HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Ordinance No. 060ORDINANCE NO . (d') SERIES OF 20 I 2 l:!Y AUrl:JOIUfY COUNCIL B0,L NO. 61 INTRODUCED DY COl!NCIL MEMBER OLSON AJ\·UlilllNANL:J:: AME:-,DING TffLE 11 , CHAPTER 7, 13Y THE ADDITION OF A NEW l'ARAGRAPH 32 , Of THE ENGLEWJOD MUNICO'AL CODE 2000 REGARDING THE CITY ·s USE OF PUBLIC FACLLrrw.s IN CITY RIGHTS-OF-IV A y OR PUBLIC PLACES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado finds that the use of str,,e•s, alleys and other puolic places by utilities and providers of similar services wiL'tin the City co,1for, a public benefit on private sector, investor-owned entities , and WHEREAS, the City Council funher finds that some of these entities held franchises from the Cit y ar,d pay certain compensation to the City . which in rum is oficn directly passed through by the pri vate entity to its customers ; and WHEREAS, the City Cow1cil also fmds that because the use of public i,ropcrty provides P. direct and continu,ng benefit to private en111ies , it is both reasonable and appropriate , and an exercise of the City's general police power, that those who utilize public propeny should contribute to the City's ai,ility to accomplish its public interest goals through the use of facilities located on public property in a manner that is not inconsistent wilh the facilities' primary use; and WHEREAS, the City Council funher finds that it is the intent of this Section to create a process by which, as additional consideration for the u.se of the City's streets, alleys and other public places which may be g:-anted by the City; utilities and providers of similar services may also be required to make their facilities within the public property available for City use, to the extent that such use dvcf; and not create a amterial negative impact on a privalc entity 's facilit it.-s or operations, :met rJtn be accomplished in a manner that is protective of public health and safety . NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE crrY COUNCIL OF THE CffY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : Section I . The City Cotrnc il oft.he City of Englewood,.Colorndo hereby authorizes amending Title 11, Chapter 7, ,,f tl e Englewood Municipal Code 2000, entitled City Rights- Uf-Way Pennits And Rcquircmcms , by the addition of, new Paragraph 32, to read as follows : 11-7: CITY RIGRTS-01'-WAY-PERMITS ANll R~'.QllfREMRNTS ~: Uss of Public Bights·ol·\\'ny or other Public Plasss hy tJrlliUcs and Slmilarl\' filt!IAW! Sm.ice Prfil'idm . 9 b iii .11 1:11,1~G. ~WX'rY.11lQrisl~~imil;11 _~e,x1~wi\hin 1he Cuv._r.1;i;•!!l.l!s<.>..1u .wJ1.c!!1cu1 lwl!ls a frjlllChlSQ Jr:.ltn.Jb<:J.J \Y. 111;1y,.!}!;_UJ.11!'.fil!!.bYJhc L11y IU p.cm111 IIIJJll..'.lliLJ)! .i1.l'..fo,,li1ic~ locat;d jn :h~ ti1rco1s . .J).lli!~i:.1iull!iLlll;1~c~ jg 1bs..Gi1Y..i!.:Lli'.!lib.m'l.ldl£ rea><•lJ!l.QIY macticab!e Exmnii!~'l.llf.,'i.!!c.bm1 .:ll!,J "!JYJllia!idc but arc nol limit r'.!.,1.Q, ;1\li!Y.ill!LCULQUJm:~, ha !!!l£'3!, .. QL~lml!.ill:.i:ism~.illl!Wl,J1 !£t111-ulliliii£.~.llr..llllL1)' l.i1~J!J.a.i1.1ll! t..:Ulft:._;l~~~{;1J1y i,;. a11:,:·.h1\\1';.l)lt-.Jl!1!S:i!L.!i~.l!J!f!i~1;cl,i111;d.JH!lli1)'...liJ::1J!:,Jl;.1 ~l~b ~:1Q""~~llJ.ig~1~_,J)&l\~C t l~!li.h.~:Yi •. 1~;;iQi1ll:.:!!J~:~11illillbU~cl ~__1 1~~ l(1;;ililUjj<..W.J.im.£'<l] Y ..1'.).illll..ui.LliJ£ill~ •. 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UlhcJ!liJi.!Y. or olher service 1l.!lllil!~Llll.itl is lh<: \>w1iv pf the facilities in lhc sJri;flli, i!l\.s)v~ ,,r,p1hcr publi c ph1 c<:li.l/,l1w;,:t:;J.IJ..ill!y~uLCi1y use qfs,tch fa,ilitic~,..lfil..QJY. slmllb~ penniuesl to 1mderti•ke n s\udx \(l addrsu: the '7onccrns rniscdbyth,s; Lorn:·= :.L n,M.Wr The ownc..r or tJi~Im:il ;I ~~~r_uJ.~-Jrun;n.,ddWJWbc Ci tYJw ·i:.,1_~il!h111 rca~,u1u~~ll,il.1J.t.aj_~~lbi!!!US1il/l/ll\l 10 thr pwu«Wi-11hisa;ljum....El1Lllll.W.\lJ;!<.:= .. <VJlli:5 SAAJiµp,;m ownttr..sbalJ he cte_cmctlJ,u,,hu~laikd !O c-0oncmte if ii due,-s llQLnr..~ &;tlY W,llb an:t.,int'grrontioru;cn~opablyJ:.lllll~IJ ,evcn(1l .wllwuu:.<!~Y.MJ..:.;i ~CJJ!£S- ~-~~rru.'i:ideunfonna1wn lil,Jlu;,utililnro1bcc sccvicc nr,oyjdcrnhii:JJ.rr.;WJuhJ.Y dcmon!itrn\Es thal its Pmoos£4 use of thrfacililv. will nfil£ilu§c a materii1l. n~~ ilaI?.tW rm the utililY 9[ olhcr SCffiCC ru;gyidc,::;i_foci lities or OPSCiJliOOii.WUIJYil~ Jl~~ilti.Y.xlY imnnct aJJlllic health and wfctv Jhc facilitv owngshnlUlllnwJh~~~~ 1~ .... ~~W~h1.a11v comli\iw1~a.bh .. JJCHte§Urv to insur_tlbul thc.Ji!!_c 'Y.ill @~~i!lu'.ti1J:m;i.,;tsdescribs;slh,rein.,uihm, IQ nmkc such racaJ.i1i~ ~~wt .uewn..wJL~is Sec!it>n ?ttdJQilY.!l~..s!!lli!>SLI.1. llll:.P.!al!~WSla.L±JJ~ l JJ.,c;bi1LI..be 1ml:uvful furJ.mY 1Wl§OP-~J.®'4CIU'.£Si:ntaliY[' or cnQlritr.tqr..Qf .. aJJl.il.i.U:: 2' i.~lhcr seaice pr9viclcrht91cJJJ£veJlags 1 b;inners w: ~imilar sivnuw>.ount:UU::JW.bli£ ew11sJl2lilL'\Y.Jigh1u111d,ruhwJe<:orn1ive nttocbm!IL~,lliii)c,stri11fLllr mhw~ ~Y..li1m§Jwhiris crosswaJk Jigh1s Qowcr 1i111.'.a11d baskx1s, •~i~!Wll all$mcms frnm l)lciJj1ics !ocau:dj!llhe s1reel§ •Um, or otbetPU~ nJace~ ir,1hc.C,iix without recsivins advance written oemlission from the Cirv Manager or~.~~!~~ ~ JJ:.ruldillllJlJ.o..ruldressjng ~iolD1ions Qf this S~JiQD if •..f•~iliLY owaer fails ~omake j1s faciHJjes aYftilabJ~ @fie~ has orovjded .\he infonnatjpp described ip Sybsegjions I and 2 above the Citv,,Manager..w\;simlccis anthorizt:clJo wirhhold issuance ofa buildins vsnnil or onv mheuc_yuiry,,d,,o,enniLsouaht bv the fociliJx's owner until AITPDGemcnt; bexc been made lQJ® Ciw 's satisfaetion tbal t~'fd Citv use of Lhe facUities i11Jhc streets,. alle11s or other oubhr Places i; bcinr orovidsd . Section 2. Safe1yCII\_U S.!!,"LTi1< Ci1y Council he rehy find s, dctennines , and decl ares tha l this Ordinance i; promulgatea Joder the gen era : pohce power of the City of Englewood, tha1 11 ,s prom11 l~a1crl for the health, saie1,, and welfare or the pcbli c, and that this Ordinan ce is ,,rcossa;y fo r the preservation •,rf !•l·u!•~! •n-~ .. ~1fr1y and fo r the protecti on of public convenience and w..:.lfarc . The Ci!~ ,.-•.;u1 1n l f,, :Jn.:1 l.h.;h:rmi1 11::s lhi:it the On.liuam;c benrs a rational 1elatm11 to lhe proper lcgis lalive ob,·· '"'''•b·'' 10 he ob1ained . Section 3. Scverability . If any clause, se ntence, par a!llaph, or part of 1his Ordinance or the applicat io n thereof to au y person or ci 1 cum stance s shall for any reason bo adj udgcd by a court of competent JUns c1ction inva lid , such judgment shall 110 1 affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of ,hi s Ord inance or :t application to other persons or circumstances . Sc:(.;tiuu 4. I.uco nsistcnt Ordinances. AJI other Ordin.1nccs or po rt ions the reo f inconsistent or conflicting with this Ordinance or any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict . Section 5. E[ect of repeal 1r modification . The repea l or mod ification of any provision of the Code of the Ci ty of Engle wood by 1his Ordinance shall not release , extinguish , alter, modify, or cha nge in whole or in part any pe nalty , fo rfe iture. or liabilit y, either civil or criminal, wluch shall have been l!lcurred under such provision, and each provision shall be treated and held as still rct:1ai..ning in force for the purposes of sustaining any and all proper actions, suits , proceedings, and prosecutions for the :nforcement of the peralty, forfeiture , or lia bi lity , as well as for tho purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree , or orcer which can or may be rendered, entered, or made in such actions, suits, proceedings, or prosecutions . ~ Penalty . The Penalty Provision of Section 1-4-1 EMC shall apply 10 each and every violation of this Ordinance . Introduced, read in full , and pas sed on first read ing on the 19th day of November , 2012 . Pub lished by Title as a Bill for an Ordinance in th e City 's officia l newspap er on the 21" clay of November, 2012 . Pub lished as a Bill for an Ordinance on the City 's official websile begmninp, on 1he 21st da y of November, 201 2 for thirty (30) days . Read by title and pa•se<I on futal reading on the 3rd day of December, 2012 . Publi sh ., t>y title m the C ity's official newspaper as Ordinan ce No~ Series of 20121 on th t 7th da i )ccember, 2012 . l'uhl i shed by tilk~ on lh e City's official web :;it c h..:t,:.111 111 111; on tl:c ~th d:iy of lh:cc111hcr, 211 12 Ii " thirty (:10 ) da~s. ~ . '-~:tJ:~-m:•_ I ~( 11 crisl~1ty Clc1k I, L1 •ucri sl1ia A. Ellis . City Clc1k oflhc C11v of En~lewood, Co tnrndo, hereby cc:·tify thnl the ;1hovi.: :ind fon.:going is a lrJeco py of the Ordi nance passed on fin;il 1cacling :nld p11h li:.l1c-.c l hy 1111 c ;is (hdi nan ,:c Nc•.~O. Seri es of 20 12. -=rLlLa ✓(hLf{§ COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date Agenda Item Subjed November I 9, lO I 2 A bill for an ordinance ;.mending 11 a ii the City Code regarding the ) City's us e of public facilities in the City r:ght-oi -w,1y. INITIATED BY I STAFF SOURCE City Manager's Office Mic,acl Flah erty, Deputy City Manager COUNCIL GOAL ANU PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION City Council dis cussed and reco mmend ed thi s ac tion during 11,e Study Session on Oc1ober 29, 20 12 . RECOMMEND:W ACTION Staff recomrne nd~ n 1v C ou ncil a,=prm•al of th e pro:'.)os ed ordint1nce ;impnciing thP Englewonrl Municipa l Code perta ining to me c,f pubii,:: facilit ies 1n the City right -of-way . BACKGROUND The use of public right-of-way .Jnd o ther µublic pbces by pl.Jblk utilities and provide rs of similar service!. within the City confers public benefit to th ose prov,ders. In turn, it is appropriate and reasonable that those providers contribute 10 the City's ability to accompli sh its public interest goals throu ~h use of the facilities , e.g., lieht poles. lnc,,te rl nn ruhlic property in a manner 1hat is consistent with the faditie1' primary use . Public utility compa nies , either through fra nc hbe agree ment ur pt:rrnit, are g1dr 1t~U dccess to th e City right • of•way for placement of facilities. The City, through approval of this ordinance, seeks to requir e joint use of such fa-,uties for public purpose includi ng, but not limited to, attachrnent 01 ilag,, bannr:rs or similar signs announcing public eve nts , demarking bu siness di ~trict s, decorative at1:1 chme.1ts, pedest rian or t:-affic related safety signs, or o ther similar attachments . In Mav, a pL1blic utility issu ed a unil ateral m;mrlalP In ci ties and tov,m~ rPq ui ring that banners moun ted on light p o les be removed bv December 31, 2012 . The Sc Jth Broadway Business lnpro"ement District had previou sly secured approval from the utility and the City t< 'llo unt banners on light poles on South Broadway. In spite of efforts from individual cities, business improvenwnt districts, and others, the utility has refused to extend th~ deadline while efforts are made to address the safety issues raised by the utility . The proposed ordinance will allow the City, if it chooses, 10 continue the banner placement until " reasonabl e agre ~ment is reached with the u tility. FINANCIAL IMPACT None UST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed Bi ll for a11 Ordi11a nce