HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Resolution No. 054RESOLUTION NO . 6r SERIES OF 2012 -- A RESOLUTION SETTING V A.RJOUS PERMIT FEES PERTAINING TO BUILDING PERMffS. W}lliKEAS , the City or Englewood City Council apµ,oved Cuw1cil Bill No. 27, Series ur ?.017., which amended the International Building Code and addressed new Permit Fees; and WHEREAS, the passage of thi s proposed resolution will establish new Pennit Fees nnd other fees rela ting 10 the amended Title 6, Chapter 2, Anicles A through Hof the Eng lewood Municipal Codc2000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : Section I. The City Council of the City of En glewood, Colorado authorizes the following Duilding Permit Fees and Other Fees as follows : 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees The fee for each permit shall ':,e as follows: BUILDING PERMTT FEES Total Valuation $ 1.00 to $500.00 $~v l .00 to $2,000.00 $2 ,001.0010 $25,000 .00 $25,000 .01 to $SG,000.00 $50,001.0010 $100 ,000.00 Fee $23 .50 $23 .50 for the first $500.00plus $3.05 for ea:h additional $100.00, or frac,ion thereof, to and including $2,000 .00 $69.25 for the first $2,000.00 plus $14.00 for each additimial $1 ,000 .00, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,e00.00 $391.25 for the first $25,000.00 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof to and including $50,000 00 $643 .75 for the first $50,000.00 plus $7.00 for each add ition'll $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and mcluding $100,00J .00 $100,1101 00 In $'i ll0,0011 .011 $:;011 ,0il I .Oil I<> $1.llCKl ,11011 .00 $1 ,11110,001 .00 :o1ut up J\dd1l1011 :il l'l;m rev ie w f'c i.:s n.;q,:irctl hy diimgcm acltli1111m: nr rcvi siuw- Excmpl ion to !'Ian Review Fee faccplion : lite 6:i % plan i"<:c shall he waivcct for sin gll!-fmnily , owm.:r nc1..:11ricd, clwdlings. H.cin:.pcclion Fees lssu:1ncc or ·1·cmpor.iry Ce1lificalc ofOccupn11cy Annual ccrt1licalcs of elevator in spection for each clevalor ... $993.75 rrn lh c first $100,000 .00 plus $5.li!l for c:wh 11rlcliliom1I $1,000 .00 , or fraction lhcrtof, lo a11d im.:lud ini; $50tl,{1 rH1 O'.l S'.'\,2 :\:'\.7) frn llit.: li1 :;t :-i :'ill0.()00 .00 plu s $4 .7) for cm;h ilrtditirnwl $1 ,000 .00, or fra cti nn thcrcol', lomul mcludmg ''1.1100 .UOU .OU SS,/,11 ~ 7'i rnr the !irsl SI ,000,II OJ .O O plus S3 . I .'i for cuc h ;.ul clitional $1 ,0(10 ()(). ,,r fra e1ion tht:rr,1f 65% of 111<: builcling pcnril fo e a:-. .~hown in T;1hlc I o f th e lnlcrn11 L10 11al Huil dir.g Code :i s :lll"ICIIC ll ·(I . ~47 .1 10 j)C"" l1:1111· $47.00 $150 .01) SJI 0.00 For e.:ich escal3tcr or moving waik For each commercial dumbwaiter. Elevator Penrut Fee Commercial Elevator Acccpumce Residential Elevator Acceptance Special Elevator Inspections MISCELLANEOUS VALUATIONS Asphalt roofing Wood fencing $210.0U $210 .00 $'.10 .00 $750 .00 $500.00 5100.00 per hour $200 .00 per sqi:arc $25 00 per linear foot ADOPTED AND Al'Pl<.OVED this 4th day of June, 2012. COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date: Agenda Item: Suhject: A Resolution Setting Varinus Permit Fees June 4, 2012 11 C ii Pertaining to Building Permits -Initiated By: Fire Department/Div:sinn of Building and Staff Source: Lance Smith, Chief Safety ~uild,ng Official COUNCIL GOAL AND l'REVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION City Council reviewed the International Building Codes during lhL May 7, 2012 Study Session and adopted them on first rea~ing May 21, 2012. Tl,e CoJe adoption ordinance s are scheduled ior second reading June 4, 2012 . The next step is es1abli1hing the schedule of iees for various permit fees related t~ th ese Code;. kECOMMENDED ACTIO ,'IJ Staff requests City Council approve a resolution establishing the Schedule of Permit Fees for various permits. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The City of Englewood has used the Schedule of Permit Faes to determine permit fees for the various permits issued by the Building Division since 1953 and updates this sched1de periodically. ThP. R11ilding and ~aiP.ty staff has reviewed the Schedule of Permit Fees and recommends approval. These fees remain the same as in the 2006 International Codes with the exception being for fence dlld roo fi nis p~r111ils . F~JlCt" pe1111it valuation will increase from $15 to $25 per linear foot, fen ce installations average from S25 10 S35 per linear loot. Roof permit valuation will incr~ase from $75 lo $200 per square (1 JO sq. ft.;, roof installations average from $200 to $350 per sc ;uare. FINANCIAL IMPACT The will be no financial im;,act. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Resolution