HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Resolution No. 078RESOLlJflON NO,--g__ SERIES OF 2011 A RESOLllflON OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO SUPPORTING TIIB DENVER REGION'S APPLICATION TO THE US DEPARTMEl\"I' OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT'S SUST AlNABLE COMMUNITIES REGIONAL PLANNING GRANT PROGRAM . WHEREAS, on June 16, 2009, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developm<.1t (HUD), th: U.S. Uepartment of'J'ran.<portation (UOT), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nnnoun:e<l the Partnership for S:ista :nnble Commnnilies (The Pnnnership) to coordinate federal housing , transportation, water, and other mfraslructure investments to make neighborhoods more prosperous, allow people to live closer to jobs , save households time and money, and reduce pollution; and WHEREAS, the Partnership is governed by the following _ Livability Principles : I . Prcvide more transportation choices . 2. Promote equitable, affordable housing. 3 . Enhance economic competitiver, .. ss. 4 . Suppo11 existing communities. 5. Coordinate policies and leverage investment. 6. Va lue communities and neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the Den,•er Regional C~uncil of Governments' Board of Directors adopted a rcsolu;ion on May 19, 2010 affirming its suppo11 for the Part11ership and agreeing to integrate th• Livability Principles into ongoing and future Metro Vision discussions; and \VHEREAS 1 the Partnership recugnil.es the;: m:cU lo :;uppurt 111eLropul ita11 scale, mulli- jurisdictional planning efforts tilat integrate housina. land user, economic and work.force development, transpo11ation and in:rastructure investments; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Depanment ofHour.ing nnd Urhan Deve 1 .>oment (HUD) recent ly announce<! that ii will award $67 million in grants as part of the 5 1 •1inable Communities Regiooal l'lanrung Grant progmm; a.~d WHEREAS, the Denver Regional Council of Governments is facilitating a region-wide discussion with a wide range o[ stakeholders to develop a regional application to this grant program; and WHEREAS, the grant funding would suppot1 I) efforts to fine-tune the Metro Vision Plan to more fully integrate the federal Livability Pnnciplcs; and, 2) the preparation of more detailed execution plans and programs that further Metro Vision goals; and WHEREAS, the City of Englewood is• suong, co111111ittc<l member of ~,e Dt11ver Regioual Council of Govemmcnts and is duly pre 1d of the region's long history of collaborative action on matters of regional concern for the collccuvc betterment of the region as a whole. NOW, l"HF.RF.FORF., RF. TT RF.SOLVED BY THECITY COUNCIL OF TI!E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT : Xct.:lton L, The City of ll11glcwu<1tl . Culoril dn st rongly ~up1>011!; subnu llal of the Denver rci;i,,n ·s npplicntion for the Su!;tainal>le Conllnuni1ies Rc ~1(11111l i•la1111i11g G1 at\ls Program by the Denver lkcimrn l Counci l or Govcmmc,,1~ nnd cmmnils to con1inuc working col1a bora1ivcl y with 11,c l)c11Vor Rcg ion:i l Council of Govcn ,uuml~ nnri stnkchohlcr i,; from m:rnsi-the rc~ion lo refine :11111 implcrncnt Metro Vi :-i t111 lo nch1cvc the oulcom1.:s envi sioned in 1hr. Fc 1\ern l I .iv.ihilil>' l1rn1 cip lc.c;, ADOl'T ED AND Al'l'llOVED this 61h <lay ofSeplcmkr, 201 I .