HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Ordinance No. 005ORDINAJ\CE NO. 5'
CONTRACT NO, i ~~Ell (
WHEREAS, lhc Englew ood Ci1y Council approved an ln1ergo vemmemal Agreement between
RTD and lilc Cily of Englewood for funding of the Englewood Circulator Shull le for 2004 -2007 by
the passage of Ordinance No . 50 , Series of 2004 ; and
WHEREAS, 1he Englewood City Council approved an lnlergovemmental Asreemcn1 be1wcen
RTD and Ille Ci1y of Engle,.uod for funding of the Englewood Circulator Shun le for Scptcmocr I 0,
2007 through December 31 , 2007 by lhe passage of Ordinance No . 66, Serie, of 2007; and
\VHEREAS , 1he Englewood City Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement between
RTD and th e City nf Fnglewnnd for funding of the Englewood Circulator Shultle for January I, 2008
through December 31, 2008 by the passage of Ordir,ance No . I 0, Series of 2008 ; and
WHEREAS , the Englewood City .::ouncil approved an Intergovernmental Agreement between
RTD and lhe City of Englewood for fu ,·.ding of the Englewood Circulator Shuttle foe January I, 2010
through December 31, 2010 by the passage ofOrdinance :-Jo. 4, Series of2010; and
WHEREAS, the City of Englewood designed the Englewood Shullle 10 provide circul alor shuule
sef\;ce in the general area of the CityCenler Englewood , downtown Englewood and the
Swedish/Craig Medical Center; and
WHEREAS, Ibis service provides mobilily and access to 1hc commercia l areas in and a.round lh,
vicinity of lhe CityC en ter Englewood li ght ra il stati on, d0wntnwn F.n!llc w,,od and lhc Swedish/Craig
Medical Cen1er ; and
WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Englewood, Co !orado approved applica1ion to lbe
Den ver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Congcslion Miligalion Air Qua lit\ Funds for
operation of a Circula1or Shuttle in November 2002; and
WHEREAS , the passage of this propo sed Ordinance will provid e 1he same lev el of se rvice for lhe
calendar year 2011;
9 b ii
Scctio..!J..L The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes the !GA
entitled "Ag,-eement RTD & City of Englewood Cost Sharing For The Art" between the Regional
Trnnspnnation District (RTD) and lhe City of Englewood , Colorado, as attached hereto as Exhibit I .
Sccti iu. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to cxcculc and auest se;d httergovemmental
A~rccmcnt for and on behal f of the City of Englewood.
llllroduccd, read in full . and passed 1111 first rcad111g on the 7th day of Fcbrnary, 2011.
l'ub· shed by Title as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City 's official newspaper on the 11 '" day of
February, 2011.
Pul.Jlishcd as t1 Bill fur un Ordimmce on Lhc City's official website beginning on the 9th day of
Fchruary, 2011 for '.hirty (30) days.
Read by title '.d,d passed on final readmg on the 22od day of Febru ary. 2011.
l'uhlished hy till~ in lhtd~ity'soffici.11 newspap1~r :,s Ordi11:mcc No. 5'. Seri es of201 l,on
the 25th day of February, 201 I .
Published by title on the City's offic ial website be~inning on the :!3'' day of
February, 2011 for '.hi1ty (30) days.
I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby cenify 1hat the
above and foregoin g is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final ing and published by
title as Ordinimco No . 2._, Series of 2011.
Th 's Agreement is made this __ day of ___ • 2011 , between the Reg ional
Transportation District, a political subdivision of the state of Colorado organized pursuant to the
Regional Transportation District Act, C.R .S. § 32-9-101, et seq ., (hereafter "RTD"), and the City of
Englewood, Colorado, a Colorado home rule city (horeaflor "tho City"). RTD and the City may also be
refer•ed to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."
1. The City has funded and operated route circulator bus servir.e within the Englewood area (the
"art") since September 2004. This service provides mobility and access from the Englewood Civic
Center to Swedish Medical Center Md Craig Hospital along Englewood Parkway and Old
Hampden Avenue .
2. RTD also provides light rail and bus service in and around the City .
3. RTD and the City agrea that these services are complementary to providing attractive and
effective transit service for people working and living in the area in and around Englewood .
4. Althou~h RTD does not provide circulator bus service in Englewood and the City does not provide
such service as a private contractor for RTD, RTD wishes to financially contribute to the continued
provision of circulator bus service in Englewood .
Now, therefore, in consideration of the promises and obllgatlons set forth herein, ,md for oth,,r
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,
the Parties agree as follows :
1. ART CIRCULATOR BUS SERVICE, The City shall continue to manage and operate, either
directly or through lls designated ayent(s), the art route circulalor bus service in the City . The City
and/or its designated agent(s) shall be solely responsible for all art operaiions, management,
rnarketi11y, administration, and services delivery functions, including provision or vehicles, vehicle
maintenance, insurance , and accounting. As part of its operations or the art service, the City
and/or its d~signated agent(s) shall provide ruel for the veh icle(s), the cost or which shall be
reimbursed as an operating expense as provided in this Agreement. Except as specifically
provided herein, RTD shall have no responsibility for the operations and monogement of the ort .
RTD shall have no responsibility for, nor authority or control with respect to, the supervision and
management of any employees or conlraclors who work in connection with the art.
Nolwilhstanding RTD 's right lo slop funding as provided herein , RTD has no obligalior., nor right
pursuant to this Agreement, to otherwise cont inue the services provided by th e City, if the City
ceases to provide these services.
2. COOPERATION. The Parties agree to cooperate and share information about transit issues in
Englewood . as provided in this Parc1groph 2.
/1 . The City and RTD shall each des ig nate a reprcsentati'le responsible for lhe im plemortalio~ of
this A!JrP.emenl.
B . City and RTD staff will confor on marketing and service development issLes and ,egularly
excha nge relevant information in order lo report program, lo ;he rcnpoctive organ izationn.
3. ART SERVICE . The art route , service hours a11d fr e4u,rncy uf se,vice sholl Ub ;,s shown on
Exhibit A, which is attached and hereby flJlly incorporated by referenco . The Parties hereafter
may, upon mulual agreen0nt in wriling by bot11 1-'arties, mod ify Exhibit A as necessary to elfer.l
this Agreemenl. RTD reserves lhe right to withdraw funding, as provided in this Agreement, ii lite
City irr.plemenls any major changes lo the se services
~-MARKETING AND PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS. TI1 e City and its designated agenl(s) sh:ill
develop and implement art marketing and promotional materials and activi ties at their sole cost.
RTD &taff reserve the righ l to review and comment upon proposed marketing strategics .,nd
materials. RTD shctll inclucle curren t art brochures, maps and other informational and promotional
materials supplied by the C ity or Its des ignated agsnt(s) al all of its informatiun/custur111,r ser,ice
centers . S pecifications tor such materials sha;I be approved by the R iD to ;;noure compatibilit y
with RTD display c3pabllily. The RTD customer service telep hone informat ion center will pro•,ide
up-to-dale art service and schedule information. The City shall allow RTD to display an
"ppropriate RTD logo (stating that the serv ice ,s in partnership wit11 the RTD) on all vehicles used
to furnish the art service and financially supported in part by RTD through this Agreement.
Notwithsla1ding the foregoing, the art sha ll not be designated, mar'<elad, or pr~moted as an RTD-
branded service .
5. TERM AND RENEWAL. The lem, of this Ayn,emenl shall be deemed to have begun on Ja .1ua ry
1, 2U11 and sha ll expire on December 3·1, 201 ·1. Therealler, the Parties may, by wrilt~11
agreement, renew the Agreement for successive psriods of one year each under lhe same terms
and conditio ns , although any renewal of th is Agreement will con:ain specific funding levels for the
renewal year(s). Nothing herein obligates RTD to make funds available for the art or to renew this
AgreP.mAn l b any future fiscal year . Even ii this Agreement is renewed in subsequent years,
nothing herein shall imply funding will be renewed at the same or, ny level
G. SIGNAGE . The City shall maint3in all art signs and sign posts and shall be solely respons ible for
all s 1gnage related lo lhe a,t.
7. RTO FUNDING. T o support the City's art se rvice, RTD shall reimburse the City one hundred
percent 1100%) of the Net Cost of operalirg the art service .
. '\. Ne : r.o st s hall be definP.d as all opera ti ng costs for the art, including fuel. less Estimaled
Farebox Revenue, based upon the regul arly scheduled service hours and cost breakdown as
provid ed in Exhibit B, which is atlachcd hereto and fully incorporated by re ferenc-, herein.
Oper<Jling costs , as referenced herein, shall not include any administrative costs for the City. The
c,ty is solely responsible for any additional operating costs relatiny lo servi ce huurs that exceed
those regula rly scheduled seC'lice hours as shown in Exh,bils A or B, including any special c1 vents
-~~ holidays.
R Esl'rnated Farebox Revenue for the 2011 year of operation shall be $57 ,456, as provided in
Exhibi t B . Since the City offers lhe art as a fare-free service, Estimated Farebox Revenue is
ba se d u pon a survey performed in October 2010 by RTD that dete nnined the average fare thal
would have been coll9cted had the City charged RTD's loca l fare for th e art se rvice .
C . Nothing in lhis Agreement shall prevent th.e City from ~ollecting contributions or fees f·om ether
entities le help defray the unreimbursed cosls or providing the art service. RTD shall not be a
party to any ~ucl, arrangement and shall nol recei ve any direct allocalion of or credit for such
contributions or fees .
A . The Cily shall submit an invoice lo RTD on a monthly basis for payment of lhe Nel Cost
pursuarol lo paragraph 7 herein . The invoice shall include an itemized lisl of reimbursable
opera ling ex penses, including fuel, and shall ded~cl $4 ,78 8 as Eslimaled Farebox Revenue . In
addition , lhe invoice shall include a summary, as agreed, of service, and any olher information lhal
RTD requests.
B. RTD shEII pay all approved invoices within thirty (30) days of recelpl. If RTD doos not approve
an invo ice from the City or ils designated agent(s), a wrillen explanation of disputed ilems will be
senl within ten (10) days of RTD's r"~"iµI of 11,e Invoice.
9. RECORDS. The City and/or ils designated agent(s} will maintain full and complete financial
records for lhe operation of lhe art , Including but nol limited lo information on Iha number of
passenger boardings on the art , any farebox rev enu e r.nllaclArf ;is a resull of lhe operation of arl
service, if any, and any olher information thal RTD requests . The Cily and/or ils designated
asenl(s) shall make these records available to .RTD for audil for three (3) years . National Transit
Database (NTD) dala shall be kepi in a,.cordance with Federal Transit Administration ("FTA")
requirements and shall be reported as part of RTD 's NTD submission .
10 . ART PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT . The art sarvice performance will be assessed by RTD, In
its sole discretion, lo determine If performance expeclalions have been mel and to determine If the
funding provided by RTD is warranted. If RTD chooses not to renew this Agreement , RTD shall
nolify lhe Ci:y by April 1, 2011 . If this Agreemer,t is terminated due tu lack of funding by either
Party in the next year's budget cycle It shall notify lhe other party on or before December 1 and
service will Je terminated effective Ja nu,iry 1. Nothing herein obligates Iha RTD to renew or
extend this Agreement at any lime.
11 . DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM . The City shall require the conlraclor providing lhe
art service to establish and 1mple:ne11l a drug and alcot ,ol lesling program lhal complies wilh 49
C.F .R. Part 40 and Part 655 , and permit any authorized representative of the Uni :ed States
Department of Transportation or its operating admi11istrntiuns, the Slate Oversight Ag ency of
Colorado, or lhe Regional Transportation Distri ct, lo inspect the fa cilitie s and reco rds associated
wolh th e implementation of the drug and alcohol testing program as required under 49 CFR Part 40
and 655 and review the testing process . The City agrees further to certify annually ils compliance
wilh Part 40 and 655 before December 31 sl of evary year and 10 subm1I lhe Management
Information System (MIS) reports no la te r lhan February15 of every year to lhe Substance Abuse
Testing De~artmenl, Regional Transportation Dislricl, 1600 Blak e Street, Denver, CO 80202 . To
certify co mpliance , lhe City shall use the "Substance Abuse Certifications" in the "Annual List of
Certification; and Assurances fo r Federal Trans it Administration Grants a:1 d Cooperalive
Agreeme11ls," wiliclo is publi shed annually in the Federal Register .
A. The Parties agree lhal K ro shall have no liability to l1ird parties arising cul ol lhe operal1cns or
ma na gem ent of lhc art service and the City shall have no liability lo lhlrd parlies arising oul of lhe
operalions or manage111 e ri '. of any RTD services.
B. T<J tlie o:xlenl lhal lhere is or may in the fu lure be inscran ce coverage for th e operations of the
art, the City and its de signaled agent (s) shs ll causo RTD and il s ofiice rs and employees lo be
named os uddilionnl innurcd on all incuran ce pol icias for any operations of th e ar t.
C. W ilhoul waivinJ lhA rrivilP.ges and immuniti es confe rred by :he CnlorarJo Go •1ernm e11 lnl
l·nm11niry Ar.I , Section 24-10-101 et se q .. C.R.S .. each Party shall be respo1sible for any claim s.
de mand s. or suit s ari sing out o' its own negligence. It is specifically undersi ood and agreed that
not ·1ing co :it2ined in this paragraph or elsewhere in this Aweeme~t shall be construed ns an
express or implied waiver by RTD of its governmental im mun:ty including lim itations of amounts or
types of liability or the governmental acceptance by RTD of liabilitie s ari s ing as a result of actions
which lie in tort or could lie in lorl in excess of !he liabilities allowable under the Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act, C .R.S . § 24 -10,101 e: seq.
13 .NO LIMITATION ON RTD RIGHTS OR AUTHORITY. Notning in this Agreement shall be
construed to lirn ,t RTD 's riyhl l<J es tablish rou tes or se rvi<;t:s ur purfun11 ;;ny functions authuriwLI
by C.R.S . § 32 ·9-101 , el se4 .
14 .NO nllRD-PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Tho Parties expressly agree th □l c~forcemcnt or tho '.ermc
and conditions of this Agraement, and all right s of action rolal ,ng to such enforcement, shall be
strictly reserv9d to the Parties , and nothing contained in this Agreement shall g,ve or allow any
such claim or right of action by any othe r or th ird person on such Agreements , includ ing but not
limited to s11bconlrnclors, subcn nsul!,inls , and su~pliP.rs . The Parti!'ls Axr,ressly intend that any
rerson nlhm th an the Parti es who receive s services or benefits urder this Agreement shalt be
deemed lo be an incidental beneficiary only .
conlain any mu lt iple-fiscal year financial obligations by either party that extend beyond its current
fiscal year . The financial ob ligations of each Party uncer this Agreement shall be subject to and
limited cy th e appropriation of sufficient funds therefore by its governing body . Funds for this
agreement have been budgeted, authorized, and ap propriated by the RTD Soard of Directors for
the 20 10 fi scal year. Noth ing herein ob ligates RTD to budget , aulhu:ize, or appropriate funjs for
any futu re r,sca l year. To th e ex tent perm1t1ed by law, a I of the opural ing costs of the art and
revenues , If appl ic able , of the arl shall be tre ate d by RTD as its "o perating costs" and its
·revenu es collected" for purposes of compliance with C.R.S. § 32-9 -119 .7 .
A . The City, or its designated agent, shall be solely respo nsibl e for hiring, sur-ervising, and
discharging the employees or contractors who operat e the arl service. The RTD shall have no
responsibility for , nor authority or control wi lh respect to, th e nupervioion and management of the
driven; and oth er employees or contrac tors who work in connection wilh the se rvice.
8 . The Parties agree that the status of ea ch Party shall be that of an independent contractor to the
other . and ii is not intended . nor shall it be constr11erl, th;it one Party nr any nfficer, employee ,
;,gent or cantrar.tnr of s11ch ,-•. rty is an em ployee , nff:cer . agent, or rep resenta !i ve of !he other
Party. Nothing contained in the Agreement c-r documents incorporated by referen ce herein or
otherwise creates any parmership, joint venture, or other asso ci ation or relations hip betweer. RT D
and the City. Any approval , review, inspection, direction or Instruction by RTD or any party on
behalf of RTD shall ,n no way affect either Party's independent contractor sta tus or obligation to
perform in accordancA with this Agreement. Neither Party has authorization, express or implied,
lo bind the other lo any agreements, lialJlllly, or understanding except as expressly set forth in this
C. The City and/or ils designated agent(s) shall be responsible for all federal and state laxes and
contributions for Social Security, unemployment insurance, income withholding tax , and other
laxes measured by wages paid lo employees, as welt as any subcontractor or vendor. The City
acknowledges Iha! it. its designated agent(s) and/or its or its designated agent(s) employees are
not entitled lo workers ' compensation benefits or unemployment insurance benefits from RTD,
unless the City or a third party provides such coverage , and lhal RTD does not pay for or
otherwise provide such coverage. The City shall be solely resp onsible for its cwn ~c:linns , its
employees, and agents .
17 .LEGAL AUTHORITY. The City and RTD represent or warrant to each other that they have all
necessary authority lo enter into this Agreement and lo perfo1T11 their obligations hereunder and
that this Agreement does not conflict with any other agreement that each Party is sJbject or to
whir.I-il may be bour.d . The person signing and executing this Agreement on behalf of either
Party represents that he/sh e has been fully authorized to execute this Agreement and to validly
and legally IJi nd a Party lo all the terms, performances , and proviGions herein Get forth . The
Parties shall have the right, at their option, lo either temporarily suspend , or permanent ly terminate
this Agreement, if there is a dispute as to the legal authority of either the other Party or the person
signing the Agreement to enter into this Agreemont. Neither Party shall be obligated to perform
any of the provisions of this Agreement after il has suspended or te1T11inated this Agreement as
provided in this Paragraph .
18 .NO ASSIGNMENT . Except as olherwise provided in the Agreement, neither party may assign the .
Agreement and/or any of its rig hts and obligations hereunder without the written consent or the
other Party.
19.CONfLICT OF INTEREST. No officer, member, or employee of t:ith~I Party and no members of a
governin a hady, anrl no other public official or employee of the gov,,rning body of the locality or
localities included within RTD , during his or her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any
interest, direct or indirec!, in th is Agreement or the µroct:tJ<.IS th ereof.
20.WRITTEN AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be modified or amend ed only by a written
document duly ext:culed by bo ll, µarti es .
21 .NOTICES. Correspondence regarding this Agreem ent shall be sent lo :
For the City:
City of Englewood
Commun ity Development Department
1000 Englewood Pa rkway
Englewood, Colorado 80110
Attn : Harold Stitt
303 .762 .2341
For the RTO
Regiona l Transportation Di strict
1600 Blake ~, ·eet
Denver, C' ,lor~ do 80202
Attn : Brcce Ab ·>I
303 .299 .281~
The addres ses or contacts may be changec by the Par.ies by written notice .
22.ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The lerms and provisions of lh is Agreement, including but nol limiled to
the Re cilal3 obove and lhe Exhibi i(s) or Allachmenls incorpora ted hy reference herein , represenl
the entir" understanding of lhe part ies wilh respect to the oubjacl mailer of th is Agreemenl , and
merge, incorporate am.I superse,ui, <1II prior communication s between the C ity and RTD co nce rning
lhal subject. No represe ntations or warranties are made by til e City 0 1· R TD e•~,:µI as herein set
23 .WAIVER AND BREACH . The waiver of any breach of a term hereof shall not be cons trued as a
wa i,;er of any oth er term , nr lhA ~Ame l r➔rm upon a sub sequent breach .
24 .GOVERNING LAW, VENUE. Each ond every lorm , provision , condilion, of lhis Agreemenl is
subject lo the pruvi,,ions of Colorado law . This Agree ment ,s 3ubjcct lo ouch modilicotionc as may
b s ·equired by changes In C ol orado or feue,al l;;w, or !hell' i1113lemen ling regulalions . Any such
required modification shall aulomalically be incorporat ed inlo and be part of this Agreeme11 I un 11,e
effeclive dale of such change as :r fully set forth herei n . Venue for any action arisi ng hereund er
sh;ill be in lhe Dislricl Courts for lhe Slate of Colorado .
25 .SEVERABILITY. The Parties expressly agrP.P. lh,it if ,iny part , lerm , or provision of lhis Agreement
is by the courts hold lo be illognl or ·n confl icl wi lh any la w of lhe Slate of Co lorado, l1A valirfily of
the r~m aining portions or provisions shall nol be oUccled, ond Ih a r,ghts and obligations of lhe
Parties shall be construed and enfort l,d as if the Ag reement did nol contain l he particular port,
term, or provision hel:J to be invalid.
26 .COUNTERPARTS . This Agreement sl1 all bi; execu ted in lwo counterpa r t s each or wl1ich wher. so
esecutP.rf arr! d e livered shall be an ooginal. bul all of which shall toget: ,er conslilule one and the
same in stru ment.
WHEREFORE, the Parties have entered into this Agreement as of the date f irst set fort h above .
By :------------
Phillip A. WashlngtC?n
General Manager
Regional Transportation Distr ict
Approved as to legal lorm :
Regional Transportation District
Rolf G. Asphaug
Deputy Gen eral Coun se l
By : _____________ _
Jam es K. Woodward
City of Englewood
A1 ,EST :
Loucrishia A. Ellis
City Clerk
Hol ,d ays-
Se rvice F rc1 q uency:
We ekday
Hol ,days-
Annual Revern 1P. Hours :
EKl1ibil A
art Service Description
6 :30 AM-6 :30 PM
No service provided
No service provided
Nn servir.e p~nvidP.rf
eve1 y 15 rninul es
Nol Applicable
Nol Applicable
Nol Applicable
6 ,144
Nol /\pplic~ble
Nol Appli cable
Nol Aoplicab l!!
Exhibit B
Summary of Anticipated Operating Costs and Revenues
Expense-January 2011 -December 31, 2011
an operating hours expense-6144 hours @ 42.4 9 per hour
art fuel expenses
.Estimated Farebox Revenue-January 2011 December 2011
Passenger far'-'S based on October 2010 survey
Total Revenue
$ 261.059
$ 57,456
-,,.., .... :::·!--' --
5.4 19
:j ,d J 9
---.-=.· z--!:': -: ~-~ :
Monlh Rirlership Total A~rage
Jan uary-OS 11 .353 1 1,;53 1 1.3 53
February-OS 11 ,642 22 ,995 11 ,498
March-05 14,513 37,508 12.503
April-OS 14.024 51 ,532 12 .8 83
May-05 14.962 66,514 13.303
June-0 5 14.467 81 .001 13.500
July-O S i 3.574 94,375 13.511
August-OS 17.599 112,174 1 ➔.022
September-OS 15,968 129,142 14.238
Octobef'-05 17,162 145,j04 14.~JO
Novembec-05 16.505 161 ,609 14.710
December-OS 15 .877 177,68 6 14.807
Month Ridership Total Average
January-06 17.815 17,81 S 17.815
Feb ruary-06 15.318 33,133 16.567
March-06 17.928 51 ,0 61 17.0 20
April-06 15.067 65.126 16.5J2
May-06 16.300 84,4 28 16.866
June-06 16.414 I0J ,842 16,8 01
July-06 14.722 1 15,564 16.509
Augus I-0 6 17.711 133.275 16,6 59
5eplembcr-06 16,567 149,662 16,651
Octobef'-06 18.181 166,043 16,804
No,..ember-06 17.620 185,863 16,697
December-06 14.725 2(1,J 388 16.716
Month Ridership Total Average
J,:muary07 17,198 17,198 17.1~8
Febf'uary-07 t(,,064 33 ,262 16,C.<l
March-07 18.27 6 51 ,5 58 17.166
April-07 I 7.059 b8,b17 17,154
May-07 18.471 87,088 17.418
June-07 17.612 104,700 I 7.450
,,.1y-07 17,265 121 ,965 17.4;4
August-07 18.4;6 143,403 17.55 0
Seplembcr-07 13,91 4 154,3 17 17.146
Ocrober-07 16,823 171 ,140 17.1 14
Nov~1 nb1 15,619 186.,59 16.978
Decemlh. I 16,406 203,165 l 6.9j0
~h ___ Ridership Total A,·erage Month Ride.ship Tola! ,\,·eragt
January-OS 18,228 18,228 1s ,22a Janual)••i 1
Feb;uary-08 17.804 36.032 18 .0 16 February• i 1
March-08 1/,92!> :,J,9.)i' l /.~85 March-I I
Apr il-OB 18,468 72,425 18,10& Ap ril-i 1
Ma y-08 17,552 8 9,977 17,:)95 \•1C\'•i I
lu .,e-08 18.959 108.936 18 ,15 6 :une-i 1
Jul y-OS 19,657 128,593 18,370 Ju:v i 1
August-OS 18,850 147,443 18,430 .-\ugusl-i I
September-OS 19,4 76 166,919 18,547 $!;:p !embe,-1 I
OcIobe1-08 22,677 189,596 10,960 O c lobcr -11
November-OB 18,?53 207,649 15,877 November-i 1
December-OB l0,167 22 7,616 16,9 6 5 December-I I
Month Ridership Total Average
January-09 19,606 19,636 19,5 06
Febru2ry-09 20,692 40,298 20,149
March-09 20,459 60,7 57 20,252
April-09 20,562 a :,319 20,330
May-09 20,459 10 1,776 20,356
June-09 21,522 123,,J0 :o,;so
July-09 20.199 i 4 3,499 20,500
Augusl-09 20,045 16 3,544 20,4 43
September-09 19,271 182,815 20,313
October-09 19,7 59 20:!,574 :o,2 5 7
November-09 18,229 220,8-)3 20,0 73
Decemter-09 17,953 238,756 19.8 96
Month Ridership Total Averagt-
Januarv-10 12,131 12,131 12,1 31
r eb,u,ry• 1 o I 2,C..54 24,705 12,393
March-10 14,672 39,457 IJ.152
April-lU 14,253 =>~l,7 I0 13,428
May,10 13 ,047 :6,757 13 ,351
Juae-10 14 ,717 a· ,474 13 ,579
July-10 13,876 9;_350 ll.n 21
August-JO 15.804 11 1,154 IJ,894
Seplcmbef'-10 15 ,616 126,770 14,086
Octobcr-10 14,652 14 1,622 14,t62
November-1 0 14,o r 155,b&5 14,151
December-10 I S,J·. 17 1,055 14,255
February 7, 2011
Initiated By:
I Agenda Item:
11 a i
Community Development Departme, •t
I Subject:
IGA for "Art" Shuttle Cost Shanng
Staff Source:
Harold J. Stitt, Senior Planner
Co uncil approved an lntergovern :nental Agreement (ICA) between the City and the .Regiona:
Transportation District (RTD) for funding oi the En5:ewood Circulator Shuttle hy Ordinance ;;o,
Series of 2004, Ordinance 66, Se ,ies of 2007, by Ordinance 10, Series of 2008, by Ordinance 8,
S•ries o f 2009, and by Ordinance Number 4, Series of 2010. Council approv,;,d by Motion, in
August 2004, a contract for transit services with Laidlaw Transit Serv ices and subsequently extended
th is contract by Resolution No. 87 , Series of W0S, by Resolution No. 77 , Series of 2006, by Motion
on December 3, 2007, by Motion on March 3, 2008, by Moti on on April 6, 2009, and by Motion,
on December 21, 2009, a contract for transit servic es with MV Transportation, Inc.
Staff recommends Council adopt a bill for an ordinance authorizing an Intergovernmental
Agreement (ICA) between the City ol lnglewood and the Regional Transportation District (RTD) for
cost sharin~ for operation of th e "Art" shuttle for 2011 .
This IGA with RTD is for th e operation o i the "Art" shuttle for calendar year 2011. Under this
agreement, the shuttle will continue to provide the current level of service operating every 15
minutes, Monday through Friday, 6 :30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. RTQ will reimburse the City t 00% of all
net operating costs as set forth in Exh ibit B of the IGA. Net operating expenses exdude
administrative costs, m arketing, and promotional materials cost. As ";th prior agreements, the City
will als o provide fu el to eliminate state and federal easoline taxes, redu ci ng fuel costs . Th e City will
reimburse RTD an amount equal to the local fares that would ha ve been collected had the shuttle
operated as a :are service rather 1ha11 a (r ~e se1vice . The a mount of the compensati o n was
determined throu~h a s"rvey of riders conducted in Octo ber 2010. The survey results indicated the
number of rid•,rs that did not ha ve a bus pass or transfer and would be subjec t to the standard,
reduced seni o r, or student fare . For calendar year 2011 , the lost fare amount equals $57,456 .
RTD will reimburse the City for all contract and fu el costs less th e lost fdre dm o unt. For th~ contract
period this lost fare amount is $57,456 and is includ ed in the approved 2011 Community
Development Depa1ment budget. The contract continues the same level of service operating
Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p .m. at no cost to riders .
3;11 for an O rdinance