HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Ordinance No. 015ORDIMNCE N0.16
WHEREAS. a Constitutional Amendment and subsequent legislation provided a method for
the registration of patients who wish to use Medical Marijuana and their Primury Care-Givers;
WI IEREAS , the City funhcr wishes to protect and balance the reasonable and lawful rights of
patients and Primary Care-Givers with the protection, health , safety and welfare of the peoplr of
the City through , revention and mitigation of deleterious and negative secondary effects that
mey occur or arc likely to occur from the presence ofMt'<lical Mnrijuana in the City of
Englewood. Colorado; and
\VHEREAS , the sale or distribt11ion of Medical Marijuana may he a taxahle transaction in
accord•ncc with stale and local law ; and
WHEREAS, federnl and state laws are binding upon home rule municipalities . However,
neither this Ani:le nor its adoption, implementation, or enforcement shall be construed as an
intent of the City, it. elected oflicials, its employees or contractors or Authority members to
violate federal law, including but not limited to, the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. as
amended , nor shall such adoption, implementation or enforcement be construed as acquiescence
or cnn<riracy hy the City, its elected officials, appointed Authority members, contractors, or its
employees to violate such federal and stale law;
Scc:ion I The Ctty Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes amending
Title 5, Chapter 3D , by the addition of a new Section 19 , of the Englewood Municipal Code
2000, to read as follows ·
~: Brrulgtjpps C£1:11£d to MedJsel MlriiYAPR PcimftlY (AtG::GiYl'fS
~ Care-Givers subiecu.o.taxatian uodcr 4-44-ICAl EMC shall he subi;;ct to.,.tQ~
1-Zw1ill~ l]]e cultiYntipn. sale or.,distriblllWP g(Medical,Marn.\!i!M shall pg\ hcal 'om
as a Home Oscuootion in tbs R-l-A,Thstri rt under Titls 16 FMC
9 b iv
ill) td.lal.if.il.l.M;1riju11n:,.,shall11ot be cultJVatcd. llJ.anufoelurcd .orJsold within.11vo
lllwoow.1Uc:e1 r2,ooo·i of• school, ;m .nha!J.wLQr.1!.rni:a.!J'1JIJ.!!~Uilfil i!Y, ~•r I he
ru.incil2ol campµ:: ofa college universilY,~'!.£.111 :m[Y.i_ill_l~l'C'iidentiul cl1ild ~;ire
~otwithiILlYlO.lhousoml O~chundrr,rl,,,foct .. {Zj,QQ:t._,,i11n..Wfililu:~
Medico! Marihtml!i.&:~auer Medi1ii.1lMnrfoi.u10;l~dJ!L.v.d.u.cu .M rmu i.i1~tur4,:r w
~il!.Mill.Ul!JJ!ltt..0Rlil!11 t1l_.g1:c1ni,.~ Culljy:,1li,!J.LQ1ll.1JllJ.Wl,
\hJ Lllll.,w:ilfJJC.~U,fcrrcd lo jn thiii.Jille ~re Ip be WJUl~\\l~Q.\Jy~dirccl msa,u1c,u1~lll
fn 1111 Jl1i;~ 1Icnrc:i\ J.!J~"lPJ:IIY li11v s,( U1cl•uuLy ii cd (11r i' sc!w,u,I, .. ,c.,r c;impus or 01hc1Ji!
ltl.Jl£llJ:WJ2llW~A.!lfJbe_bujkljpg jr wlJicl) l).:1~di£j!l Marjjuan a js Ilk~
~xrucd Pt infu~,..u~i_!!g a.route nfdir~ cedcstrinn pcw,s.
J.. ~JY~li.);,1t[91, or M,cdjca' Marjjuap1t plmns sholl he 1im~1;: . .11t1:mis cs :
(ill A secure, dcfim:d •. conti.gugus PWl b11J1\ln;il fif:y r I 'lll-'ill' ;1 · • ··,111.il!l:il.
~ Jt shall he urlawful to cuhi:u1.W.t-o~·~r.~nni1 10 be cuhi\:msd, mo:·1s...1hmuh~lilh1.wjt,g
W. S.i.&.(fil~ .• lliujjymuullums with 1huacjJ) q fewer hcifJ!!.J l!i.ill1r~. llnwcri,ag
Pl.!!Jm, thm arc nwdu5.&UJJ! a _us_ec,blc form 11 W.1,wr ijuuno for each [Ji~\ t1f_tbe
l.J:iJJJil!:l• .Cntc•Qjycr.; .Pi
il>J J'hc agyrcuil,\J:..mux1mum AL.culler of Medico ; Mariii.avllH).1.uu K.ncccssurv .LU
'!I.\S,\'.imc the PrjmmY,Car.£;G.i~1tulu:w.liu:lul.<.tll:li1111 [m,: discasc{sl or
1n ;djcal condi1ion{s) as evidc,,~b~tients' nl!Y..fil.1.;j uns·.,~tittcn medical
12..,vfessional PPinim1fal.
!.£l In no event shall,lh;.,m~11-j11l~p1 .nu:nber of Medi-cul Mnriiuonn n~llltl.:oc\thllLl!
b:i.llli!~ Core-Giver's orcmis.cs exceed thirtY ClW Medical M?tiiL11 \11JLP.li1111s
~urdlcss__of size or stag; or 1:.to-wth,
,2. Th; faciliti~ fq[ the cuhiv?J.W.n, of.Medical,Marimaop 01un1s,,,shall mcst lb<(
reouircmcntLoJ.all ~domed CitY...oLEnglcwood buildin~;iruJ -t'i@ fct¥ codcsjnc;41ding bu1
nol ljmjtc<l \Q Elecujcnl l;htilding,,Rcsidcn1fal Prnni:r1y.Main~U;\rs.C2lleii.
,U . Conmlv with ail annlicahJc .saJ.e~ tax licensing nucl rc1~9lll!)JU.ruYi.uaa~u1:u-ei frn:11J..iu 1W:
illlllliwllll.!fl!llx.isious q( •b<~F•wk,-1vnpd M1111il;inal Corle)OiJ O
z, ~prlls. lo be kent fot ii.PJPIJJiancc vcrificp\jpp The ijce,njllllJ;,r.cnu~L.UMllwn
!l.!i,-\,.Englcwogd Muoi~m~lk.eds 2000 the Engl ewoq<IJlomc Ryl~L!~'\.!hli
~mad.o M.edis•I MQ1ii1!llll.!::yu;.w1ullbc: iu •ilYi\iunJ.9. and mu ;n ti ey or anv mbcr
!.!~ng_aud.jljlnnjtJio• a;gujr;mcms imposed by apy Q1bc1 f.1:d~Cil!, s1a1e or local law
a. A Primacy Care-Giver slwH nrovide ths tt''isl o:..!_.wall.ifu.:~c<lJru~~u•f
hL~i.ents~mnkwecs and comrnctors ortbe CiJY Stats or federal and tQ .. !.fl'Y.
enforcement agencies, upon inauiCY iD the soun,· o[tbsir official.duties wH)s;
iQxwisatius comnliance with tts cceuicsmsms of this Miele Records should includs.
but an; not liroilsd 19·
W Du; m1antiD' of Medical Mariiuaoa,,disnenscd in each transaction,
02 The tYPS andJOU[CC of Medical MadiYilOH di.IDQ1,wl.
"1 Toe total ammmtnaid bv the naLicnt for th.fJrans,actiou fru:.MII rnods.nnd sso:ices
uU Cpnfim1a1i2c that the lisen§ee cenfim,sd the identitx of the oatienucceivin11 the
¥¢LAA) Mariiuaoa with veJ ·d PhOlo idcmificu1LP.n.
£sl Ihe date andJime disoenscd
2. I.Q the emnt reouirsd bv law dosumcntation thau;,vidcosr:s tbs name. address or Nhcr
i11funr1a1iun ofa Pa1ic1u or P1i111a1v Cars·Givsr hJSludinK but 11011 ·11dtsd to nuulicA1io1ts;
ncnnits and corres2ondencs shall be mainraiaed hx.LbA.CitY as cooOdcnti@I No PCCSAP
shall be nennittcd to Rain access to such confidential ducumenwioMxccQl,fur
aiHhwiWJ:D1Plovces end contrnctors of the Citxin the coucsc of their 2fficial duties and
uuthocized emslovccs of the Federal ,S,tafe or Cilv •~w_,nl"nrccmsnt assncics
11. CrirnNY Care-Giveruubiect to rnxation shall, \so comoly with the prllxisions of 7·60 · I"
~-The City Council of the City ofEn11lewood . Colorado hereby authonzes amending
Title 5, Chaple!' 3D, Section 3, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read as follows·
S-JD-3: Definitions .
Anv word or tcw used that is defined is Anicle XYm Section 14 Cl)CQ of the Colorado
Constitution · io § 25-1 5·101 ct seo CR S or in the ColoraQg Msdisal Mtciiuono Code
§ 12-43 3-1 QJ , t seo C R S shFII have the safllCJPcaninK thut is ascribed 10 such word Pr tsau in
those Consti1ution,1 nrovi§ions or CR S 1es1 ·ns unlsH the d~fioit_ion i1 amsncl£dbxtb.is section
LJ1rcct Af.CiUJll•t:IWWtt : means a stra,sht line from Jhc,n,earcst W)lD~ox.J1Wi of the school ou;amPUS to
~.P!JLli.no of tbs huilrlias ussd for medical rnariiuana,
Good Cause : for purposes of rctusing or denying a licc:ns~ rcucwal, 1d11s1atc11n:11l, u1 init ial
license issuance means :
I . The licensee or applicilnt has violated , docs not mccl. or has foiled IO comply with nny of
the terms, conditions, or provisions of Aniclc 43.J ofTitlc 12 C.H.S., und nilc,
promulgated pursuant to this Tille, or any supplemental hicat law, rules, or rc~ulntions ;
2. The licensee or applicant has failed 10 comply with any special tcnns or conditions that
were placed on its license pursuan1 to an order of the State or Local Licenstng Authonty ;
3. The licensed premises have been operated in a ma1u1er that adver sely affects the public
health , welfare or the safety of the immediate neighborhood in which the c~tablislunent
is located.
/,u:c!11se: :nenns 10 b'rllllt a license or registrntivn pursuant to this Title.
l.ic:c:nsl!d Premises: means the prem ises spe:.ified in an applicm ·o11 for a licens e llndcr I his Title.
wl1i,:h nrr. ,,wnctl or i11 possc.r..sio11 of the licensc~c ;111d wi1l1111 wl1ich the licensee i~ :1u1lu1rizc<l ·.o
coltiv:11e, mam1faclurc, di~lrihulc, or i,;cJI Meci ic:il Mnriju:111:, in nccnrd~ncc wilh 1hc pmvir.inns nf
Ar1ic lc ~3 .J nl'Tilic 12 C:.R.S .
Lic,:cm.,\:c 11Ica11s ;1 puI'St"11I lit.:cnscd ur rcl!,lslcn:d pursrn1111 h1 Arl :clc 4:\J lil'Titlc 12 C.R.S . .1ml
lhis T il le.
/.,o c:a/ Lic:c11si11.c. Authority: mean s lhe Englewood Local Liquor and Mc<.lii.:;i : Marijuana
l..1ccnsi11g A,1tlt0rity.
f.r,c:al l...it:e,:.,·ing O.f]idaf : means the Director of foinm~ce a nd Adm111i slmtive Scrvtt;cs or dcsigncc .
Lnr:ation: mcrms a panic ulnr pnrcel of land that m.iy he i<lcntilie<l by :111 addre ss or olhcr
descriptive means.
Mcdic ul Muqfumw : means Marijuana that 1s grnwn aml/ll~ solcl 1m1 :,;wmt tu the provisions ul'
§. l 06 o[ (lrtjd~J,.,i_Qf.J)J!~ l 2 C R.S; A11icle ,IJ.3 orTi1lc 12 C .R.S. and for a purp,,sc
11u 1horizcd hy Section 14 or A11icle XVIII ofti1c Stale Co 11st1tu1ion .
Medical Maq'jmma Cenw,·: mcims o person lic ensed !Jtlrsuant to Artil.:lc '-3 .3 of Title 12 C.R.S .
to operate a hu sincss as described ii'. Article 43J ol'Tirle : 2 C.R.S . Ihm se lls Medical Marijuana
to registered patients or Prilliary Care-Givers as define<! in Seclion 14 of A11idc XVIII or tile
SI rite Com,tilution, hu1 is 1101 t1 Prnnary C;1rc-Gi\'cr.
Medical Marij11t111a -h~{r,xcd Product: me:111s ~ producl infused with Me<.li..;nl M:.irijuana that ir.
intended for use or conr.umption other than by smoking. including, but not limited 10 , edible
products, ointments, nnd tinctures. These products, when manufactured or sold by a licensed
Medical Marijuana Center or a Medical Murijuana-lnfused Product Mnnufoc1urer, shall nor be
considered a food or drug for the puJl)oses of the "Colorado rood and Dmg Act", Pan 4 of
Article 5 ofTitlc 25, C.K.S.
Medic,,! Mary·ua11a-Jnf11s cd l'rotlucr Manufacturer: A person licensed pursuant to Article 43.3 of
T itle 12 C.R.S. lo operate n business as described in Article 43J of Title 12 C.R.S.
Mt•tiical M,,,.{iwmn Op1icmnl J>remi.\'<!J Cidtiw,rion Op <!•·atimr means the premises ,;pccified in
an application for a Meclicnl Marijuana Cenler License with rdatcd ~rowing facilities in
Colorado for wh1 c h the Liccn!icc is au1l wri1.cd lo grow und c•J lt ivntc Murijunna for a purpose
author :zed by Section 14 of A11iclc XVIII of the Slate Constituli on.
M11/t1-Te11an1 Build,ng: A building that is or can he occupied by more than one tenant.
~11r a person whgmeet,wbe definitjgn o(patjcnt ugder Artich; ... XYIU SectjonJ~JJJ.(ill.11.f.J!Js
~~IW.IU.ll~i!lile )aw or rcguliUillu.
Per.wn: m~n~ e natural per~on, partnership, ;ii,;:-;or.iatinn , cc1mpany, corporation, limited liabilily
company, or organization, or a manager, agent, owner, director, servant, officer, or emplo)'Ce
Prem ixes: means a distinct an d definite location , which may include a building , a part of a
building, a mom , or any other defin it e conti guous area .
~ Cqre-Giyqr; In addition to the definitions set forth in Section 14(1) (0 of Article XVlll
of the State Constitution, as used in Anicle 43 3 of Title 12 C .R.S .. unless tbe context otherwise
requires, •~rimary Care-Giver" means a natural person . QI as,m!IYJ!CJ))Ql'.Ull~.i!.l..illll:
~le Federal OL5tate l~w or re\Olla\ion .
School : means a public or private preschool or o publi c or privnte elementary , middle . junior
high, or high school, college or campus of a college .
Smok ing: means the burning of a lighted cigarette. cigar, pipe. o: any other matter or s ubstance
that contains tobacco or Medical Marijuana as defined by Anicle 43 .3 of Title 12 C .R.S.
State licen.<ing A111/Jority: means the Authority created for the purpose of regulating and
controlling the Licensing of the cultivation. manufacture, distrihution , and sa le of Medical
Marijuana in this State, pursuant to Article 43.3 of Title 12 C.R .S.
Section 4. Safety Clauses . The City Council hereby finds, detennincs , and declares that th is
Ordinance is promulgated under the genorul police IJUWCI' of th e Ci ty of Englcwc,od , that it is
promulgated for the health , safe ty. and welfare of the public , and that this Ordin ance is necessary
for the prc,crvat ion of health and ,afcty and for the protection of public convenience and
welfare. The City Council funher detcnnines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the
proper legi .,Iative object sought to bt• obtnined .
~ Severab ility. If any clause. sentence. paragraph, or part of tlus Ordinance or the
application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason he adjudged by a court of
competen1jurisdiction invalid. such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the r:mninder
of this Ordinance or it application to other persons or circumstances.
~ Inconsistent Ordinances. All other Ordinances or ponions thereof inconsisten: nr
conflicting with this Ordinance or any portion hereof are hereby repealed to tho extent of such
inconsistency or conflict.
Secti on 7. Effe ct of repeal or modificat ion. 'lbc rcpcnl or modification of nny provision of
the Code of the City of Englewood by this Ordinance shall not release, extinguish , alter, modify.
or chnngc in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture , or li ab ility , ei ther c ivil nr r.ri mina'. which
shall have been incurred under suc h pro vision, and each provision shall be treated and held as
<till remnining in force for the purposes of sustaining any and all proper actions. suits.
proceedings. anci prosecutions for the enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture , or liability. as well
as fo r the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree. or order which can or may be rendered.
entered, or made in such actions, suits, proceedings, or prosecuti ons.
Sectjon 8. Medical Marijuana Care-Givers , subject to sales tax, current ly legally in existence
in any zone district as of the effective date of this Ordinance shall be grandfathered and shall be
considered a legal use for purpose s of the Zoning Ordina nce .
Secti on 9. Penally. The Penalt y Provision uf Scctiun 1-4-1 EMC shall apply to each and
every violation of this Ordinance .
lmroduccd, read in full, ;i ml pa ss ed nu Jirs: roacing on the 5:h day of March , ~012 .
1'11hlishcd hy Title as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City's offi cial newspaper 011 the 9th day of
Mmch, 2012.
Puhli~hccl as a Rill for A11 Onlin;mce on the City'!ii oflicial \Vt!hsi1 e 1,cginning 011 th e 7th day of
,\,tnrch, 2012 for 1hir1y (30) da ys .
Read hy title .incl pn ~sc c.l on fina! readin g on tl1c I tJth cl.1y nl' M 11rch.2012.
Publisllctl hy tirlc in 1hc Ci ty's orti cia l ncwsp1pcr as Orclin:mcc No .12_. St.mes of 2012, nn
1hc 23"1 day or March, :!IJ 12 .
i'uhlishccl hy lit le 011 the Ci1y's ,,fffoial website bcgin111ng on l:le 2 I II day of
March, 21112 for lhirly (JO) clays .
~l.~ ~=--
-m y P. Penn. M.i yo r
I, Kerry Bush. Dcp111y Cily Cle rk or 1hc Ci1y or E11µlcwo0d, Colorndo . hereby cc1tify 11~,1 the
ahnve and foregoing is c!Jrue copy of the Ordinance pnsscd on :inal reading and pu !llish e,t hy
title as Ord:nance :-I o . .l':2, Series of 2012 .
TO : Mayor Penn
Englewood Cit y Council Members
FROM : Dan Brotzman , City Auomey /
DA TE : February 22, 2012
The following modifications have been made from the comments and discus sion at
the February 21 • Study Session . lhcy are as follows :
• A definition for Direct Measurement has been added .
CC : Gary Scars
John Collins
Mike Pnttarozzi
Lance Smith
Alan White
Frank Gryglcwicz
Kerry Bush