HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Resolution No. 024•
RESOI UT!O;, :-:o. 4-_
S l·R!I: OI-~010
/\ RF ';()L T ION /\P l'O INT INU C'A Tll l'R INE TOIVN I 1:Y AS AN /\I.I ERN/\ I'!: ~11 :~111FR
I d T l II : URII AN Rl ·.NFII A l AL'TI IOIUTY rnR Tl IF C IT \' <lF FN(,i EIVOO D.
WI IFR l·;\S, the 1:.ngk\\n<ld Urh;m Rc11c\\'al Authorit) ha~ the st;it ut ory authonty IO umlcrtal..c
pn1jccts ,,,111ch 11 11nds nt..-ccssnry for the physical clcvclop111i.:111 of municipa l land t1sc 1nclucling
the irnproH!llll'llt o:· an.:m, within the City: and
\\'I I ERl·.!\S. C:l'hcrinc Townley has gracious ly rdTcrcd to serve on 1hc ity of Englewood's
hoard s nnd con 111iss10m,: and
\\ l l ERl:AS. currentl y thcrl.' arc no vac.i ncics un the boa rds ~md t:mnmiss ions: nm!
\\'d i .FAS. thi: l!nglc\\ood Cil) Coum:il ck·sirc:-10 appomt Cat herine r ownlcy as altcrna1 c
llll'l~.hcr to the Urh;.111 Rcncwal Authori1y; mul
\\11:ER EA.), C11y Cou ncil has rl'qucs11.:d stnff to send this altcmatc member p:1ckc1s for the
Board she will he , ·rv in g on Sll 1h :11 she can mainlam :in unch.:rs tanding rift hc curre nt issues :md
mies. :ind
\\'I 11 :REAS. \\ luh.: th t.: altl.'rnatl'. \\ 11 1 n 11 he ahlc 10 \1)\C al tht.: mt.:t.:lmg.:-.. she 1s 11c vc11hdt.:ss
rt.:qu cs tcd to ;111c11d ns many mt.:L',;•,g:-:1!', possible lO get a fed for thl· mcmbcrslup and issues: and
\\ 111 · l{b\.). Count.:11 \\ bhc:.. to 1:xpn:ss !ls gra tilu (k for 1h1: ,·11lu111cc1is111 and !'lt.:rv 1ct.:
1hat 1lus mdl\ 1dual wishcs to hcst1.1,, upt1n the C11y .
;-.llll '.'III El{l:H)l(E,1\1 11 l{FSO I VEll l\Y l'l!Fl'l1' COUNC Ii CJFT lll ·C ll'Y<lt ·
F G Ll ·l'i l)O ll. CO i 0 1(,\DO. T II A'I.
ScCl hlll I. I ht.· Ln glcw1111d ('11~ (.\1unc1l hcrd1) appo11ll s ( 'athcnnc Tnwnk) as an altt.:rn:llc
111cmh1:r i'fthc l·ng h:w,1l1d L'1h.i11 llc11t.:w:tl /\uth orily
\l)lll'l'I IJ i\\;l)i\l'l'l{(l\l l·llthis I" tl:t) of l·chru:tr).2010
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lames 1'. \\'oodwart!. ~l:t yo1
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