HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Resolution No. 014• • • l(l]S LUTION NO , d SERIFS F 2010 A RESOLUT ION 1(1:. l'l'UI N 11 1G 1310:IT LA ST TO Tl IE KEH' l"·'N(;J FWO D BEAUTI F L cm 1~t l SS ION FO R TIIE C l rv OF ENG Ll,WOOD, COLOl(ADO. WHEREAS. the.: Kt.:c p Englewood lknu11ful Commiss10n has been crca1i;d to ndv 1sc 1hc C:11) Co un ci l on all m:mcrs pc11ai 11111 g to cnv mmmc ntal protection and neighborhood beautification: nml \\'II EREJ\S. Brett Ea st wa s a member of the Kc~p En glewoo d Bc:1u11fu\ ('omnussion: um\ \\I JI El(EAS. Brett E.ist's term expired Fclmmry I. 2010: and \\I I-IERE 1\S, Brett Enst has npplicd for rc:1pp('intmc 111 to the Keep Englewood Bcm111 fu l Com11 1is sion: •ow. T l IEREFO l(E. BE IT RE 'O LVED IJY ·111 1' CIT Y COUNC IL O F T l IE CITY OF FNGLEWOOD . COLO RAD . Tl IAT: Sc..:uh lll I . Bn.:11 Eas l is hc..:rcby rcappnintcd to the Keep Englewood lk:nniful ommission cffCl'.livc 1mmcdiatcly ,,·ith tcnn cx pinn g Febru ary I.2012 . A DO PT ED AN D A l'l'l({)\'l :ll tl1" I" dayol"l ·e'.rna,y. 20111 . 8 j