by virtue of this AgreemenL The Parties acknowledge that any
future monetary obligations of any Party are subject to sufficient appropriations by each Party
and such appropriations are not guaranteed to be made,
28. No Duty to Pay Membership, Annual or Other Fees, No Party shall be required by this
Agreement to pay any membership, annual, or other fees or charges imposed by the Board. The
sole remedy for the failure of a Party to pay any fees or charges shall be, at the Board's
discretion, (a) exclusion ftom the CISC, (b) denial of Data and Intelligence Information sharing
with other Parties through the CISC, (c) toss of any or all of the privileges and rights of a Party,
(d) tennination of the non-paying Party's participation in this Agreement, or (e) any combination
of the foregoing as determined by the Board.
29. Voluntary Assumption of Debts. A Party may voluntarily elect to be liable, in whole or in
part, for any or all of the debts, liabilities, or obligations of the CISC at the sole discretion of that
30. Financial Res.ponsjbjlity, The CISC shall not be required to pay any Party's costs
associated with acquiring or maintaining any hardware or licensed software necessary for that
Party to participate in the CISC. The Board may agree to pay for expenses incurred by a Party
that. in furtherance of the CISC's purposes, (a) maintains goods for use by other Parties or
(b) provides services to other Parties.
31. Examjnation of Records, Any authorized agent of a Party, including an authorized auditor
or his or her representative, has the right to access and the right to examine any pertinent fiscal
books, documents, papers, and records of the CISC involving fiscal transactions for three (3)
years after the date of the fiscal transaction.
lntergovernmenlal Agreement of the Colorado Information Sharing Consorlium
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32. Addition ofNew Parties,
•· Law Enforcement ReguiremenL All Parties, and any entity or agency that
becomes a Party, must be governmental entities or agencies that are authorized to
lawfully provide, establish, maintain, and operate law enforcement services.
b. Sjgnatorjes of the MOU. All entities and agencies that signed the MOU prior to
the Effective Date are vested with approval to become Parties by signing a separate
signature page to this Agreement that states that the new Party agrees to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. Upon delivery of the signed signature page to the Manager,
satisfaction of any conditions imposed by the Board, and payment of any CISC
membership fees, ifapplicable, such entity or agency shall be a Party.
c. Non-Shmatories of the MOU, Any entity or agency that did not sign the MOU
prior to the Effective Date may become a Party by (i) gaining approval of the Board and
(ii) signing a separate signature page to this Agreement that states that the new Party
agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Upon delivery of the signed
signature page to the Manager, satisfaction of any conditions imposed by the Board, and
payment of any CISC membership fees, if appticable, such entity or agency shall be a
d. CISC Membership Fee, Any entity or agency that signed the MOU prior to the
Effective Date and paid a CISC membership fee at that time shall not be required to pay
an additional membership fee in order to join the CISC. Any entity or agency that
(i) signed the MOU prior to the Effective Date but did not pay a CJSC membership fee at
the time or (ii) did not sign the MOU prior to the Effective Date may be required to pay a
CISC membership fee in an amount determined by the Board as a condition of becoming
a Party.
33. Wabt to Tenninate Pa11icipalion. A Party may terminate its participation in this
Agreement by giving written notice to the Board at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of
termination, unless the Board and a specific Party have agreed on a different notice period.
34. Amendments. This Agreement shall not be amended unless seventy-five percent (75%) of
the Representatives approve such amendment in writing. The so le remedy for any Party that
disagrees with any amendments is to terminate its participation in this Agreement.
3S. Construction and lntemrctation. The table of contents and the section and other headings
and subheadings contained in this Agreement are solely for the purpose of reference, are not part
of the agreement of the Parties, and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of
this Agreement.
36. Dypljcate Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of which shall be considered an original. The signature of any Party to any counterpart shall
be deemed a signature to, and may be appended to, any other counterpart.
/11tergovernme11tal Agreement of the Colorado /1iforma1Jon S/1arlng Consortium
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37. Entire Am;eement. This Agreement embodies the entire understanding and agreement
among the Parties concerning the CISC and supersedes any and all prior negotiations,
understandings, or agreements, including the MOU.
38. Ooveming Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of
the State of Colorado to the extent not inconsistent with Federal law.
39. Indemnification. Without waiving the protections, limitations, and requirements of the
Colorado Governmental Immunity Act in Article I 0, Title 24, C.R.S., each Director,
Representative, Manager, Assigned Employee, officer, agent, and volunteer shall be provided
with a legal defense and indemnification as provided by that person's employer to the extent not
inconsistent with Federal law.
40. Medjatjon. In the event of a dispute between the Parties regarding the interpretation of
this Agreement or regarding any issue arising under this Agreement, the Parties hereby agree to
the following mediation procedure. First. the disagreeing Parties will submit the issue to the
Representatives, who will mediate the disagreement and try to devise an acceptable solution. If
that process fails, the disagreeing Parties will submit the issue to the highest elected officials of
each Party (e.g., the Mayor of a city or the County Commissioners of a county) who will mediate
the disagreement and try to devise an acceptable solution. The highest elected official of each
Party may approve a designee to mediate on behalf of that Party. The Parties agree to mediate in
good faith. If any disagreeing Party requests a mediator. the disagreeing Parties shall jointly
select a mediator and share the cost of the mediator equally. Decisions by the Board are not
subject to mediation. This paragraph shall apply to the extent not inconsistent with Federal law .
41. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create any
third-party benefits or beneficiaries or create a right or cause of action for the enforcement of this
Agreement's terms in any entity or person not a Party to this Agreement including any agents,
employees, officers, or volunteers of any Party or any entity with whom the CISC contracts.
41. Severabjljty. In the event that any of the tenns, covenants, or conditions of this
Agreement or their application shall be held invalid as to any Party, entity, or person by a court
of competent jurisdiction, (a) the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby,
(b) such determination shall not affect or impair the validity or enforceability of any other
provision, and (c) the remaining provisions shall be interpreted and applied so far as possible to
reflect the original intent and purpose of this Agreement.
43. ~ The term of this Agreement shall be unlimited and shall extend until terminated as
provided herein.
44, Termination. This Agreement may be tenninated upon agreement in writing of seventy-
five percent (75%) of the Representatives. Upon tennination of the CISC, any monetary funds
held by the CISC shall be distributed, after paying the debts and obligations of the CJSC, to the
Parties proportionate with the number of sworn law enforcement officers employed by each
Party. Additionally, upon termination of the CJSC, any non-monetary assets shall become the
property of the Party in possession of those assets.
lntergovernme11tal Agreement of the Colorado /1,formation Sharing Consortium
Page JO of 16
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the
Effective Date.
The Adams County Sheriff's Office
Name: Doug Darr
Title: Adams County Sheriff
Attest: ____________ _
Name: -------------
The Arapahoe County Sherifrs Office
Name: David C. Walchcr
Title: Arapahoe County Sheriff
Attest: ____________ _
Name: -------------
/11tergovernmental Agreetnelll of 1/,e Colorado Information Sharing Consortium
Page Ji of /6 •
The City or Aurora
Attest: ____________ _
Name: ____________ _
The Colorado Department of Public Safety
lntergovemme11ta/ Agreement of the Colorado lnfonnation S/rarlng Consortirun
Page /20//6
Attest :
The City of Colorado Springs
The City of Commerce City
lntergovemm,mta/ Agreenrem of the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium
Page /Jof/6
The City and County of Denver
Attest: ____________ _
Name: -------------
ne Douglas County Sherifrs Office
Name: David Weaver
Title: Douglas County Sheriff
Attest: ____________ _
Name: -------------
lntergover11mental Agreemel11 of the Colorado /nfonnation Sharing Consortl11m
The City of Grand Junction
Attest: ____________ _
The Board of County Commissioners of the C011nty of Jefferson
/,itergovernmental Agreement of the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium
Page IS of 16
The Board of County Commissioners oftbe County of Mesa
Attest: ____________ _
Name: --------------
Intergovernmental Agreement of the Colorado Informal/on S/raring Consortium
Page J6of /6
By signing this separate signature page to the Intergovernmental Agreement of the
Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (the "Agreement"), the undersigned agrees to be
bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Consistent with paragraph 32 of the
Agreement, upon delivery of this signed signature page to the Manager of the CISC, satisfaction
of any conditions imposed by the Board, if applicable, and payment of any CISC membership
fees, if applicable, the undersigned shall be a Party to the Agreement with all the rights and
responsibilities thereunder. This signature page shall be appended to the Agreement and shall
become part of the Agreement as of the date listed below.
Name of Entity: City of Englewood
Name: Randy Penn
Title: Mayor
Date: May 5, 2014
Name: Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk
Intergovernmental Agreement of the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium
Separate Signature Page
• • • t
Date: Agenda Item: Subject:
April 21, 2014 9 a i Intergovernmental Agreement -Colorado
Information Sharing Consortium (CISC)
Initiated By: Staff Source:
Police Department Deputy Chief Jeff Sanchez
The Police Department is recommending that City Council adopt a Bill for an Ordinance authorizing the
Mayor to sign an Intergovernmental Agreement to allow our participation in the Colorado Information
Sharing Consortium (CISC).
The Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (CISC} was created in 2007 to further the sharing of
information between and among law enforcement agencies within the State of Colorado through the use of
"Coplink." Coplink is a software product that connects disparate police records management systems and
other data systems and allows police officers to conduct ad hoc inquiries to match evidence, explore tips
and hunches, generate leads and solve crime.
The original CISC was formed via a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the participating
agencies. The current CISC, because it is based on a mere MOU, has no legal status or authority.
The purpose in creating a governmental authority under Colorado Revised Statutes is to allow the CISC to
legally enter into contracts to purchase updated products for a statewide entity, to pursue grant
opportunities to fund new and improved technologies and systems, and to provide governmental immunity.
Our portion of the Coplink Data Source Maintenance Service Agreement (with IBM) is $7,800. This is a
budgeted item and is paid for out of the Police Department budget
Bill for an Ordinance