HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes&IGULA& MllT11'G: COU•CIL CBAMllRS c ITY ·or llCLIWOOD. _CODOllADO 'June 15, 1981 The .City Council of the .City ·of Englewood, Arapahoe Countt, Coloradd, aet fa reaular··~-•ioa oa ·•June 15, 1981, at 7:30 p.11. Mayor 'Otf-, pre•idfn,, called the aeeting to orde~. The in•ocattoa ••• at•ea b7 &everend"George J. WeisH, Safat 'Georae•• !pf•copal ChurcM, 3600 louth .Clarl•on'.Street. The pledge ·of ailegfance •••led b7 loy Scout Troop• 1115 and #154. Mayor ·1 otf• ••k•d for roll call. Upon a call of the roll, the followtna were pr•••nt1 .Council Meab•t• ltadat, lea!, Piuzpatrick, Keenl, lfld, lrad•ha.,, 'Otfll. A1S•ent: The Ma7or declared a quoeua pre•enl. • * * * * * AI•o pre•ent ••res CitJ Manaaer Mccown A••f•tant ,City Manager Wanuah CitJ Attorney DeWitt Director·of .Coaaunfty Develop- aent Powef• Director of Utilities Fonda Director·of Finance/ex officio City .Clerk-Treaaurer Bigbee Deputy City .Clerk Wa~kirls * * * * * * .OOURCIL MIMllR IRADIBAW MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES •or THE alCULA& MIETI•C •or 'JU•I ! , 1981. .Council Meaber·~Bilo ·aeconded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted •• •fol lo1t• 1 •at•: Council Meabet• Bigda1, Real, Fiuzpatricl, Keea.r, lild, lradaha1', 1 0tftl. The Mayor declared the aotioa carried. * * * * * * •June 1,, 1981 Paae 2 OOURCIL lllRA MOVID TO APPaOVI TRI MIRUTIS •or TRI SPE- CIAL MSETIRC 'OP'JU•I 3, 1911. Council Me•ber Pi~zpatrick·aec­ onded the •ottod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• ·fol lo.ta 1 AJ•• I ••t•& .Council Meabeta Bi1da1, Real, Pi~zpatricl, le•a•, 11 Id, lradaha1', ·•ot f •· The Ma1or declared the •otion carried. • • • • • • Pre•acheduled vfaftot, ldward Pa1n-, 5090 South Washing- ton Street, w•• pr4aeat and dfacu•••d the·aale·of Fire Statton Rd. 3 to Arapahoe Mental lealth .Centet, .Inc!. Mt. Payne ·stated he beca•e 1nter4ated fa the ·aale of the fire houae laat fall and in- quired about ft at that ti••· In hfa putauit, he vaa told he would be contacted when ft w•• ti•• for the·aal•· M~. Payne'atated he beard nothina ·until a few we••• aao when he read the article of the·aale to Arapahoe Mental lealth in the lnalewood~SentineJ. Kd. Pa1ne·atated he codaidered the'aale of $23,000 for the ·fire'ata- tion to be low: and ••k•d Council to pdatpone the'aale 1 until fur- ther·atudJ and a •ore realfatic apprafaal of the property can be ••de. Mt. Pa7ne·atated th• land ffaelf_ •••worth $23,000 and he w•• willtna to P•J aore than thaf. Mt: Pa1ne'atated bid•'•h~uld be t•k•n on the propert7 whereb7 •ore •oney •iaht pd~aibly be received for the propertt• Mt. Pa1n• called the tradaaction an act ·of benevolenc•· Council Meaber leeaa·atated findfna out the co•peti- tive value of a property would be to 10 through an arP process. There fa a a••ble that th• hiah4at bid •iaht be $10,000 in1tead of $23,000, which fa th• apprafaed •alu•. Council Me•b•r •••1 ·atated he did not codaider the '1ale to be an act of benevolenc•· The center ••• willfna to give the Cf tJ the apprafaed valu•· There were a nuaber of other propertiea that are befna ••chaaa•• below the apprafaed valu•· Por·organ~za­ ttoda lfke the ••atal health center who are having difficulty fund- ina the~aelv•-· ft h•• to appear aood for the center to buy the property at the apprafaed valu•· Alad, the .City can acco•plf1h • aood at th•····· ti••· • • • • • • Pre•acheduled vfaitot, lent Teall, Manaaer ·of South- aate Sanitation Dfatricf, 3722 l•at•Orchard Avenu-, Littletod, 'June 1,, 1911 Paae 3 w'• pr•••nt aad df•ad•••• the propd••d fncre••• ·of "•ewer tap l•••· Mr. Teall ·•tat•• he reprf•ented th• df•trict•• patrod• who were aot affect•• •1 th• tncr•••• and th• land -ownet• who will be affected to fd••r• that th• •J,400 incr•••e .for·•ewer tap• will be •••teat•• to the espad1ion of treataent facilitie~. Council •••••r •••l referred to a coaaunication 1 froa tb• .CitJ Attorne1 ·1tattn1 that th• .CitJ w•• aaintainin1 ·•e1re- 1ated accouaf•· Mt. ••al ·1tated the coaaunfcation~•hould be an appropriate rf•pod•• to Mt. Teall•• qu••tion and reque•ted that a cop1 ·of th• letter ••·•upplted to Mr. Teall. • • • • • • Pre••cheduled •f•itot, foraer aa7or ·'Jaaf• Taylor, 3709 louth 'lheraan'ltreer, w•• pr••enr. Before Mr. Taylor be1an hf• df•cd••ion of •artou• it•~•. he coaplfaented .Coun- cfl and the .CitJ adafnf•tratfon ·on dofna a aood ·job. Mt. Ta7lor a•k•d tf the ·•ewer ·f•e fncrea•e would affect the ctt•••n•• rat••· Council explained the increa•e w•• for·•ewer taf• on11· Mt. Ta1lor ·•tated Inglewood had a 1ood.•ituation with water an•·•ewer·•ervicfi. Be ~1tated the ·•aall aaount that ln1lewood cf ttaed1 pay quarterly for water ·•ervfcf• ·other cf ttsn•• in the area are pa7ing per aonth for Denver water. Mr. Ta1lor read an article fro• the En1lewood Sentinel, opinfon ·•ecttod, •June 10, 1981 and requ••ted that it be aade part ·of the records •center 'lacket• Are rru•trateds ln1Jewood cftt••d• worktna fn behalf ·of a coaaunfty center buildtna ·for the cf tJ are f~u•trated. We can't blaae the~. Ith•• been two 1eat•·•tnce the .City Council a1ked the lnalewood Ltod• C!ab and oth•t• interf•ted to ~•tudy the f•••ibilft7·of·1ach a center. It w•• a•nerallJ aareed that a coaaunity building fa needed. 111ht1~•1• percent ·of the r•aidenf• informally polled·aaid theJ would favor ·•uch a faciltt~. Yet lfttle h•• beea doae·•tnce that ti••· ·•June 1,, 1981 Pase 4 .CitJ Council people aow·1a1 the center fa not a top prtorltJ lt••· Th•J h••• bad other tbinj1 to worry aboutl. Pine. lut there f1 no need to·1ludy the proposal to death. Mdat ·of the leawork alreadJ ha• been dond. Reeded now ares 1. An architect to prepare a plan and ••tiaate the c61t. 2. A~aite. 3. An election date for a boad !•••• to fund the projectl. In the lon1 •ud, it will be 1up to the votet1 to aake the bll decf1tod. A coaaunitJ •utldtaa ••1 not be ·financially practical. lut it f1 a ciach that the lon1•r the project fa dela1ed, the aore eaped1i•• and iapractical it will beco••· If ln1lewood !1 to ha•• a coaaunitJ buildin,, let'• 1•t ·on with it •1·1oon •1 pd••tble. If nor, let'• not let e•er1one daa1l•4• Mr. Ta1lor"1tat•• the coaaunitJ cent•~ would help ·keep the ·kid• off the·atreer. le"atated the financial operation·of the center fa a concern; howe•et, he queried h~w auch it would edit to control cri•-· Mt. Ta1lor ~1tated the ~ente~ would help the '.Ci tJ in aan1 wat• ••• recoaaeaded that the quciat-ion ··of the center be placed oa the •allot ta lo•••bet. Ma1or•Otf1"1tated the qu•ation could not be placed·on the Roveaber balloc. AJ1d, Ma1or ·'Otf1 ·atated ·,council would be ·aelecttn1 an architect for the center·oa Thutada~ • . CitJ Attorae1 DeWitt ••plained the '.Charter prohibit• certain bond electioda to take place durin1 general election,. The1 can be conduct•• 45 •at1 ·froa a 1•neral election in a-spec- cial electtoll. Mr. Ta1lor"1tat•• h• w•• aaaidat reaodeling a'•chool butldina for the purp6•• of a coaauaitJ centet. A brand new butldtna w•• nec••1ar1. le a!10·1tated b~ would like to'aee the people who wo~k•d on the Mall•J Center to get involved • . Council M••••r lilo ackaowledaed the center had cittzen ·aupporf. Mr. 1110·1tat•• t•• coaaunitJ center h•• priorit~ with .Council aad a -ipecial election will probablJ be held tn ·'Jaunar)f, 1982. Pre•1cheduled •faitot, lob •~uadaa-. 4140 South Buron ltreef, w•• pr•1enc. Mt. lwuadaae·atated the coaaunity center ·•June l', 1981 Pase 5 •••a critical need. Mr. lrunda1•"•tated h• wia'aerving·on the coaaittee to·aelect an architect; and ••k•d that once an archi- tect •••·•elected, if CitJ Councfl would provide the'aupport and aoti•ation to 1•t the project done. In r•apod1e to .Council Meaber Bi1day'• queatiod, M~. lrunda1e·atated a poll will l»e taken·of the Ltoda '.Cliub ·organtza- tfon coacernin1 the coaaunitJ ceater aattet. Mt. Bmundage"atated there h•• been pr•••ure re1ardia1·achool buildini• for a po8aible ·d••· Mr. l~unda1e·1tated both he and Mt. Taylor were going to •••t with the"achool board to dfacu•• the availability of adequat•, '1arpld• butldtn••· • • • • • • Pre•acheduled .i1itot, ltu road,, ·Director of Utilitte•, ••• pr•••nf. Mr. roada df1cu•••d the recoaaended award of bid con- cerata1 the aorth•••t la1lewood ••lief l~wer. Mt. Fonda recomaend- •d award of bf d to loJ1aa Concrete Product• ·.coapany for the ~•u• of ,J,437,012, which ••• well below the ea1ineer'• ••tiaat~. Aiad, Mr. roada recoaaeaded appro•al of •• appropriation reaolution au- thort•i•I ,J,600,000 for the ••rpd1e·of codat•uction of the 'a~wer lia•, aad authortaatioa for .Cit1"1talf toiutiltse the S~wer Pund a41tricted .Capital •• a •••••·of iateria fiaanctna 1until 1uae tax bond• ha•• beea ·1old aad dali••r••· COU8CIL MIMlll llADIBAV MOVID TO AVAaD TRI BID POa TRI aOITBIAIT llVll Liii 70 IOLIAM ·,COICllTI PaOD11CTS '.COMPANY POa THE SUM 'OF ,J,437,012. Couacil Meaber Fi•apatrick"1econded the ao- tiod. Couactl Meaber •••1 noted the prd1pect of doing'aoae- tbin1 with Little Dr1 ·creek in conjunctio~ with the 'a~wer line project••• ia•l1ti1ated. It w•• deterain~d to be·uneconomical to do at th•"•••• ti••· ·Council Meaber Keena ·atated it_ ••• al10 found to be a dfaad•anta1e ·of each to the·other becad1e·of the aethod of ha•i•I to id1tall two df fferent pipe• protecting one froa the oth••· Upoa a call ·of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follova: ••1•= Council Meabeta Bi1da1, Real, Pi~zpatricK, Keeni, lild, Bradah8'f, ·~otf~. The Ma1or declared the aotion carried. June 15, 1981 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 30 SERIES OF 1981 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPBOPRIATIMG THE USE OF RESTRICTED CASH WITHIN THE SEWER FUND OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOD, COLORADO, FOR INTERIM FINANCING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTHEAST ENGLEWOOD SEWER LINE. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW l«>VED TO PASS RESOLUTION NO. 301, SERIES OF 1981. Council M~mber Fitzpatrick seconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Nays: Council Members Higday, Neal, Fitzpatrick', Keena, Bilo, Bradshaw, Otis. Mone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * .• Pre-scheduled visitor, Gary Higbee, Director of Finance~ waa present. Mr. Higbee requested passage of a resolution approv- ing a lease/purchase contract with Boettcher & Company for the ac- quisition of equirent for the City's computer system. Mr. Higbee stated Boettcher Company'• bid was the lowest bid and the closest contract that met the City'• apecificationa. R€SOLUTION NO. 31 SERIES OF 1981 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH BOETl'CHER & COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EQUIPMENT FOR THI CITY OF ENGLEWOOD COMPUTER SYSTEM. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW t«>VED TO PASS RESOLUTION NO. 31~ SERIES OF 1981. Council Member Keena seconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Council Members Higday, Meal, Fitzpatrick~ Keena, Bilo, Brada&aw, Otis. None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * * June 15, 1981 Page 7 COURCIL MEMBER DENA t«>VED TO BRING FORWARD AGENDA ITEM 88 -A RESOLUTION PROVIDING roa THE IOTICE OF SALE OF USE TAX RE- VENUE BONDS. Council Member Bilo aeconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: Raya: Council Mellbera Higday, Neal, Fitzpatrick', Keena, Bilo, Brada&aw, Otis. Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Steve Bell, Ranifen, Imhoff, Inc., waa preaent to dis- cuss the resolution. Mr. Bell atated aome time ago his firm and City staff member• began examining the viable alternatives which the City could do for financina two different projects -the golf course clubhouae facility and the aewer line expanaion. In view- ing the alternative• that are available, it waa found that the moat viable alternative at thia point due to recent legislative action in the Colorado leaialative ••••ion was uae tax revenue bonds. Mr. Bell propoaad that Council conaider the use tax revenue bond as oppoaed to a aalea and uae tax revenue bond because the City haa designated that uae tax revenues be placed in the Capital Im- provement Fund to be utilized only for capital improvements in the City. Mr. Bell stated the iaaue provided for two aeries of bonds, Series A -proceeds neceaaary to finance the golf course project and Series B -the amount of revenue neceasary to fund the sewer project. The issue would provide for the funds to be delivered approximately the first week of September, 1981. In reaponae to Council Member Xeena'a question, Mr. Bell stated the uae tax revenue bond would not hinder the later issuance of general obligation bonds for a coaaunity center project. City Manager Mccown atated that previously Council trans- ferr~d $420,000 to the Public Improve•~nt Fund to help pay for the golf course project. The bond i11uance would release the $420,000 to be used for other projects. Council Member Higday inquired about the consequences if Englewood issued the use tax revenue bonds and the City of Sheridan came up with additional requirements in terms of a development plan which would require additional funding. City Manager Mccown stated the bond resolution was only for a portion of the financing of the clubhouae. Mr. Mccown stated the $420,000 may have to be reappropriated to the clubhouse project. Council Member Higday queried the need to approve the bond issue before negotlatlona with the City of Sheridan are com- plete and the bottom line of coat• ia known. I •June 1', 1981 Paa• 8 Mr. lell ·atated the intent ·of t•aue_ waa to provide fund• at the earli4at pd••ible dat•· The'aale·of the bond• ha• been 'aet tentati••lJ for'JulJ 20th; howe•et, .Council certainly had the right prtor to•Jul1 20·or at that ti•• to pdatpone and/or cancel the'aale ·of the bond•. Council Meaber Keena ~apoke her eoncerda·on eoaaitting the ,City to build a clubbouae ·once authortaation h•• been given to P••• the bond t••u• without ·knowtna what r•atrictioda Sheridan r. 1otn1 to deaand. City Manaaer Mccown aaintatned that the golf coufae would not brtn1 in the anticipated r•••nue 1 until the clubhouse ra ·opened and worktn1 tn coajunctton with the·aecond nine hol•-· Council Meaber Weal 'atated the 1•aue coabined two projecfa -the 1olf cout•• clubhouae and the·a~wer line. The ·aewer line project will r••uf re the aone1 in Septeaber; there- for4, if it fa aore econoatcal to put th•• togethe~, then it . would be a r•••onable thins to dd. Mr. leal~atated even if ·the inter4at rate w•• 121, the CitJ will not be·out-of-pocket an1thtn1 becauae the ·.ct ty would be earnin1 in the interia while ne1otiatin1 with the .Cit1·of Sheridan an intereat·of 151 -161. ·.council Meaber Ri1da1 ••k .. : if the bond• are ·aold, if ne1otiattoda fall throu1h with Sheridan pro•ing it not feiaible to build a clubhoua•, can the ".CitJ take the bond proceed• and in•••t ti. Mr. lell ·atated the proceed• can be inv••ted for a pertod of three 1•at•· There fa an •unliafted arbitrage tiae pertod fro• the date ·of t•auanc4, after that the ·.city would be liaited to 151 ·of the aaount of bond at an •unliafted yield. There fa a r•••onable espectatton that the ·.citT would'apend the proceed• to help•finance eod•t~uction; however, if for aoae r•••on the .CitJ could •jdatifJ tha~~hate•er the plad• were are no lon1et, then the ·.CitJ fa no-t coaaitted to ,use the bond proceed• for the clubboda4, but could not •uae the• for ·•o•• other purpd•• either. Mr. lell ••plained the manner in _which the ·CttJ could in•••t the aonei. Ma1or·otfa "atated he thou1ht a decfaton would come froa Sheridan before the date ·of bond ·aal~. a110LUTIOI 10. 32 s1a111 ·or 1981 A allOLUTIOI PIOVIDIIG POI Tll •OTlCI ·or SALi 'Of UBI TAX REVIRUE •o•D• ·1 or Tll CITY ·or ••GLIVOOD, .CODOaADO. I• TRI PRIRCIPAL AMOUNT ·or $2,21,,000 AID PIOVDI•G roa TBI PUILlCATIO•··or TRI ROTICB. 'June 1,, 1981 Paa• 9 ,Council Meaber Real"•tated the ,City ha• eabarked on a plan ·of buildfn1 the 1olf cout••· Be "•tated he wt• confident that the City ·of lnalewood and .City·of Sheridan could reach an agreeaenc; and he did not ·••• that thf• actton really coaaitted the ,City to build the clubbou•4· Upon a call of the roll, the vote r••ulted •• follows: •at•: Council Meabet• Bi1da1, Real, Pi~zpatricK, Keen4, Ii ld, lracl•h,a", ·•ot f •. Ron•. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. • • • • • • Mayor•Otf• a•k•d if there were any·other vfsitofs~ wishing to "•p••k to .Council at thf• tia4. Belen Volt, 3444 South lroadwa1, caae forward. Mt•. Volf "•tated"•he and her hu•band owned and operated the Engl~wood ··oold ancl ~Silver lxchanae ·on"South Broadway. Mt•· Wolf pres~nted qu••ttod• re1ardin1 the propd•ed ordinance concerning the own- in1 ancl purch••ina ·of valuable articl••· Mt•· Volf"•tated ~she •ju•t recently learned of the City'• intention to pa•• the ordi- nance. Mt•· Volf "•tatecl"•h• wanted to clarify if•' purpd•e compared to what "•he had read in the n•-•papet, the"•tate law and the .City of Denver law. Mt•· Wolf qu••ttoned the liced•e i fee of •250; th• holdina ·of aerchandf•• ·for 30 dat•; the prohibiting of bu1in1 •froa th•"•••• pet•on in a 30-daJ pertod; the di•- tinctton between sold and ~•ilver bu1et• and private collectot• • . Council Meaber Keena ·•tated the df•tinction between private collectot• and bu1•t• w•• provided for in 11-15-3 of the ·ordfnanc•· .Council '•tated the propd••d ordinance was f it•t considered two weel• a10 and wa• publf•h•d in the lnalewood Sentinel. ·.council ·uraed Mt•. Wolf to ·•ul•cribed to the paper after"•h•'•tated"she did not take the ne-•papet. Council Meaber leal '•tated copie• ·of the ·or- dinance_ were available at .City Ball. ·city Attorney DeWitt confiraed Mts. Wolf'• que•tion in that "•he could not bu1 additional aerchandf•e ·froa the"•••• pet•on within a 30-daJ pertod. Mayor •Oti• declared a rec•~• for the purpd•e·of givina Mt•. Wolf tiae to read the propd•ed ordinance. ·council rece8eed •June 1,, 1981 •••• 10 at 9:10 P·•· and reconvened at 9:25 p.a. Ma7or ·'Otf• ••ked for roll call. Upon a call of the roll, the following were pre•ent: .Council Meabet• Bi1da1, lea?, fiOspatrick, Keen•, lild, lrad•h•"• 'Otf-. AlS•ent: The Ma7or declared a quo~u• pr4•enu. Mt•. Wolf .1tated·1be read tbe·ordfnance. Sbe ·opp61ed the lfced•in1 fee ·of $250 and qu4•tfoned if• necea•it~ • . CitJ Attorne7 DeWitt ·1tated the particular provf1ion w•• a lfced•in1 provf1ion and w•• aeant to provide a aethod of ~1ervfcin1 the ordfnanc~. Mt•. Wolf ••ked for explanation·of the provf1ion liait- fn1 the bu7er 1froa bu7fn1 aercbandf1e ·froa the·•••• pet1on within a 30 da7 pertod. Mt•· Wolf :•tated ~•be ·oppd1ed thf• provf•iod • . Cft7 Attorne7 DeWitt :1tated accordin1 to the Police De- partaent tbi•••• have a habit ·of repeatin1 the criae. 1y·•elling repeatedlt, the tbie••• develop a fencin1 operatiod. Mt•· Wolf ••k•d if dealet1 who bought it••• at flea aar- ·kef• for sold and ·1ilver content had to hold the aerchandfee 1for 30 d1..t-· .Cit7 Attorne7 D•Witt ~•tated the it••• would have to be held for 30 daj1 if the flea aarket w•• in the .City of Inglewood; if not, then th• buyer would have to obe7 tbe .•tate law-. * * * * * * ao1er Leaf1reed, co-owner of ·collector~• .Coin lxchang~, 701 W4•t Baapden Avenu-, .Cinderella ·.cit)', caae forward. Mr. Leaf- 1reen :1ubaftted a letter concerning the ·ordinance on gold and~•ilver bu7in•· Mr. 1 Leaf1reen·1tated he did not view the ·ordinance•• plac- in1 the bu7er in an advet•e·•iDuation and :•upported the law. Md. Leafareen expre•1ed hf1 concern• that the law h•• not been care- full7 prepared and iapd•ed •unnece••ary 11a1f• ·on their ability to do bd1ine••· Mr. Leafareen ·•tated l••t Frida7 be ae~ with Dale Tooley who adaitted that the law w•• poorl7 conceived. Mr. Tooley al•o t~ld hia the law would be ·u~held 1unti1 ·septeaber 15 at which tiae it aay be aaended. Ml'. ·Leafareen ar1ued the law did not control the real problea of the blackaarket and flea aarkef-. •June 1,, 1911 Pase 11 Mr. Leafsreen d!•aareed with the prov!•ion·of holding aercbandf•e for 30 data without ·knowing what the aarket aight be at the end of 30 dat•· Mr. Leafgreen"atated thf~ would re- ·ault in additional "atorase and"•ecurity c6•f•, addit~onal book- ·keeptna cd•f• and 1ntereupt1oll• in ca•h fl_o1'. Ml'. Leaf green ·atated the ·ordinance duplicat•• the work already iap6eed by the ·atate and that bf• bu•infa• coaplif8 with controlling identifi- able itea• alreadt• .City Attorney DeWitt ·•tated there needed to be ·one·aet "•et of paperwork and it _~ould be that ·of the local·jurfedictiod. Mr. Leafgreen·•u114•ted pd•tponeaent ·of the ·ordinance for further ·•eudy and redraftin •• . Council Meaber Keena propd•ed that .Council go ahead and pa•• the ·ordinance in·order to initiate~•oae reaulatiod. She"au11••t•d that Ml'. Leafareen prepare a counterpropd•al and pr•aent it .Council for cod•ideratiod. * * * * * * aoy Ba•od, 4546 South Lipad, caae •forward. Mr. Eason ·•tated he asreed with Mr. Payne'• "•tateaenf• concerning the fire ·atatton ·•al4. Mr. Eiaon aI•o df•cu•aed the coaaunity center pro- ·jecc. Re "•tated the poll aentioned in the article read by M~. Taylor did not "•peak for everyont!. Mr. E••on ~•tated it_ wae 1unfair to·•ul•id~se the few who would 1uae the center. Ml'. Eaaon ~atated he did not "•upport any project that w•• not"•elf•euetaining. * * * * * * There were no other v!•itof• at thfa tiaC. * * * * * * ~Coaaunicatiod• -Ro Action Recoaaended" ·on the agenda were: (a) Minut•• ·of the lo a rd of · Career ·service ·.coa- •f aaioneta aeetina of April 23, 1981. (b) Minutti•·of the Public Library Board aeet- ins of May 12, 1981. (c) Minut•• ·of the Parla and Recreation ·.coaaf.8•ion aeetina of May 13, 1981. (d) Mi nut•• of the 'Liquor Liced•ing Authority •••tins of May 20, 1981. I 'June 1,, 1981 Paae 12 (e) f f) Minute• of the lnalewood Downtown Developaent Authority aeetina of May 27, 1981. Municipal .Court Activity Report for the aontH• of April and Mat, 1981. ·cou•CIL MIMllR llllA MOVID TO ACCIPT ·"OONNUBlCAT!OBS - 10 ACTIOI RIOOMMllDID", •CllDA ITIMI 5(A) -5(1). .Council Meaber Bi1day ·aeconded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r•aulted •• folio••: Ay•a: •af•: ·council Meabeta Bi1dat, leaJ, PiozpatricK, leen.r, Ii 1 d, lradahatl, ·•ot f ~. Ion•. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * Mayor •ot f • pr•••nted a '.Counc1 l '.Coaaunication froa the Plannf na Divfaion concernina the id•tallation of bannet• anounc- ina the .eoluabia LPCA ·co1f ·c1a~aid. ·coUICIL MIMllR llBIA MOVBD TO APPaova TBI IRSTALLAT!OR ·or IAlllRI AllOUICIIC TIS COLUMBIA LPCA'GOtr ·ctAlllC •. Council •••b•r lea1 ·aeconded tb• aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the Tote r••ultecl •• follo••: laf81 ·council Meabeta Bi1dat, lea!, Piozpatricl, leen.r, lild, lrad•hatl, 'Otf~. Ion•. Tb• Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * Director of Utiliti•• Stu roada pr•••nted the ".Council -.coaaunication froa the Water aad Sewer loard concernin1 Supple- aent 28 South Arapahoe Sanitation Dfatrict. Mt. ronda "•tated the area contaid• 9.436 acr•• and th• d•••loper plad• to build 36 .•tructure• with a total of 177 li•in1 ·unif9. Tbe ~•ite f• located at ".Colorac10 ·1oule•ard ancl •••t Arapahoe Roacl. Ml'. Ponda ~•tated the loard w•• recoaaendin1 approyaJ. ·cou•CIL MIMIBR BIGDA! MOVID To·cRAIT SUPPLIMllT 28 SOUTH ARAPAHOE SAIITAT!OI DISTRICT. ·council Meaber Piozpatrick ·•econded the aottod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follo•a: 'June 1', 1981 Pase 13 Aye•: •at•: The Mayor ·.counci 1 Meabet• Bi 1da1, •ea!, Pitrzpatricll, lteen.r, lild, lracl•h•"• ''Otf~. •on•. declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * Director of Utilitie• Seu Fonda pr•••nted the '.Council ·coaaunication froa the Water and Sewer loard concernin1 Mi••ion Vi•jo•• requ••t for an ••••••nt on McLellan l••ervoir property to cod•t~uct a pipeline to trad•ait raw water to the Biahlancl• lancM. M~. Ponda"•tated the ·•1oard cod•id•t• thf• aatter to be coYerecl tn•ordinance Id. 44, Serie• ·of 1910, and recoaaended that Mf••ion Vi•jo be 1ranted the ••••••nl. ·coo•CIL MIMlll IIDO MOVID TO IISTIUCT TB1 ·c1Tt AT- !O II! TO PllPAll TBI 'OIDIIAICI PllMITTllC TBI IAllMllT.·coun- cfl Meaber lteena·•eeonded the aottod. Upon a call of the roll, the Tote r••ulted •• follo-•: •at•a ·council Meabet• B1ada1, lea!, rtoapatriel, lteen-, lfld, lra••ha1', 'Otftl. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. "OIDIIA•CI •o. 45 111I11 ·or 1981 * * * * * * It AUTBOllTY .OOU8CIL IILL 10. 4 7 llT•ODDCID at ·coo•cIL MIMlll llADIBAW Al 'OIDllA8CI ISTAILl8BllC 'CBAPTll 15 ·or TITLI II 'Of TBI llCLIWOOD MUllCIPAL 'OODI 1969 COIClllllG TBI PUICBAll 'Of VALUAILI AITICLES, ISQUllIIG A BOLDllG Pll!OD, IOTICI TO TBI llGLIVOOD fOLlCI Dl- PAITMllT, PaOVIDllC POI A 10811188 AID'OCCUPATIOIAL fll AID DE- ·.ctAIIIG Al IMllGllC1 • . CODICIL MIMlll llADIBAW MOVID TO PASS ~OOU8CIL IILL 10. 47, 111118 ·or 198J, '01 fllAL llADIIG. ·.council Meaber Pftrz- patriet ·•econded the aotiod. In re•pod•e to 'Council Meaber Keena•• qu••tiod,.City Attorney DeWitt explained the proYf•fon prohibitina the dealer I .,June 1,, 1981 •••• 14 froa buytn1 aerchandf•• ·froa the ~•••• pet•on within a 30 day period w•• to prevent people froa 1u•ing the~•••• dealei. Mt. DeWitt :•tated Mt. Leafgreen could~•ubait any pro- pd••d chan14• to hf• off ice and be would in turn P••• tbea on to ·.counciJ. Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted •••follow•: ·.council Meabe1.'• Bigda1,1 Real, rttrzpatricll, lteen~. Bild, lracl•ha1', ·'Otf•. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 'O&DIIARCI 10. 46 Sl&IIS ·or 1981 * * * * * * IY AUTBOaITY ·.COU•CIL BILL 10. 48 I•T80DDCID BY ·.OOURCllL MIMllR BRADSHAW •• 'ORDI•A•C• AMB•DIRG TITLE x, .CHAPTER ! • •or TBB E•GLEWOOD HURi.CI- PAL ' CODI '01 1969, AS AMl•DID, RILATI•C TO TBI 18TAILISBMBRT ''Or A PA&lt8 AID a1ca1ATJ!OI ·.COMMISSJ!OI A•D DUTIIS TBIRIO~. ·coURCIL MIMllR IRADSBAW MOVID TO PASS \COURCIL BILL 10. 48, 81&Il8 •or 198!. ·.council Meaber"lilo"•econded the ao- tiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r••ulted a• follow•: ·eouncil Meabet• Bigdat, lea!, Fitrzpatricl, lteen.r, lilcS, lradaha1', ·t otf•. lontl. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. ·oaDIRARCI 10. 47 SIRIIS ·or 1981 * * * * * * IY AUTHORITY OOURCIL BILL RO. 51 IITaODDCID BY 1 .00URCIL MIMllR B?CDAY A•1 0&DIIA•C1 APPIOVIIC TBI SALi ·or ·OLD rial 8TAT!OI 13 TO ARAPA- WOI MllTAL BIALTB 'CIRTIR, IRO. •June 1,, 1981 Paa• 15 .COUKCIL MEMllll B?GDAY llOVID TO PAIS ~COUKCIL BILL •o. 51, SlllIIS ·1or 1981. .Council lleaber ·11racl•haw ·•econded the aotiod. Council lleaber Real"•tated he would have to aB•tain froa votin1 on thf• ite•. SuB•equent to the 1 fit•t reading, •r. leal '1tated he df1covered that hf1 partner talked with Arapahoe Mental Beal th ·.center in re1ard to ~•oae •financial arran1•••nfll. »Council lleaber lteena '•poke in '•upport·of the bill. lbe '•tated that purch•••• of an7 propert7 at appraf•ed value I• not benevolent and in fact aood bu•ine•• practic~. A re- qu••t for prop6•al f• a aaable and one could get either aore ·or 1••• than appraf1ed valu~. II-. lteena ~•tated ~•he ,felt there w•• an ethical coaaf taent at thf• point becad•e Arapahoe Men- tal Health did can•••• the neighborhood. ·eouncil lleaber riuzpatrick"•uag••ted that in the fu- ture inquiri•• ·of propert1 purch4•e• be recorded and explored when the propertt•• coae up for·•al•. Upon a call of the rolJ, the vote re•ulted •••follow•: A1••: •at•= Al•tain: '.Council lleabef1 Btada)*, rtuzpatrfct, lteenl, 111 d, Ir acl 1ha1', ·rot f II. ·council Meaber Real. The lla7or declared the aotion carried. '0&DI•A8CI •O. 48 Sl&IIS ·or 1981 * * * * * * I Y AUTBOll I Tr · .COUKCIL BILL RO. 52 IRT80D11CID IY 1 .COUKCJ!L lllllllll PITZPATlllClt A• 10&DI•ARCI Alll•DIRG SUISICTIO• (a) 'Of SICTIOB ', ".CBAPTlll 4, TITLI IV. ior TBI 1969 l•GLIVOOD llU•ICIPAL '.CODE. IY lllVISIBG TRI SYSTlll 1or CBA•GIS PO& SIVI& TAPS IY '.CBAaGIRG roa SAID TAPS ·01 TRI IASIS 1or VATI& lllTll SIZI ARD IIC&IASIRG TBI SIVER TAP Pll IRSIDI A•D "OUTSIDI TBl 'CIT~. ·.couac!L 11111111 FITZPATRICK llOVID TO PASS '.COUKCJ!L IILL wo. 52, SlllIIS ·or 198J, 'O• PIRAL llADIRG. ·.council Mea- ber lrad•haw ·•econded the aotiod. I 'June 1,, 1981 Pase 16 ,Council Me•ber Bigday 'atated be would vote ,"no" on the ·ordinance becauae be did not think tbe 1fe•• were high enoua11. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r•aulted a• follow•: ·council Me•beta Real, riospatricM, l'.eentl, Bild, Brad•ba1', •otfll. ·.eounc i l Me•ber Bi gd a)I. The Mayor declared the •otion carried. * * * * * * .COURCIL MIMBll l'.lllA MOVID 'l'O llllOVI rao11 TABLE '.COUR- ~JL l!LL RO. 49, SllIIS •or 1981. ·.council M••ber Biaday ~aeconded tbe •otiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follow•: lat•: ·.council Me•bet• Bi1da1, Real, Piozpatricl, l'.eentl, Bild, Bradaba1', rotfll. The Mayor declared the •otion carried. 'OIDIIARCI 10. s1111s ·or 1981 By AUTHORITY A IILL POI '.COU•CIL IILL 10. 4 9 IITaODUCID IY ·.OOURCIL Mllllll l'.lllA Al 'OIDllARCI DICllMIIALlZllC VIOLAT!Ol !Of TBI IRCLIWOOD MURICIPAL ·.CODI ·or 1969 Al AllllDID IY MIIOll AID DICLAIIRC Al IMll'.CllC1. COUICIL 11111111 l'.lllA MOVID 'l'O PA&s ·.couaCIL BILL 10. 49, 111111 ·or 198J, '01 rillT llADIIC. ·.couacil M••ber Bigday ~seconded tbe •otiod. Upoa a call of the rolJ, the . vote reaulted a• follows: Ay••= ·.couacil M••b•t• Bi1da1, Rea!, Piozpatricl, l'.eeatl, lild, lradaba1', rotfll. •at•: Ion•· The Mayor declared th• •otion carried. * * * * * * 'June 1' • 1981 Pase 17 1 0&DI•A•CI 10. ll&Ill 'Of 1981 IY AUTBO&ITY A llLL PO& ·~ou•CIL BILL 10. 54 IRT•ODUCID BY 'COURCIL MIMll& BICDAY A•'O&DllAICI APPaov1•c Al £C&llMllT llTWll• TBl •CITlll 'Of llGLIWOOD AID LITTLITO•, OODO&ADO, TRI LITTLl!OI PI&I PaOTICT?OI DIST&ICT, Tll 'CASTLIWOOD PI&I PaOTBCTIO• DISTRICT, A•D TBI •••c•orT FI&I PRO- TKCTIOI DISTRICT PO& TBI PU&CBASI 10P A• I•Tl&IST It BAIC•OPT PIRI ••OTBCTIO• DISTRICT II TBI 'JOIIT r1a1 T&AIIIIC PACILIT~. oou•CIL MIMll& l?CDAY MOVID '10 PASS '.COURCIL BILL 10. 54, Sl&Ill •or 198!, 'O• PI&ST &IADIIO. ',Council Me•ber Pitrspatrick "•ec- onded the •otiod. Upon a call of th• roll, the vote r••ulted •• follottaz ., .. , ••1•& ·.council M••bef• Biadat. lea?, Pitrspatricl, Keen.S, lild, lradahatl, ·rotf•· The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 'O&DIIAICI 10. Sl&IIS ·or 1981 * * * * * * IY AUTBO&ITY A llLL PO& ~COURCIL BILL RO. 55 IRTaODUCID IY 'COURCIL MIMI!& PITZPAT&1CK Al 'O&DI•AICI APPaOVI•C TRI T&AISPI& ·or &IAL PaOPl&TY TO Tll ',CITY 'OP IBl&IDA• IUIJKCT TO Al IAIBMllT PO& Tll UBI AID llRIPIT 10P TRI 'CITY 'Of llCLIWOOD. '.OOUICIL MIMll& FITZPATRICK MOVID TO PA88 \COUaC1L BILL •o. ''• Sl&IIS 'Of 198!, 'O• PI&ST &IADIRC. '.Council Me•ber leal ~••con••• the aotiod. Upon a call of th• roll, the vote re•ulted ~. follott•: la1•= '.Council Meabeta Biadat. lea?, Pitrspatricl, Keen.S, lild, lradahatl, ·rotf•· •June 1,, 1981 Pase 18 The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 'OIDI•A•CI 10. 11&111 'Of 1981 * * * * * * BY AUTHORITY A BILL POR '.COUKCIL BILL RO. 56 IMTRODUCID BY 1 .COURCIL MEMBER RIAL A•'OIDIIAICI AllllDI•C TBI 1969 l•CLIWOOD MURICIPAL \CODE, AS AMBRD- ID, I•CllAII•G •••ALTY P0&10&DIRARCI V!OLAT!ORS PROM $300 TO $999 • . COURCIL MIMllR llAL MOVID !O PASS 1 .COUKCJL BILL RO. se, ll&Ill •or 191!, '01 Pl&IT RIADIRG. ·.counci 1 Meaber lte~n• ~seconded the aottoll. Council Meaber leal ~atated he read through the ·.City Attoraey•a coaaenf1 in reaard to requiring re•titutiod. Be ~atill waated to pufaue the aatter at·1oae later dat4. ·'O&DIRARCI SIRIIS ·or Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted ae follow•: The Mayor RO. 1981 ·council Meabeta Biadat, Real, Pi~zpatricK, Keen.s, lild, lrad1ha1', '!Otf,. declared th• aotion carried. * * * * * * IY AUTHORITY '.COUKCIL BILL RO. 57 IRTROD11CID IY ·-.COUKCIL MBMBBI. EBBRA A BILL roa A•'O&DIIA•CI &IPIALIRG ARD &llRACTIRG SICTIORS r, 2, ARD 3 ·rop ·.CBAPTI& 10, TITLI II?, '69 IRGLIWOOD MURICIPAL '..CODI BRTITLED •1LICTRICAL 'OODI• ARD ADOPTIRG BY l.BPBl.BRCB TBB RAT!ORAL ELIC- T&ICAL 'OOD•, 1911 BDIT!O•, TO PROVIDE MIRIMUM STARDAl.DS TO PRO- TICT PUILIC BIALTB, WILfA&I ARD SAPITY; &IPIALIIG ALL 'Ol.DIRARCES t•·co•rLICT ll&IWITI; A•D PaOVIDIIG PIRALTIIS POI. V!OLATJOR TBBl.B- 'OJ.. 'J••• 1,, 1911 •••• 19 .COU•CIL 11111111 Kll•A MOVID '1'0 PASS ·.cou•CIL BILL RO. 51, 111111 'Of ltlJ, '0• PlllT llADl•O, ABD !O ISTAILISB A PUBLIC REAl- l•G DATI Al 'JULI 8, 1981, AS IOO• AS POSSllLI APTlll THE STAJlT ·iop Tll '.COU•CIL llllTI•G TBAT IVl•IKC. .Council Meaber lilo ~seconded tbe aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r••ulted as follow•: •a1•: \Council Meabet• Biadaf, Real, Pittzpatricl, Keen.i, 111 d, Br acl •h9:1', ·rot f 11. Tbe llayor declared the aotion carried. ·.council Meaber Bracl•haw queried the liceli•ing and/or t•atla1 re•uireaenf• for contractof• 4•pecially electrical. Mii. lra•aba•·•tated "•he ••• aade avare ·of a particular problea with aa electrical contractoi. ·Ci tJ Attorney De Vitt and ·,City Manager Mccown advi•ed ••· lrad•haw that the ~CitJ"•hould be aade aware ·of the problem becadae there ai1ht be·other cittsed• who have ezperienced 'siai- lar proble•f • 'OIDIBA•CI 10. 111111 ·or 1981 * * * * * * IY AUTHORITY A BILL POI 1.COURCl!L BILL RO. 5 8 IRT•ODUCID BY 'COUKCIL 11111111 RIAL A• 'OIDl•ARCI AMIKDIKC SUISICT!OB (b) tOP SICTIOR ', ·.CRAPT!ll 4, TITLI IV. •or TRI 1969 IBCLIVOOD MU•ICIPAL CODE BY BSTABLISR- IWC A SYSTEM 10F SUICBAKGBS POI SEVll TAPS POI TBOSB PERSONS •OT VITBIK A• ISTAILISBED SABITAT!O• DISTl1CT 101l'OUTSIDI THE l•GLIVOOD ·.CITY LIMITS A•D llDESICIATIIC POLllOVIRC SUBSBCT!ORS • . COURCIL MIMBll REAL MOVID '1'0 PASS \COURCIL BILL RO. 58, 111118 •or 1981, 'OR PllST llADIBO. ·.council Meaber Pittzpatrick ~•econded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted •• follow•: ·.council Meabet• Biadaf, Real, Pittzpatricl, Keen.i, Bild, Bracl•ha1', ''Otfll. Bon4. 'June 1,, 1911 Paa• 20 The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * .City Attorney DeWitt preaented the·auit of Bell v. Fif- teenth Street Incorporated, ·.city of lnalewood et al. M~. DeWitt ••t•• for authority to defend the '.City in thfa aatte11. · .COU•CIL M!MBEll ICllRA MOVID TO AUTBORIZI TBI '.CITY AT- 'l'OR•lt TO Dlrl•D TB! ',CITY IR TB! MATTI& 10F BILL V. FIPTIERTR ITRllT I•OORPORATID, CITY 1 0P IBGLIVOOD IT AL. ·council Meaber ri•apatrict·•econded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the •ot• r••ulted •• follow•: •at•: '.Council Meabet• Bi1da1, Beal, Fitrzpatric:K, Keen4, Bild, lrad•ha1', ·TOtf•. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * .City Attorney DeWitt df•au-••d eaploying M~. David M. Robid• •• le1al coud••l in the aatter of a water quality control ~.uit. .COU•CIL MIMllR Kll•A MOVID TO AUTHORIZE TB! EMPDOYMERT ·or DAVID •• 101111 '' !II .,, •• ll 'CBAIGIS POR TBI TYPE 101 SBR- VlCI Rl•DIRID I• Dlrl•DI•G Tll '.CITY IR TBI WAT1a ··.QUALITY '.OORTROL SUIT. Council Meaber fieapatrick~•econded the aotiod. Upon a call of th• rolJ, the •ote r••ulted •• follo••: ·.council Meabet• Bi1da1, ••al, Pitrzpatricl. Keen.r, lild, lrad•ha1', 'Otf•· lat•: Tb• Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * .City Attorney DeWitt r••ponded to·council Meaber Keena~• •u••tton oa whether or not a aotion w•• required to direct the 'City Attorney to prepare an ordinanc~. Mt. DeWitt :•tated tech- nically it f• not required; bo••••f, it h•• been the practice of 'Council to do·ao by aotiod. * * * * * • 'J••• 1,, 1911 Paa• 21 .CitJ •ana1er •eCown tradaaitted the 1982 budget·ache- dul4. llr. lleCowa not•• the •at•• of 'October 1 -4 aa ·.council"• reYfew ·of the •••1•f· •r. •cCown·atat•• thfa tiae would also be the retrear. The locatfoa of the retreat fa planned for Peaceful Vall•JI• .. OOU•CIL 111•11& Dl•A •OVID '10 BOLD A PUILlC BIAllIRG PO& CITIZl•I' I•PUT 'O• TBI 1912 'OPl&ATI•C IUDGIT ARD PaOPOSID VIII •oa ·c1•1aAL a1v1•v1 IBA&l•C rv•DI PO&'JULY e, 1981. •coun- cil lleaber lilo ·aeconded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the Tote r•aulted •• follo•a: ·council •••b•f• Bi1da1, lea!, Piozpatricl, lteen.r, l:lld, lradah~"· ~otf,. The •a1or declared the aotion carried. • • • • • * .Ci tJ llaaa1er lleCown pr••••t•d a ·.couac11 ·.coaaunicat:lon froa the Director ·of ln1ineerin1 SerYtc•• concernin1 Pavtn1 Dfa- trict •d· 25 -·apalli•I coacr•t-. •~· llCCown requ•ated that · Couacil authortae the '.CitJ Attor••J to enter into l:ltiaation oa thf• aatt••· ·oou•CIL 1111111& IIDO •OVID TO AUTBO&IZI Tll \CITY ATTORNEY TO ••Tia I•TO LITICATIO•·oo•c1a•1•c PAVl•C DISTRICT •o. 25 -SPALL- llC \COIC&ITI •ATTll. 'Council •eaber 11•spatrict ·aeconded the ao- tiod. Upon a call of the roll, the Tote r•aulted •• follow•: •at•: ·.council •eabefa Bi1da1, •ea!, Piozpatricl, Keen.r, lild, lradaha.,, ·rotf-. The lla7or declared the aotton carried. • * * * * * Ci tJ •aaa1er llCCown reafnded ·.council of the ballgaae out at lell••i•• Park on laturda1· The'.Cit7 1.Council will be pla1in1 the Lioda 'C)ul. • • * * * * .CitJ llana1er llCCown·atated on Wedn•ada7 a report wquld be ·aent to -.Council concernin1·aoae probl•~• with the duplex 1unifa "'June l' • 1911 •••• 22 of "•ul•tdtaed hod•tn,. M~. M~Cown ~•tated the project w•• a turn- ·k•J project and the ••••loper h•• not esercf ••d the option to pur- cb••• tbre•"•it•• becau••·of a c••h flow probl•~· M~. M~eown ~atated tbe \Couactl ••J b••• to loaa the Bouatn1 AuthoritJ"•o•e aone1·ao tb• AuthoritJ caa esercf•• the option to purch••• the propert1• In eurd, the AuthoritJ would"aell the parcel• to the developer and re- P•J the ·.ct tlC • * * * * * * There w•• no further buaine•• to be dfacu••ed. * * * * * * .COUICIL MIMlll llCDAY MOVID TO ADJOVI• TRI MIETIRQ. Ma1or'Otf• adjouraed the •••tiDI without a vote at 10:45 •••• ~'-&~ UtJ ' i tJ . C el'