HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Resolution No. 065• • RESO I Lr! ION NO. lb SER IES OF ~0 10 /I l(FSOLl ' no I RFAl'l'OIN I IN(i R )ilY \"1\ 'l)i"RI FESTTOTII E EN(;l,l •\VOOD LIQUOR U CFNSfNG AUl l lOR ITY FOR TIii Cl'IY CJI l·:S<i l I \\'0011. ('01.0RAD WIIEREAS. the Eng lewood Liquor Licensing Authorit) has been cn:a1ed and ha:-n.l\ powers of the local hccnsmg aut hority as set forth by th e State of olorado 10 grant or refuse licenses for th e sa le at retail of malt, v111ons or spmtuous liquors and fcnncnted malt heverngcs. to conduct uwes11ga11ons as required b) law, and 10 suspend or rev kc such li ce nses for cause 111 the m,11 m•·r provided hy l;:I\\'; and Wll ERE/\S, Rob yn VnnDcrLccst 1!-a current member of the Fngh.:,,o oc.11 1qul'r Licensing 1\uthori1 y; :md \VIIEREAS, Rohy n V an Dcr Lccst's current wnn cpircli July I, 2010: a1• l WllER E.AS. Robyn V;:111DcrLcc._1 has offorcd to serve anu !ms .ipplicd for rcappomtrnc nt Ill the Englewood Liquor L1 ccnsmg Authont); and W!lERE1\~, 1h..: Englcwo11d City (.'o-mc1\ desire:. to rc;1pp01nt Rl,hyn Vanl1c rLcc.:.._t tn the Englewood \ ,iquor L1 ccnsmg .,\u thori ty : 1 0 11'. rlll'Rl:FORE. Ill · Ir 1(1 · OI \/Fil BY I Ill · l'I I y ('Ol'NCII ( >I · TIi i' ('I rY or EN ,I FW OOD. COLORA DO. r!IA'I. ~t11l.l. Ruh yn \lanDcrl cc,t 1s herd1) re,1p1s>111tc,I to the l'n~lcw11nd L1q11 111" L1 ccnsi ng \utht>ril). ll1>hy11 \'anDcrLccst', term 11111 he c~cc11w 1111111cdiatcl y ,11111 will e,p1rc July I . ~Ul.1 \l)t ll' rFll .'\Nil l'l'l\(l\'l-ll tin s 1/' d,t) t>f July. ~11111. !)(ti )t 1!/,(; (, ( 'l_j \,uui;ii shia A. l•:\11 s. l'll l'li..:rk