HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 Resolution No. 036•
SERIES OF2013 --
WHEREAS, the Vic1im/Wi1ness Program in the Englewood Municipal Court has served the
vic1 irns of domeslic violence since 1990 ; and
WHEREAS, Englewood has pre,iously applied and been granted Viclim Assis1ance and Law
Enforcement Grants (VALE) for the years 1990 through 2012; and
WHEREAS, the Cily of Englewood, Colorado. desires to apply for the "Victim Assistance and
Low Enforccmenl Grant"" (VALE) funds from the Colorado 18th Judicial llistri ct ;
~ The City of F.nglewnod , Cnlomrln , is herehy authorized to file an applica:ion for
Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Grant from the Colorado I 8th Judicial Distric1, attached
her:10 as exhibit A.
~-The City Manager is au1hori,cd to sign all necessary documents for the Victim
Assistance and Law Enforcement Grant application for and on behalf of the City Cow1cil and the
City of Englewood
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ~y of~. 2013 .
I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk for t,ljc;City of i2nglewv0d, Colo
above is a true copy of Resolution No . .:2!:/2._, Series of 2013 .
do. hereby cenify the . 13
For Olflcl ■I UH Only·
Date Rece ived _____ Applic.•lon Number_"."'.'""__ V/5 or U E
Project Duration ___ lo ____ Previous::• Funded Yes No All Materials Included Yes
-~te of Board Review_____ _ Approved __ Denied___ Award Amount __ _
•••••••••••••• ........... f ' ...................................................... .
18th Judlci?.I District
6450 S Re.ere Pkwy
Centennial, CO 80111
(720) 874-8608
tlasslter@da18 .state .co .us
Please ile advised lhal !he board may re\'ake any can1rac,•granI if used inappropriately . Apphcahan must be typed or printed
in black ink . Appllca t,ons must be cop ied on both sides (duplex). All appiicalion pages must be numbered . Please submit
one original and eight copies of your application . Limit application to 12 pages Including cover sheet and s,gnature
page, but excluding attachments. Do not use• font any smaller lhan 12 point.
I. APPLICANT AGENCY Englewood Police Department
II. PROJECT TITLE Victim/Witness Advocate
Project Director Nancy Wenig
Phone 303-762-2452 Fax 303-783-6902
Address 3615 S. Elatl St Englewood. CO 80110
E-mail: nwenig@englewoodgov .org
Web page http ://l'lww.englewoodgov .org/lndex .aspx?paqe=487
IV . NON-PROFIT STATUS: __ Yes x __ No __ In Progress
Tax ID Number _____________ _
V. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (Include with all copies):
A. Budgets
1. Agency Bu:fget (Waiveri •~, govemmenlal agencies)
2. Victim Assistance Prog,.,,, Budge t
3. llemized Project Bud~el (must lnclud• budget narrative)
B. Copy of 501(c) (3) IRS Ta, Rulhg (if applicable)
C . Lisliog of Board of Directors and Key Officers
0 . Copy of current Financ ial Stalemenl and Audit Report -(Waived lor governmental a,encies ) (Allach lo
original copy only)
E. Mar.agement Leite; from Auditor -(Waived for government.ail agencies)
F. Rondom Sompling of Ciienl Sot•sloctian Surveys
G . If you are requesting a full or port-lime ?DSition, you must attach your agency's cli'!.s sificnllon of that position
and Job dcocripUon
H. Resume of program.lproject administrator
1. Description of the applicant agency:
Englewood Police D11partment provides emergency response to crime and non-crime
incidents within the City of Englewood as the primary law enforcement agency for the City .
2. Substantiate or quantify the problem your program is designed to address with in this
community. i .e . factually or with other supportive documentation.
Englewood V ict im Assistance provides the Victim/Witness Advocate for the Englewood
Municipal Court . This pos ition is currently held by Nicole Maynard. During the period of July 1,
2011 to June 30 , 2012 , there were 146 new caRes of crimes Involving domestic violence In the
Englewood Municipal Court.
3. Description of the project, which would be funded by VALE, funds in the 18th Judicial
District. (Be specific regarding what services VALE funds will provide to this community.)
The VictimMlitness Advocate for the Englewood Municipal Court will provide support for
victims of domestic violence through the Court process . The position also ensures that victims are
informed of their Rights under the Constitution and assists in providing those Rights . During the
period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 there were 444 contacts with victims at arraignments,
penalty hearings , probation reviews, motions heari ngs , show cause hearings, and trials . Ms .
Maynard also contacted victims through telephone calls, persor1a1 appointments, and letters .•
These contacts were to answer questions, Inform victims of their Rights, and lo discuss needs. Ms.
Maynard also counsels fam ily members who come to Court with the victims .
4 . A. Identify and jescribe the project's goals and objectives . Your objectives must be
measurable and specific.
• To provide a VictimMlitness position to ensure support for victims of domestic violence
through the Court process according to the standards set forth in the Victim's Bill of Rights .
• To Ansure that all victims In the Englewood Municipal Court are informed of their Riµhts
under the Vicrim's Bill of Rights.
• To provide follow-up with victims after Court .
• To educate victims of the dynamics of domestic violence .
• To provide referrals to appropriate community resources such as Victim Compensation ,
counseling, legal, or financial assistance.
• To mainta in r.ontact with agencies or individuals such as Victim Compensation, Interfaith
Task Force, Human Services, shelters and therapists to maintain up-to-date resources
available to the victim .
• To work closely with the probation officer to be sure thal the goals of therapy are being met
and the needs of the victim are being considered . •
(Section A question 4. A. continued)
To keep a client "check list" rorm ror each domestic violence client served. This checklist
will include rererrals made, Victim Compensation application given, therapists suggested
and restitution requests .
• To maintain Court information, brochures and referral resources ror clients from various
ethnic backgrounds using translation and counseling services llsled in ou r Resource Book .
B. What is your timelable and work plim for accomplishing your objectives?
Our lirneline is ongoing.
5. A. Address what problems, if any, you anticipate in implementing the program/ project goals
and objectives.
There has been a recent change in procedure for the Municipal Court that has made it
difficult to receive timely and accurate information regarding hearings or probation appointments.
Ms . Maynard has been extremely responsive to this problem and is maintaining a high level of
victim contact despit,3 the· change . After several meetings with the Judge, Prosecution, and Court
Staff, the issue has become much better over time .
B. How do you plan to resolve these ;:iroblems?
Victim Assistance has an excelle,,t working re lationship with the Prosecutor's Office and the
.:ourt. Victim Assistance is part of a collaborative effort to solve the problem and represent victims
• the solution . This includes constant conversations with all part ies to ensure victims are being
kept informed .
1 .A . Define the population and geographic area targeted for services through th is project .
This program will be available to al l victims of domestic violence who are victimized in lhe
City of Englewood and whose case is heard in the Englewood Municipal Court.
B. If the project is not located entirely in the 18th Judicial District , what percentage of services
would be for victims and witnesses in the 18th Judicial District?
The project is located entirely in the 1 8111 Judicial District.
2 . A. Include a !Idfil description of how the project strives to provide culturally competent
services. Cultural competence Is defined as a process In which an agency continuously strives to •
achieve the ability to work effectively within the cultural context of an Individual or community from
a diverse culture/ethnic background . If the project does not now strive to offer culturally competent
services, how will you do this in the coming grant period? Include cultural competency efforts in
the goals and objectives in Section A, question 4.
• We use the services of the Translation and Interpreting Center for translations in Court to
include spoken languages as well as sign language .
• The Court Is equipped with a FM system for Deaf or Hard of Hearing people.
• All of the Court information is translated Into Spanish. We have a Spanish spea king
translator for Court hearings which are scheduled once a month for all the Spanish speaking
clients . These se rvices are provided by Executive Languages . Ms. Maynard is currentl :
revising the Spanish language information packet.
• We have available a list of agencies fro m many ethnic backgrounds and are constantly
updating this list. Examples include: Asian Pacific. DOVE. CHAI , Servicios de la Raza , and
Muslim organl zatior :s .
• We hav e packets designed specifically for the Gay. Les:iian, Bisexual , Transgendered ,
Queer population and 11,e unique dynamics presented.
• We have packe ls de signed to address male victims .
In addition to providing information in native languages, the program strives to provide culturally
competent se rvicus by attending trainings and meetings to update the Advocates . Ms. Maynard
and Ms. We nig hc1ve attemled several trainings, provi .... ed by the Colorado Coalilion Againsl •
Domestic Violence and the Colorado Organ ization for VicUm Assistance, on culturally appropriate
responses and Interventions. Ms. Maynard and Ms . Wenig 1!:ke advantage of training opportunities
to further cultural competence and the conversation continu,·s within the Victim Assistance Unit
and the Department as a whole . This information is then incorporated in to the packet for victims.
3 . A . What numbe r of pooplc is in neod of the services as proposed by this project?
(Identify source of information).
From July 1. 2011 10 June 30 , 2012, there were 146 arraignments , 112 new victims.
and 293 tot al victims served in the ML•.1icipal Court as documented by Court records. The
V ictimM/ltn ess Advocate attempts to contact all those whose lives are Impacted by
domestic violence, identified by either offense reports or incident reports. During this t,me
period , Ms. Maynard contacted 141 people affected by domestic violence outside of the
Court process . These victims made contac• with the Police Department and the incident did
not rise to th e level of an arrest; however, &ervices were offered to these victims .
B . What number of people are cyqenUy IJ1:1iog served in th1;: lbth Judicial District and how?
.Identify source of information .) l:xplaln how you report client numbers and service numbers .
At present, th111·e ere approximately 265 cases active in the Municipol Court and
approximately 195 victims being served from 2012 and previous years. Each month,
approximately 10 cases are finalized ; hence. the number of active cases is constantly
changing . Ms. Maynard keeps a written record of all client contacts .
C. What percent of the victims you serve ere monolingual Spanish speakers?
There are approximately 2% monolingual Spanish speaking victims. One afternoon
:,er month is designated as a Spanish-speaking docket. All of the Spanish-speaking
domestic violence cases arA sAI on this docket. The Victim/Witness Advocate has access to
an interpreter and is able to intorview victims .
D. How will your project diminish or eliminate any duplication of services?
There are no similar services available through the Municipal Court. This program is
des igned to refer victims to agencies that are providing services outside of the scope of this
program to avniri r1up licat1on of servicej. Each victim is matched with referral resources that
meet her or h is noods .
E. How will you coordinate services w ith similar or like programs?
The program Is designed to refer victims to services that will respond to their specific
needs . Through approp ri ate referral , each victim Is matched with referral resources that
meot hor or his needs . Ms. Maynard continuously networks with other agencies and
advocates in order to better coordinate services when needed . This is achieved farough
phone calls , personal contact. and networking with other agencies .
4 . Define the management plan for the program/project. Identify spe~ifically who will;
• be responsible for daily orierations
• be accountable for the expenditure of grant funds .
• Include the resume of program/project administrator
The Vict im Services Coordinator, Nancy Wenig , is the coordinator and supervisor of
the µruject . Th1:1 Vi1:li111M'ilness Advocate, Nicole Maynard , submits a daily record of Court
activity to Ms . Wenig which includes : victim name , referrals made, victim compensation
information , realllution requests, and any other pertinent information . Ms . Wenig and the
City Accountant , Kathy Cassa i, are respo:isible for the expenditure of the grant funds under
the supervision ol the Chief of Police, John Collins , and the Director of Finance, Frank
5. In compliance with the American Disability Act (ADA) on providing access, how does your •
agency provide accommodations for crime victims or victim service providers?
The Englewood Municipal Court is 1ully accessible to persons with disabilities . We
collaborate with other service providers to address all areas of disability .
1. How will you evaluate whether or not this project has met its stated goals and objectives?
Explain how you evaluate the following :
• Process Evaluation -Did the program meet the project goals and objectives?
• Outcome/Impact Evaluation -Did the program achievo the stated outcomes or behavioral
changes? How did the delivery of services improve the life siluation of your clients?
• Overall agency success -How do you measure if your agency is 'doing its job' well?
Process Evaluation: The program will have met its goals and objectives by providing all
victims wilh ongoing support during and after his/her Court appearance . The program will
have provided all vic:ims with information on their Rights .
Outcome Evaluation : Our goal is to prov ide safety and support for victims of domestic
violence as well as to educate victims of the Court process and services available. One
measure of success is the rate of acceptance of Victim Compensation applications for •
counseling . In 2012 , 58% of the 146 victims contacted at arraignment took applications
for Victim Compensation. We constanlly encourage victims to participate In counseling .
We hope our efforts to encourage counseling for victims will help them recover.
Overall agency success : Our relationship with the City Attorney and JL!dge Is excellent.
The process with which victims move through the Court process is efficient and
informative. Survey reports and follow up phone calls reflect a positive experience in Iha
Court. Victims are encouraged lo keep in contact with Ms. Maynard to work lhrough any
rough spots in their recovery.
1. A . Define how lhis program/projecl will address the guidelines for assuring the rights of victims
and witnesses as outlined in the Victim Rights Act (Section 24-4.1-302.5
C.R.S.). List sµecilic services to be provided .
• Each victim is given a brochure al the arraignment. which outlines Victim's Rights.
These Rights are reviewed by the Victim/Witness Advocate periodically to determine the
victim's comprehension of these Rights .
• Victims are informed of each stage of his/her case .
• No plea agreement is made with the defendant without the ful l understanding and
consultation of the victim . •
B. What serv ices are you providing as outlined in the VALE statute (Section 24-4 .2·
105 C.R.S.).
• The Victim/W itness Advocate ensures compliance with the guideline listed for assuring
these Rights to victims of domestic violence in the Municipal Court.
• Englewood Police Department has made a clear effurt to provide victims
with the services entitled to them by the Victim Bill of Rights . The Court program
addresses all of these rights including : the right to be present and informed of critical
stages in Court, to be heard at Court proceedings, and to confer with the prosAcuting
attorney prior to disposition .
• The victim is asked if restitution is requested and is offered services such as financiP1 or
legal help, shelters, or Victim Compensation .
• The Vic.;tim/Witness Advocate has a private office and wa iting room at Court so that the
victim is assured of safety and privacy before Court proceedings .
2 . Does your agency have a statutory mandate to notify victims under the Victim Rights
Amendment (VRA)? X_ Yes __ No If yes, please answer the following questions.
How do you prasantly notify victims of their rights under the VRA?
A folder is provided to each victim at arraignment wh ich contains No Contact Orders,
literature on Domestic Violence, a Victim 's Rights brochure, Victim Compensation
application , and the Victim/Witne:~s Advocate's card . Ms. Maynard explains these Victims
Rights to her/him at the arraignment and continues to keep the victim informed of changes
in the status of the case, schedules and results of hearings , availability of property return
and other information pertinent to the victim's case wh ile the c.ue Is active in Court. Ms .
Maynard makes these contacts in person, by phone, and by letter.
What is the approximate number of clients who receive notifications made by your
agency each year? (N= # of clients)
There were approximately 293 victims contacted from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 .
These victims had cases in various stages of resolution , each needing information on the
status of the case as well as other information pertinent to the victim's needs , e .g . p roperty
return, Victim Compensation information, etc .
What is the approximate total number of notifications made by your agency each
year? (N•# of total notifications)
With 112 new victims in this time per iod. there were approximately 560 contacts with
victims in person, by phone, and by letter. Ms . Maynord also contacts victims who have
made a police report that does not result in charges filed to assess safety, review Rights,
and provide resources and support . These additional contacts are not reflected in these
numbers .
3. Does your agency have a victim rights brochure that is distributed to vicUms?
A Victim's Rights Brochure Is attached . This Is given to each victim at the time of •
arraignment or through a lotter sent to the victim . We are In the process of updating the
brochure to reflect the changes in statute .
4 . Describe the training your agency provides to all ~taff and volunteers about informing
victims of their rights under the Colorado Const il!!.\iQn..
Each volunteer has received the Colorado Gulde/Ines for Assuring the Rights of
Victims of and Witnesses to Crimes. The volunteers have discussed this report as well as
the Victim's Rights Brochure at meetings and are Instructed to give the brochure to vict ims
when appropriate on calls and to answer any questions regarding these Rights . All Police
and Fire personnel were trained on Victim Rights during the in-service academy in April
2012 .
Date of last tralning : __ ~A-=PC~i1~2=0"'1-2..,... _ __,,--.,--
T raining provide by : __ -'-'N:,:a""n-=-cy._W""'""e""n"'iq...._.V"'ic ... t'"im"""'A"'ss .. is,..t"'an,,,c.,,e'""C"'o"'o,_,_r.:.d .. ln:,:a.,.to.._r ____ _
What percent of your staff attended the above training?
5 . Are any of the services provided by your agency eligible for Crime Victim Compensation •
reimbursement? ___ Yes _x __ No
Is so, list services:
Does your agency regularly conduct or receive Crime Victim Compensation training for
direct services staff or volunteers? -~~-Yes __ No
Describe the training on victim compensation that has been provided to your staff and
volunteers .
Date of test training : ___ O=ct=o=b-er~2~0~1=2~----
Training provide by; --~C~O~Y~A~Q~o=n={e~r.,..e□=c~e~----
Nicole Maynard was hired as the Victim/Witness Advocate in May ot 2008. Since that time, Ms .
Maynard has immersed herself in the work of fighting domestic violence . She has gained
experience by attending various and multiple trainings throughout the State to maintain current
be:;t practices. This allows her to provide excellent advocacy lo victims in court . Attached is a list
of training for Ms . Maynard in 2012.
•· Total amount of VALE funds requested : $ 18,507.00
2. Will the amoun t requested provide full funding for the project? _ Yes __x_ No
If no, please identify other funding sources and amounts received within the past two years.
Do not include other VALE funding. Please also Include other pending grants.
Source Date of Award Amount
3. Are you currently receiv ing VALE funding? ~ Yes _ No
If yes , phiase identify the Judicial District and the amount requested and received.
current year funding from the 18th Judicial District.
Date of Award District Amount Requested
5-18-12 18 __ $18 ,144 .00 __ _
Amount Received
__$18, 144 .00
4. Will you t .e applying to other VALE Boards tor funding? _ Yl'!S __ x No
If yes, please Identify the Judicial District and the amount requested.
Date of Request District Amount Requested
5. Does your agency receive victim assistance funding through the use of a mun icipal
surcharge? If yes, you must provide specific documentation outlining your agency 's
surcharge intake for the last two fiscal years and detailing how these f unds were
distributed .
The program does not receive any funding through the use of a municipal surcharge.
We are in a unique position within the Slate in that we have the only elected Municipal
Judge ; Judge Vincent Atencio . We have approached Judgo Atencio yearly to request a
VALE surcl1arge to no avail. Judge Atencio will not add any surcharges to the fines no
matter the case .
6. If an increased amount of funding over this year's grant award is being requested, please
prov ide written justification . Substantiate or quantify factually or with other supportive
documentation .
The amount we are requesting is an increase from previous Grant request J due to
increased t:mployee costs and a continued decline in revenues .
7. Ant icipated client fees if any, lrom this project: $ __ NIA ____ _
•· Describe the volunteer and/or in-kind services that wi ll be used for this program/project.
No volunteer hours contribute to this program .
9 . What percentage of your total budget is this request for VALE funds?
Approximately 40% of the total budget would be VALE funded.
10. If this program/project is lo continue beyond the initial funding period, please identify how the
program/project will be funded In the future . Please be specific.
The City of Englewood is committed to the Victim/Witness Program in the Municipal
Court . The City is willing to provide the difference in the total cost of the program. The City
of Englewood hos been responsible in assuming their share of successful programs when it
is financially able.
The applicant assures that the following signatories and all staff and volunteers assigned to this
project have read and understand the r ights afforded to crime victims pursuant to section
24-4.1-302.5 C.R.S . and the services delim!aled pursuant lo sect ions 24-4 .1-303 C .R.S. and
23-4.1-304 C.R.S .
I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and correct to the besl of my
knowledge and belief.
Project Director
Chief John Collins Agency Director
Typed Name of Agency Director
~ ~ -__,~--.
nrgency Director Date
Frank GryqlAwicz _ ___Einao~L;;iJ Officer
Typed Name of Financial Officer
Signature, Financial Officer Dale
Gary Sears Authorjzed Officjal
Typed Name of Authorized Official
Signature Authorized Official Date
Project Director. The pers on who has dirA<:I responsibility for the implernenlalion of the project. This
person snould comb ine knowledge and experi ence in the project area with abimy lo administer the ~rojecl
ond cuporviso personnel. He/She shares respons ibil ity with the Financial Officer for seeinQ that all
expend itures oro within the approved budgol. This person will normally devote a major portion of his/her
lime to the project and Is responsible for meeting all reporting requirements . The Project Director must be
a person other u,~n Ille Autho rized Official of lhe Financial Olf,cer.
Agency 01rector Tt':& ~xecutlve dire .. ,or of 1he agency . This ITU~)' in ~ome ttgencies be tne same person
as the project director ;r author ized otlicial.
F,nanclaJ Officer: The person wao is responsible for all financial matters related to the program and whO
has respons :bilily for the accounting, management of lunds, and verification of expenditures, audit
information and financ,al reports . The person who actually prepares lhe financial reports may be under
the supervision of the Financial Officer . The Financial Officer must be a person other than the Authorized
Officia l or lhe Project nirer.tor
lluthori zed Official : The authorized o~ic lal is the person who is, by virtue of such person's position ,
outhor izod to entor into contracls for the g,ant recipient . This could Include : Mayor or City Manager.
Chairpc,rson or the County ~"Jmm lssioners . District Attorney , Proo ident of Chairperson of the Board of
Directors, Superintenden t, or o,:i er Chief Executive Officer .
March 4, 2013 I Agenda Item: I Subject:
9 c i lntergovernment.ll Agreement
Initiated By:
Police Deparlmenl l Staff Source:
Nancy Wenig, Victim Ass,slance Coordinalor
City Council has previously approved Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement grants from 1990-
The Police Departme111 is re cornmendin~ th at Cily \.,ou11dl dtluµt d ,~~uluti un duthurizin g the Police
Deparlmenl lo apply for the 2013 Victim Ass istance Law Enforcement (VAL :) Grant.
The VALE Grant finances approximately 40% of the salar,• for the Victim Witness Ad vocate position
which is assigned to lhe Englewood Municipal Court. The Victim W i tness Advocat e pro vides
services for victims nl domes :ic viol e nce .
ReqtrP<IPrl VAi F C.rant funding fnr the Victim Arlvocate position is $111,507.
Proposed Resolution