HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Resolution No. 078• RESOLUT ION NO. !ll SE RIE S OF 2010 • • A RESnt 1rr1n-..: (ll'P()~JN , PROPOS ITI ON JOI. A\IE,,mMENT 60. AND A IE:-ID~IE\"T 61 AT THE NO\"EMBER 2, 2010 STA I E\l "IDE GENERAL ELECT IO, . \VI IERl:.AS , Sw1c ,·oti:rs w1ll have 1hc opponumt y at the Novemb er 2. ~0 10 tatcw1de General Election to pro1cc 1 the lisc:1 1 hcah h of local govc rnm cm by dcfcmi ng Proposition 10 I, Amendment 60, ;1nd Amendment 61: .1ml WHEREAS, d uring thi s currcm econo mic downtum, the ity of Englewood has imposed employee furloughs. climi na1cd 11npon:mt Ci 1y po si tions: ha s ct11 bnck on park s nmintcmm cc and co mm unity progr:1rns: and deferred cap it al comaruction and mhcr c1Hn muni 1y <lc vc l o1m1c11 t ac tivi ties: nnd WHEREAS. these mea sures individually and collcc tivcly1 s1g nifi can1l y reduce or ot herwi se rc stric1 both tal c an d local re ve nues in a numher of different ways includi ng bu1 no t \1111itcd t0: propen y taxes . sr.:cific ownership taxes. te lecommunication taxes. ta te inc ome tax es. Stme- sharccl re ve nue s 10 assist muni cipali tie s with loca l strccl and transit im pro \'cmc nt s. ~md 01hcr Stme grants and loa ns to hel p local governmcnt s; and \V I IEREAS. the ability to finance long-tcm1 ca pit al imprcwcmcnts li ke water nnd wa stC\\'r,ter treatment plant s. recreational proJccts. fire s1a 11 ons. and other public focilitics an: dra111at1cally impaired hy the rcs 1n ctio ns on cleh 1 f:11ancing as proposed by /\n1cn dmcnt 61; and \\'l lEREAS. the following scr.·1cc~ and programs 111 th(.' City of b 1glcwood would he l11 111tcd or cunailcd because of the m1merous rc:-trictillllS :ind re venue reductio ns prop osed hy the se lhrce measures; strcct ancl pa rk maintenance. hour:-11 1' sc,, ice in r1 ur library. municipal cou n and parks and recreati on programs; poli ce ;md tire cl,m mlrnit y scrvicc.:s; and (n·era ll r~s pon sivc ncss of Cit y se rvices: a1ul WHEREAS. the Ci1y of EngkwoC'd 1s co ncerned abou t thL" 1mpnct these three mi.:asur cs will have on our abiht) IO work cffcc11\'cl~ "1th ot her \oc:tl gm cmmcnts in th e fonn of intcrgovcrnmcntal agree mi.:ms suc h as multial aid agrcemcnl s for police ,rn d fire: and WI 11:RF.\S . tht: tlm:t· mca s·1rc-; "ill ,,dwr"L'l) affr·t:1 (\llf lt1nl' 1t·m1 rl'l:11in11" w11h lhc Regional Tr;111sp1111atil1n J)1stnc 1 rt·ga1 d111 1; our rl·dcvclnp mclll dTC1ns :11 h1 glcwood l '11y l "cnler and 111 th<.' cons trn1..·tmn of llllJH"O\ClllL'tlls ,ll !ht· Cny's ~kl cl\an Rc.-.c rvcur propcn) . .-\h.l1 , thc,t: a111cmlml'1H'i \\'11 1 h:1,·c :i se\c1e 1111pai.:t on the l't1\':-planned 1111prl1\ emcnts io lhl' ll11,1n t·-.s lmprovc111c111 Dismct. nuth Brl1.1(h,.1~ and tht· City's ~lcd11.:al D1 :-1 m:t. aml \\' 111-1{ FA S .• 1 mnnhcr of pnim111t·11 t md1v1d uals. newspa per'-. ;md org:au ,.at il111s includmg ou 1 t'Wll Co lnrado ~ltmi cipal I caguL· :-uc ,1.nc111g 11ppmalH111 to thc:-c mi.::i..,mc:-. hccausc they arc no t 111 the hcst interest:-ofColor:1do and ofll'l.'.:d co m111tmiti cs; ;met WI 11:R l '.AS. Jllll\'IS ions of c;;tall' la\, ,diem tlll' City nf Fnglcw~wd to pu l li.ll"th thb l{ei.o luti on as ii stmcmclll or ,1p pusi11on ltJ tht.: mc.tsures known as Proposn1011 10 I, :\llll'l!d111c11l 60 .. 111d A111cndmc 111 61 NOii'. Tl IER l·FOR I:. l!E IT RL St >I \"W BY TII E CITY COl '\JC ll ,0 1· 1111 · l TI Y OF (;1,rwo m . l"OI ORA DO . n I.-\ I 12 bi Sec tion I. The Ci ty Council of th e Cit y of Eng lewood opposes Propos iti on IO I, Amendment 60 nnd Amendment 6 1 and urges our citizens to vo te aga in st all three ba ll ot measures . ADOPTED AND APPROVED thi s ~0th day of Sep 1em bcr, 2010. ATT EST. Jw//-MI~ Lo uorishi, A. Ellis , City Clerk v ( I. Loucnshrn A. Elhs, Cit y Cle rk for ).b;;,Cu y of Englcw od, Colorado, hereby certify the above ts a true copy of Resolution No .'.&_, Senes of 20 0 ~ c' wlu;,,4) -'Lo ucrishia A. Ellis , City Clerk • • •