HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Ordinance No. 018ORDINANCE NO. Ui SERIES OF 2012 BY AUTHOR.TTY COUNC!L BILL NO. 14 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOOIJWARD AN ORDINANCE AL'THORJZING AN L\ffERGOVERNMEJ\'T AL AGREEMENT FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF AN AW ARD TO FUND AN ENGLEWOOD POI .ICF. OFFICF.R FOR 2011 AND 2012 TO BE ASSIGNED TO THE SOL TH METRO DRUG TASK FORCE. WHEREAS, Englewood was r.olified in April o: 2011 that it had been selected by the Executive Board of the South Metro Drug Task Force to receive fund mg; and WHEREAS , th. Englewood P0licc Department committed and assigned one officer 10 the South Metro Drng Task Force for a 2 year period; and WHEREAS, in May 2011 Englewood received the funds from the South Metro D111g Task Force, these fund were to offset tbe Englewood Police Department's cost of the officer's salary; and WHEREAS, in June 2011 an EitHlewood Police Officer began hi, :tssignmcnt at South Metro Drug Task Force; and WHEREAS, with the passage of this Ordinance :he Englewood City Council authorizes the Intergovernmental Ag:-cement and accept,.nce of the award of fonds ; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAJNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS: Scctinr. I. The City Council of the City of Englcwouc , Culor•do hcrcb)' uuthorizes the Intergovernmental Ab'l'eemcr.1 for the acceptance of an award to fund an Englewood Police Officr.1 fo r 2011 and 2012 10 be assigned the South Metro Drug Task Force, attached hereto as "Ex~.;bit A''. Sectjon 2. rne funds reccivecl are trom the South Metro D~Jg Task Force l'edernl Forfeiture Account which , hecause the South Metm Drug Task Force ts not recognized as a legal entity are passed through the Ar•pahoe County Sheriff's Office and approved by the District Attorney of the 18'" Judicial Dis trict of Colorado. lntrod~ced, read in full , and passed on firs t read :ng on the 19th day of March, 2012 . Published by , itle as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City's official newspaper on the 23:d day of March , 201.. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the City 's official website bcgitming on the 21s t dn y of March. 20 I 2 for thiny (30) ,lays, R~n<I by 1itlc nnd pns~e.d 1,11 linnl reading o:i. tht: 2nJ day of April, 2012. Publi ~l1cd hy ti tle in lhe City'!; 01·ficinl ncwspnpcr n51 Ordi1m 11cc Nu. i5., Sc.ric,; of 2012. on the 6th day of April, 2012 . Published hy title on the City's orticittl website hegi1111ing 1111 the 4th day of April, 2012 fo r thirty (30) days . AlTF.ST : 1, Keny Bush, Deputy City Clerk of the City ~f Englcwo e<I , Colorado, hereby ccrttfy that the above and foregomg is a >,-ue copy or the Ordinance passed on final ren ding and pu bli ,hcd by title as Ord inance No . JD Series of 2012 . South Metro Drug Task Force r.o, BOX ,49 LITTLETON, CO "0IGll-549 ?W-148-2995 FAX ;20-74~-2945 AGENDA April 21, 2011 9:00 a.m. Arap11l111c Count)' Sherifr~ Office Administration Iluildinc SMDTF Forfeiture Board First item of business: Approval of below funds to he 3ccepted as deposited into the South Metro Drug Task Force State Forfeiture Ace 1. Proceeds from case 07 .. 377 2008CV-536, (Floras) Dis/,urse111e11/ Cliackfrom Courts: $ 1,197.50 .2. l'roceeds from cose 09-201 2009CV-2378, (!fix) Disbursement Clicck frnnr Cv1uts: S 666.48 3. Proceeds from ,~se 08-229 2008CV-2158, (I'hortvedt) Disburscn1e111 C/ieckfrom Courts $ 1,425.34 4, Proceeds from c••• 09-397 2010CV-21, (Dnvis) Dishursemc111 Check from Courts S 1,655.68 Totnl amount request•d to he authorit.ed for deposit -SMDT!<' State Forfeiture Account: $4,945.00 The req11e.s1 hefore the Board is to have $4,945 .00 be accepted as deomited in the South Metro Dn:g Task Force State Forfeiture Account. Second. item of business: Arl'ro\'al to transfer the personnel funding for two (2) FTE'~ out of the SMDTF Federal Forrcilure Account thnt was npprovtt.l at the February 3, 2011 Forrciturt Bon rd meeting, to the Arnpnhue <:nun!)• Sheriffs Orficc Fcdernl Forfeiture Account. The funds are being transferred to the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office Federal Forfeiture Account since SMDT•' is unable to enter into II contr:ict with the sc,ccted agencies. The costs arc broken down ns follol''S: • 1 (2) wrn: for 2 ycnrs: (2) \/chide Lr.nscs: (2) l':ot -sct R:,dios: 2 • $1110.00 llllr )'Cl11' 2 x $B,Ullll.ll0 per )'Clll' 2 X $5000.00 Total: = s;,IOO,UUll.011 = $2fi,IHHI.Ull =$1 ll,OIHl.00 Th ~:·reqW,;lilbefcn·c the 11c1arcl i!: l(1 1j1ove the ru~vjo u:1ly anorc1:t..£QjJcrsnn11el Ju11 cl~J~l.L~Y.~l~ {2 ) Jt f'f:t?j...!!Jtiri i:~1!.fnr 1\1~ir vc :l~ii;!~·: 1cg.4t;s un<l Ph<!~Sr!t f!nclic1s_ 1c, ll1c~_~_!:c.!JltJh o(~ Cc,u n:,• ::hcriff, Oflic(l_Fcrk:r:il rmll,i ~~D).!.-.9cnunt in tl1 e muount of l:4V, 0111[.lliL T hird itc111 of husincss: Afllll 'OYnl to utilize St:itc Forfeiture Funds for 9 SMll'l'li' Agents 11nd I Sc,rgc,:1111, to attcncJ th e 2011 Cr,lor:ulti Drug luvcstiiaturs As sociation (ClllA) 911 ' Annual Confcr ent:e in llrcchcnri,l:,:c . T he costs ~,re hrokcn d11w11 as follow.~: Conference Fee: $.17S.00 unch x 10 =$1,750 .00 Hotel Ronm : SJIIIJ.Ull:, night x) nights x Ill rooms = $3,000.00 rcr llicm for 3 rh1ys: $SG.UO u dny x 3 clnys x 10 = S:1,(,80.00 (Per l)i cm rnte obtnincd from ACSO Ruclgct and Logistics) Tolnl C<>st: $6,430.00 The requt~l before the l3oardjs to _h;l_ye up Lo $6 ,430 .00 avuilahlc fro□ the State Forfoitur< Fund Acc..Q!!!!UCl..!:!t.,use:rl for atte.nrlance at th; 2(,) l~mr:erence , Arapahot Cou nty Slrnrifrs Offi ce Forfeitur e Fune Board Telephone lloard Meeting April 26, 2011 8,00 a.m . I. Meet ing brought to order on April 26, 2011 by Gail Thrasher at 8:00 am. Board Members Present: Commissioner Frnnk Wcddig, SheriffGruy,on Robinson, and Deputy District Attorney Lesli e Hanse n. 3. Busine ss Items a. Fund 3alance Report i. Gid l Thrasher reported thal the fund balance is $(,0, \47 .63 b. Transfer ,·,f monies from South Metro asset forl uiture to the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office. i. Gail Thrasher reported that the Ara:iahoe County Sheriffs Office received a check from South Metro Drug Task Force in the amount of$416,000 on Friday, April 22 , 2011. She told the other Board members that the Treasurer's Office should deposit the funds on Tuesday , April 26, 2011 but it may take 3 days to clear. c, Transfer of½ of the funds to Englewood Police Department and the other \I, to Litt! eton Pol ice Department. i. Gail Thrasher reported that the money will be used to fund one officer at Englewood P.D. and one officer at Littleton P.D. for a 2 year exclusive assignment •t South M:tro Drug Task Force. ii. Sheriff Robinson explained the importance of having South Metro personnel. He stated that South Metro is not a legal entity and that they serve ass subgroup of the ugencies. He stated that after having discussions with Legal , they decided that the best route would be to transfer t!-c funding to the Arapaho: County Sheri ff's Office . The Arapahoe Coi:nty Sheriffs Office would then distribute the funds to the two agencies . He said that en !GA would nol be needed . He was going to draft a letter to the 2 Chiefs of Poli"e. The iettcrs will contain an area f,;,r a signed ucknowledgement from each agen c I and that would be all that is need ed. ii i. Leslie Han sen had questions about wl-.at was bPing funded . The Sheriff explained tha t the fonding will be for aalery and benefits for the two officers for a two yca-r-cxclusive assig11mciit arid also fo r radios and vehicl e lea ses for these officers . S'1•: then asked if there were any :estrictions on the use offorfeil\lrc funds for salaries . The Sheri!Tstati:d that he received twr legal opinions, one from the County Attorney's Office and one from the D.A. 's Office . The person from the D.A . 's Office is on the South M•:tro Ass"t Board. Both opinions were that it was ok to use the funds for s!laries and benefits . Arapahoe County Sherifrs Ol'lic~ Forfeiture Fund Board Telephone Board Meeting April 26, 2011 8:00 a.m. d. Two mntions were 1~quested to be made nnd two voles were lilksn i. Motion was requ cn tcd to be made to acc ept the funds from S1,uth Metro asset forfeiture l. Motion mnde by Commis sioner Wed1:ig 2. Motion seconded l>y Sheriff :tobin ~on ii. Vo ·.c was mkcn to ncccpt the funds from South Metro nsset forfeiture I. A Ii votes were in favor iii. Mot;on was requested to be made to transfer ½ of the funds received by the Sheriff's Office to Bnglcwood P. D. and the uthcr Y, to Littleto~ P.D. to fund the two agents for a two year exclusive assignment at Soutl1 Metro I. Motion was made by Commi ssioner Wcrldig 2. Motion seconded by Lcnlie Es .,ncn iv . Vote was taken to transfer ½.the f:mds received by the Arnpuh,e County Sheriff's Officc ·to Englewood P.D . and the other½ to Littleton P. D. to fund the two ag ents for a two year exclusive assig nment al South Metro I. All votes were in favor 4. Other Business There was no other business to conduct and the meeting was adjournNI al 8 :OB a.m., April 26, .20 I I. ARAPAHOE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST DIVISION NUMBER: DATE REQUEST:D : 4'27/2011 REQUIRED DATE: ASA,• SHIP TO ADDRESS: Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office 13101 East Broncos Pkw_y Centennial , CO 80112 SUGGESTED VENDOR: E1glewood ·Pollce Department Vendor#2000012593 QUOTED ACCOUNT UNIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION QT UOM PRICE TOTA!.COST We received a check in the amount of $436,000 from South Metro vn Friday . April .22nd 'f) The money will - be used to fund one officer al Englewood P .D. and one office, ~·. Littleton P.D :for a 2 year exclusive assignment at South Metro Drug 227010015 Task Force. I 216,000 .00 TOTAL $218,000.00 SPECIAL INSTRI JCTIONS : PLEASE SHIP TO 13101 EAST BRONCOS F'ARKWAY CENTENNIAL, 80112 BUREAU : Public Sdfety and C'etention s REQUESTED BY : ·::l:'a:. (L_c..:__,li, Gall Thrasher .... , .... ..;z~ DATE : .,_/_ .l.'tt -··1 I '1.PPROVED BY : 9..u/ 4v DATE: t/~,Jf!~ I I I • 7 DIVISION NUMBER : DATE REQUESTED : 4/2712011 REQUIRED DATE: ASAP SHIP TO ARAPAHOE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFIC: PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST ADDRESS: AnJµahoe County Sheriffs Office 13101 l:ast Broncos Pkwy Centennial. CO 80112 SUGGES,ED VENDOR: LIIHelon Po lice Department Vendor#2000D 11015 QUOTED UNIT ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION QT UOM PRICE TOTAL COST We received a check In the amount of $436,0JO from S.>uth Metro on Friday, Aprll .22nd1) The money will be used to fund one officer at Englewood P.O. and one officer at Littleton P. D. for a 2 year exclusive assignment at South Metro Drug _ _1'.2JG1_0015 Task Force. 218,000.00 TOTAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: $218,000 00 PLEASE SHIP TO 13101 EAST BRONCOS PARKWAY CENTENNIAL, 80112 BUREAU: Public Safety and Detentions REQUESTED BY :, .. "\11:, f---,f:I va 1fl, K Gall Thrasher DATE: .l/-.)!i--1 / APPROVED BY : 9 • ~me= DATE:~- COUNCIL COMMUNICATION _, Dale: Agenda Item: Subject: March 19, 2012 9 a iii IGA reference South Metro Dru@ Task Force Forfeiture Fundine Initiated Ry: I Staff Source: Police Department Jeff Sanchez, Deputy Chief of Police COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION The Engl~wooJ Pulict:: Dt::par1111e11l has fndintained d long·terni cc..:111111iurnml lo the South M etro Drug Task Force by providing them with a police officer from our agency. Our participation contributes to the city's goals of a safe, cl ea n, healthy, and attractive City and a progressive City that provides responsive and cost efficient services. RECOMMENDED ACTION The Police Department is recommending that City Council adopt a Bill for an Ordinance authorizing an inter-governmental agreement for the Englewood Police Department to accept $2181000.00 from the South Metro Drug Task Force. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The City oi Englewood Police Department was notified on April 21, 2011, that it was selected by the Executive Board of the South Metro Drug Task Force to be one of two recipients that would receive $218,000.00. No application was required in order to receive this funding. The Englewood Police Departmeot committed one existing officer to the South Metro Drug Task Force and in turn was awarded the $218,000.00. This award covers a two-year period ior the officer to be assigned to the South Metro [,rug Task Force and offs~ts this officer's salary and benefits. There is no further obligation for the Englewood Poli ce Department following the two-year term. A check in the amount of S218,000.00 was rece ived and deposited by the City of Englewood on May 26, 201 ·1. FINA'IICIAL IMPACT Th~ fundin g so urce is thi, South Metro Drus Ta!< Force Federal Forfeiture account, but bera11sP. thP. Task Force is not recognized as a legal law enforcement entity, the South Metro Drug Task Force transferred the money to the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office forfeiture f und. The Sheriff's Office in turn accepted the money and then distributed the money to the Cities of Englewood and Littleton Police Departments. TI1is process was a ,proved by th, 1 B'h Judicial District Attorney's Office. On or about June 1, Wl 1, the Englewood Police Officer began his assignment at the South Metro Urug Task force. Th ere is " p ersonnel coSI lo th e Englewood Pol ice DeJ)artmenl, h11wev f'r, t·his is offset by the $21 8,0'.J(J.00. This E!~1stin1J, o ffk:~r ·s salary ar.d benefit~ h.1d al ready been in curpuratt!d into the l'c,li c:c D e:•p ,1r l111 t:>11l 'r, 2011 hu,Jgc t. The C ity ol Engl cwc1o d 'a cnmnitmcnt (o r assigning lh 1s offic er lo th1: Drug TJsk f o rce will c:1u.l on M,1y ) 1, 20 13 . UST OF AITACHMENTS Propose d L~ill fo r ,111 urc.J i11o.111 r.:1.:.•