HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Ordinance No. 058ORDINANCE NO. 58'
Sl::RlliS 01' 2011 -
coN'l'l\ACI NO. 7 /. -Jpf[
WHEREAS, the City Cowicil of the City of Englewood approved the execution of an
Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Englewood and Arapahoe County by passage
of Ordinance No. 22 , Series of 2009 , coveting the City's partic ;pation in the Arapahoe County
CDBG Entitlement Program for funding years 2010 through 2012; and
\VHEREAS, the Englewood City Council passed Resolution 79 , Series of 2010, supporting
Housing and Community Development that nuthorizcd submitting an application for 2011 CDBG
funding ; and
WHEREAS, the Energy Efficient Englewood Project has been categorized as a housing
rehabilitation activity; and
V.'HEREAS, the Housing Rehabilitation Project bas been categorized as a housing
rehabilitation activily;
Section I . The Subgrantee Agreement for Arapahc, County Community Development Block
Grant Funds-Subgmntee : City of Englewood, Project Name : Energy Efficient Englewood (E3)
Project Number: ENHS 1121, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby accepted and approved by
the Englewood City Council.
Sect ion._~. The Subgrantec Agreement for Arapahoe County Community Development Block
Grant Funds -Subgrantee : City of Englewood, Project Name: Housing Rehabilitation Project
Number : ENHS 1122, attached hereto as E,.hibit B, is hereby accepted and approved by the
Englewood City Council .
~-The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Agreements for and on behalf of lhe
City of Englewood, Colorado .
Sectjon 4. The City Manager shall be authorized to funher extend the subgrantee agreements
for the Arapahoe Count y Community Development Block Grant Program as needed .
Introduced, read in full, and passed on first rending on the3rd day of October, 201 I.
Published by Tille as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City's official ncwspnper on the 7" day of
October, 2011.
l'ublished as a Hill for an Orditmncc on the City 's orncin : website hcginniug no the 5th day or
October, 2011 for thirty (30) days .
Rend by title and passed on fim,I readiny on the 17th day of uctobcr, 2011 .
Published by title in the City's orncial newsrnpcr "' Ord:nsnee No .S'i, Sctics of 201 I, 011
the 2l•t day of October, 201 I.
Published by title on the City's official website beginning on the 19th Jay of
October, 2011 for thirty (30) days.
d ,-1 ~1:-..0~
James K . Woodward , Mayor
I, Louerishia A. Ellis, City Ch:rk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a tnte copy of the Ordinnnce pns.cd on Ii I rending und published by
title as Ordinance No. 5'i, Series of 2011 .
TI1is Agreement is made by and between the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Arapahoe,
State of Colorado, for the Community Development Block Gra.>1t Program in the Community Resources
Department (hereinafter referred to as the County) 1111d the City of Englewood (hereinafter referred to as the
SubGrantce) for the conduct of a Community Development Block Grant (COBO) Project.
The primary objective of Title I of the Housing and Commuuity Development Act oft 974, os amended,
l!nd of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program under this Title is the development of
viable urban communities, by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanding
economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate income persons.
The project by the SubGrontee known as the Energy Efficient Englewood (E3) · (Project) has been
C11tegorized as a Housing Rehabilitation project and the SubGrantee will maintain documentation with the
national objective of Low/Moderate Income Housing activities .
TI1e SubGrantce may proceed to incur costs for the Project upon receipt of an official "Notice to Proceed"
from the County .
The following provisions outline the scope of the work to be completed:
The SubGrantee will utilize CDBG funding to provide grants to fourteen (14) low to moderate im.>,nne
homeowners for energy effic:cru.:y iu terior and exterior home improvements. The intent of the project is to
improve the energy efficiency of homes , with a focus on work items that qua Ii fy for federal tax a-edits o,
any other state or local rebate program, including, but not iirnited to Energy Star fumaces, water heaters,
windows, doors, skylights, insulation, roofing, siding, evaporative coolers, and refrigerators . A maximum
of $8 ,OOC will be granted per household and the grant requires a 20% match from the homeowner. If the
homeowner does not have the required match, then the grant will be secured by a declining deed of trust
recorded on the property I.hat will be forgiven over a 48 month period.
A. Payment
It is expressly agreed and understood that the total amount to be paid by the County under this
contract shall not exceed $125,000 . Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be made
against the line item budgets specified in the Project Budget and in accordance with pcrfonnanc::
criteria cutabli,;hcd in Section 11-C. ·n,e parties exprcr.•ly recogni,e that the Sul:IGranlee is lo be
paid with COBG funds received ft-om the federal government, md that the obligation of the County
lo make payment to SubOrnnlee is r.onlingcnl upon receipt nf s·1d1 funds . In !he ev en! Iha! said
fur.els, or any p111t therw:, are, ur bccome, u11uvailablt:, 1hc11 the Cou11 ty muy immediu '.c:iy lcnninate
or, amend this agreement. To the ex lent C.R.S § 29-1-110 is applicable, any financial obligat:on of
the County to the SubGrantce beyond lhc current fiscal year is also contingent upon adequate funds
being appropnated, budgclt:d 1111d olhciw1sc available .
Upon expiration of 1h1s Agreement, ns idemincd by the deadline in Sect:on ii. C. 3. below, the
SubGranlee shall transfer to the County any COBO funds on hand at the lime of expiration and
any accounts receivable ullribulable lo the use of COBO funds . These lransfc1Tcd fumls shall
revert to 01e Cow,ty and be utilized for other purpos=s.
n. Timclinc
All Project activities will be completed, nnd draw requests submitted, ily .luly 31, 2012 . In !he
event thnl the co :11plclion dcudline fol'· ou a weekend or hoiicay, lhc deudline will be considered
the work day prier to the scheduled completion date.
C. l'crformuncc Criteria
In accorcinncc with the funding upplicution submitted by lhc SubGrantcc for the Project, the criteria
listed below urc to be met during the execution of the l'roject.
I. Quantifiable Goals :
The SubGr•ntee will utilize COBO funding lo provide grants lo fourteen (14) low to
mode:ate income homeowners for energy efficiency i ntcrior ~nd exterior home
improvements. The intent of the project is to improve 01e energy efficiency of homes
with a focus on work items that qualify for federal tax credits or any other state or locul
rebate program, including, but not limited to Energy Star fumaccs, waler hcat::i-s,
windows, doors, skylights, insulation, rooling, siding, eveporative coolers, and
refrigerators. Grnnt funds may be used to correct identified eminent hazards and/or
other health and safety issues which arc needed lo ensure the energy efficiency of the
home . A maximum of $8 ,000 will be g:-anted per household and tl1e grant requires a
20% match from the homeowner. If tl1e homeowner does not have the requirt:d match,
then lhe grant will be se.cul'!'.d by ft declining deed of trust recorded on the property that
will be forgiven over• 48 month period .
An energy audit will be required of each ho111e prior lo the strut of construclio11 to
detennine the areas of greatest energy efficiency need. TI1e energy audits will be ~aid
through administrative funds. Construction funds will be disbursed to the homeowner as
the work items are completed with r•imbursement based on receipts for materials and
labor expenses .
TI1e SubGrantee will refer clients to the County's weatherization proivam for ass istance,
rather than provide a duplicate service. TI us refcrr11l will be documented and kept in the
client file . In cases where appliAnce.s or system .~ ore purchased or installed with funds
covered under this gran~ the appliances or systems must meet energy star standards.
All improvements fund , d under this grant are to be pcrfonmed in accordance wilh
applicable industry and local codes and standards, as well as the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
Items will meet or exceed energy standards set forth at www.energystar .gov aod or Xcel
Energy. The homeowner will be instructed to meet these standards nnd pro,•ide
~virlr.nce that work mecLs these standards i.e. Label off window, contractor's detailed
invoice for boiler, hot water heater, etc.
All contractors, subcomractors and vendors paid U,rougli U1is grant must be checked
against the federal excluded panies list to in.sure eligibility to receive fe.deral funds . The
SubGrantee is responsible for checking the list.
2. Community impact:
Affordable housing -stability and hous ing quality
3. Monthly Perfonmancc Standards:
October 31, 201 I;
Outreach and marketing
FFA TA form due
Monthly Draw and Reporting Due by 20th
November 30. 2011:
Outreach and marketing
Monthly Draw and Reporting Due by 20th
lli:.cernber J.1 i_o lJ :
Provide services to approximately I wlique household
Monthly Draw and Rcnorting Due by 20th
January 31, 20P:
Provide services to approximately 2 unique households
Monthly Draw and Reporting Due by 20th
February 29 20! 2:
Provide services to approximately 2 unique households
Monthly Draw and Reporting Due by 20th
March 31. 2012 :
Provide scovices lo approximately 2 unique householrl s
Monthly Drow and Reporting Due by 20th
April 30. 20 I:!:
Provide services lo approximately 2 unique households
Monthly Draw and Rcpoo1ing Due by 20th
May 31. 2012 :
Provide services to approximately 2 unique households
Monthly Draw and Reporting Due by 20t½
June 30. 20 :2:
l'rovodc sc,vi ccs to approximately 2 unique households
Monthly Draw ond Rcpo11ing Due by 20th
July 31. 2012 :
Provide scivices to oncel cumul ative grant yea:-goul of 14 hou schulcs scrvi,d
Monthly Dr11w Ancl Reporting Due
D. Reporting R,iq11ire1ncnts
I. Project 1q,orts will be d·Je within twenty days following the cud of each calendar month
until U1e Project is completed.
2. The official winu11I audit and/or Fimmcial Slatc:nenls for the SubGcantee in which both
revenues and expenditures for the COBO Projects desC7ibed herein are detailed ere due
anncally. The last completed otlicial annual audit report and/or Financial Statements
shall be due on May 31, and for lbu, ; 4) years thereafter on May 31 .
E. Labor Standards (Da"i•-llncon)
Proj ect activt'.ics do not require compliance with federal labor standards (Davi s-Bncon) as it is
ex empt (i .e., ?Cblic service activily, single family home rehabilitation, purchase of material s, or
other activity that has been dctc1mined exempt fr om federal labor standards).
F. Lead llascd l'aint Regulations
If the activity involves any construction, demolition, re~abilitation, or any activity related to a
building, and the building was built in 1978 or prio:, Leoti B:ised Pain t Laws and Regulations
apply, as established in 24 CFR Parts 35 and 570 .608. If the SubGrantec docs not follow and
doc--ament Lead Based Paint Laws and Regulation compliance . the SubGramcc will not be eligible
for reimbursement.
The "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home" pamphlet is to :,e ;,rovided to all
homeowners , regardless of age of housing. Vt:ri fication of notification is to be maintained in client
files .
G. Environmental Review
Notwithst&11d :ng any provision of this Agreement, the pa11ies hereto agree and acknowledge that
this Agreement does not constitute a commitment of funds or site approval, and that such
commibnent of funds or approval may occur only upon satisfactory completion of environmental
review and re:eipt by Arapahoe County of a release of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development under 24 CFR Part 58 . The parties further agree that the provision of any
funds to the project is conditioned on Arapahoe County's determination to proceed with, modify, or
cancel the project based on the results ofa subsequent environmental re,~cw.
H. Uniform Relocation Act (URA)
It has been determined that no ac:ion under the Uni ;orm Relocation Act (URA) is necessary.
A. Federal Compliance
The SubGrantee shall comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations and requirements, and all
provisions of the grant agreements received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) by the County. These include but are not limited to compliance with the
provisions of tbe Housing and Community Develoi,J1ent Act of 1974 and all rules, regulations,
guidelines and circulars promulgated by the various federal departments, agencies, administrations
and commissions relating to the CDBG Program . A listing of some of the applicable laws and
regulations are as follows:
I. 24 CFR Part 570;
2. 24 CFR Parts 84 and 85 ;
3. Title VJ of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
4. Title VITI of the Civil Rights Act of 1968;
5. Se<;tiuns 104(0) w11! 109 ufU1e Huusing and Community D~velopmcnt Act uf 1974;
6. Fair housing regulations established in the Fair Housing Act, Public Law 90-284, and
Executive Order 11063;
7. Section 504 of the Rehab ilitation Act of 1973;
8. Asbestos guidelines established in CPD Notice 90-44;
9. The E:1ergy Policy and Conservation Act (Public Law 94-163) and 24 CFR Part 39;
I 0. Equal employment opportunity and minority business enterprise regulations established
in 24 CFR part 570 .904;
11 . Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 ;
12 . Non -discrimination in employment, established by Executive Order 11246 ;
13. Lead Based Paint regulations established in 24 CFR Pa.--ts 35 and 570 .608 ;
14 . Audit requircmi:nts c;stablishcd in 0MB Circulw-A-133; w,d
15. Cost principles established in 0MB Circulars A-87 and A· I 22.
16 . Conllict of l11tcrcst:
(a) App licability. In the pmcuremcnt of propc11y and sc,viccs by participating
jurisdiction, State recipients, and subrccipicnts, the connicl of intcrcs'. provision in
24 CFR 85.36 uud 24 CFR 84.42, respec:ivcly, apply . 111 ull cases 1101 governed by
24 CFR 85.36 and 24 CFR 84.42, the provisions of'lhis section apply.
(h) Conflicts prohib ited . No persons described in paragraph (c) of this section who
exercise or who have exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to
activities assisted with CDBG fonds or who arc in a position to participate in a
di:cision making process or gnin inside information with regarJ lo these activit,cs,
may obtain a financial interest or benefit from a CUl::IG-assisted activity, or have an
interest in nny contract, subcontract or agreement wiLi respect thereto, or the
proceeds there under, either for themselves or those with whom they have family or
business ties, dming their tenure or fnr one year thereafter.
(c) Persons covered . TI1e con!lici of interest provisicns of ;,aragraph (b) of this section
ap;ily to any pcrwn who is nn cm1iloycc, agent, ccmsultant, officer or elected official
or appointed of-ficial of the participating jurisdicti on, Stale recipient, or subrecipient
which are receiving CDBG funds .
(d) Exceptions : Threshold requirements. Upon the written requtst of the participating
ju,isdiction, HUD may grnnt an exception lo the provisions of paragraph (b) of this
section on a case-by-case basis when it determines that the exception will serve lo
further the purpose of the CDBG laveshnent Partnc1·ship J>rogrm and the effective
and efficient administration of the participating jurisdiction's program or project.
An exception may be considered only after the pa1ticipating jurisdiction has
provided the following:
(I) A disclosure of the nature of the conflict, accompanied by an assurance that
there has been public disclosure of the conflict and a description of how the
public disc ,osu:e was made; and
(2) An opinion of the participating jurisdiction's or State recipient's attorney
that the interest for which the exi:rnption is suught would not violate State or
local law.
( e) factors to be considered for exemption. In dclcnnining whether to grant a requested
exception after the participating jurisdiction has satisfactorily met the rcquircmencS
of paragraph (d) of th is section, HUD will consider the cumulative effect of the
foilowing factorn, where applicable :
(I) Whether the exception woulrl provide a signific.int cost henefit or an
o:ss«utial <iegn:e of expe1tise to the program or ~roject which would
otherwise not be available;
(2) Whether the person affected is a member of a group or class of low income
persons intended to be the beneficiaries of the assisted activity and the
exce,-uon will pennit such person to r=ive generally the same interests or
benefits as are being made available or providoo to tlie group or dass;
(3) Wbether the affected person has withdrawn from his or her functions or
responsibilities, or the decision making process with respect to the specific
assisted activity in question;
(4) Whether the interest or benefit wns present before the affected person was in
a position as describ~.rl in paragraph (c) oftbis ~e::tion;
(5) Whether undue hardship will result either to the participating jurisdiction or
the person affected when weighed against the public interest served by
avoiding the prohibited conflict; and
(6) Any other 1elevant considerations.
(f) Owners and Developers .
(1) No owner, developer or sponsor ofa project assisted witl1 CDBG funds (or
officer, employee, agen~ elected or appointed official or consultant of the
owner, developer or sponsor) whether private, for-profit or non -profit
(including a community housing development organization (CHOO) whcu
acting as an O\l.ner, developer or sponsor) may occupy a COBO-assisted
affordable housing unit in a project. This provision does not apply to an
individual who receives COBO funds to acquire or rehabilitate his or her
principal residence or to an employee or agent of the owner or developer of a
re:il1d hum;ing project who occupies a housing unit 8S li ce p:ojecl manager or
maintenance worker.
(2) Exceptions. Upon written request of a housing owner or developer, the
participating jurisdiction (or State recipien~ if autlmrized by the State
participating jurisdiction) may grant an exception to the provisions of
paragraph (f) (1) of this section on a case-by-case basis w:,en it determines
that the exception will serve to further rhe purpose of the COBO program
and the effective and efficient administration of the owner's or developer's
COBO-assisted project In determining whether to grant a requested
exception, the participatingjurisdiction shall consider the following factors:
(i)Wbether the person receiving the benefit is a member of a group
or class oflow-income persons intended to be the beneficiaries of the
assisted housing, and the exception will permit such person to
receive generally the same interests or benefits as are being made
available or provide to the group or class;
(ii)Whether the person has withdrawn from his or her functions or
responsibilities, or the decision making process with respect to the
specific assisted housing in question;
(iii) Whether the tenant protection requirements of Sec. 92.253 are
being observed;
(iv) Whether the affirmative marketing requiremenLo of Sec. 92.35 I
are being observed and followed; and
(v) Any other factor relevant lo the participating jurisdiction's
deteimination, including tl1e timing of the requested exception.
/\ddilionully, in uccordunce with 24 CFR Pait 570, no employee, officinl,
agent or consultant of the SubGrantee shall cxt:rcisc uny function ur
rcspo:isihility in which a conflict ofint<'.rcsl, real or upparcnt, would misc.
17 . The SubGruntee ca ,mot cngugc m a federally funded contruct with any entity
rneisl.ererl in the Lists of Parties [!~eluded l'rom l'erlernl Procurement or
Nonprocurement Programs.
n. Non-Appropriations Clause
The SubGrantee agrees that it will include in ev ery contract it enters, whic:1 relics upon COBO
monies for funding. a non-appropriation cl~usc \hat will protect itself, and :he County :'.i'om w,y
liability or responsibility or any'suit which might :e111lt from the discontinuance of CDllG funning
for uny reason. Because this SubGrantec Agm,r•1er.t involves funds from u feJernl g,·ant, to the
extent '.here is a c,.mllict the funding provisions of this Suburantee Agreement, the ferlcral grant and
the federal stututcs crn1tn:il ,athcr d,an the provisions of Section 2,.91. J 03.6, C.R .S. with rcgord to
nny puhl ic work projects.
C. Rxpcnditurc Rcst.riction,
All CDBG funds that are approved by HUD for expendirurc under the County's grant agrcem~n~
iucluding those that are identified for tbe SubGrnntce's Projects and acliviti~.s. shall bi, allncatoo In
the specific projects and activities described and listed in the grunt a1,'Tctm1e11Ls. The allocated funds
shall be used and expcncied only for the proje.cts anrl activi1ir.<; for which the funrls are idemificd .
D. Agri,cmcnt Changes
No projects or activities, nor the amount allocated therefore, may be changed without approval by
the County and acceptance of the revised Final Statement ·aud/or Consolidutcd Plan by HUD, if
required . Changes must be requested in writi_ng and may not begin until a modificalion to this
Agreement is fully executed.
E. Direct Project Supervision und Admlnistr:ition
The SubGrantee shall be responsiole for the direct supervision and administration of its respective
projccL~ or activities . TI1is task shall be accomplished through the csc of the SubGrw1tcc's stafT,
agency and employees. The SubGrantce shall be responsible for nny injury lo persons or rlamage to
property resulting from the negligent acts or errors and omissions of its stuIT, ugcn\S and employees .
Because the SubGrantee is l'esponsible for the direct supervisio ,, nnrl arlministrntion nf iL1 projects
or activities, the County shall not be liable or re~-ponsible for cost ovemms by the SubGra,1lce on
any proj~s or activitie.s . The County shall have no duty or obligation to provide any additional
funding lo U1e SubOrantee if its projects or activities cannot be completed with the funds allocated
by the County to the SubGrantee. Any cost ovcmms shall be the sole responsibility of the
I . The SubGrantce agrees that all fi:nds allocated to it for approved project~ or activities
shall be used solely for th~ pwposes approved by the County. Said funds shall not be
used for any non-approved pwposes.
2. The SubGrantce agrees that the funds allocated for any approved projects or activities
shall be sufficient to complete said projects or activities without any additional COBO
funding .
F. Indemnity
To the extent allowed by law, the SubGrantee shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its
elected end appointed officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all losses,
damages, liabilities, claims, suit~, actions or costs, including attorneys fees, made, •.sserted or
incwred as a resu lt nf illlY damage or alleged damage to person or property occasioned by the acts
or omissions of ~t fJ<,~mtee, its officers, employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors, arising
out of or in any way c.onnected with the Project or the perfonnancc of this contracl
G. Rnnding and Insurance
If the SubOrantce's projects involve constru!;li,~~ activities, any Contractor it uses for said activities
shall· be required to provide and I'.'laim,.ir, ~'l•.1. tbal =ci,uut~,: by the SubGrantce of all work by
such Co~troctor, the kinds and minim ,.,,, .m,ou,,i • , ,f insurance a., follows:
I. Comprehensive General Liability: In the amount of no: less than $1,000,000 combined
single limit. Coverage to include:
a. Premises Operatiuos
b. Products/Completed Operations
c. Broad Form Contractual Liability
d. Independent Contractors
e. Broad Form Property Damage
f. Employt:c:s as Additional Insured
g. Personal Injury
h. Arapahoe County and the SubGrantee as Additional N=ed Insured
i. Waiver of Subrogation
2. Comprehensive Aulomobile Liability : In the amount of not less than $1,000,000
combined single limit for bodily injury a.'1d property damage. Coverage to include:
a. Arapahoe County and the SubGrantee as additional Na.'l!ed Insured
b. Waiver of Subrogation
3. Employers Liability and Workc-n; Compensation : The Contractor shall secure and
maintain employer's liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance thnt will protect
it against any and all claims resulting from injuries to and death of workers engaged
in work under any contract funded pursuant to this agreement. Coverage to include
Waiver of Subrogation.
4. All referenced insurance policies and/or ce:1ilicates t1f insuro11cc shall be subject to
fac fol iowing stipulotionu :
11. Underwriters shnll hove no rights of recovery subrogat:on against Acapahoc
County or the SubGrantco; it being the intent of the pn•·ties that the insurance
policies so effected shall protcc'. the patties and be ptimary coverage for nny
and oil losses covered by U,e described insurunce.
b. Th~ clause entitled "Other Insurance Provisions" contained in any policy
hcluding Arapahoe County as an edditional n:•,-n :,d insured shall nnt 11pp:y
to Arapahoe County, or the SubGrantee.
c. ·n,e insurance compa11ies issuing the policy or pn 'ir.ic,; shnll have no
recourse against Arapahoe C:iunty, or the & .. bOrani~• fur payment of any
premiums due or for any assessments under an y fonn of ru,y policy.
d. Any and all dcdurtiblcs contained in any insu,~n'-C pu!icy shull be ussumed
by and at the sole risk of the Cont actor .
5. Cc11ilicate of lns:irancc: The Co11!r11r.tnr .sh11ll not commence work under any
c.ontract funded pursuant lo this Agreement until he has submillcd lo the
SubOrantee, received npp·ovnl thereof, r.c11ificates of insurance showing that he has
complied with the foregoing ins,rw,ce requirements . The SubOranlec shall also
submit a copy of the Contractor's certificates of insurance to the County.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in this paragraph (0) sci forth
hereinabove, the County rcsorves the tight to modify or waive said provision• for
projects or activities (,,r which these provisions would prove p,·,,hibitive. The
SubOnmlee understands , however, that th,•. decision to waive or modify those
provisions is fully within the discretion of the County.
In ,.ccordance with ?.4 CFR part.~ R4 and 85, the following bonding requirements shall apply to all
projecll! tm:1:eding the simplified acquisition threshold (currently Sl0Q ,O,";Q):
J . A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to 5% of the bid price;
2 . A pcrfonnnnee bond on the part of the contractor for 100% of the contract pric.:e ; and
3. A payment bond on thcpa11 of the cont ractor for 1or ·1o of the contract p,ice.
a. Records
The SubOrantee shall maintain a complete set of books and records documenting its use ofCODG
funds and ils supervision and administration of the Project. Records are lo include documenllltion
ve,i fying Project eligibility and national objc:cli ve co111pliw1ce, as well as financial and 0U1er
admin :strative aspects involved in perfonning the Project. The SubGrantee shall provide full
access to these books and records !O the County, the Secretary of HUD or his designee, the Office
of h1spector General, and the General Accounting Ot1ice so that compliance with Federal laws and
regulalions may be confinned. The SubOrantee further agrees to provide to the County upon
request, a copy of any audit reports pertaining to the SubOrantee's financial operations during the
tenn of this Agreement. All records pertaining to the Project arc to be maintained for a minimum
of five years following close-out of the Project.
1. Reporting
TI1e SubGranlce shall file all reports and other information necessary to comply with applicable
Federal laws and regulations as required by the County and HUD . This shall include providing lo
the County the :nformation necessary to cor.iplete annual Perforrmmc:: Reports in a timely fashion .
J . Timelin~.s~
The SubGranlee shall comply with the monthly performance standards established in Section 11-C
of this Agreement. l'he SubGrantcc understands that failure to comply with the established
sland11Tds may lead to a cancellation of the rrojccl and a loss of all unexpended funds.
K. Reimbursement for Expenses
The SubGrante: agrees that befo~e the County can distribute any CDBG funds to it, the SubGrantee
must submit to the Cow1ty's Housing and Community Development Services Division
documentation in the form required by that Division which properly and fully identifies the amount
which the SubGrantee is requesting at that time. The County shall bave ten (I 0) working days to
rl:\ iew :he request . Upon approval of the request, the County will distnbutc thr requested funds to
the SubGrantec as soon as possible.
L. Program Income
All program income directly derived from the Arapahoe Co·.mty Community Development Block
Gra.,t Program received by the SubGrantee wiil be retained by the SubGrantee and will be
dispersed for i:s approved CDBG Project activities before additional CDBG funds are reques ted
from the County. Following completion of the SubGrontee's Arapahoe County CDBG Projects, all
program income directly generated ti-om the use ofCDBG funds will be remitted to the County.
M. Real Property
Real property acquired in whole or in part wid1 CDBG funds shall be utilized in accordance with
the scope nnd goals identified in Sections I and II of this Agreement. Should the property in
que.;tion be sold or otherwise disposed of, or the approved property usage discontinued, the
SubGrantec shall adhere to the requirements of24 CFR Parts 84 or 85 (as applicable) regarding the
use and disposition of real property.
N. State und County Luw Compliance
All responsibilities of the SubGrantce enumerated herein shell be subject to applicable State
statutes and County ordinanc -s, resolutions, rules, and regulations .
0. Subcnntrnclli
If subcc.mtracts nn, used on the Project , the SubGr.mtee nr.'l"ees that the provisions of this Agreement
shall upply lo any subcontract.
I'. Suspension or Tcrminnlion
This Agreement may be immediately suspended or terminated upon written notification fro11 : the
Cc,..mly if th e SubGrnnte.r. materially foils to comply with any tenn of this Agreement This
Agrcc mc11t muy ulso be tcnninated for convenience hy mutual D!,~·cement of the County "'": the
Q. ht the event that the Unit of General Local Clo,cmmcn : should withJraw the County's
"Urban County" designation , this Agreement shall tcnninate as of the tenninatio n date of the
Co:.mty's CDBG grnnt Agree ment with HI m.
R. ·111c Sul>Grnmec certifies tha t to the best of its knowle dge and bel ief;
1. Nu Fedcrul apprnpriated funds have been pa ,d or will be paid, by or on beh alf of ii,
to any person for influencing or attemptir.g to intlucnce an officer or employee of
any agen cy, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congrr.ss , or an
employee of a Member of Conb'Tt:SS in conncclion witl1 the awarding of any Federal
contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the
en tering into of any cooperative agrcc:ncn t, and the extension, continuation ,
n:newal, amendment, or modification of uny Fcdaal cont act, grant, loan, or
cooperative agreement ; and,
2 . If any funds other than Federal approp1iated funds have been paid or will be paid lo
nny person for influencing or attempting to influence on officer or employee of any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an t:r"ployee
of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or
cooperative ngreemcnt, it will complete and suhmit Standard Forrn-LLL,
"Disclosu re Fo rm to Report Lobbyi ni:," in acco rdance with its instructions .
S. Disullow :m cc
If it is :letetmincd by HUD or other federal agency that the expend iture, in whole or in part , for the
SubGrantcc's Project or activity was improper, inappropriate or ir,digible for reimbursement, then
the SubGrantee shall reimburse the County to the full extent ofU1e disallowance.
T . Verification of Lawful Presence
The SubGrantee shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with C.R.S . Sec tion 24-76 .5-103 by
vc1ifying U,e lawful presence of all persons eighteen years of ago or older who apply for any
benefits funded in whole or in part by the grant funds that are the subject of this Agreement.
SubGrantce shall verify lawful presence in the manner required by the statute, and sh~II provide
proof of compliance upon the request of the County.
A. Administrative Control
11,c Parties recogn ize and understand thnt the CoJl'ty will be th u gc,vemmental entity rC<!uired to
execute all grant agreements received from HUD pursl!ll~I ta the County's requests for CDBG
funds . Accordingly, the SubGrantee agree~ thnt as to its ~r •>jccts or activities performed or
conducted under any CDBG agreement, the CoW',l'j •,h~II havr! th~ ~eccssary administrative control
required to meet HUD requirements .
B. Performance and Compliance Monitoring
T'.: Count/s administmti ve obligations to the SubGrantee pursuant lo paragraph A above shall be
limited to ~,e performance of the administrative tasks necessary to malce CDBG funds available to
the SubGrantee and to provide Housing and Community Development Se:viccs staff whose job it
will be tu mmtilor the various projects funded with CDBG monies to monitor compliance with
npplicable Federal laws and regulations
C. Reporting to ,auD
The County will be responsible for seeing that all necessary reports and information required of the
County arc filed with HUD and other applicable Federal agencies in a timely fashion .
This agreement , including any docwnents attached as ellhibits which are hereby incorporated herein
by reference, represents the entire and integrated agreement between the County, and SuliGrantec
and supernedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. Any
amendments to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both the County, and SubGrantee.
If any portion of this agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void and/or
unenforceable, it is the intent of the parties that the remaining po11ions uf this egreemenl shall be of
full force and effect.
Notices lo be provided wider this Agreement shall be given in writing Rnd either delivered hy hand
or deposited in the United States mail with sufficient postage to the addresses set forth:
To the County : Arapahoe County Attorney
S334 S. Prince Street
Littleton, CO 80166
Arnr·,i,oe County Housing and Co :1111111nity l)cvclopmcnl Servicr.s
169 !1 W. Littl•:lon Dlvd ., #300
Li lllct on, CO 80120-2069
To the SubGrontec: City of Englewood
IOOO Eng lewood Parkway
Englewood , CO S'J II 0
In Witness Whereof, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed this ______ day
of ____________ ,,2011.
SubGrantee: City of Englewood
Signature James K. Woodward
Board ol" County Commissioners
Arapahoe County, Colorado
Don Klemme on behalfof the Board ,,f County Commissioner~
Pursuant to Resolution #110143
l'rojuc:t /\cllvllieJ l?tdin:'llcd Toud Co,c or COIIG Fu11ds Other (fuucl1 Co1nmlt1ed
f1p ec lf1 hy 11110 llc :n) Atllritf ·-
r1ojo:1 Mln1i11is1mlic>n, in:h1rli11c $4~.200 Sll,000 SJl ,20:1
J1Cl'IIOlmcl com. Lead Dnsed
1':tinl lc,<;tintt CO!i !I, :mtl Enetgy
Aurlil COS\s
Grams ror Enc:rQY l?fflcle.,c:, Sl ◄U,(00 1111,000 m,ooo
TOTAL: SU◄JOO $125 ,000 Jl9,200
Program Guidelines
I. Purpose
The Intent of the projecl is lo improve the energy and water efficiency of owner-occupied
Englewood homes with a focus on items d1at are Energy Star rated and/or qullify far federal
lax credits or any other state or local rebate programs if available, including !,ut not limited to
applian ces, fu rnaces, water heaters, windows, doors, skylights, insulation, roofing, evaporative
coaler~, i11sula1ed sid ing, et c. Gran! funds may be used lo correct Identified eminent hazards
and/or other health anrl safely issues which are needed to ensure the energy efficiency of !he
home. A maximum of $8,000 is granted per household and requires a 20% match from the
homeowner. If the homeowner does not have the required match, then the grant will be
secured by a dedi11ing Deed of Trusl recorded on the properly which will be forgiven over a
48-month period.
II. Procedures
1. Leller wi6 application and Affidavit of Residency mailed lo homeowner requesting
lnilnwlng documentation :
• Income verification for all household members over 18 (e.g. two current wage stubs,
current 1040 Income Tax forms , award letlers from Social Secu ri ty, VA, Worker's
Compensation, 551 , OAP, etc .)
• Bank statements for the previous two months.
• Deed of Trust, Warranty Deed, Quit Cla im Deed showing current ownership
• Current homeowner's insurance policy· showing coverage
• Curre nt properly tax statement from Arapahoe County
• Divorce papers verifying the amount of child support or alimony being received (if
2. Schedule interview with homeowner .
3. At interview obtain signed application, Affidavll of Residency, and driver's license for all
persons 1 B and alder living in the home. Provide homeowner w ith "Renovate Right
Important Lead Hazard Information" and obtain homeowner signature that booklet was
received. If a malch is required and homeowner does not have funds for the match,
offer homeowner a declining Deed of Trust recorded on the property which wiff be
forgiven over a 48-month period. If a declining Deed of Trust is recorded against the
properly, applicant shall be instructed to return any received rebates to !he City of
Englewood . Reb~te iunds received by the City of Englewood shall be Program Income .
4 . Once income eligibility is determined, mail homeowner letter informing lhem of
acceptance into the program . Direct lhem I·.· nbtain Xcel Ener1w Blower Door Audit.
/,ud ,t may be reimbursed lo homeown ,,, or paid direc tly lo Xcel. Xcel invoice sh owinn
auclll Is required for dlrecl paymenl. Xcei lnvv !ce showl11g ~udll and proof of paymenl
hy hom~nwn~r ic; requirnrl for rnim! 11 -, ... ii ,H hn 1,':t:owner .
5. Contact Arapahoe County Wea(l ,.--,.4 .,\,:,,·, 1c-. delcrmine If applicant ha& received
previous wP.athP.ri 1ation <P.rvlr P.< Mid ,. ,.,,, r.orreclen. If P.ligihle, refer applicant to
Arapahoe County Wealherizatlon prollrain.
6. Conduct environmental assessment.
7. Energy Audit is used as a general guide for work lo be compleled lo rnake Ih a home
rnore energy and wa1er emcient.
8. If an issue is discovered thal nJeds lo be re solved prior to providing Energy Efficiency
services, such as bu1 not limhed 10, electrical hazards or plun,blng or roof leaks, funds
may hP. 11sP.rl In r.om,r.t 1hr i<!IIP. h~forP. I'"' c.P.P.rling wilh ap:'lrovi>d work Hems .
9. 1-lomeowner sel ects company/individual to concuct work or purchase materials .
Ccmpany nomc and/or individual name Is matched ag ainst the Federal Excluded Party
List System lo insure eligibility to receive federal funds . This is completed before any
work begins . Once cleared lhe homeowner is instructed to proceed and to ensure
ap:::,ropr ,ate permits are oblained, if required, by lhe Englewood Building and Safety
--Division .-·-.. _., · -· • · .... ·•· -·· •· •-·-·
10. Payment may be made either directly lo homeowner, upon receipt of paid invoices, or
pa id directly to company/individual. Reimbursement is 80% of the total invoice when a
20% match is required. Copies of checks and invoices are placed in file .
11 . llcms will meet or exceed energy standards set forth at www.energystar.gov.
1 l . Upnn r.omr,IP.tion r,/ ~II wnrk, final learf based clearance test is performed by a Lead
Bit,(:(] Paint Ce, lified co11traclor.
Lead-Based Paint Polley
Applicants with properties constructed within the City of Englewood prior to 1978 will receive the
booklet "Renovate Rl&hl". This booklet detalls Lead-Based paint hazards and WM! to expect from their
contractor. At the back of the booklet Is a confirmation signature paae that the applicant must slsn
stating that they have recel•ed a copy of the booklet. This signature page w/11 be r~talned In each
appllcant's file.
The Housing construction Specialist (HCS) will perform a lead-based paint evaluation prior to any work
stanina. If lead-based paint Issues are found, the HCS will determine the requln'CI action• and estimate
costs to determine whether the project is suitable for rehabffltation within the cor,stralnts of the
Program . This Is required through the HUD regulations found In 24 CFR Part 35. All federal and state
laws mu,t be followed. All documents pertalnlna to the evaluation, testing results and a,sessments will
be retained In the applicant's fife.
Language an app/fcatlon:
'contractor certifies that only lead-free paint will be used. If It Is determined that lead-base paint exists
In a hazardous form or location, Contractor/Owner must cover all areas involved with a lead-free paint .
On all work Items flaued as "Interim Controls" or as requiring "lead sole work practices", workers must
use lead safe work practices per 24CFR 35,1350. These practices are represented In the "Lead Safety
Field Gulde" (Lead Paint Safety: A Field Gulde for Painting, Home Maintenance, ,md Renovat!an Work)
published by HUD-1779-LHC, March 2001 or any HUD-approved Lead Safe Work ?ractlces class. Work
dlsturblns lead-based paint Is not considered complete until clearance, If required, 1, achieved.
All person, carrying ·iut activities flagged as 'Interim Controls" or as reqcired "lead safe work prar•lces"
mus; either be supervised by an EPA abatement supervisor or pro•lde proof of completion of HUD•
appro•ed worker training course In lead safe work practices prior to stan of work.
Atlachmenl "C"
To Sub-Recipient Agreement octwccn
Arapahoe County Government
City of Englewood
Project Number ENHS 1121
The Pcdcrnl Funding Acoountability and Transparency Act (FFATA.) requires the Office of
Mnnncr.ment· anrl flurlge1 (0MB) to maintain n sinele, searchable website 11:,at contains
information ou all Federal 8pemling awards . As par! o f lhis, Arapahoe County Housing and
Com:nunily Development is requiring all agencies that meet the following thresholds to report:
DUNS Number (required rciiardlcss of the sl,.c of ngcncy or award), _______ _
If your agency or organization:
1) hnd a gross income, from nil sources , over $300,000 in Agency's previm:s tax ycar,..Q!
2) yuu r ai;cucy ur organiwlion rcc~ivcs more than 80% o: unnual gross revenues from
the Federal g?vernment and those revenues ore greater than S2.5 million annunlly , anrl
J) Your agency or organization is receiving an award ofS25,000 or more, and
4) compensation information of your five top senior executives is not available to the
general public;
then you must provide the lotnl compensation and nnmes of your top fil'e executives below .
N1n10. plcHe print Annual S1l1ry
N•me. plcHt print Annual Sal•r')'
Ntaine. pleart prlnl An111alS1larr
Name, pJcuc p:iut A1N1u•IS11lar,r
N ■me. please prlnl An1u1I Stltr)'
D Please check this box if you do not meet nny of the thresholds noi od RhOl'c.
I «rtiJJI tli•t lhtfo/ormtui1n rcponat in tfasJonn II;,, umpiiantt with ti~ Folse C.1•IMI ACI (U.S. Call C:.lltC1l011, tlflt 1/, Subtitlt Ill,
Cl1optt r J1, .'i11bch•pror If/§ J1J9). I 1111dtrstt1nd that HJ' p,non .. ho lutt1i,lntly molcu o /dist or /ro11d 1duit t:lal,,, for pGymant or •pprow,t,
,,,.,,. /Jt Uab/110 t/11 U11JrH Smu Goter11m1111 for a C'l'li.l pom,lr, of 1101 lut 11,on ss,oao and 11otmor, th,n 110,000 p/1,s 11,n, (JJ tlmu 1111
l11Wu11t of 4111110fQ 111lllcll tht C-Wm!!!t!H ,,,r :In&.
Slgn11turc: _____ .,.-___________ _ Vote: ~-----------
Title: ____________ _
This Agreement 1s made by and between the Board of Cou.,ty Commissior,c,s of the County of Arapahoe,
Slale of Colorado, for the Community Development Block Grant Program in the Community RCSQurces
Department (hereinafter referred to as the County) and the City of Englcw oc•~ (hereinafter referred lo as the
SubGrantee) for the conduct of a Community Development Block Grant (CJJ t1G) Project.
The , .nary objective of Title I of the Housing and C9mmunity DevchJj>menl Act of 1974, as omended,
and o: the Community Deveiopmc:11'. Block Grant (CDBG) Progrwn under :his Title is the development of
viable urbon communities, by pro,,;r!ing decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanding
economic opportunities, principally ';.: low and moderate income persons .
The project by the SubGrantee known as the Housing Rehab ilitation Project (Projecl) has been categori7.ed
as II Single Family Housing Rehab ilitation project and the SubGrantee will maintain documootation with
the national objective of Low/Moderate Income Housing activities .
The SubGrantee previously received CUBG funds for the Project 11nd is now receiving Program Income
from the Project. The Counly agrees to allow SubGrantec to continue to use the Program Income received
for the continuation of the Housing Rehabilitation Project.
· ,"'1e following provisions outline the scope of the work to be completed :
1be ~ubGrantcc will use Program Income to provide low interest loans and/or grants to income eligible
homeowners for health ond safety related home improvements . Typical improvements may include (but
are not necessarily limited to) plumbing, electrical systems , roofs , and HY AC work.
It is expressly agreed and understood that the total amount to be paid by the County under this
contract shail not exceed S0 .O0. Payment of eligible expenses shall be made against the line item
budgeL~ specified in the Project Budget and in accnrdancc with performance criteria established in
Section II-C . The parties expressly recognize U1at the SubGrantcc is to reuse Program Income
funds scncral<>d frc.•n previous years CDBG rehab loan activities, and that ii is at the discretion of
the County to allow reuse . ~1 addilio1., reuse is contingent upon receipt of such funds . L, the event
that suirt fl,,,ds, or any pnn th"ftt>f, are, or her.nine, unavailable, then the County may immediately
tcnninotc or amend Utis agrecmcnL To the extent C.R.S. § 29-1-110 is applicable, any financial
obligation of the County to the SubGrantee beyond the current fiscal year is also contingent upon
adequate funds being appropriated, budgeted and uthc,wisc available.
B. Timclinc
All Project activities will be completed by A1>ril 30, 2012 unless this Agreement is modi:1cd by
mutual agreement of the County and SubOrantee.
C. l'crfor11111ncc Criteria
In accordance with U,c funding application submitted by the SubGrantec for Lhe Project, the critciin
listed below arc to be met duling the execution o:'the Project.
1 . Quanti!iuble Goals :
171c SubGrantee will provide four or more home improvement loans or grants to in~ome
eligible Englewood homeowners . All improvements funded under this grant are to be
perfo:med in complinnce with applicab le locul or industry codes and standards .
2. Community lmpoct :
Affordable housing-stability and housing quality
3 . Quarterly Pcrfonnanc.1 Standards:
September 30, 2011 :
Market program, interview potential clients
October 31 2011 :
Provide one (I) rehabilitation loan/grnnt
Monthly Draw and R~-porting Due by 20th
November 30, 2011:
Monthly Draw and Rcpo1ting Due by 20th
Decemb,~ 31, 2C, 1 ·
Provitlc one (I) rehabilitation loan/grant
Monthly Draw and \~eporting Due by 20th
January J t. 2012:
Provide one (I) rehabilitation loan/grant
Monthly Draw and Reporting Due by 20th
February 29. 2012:
Monthly Draw anti Reporting Due by 20th
Mmh,_31. 2012 :
Provide one (I) rehabi litation loan/grant
Monthly Draw and Reporting Due by 20th
April 30. 2012 :
Provide services to meet cumulative grant year goal of 4 households served
Complete all renovations fund ed by project
Submit final drawdown and completion report to County
D. Reporting Require .. :nts
1. Project repo1ts w I be due by the 2011, of U1, "ollowing monlh until U1 e Project is
compltJctl .
2. The official annual audit and/or Financial Statements for the SubGrantec in which both
revenues 11ml e~pcnc.lilurc:; for the COBO Projeclll described hi:rein Ille delllilcd arc due
E. Lobor Standards (Davis-Bacon)
Projecl activities do not require compliance with federal labor standards (Davis-Bacon) as it is
exempt (i .e., public service activity, single family home rehabilitation, purchase of materials, or
other activity that has been determined exempt from federal labor standards).
F. Lead Boscd Point Regulations
If the activity involves a.,y construction, demolition, rehabilitation, or any activity ,~lated to a
building, and the building was built in 1978 or prior, Lead Based Paint Laws and Regulat ions
apply, as established in 24 CFR Parts 35 and 570 .608 . If the SubGrantce does not follow and
document I.cad Ra.qed Painl Law s and Regulation r.ompliance, the SubC11"antee will not be elijlible
for reimbursement
The '"Prolecl Your Family from Lead in Your Home"' pamphlet is to be provided lo all
homeowners, regardless of age of housing. Verification of notification is to be maintained in chent
files .
G. Environn1ental Ravfow
Notwilhstanding any provision of thi, Agret:me,1t, the partie., hereto agree and ocknowle<ige that
this Agreement docs not constitute a commiunent of funds or site approval, a:id ·.hat such
·conunitment •1f funds or approvul mr.y occur only upon satisfactory completion of 1,1wironmental
review and receipt hy Arapahoe County of a release of funds from the U.S . Department of Housing
und Urban Development under 24 CFR Part 58. 'l11e pr.1tics lilrther ugroc llrnl lhe provision of any
funds to the project is conditio11ed 011 Arupahoc County's detem:ination to proceed with, modify, or
cunccl the project iased on •.he r=lts of a subsequent environmental review.
II. Unifo "m Rclocntlon Act (URA)
I: has been clt:lunnim:cJ th11t no action unuc, lhc Uniform Relocoti un Act (URA) is nccc.~sary .
A. J''cdcral Complinncc
The SubGranleo shall comply wi1h nil npplicuble federal laws, rCb'lllalions and requirements, und all
provisions of the grant agreements received from lhc U.S. Depa.-uncm of Housing nnd Urban
Development (HUD) by the County. These include but :ire not limi tt:d lo compliance with the
provisions of :he Housing and Community nevclopmcnt Act of 1974 and all rules, ,egulalions,
b~•idelines and cire.abrs proninlented hy the various fr.der~I' clepn11m~nts, nsmcif'.S, ar.ministnitinns
und cornmis~iuus relating tu the COBO Progrum. A listing of some of U,e applicable laws and
regulations arc a~ follows:
l . 24 CFR Part 570;
2. 24 CFR Parts 84 1111d 85;
3. Tille VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
4. Title VIIl ofthc Civil Rights Act of 1968;
5. Sections I 04(b) and IW of the Housing and CommLsity Development Act of 1974;
6. Fair housing rcgula\ions established in the Fair Housing Aet, Public Law 90-284, and
Executive Order 11063; ,
7. Section 504 ofth~ Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
8. Asbestos guidelines established in :;po Notice 90-44;
9. The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Public Law 94-163) and 24 CFR Pw1 39;
I 0. Equal employment opportunity and minority ':lusiness enterprise regulations established
in 24 CFR part 570 .904;
11. Section 3 uflht: Housinglllld Urba., Development Act of 1968 ;
12 . Non-discrimination in employment , established by F.xecutive Order 11.246 ;
13 . Lead BIISt:d Paint regulations established irl 24 CFR Parts 35 lllld 570 .608;
14. Audit requirements established in 0MB Circulnr A-113; and
15 . Cost principles established in 0MB Circulw'S A-87 and A-122 .
16. Conflict of Interest:
(a) Applicability. In the procurement of property and services by paruc1paung
jurisdiction, Suite .recipients, and subrecipients, the conflict of interest provision in
24 CFR 85 .36 and 24 . .CFR 84.42 , respectively, apply. In all cases not governed by
24 CFR 8S :36 arid 24 CFR 84 .42, the provisions of this section apply .
(b) Conflicts prohibited.·'No persons descrfaed in paragraph (c) of this seclion who
exercise or who have exercised any functions or respons ibilities with re.,;pect to
activites assisted with CDBG funds or who are in a position to participate in a
decision making process or gain inside information with regard to these activities,
may obtain a financial interest or benefit from a CDBG-assistcd activity, or have ar,
interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect thereto, or the
proceeds there under, either for themselves or those with whom they have family or
business ties, during their tenure or for one year thereafter.
(c) Persons covered . Jhe conflict of interest provisions of paragraph (b) of this section
apply to any person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer or elected official
or appointed official of the participating jurisdiction, State recipient, or subrecipient
which are receiving CDBG funds .
(d} Excep!ions : Threshold requirements . Upon the written request of the participating
jurisdiction, HUD may grant an exception to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this
section on a case-by-case basis when it determines that . the exception will !ICl'Ve to
further the purpose of the CDBG lnvesbnent Partnership Program and the effective
and efficient administration of the participa:ing jurisdiction's program or project.
An exception mny be considered only after the participating jurisdiction has
provided the following :
(I) A disclosure of the nature of the conflict, accompanied by an assurance that
there has been public cisclosure of the conflict and a description of how the
public disclosure was mnde; nnd
(2) An opinion of the· participating jurisdiction's or State recipient's attorney
that the interest for which the exemption is sought would not violate State or
local law .
(e) Facto111 to be considered for c:otemption . In detcrmini.ig whether to grnnt n requested
exception alter the participating juri_sdiction has satisfactorily met the requirements
of paragraph (d) of this section, HUD will consider the cumulative effect of the
following factors, where applicable :
(!) Whether the exception would provide a significant cost benefit or an
essential degree of expertise to the program or project which would
otherwise ~ot be available;
(2) W:,ether the perso~ affected is a member of a group or class of low income
pe:sons intended to be the beneficiaries of the assisted activity and the
exception will pennit such person to receive generally the same interests or
beneiits as are being made available or provided to the group or class ;
(3) Whether the affected person has withdrawn from his or her functions or
rcsponsibiiities, or the decision making process with respect to the specific
assisted activity in question;
(4) Whether the interest or benefit was present before the affected person was in
a po~ition as described in paragraph (c) of this section;
(5) Whether undue hardship will result either to the participatingjutisdiction or
U,e person affected when weighed against the public interest served by
avoiding the prohibited conflict; and
(6) Any.otherreleyant considerations .
(() Owners and Developers.
(1) No ownrs, d,wr.lopr.r or sponRor of a project assisted with CDBG funds (or
officer, employee, agent , elected o, appointed official or consul tnnt of Uie
owner, developer or sponsor) whether privat~. for-prolil or non-prnfil
(includi,,~ a community housing development organization (CHDO) when
acting ,t owner, developer or sponsor) may occupy a CDBG-assisled
affordable housing unit in a project. This provision docs not apply to an
individual who receives CDBG funds to acquire or rehabilitate his or her
principal residence or to an employ"" or agent of the owner or developer of o
rental housing project who occupk . a housing unit as !he project manager or
maintenance worker.
(2) Exceptions . Upon w1it1cn request of a :10using owner or developer, the
pruticipating jurisdiction (or State recipient, if authorized by U,e State
participating juriNdi ctiou) may grunt an exception to the provisions of
paragraph (f) (I) of this section on a casc-hy-case ha.~is when ii ctetcm,ines
that the exception will serve to further the purpose of the CDBG pmgram
and the effective and efficient administration of the owner 's or developer's
CDBG · -assisted project . In dctcnnining whethc: to gr1111t a requested
exception, the participating jurisdiction shall consider the following fact01;:
(i)Whether the person receiving the benefit is a mcmb1.-r of n group
or class oflow-income persons intended lo be the beneficiaries of the
assisted housing, and the exception will permit such persrn to
receive generally U1e swne interests or benefits as arc being made
available or provide lo the group or class ;
(ii)Whether the person has withdrawn from his or her functions or
responsibilities, or the decision making process with respect to the
specific assiSlt'.d housing in question;
(iii) Whether the tenant protection requirements of Sec . 92 253 are
being obsc.--ved;
(iv) Whether the affirmative marketing requirement, of Sec. 92.3 51
arc being observed and followed; a.~d
(v) Any other factor ·relevant lo the participating ju1isdiction's
dctcnninatiou, including the tim,ng of the rcqucs,ed cxccptio1:.
Additionally, in accordance with 24 CFR Part 570, no employee, official,
agent or oonsultant of the SubClrantee shall exercise any function or
responsibility in which a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would ariau.
17. The SubGrantee c.1:11101 engage in a federally funded contract with any entity
registered in the Lists of Parties Exduded From Federal Procureinent Qr
Nonprocurement Programs.
B. . . Non-Appropriations ~l•~~e :
The SubGrantee agrees that it ,:will 'in.elude in every contract it enters, which relies upon CDBG
monies. for funding, a non-appropna~on clause that will protect itself, and the Cotmty from any
liability or responsibility or any ·suit which might result from the discontinuance of COBO funding
for any reason. Because this SubGrantee Agreement involves funds from a federal grant, to the
extent there is a conflict the funding provisions of this SubGrantee Agree-men!, the federal grant and
the federal statutes control rather than the provisions of Section 24-91-103 .6, C.R.S . with regard to
any public work projects
C. Expendltul'e Rc.,rri ctlons
All CDBG funds that are 1',pproved by HUD for expenditure under the County's grant agreement,
including those that are identified for the SubGraotee's Projects and activities; shall be allocated to
the speci,ic p~jects and activities descn'bed and listed in the grant agriemcnts. The allocated funds
shall be used and expended only for the projects and activities for which the funds are identified.
D. Agreement Changes
No projcct:l or activities, nor the amount allocated therefore, may be changed without lll=Proval by
the County and acceptance of the revised Final Statement and/or Consolidated Plan by HUD, if
required. Changes must be requested in writing and may not begin until a modification to this
Agreement is fully executed. ·
E. Direct Project Supervision and Admlnlstrntion
The SubGrantee shall be res,,;oru;ible for the direct supervision and administration of its respective
projects or activities. This task sh.II be accomplished through the use of the SubGrantee's staff,
agency and employees . The SubGrmtee shall be responsible for any injury to persons or damage to
property resulting from the neglig,,ot acts or errors and omissions of its staff, agents and employees.
Because the SubGrant~e is responsibl:, for the direct supervision and administration of its projects
or activities, ihe County shall not be liable o.r responsibl~ for cost overruns by the SubGrantee on
any projects or activities. TI1e County ~hall have no duty or obligation to provic.le w1y' udditioual
fundin1.; to tlie SubGrantee if its projcc-ts or activities cannot be completed with the funds allocated
by ll)e County to the Sui,Grantee. Any cost overruns shall be the sole responsibility of the
1. The SubGrantee agrees that all funds allocated to it for approved projects or attivirics
.shall be used solely for the purposes approved by the County. Said funds shall not be
used for eny non-approv.J purposes.
2. The SubGrantee ag":ees that the funds at:ocated for any approved projects or activities
shall be sufficient to complete said projects or activities without any additionnl CDBG
funding .
11, Indemnity
To the extent allowed by law, the SubGranlee shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its
dccted and a11poin,cd officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all losses,
damages, liabilities, claims, suils, actions or costs, inclucling attorneys fees, mode, asserted or
incurred as a result of any damage or ullegetl dumage to person or property occasioned by the acts
or omi ssions nf SuhGrar.'ee, its officers, employcc.s, agents, contractors or subcontractors , mi sing
oul uf or in any way coo.r •.:.eled with the rrojccl or the pcrformunce of this conlracl.
G. Bonding nncJ ln~urnucu
1:"the SubGrantee's projects involve ::onstrucli on aclivitir:s , any C'.ontrnctor ii ILSCR for suid activities
shall be requ ired lo provide and maintain, uutil final acceptance by the Su:iG rnntcc of all work by
such Conlnctor, the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance as follows :
1. Comprehensive General Liability: In the amount of not less than S 1,000,000 combined
single limit. Cover.,ge lo include :
a. Premises Opcralions
b. Products/Completed Operations
c. Broad Fonn Cont:nclUal l.iabi:ily
d. lndependcnl Contracton;
e . Broad Form Property Dan,age
f . Employees as Additional Insured
g. Personal Injury
h . Arapahoe County and the SubGrantce as Additional Named Insured
i. Wniver of Subrogation
2. Comprchen: 've Automobile Liability: In the amount of ml le.ss than SI ,000,000
combined single limit for bodily injury ltild p1vporly damage . Coverage to include :
a. Arapahoe County and the SubGrantee as additional Named Insured
b. W11ivor of Subrogation
3. Employers L:ability and Workers Compcnsution : The Contractor shall secure and
maintain employe1's I iabilily and Worker's Compensation Insurance that will protect
it ugainsl any and all claims resuhir.g from injuries lo and death of workers engaged
in work under any contrucl funded pursuant to this agreerncnl. Coverage to include
W aivcr of Subrogati on .
4. All referenced insurance policies and/or c.enificatr.s of insurance shall be subject to
the following stipulations :
a. Underwriters shall have no r.ghls of recovery subrogation against Arapahoe
Counly or the SubOrantee; ii being the intent of the parties that the insurance
policies so effected shall protect the parties and be primary coverage for any
and all !osses covered by lhe described insurance.
b. The clause entitled "Other Insurance Provisions" contained in any policy
including Arapahoe County as an additional named insurec shall not apply
to Arapahoe County, or .he SubGrantee.
c. The insurance companies issuing the policy or policies sbaU have no
recourse against Arapahoe County, or the SubG:-antee for payment of any
premiums due or for any assessments under any form of any policy .
d. Any and all deductibles contained in any insurance policy shall be assumed
by and at the sole risk of the Contractor.
5. Certificate of Insurance : The Contractor shall not commence work under any
contract funded pursuant to this Agreement until he has submitted to the
SubGrant~, received approval thereof, certificates of insurance showing that he has
complied with the foregoing insurance requirements . The SubGrantee shall also
submit a copy of the Contractor's c~rtificates of insurance to the County.
6. Notwithstanding lhe provisions contained in this paragraph (H) set forth
hereinahove, lhe County reserves the righ t to modify or waive said provisions for
projects or activities for which these provisions would prove prohibitive . The
SubGrantcc understands, however, that the decision to waive or modify those
provisions is fully within the discretion of the County.
lri accordance v..ith 24 CFR parts 84 and 85, the following bonding requirements shall apply to all
pro." ects exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold (currently$ 100,000):
1. A bid gull!!llltee from each bidder equivalent to 5% of the bid price;
2. A performance bond on the part of the contractor for I 00% of the contract price; and
3. A payment bond on the part of the contractor for 100% of the contract price .
H. Reco~d~
The SubGrantee shall ma:ntain a complete set of books 1tnd rer.ords dora1menting it~ use of CDBG
funds and its supervis ion and a·!ministration of the Project. Records are to include documentation
verifying Proj ect eligibiEty and national objective compliance , as well as finaucial and other
administrative aspects invo '.ved in performing the Project. The SubGrantee shall provide full
access to these books and records lo the County, the St:erclary uf HJD Ol' his des igncc, the Office
of in.,--pevtor General , and the General Accounting Office so that compliance with Federal laws and
reg11lalions may be confirmed . The S1 ,Grantee further agrees to provide to the County upon
re;iuest , a copy of any audit rep orts pertai ning to the SubGrantee's fi r •.,cial operations during lhe
term of tl1is Agreanent. All records pertaining to the Project are to be maintained for a minimum
of five years following close-out of the Proj(;Ct.
I. Reporting
The SubG,anlcc shall file nil reports and other infonnalion necessury to comply with applicable
Federal la,,~ and regulations as required by U1c County i111d HUD . TI1is !hall include providing lo
the County II ,~ infonnatior. nece3~ary to comp:ete aMual Perfonnance Reports in a timely fashion .
,I. Timrlino:~s
The SubGmnlt:e shall comp :y with '.he monthly pcrfom1ance st andards c~lahli sh.-1 in Se.r.lion 11-C
of this Agreeme11l. Tho SubGranlcc undet~tands that failure 10 comply with lhc esta blished
s1 nndards may lead to o cunccll alion of the Projccl and a loss of all une xpend ed litnds.
JC Reimbursement for Expenses
The SubGrantce a1,'l'ecs that before the County can distribute any CD3G funds to ii, the SubGnmlee
must submit tn the County's Housing and Community Development Services Division
ducum •nluliun in lho runu rc:quirud by L'iat Division which properly and fully id~ntifics the amount
which th ~ SubGrantee is requesti ng al lh >.I ti me. The County shall have len (10) work ing days to
review the request. Upo~ approval of the request, the County will distribute lhe requcsh:d funds lo
the SubGnmlee as soon us µossihle .
I,, l'roi:rnm Income
All program income directly derived fi .:>m tl1e Ar~pahoe County Community 1Jevclo p1:ient !:!lock
Grant Program received by the SubGrantee will be retained by the SuhGrantce and will be
dispersed for its approved CDBG Project activities before additional CDBG f-.mds are requested
from I.he C'.,ounty. Following completion oflhe SubGrantee's Arapahoe County CDBG Projects , all
program i11cu111e uireclly genentlcd frum the use ofCDBG funds will be remitted to the County.
M . Real Property
Real property acquired in whole or in part wilh COBO funi:s sh ull ·,c utili zed in acco rdance with
the scope and goals identified in Sections I and II of this Agreement. Should the property in
question be sold or otherwise disposed of, or llic approved prop1,-rty usage disconti11ucd, the
SubGranlee shall adhere to the requirements of24 CFR Parts 84 or 85 (as applicable) reg11rdin g lhe
use and disposition of real pro pert y.
l'\. Stnte nnd County Lnw Complinncc
All responsibilities of •' ,e SubGrantee enumcralcd herein shall be subject to applicnble Slate
,;1a1ut~ and Cou nty ordinances, resolutions, rules, and rci,•tl'alions .
O. SubcontracL~
If subconb·acls arc used on U1e Project, the SubCJnmtee agrees Ulat the provisions of this Agreement
shall apply IO any subcontract.
P. Suspension or Termination
This Agreement may be immediately suspended or terminated upon written notification from the
County if the SubGrantee materially fails to comply with any tam of this Agreement. This
Agreement may also be terminatt.d foe rnnvenience by mutual agreement of :he County and the
Q. In the event that the Unit of Gooeral Local Government should withdraw from the County's
"Urban County" designation, U1is Agreement shall terminate as of the tennination date of the
County's CDBG grant Agreement with HUD . ·
n. The SubGranlee certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief:
I. No Federal .1ppropriated funus ha ,,e been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it,
to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of
any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal
contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the
entering into of any cooper~ti vc agret.menl, w,u the exlerudon, continuation,
renewal, amendment, or modification of any Ft.dcral contract, grant, loan, or
cooperative agreement; and,
2. If any funds other than Federal appropriatt.d funds have been paid or will be paid to
any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress , or an employee
of R Memher of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or
cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Form-LIL,
"Disclosure Fonn to Repon Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions .
S. Dlsalluwunce
If it is determined by : IUD or other federal agency that the expenditure, in whole or in part, for the
SubGrantee's Project or activity was improper, inappropriate or im,ligible for reimbursement, then
the SubGrantee shall reimburse the County to the full extent of the d.isallow11J1ce.
T. Verification of Lawful Presence
The SubGrantee shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with C.R.S Section 24-76 .5-103 by
verifying the lawful presence of all persons eighteen years of a1le or older who apply for any
benefits funded in whole or in part by the grant funds that are the subject of this Agreement.
SubGrantee shall verify lawful presence in the manner required by tl1c statute, and : hall provide
proof of compliance upon the reques: ,,fthe County.
A, /\d111ini•trntivc Control
The P!tttics recognize and linrlerstand that tl1e County will he the governmental entity required to
"'"""le ull grunl ogrecmc:1ts received from HUD purs~anl lo the Cou:1ty1s requests for COBO
funds. Accordingly, lhe SubGranlee agrees thal ru; to ilS projects or activities perf01med or
conducted ur.dcr any CDDG Ub'l'Ccmcnl, the County shull hove lhc necessary ndministrolive control
required to mccl HUD requirements .
H. l'et·formonce and Cumplinnce Mnnit.oring
ihc County's administrative obligations to the SubGrantce pt:rsuant to paragraph A above shull bi::
limited to the performance of the administrative tasks necessary to m•ke CDBG funds nvailablc to
the SubGrnntee and to p:ovidc Housing and Communi ty Development Services stnff whose job it
will be to monitor the •:arious projects funded with COBO monies to :nonitor r.omplianc.e with
applica':lle Federal luws and regulations.
C . Reporting tn HUD
The County will be responsible for seeing that all n=.saryrcports ond information required of the
County are filed with HUD and other applicable Federal agencie~ in a timely fash,m:.
This agreement, including any documenl~ attached HS cxhibilS which are hereby incorporated hcrc:n
by reference, represcnlS the entire and integrated agrcc:1wnl between the County, and SubGranlee
and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral . Any
amendments to this agreement must be in writing and sisned by both U,e County, and SubGrar.tee.
If any portion of this agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void and/or
unenforceable, it is the intent of the parties that the remaining portions of this agreement shall he of
full force and effect .
Notices lo be provided under this Agreement shall be g;vcn in w1iting w1d either delivered by hand
or deposited in the United States tr.ail with sufficient postngc lo 1hr. addressc.s set fm1h:
To the Cou11ly : Arn;,ahoe County Atto,.,cy
5334 S. Prince Street
Littleton, CO 80166
Arapahoe County Housing and Community Development Services
1690 W. Littleton Blvd ., #300
Littleton , CO ROl20-2069
1 2
To the SubGrantee : City of Englewood
1000 Englewood Parkway
Englewood , CO 801 JO
In Witness Wluwcof, lhc Pmtics !:ave caused U11s Agreement lo be duly executed this ______ day
or _______ _ __ __,2011.
SubGramee: City or Englewood
Signulure James K. Woodward
Board of County Commiis.sioners
Arnpahoc County, ColoruJo
Don KJcmme on behalf of the Board of County Commiis.sioners
Pursuant to Resolution #110143
l'rnjeclAdiv.oes l!:suma,ecs ·1·111i Con or COOGP•mls OU1u l'ancls C1111unllltll
(Jfl r.dly h)' lh1c Item) Acllvil)'
ltch:ih ,u.h11i11i111m1io11 SS0,000 ss,:ioo ~).000
rmjc:cl Hdi.1h expenses
s·,o,ouu $~5,000 S'U,000
TOTAi.: Sl20,00U $50,000 $10,000
Date Agenda Item Subject:
October 3, 2011 11 a ix Intergovernmental Ar,eements
between the City an •. \rapahoe
Community Development Dept. I STAFF SOURCE:
Janel Grimmett, Housing Finance Specialist
Council passed Ordinance No. 22, Series of 2009 r-,la ti1111 lo ,i ,e participation in lhe Urban County
Entitlement Program for CDBG and HOME funds for fiscal years 2010 through 2012; and also
passed Resolution No. 79, Series of 2010 supporting the subm 'ssion of applications for 2011 CDBG
Approve a Bill for an Ordinance authorizing the execution of two Intergovernmental Subgrar.tee
Agre~ments between the Arapahoe Board of County Commissioners and the City of Englewood for
the 2011 Ara~ ~hoe County Community Development Block Grana Program.
The Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides grants to units or
lo-,al i;overnment and urban counties to meet housing and community development needs. The
obje . ,,ve of the Program Is achieved through pruj-,..:Ls developed by the local government that are
des'~:o ed to give priority to those activities that benefit low• and moderate-income families . Funds
are alivcated by statutory formula to each entitlement area. Arapahoe County is an approved
entitlement area . The grant funds are d istributed b y A,.,pahoe Countv to each participating city
within the countv.
For FY201 l , funds were approved to support the following projects:
for the fnergy Efficient Fnglewood (E3) project to provide matching grants to
fourteen low to moderate income homeowner5 for energy efficiency interior and
exterior home improvements; and,
for the Housing Rehabilitation project to provide IGw interest loans and/or grants to
income eligrble homeowners for health and safety related home improvements
using Program Income rece ived previously for 1he project
An addit:onal $2:;,ooo of the City's allocation of CDBG funds was approved by Arapahoe Cour,ty
to support the House of Hope Staffing project. It was requested that Arapahoe County contract
directly with Family Tree for the administration of the project.
The existing employees in Community Development are availahle to administer the projects and
their salaries and benP.fits are part of the Cily's conlrib•ilion The City will utilize a portion of the
CDBG funding from :he E3 Project ( est. $ I 0,000) to pa;tially offset the costs of those salaries and
Bill for an Ordinance.