HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Resolution No. 035• RESOLUT I N 0 . ½
SE RIES OF 201 0 --
WI IEREAS , 1hc Ci1 y of Englewood is rcq•,ired hy Ci1y Charte r to ensure thal expe nditures do
not ex ceed legall y ad opted approprirui ons: anci
WHEREAS. ity Cou ncil appro ved Rcsolu1i on No . 34. cri es of2009 am horizing staff to
apply to the Department of Loca l Affairs , Colorado Divi sion of I-l ousi ng, fo r a po11 1011 of
Arapa hoe Coum y's all ocation of the f ederal Ne ighborhood Stab ili 1.ation Program limd s (NS PI);
WII EREAS , i1y Council approved Ord inan ce No . 37, cries uf2009 au1horizing the
c.~ccution of a contract for Neighborhood S1ab ili 1 .. c1tion Program gra nt funding bc1 wc<.·n the Sta te
uf Colorn do Department of Loca l Affa irs and 1he Ci1y of Englewood; and
WII EREAS. Cit y Council approvc,i Ordina nce No . 49. cr ies of2009 auth ori zmg 1he
purcha se of ten uni de nti fied smglc-fnmily vaca nt foreclosed prope rti es locntcd in the eligible
ce nsus trac ts through out the it y of Englewood to fu lri ll the NS P\ co ntra ct with the Colornch1
Dcpnnmcnt of Loc al /\ff airs: :mcl
WII ERl::.AS. Cit y Coun cil nut hori zcd th e use of General Fund monies 10 be used to fund th!.!
costs of rcha bil11t11i11g the acquired fo,c closcd propertie s of' the NSPI proj ec t: an d
WI 11:REAS . th e Long Term Ass cl Reserve l LTAR) in the Ge neral Fund would he an
ap propriat e vcln clc to use 10 fund P··ojcct Rebui ld.
E GLEWOOll. r oLOR/\DO . T l 1/\T:
Sect1 011 I . I he Hud gct for th ,: C:1 ) 01' Fng h.:wo(l cl , Co lorad o. 1s hcrc hy am cnd cc.l fo r the year
en.li ng '.:!O I U :I "' fdllm\'s·
2111tl Slll'l'LE~I E T,\I. Al'l'IIOl 'IU AT ION
so1:nn : OF FU l>S:
Long Term Ass et Reserve
Trnn sfcr to th e Nci~hhor hood S1,1 h i'11~111 0 11 hmd
$75 11.000
$7 50.000
SO URC E o;· Fll NllS:
1 ransfcr 111 fw 11. tht: (ic1 cral Fund (Long T1.T111 .\!)sd Ri.:scr,c) $750.(lllU
Ac,1u i:,1ti on 1,1'1wo hou :-,:s an d rch;1htl11:i tu111 of 1cn hou ses $7 50,0110
Sectio n 2. The Ci ty rvlan;,~c r m1 ,J th e Dircc 1or of Fi na nci.: and t\dm in istrflti\•c Services nrc
hereb y authon,cd to ma kt· 1!11.! ;1hcn1· changes to ti ll' 201 0 Oudgct for the C it y of l:nglc.:wood .
Sect ion 3. Th e Su pph!m cnt.1\ A 1propnat1l'll will hc reimb ursed fr om the NS P fund s to 1h r.:
I r A I<. fund s upon the rch,1ln li t:1tion and sa le of th e foreclosed pro p,•n:cs .
A 1E NDED. AD(WI ED 1\NIJ APl'ROV l,D 1l11 s 191h day of Ar n i, 2010 .
James K . \Vondward , ~layor
I, I t1 ucn "h1{1 A. El li ~. Cit y C lerk _for t!.f J_:11y of l !n~_kwood . Col;rac\o . hL!l\.:by certify tl1t:
all\wc " a 1nic cop) ol' Rc ,011111 .in i\11 . ..:I:;) . Seri e, ol fl 0. ")/,rf;~ tS
~ ._-a. -
"iJ.1cnshia A Elli,. l'i1y l'lcr•
\.-c 110 11 2. ·111c Moyo r rmd th e Cit y lerk tre hereby authori zed 10 sign and attest th e
Cu ll uc t1 vc H11 rg:11111ng ontrn c1 hc..:1wecn th e Eng lew ood Poli ce Bcnclil Associatio n and the Cit y
of Fit rdew c,od. Colorado.
AIJO l'TED AN D APPR OVE D thi s 2 1st day of Jun e, 20 10 .
( J _ __,)
Ellis. Ci ty Clerk
I, Lou crisl ua A EIits , C11y Cler k for ~lly o f Englcwoc, , Co ln.('cJb , hereb y certify th e I' Y
'"'"'" "'"' • ., '"'"'"'"" '" Z/-· ""'"'""
-'!Mi~ I VJ
l..oucris hi a A Elli s. Cit y Clerk
FOR T HE YEA RS 2011 -201 2
'l11is rcprocluwon of Lhe 20 1: 20 12 • 11u.1cL has been prrpa,~d by Lhe Human Re sou rces
DepanmenL fo r di,uihuti on lO all cove red Police offi cer.; so that eve1)0 nC will be awa ,~ of th e righrs •
,111J benefits couta inccl he,~in.
I DE '
/\Jt !'I O..E I l)lJ1{A110N or ffiN'T'RA (:1· ........................................................... ·····•·""''' 1
ART ICLE 2 RE0)GNITI N ................................................................................................ 3
ARTICLI, '\ EMP I.OYEr RIGHr.i .......................................................................................... 4
SEN10R!TY ............................................................................................................. S
Altr1 ~u::5 I I URS OP WORK ............................................................................................... 6
A!UIO.E 6 BID DING PR~DURE S r OR s1-1 w r ASS IG, JMENT ............................ 8
ARTJCLE 7 SPF.GAL ASS IGN MENf ..................................................................................... 9
/\R'TT CLE 8 LA YOPf' .................................................................................................................. 10
AR'T'I O.E 9 COMP ENS /\"llON ............................................................................................... 11 • ART! E 10 MER l'f' PAY ........................................................................................................... 12
/\ltrlO..E 11 OVEKllMl:: W RK ............................................................................................ 13
/\Jff!CLE 12 C,\LL BACK .......................................................................................................... 14
.'\RTICLF. 13 S'li\NDBY .............................................................................................................. 15
Alff!Q.E l4 J.0'11-II NG ALI .OW/\NO: ............................................................................. 17
Altll C.:1.E 15 ANNU AL LEA VE ............................................................................................... 18
Al(il (LF. 16 l lOLI D /\YS ............................................................................................................ 20
/\1(11 0.F. 17 AD MrNIS'[R/\'ITVE LE AVE.. ........................................................................... 21
/\ltllCI.F. 18 I'UNF.RAL LEAVE .............................................................................................. 23
Altll 'I E 29 PERS ONA L LEAV E ........................................................................................... 26
AitllC.:LE 20 SI IORTTE R1'1 0 1 J\BILl 'fY ( 1D) ............................................................... 27
• Al([l LE 21 W I,KERS ' C01 ll'F.N /\TION ....................................................................... 29
/\l TIQ.E 23
.'\R110 F 2S
/\RTIQ.E 26
/\RTIQ.E 28
lNSURANCE ......................................................................................................... 30
RETIREE HEAL TH JNSUR/\NCE ASSISTANCE ...................................... 31
PENSION/ RETIREMENT Pl.ANS .............................................................. 32
RULE AND REGULA"llO 5 ......................................................................... 33
DUES DEDUCTTO .......................................................................................... 35
ASSOOA TI ON ACTIVITIES ........................................................................... 36
Ut lTER F (X)RR.ECTIVE A 17 ON .......................................................... 37
DISaPLINARY C11 0 ................................................................................. 38
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ............................................................................ 39
EX USl\/l:. ESS OF CONTRACT ............................................................... 41
This Commct entw·d imo by the City of Englewood, Colomdo, and the Englewood Police
Bene fit Assoc iation h.is as iLs purp0se the pro motion of harmoni ous re lations betwee n the Ci ty of
Eng lewood ,.n d its emp loyees , a fai r and pe ace ful pro ce dure for the reso lution of differences ; the
csta blishme• · r mtes of pay ,md ho u1~ of work, and oth er cond iti ons of emp loyme nt mutuall y
agreed 11po1
Exce pt where lim ite d by ex press provisions elscwhc,~ in th is Comr;i ct, nocl 1in g in ti.is
Co ntm ct sha ll be constmed to reSLri ct, limi t or im pair the 1ights , po wers and authori ty of cl,e Ci ty as
gmntcd u) it by con stitu tional provis ion, srn.tutc, ordinan ce , ch:1 1tcr or spec ial ac t, 1hc ex cl usive
I we r, d uty and ri ghts to;
A. Deten nine the ove i,111 missi on of the City as a ,mit of 1;ovcrn mcnt.
T\. To m.1i ntai n and improve the effi ciency ,lllcl eff ective nes s of City opei:ui ons.
C To <lcu:irni nc the ,e ,v icc:s to be rc:nclm·cl, tlw opemtinns Lo be pcrfor111c:cl, 1hr
tec hn ologr to be ut ili· ·d, or 1.he 111a1tc1, to be bud~eteti. •
L. To detc nn ine th e ovemll methods, proce sses, 11 .::1 11s, job cl ass if ications or pers onn el
hy which C ity ope mi ons .u~ to he co ndu ctc<l.
E. To direct, ~upc1v ise 1 hi re, pro 1notc, tr:msfc r, ass ign, sc hcduli\ retai n or la y-off
cmp loyccs.
I'. To S1Lspc nd, disciplin e, c!Lsc harge , and demo1c fr· cause, all ful!-time pc nnan ent
cl,iss ifi r d em ployees .
G. To n·lievc empl oyees from duties bec.1tLse of lack of wo rk ur funds, n r under
co ndi tions where th,· City detennin cs co n1.in 11cd work would be ineffi cient or 11onprod uctive.
H. To ta ke whatever oth er actions may be necessary to ;:any o ut th e wishes of th e
1,ub li c not o th erwise spec ified he,~in or limited h;• n co llective ha 11,"1 inin g co nt r,1 ct.
I. To k1kc any nnd all actio11s to ca ny out the miss ion of the City in cases of
c1ncq;c 11cy.
J. Nothing contained here in sh all precl ude the Gty fro m co nfc,,.ing with its employees
for 12'"J'OSes of deve lop ing po li cies to effectuate or implement any of cl1 e above em,memtcd ,i ghts . •
A 'This Co ntra ct shall rake effect on January l, 20 11 and shail co ntinu e in force to and
including Dece mber 31, 20 12, provid ed that th e pa n:ies shall mee t on o r be fore May 15 . ~Ol! to
reo pen negoti ati ons fo r Article 9, Co mpens ation.
B. 'This Co ntr•ct, or any pan of it, may be tcm1inatcd or •~ negot iated at any time by
mutt11l co nsent of bo th parties.
C If an y an:icle or section of this Con u,ct should be he lei in valid by operation of law or
th e Distri ct Coun:, or if co mpli ance with or enfo rc ement f an y an:icl e or sec ti on shoul d be
res train ed by such Dis uict Co un:, cl1 e re ,min der of this Co ntra ct shall no t be affected th e,~by and
th is Co ntract shall remain in full fo rce and effect, and th e pa1ties shall promptly negotiate for the
purpos e of anempting to arri ve at a mutually satisfa cto ry rep lacemen t of such a,ti cl e or sec ti on.
D. Th e p:uties agree and un derstand that provisions relating to employe es covered by
this Contract shall in no way displace or modify prese nt or future sk1t11r.o1y or case law of cl1 e State
of Co lorado.
E. Th e parti es ackn owledge that durin g negotiations which res ulted in this Co ntmct had
th e unl imited right and oppon:unity to make demands and propo sals ,,,jth res pect to any subj ec t or
matte r approp riate fo r negotiation dis cus sions and that tl,e understandings and agreements anived
at by th e paities after this cx erc.ise of that ,ight and oppomm icy arc se t fo n:h in tl1is Co ntract.
1\1(11 U 2. RE CDG Nl ITON
'll1c Gty recog ni ,es ttlc Eng lewo~d Poli ce Be nefit Assoc iati on as the emp loyee 01i;aniz.1 ion
cc,tificd by d1 r · y of Eng lewood as tbe excl usive , prese ntativc for sworn Po lice emp loyees within
the fo llow in g bargaining unit:
Excl ud ed :
/\II full-time, class ifi ed sworn pr,lice off iccrn below Lhc r.mk of Sr1i;cant of
th e \-y Pol ice Depa 1tmcm . (See Gty 01a 1ter, /\11 icle XV. 137:2 (b), (c)
@=ncbmmlcov , •/fi nan ce/co de-i nu p,h un)
/\II others.
1. A fi ill -cime chssifi ed emplo;~e wh o is not a ro nfid cmial employee , a manag erial
empl oyee, or a supervisor shall hav e th e right:
A To fonn, join , suppon or p.1rticipa te in , or to refrain from fom1ing, joining,
upponin g, or panicipating in any empl o}'!e o rgani zati on or its hwful
act1 v1t1 es .
B. Bargain co ll ectively through th eir cmifi ed emplo)'!e repres entative.
No employee sha ll be imcrfered with, re stmincd, coe rced or discri minated
against because of th e rxercis t of the se rights nor shall th e righ t of .n
incliv idua l empl oyee to dis cuss emp lo;mem conc erns ""th the City be
in fringed upon.
The City and th e Englewood Police Benefit Association mu tually ag ret that a fair
and irnp.,rtial investigati on of officern is deemed appropriate and necess ary. A wri tte n policy has
been developed and included in the ope rations man ual specifica lly addre ssing the issue of
administr.itivc and c,iminal in ves tigat ions and emp lo;~e rights. No chan r;e.s will be made in this
policy v.~tho ut prior cons ultati on and revi ew with ass ociation reprcsc nr..,1-1ve(s) .
AlfflCLE ,1. SEN ! I\ITY
Par Lhe purposes of th is Co ntmct, se niori ty shall be determ ined fim by length o: co nti nu ous
full-1.i me se rvice with th e City Poli ce Dcpa 1tmcnL acco rd ing to rank and seco nd by le11 1;th nf
co minuous fu ll-time serv ice with the City Poli ce Depaitment from th e fi rs t date of hi,c, proviclt·d
the employee successf ull y cornp letcd a probat ionaiy pe,iod . In cases where two or more emp loyt·t·s
have the sa me hi re date, cl1e badge numb er as is,:ued by the DepamnenL shall es tablish p1 iori, y ol
pos ition on the se niotity list. Em ployees shall 1101. co ntinu e LO acc rn e se,1iority while 1;,ici off, .md
sen iority wi ll ter min ate when ,m empl oyce has been laid off fo r a pctiod of twelve (12) month s or
After :m emp loyee successf ully co mpletes the pro bat ionmy period, th eir 11ame sha ll ap pear
on the se niority list as of the [irn t date of hire .
'foe se niority of on employee shall te nninaLC unde r an y of the foll owing con ditions:
• Whe n a laid off emp loyee fails to giv e notice of the employee's imem Lo 1l!Ltirn LO work
within seve n (7) calendar days after the City has se nt, to the emp loyee 's las t lrn ow n
add ress on file wit:h th e Gty, a ce nifie d lette r req uesting the employee's mt um to work.
• When t·he emp loyee gives notice but fai ls to return to wo rk within seve n (7) cal cnd1r
clays afte r the afores aid letter ha s bee n se nt to the empl oyee.
When the employee's employmelll with th e City is term inat ed fo r any reason .
• When an emp loyee is 011 leave of absen ce ,,s provided un dr r J\1ticlc 22, I.cav es of
Abse nce (Wi thou t Pay).
rr ,111 employee is ab se m fo r three (3) co nscc t:tiv e reg ularl y sc heduk·d workiu g days
with out not ifying the Police O1 icf or immediate st1 pcrviso r prior to such dm,e (3) days'
abse nce wi thout i;ood cm~c :is dcte ,m in ed by the Po lice ,~l ,ief.
11:iih irc w rcwrn 10 wo rk after ex pimti on of a fo1111:1 \ leave of absen ce.
J\n emp loyee rehired hm whose abse nce fmm Ci ty e111ploymc 111 was less th:in ci~htce n
(18) 111onth s will h:iv<' tl H'ir pri oracc ni ed se niority with d,e retire ment pla n rescorccl.
, An employee ,~hi red, bu t whose a\,scm:c from City employment w.JS lcs. tha n t wclv e
(12) momhs will h,wc th rir prior ,tcc rn ed se ni ori t) rcsl01 1·d wit h rc~.ml to ,t i\ other C'j t)'
Th e Police D epartment sha ll obsetYC offi ce and wo rking hours nece<sarT f nr rhr eff icie nt
trans:t ctio n o f tJ1eir respcc U,·e scr"ices.
A ~r Week
A wo d, wee k is a regular 1eru ni11 g period of I 68 hours in th e fo rm of seve n
c nscc utivc 24-hour pcri els. 11,e workwee k need not be the sa me as tl1 e ca lendar
wee k Jl,e workweek may begin or an y da y of tl,e wee k and any hour of th e cfayand
need not be th e same for all emp loyees .
B. \Xi< rk chedu le
11,e work sc hedule for office ,,, in cl udin g .oil ca ll and meal pe,i o,.ls, sha ll
consis t of fi ve (5) eight (8) ho ur work da)~; four (4) te n (10) how-work d.1yS ;
or oth er work sc hedu le as de termin ed by the Police O ,i ef.
Any chan ge in an off ice r's bid or ass igned sc hedu le (sto1ti ng ti me, qu itt ing
time, sc heduled d,), ofQ "ill be m,de in acco , an ce with par.igr.,ph C
ex cept schedu le changes may be m1de without notice if th e affe cted officer
TI1 c Gey ag-recs LO rev iew with Associ:ition repre se ntati ves iss ues an d co nccms regardin g th e
meth od and pos sible co mpensation ass oc :Oted with sc hedul e changes .
C ~ \XI< rk Sr hcdul es
Tl1 c work sc hedul e ,m y be changed by the Po l.ice 0 1ief pnw icl ed a minimum f11 e (5)
days advance notice is give n. \Xlork sc hedul es m.1 y be c h.111 gcd without :1dva 11 cc
noti ce in the cas e of cmel]_;c:icics ,Ls detcm1incd by th e Po lice O ,ief. \X11cn an
employee's work schcd11lc ,, ch.111 gc d fo r purpos es of tr.ii11i 11g, spec ial i11sm1 cuo11.
L't C., thr supervisor sh.ill nuke .1 n·.!..,n 11.1b lc rffon hi ,1 u .. rn 11 111o ll.th.: Ll1 l' i.:rnpl n)'t.:c'~
111Le n•o.a s co 11 n ·m i11~ thl' sr hc-dul ed ch:rn ~c.
I l . ~1.1ffinj;
'lhc 11c·ed for an .1ppropri.1tc ll'v cl of s1.1ff i11 g LS rccog 11izc d by d,c O ty for t!t e
P ll'110S<' of ,·ff ir il'llll .111d sa fl't). 'l11t• 1'11 li re Dqut1111C·111 wil l .,dcln:s, this tss 11 e in
I )cp:1ct n1i.:11i. p.:.>li cy.
Mc.ii P,·riod~
t iicc ,, sh.i ll be p,mted a pa id 111c.1I pc1iod o f th i,t y (.lO) minu tes for r.,ch eigh t (8)
hm11 work shift. I mpl,n"cs \\\1rki11g a te n (10) lnw wod< shift ,h.,11 ht• allo\\\'d a
paid lmw-f ivc (45) minute 111e,1I pe,ioJ . :\n rmf,:o)fe ma\' rn nt.lu ct p,·"ona l
bus in ess dwi11 g the meal peiiod. ·n,e meal pc,iod sha l: be .,utlum1rd an I commlled
by th:: t·mp lnvce's '-u;., .. n•i:-,,r.
Empl Jyees shall be gm mcd a paid res L period not to excee d fift ee n (15) min utes
rlurin g appro xima LC ly the firs t one half of th e emp loyee 's reg ular wo rk day and an
addi tio1.al fi'.c ec n (15) mim1 LCs ,~s L bmak approx imately in the se cond one-ha lf of the
work day. Res t 1~:1iods sh,,11 he aud ,ori zc d and co ntro lled by th e cmployc1·',
superviso r.
A,{T''7 •· ,, BIDD! JG PROO:iJ .ES f' R SI fl FT ASS IGNME l'-"1
A eniority applicab le to the se 11io1it_, bid pro cess ";11 be <lctem1i11cd in accordance
with the to tal lcni;th or co minuous r·mpl oyrne m as a Po lice Olhcer ";th the City of l·.ng lewood .
r,io r City e111pl0Jane m in 01.hc1 than a Polite Office r c;ip.te ity will not apply w·.,.,rd se ni mity.
I' ,hati OJI}' emp loyees ,,;JI not he inrlude<l in the hid pn>cess .
B. TI1e se11 imi1y bid SJStt·m wi ll he .1pr ,Ir to pcr;onnel ass i ne to the P,1lfol
Opcr,1tions Di\'is ion on ly. ;i nd will not be ;rnd 1ori zcd in ,u1y uLht..~ bun~au o r specia l a.c;;s ignmcm.
11,e Patrol Ope ,,ui ons Div ision com mand er will develop .md post a sc hedul e p1ior to eac h
J"'"r fo ra twclve-monu1 period.
'Ilic bid process will beg in after Octobe r I of each }l'a r and will be comp let ed by
ovember 30 of each year.
'[h ere will be a tota, ,; live (5) non-biddable pos iti o ns which sh all co nsist 0f two (2) non-
bidda ble pos itions on Wa tc h l and th ,~e (3) non-bit.!dable pos iti ons 0 11 Wa tch U, prov ided um any
new pos iti on(s) ad ded to the Patrol Ope rati ons Di"ision after Janu.uy I, 1997, sha ll be 11on-b id d1blc
posi ti ons, up to a maximum of nine (9) non-bi ddab lr po siti ons in th e divisi n. 111e biddin g process
will beg in with d 1c mos t senior Police Office r bidd ing the positions of 1.h ei r cho ice. In the
d scc ndin g orde r of sc niorit), each rc111.1 L11ing Pulice ffi ccr wi ll h,1vc choi1..t.: of the remaining
biddab le pos itions . All specialized positions such ,,s crime prevent ion officl'r, tr.1 ff ic office r, etc. wi ll
not be ope n to bid. 71,e spec iali ze d ass ign ments alo ng wid1 any no-bid posi tions 0 11 a watch. will be
in addition to the biddab le pos ition on eac h watch . fficers ,my request 11 n-b icl dab lc pos itio ns
,md an aucmpt wi ll br m.1de to acco mmocb LC tJ1cm, bu t \rn:h pos iti ons wi ll be ,ISsig m.:d at the
disc re tio n of t.!,e division comm111der. If ,111 emplo~~c L,i ls LO sul ,mit a bid in acco rdan ce with the
biddin g p1 cc durr, the emp lo)~C wi ll ,~linquis h u1c op pc11111nity I hid hy senio rity, .111d wi ll be
:l.S Sibncd at the discretion of t11 e Pauo l Opcr.1tio11s jyi_..;io11 som111.111 dcr.
/\11 emp loyee.• in ,moth er ,1Ssii-;111 rn·11t, wl1n j,; n·.1<.;'iiJ;1wd lO till' P.,t rn l Opera 1in11.'i D ivisio n
will n~c upv die posiuu 11 \',tLHL"d lw th e c111plo)t'L' d1q ,II L' 1cp l.i...:111g. II nthc, (XJ!.lluns .11t· .w.1ibh le,
t.hl' nnplovt'(.' mar 11:'ljllt'q ,L\!<,ig111111.:1•, l(l "i ll l'h p11 ,itin11,, hut Ill.I\ 011h he ,\S\1g11ed .It the di!>Ul'tio11
nl th!' 11,11ml l ~)r•1:1tio11"i I >in,ion vrn 11111.111 i . .lr1. 'Ilic nH iu·1 will th cll lx· :ilkwcd to hid ,ll thr nex t
h,d pnu.:cs,.
11 1s funlic..-r 1111dcl';tood tli.u 1d1n11ld ,l sd 1cdu le d1.Hif'.(' fp r unf pn•,t·l'II c111i'r'._:r•11.T t in 1111t,1.mce~
.uisc, offiLcr. 111.1y bt· ·'" ½lll:ti hy the P.n nil ( >pcra:i,,11, J)i,-is1cm I llllllt.11ulc1 1ni111 11 1l' sh ilt 10 dll'
othcrto h.rnc.ll c wli:tt cvcr l'lll crtcnr ,v sit11,1t1 u11 l'xis ts d11n11g the d11r.1 u II nf till' t'llll''gt ·1Kr .
11,e Depa 1tment will maintain a wiitten pro cess for selection and serv ice including
pe r[orman ce o[ employees for spec ia l :iss ignmcnt.s in th e Police ,cratl m. · Manu al.
17,c Poli ce O,ic[ wi ll cons ult with the A,;sociation ,~garuing any [uwrc changes to thl'
sr lcct ion pmccss.
.'\Kllo.E 8. U\Y FF
Whenever t.l 1c1~ is hck of work la ck of funds, or under conditio ns where th e Cirv
detemunes continued wo1k would be in efficient ,r non-produ ctive t.l,e appointing auth ority shaiJ
de signate the po sition, in which the layo ff is to be made.
The order of l.1yo ff shall be dctcnnin ed by the City Manager on the basis of t.l1e qua lity and
lengt.11 of sen•ice provided by the cmp lO)<!eS in die affected areas. Quality of work will in clude the
cmp loy;;e'• total employment record . ·n,is record includes annual pe 1forma nce evaluati ons,
co mm en dations, dis ciplinary acti ons, education, training, etc. Any em ployees who have not Jet
achieved ;x:nnancm or 1~gula r status or who have less than ,wdve (12) mont.lis of full -tim e
cm pl oimem with the City shall be la id off fim, regardless of peifonmnce . Pemianent em plo)<!es
who are laid off have tl,e right to be 1~emplo)<!d as a police office r, in in verse orde r of layoff,
prnv idcd t.l1at such re ca ll occ uis \\sthin eighteen (l8) mont.l,s of la yo ff and t.l1c employee co nti nues
to mee t th e qua lifi cations for that pos it io n. Laid off empl oyees v.111 stay on the recall list for
eig hteen (18) mon .s . In tl,e event the qualir,-and length of sen•ice are eq ua l, seniority shall prevail
11,e recall Fs t shall tenr1ina te after eig hteen {IS) n,ontl1s. If finan cial co nditions wa rrant and at the
discret ;"C of cl,e Poli ce O,ief, an emplo)<!e, recalled from layoff to a ch sifi m ion lowe r cl1an that
held at th e ti:n e of the layoff, may be moved up to tl1 e highes t cl,15s ;ficat ion previot1Sly held at an
acce lerated p,,c ~-
Emp loycts sha ll not co ntinu e to ac ciuc se rvi ce credit1 in cluding ~cniority, or be eligib le for
.my G ty he nefits dmin g bi,:,ff. In tl,e eve nt of a la)'Dff, aff ccted emp loyees wi ll be give n as mu ch
advance notice as possi bl e .
J\R'/1 0 I' 9. W MPLNSJ\ I1 0N
'1111 ugh Dece mber JI , 200810, the rate sc hedule is as shown below.
Po lice Office r V
Pol ice ffice r JV
Poli ce Office r III
Poli ce Officer rr
Police Officer I
Rrh'l1lar S might
· fo w I lnurly R.,t_.
$2.1.9 .:
$25 ,4'\
$27 .9q
~30. 8
SJ3.8 5
ll. T11e schedule in "A." above will be adjust ed on January 1, 20! Ito re fl ect 1he 201 I "tn1rkct
median" as detem,ined byd,c 20 !0 Sal.uySurvcy. '!h e "marl<e t medi,n" wi ll be basrd upon th e
2011 mcdjan w;1ge of either the top rate fo r the highest rn ,J,ing police offi cer or maximum o[ th e
saL11y range fo r lop rnnking po lice office r (if the ju risd iction uses r,mge s vs. a fL1t rate) at: Arv,J.,,
Aurora, Boulder, Conuncrce City, Denver, Greenwood Village, Lala,wood, Linleton, Longmo nt and
'lhornton. T1 ,c survey will be conducted in the ,i•h quaner of 2010 by die Human Resources
Dr partmr1 1t, wirl, rl1c .u ... ,,,-rcncr of the EPIIA. 71,e City and the FPBA wi ll mee t by ovember I,
20 10 10 .1ppinve the siirv,·y .ind /inali 1L· th r li l'is cd sal;uytable for 20 11.
C: 'fl,c EPBA .1110 he O ty .1gn•c· •n 11 11•c·1 on or befo re May l., 20 1 I to discuss the finan cial •
i111pli c.1tio11, o f th e 2012 • .. ,l.11y schrdu lc ,,s ,,,, fo11h in "D" lwlow. If the 2012 salary sc hedule is not
111od ifi ed thro ugh th;, 11rgo ti.11i11~ process , th('11 th e prn vi,iom '<'t fo ,t h i11 par,1 i;raph "D" bel ow sli.111 ,1pply.
I). '11,e sc hedule i11 "A." .,liov,• will he fwtll<'r .1djmtrd 'lll J.11111,uy 1, 20 11 10 refle ct tl1< 20 12
"111,ukct mcdi:1 11 " as dmr111 i11cd byth<' 20 1 I Sa la,y S11rvry. '11 ,c "1md~·t mtdian" will Ix· based
upon tlw .!O 12 median w,1ge of eit her th e top i:ttr fo r dw hii;hc,1 i:111ki11g po lice off icer or 1rnxi1num
o f the sala,y i:111gc for l C>Jl r.111ki11g policc officer (if the jurisdin io11 uses rnnr;cs vs. a fl at mt e) at:
J\1vad,1, A11 1 i:1, llo uklrr, (:O nunc,n: ( ,ty, D<'11vrr, C:1l!r11~,.,d Vill.,~c . l.1kt•wrn,d I itt lrtnn,
l.011~111011t .11,cl 'f1 1nm1 011 . ll w ,1 11,·c;, wil l I,· ro 11d11cll!d m the 4'1' q1u11cr of 20 1 I hy 1hr I luin 111
l(tso111 crs I .l!-J "1t 11w111 , wit la d u· m m 111n·11n· of 1h,· El'lli\. 'Jhc ( JL)' .md th e El 'BA will rnrc t hy
Nol'•·mlll·r I, 201 I h> .1pp1111.,. ti t<· ,wv,·• ,111d fin,1li 1.t· dw ll'l'Ll<'d s.,Luv 1.11,1,· for 20 12. Cl.t i."' I nc rr.1,i;e
'J 1,r w.,g,· im·n .. ,w pn,vidcd for l'olir<' ( >ffi rrr •Ida ( l.11, du "h 1st <lJS, sli.111 IIOL he .... ,.,.,,.,.,cJ .11 n1111u,i., 1,,u 1.nh,·1 h.1,cd "I'"" lllt 1i1 n1io 11 , sm•irt'. \,id cla ss in,rt',IS C mw , ... gi:1111 .. cl
o , d,11icrl to :any in di viclu.1 1 l'olirc ( )ffic,.,-"I '"' rt'c,1 111mend,1Lio11 of tla e Polirc ( J,i,·f ,md wit h 1hr
,1p1 •1111•,1I o f 1he Ci1y M111 ,1gc r or drs ignrr 11 po 11 \\Ti llt·n 11micc to such individu,11 l'olicr ( lffi_.,.,._ 'llar
d,11 ,. in which 1he cl.11s inn~asc ;, .t pprovcd ,h.,11 dncn11inc the 11rw d.as, a11111 v1 ·"·"" da1e.
" •
A Each Po li ce Office r I sha ll be eligible fo r merit pay man a.m ount detcnmin ed by the
Police O,ief, up to a tot1I of $1000 .
B. Such merit pay shall be awarded in th e exercise of the Oiief's dis creti on, based upon
spec ific wiia en obj ec tive and subj ective pc 1fom1ance c1iteria developed by u,e O,i ef
and made availab le to emp lo)'!eS.
C El igib le employees who beli eve th ey mee t tl1e criteria for such an award shall submit
applications to the Merit Pay Rev iew Committee on or be fo re thuty (JO) da)~ prior
to th e emp loyee's emp loyment :umivmary date. ·n,e Committee sha ll make a
reco mmendation to the O1ief regarding tl1e amount of tl1e merit pay, if any, to be
awarded to tl1e emp loyee . Th e amown recommended sha ll not exceed tl,e am ount
se t fo rth in Paragraph A, above . lbe Oiief shall p,r mptl y co nsid er and make a
detenn inatio n as to each such re co mmendation .
/ll(T'I LE 11. OVE I(11ME WORK
/1. Employees cove red by thi s C'.omrnct shall be co mpensated at time and one -half (1
t/2) the employe e's regular hourly ratr of pay for all assigned hours wod,cd over and
,11,ove th eir g,1lar D/1 11 .Y work schedule.
13 . Ove1time shall nm l>e pyram ided, cv mpou11ded or paid tw ice for thr same hours
C. The 'ty reta in s the right to assign ove 1time wo rk iO any empl oycc qualified to
pcrfo1m the work
D. ve 1time ava ilabl e du1ing a give n watch sha ll be offe red on a vo lun1..1ry basis to
uniformed officers working during the pre ce ding or succee1ing watch, as determin ed
by the watch supervis or, in ord er of seniori ty. If no offi ce r acce pts, th e least se nior
off icer m.1y be required to work the ove 1time, an acco mmod,tion may be authori ,cd,
or the City n'1y, at its discretion, ca ll any officer in to wo rk the ove1time.
E. Empl oyees who wo rk ove 11.ime, call bad<, and/or standby hmus may, in li eu of pay,
take co mpensatory time off upon muwal agreement between the emp loyee and the
emp •'3 superviso r. If there is no mutu al ar,ree nl<'nt, the employce shall be p.1 id .
Mem uclS of th e ha1j1ai11i ng unit ma y accrn c a maximum of eighty (~O) houts of
co mpcma tory time to be uti li ,cd in acco rd:u1cc wid1 City of E11glcw ocl Poli cy H ~6
(0,111pe11satory 'li me). O,mpe11sato1y tim e is ro he co mpe nsa ted at di e mte of one
and one-half ho111s of time off fo r eac h ..,ne hou r of ove 1time, ca ll back, or smndby
worked in excess of the dail y sc hedul ed wm !, shift.
,. Employees re qu ired to atte nd fircanns qualification un their off-ducy time wi ll be
guaranteed two (2) ho urs ovc 11.imc pa y.
A An emplo)"!e on off-d uty status who is called back to duty shall be credited with a
minimnm of two (2) how, of pay at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) the
emplo)"!e's regular hourly wage rate.
B. An emplo)'!e called back to work during the first two (2) how, pr"r to the start of
their regular shift shall be paid at t¼e overtime rate for all how, s.:t ually worked up
to th e starting time of their regular shift.
C Should any emplo)"!e be required to restify before any court or divisional
administrative bearing as a result of his/her official duties with the City, the time
spent by such emplo}"'e in providing such restimony shall be considered to be work
time . If such appearance for testimony is at a time when the emplo)'!e would
otherwise be off duty, the ernp lo)'!e slmll be paid as provided under Section A wd B
above. The emplo}"'e shall pay to the Gey all wimess fees, and other compensation
paid to the cmplo)"!e in cooj,:1ctioo with so restifying excl uding mileage fees. An
cmplo}"'e who is calle d for witness duty shall present to their supervis or the original
summons or subpoena from the co urt or at the co nclusion of sucb duty, sball
provide a signe d statement from the clerk of the coun, or other evidence indicating
the amo unt of time bis /her person was required.
D. Wben an employee is subpoenaed as a witness in private litigation to testify, 'IOt in
his/her official capacity but as an individual, the time absent by rea~ons thereof shall
be taken as any accrued leave or leave without pay, if all accrued leave is exhausted.
/\lffl CLE 13. S"l"/\NDBY
E mp l yces assign ed to standby duty sha ll be credited with two and one-half (2 ½) ho urs of
pay at rhe overt ime rate of pa y fo r ea ch twenty-fo ur (24) hou r period, durin g which they a,~ on
standby. Emp loyees as sig ned 10 st.,nd by fo r less than a twenty-four (24) hour co nti 11uous period
sha ll be crcdi1 c-d with one (1) hour of payat the ove rtime mtc for each such ass ig11 me111 .
AR110..E 14. CL 11-IING ALL WANG:
A. The City shall furnish, or imb urs e ,he cost of un iforms , incl uding leathe r gear,
insignias, shoes an d clothing , req uired while on duty, ani sha ll pay all costs of m1 intenance, repair
and clea nin g thereo r, prov id ed that re irn bur.;eme nt of such costs shall not be req uired ir approva l of
the Poli ce Chief is not obtain ed in advance. All cmp lo)"'eS as signed to I n-w1ifor m pos itions for a
period of thirty (30) days or more and not required to be in un if m1 dwing wo rk, shall receive a
montltl)' clothing aUow,nce of $100 . 1his all owance wil l be r ,1 yab le in a $1200. lump sum on
January I of eac h }'l!ar but sbaU be prorated fo r emp loyees beginnin g and temiinatin g employment
or tl,e .iss ignm em to a no n-uniform positi n durin g the )<:ar. ·n,e employee sha U be respo nsible fo r
all lost or sto len items identif ied above, or damage to me same, as a result o f ']1-lE EMPLOYEE'S
negligence or deli berate act.
B. The Ci ty will pro,·ide on a replace ment basis a high quw ty bull et proof ves t (fla ck
jacket). Replace ment shall be made once every five (5) }'l!al1i, or at such earli er time as me City is
noti fi ed of any eve nt or co ndition re ndering such a ves t uns afe for i1.S intend ed purpose . In the
eve nt of specialize d or customized vcs1.S , tl1e Gty will pay tlie sam e dolhramow1t for th e City iss ued
and auili ori zed vest with th e emplc}'l!e paying me differences in cos t.
Employees sha ll ca m annual leave at the fo ll owin g rates.
Lengt h m.. · ice
0-4 ye ar.;
5-9 yearn
10-19 ye ars
20 and above
'lhc ea rning limits for annual leave shall be as follows :
].,c_ngth of Se rvice
0-4 ye a,~
5-9 year.;
10-19 ye:m
20 and above
/\. Annual leave shall not be ~,antcJ 10 any cmployt:<' 11ntil after comp!,tion of six (6) •
month s ccms ccuLivc serv ice wiLli th e City.
B. The sched11 lc for use of amnial leave sha ll he dete rmined by the needs of the
depan ment. Acnual leave shall he ta ken ,It a time co nveni ent tr and app roved hy the Poli ce d 1icf.
IScc City of En glewood Ad minisumive Policy 30, "A nnual Leave", fo r fwth er deta ils.)
'111e rnte of annu al leave µay shall be the empl yce 's regular ::t ::t ight time hourl y 1,ite of pa y
for th e emp loyee's reg ula r job. Annual leave sha ll be all owed onl y to the tot.l l hourly amount
acc 1111111l.n.ed d111in g the pay pc 1iod in wh,eh th e leave is take n.
Work I __1 11~ Annual Lea ve
If after Ll1c employee has bcg1111 their a11m ia l leave and the Ci ty rcq ui,cs the emp loyee to
wo rk cl 11ring the sc heduled ann ual leave pe riod, the emp loyee sha ll be compen sated as fo ll ows :
/\. 'Ili c empl oye e shall be paid for all how, wo rked at the ove1time i,1te .
13. 'J11e empl oyee sh,111 1101 be charged with an11ua l leave fo r the uu111bcr of ho m~
wo rked.
There shall be a one-wee k minimum on use of ann ual li.:ave time, un h.:ss uthc n,isc
auu,orizcd by u,e Po lice O ,icf or his/her desi;1med rcp rcscmative. (E xception: If all pmo11a l
lea\'e has been ci..hausted an<l ihe emplo)1:e is ill r injured, an nu.11 leave ma y be subst ituted for
pcis nal leave, .u,d will srrve ,,s the ci imination shift in order to access hon Tenn D isab ility. In
th· ins1,1nce u1e emplO)'l:e must notify !tis/her supc1v isor one h ur p1i r to u,e stalt of his/her
1hc maximum use of an nua l leavr sha ll be no brea•c r u,a n u,e arnou m arcu mulate<l b) th e
emp loyee duri ng the pay pe riod in which u1 c leave · .,ken , :md in 110 event sh.i ll the anm.il leave
exceed fo ,u-(4) co 11sec uu ve weeks unless ou,e rwise .,mhorized by the Poli ce Chief.
Any ~mpl o),C who is se pa cned fro m th e se ,v ice f the "ty, i.e., rctiremen termina tion (if
employee has co mple,ed six (6) mon cl1s of co nunu ous se rvice with u,e Ci~, or la)off, shall be
co mpensated fo r u1 e unuse d a11 nu.1l leave time accumulated at u,e u1,ie of ,eparati n at u1 e
employee's rcgttla r houri )' wage rate . 1\nnual le.we is not to be use d to extend :.n ,,m pl oyee's date of
scparauon .
Each off icer will bid 011, annua l leave, by senio rity, fo . th e year's 1 cri l, Janua ry I th ugh
Dece mbe r 31. Add itional ann uJl leave periods will he gran ted, on a first req ues ted basis, onl y after
,tll se ni o,ity-hid annual leaves ha ve hee n sc hedu led .
·11,c biddin g process fo r amm.,1 le ave will 1,1k,· pla ce i:1 ove mbcr as sc hedu led hy tl1 e
Un ifo1111 Patro l Bu1,:,1u co m1m nder after co mpleti on of all bid din g fo r ""tchcs an d day, off .
,\1111u.,I k.,n·, ,,re cxpcrn·d w !,e sc hed uled in 1;oocl faith hi' cad, e mpl oyee a11 d shall spec ify
thl' exact date, de~i1 cd.
J\rnn 1.1\ il';l \'l' wi ll be .1d111ini~tcrc d at th e d1,l.1ction of the Pol ire (1 1i cf or dt'o;ignl'r.: for
11n~rn111cl ,1ss igncd to ,u1 y (lthcr Bun:.n1(s) .
A. Office rs ass igned Lo the Unifonn PaLrol llurcau sha ll be sc hedul ed for one hunclrrcl
(10~\ luu of holida)'time wi Lh pay at d1 e dis cretion of the Poli ce 01ief or cbigncc .
J-10 11&,ys will be bid after all anm•al leave has been bid by se ni ority, with annual !rave 1al1ing
prer,edcnt ove r J,,,lidays. 'TI1 e bid time fo r holi days ~ the same Lime as an nual leave acco rdin g to Lhe
bid sc hedu le, exce pt that any holirl ,:~ not sc hed ul ed or used hy '\ug11st 1 of tlmt year may he
ass ign ed .
~-Office rs mignccl LO the Inv estigative Se 1viccs Burea u will be gr.utLccl ninety-six (96)
ho w, of time off on th e regularl y obse 1ved Gty holi days. ff a holida r fo ils on one of their reg ularl y
ched ulecl days off, the se employees will be giv en an alLcmaLe da y off . 11,ese offi cers may also be
•1,1 nted a "fl oating holiday'' opti on. 1ney may be allowe d to exc hange any of the be low liste d
holida ys for any other day in th e year he/s he is normally sc hedul ed to work. Se!t cclu lin g will be
mad e wi th Li1 e ap pmval of the Poli ce O ,icf or dcs ignre.
Pt'Cs idents' f\ay
Vetc mn su •y
Ftid ay after Thanksgivin g
Matt in Luth er King Day
l~1bo r Da y
Mem o1ia l Day
011isttnas Evr
Ne w 'car's E\P
C If afL1•r the 1·mpl nY'''' has b<'~un their hol icla v and Lli r CiLy 1t:q11i1'CS the employee to •
wo rk •l111in 1; th e sr hc~ul ed holi da y pc1iod, the emp lo)'l,c shall :11: co mpcnsaLed as foll mvs :
1. ·n,c empl oyee .1hall be paid for all how, worked at the ove 1ti111c i,1te.
2. ·n,c empl oyee shall 1101 be cl1aq;c d with hol icfa y Li 1rn: fo r ::.e ::,:,,,br r of
hours worked.
U. Upon mu tua l agree ment of th e employee and the Po lice Ch ief or
des ign ec, a nnximum of fifty (50) hours of holi day time ma y be cashed onL for pay, in lien of time
.1 ff. At th e employee 's option, te n (10) hmns u i1Ulid,1y ,11.111 be 1;11.,r,uuec d LO be ca.:1,erl out f0r
empl oyees worlting ten (JO) hour shifLs and ei1;:11 (8) hmn, of holi da y time shall be guam meed to
be c.islu·d out for p.,y, in lieu of Lime off, fo r r.n,p loyces workin g eight (8) hour shifts. 'lhe r,1t c c•f
pay sh,1 11 be at the employee's regu lar hourl y wage,
E. \'v'hcn a new o .. 11...c r is hired , he/ she rece ive s :m i11itia l promtc d ho li tlt)' le,1vr
l-,tl.111cr. Whe n ,m off icer Lrrmi 11atcs before till' end of th,• ye.tr, holid.1y leave c.1sh 0111 wi ll be
pro mt cd . If a cun~nt off ice r does n0t use .,II of his /hrr hol iday leave by Decembe r J I" of a givr n
vr ar, Lit e unu sed po 1tion will be fo1fo i1 ei.
F. l lo lid,1v leave will be .,Jmini<!::rcd at the disc reLi n of the Police 0 1icf
'1' cJ,, ign ee fo r pe,so m{cl ass igned to any other llureau/s).
Adm inistracive leave with pay may be grante d an employee at the rliscrction of the Pol ice
01 ief o r des ignec. Th is leave is us ed when circ umstan ces require in the best interests of 1.he City
and/ or employee that th e employee should tempora ril y be re li eved from duty .
2 0
11,e Po lice Chief shall grant leave with pay to an employee to alt ·ud t.he fun eral of a member
of the emp loyee 's fam ily. Th e number of days granted shall be goveu .td by th e circums1.111ci:s uf
the case, but in no eve nt shall they excee d se ven (7) calend ar clays. fo, 11 · ;'Ulp ose o f this sec tion,
"e 111ployce's fam il y' shall mean the empl oyee's spouse , or th e chi ld:·•n, gmnd children, pa1w 1s,
~ran clpa rcnLs, brothrn and siste rs of th e emp loyee or of th e cmploycr.'s spo use .
All employees covered by this Omtract on an eig ht (8) hour wo rk day shall be granted 48
personal leave hours with pay and those on a ten (10) hour work day shall be granted SO pmonal
leave hours with pay which an emp loyee is entitled to use for th e fo llowing purposes:
A Employe e's own illness/injury
B. [llness/injury of employee's family
C. To attend to persona l business
For any employee who has not used th e 48 or SO personal leave hours ending October 31 of
each year or any portion thereo f, the Gty will compensate said employee for the un us ed time at tr
emp loyee's wage rate to be paid during the month of November of that year. Pe rsonal leave time
shall not excee d the 48 or 50 hours as de signated above nor shall it be accumulated or carried over
from one year to the next. Pers onal leave shall be sc heduled and administered under th e direction
of the Police Oiief for persooal business .· In th e event of illn ess/injury in which personal leave is
requested, th e employee shall notify their supervisor or other person designated by the superviso r at
least one (1) hour prior to their scheduled reporting time .
. Ho wever, for the duration of th e 2011-2012 co llecti ve bargaining agreeme nt, if an employee
uses the entire ty of the 48 or SO hours }'early personal leave balance prior to Octo ber 31 , 2011 or
October 31, 2012 , the employee shall be :redited eight (8) or ten (10) hours of co mpens atory time
each year the balance is exhausted to be utilized in accordance with c.iryof !'nglewood Policy# 46
(C.Ompensatory T ,me).
Personal leave shall be pro rated for employees bcginnmg and tenninatin g employme nt with
the Gty during the November I -October 31 time period .
/l lffl ·u , 0. SH RT TERM O1S/\IlTLT'l'Y (STD)
A. Def inition
Upo n co mp letion of 90 da ys of se rvi ce, S'ID leave is gmm.cd fo r non-se rvi ce co nn ected
injuries (exce pt as described bel ow in sec ti on O.,2.,b.) or illn esses of an employee which pn·ve nLs
th e employe e from performin g hi s/her d uties as a City employee.
13. P, vis i 1
'T11c Ci ty ag 1tes LO provide STD leave with pay for emp loyees abs ent as a res ult of
ill ness/ inju ry as fo ll ows :
91 days-4 years
5-9 yea,s
LO+ yeais
347 hou,;
520 hou,s
69 3 hou,s
C Accum11\ation and RcstomtiQJJ
STD leave shall not be acc umulative except that on Ja nu a,y l of eac h yea r, the City shall
re store JOO% of the number f hom~ prcv i usly used by an employee as fo llows:
\'; days -4 yearn
5-9 yea 1s
10+ years
up to a max imum of 174 hours
up to a max.im um of 260 lio u,s
up to a max imum of 347 horns
Such rcsto mtion shall continue eac h ycar unt il such time as the emp loyee acc rues th e
max imum num!,er of hours fo r whi ch he or she is el igible und er /1 1t icle 24 .B.
D. Ut ili,,11iQ!l
I. Upon co mpletion of 90 days .,f sc .'!;r.e ,a11thri:,,11 io11 fo r S'l'D leave wi th pay
sh.ill '" tl y be 1;i;1111 ed after till' fi"t shi ft of disab il ity. Ti:e fii,t shift of · sah ili ty will be paid wi th 1hr
cmp lnyre's acc 11 11111 lated leave time in the followin g order. personal leave, annual leave, holiday
lc.,vr.. After all arc 111r.d bves h,1 ve been ex hausted, th e first shift of disab ili ty will be leave with out
p.t y.
2. /111tho 1i,,1tion lo:-STD shall only be gmmcd fo r dw foll ow i11i; 1t aso ns:
a. Pernonal illn ess or injury l1 0 l sc 1vict' co nn rncd, in clu ding 111a1n11ity
related disab ility.
Se rvice co nne cted inj ury or illness only after the nin ety days
desc ribed in Atticl e 25, Workets' Co mpens ation, has been exha usted .
F. ,&po 1ting of SID
The empl oyee or a member of the employee's househo ld shall noti fy the employee's
superv iso r al least one (1) hour prior to the emplo)'l!e 's sc hed ul ed reporting time. No STD leave will
be granted LO an employee who fails Lo not.ify th eir supcrvtso r p1i r Lo the beginning of the
emploJ<!e's work sc hedule unless circumstances be}Und the co mrol of th e emplo)'l!C would not
G. Vcnfica io n Dcsabil it
If absence f ra m work is three (3) da}" or more , a medical re le ase must be provided LO th e
employee's supcrv~or, who will forward it to Hu rn,u1 Resources for poss ible Family and Medic.ii
Leave qualifi cation. If the Police 01ief re quire s a ph)~iri.u1 's sLstement of disa bility in addition to the one
mentioned above, the City shall bear reasonab le and neces sary costs required to obta in suc h
ph)~ician 's stat ement.
H. fsm
An employee wh o make s a false claim for STD leave shall be subj ect to d~c iplino,y action .
/\lfflO..E 2 1. WORKE RS ' MPENSA'flON
A. For any on-th e-job inju,y whic h causes any emp loyee lo be abscm rm,11 wn rk :i s a
res ult of suc h in ju ,y, the City shall pay to such empl oyee his /he r fu ll wages from the first day of
his/h er abse nce from work up lo and including the 90th calendar day or such abse nce, less whateve r
sum~ re ce iv ed by the emp loyee as di sa bility wages under wo rkc1s' co mpensation. Afte r ex haustion
of the ninety (90) days ir the emp loyee is still disab led, he/ she ca n utilize leave und er the provis ions
of /\1iiclc 24. ·n,c City rcse,v es the rig ht to requ ire any employee on in ju1y or disab ili ty leave Lo
,:ubmit 1:0 an cxamiuati on(s) by City-appoimed phys ician(s) at th e City's expe nse or u11 cle r th e
provis ion o f workers* co mpen sation or the rct iremr11t,'pcnsion provis ions as provid ed under State
S t11tUlC,
13. All inj u,ies that occ ur during workin g hours sha ll be repmt ed to the employee 's
rnp e1viso 1· withi n 24 hours of the injury or before the empl oyee leaves their depa1tment of
employmem unless circumsta nces beyond th e co ntrol of the emp loyee would not perm it,
DUiin g the term of this /\grccment, the City sh all pay one-half (l /2) of th, state-
man date d co ntrib ution ro r death and disability pu1sua11L LO § 31-31-81 (4), C R.S., for orf icc 1s hired
artcr Ja nu ary I, 199 7.
ART10..E 22. f'-/SURAN -
"!h e iry will pai· nin ety pe rce nt (90%) of th e prem ium cos t fo r "em ployee o nl y"
,ove rage, cighty ii ve perce nt {SS"o) of th e premium cost for "e mp loyee plus one" cove rage
and eighty pc cm (80%) of "family'' coverage fo r th e medical insurance plan de sign at ed ,IS
the bas i, Oty plan. Employees will pay 10%, 15% or 20~~ of th e prcmitun cost.
If tl1e Otyoffcr.; an y pti onal medical in suran ce phn (s), th e emplorce will pay tl,e diffmnce
be twee n the Oty's co ntrib utio n desc ri bed ahove and th e pre mium cos t of th e optiona l plan
'!he Oty wi ll pa y ni nety percent (90%) of Ull' pre mium ost for "em ployee onlf
co ve1,ge , eighty-fiv e percent (85 %) of the pre mium ost fo r "e mp loyee plus one" co verage
and eighty pe rcent {80%) of "familf co ve ra ge for den1.1 l ins ur,rn ce. Empl oyees will pay
10%, 15•,. or 20% of tl1 e premium cos L
Te rm life ins uran ce "ill be prov ided by the Ory for employees covmd by th is
Contrac t in an amount equal to one year's s,1 la 1)" ,IS spec ifi ed in A,ticlc 9./\ or I\
Compens ati on, whichc\'er ,1pp lies, not to exceed S50,CJ0 .
D. 1\ny dispute con ce rning th e ime rp re1.1tion or applicati on o f benefits prov ided under
tl ,e healtl, or dental pLms shall be subj ec t to tl,e plan appeal p rocess . It cs expre ss !)
unders tood th,n th is article is a 11011-gri evable item under tl1is C'.0 11U"1CL
AR'f'IO,F. 23. KE '[lREE I lE/\L'TI-1 IN 'URAN :E ASS ISTA.1'10:.
IL is 11ndcrsLOod an rl 1grc<'d by both pa11.ics diat a1.y re ferral to hca iLh insurance for rC'L irccs
nr fu t.u rn rct:in,es is no to he comLru ed as a pan of this V lll t rn cL. ·n,c Ci ty ag t~es to pay Li ,<' 11:1.ircc
$75.00 pe r month for empl oyees wh o ,~·.i red on o r befo re Decem ber 31, 1994; a11d $100.00 per
mo nt.h fo r emp loyees who ,~tire on or ;[1.c r.fan ua1y I, 1995.
EPBA me mber.; are enro lled in the ICMA-RC 401(a) Money Pu,-chase PL1n . TI1e City
c nuibutes 10% of his /her base wages into the plan and th e er.1ployce contribute< 10% of his/he r
base wages into the pL1n.
11,e plan do cument for the City of Englewood ICMA Retirement Corpora ci on 40l(a)
Money Purchase Plan is avaifable fo r inspection in the Depan,me m of Fir.an ce and Admin~uativc
Serv ir:cs .
A. Exce pt as limited by the express te rms of Lhi , Q mtmct, the City re tain s Lh c
righL LC pt mulgate reasona bl e rul es , regulations, pnl icics, proce dure, and di recLivcs . Sa id 111 les,
rcgulaLions, po lic ies , and pro cedures and directives wh id1 arc an allc· ·d violation of Lhis C.Ontm ct
shall be sub jecL to the g1icva ncc procedu,~.
13. The City agrees 10 me .111d co nfer in a tim ely 1n.1n11er with th e /\.ssoci aLion
co nce rn ing Lit e fonnulnL ion of changes of n,:, rntl regula ions, policie s, procedures and dirccLivcs .
A. The City agrees to deduct the Associati on dues once each pay period from th e pay of
th ose emp loyees who individually request in writing that such ded uctions be made, subj ect to the
garnishment laws of th e State of Colorado . The amounts to be de ducted shall be cenifi ed to the
City Director of Human Resources by th e Treas urer of the Association, and the aggregate
deductions of all employees shall be remitted togethe r wi th an itemized statement to the Treasurer
hy the !Sch of the succeeding montb, after such dedu ctions are made. The audiorization sbaU be
revocable during di e ten□ of the Contrac~ upon a thirty (30) day written noti ce by th e employee to
the City Finance an d Administrative Services Directo r.
B. If no wages are paid an authorize d emp loyee on di e last p ay period of a give n pay
pe riod, deduction for diat pay period will be made from any wages which may be paid to bim/h er
on the next succee ding final monthly Gey pay pe ri od. It is expressly understood diat the Gey
assumes no liability and shall not be liable fo r die collection or payment to the Association of any
dues during any tim e that an emp loyee is not actually working for the City and actually on the
payro ll of the City. In th e event of error on th e check-off list, the Gty will not be responsible to
make adjustments , until notified by the Treasurer of the Association.
C The Association shall indemnify and hold the Gty harmless a:;aios t any and all
claims , ~cits . orders, or judgments brought or issue d against the City as a re sult of any action taken
or .1ot taken by tbe City under the provision of this Article.
D. O:iange s in the dues amount to be deducted shall be limited to twJ (2) changes eac h
year, and provided a thirty (30) day written notice is provided th e City Di .. ecto r of Hum.,n
E . Should die change in the deduction amount or method require a co mputer
programming change, th e Association shall be respo nsib le for that cost of such change or changes,
at $30 per bourwith a four (4) hours maximum. Payment from the Assoc iation shall be made to the
Gey Director of Human Reso urces within ten (10) days of receipt of billing .
/\1\TIO~E 27 . i\SS ATION ACflVl 'l1F.S
'I11e City agre es t.h at during wo rking hours on the 'ty pre mises and without loss of pay,
Association rcprescnt-:itivcs ma y be all owed to: attend Assoc iation-ma na ge ment meetin gs; atte nd
negotiation sess ions; pos A~soc iation notices on C.iLy de signated bu lleti n boards; so licit Assoc i,1tion
memb rn hips during employee's non-w rk time; and rep rese nt emp loyees on grievances and
disciplina,y matte •~ prov ided th e work loa d pe1mits .,s dctcnnined by the Police d ,i ef or des ign a ·d
rcp1cs ent-:1 tive and requ ires no ovc1t imc pay.
A Examples of reaso ns that may res ult in an oral or written correc tive action arc listed
und er City of Englewood Administrative Po licy Manu al, Policy# 25 , " rre ctive and Dis ciplimry
Acti on", an d th e Englewood Poli ce Depa rtme nt Ope rati on Man ual, Secti ons J.l , "Code of
Co nduct" and J.2 , ".Jiscipline".
B. TI1 e em pl o)ee sha ll have ,lie o ppo11un.ity 10 submit written comments in respo nse to
an y wrim n co rre ctive actio n which is w be includ ed in th e emp loyee's off icial pmonn el file.
C n,e employee remins the right to requ es t an administrative review rl any w1it1rr,
corrective action which is ID be included in th e employee's off icial pmo1111 el file. Th · Po li ce Cbief
shall detennine this adminisu~tive re view procedw-e . A representative of the I:.i'BA may be
incl uded in this administr.itivc rev iew process at th e emp loyee's re quest. W1ittc n findin gs of this
Jdministrative rev iew shall be place d in the emp loyee's official perso nn el fil e.
D . This Al1icl c shall not be grievable unde r this Contra ct.
A lti:'ICLE 29. Dl SOPl.lNARY ACrl ON
Di sc ip linary actions arc those personnel actions adminis1crcd against an emp loyee for an
offe nsive act or poor job pcrro nnance, whi ch actions advmcly affect th e curre nt pay, current status,
or tenure of the emp loyee.
I. 1.Jisciplinary aclion pcn:1lties ui cl ud c suspe11sio11, dc mot io11 , and disd1a 11;c of :111
2. Disciplinary action may be adm i11istc1~d concum:ntl y with co rrective actions.
3, Reasons for disciplinary actio n are defin ed under City of E nglewood Admi nistrative
Policy Man ual , Policy # 25, "OllTective and Disciplinary Action" and the Police
Ope rations Manua l: 3.1 , "Code of Co ndu ct" and 3.2, "Di sc ipline".
An 1:m1 loj<!e shall be all owe d at hi s/her disc retion one (;, Assoc iation rep rcsc nta,ive to be
prese nt dur inr; p1ed irc iplinary meetings. This provision shall apply only when an cmp loyi,c des ires
the ass istan ce of an Assoc iation rep rese ntativ e and onl y when th e emp loyee be li eves tha1 discip li na1y
acti on as def ined above may be ta l1cn against th e employee.
A grievance is def in ed as an all ege d vio la tion co nce rning the imeq,re~1tion or appli cation of
a specif ic pro vis ion of this mra ct. The emp loyee and th e Association shall be required to fo ll ow
the procedure as set out be low.
t• I
lf the emplo)ee/Assoc iation is un abl e to m tle th e grievan ce or disp ute orally and infom1,,ll)
thro ugh his /her immediate superv is or within seve n (7) calendar da)~ of the date of the occurrence
of the bri evance, or the cmplo)"'c's kn ow ledge of it, the empl oyee m,y with in the succee ding se ven
(7) ca., ,1dar da~ file a written grievance with his /her supe rviso r. '[h e supervisor shall ,tllempt to
reso lve 1.11e ,rntter and sha ll 1-cspo nd in w1iti ng to the employee within seve n (7) ca lendar da)' An
Association or geJm.l grievan ce shall be p1~se med diree1.ly by d,e Pres idc nt of r:,PBA or his
design ee LO the Police Cluef.
1f the g,i evan ce still rem,ins unre so lved , it shall be pre sented by the cmplo)<!e to the Police
O,ief in writing with in se ven (7) calendar da)~ followi ng re ce ipt of th e superviso r's n,sponse. 11,e
Po lice O,ief sh.,11 respo nd in writing within se ven (7) ca lendar d.1)~-
• ep.l
If the gri cv,mcc still remains un reso lv ed, it shall be pre se nted by the employee to t},e Pol ice
O,ief in writing within seven (7) ca lend,tr da)~ f Hawing receipt of th e Po lice O 1icf's respo >ise. ·n ,c
Pol ice O 1icf shall respon d in ~siting wid1i n se ven (7) calencbr d.,)~-
Lf the g1icvance still 1-c11cii11.s unreso lved, it sha ll be presemed by the cmpl yce to cl,e Gty
Mano ge r in writing witl ,in S<'VC II (7 ) calendar .b)~ foll1.1w i11 ~ re ce ip1 of th e Poli ce O,ief' respmtse.
111 c G 1r il.111,tgcr or lus/lu::r dcs ig11 . .1tcd n~pn=srnt.-1tiv c ~h:t ll n::sprn 1d i11 \\ 1 it i11g within f Olu tccn (11)
c ,dcnthr d., )~-
S1<"p S
Ir ,he gri,·1•a11 cc is still unn'solvl'd, thi, emplnyt·r witl1i11 fo nn cc n (14) c,,\eml.u d.,vs after the
·ply ol the Oty \tmagcr or his / her dc:sign,1tcJ rrprcsc 11tativc, nuy by wriu cn 11uti cc rcqut!st die
matter be heard by ,111 ,ut,it ·.it r. If with in five day., of the ,~ques t rm ,11 h itmcio11 the Associa ti 11
and the Gty rn1110t mutually agree on an im pa nial a1bi1.r.1t0r, a reques t will be fi led with th
Ame1i .. rn Arb ra tion Association for a p.me l of SCl'C n .ubiu~toi; to be sen t to the paities . 'lhe
arbitr.1t o" shall 1,c se lected lw a method of altcrna ivc suiking o na mes fro m the panel, with the fi,st
suikc detc1,. ·n I by a co i~ Ilip. 'Ilic final n.,m c left on tlw pand sha ll be th e .11ti1trator. '11,c
a1bi1.rat r shall uc requested to issue a decisio n within thirty (30) daJ~ after conclus ion of testimony
and ;ugumc-m.
E.,1ch party sh,\\ be rcspansiblc [or co mpensation to its own representatives and wim cssrs.
'!he [ccs of th e arbitrata r shall be sh,u-ed cqu,1\\y by the /\ssociation and the City. 1f eich cr patty
desires a verbatim reco rd o[ the proceedings, it 111ay c.1 usc such a reco rd lO be 111adc, pmvidl'cl it
p,1y,: !or the record and ""lies co pies .waibhlr lCI the ,uhiu·,1tor. \[ the other patty wishes to h,wc a
n>py of 1.hc 1.1'1\ISC ript. it ,\1,1 \\ sh,1 11' cr 1u,1\\y ,1 \\ 1 ,s t.So r 1hr transc,i)'t.
F:i.ilu1 c hy an ,mplo)'" or the /\.ssonation tu r.omp\ywith ,111y time limitati n ,ha\\ co 11·, it11\l'
,1 ettlcment o[ the g1icvancc. Should the employe r not respond within the pre sc rib ed time, the
g1i cva nce will au ·om.1tic,1lly p eccl to the next ,tcp. /\t th e employee's option, the employe r m:1y
he allowed additional time to pand,
'11,e aniitrator shall have no powe1· to acid to or subu,irt [rom or change the tcnns of 1,i;:.
<o ntmc\.. · 11,c W1ittc11 decis ion of the ,ubiu.1tor shall be li,ml ,md binding upon the paiti,·s. 'Inc
a,1,iu.itor ,h.111 limit his /her decisio n suictly to the gricv.,ncr ·,ul,miucd which h,is \we ll properly
pn.:csse•I ,\t ro ugh thr grievance proce ure outlin ed.
11\Jlhr,rity of Amiumm
(;ricv,uK 1'' nuy he uw,·;tii;,1tcd and processe,I by h,· employee and our ll) 011 d11ty
/\," ·ution repre\C'lll ,uiv c .1t the cm ,loycc's rcq11,·st ,\11n11 r, wm1rn,g ho~:> within n•,isnn1hll' 1imc •
limiLs with o ut loss of pay l'rovidrd notice is giv en .ind th e wor\1 lo.id pcnni .
Ili c CiLyand the Associ;1 'o n agre e that I.h e terms and prC'visi.u, ,le re in contain ed co1tstirute
t.he cnti.re Co mra _t bctwce u die partie s and supc~cde all previ ous L:o n, ... ?11nications, repre se ntatives
or agreemc 111.1, e:J ier verbal o r written, between th e parties with 1ei r:?ct •n t he subject matter herein .
·n,e City and th e Assoc iation a1,,n,e that all negotia ble items have :,,·e n discus se d during tlie
negotiations leadin g to this Co ntra ct and , thcidore, agree that negotiauuns will not be reope ned on
.my item during the life of this Co ntra ct except by mutual agreement of the parties.
lN WllNE SS WHEREOF, the parties have caus ed this C,1u ct to be signed by the ir
respec tive rep1ese ntati ves, an d th eir signarures pla ced th ereo n, on cl1 :.. __ clay of Jun e, 2010 at
Engl ewood, O,lomdo .
City Ocrk
City Manager
Da te: Age nda It em: Subj ect:
June 2 1, 20 10 11 C ii Coll ecti ve Bargaining Agreement Between th e City
and th e EPBA for 2011 and 201 2
Initiated By: I Staff s~urce:
Human Resources Depa rtm ent Sue Eato n, Director of Human Resources
The prev iou s Collective Bargaining Agreeme nt wi th the Englewood Poli ce Ben efi t Associa ti on wa s
approved by Co un ci l for 2009 and 2010 in Ju ly, 2008.
Staff requ es ts Council adop t a resolu ti on approving th e Collective Barga ining Agreement between
th e Englewood Police Ben efit Assoc iati on and the City of Eng lewood for th e years 20 11 and 20 12 .
The contract covers app roxima tely 58 emp loyees .
The City of Englewood and th e E, ,glewood Police Benefit Associa ti on entered into nego tiati ons in
May of 2010 in accorda nce with th e City of Englewood Chart er. The memb ers of th e Englewood
Police Ben efit Association du ly ratified by a maj ori ty vote th e Co ll ective Bargai nin g Ag reemen t.
The sig nifi ca nt cha nges to th e con tra ct are as fo ll ows:
1. A ma . :rn t adjustmen~ ba se d on the sa lary survey to be co ndu cted in the third quarter of
2010, wi ll be mad, 0n January 1, 2011.
2. Wages for 20 12 wi ll be nego ti ated in 2011.
3. The maxim um merit pay for eligible empl oyees will increase fr o,~ ;900 to $1000 annuall y.
4. Employ cs who use all of th eir persona l leave wi ll be awarded ei th•., 8 <,ours ( or 10 hours
fo r 10 hour shift personne l) compe nsatory tim e.
5. The Ci ty wil l pay ei th er 80%, 85% or 90% (depending on level of cove rage) of premium
costs for the med ical plan desig nated as the basi c Ci ty plan . If th e City offers any optio nal
medica l in sura nce plan(s), the emp loyee wi ll pay th e differenc e be tween th e city's
con tri butiv,, for th e bas ic plan and th e rremi um cos t of th e optional µIan ch0s en.