HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Resolution No. 047• RESO!UT IO :,JO. Lf/
SER IESOF2010 --
LI Q OR I IL'ENS I G /\1.JT II OR IT Y FOR !'Ill · 'I l'Y OF E c;i EWOOD. C'OLO R/\IJ0.
Wl IERE..-\S, the Engkwood I .i quor Licensing Authorlly has been created and has nil powers
of the local licensing m1thori ty as sci forth by the Stntc of 'o lorado to gran t or refuse li cL'llsc.,;; for
the sale nt retail of malt , \'inous or spiri tuous liquors ;md fcnnc rn cd ma ll bcvcrngcs. to cm1duct
invcst1g.n ti ons a:,, required by l;-i \,, and to suspend or revoke such li censes for cause in the m:mncr
provided by law: and
\\'1 IER EAS. M ic.hacl 13uchanan 1s a current member of the Fnglcwood Liquor I .iccnsing
Autl mty: an d
\\'IIEREAS , '.vli clrncl 13uchanan·s current 1cnn expired July I, 2010: and
WHER EAS. Miclrncl 13uchnnan has offered to serve ,md ha~ applied fo r rcappninuncnt to the
Englewood Li quor Li censing :\u1honty; and
\\'II FR FAS. the Englewood l'it) Counc il desires w rcap pomt ~11 chac: Buchanan w the
Fng\c wood Li 4uor Li ce nsi ng .\mnor11y:
·o w. l'I IERE FOKF, Ill' I r Rb(•! \'Ul hY T I ii: CTI y cou CIL()F TI ii' Cl l'Y or
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Sccl icl!1 i, ~11chacl Hudi:111;1111 s hcn:hy n.:appoin tt...'tl tL1 thc l·.ngh.!wood Liqu or LH..:cn:-ing
Authont) lvtichacl Buc ha nan·, tL·nn will he cffcct1vc 1mmcch:•1dy and will cxp11 c Jul) l. 2013.
,\1)01' I El ) AI\D /\Pl'RO\ l:ll th is u" day of July. :o 10 .
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l:11m:s K Wmldwan l. l\layo,
I . Lou~1 ishrn \ l ~ll is, ( 'lly Clerk for ~y}jtY of Englewood, ( 'ol ·1do. hcrchy cc 111fy thc
.,lwvc is a 1n1c ''"I') of Rcs<'htltlll\ 'In. 71/, Scncs ,,f 2010 / , 6)
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ll' I .o ucnshia /\. l :lhs. Cny l'lcrl.
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