HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Resolution No. 006RESOLGT ION NO . .IL SERl ES O F 2011 A RESOL UTI ON KEAl'POlN T I.N G MARK ADAM S TO T HE PU13 U C LIBRARY OOARD FOR TH E CIT Y O F l:NliLl::WOOD, CO LUKA IJU WHER.E / .. ·. th e Eng lewood Pub li c Libra ry Board pre pares and recommend s to Cit y Cou nci l a mas ter pla n fo r the develo pm en t. ;rnd m:iint enancc of the Cll y li brary syste rn ns ,ve il as poli cy issues; and WHEREAS, Mar k Adams :s a -:urrcnt mem ocr ol the Eu glcwooc l'ubhc Lib ra ry Board; and \\~·LER.EAS, Mark Adams ' tenn exp ired Feomary I , 20 11. WJU:m.EA S, Mark Ad111 ns hns appli ed fo r rcnp poi ntmelll lO the Engh.:w ood Pub lic LibraJ) Board for anothe r tc nn ; and W!-111REr\S, the Englewood City Counc il C:cs ircs to rcn pp oinl 1'.~ark Adon1s 10 th e Eng lcwo('I.J 1iubil ::: Lib rar-1 Bea rd for anvt hcr tem1 ; NOW, T l-lER.t..'ORE, BE 1T l(ESOJ.V ED BY THE CIT Y COUN CrL OF T l!E CITY OF ENG LE WO OD. COLO P,\DO . THAT : ScctiC!.!l..l , M art .t\dam !'.i is hcn:by rc:upp ui 11 ll:d lu tht: EngltM•'uuJ PLtU!ic Libra1 y Boa1d. Mark Adams' 10 1111 will be effect iv e iuun edia tely and will expire Fe,mary I, 2015 ADOPTED AND APPR OVE D this 7th dav of Fe blllary, 20 11. James K. Woo dw ard, Mayor I, Lou cri shi a /\. Ell is, Cuy C ler k for t7~ City o f Eng le wo od, '))?'ado, hereby ce rt ify the above is a tru e cop y of Reso luti o n No . _if_, Sc ri:s of 20 11. _ " . :5. lis, Ci ty Clerk 8 e