HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-22 (Special) Meeting MinutesSPECIAL MllTIRG1 COUWCIL CBAMll&S CITY 'OP EWGLEVOOD, conOIADO 'June 22, 1981 The Cf tJ Council ·of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe .County, Coloradd, aet tn·apecfal call ·aeiafon on'June 22, 1981, •t 5:00 p.11. Ma1or'Otf8, preafdfng, called the aeetfng to orde~. The fn•ocation w•• afven by ,Council Meaber Thoaia Pf oapatrfck. The pledae of allegiance w•• led by Mayor Bugene 'Ot f-.. Ma1or '0tfa aieked for roll call. Upon a call ·of the roll, the following were pre•ent: Council Meabef• Bfgday, Real, Ff~spatrick, Keen•, If ld, lradaha1', 'Otf-. Atiaent: The Mayor declared a quorua preaend. * * * * * * Al•o pre•ent were: .City Manaaer McCown Alafatant CitJ Manager Wanush CitJ AttorneJ DeWitt Dfrector·of Coaaunfty Development Powet• DeputJ .CitJ Clerk Watkida * * * * * * Director ·of CoaaunftJ Developaent Poweta appeared before Council and df•cu•aed the requeat froa the Bouaing Au- thority for a Joan to purch••e three parcel• of property ,for the de•elopaent on duplex ·unffa. M•· Poweta addre-aed the queation of whJ the fourth ~aite waa not being purch•aed. She ·atated"ahe contacted a Mr. Toa .Chandler froa Relaon-lot~, the developet, who"•aid the fourth parcel w•• cld•ed ·upon in De- ceaber ·of 1980, at the requ4•t of the property owner. There waa a aote ·on the propert1 whereby Relaon-loth aave the pro- pert1 owneta a down pa1aent ·of $1,000 and h•• been aaking 1n- ter4at pa,aenfa each aonth"•fnce. M8. Powet•~atated the fa- pr•••fon "ahe w•• given bJ the fourth parcel property ownef• w•• that theJ have never been given a penny ,for the propert1· Ma. Poweta ·atated"ahe had copiea of the cancelled checla en- 6ot•ed for the fntere•t payaenfa. M•· Poweta ~•tated even 'June 22, 1981 Paae 2 thouah the two partie• clo•ed in Deceabet, the developer waa·•uppd•e to pay off the note in February of 1981; howevet, that tiae wa• ex- tended to May and ha• continued on becau•e the developer ha• not I purcha•ed the property out right. M•· Powet• ~•tated"•he wa• con- 'cerned that if the developer doe• not have the aoney to pay off the property owner and actually have title, the aatter could 10 on 1for ·•everal aore aontfi• and the property aay be ldat. M•· Powet•"•tated the fifth ~•ite wa• tied ·up and wa• an- other 1••u•. Council Meaber Piozpatrick ••ked for the reaaon given by the developer for not buying the propert1· Toa Burns, 3600 South Bannoct, Chairaan ·of the Englewood Bou•ina Authority, caae forth to ad•wer Mr. Piozpatrick'• que•tiod. Mr. lurd• "•tated Mr •. Chandler·•tated verbally and confiraed via a telearaa that the fir• did not have enough ca•h to clo•e ·on the "•ite•· Mr .. Chandler"•tated that they had ~•ubaitted architectural drawini• for the duplexe• a few weel• ago to BUD. The plan• were turned down and BUD ordered the fir• to aake adju•t•ent• which were not done adequately. Sul•equentlj, BUD asked the• to coa- pletely redo the •unit• •• townho•••· Mr. Burd• noted that BUD require• the project to be "•tarted by Septeaber 30tH, the end of the •federal ff•cal yeai. If not, the project could collap••· Mr. Burd• ·•tated Mr •. Chandler ·further ·•tated the tiae involved to redo the plan• could extend beyond the option date• to purchaae the propertiea and aet a contract with BUD. Al•d, Mr •. Chandler "•tated the aoney had been tied •up in another pro- ·ject on Kali•a• .Cit)(. Mr. lurd• expre••ed hf• concerti• in that i~ wa• not the reapodaibility·of the Bouaina Authority to purcha~e the ~•ite•; howevet, the Bou•ina Authority did not want to lo•e tbea. If the propertie• could not be developed accordingl1, the Authority could "atill aarket the "aitea and pay back the loan to the .City. Mr. Burda ·atated the Authority wanted to ·•ecure the"•itea and deal with the developer latei. In r e •podae to Council Meaber Keena'• que•ttod, Frances luck'Jonai, lxecutive Director of the Bouaina Authority, ·stated BUD'• definitton ·of the tera •atart the project" aeana plane and ·apecificatioda would be approved by BUD and the Bouaing Authority and that the contract ·of"aale between the Bouaing Authority and the developer would be "aianed "ao the developer would be ready to aet a conatructton loan and beain codat~ucttod. ·•June 22, 1981 Pase 3 Council Meaber Keena a•ked ff there wa•·•ufficient ti•• to pick another contractot, do the plad• and have a foraal con- tract in place before Septeaber 30tti. Mr. lurd•"•tated it would be a rf•k to chanae contractotl; bowevet, another optton would be to do a conventtonal project whereby the Authority beco••• the developer. Mr. lurda added the.•taff ti•• required aade the optton not very realf•tic. Mr. lurn•~atated the adat the Authority could do would be to place condittod• on lel•on- loth ·on how the project would be coapleted and to continue to work with thell. Dfacu•aton edaued concernina loanina addittonal aoney to the louaina Authority to purchaae Parcel 14. .City Attorney DeWitt advfaed Council that due to the"apecial ca11 ~atatu• ·of the •••tins .Council could not codaider aaendina the ordinance for addittonal aoney without a r4aolutton and·•uch a r•aolution waa not ·on the aaend•. Council Meabet• ritr•patrick and Keena recoaaended that the louaina Authority in•••tiaate th• pdaaib111ti4• of purchaain1 Parcel 14 and report back their f indtn••· ·01DI•A•C1 •o. 49 111111 •or 1911 It AUTIOIITt COUKCIL BILL KO. 60 I•T&ODUCID It COU•CIL MIMlll llADSIAV ••·oaDIIAICI APPIOVllG Tll DOAI !O TBI llCLIVOOD BOUSllC AUTBOllTY It TBI CITt •or llGLIVOOD II TBI IUM 'Or $79,000, SECUllD It A DIED ·or TIUIT A•D DICLAll•G Al IMIRGl•C~. cou•CIL MIMlll llADIBAV MOVID !O PASS OOURCIL IILL 10. 60, 111111 •or J llJ, '01 f llAL llADllC. .Council Meaber Pi trz- pa trick · aeco•••• the aottod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r•aulted •• folio••• •a1a1 Couacil Meabeta Bi1da1, •ea!, PitrzpatricW, K••• .. , If ld, I rad •haw, ·ot f 11. The Mayor declared the aotton carried. * * * * * * 'June 22, 1981 Paa• 4 •oaDIIAICI 10. 50 11a111 ·or 198J IY AUTHORITY CODICIL IILL 10. 49 IIT•ODUCID IY cou•CIL 11111111 KIEIA Al'ORDIIAICI DICRillIIALIZIIC VIOLATJOl'OP TBI llCLIWOOD MUIICIPAL OODl 'OP 1969 AS AMllDID IY MIIORI AID DICLARIIC Al IMIKCllC~. COU•CIL MIMlla llllA MOVID TO PASS .cou•ctL IILL 10. 49, SIRIIS 'OP 1981, 'OK PIIAL llADIKG. Counci 1 lleaber lilo ·aeconded the aottoa. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted 4• fol- lowas Council lleabet• Bigda1, Keal, Pioapatricl, leeni, lild, lradah~"· ·'Otf-. Kontl. The lla7or declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * There ••• no further buaine•• to be dfacu•aed due to the ·apecial ca11·atatu• of thf• aeetin,. * * * * * * .COUKCIL 11111111 BICDAY llOVID TO ADJOUIK TBI lllETIRO. lla7or'Otf• adjourned the aeetina without a vote at 6:00 P·•· ~•put 7 ctt 7 .Cler NOTICE OF CALL BY THE MAYOR FOR A ~PECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1981 5:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, is called to a special meeting at City Hall, 3400 South Elati Street, for the purpoae of taking action by ordinance, or other appropriate mean• as follow•: Call to order, invocation, pledge of allegiance and roll call. 1. 2. Ordinance on final reading approving the loan to the Englewood Housing Authority by the City of Englewood in the sum of $79,000 aecured by Deed of Trust and declaring an emergency. (Copi•• encloaed.) Ordinance on final reading decriminalizing violation of the Englewood Municipal Code of 1969 aa amended by minors and declaring an emergency. (Copies enclosed.) . 3. Adjournment. ;' / ( 'l/J I C /llJ.~~:t .I /?t /;.;~ ,_~---ANo MC COWN Cit Manager AM/sh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE The following persons, all Council Members of the City of Engle- wood, do hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the above special session. I ~~~___.__~~