HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Resolution No. 059RESOLUTION NO. _;jJ_._ SERJES OF 20 I I A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING RICHARD LAY TO THE ENGLEWOOD LOCAL LIQUOR AND MEDICAL MARIJUANA LI CE NSING AUTHORITY FOR TIU, CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . WHEREAS, the Englewood Local Liquor and Medical Ma rij uana Licensing Authoiity has been created and has all powers of the local licensing alUhorily as sel forth hy lhe Siaie of Colorado 10 grant or refuse li censes ior ti1e sa le al reta il of mal l, vinous or spirituous liquors and fermented mah beverages, 10 conduct in·1es11ga1i ons as required by law , and to suspend or re voke such licenses for cau se in I.he ma1111er µrovided by law ; and WHER EAS , the Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Aulhorily shall grant or re fuse loca l licenses fbr the cult1va1ton , manufac ture , distr ib uti on, ar:d sale of Medi cal Marijuana as provid::d by law ; suspend, fine, res trict, or revoke such licenses ; ;mci WHEREAS, Richard Lay is a current member of the Englewood Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Aulhurily ; a11d WHEREAS , Richard Lay 's current term expired July I, 2011; and WHEREAS, Ri ch>rd Lay has offered to se rve and has applied for rc,ppointmenl lo the Englewood Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Authority; and WH EREAS, the Englewood City Cuu11cil desires to reappoint Richard Lay to the Englewood Loca l Liquor and Maii ca l Marijuana Licensing i\ulhorily; NOW, TliEIGFORE, BE IT RESOL\ltO l:!Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF cNGLEWOOD, COLORADO , Tl-IA T : Secti on I. Richard Lay is hereby reappointed lo :he Englewoo d Local Liquor and Medical MnnJuana Li censing Auth ority . Richard Lc1y's 11..:m1 will be cITn:l 1ve inuntdiatcly and will expire Jul y I, 2014. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 5th day of Jul y, 201 I. 81 I, l..oncrish i:o A. Elli s , C,r y C lerk for the City of Englewo :1hov<.: is a trU t! copy o f R '..!."-O )uti on No . !:5:/-• Seri<:s of 2011