HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Resolution No. 007RESOTJ TTION NO _rz_ SERIES OF 2011 A R.ES OLU T fON Af'i'OIN'l'ING ANDY BERG ER TO Tl-IE ELECTION COMM ISS ION OF Tl-IE crrv OF ENG LEWO OD, COLOR.ADO . \V HER E!\S, lhc Eng lewo od Electior Commissio n is charged wit h reco mmend ing, to City Co w1 ci'. rul es and rcgulm ions with res pec 1 to mun ic ipal elections; rmd WHEKE/\S. there is a vac an cy o:, th e Englew ood Ekct 10 11 Co nunis.1 ion; a.nd WHEREA S, Andy 13crge r has a pplied to serve as a member of th e Englewooci Elect ion l.nm rn i<:.sion ; WHEIU:AS , the Eng lcwooci C11 y Cou11 c1I desires to app oint Andy l:l ergcr t o the En glcwooci Electi on Co mm is sion NOW, TH El<E FORE . BE IT RESOLVED BY T l-fE CIT Y C0UNC[l,O F THJ: CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, CO LO RAD O, TH AT : Sect ion 1. Andy ncrgcr is hereby appo int ed to the Englewo od Elec ti on Commiss ion A ndy Bt:1gcr 's term "ill be effec tive immediately w ith tem1 ex pirin g Fc-l)ruai)' I, 20 15. ADO PT ED .~ND APP ROVE D 1h 1s 7th da y of Fe bruary, 20 11. ~ K. 1. ),£.j~.,9 (. j James K. Woo dward , Maynr I, 1.cucrishia ,\ F.lli s, C:11 y C lerk for t1)!:,Cit y of Englewonci , Col above is a uu e copy of Resolu ti on No . ~f---• Series of 20 I . h ereby cc:-t ify the -~ Br