HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 Resolution No. 052• • • RE SOL flON NO . .5..Q SERIES OF20 !3 A RESOLUTION A PPO INTING R!\J\°D A L FRJE Et l AS AN A LTF RNAT E V T IN ; M EM BER TOTH.E l:lOAR.D o r 1\DJU TM EN T AND .~!'P EA LS FOR TI IE C IT Y o r ENULE ll'UU D. WI (E RE.'\~. Randal Fri es en has 1:rac ious ly offerel 10 ser"e n the C 11 y of Eng lewood 's boa rd i. ,,. nci t0mr111 s~i ns ; ond \Vl IE IU.:\S, r urrr ntl y t.h cre 1rc no v:1c:111c1 cs on ihc boarCi-an d conmus!1o ns: :md \\'1-IEREI\S, the Eng lewood C11y CL,unc 1l dc~,n ~ lu ,1ppu111t K,mlirtl F11c:se :1 d~ .t ltc1 11 a1r: mem ber to th e l3 om d of AdJl!Stment anc! .'\t-iiJtals, a·1d WI IF.R FAS. II)' Co un cil has requested s1n ff 10 scn c! tnis ah cmatc mcmocr packcis for th e Board he will he sl'rvms un so 1lrn1 h,... r i'\n m~m 1"in an 1.mc!crnar1 ci ng of the c urre nt iss ues and rul e s; nnd \,\'I IEREA S, bcc:tu st of the n~cs~ny 1.1fl 1aving .a 4uu 1 urn f1..1 1\u s q uas1•J t1d 1e1r1.l board and 1h c super maJ rlly vot in g rcq u!l"cme nt \\hen a reg\1l ar membe r is a bsent, t he alt :.:rna1c fo r 11:is Buard nwy paru :1patc in th e hearin g and \'Ole on tnc case heard; and \VHERFAS, whil e 1he rt ll <·nrn :c will only \'Ole r;.1 the meeti ng s whe re .i r gu lnr member 1s nb scnt, be is rH"vcrt hclc s~ req u~tcd :t.• auend as m:i.ny mcc1111 gs as pc.1c:r.:.ihl c tn gel il rn•I fo r 1ll c membership ,md iss ues ; a n-1 W Hl:KEAS, Co uncil wi shes 10 ·.:xp rcss 11s gr,lli tud c fo, the vol11 n1et::rn,m ;,111 U ~c,, 11.:c tha i 1his 1nd1\'1 dua l w1she) 10 hcstow upon 11,e C'uy; K OW . TIIERE l'ORF., HF. IT RF.,nl .VFD DY TIIE C ITY CO UNCIL o r T HE !T Y OF ENG L£\\/ OD, COLORADO. THAT: S.£!.,'tj.illll , Randa l f-rie ~e n LS b.:n:li ~ .ippu rn tcd .1s .:111 a lt c 111 atc \'NiJ,g membe r o f tlu.: Eng le woo d Hoard o l Adjus tm en t ancl .\ppc,11s wh o 1nay vo1c 1f a:mt her mcmb:.:'!' ~-1 f the 1301-11l l 1~ absen t Ra11 .. l,1I Fri es en ·s l cnn wil l be c fc Cll\'i; unm~1:udy AD OPTED A1'U AP PR O\"ED 1his \st doy of Ju ly, 20 13 8i I. 1..~,ucnshin A . Ell is, Clly C le,~ fu1 lh c Cit y l•f L::11 )-!l:wuoJ a hove 1s a lmc cop y of Rcso lutio11 Nu .~. Sc1 ics of 20 1 .,