HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-06 (Regular) Meeting Minutes&IGULA& llllTIIG1 .COU•CIL .CBAllll&S .CITY 'OF llCLIWOOD, .COtO&ADO 'July e. 1981 The City Council of the .City·of Enalewood, Arapahoe Countt, Coloradd, aet in reaular·••••ion·on'July 6, 198!, at 7:30 P·•· llayor 'Otfs, pr••idin,, called the aeeting to ordei. The in•ocation w•• aiven by .Council lleaber Thoaia riuapatrfck. The pl•d1• of alleafance w•• led by llayor ·'Otf•· llayor 'Otfa ••ked for roll call. Upon a call of the roll, the followin1 were pr•aent: Council lleabet• Bi1da1, lea!, Piospatrict, Keen•, lild, lradaba.,, 'Otf•· Atiaent: lon4. The llayor declared a quorua preaenl. * * * * * * Aiao preaent were: ·city llanaaer llcCown Alafatant .City Manager Wantiah .City Attorney DeWitt Director of laployee Relattod• leVirt Deputy .City .Clerk Watkin• * * * * * * .COU•CIL MElllER IIEIA MOVID TO APPROVE TBI MIIUTIS 1 0F TBI &IGULA& llllTIIG 10F'JUll 15, 1981 •. Council Meaber Fiospatrick ·aeconded the aottoa. Upon a call of th• roll, the vote reaulted 4• follow•: Ayea: Council Meabeta Bi1da1, lea?, Piospatric1l, Keentl, lild, lradaba.,, 'Otf•· Rafa: lon.t. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * COUKCIL MlllllR l&ADSBAW llOVED TO APP&OVI TBI MIRUTES ·or TBI SPECIAL MllTIIG ·or 'JUI! 18, 1981 •. Council lleaber Bilo I "Jul7 e. 1981 Paa• 2 ·aeconded the aotioa. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follotta: •ata: Council Meabeta Hiaday, Real, Fi~zpatricl, lteen.S, lild, lradahaw, TOtfll. The Ma7or declared the aotion carried. • • • • • • .cou•CIL MIMllR PITZPATRICIC MOVID TO APPROVI THI MIRUTIS ·or THI IPICIAL MllTI•c ·or•JU•I 22, 1981. Council Meaber lteena·aec- onded the aotioa. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follotta: Council Meabeta Hiaday, Rea?, Fi~zpatricl, lteen.S, lild, lradahaw, TOtfll. •at•: Kon4. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * Pre~acheduled vfaitot,, "Jean Wallac~. 3141 South Santa re 118, and ~oufae March 3141 South Santa re 128, were preaenu. Mta. Wallace ·atated the7 repr•••nted the aroup WHIRi (We'll Have lquitable Rllocation)'. The aroup w•• tr7tn1 to relocate their trailer ho••• due to the State ·of .Colorado widenina Santa rt1. Mta. Wallace ••k•d if Council received the letter froa the State •atatina there would be no interchanae at Dartaouth. Ma7or "Otfa "atated·auch a letter had not been received. Mta. Wallace ·acated ·ahe probl••• created bJ the widenina. a·ahort ti•• before inddatr7 caae a!ao cauae the need to relocat4. w•• concerned about traffic She a!ao felt it would be into the area which would Mta. Wallace ·atated the arou~ ••• conteaplatina build- ina a cooperative park aad ••ked for .Council~• •••fatance in loca- tina land and proper raonina. Mt•. Wallace ~atated ·ahe ·knew of an area ·aouth ·of lell••i•• and •••t of lroadwa7 but did not •know what the ·•aonfna ••ti· It ••• noted that the relocation efforf~ were not a djrect re•ult froa the widenina of Santa rt1. •July e, 1981 Paa• 3 .City Attorney DeWitt ·atated th• land ••• near the water City Manaa•r McCown ~atated preliainary plada were avail-I able in th• Public Worla Departaent if Mta. Wallace wanted to ~aee thell. Mayor•Otfa ad•f••• the ladi•• to contact the .Coaaunity D••elopaent Departaent to 10 o••r what would be in•olved in re- locatin•, requ4atina•aonfn•, and what {nforaation fa available on the water tower properti. • • * • • * Pre~acheduled •f ai tot, Don Weber, 2 893 South ··oadelf, Me a- b er of the .Career Service loard, ••• pr•a•nt. Mr. Weber requeated $25,000 to coyer the ·upcoain1 exped1•1 the loard ••• expected to incur fnvolvin1 pendtn1 court c••••· Mr. Weber ~atated the addi- ttonal appropriattoa would aJao be -apeat hirina leaal coudael to attend ifa reaular •••tin••· Ma. Keena ••k•d why the need to have an attorney pre- ·aent at the loard•a re1ular •••tin••· She"au11•1ted that the A•afatant City Attorney help ·out ·under th••• circu~atanc••· Mr. Weber·atated leaal qu•1ttoda arfae at reaular aeet- in•• which r••ulre coud1el on the"1por. Mr. Veber·1tated there •••a conflict in •u1in1 the •••fatant .City Attorney becauae·1oae- tt••• be (A•afatant City Attorney) fa the prdaecutina attorne1. M•· Keena·1tated"1h• could"••• havina an attorney at a hearina but not at the loard•a reaular •••tin••· M•· Keena ••k•d what ••• the iaaediate cd1t ·of the c••••· Mr. Weber replied the cd1f1 were·uaknown at thia tiad. •• ·atated he preferred ·knowina that .Council had· allocated the fund• prtor to the loard•a hirfaa aa attora•J· Mr. Weber then dfacu•••d the ·unavaila•tlit7·of plac•• to bold their hearinia and their •••ti••••• well•• the iaacc•••ibility ·of adequate ••uf paeat to tape the heart••• aad •••ti•••· .Council explained that th•J were r4apodaible for fund- ia1 the loard for whatever the expeda41 the Board incurred. cou•CIL MIMll& KlllA MOVID TO SIT A STUDY SISSIOR WITH TBI MIMll&I 'OP CAllll 11av1c1 IOA&D PO& TUESDAY. ''JULY l". 1981, AT 5100 P.M. '!O DIICUll fU&TBI& TBIII IKQUEST •. Council Meaber lradahaw ·aeconded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r41ulted •• follo•1: ·•JulJ I, 1911 Pase 4 ., .. , .Council Meabet• Bi1da1, ••al, Pi~zpatricl, Kee•-· Bild, Brad•ha1', '0tf,. •o••· The Ma7or declared the aotton carried. • * * * * * Pr•••cheduled •f•itot, Bobbi ViI•od, 4621 South Bannock Streer, ••• not pr•••••· * * * * * * There were no ·other •f•itot• at thf• ti••· * * * * * * .COVaCIL MIMBI& Kll•A MOVID !O 'OPI• TBI PUBLIC BIA&IRG OOaCl&IIIC 1912 'CllllAL 1191101 IBAIIIC PUIDS. '.Council Meaber Bilo"••conded the aottod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote rf•ulted •• folio••: .Council Meabet• Bi1da1, Real, Pi~zpatricl, Ke eni, Bild, Ir ad •h,a1', 'Ot f'. •o••· The Ma7or declared the aotion carried • . CitJ Mana1er McCown ~•tated $680,000_ va• anticipated to be recei•ed in 1eneral re•enue ·•haring ,fund• ·1n 1982. Be ~.tated the .CitJ h••·opted to place the funds in the Public Iaproveaent Pund becau•• if the pro1raa fa not reenacted, the ·.city could re- duce the PIP •••i•r than the ·operating bud1et. 'wo public hear- i••• ••r• re.aired -thf• ·one. and another ·one_ would be held at the ti•• when the 1912 propd•ed budget vae presented. Ma7or 'Otf• ••k•d if anyon~ wfehed to ~apeak regarding propd••d u••• for the 1eneral revenue"•haring •fund•· l•a l•••b•r•• 4955 South.'Galapagd, appeared before .Council. Mt•· I•enber1 •u••ttoned if the aoney could be ~•pent on the water tower projecl. Mr. McCown·•tated none ·of the revenue~aharina fund• are ·d••d for the water t~wed. ·•Jal7 e. 1981 Paa• 5 Mt•. I•enbera ·•tated "•he hoped the __ water t~over case took alona ti•• to ·•ettle. She ·•tated "•he v-as df•ap.pointed it w•• erected in the f it•t plac•. * * * * * * lob •~undaa~. 4140 South Burod, appeared before .Coun- cil. Mr. l~undaae"•tated i~ w•• the recoaaen4ation·of the T~x .Coaaitt•• four or five 7eat• aao to place the fund• in the Public Iaproveaent Pund rather than ·keep the• in the"General Pund. Ml(. lrundaae ~•ked .Council to ·keep the fund• in the Public Iaprove- aent Pund ·until the .Coaaittee recoaaended differentl1• * * * * * * Maurice'Jon•-· 5020 South Wa•hinatod, appeared before .Council. Mr. 'Jon•• ·•u11••t•d the aeaeral revenue "•haring ,funds be put toward the aolf cout•e to aet the project coapleted. Ml(. 'Jon••·•tated the Public Iaproveaeat Pund. •••vulnerable to the aolf cout•-· in partiaulat, aoae7 which. v•• de•ignated to go toward• ·_clarl•on St reel. · Council Meaber Bi1da7 acknowledaed Mr. 'Jones e• con- certi• reaardina the probl•~• the '.CitJ h•• had in trying to get Clarl•on Street repaired. * * * * * * here_ were no further coaaenf-. * * * * * * .COURCIL MIMllR 11no MOVID TO ·.cnos1 TIE PUILlC BEARING. 'Council Meaber lrad•haw·•econded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r••ulted •• folio••: •1••= Council Meabet• Bf 1da1, Real, Pi~zpatrial, Keen-, lild, lrad•ha-, Otf-. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * .COURCIL MIMllR l&ADIBAW MOVID TO'OPIB TBI PUIL~C BIA&IIG '.OORCl&•I•G TBI 1982 1 0PIRATI•G IUDGIT. ·.Council Meaber Fi~zpatrick ·•ecoaded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r•aulted •• follo1ta: 'July 8, 1981 Paa• 6 Raj•: Council Meabet• Bigda1, Real, Pi~zpatricK, Keen al, Ii ld, I rad •h~a", 'Ot f •. Rontl. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. Mr. McCown·•tated even thouah thf• hearing wa• not re- quired it waa bein1 offered aa a hearing for cittzen input for '•u11••tiol1• to help the.•taff put toaether the prop6•ed 1982 bud- 1et. The required hearin1 would be after the propdaed 1982 bud- 1et waa prepared and·aubaftted. Mayor'Otfa aaked if anyone wanted to offer any·euggea- Katherine Pfahbact, 4425 South Acoaal, appeared before ".Counci 1. 119. Pf ah back requeated recoltaideration on the. way the eaplo1ee ·chrfataaa party fa funded; and aiad, on the allocation• to •Atd To 'Other Agenciea,. * * * * * * •a Iaenberg, 4955 South·•calapagd, appeared before .Council. Mt•. Iaenbera requeated additional petaonnel for Ani- aa1 ·.control and ••tended houta for_ which the Shelter fa ·open. llt9. Iaenbera·atated"ahe dfaltked ioing through the Police De- partaent to report aniaal proble••· * * * * * * Myrtle'Jon••• 5020 South Waahingtod, appeared before ·.council. Mt•· 'Jon•• aiao requeated additional peteonnel and eztended houta for Aniaal Control. * * * * * * There were no further coaaenf •· * * * * * * .couaCIL 1111111& l&ADSBAW llOVID TO '.CtOSI TBI PUBLIC BIAll- I•c •. Council lleaber lilo·aeconded the aotion. Upon a call of the roll, the •ote r•aulted •• follo•a: Ay•a: •at•: ·council lleabet• B1gda1, Real, Pi~zpatricK, Keen.r, Bild, lraclaha.1', 'Otf•· "'JulJ e, 1911 •••• 7 The Ma7or declared the aotion carried. • • • • * * .OOV•CIL MIMlla •IAL MOVID !0 '0PI• TIE PUBLIC REARIBG TO .OO•IIDla ·o• rI•AL •IADI•G A•·oaDI•A•CI alPIALIIG ARD REERACTIRG llCTIO•I r. 2 A•D 3 ·or CIAPTll 10, TITLI III, 1969 ERGLIVOOD MU- WlCIPAL OODI l•TITLID •1LICTllCAL 'OODI• A•D ADOPTIIG IY llFlllRCE TBI •ATIO•AL ILICTaICAL CODI, 1911 IDITIO•, !O PROVIDE MIRIMUM ITA•DAaDI !O PaOTICT PUILIC BIALTI, VILPAal A•D SAFETY; REPEAL- IWG ALL 1 0aDI•A•Cll I• oo•rLICT llllVITB; A•D PROVIDIBG PERALTIES POI VIOLATIO• TBlllOP •. Coaacil Mea•er fi•apatrick·aeconded the aotioa. Upon a call of th• roll, the Tote r•aulted •• follow•: ••1•= Council Meabeta Bi1da1, Keal, Fi~zpatricK, Keentf, 11 ld, lradahatf, ·ot 1 •. The Ma7or declared the aotion carried. ·car1 Pittaad, .Chief luildina Idapectot, appeared before .Council and dfaau•••d the ·ordinance for codaideration. Mt. Pittaan ·atated b7·atatute aunicipaliti4• were required to enforce the·•••• electricel code or aake·atricter the electrical code that the State of Colorado w•• enforcina. At pr•••nt the State w•• working •under the 1911 lditiod, Wattoaal llectrtcal '.Cod~. Mt. Pittaan recoaaended adoptiaa the Code with the followina aaendaenf• ••·outlined in the ordfaaace prohibitia1 idatallation of aluainua or copper clad alu- aiaua conductot• ·aaaller than nuaber ei1ht (IY, Aaerican wire guag'; aad re~uiriaa that all pu•ltc coaaercial and induatrial building•, wirtn1 idatallation ·ahall be and codafat ·of rtaid aetal conduid, electrical aetallic eu•tn,, ·aurface aetal racewa1, ·under floor racewa1, wirewat-. a •uawat•· Mt. PittaanA•u•aitted the reeulf• of a·aur••J takea of the Code aevfew ·coaaittee concerning the pro- pdaed aaeadaeaf•· ••· Keena noted the .Coaaittee w•• not in total agree-••••• Council df•au•••d concern• they had and were aade aware I of bJ cittaed• who had probl••• with electrical contractot•· 1 Coun- cil did aot waat to a•t into the referral buaine~• but felt • file could be ·kept ·on probl••• cittaed• had had with electrical con- tractota and reported th•• to the 'Cit1• Mt. Pittaan"etated inforaa- tioa w•• a•aila•l• ta hf• di•faion on bow a citizen could aiao pro- tect hi•••lf finaaciallJ when contractina electrical work to be done. Valter·Grodffakf, Pire Departaent Idapectot, appeared before Council. Mr. ·crod if aki · aupported adoption of the code 'July e. 1981 •••• 8 and propdaed aaendaenf8. Be araued the aaendaent• aodified the code to fit the ·aituation in lnalevood. * * * * * * There were no further coaaenf-. * * * * * * .COUICIL MIMll& II~O MOVID TO .cnos1 TRI PUBLIC BIAll- IIC •. Council Meaber Keena·aeconded the aotion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r•aulted •• followaz Ay••= ·council Meabet• Biaday, Real, PitrzpatricK, Keen.,, lild, lradaha1', TOtf-. lon4. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 'O&DIIAICI 10. 51 Sl&IIS ·or 1981 I * * * * * * y .COURCIL IILL RO. S 7 IRTRODUCED IY -.COURCIL MIMIEll KEIRA Al 'O&DIIAICI &IPIALIIC AID llllRACTllG SICT?ORS l, 2 ARD 3 10F .CBAPTI& 10, TITLI III, '69 llCLIWOOD MURlCIPAL 'CODI IRTITLID •1tlCT&lCAL CODI• AID ADOPTIIG It lllPlllllCI TRI NAT!ORAL ILIC- T&ICAL CODS, 1981 IDITIOI, TO P&OVIDI MIRIMUM STARDAllDS TO PRO- TICT PUILIC BIALTB, WILFA&I AID SAPITY; lllPIALIIG ALL'OllDIMAKCES II COIPLICT Bl&IWITB; AID P&OVIDIIG PIRALTIIS POil VIOLATION TBl&IOP. COUICIL MIMll& KllRA MOVED TO PASS 'COUKCIL BILL NO. 51, Sl&IIS •or 198J, '01 PIIAL &IADIIG. ·.council Meaber Fitrzpatrick ·aeconded the aotton. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted ~· follow•: laya: ·council Meabeta B1gda1, Rea!, PitrzpatricK, Keen.S, lild, lrad•hav, 'Otf-. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * 'July 8, 1981 Paa• 9 Mayor "Otfa declared a rece•• at 9:05 P·•· ·council re- coaYened at 9:20 P·•· Mayor "Oti• ••k•d for roll call. Upon a call of the roll, the followina were preaent: were: Council Meabet• Bi1da1, Rear, Fi~zpatrict, Xeen4, ltld, lrad•hav, !Otf-. Rontl. The Mayor declared a quo~u• pre•en~. * * * * * * ~Coaaunicatiod• -Ro Action aecoaaended" on the agenda (a) (b) (c) (d) (•) (f) <•> (h) (1) Minute• of the Board of Adju•taent and Appeal• aeetina of May 13, 1981. Minute• of the Planning and Zoning '.Co•- •i••ion aeeting of May 19 and 26, 1981. Minute• of the Denyer aegiona1 ·.council of ·coyernaenfa aeeting of May 20, 1981. Minute• ·of the Water and Sewer Board •eeting ·of May 28, 1981. Minute• of the Englewood Bouaing Authority •••tins of May 27, 1981. Minute• of the Liquor Liced•e Authority •eet- in1 of 'June 3, 198!, includina a Public Bear- in1 on louthland 'Corporation d/b/a 7-Eleven Store and Shige '.Corporation d/b/a Shoaun "Oriental aeataurant and"June 17, 1981. Minute• of the Public Library Board meeting of 'June 9, 1981. Minute• of the Downtown Developaent Authority •••tins of 'June 10, 1981. Trad••ittal of the Early Warning Indicatot-• . CODICIL MIMll• 11no MOVED TO ACCEPT .·ooMMURlCATJOIS - 90 ACTIOI alCOMMllDID" MCEWDA ITEMS 5.A -51. ·.council Meaber Keena ·aeconded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted •• follow•: I ·•July 8, 1981 , ••• 10 Aye•: laj•: The Mayor Council Meabet• Biaday, Real, Pitrzpatricll, lteentf, Bild, lrad•hav, rotf-. Ion•. declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * Mayor 'Otfa pre•ented a letter of reaignation froa M~. Dalton t. Rordyke froa the Library loard. ·couaCIL MIMlll llADSBAW MOVID TO ACCEPT THE LETTER WITH llCllT. Council Meaber lilo"••conded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted ~· follow•: ·council Meabet• Riaday, Real, Pitrzpatricll, Xeen.r, Bild, Brad•ha1', 'Otf-. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. Council id•tructed the City Manager to "•end a letter acknowled1tn1 the reaianation with regret to Mt. Rordyk•· * * * * * * Mayor"Oti• pre•ented a letter froa Mt. Thoaaa ·•J. lurrla concernina hf• intere•t in reappointaent to the Bouaing Authorit1· .Council noted they would be interviewing for vacancie• on board• and coaal••ioll• Monday, 'July 13, 1981. It_ waa noted the appof ntaent to the Rou•tn1 Authority would be aayoriaJ. ·council Meaber leal recoaaended that Mt. Burn• be re- appointed. Council Meaber Bi1day noted it w•• iaportant that the fnterviewe•• be aade aware ·of their obli1ation to be decent to the cittsed1 they reprf•ented. * * * * * * Mayor"Otf• preaented the ainutf• of the Park• and Re- creation Coaal••ion aeetin1 ·of 'June l!, 1981, with a recomaenda- tioa coacerain1 any future recreation pro1raa •fee increaaea be deterained according to individual proara~. •July 8, 1981 Pase 11 Council Meaber lradahaw atated thfa ••• her recoaaenda- tioa to the Parka and Recreation Co••f•aion that any future in- cr••••• •• far aa f••• 10 in Parla and Recreation Departaent that I aa7 future fee iacr••••• be deterained according to the individual proara•, rather than an acrd•• the board increaae and that program• rec0Yeria1 1001 cd•C• not be affected. lach prograa vould"atand alone ta recoupina 1001 direct cd•f-. 'COUICIL MIMI!& IIDO MOVID TO ACltBOWLIDGI TRI RECEIPT ·or TRI MIIUTll AID TO ACltlOWLIDGI TBl 'COMMISSJOB'S RICOMMIMDA- TIOI WITHOUT Alt IPICIPIC ACT?OI AT TRIS TIMI. ·council Meaber lradahaw ·aeconded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r4aulted aa follo•a: ••1•= ·.council Meabeta Biada:f, Beal, Fi17zpatricll, lteen.r, lild, lradeh8'1, 'Otf,. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 'O&DIIAICI 10. 52 SlllIBS 'OP 1981 * * * * * * It AUTBOllITt .COURCIL IILL 80. 58 IBT•ODUCED IY '.COURCIL MIMllll RIAL Al 10llDIIABCI AMIBDIIG SUISICTIOR (b) 1or SICTIOR '·.CHAPTER 4, TITLI IV, 1or TRI 1969 IBGLIVOOD MUBICIPAL 'CODI IY ISTAILISBIHG A SYSTIM or SU&CBAKGIS POil SIVI& TAPS POil TBOSI PlllSOBS MOT VITBII Al llTAILISBID SAIITAT!OI DISTRICT '01l '0UTSIDI THI llGLE- VOOD '.CITY LIMITS AID lllDISIGIATIIG POLDOWIIG SUISICTIORS • . COUICIL MIMllll RIAL MOVID TO PASS \COURCIL BILL RO. 58, SlllIIS 'Or 1981, 'OB rIIAL lllADIBO. .Counci 1 Me ab er Pi tJzpa trick aeconded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follotta: AJth: ·council Meabeta Bigda:f, Re a!, Pitrzpatricl, lteen .. , Bild, lradaha1', rotfll. Raj•: llontl. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * I 'Jul7 e, 1911 •••• 12 'OllDI•A•CI •o. 53 11a111 ·or 1911 IY AUTROlllTY 1 .COU8CIL IILL 10. 54 IIT80DUCID IY ·,QOUICIL MIMll& BICDAY A•'OllDI•A•CI APPllOYI•C Al •CllllMllT llTWlll TBl ',CITIIS 101 IBCLIWOOD A•D LITTLITO•, COtO&ADO, TBI LITTLl!OI Piil! PllOTICT!OI DISTRICT, TRI 'CAITLIVOOD Piii PllOT&CTIOI DISTRICT, AID TRI IAIC•OPT FIR! PllOTKC- TIO• DISTRICT POil TBI PUllCBASl'OF AR IRTllllST IY IARC•OFT PIRI PllO- TICTIO• DllTllCT II TBI 'JOIRT Piil! TRAIRIRC PACILIT~. COV•CIL MIMllll BICDAY MOVED TO PASS \COURCIL IILL RO. 54, ll&Ill 'Of 191!, •o• rI•AL llADIRC. '.Council Meaber lilo ·aeconded the aottod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followa1 ., ... Ra7a1 '.Council Meabeta Bi1da1, lea?, Fitrspatric:I, Keen-, lild, lradaha1', 'Otf,. Rone. The Ma7or declared the aotion carried. Council Meaber Bi1da7 ·atated it h•• coae to hfa attention that cltllfa parttctpattn1 in the ·joint fire protection training factlft7 ·uae a 1reat deal of water durin1 their fire training·aome of which fa w•ated. Mr. Bi1da7 recoaaended that a water meter be idatalled at the facf litJ and char1e each citJ ~ water bill includ- in1 ln1lewood. · 'OllDIIA•CI RO. 54 SEllIIS ·or 1911 * * * * * * IY AUTBO&ITY ·aouaCIL llLL 10. 55 IITaODUCED IY 'COUKCIL MIMllll PITZPATRICK AR 1 0&DIIA8CI APPllOVIIC TRI TIAISPIR'OP RIAL PllOPIRTY TO TBl 1 .CITY r op SBEllIDAI IUIJBCT TO Al IASIMllT POil TBI USI AID llllFIT 101 TRI 'CITY 'OP l•CLIVOOD. CitJ Attorne7 DeWitt 'atated he"atill had not received an1 report back fro• Sheridan ·on the ·ordinance. Mr. DeWitt 'atated he can ·onl7 •••u•e that it doea aeet the requireaenfa of the agree- aent between the two partie9. '.COUICIL MIMllll PITZPATllICK MOVID TO PASS '.COURCIL BILL •o. 5,, SlllIIS 'Of 1911, 'OR PIRAL lllADIIG. .Council Meaber Brad- ·abaw aeconded the aotiod. ·•July 8, 1981 Paae 13 .City Attorney DeWitt ••ked the ·.clerk to prepare a certi- fied copy of ·.council 1111 10. 5,, one for hf• office and one for Ml". ·Gary Deid~, Director of ln1ineerin1 Serv1c4s. Ml". DeWitt I •tated Mr. Diede would be aakin1 the pr4•ention of the ordinance to the 'City ·council of the ·.ctty ·of Sheridan at their aeeting on Wedn••day ni1h1. Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a1 follov1: Ay41: ·council Meabet• Bt1da1, lea?, PiozpatricK, Keen.S, lild, lrad•ha1', 'Otf•· The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 'O&DllA•CI 10. s1a11s ·or 1981 • • • • • • II AUTBO&ITI '.COUKCIL llLL 10. 56 llTaODUCID II ·.COUKCIL MIMll& RIAL Al 10&DIIAICI AMIKDllG TRI 1969 IKGLIWOOD MURlCIPAL ·CODI, AS AMllDED. I•C&IAlllG PllALTY PO&'O&DllA•CI V!OLATIORS r•OM $300 to $999 • . City Attorney DeWitt :1tated he ha• had df1au••to6• with the Biahway Departaent concerntna increa•tna the fine froa $300 to •999. The Bi1hway Departaent replied that the $999 wa1 ezce•1iv•. Ml". DeWitt ·1tated he thou1ht the Bi1hway Departaent would probably not ha•• ·jurf•diction anyway ·underneath a 1956 ca•e·out ·of the 'City and ·.county ·of Denver whereby traffic offed1e1 of a 1eneral naaure are punf1hable in aunicipal court. In re•pod1e to ·council Meaber lealt1 qu••tiod, Mr. DeWitt •tated thf• aatter w•• different froa the Lakewood c•••· Ml". DeWitt '1tated he had inforaation on thf• aatter con- cernin1 th•"•tate departaent le1al '1taff'• ·opinion objectin1 that the .City ha• authority to iapd•e the ·1ubjact fin••· Mt. DeWitt '1tated hf1 ·office would prepare a brief on the aatter and in the interia the ·ordinance would be in effect if pa•••d· In re•pod•e to · council Meaber leal'• qu••tiod, Mi. DeWitt :1tatad thf1 itea would aive the defendant in auaicipal court ace••• to the defell1e that the ·.ct ty of lnalewood no lonaer confora• nor ha• the 'City received the approval of tha ·1tate ·on thf• aattet; but not for the rea1on·1tated in the Lakewood ca••· .. Jul7 e, 1981 Paae 14 COUKCIL MEMBER RIAL MOVED TO TABLl '.COUKCIL BILL 10. 58, SlaIIS 'OP 1981. ·council Meaber Brad•haw •econded the aotiod. ·.council Meaber Real ·•tated he did not want to provide an additional defeli•e in aunicipal court or burden on the '.City Attorney'• office at thf• ti•~· Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted •• follow•: A7e•: Raj•: ·.counc i 1 Meabel'• Bi gdaJ', Rea!, Keen•, Brad•h8't. '.Council Meabet• Pitrzpatrict, Bild, 10tf-. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 10aDIIA•CI 10. •••IIS 1or 1981 * * * * * * BY AUTHORITY A BILL POa '.COUaCIL BILL RO. 61 IRTaODUCBD BY '.COUKCIL MINIER BIIJO Al 10aDllAICI APPaOVIRG AR AGaBIMIRT BITWllR TBl »CITYiOF BRGLIWOOD A•D MISSIOR VllJO WATER ARD SARITAT!OR DISTRlCT'GRART!RG IASB- Ml•TI ACaOSS TRI .CITY 1 0F BIGLIWOOD RIAL PIOPIRTY llOCATBD IR DOUCLAS 'COU•TY, STATE 'OF .OOIJORADO • . OOUaCIL MEMBER BltO MOVED TO PASS 'COUKCIL BILL RO. 61, SlaIIS 'OP 1981, 'OR FIRST RIADIRG. ·council Meaber Fitrzpatrick -•econded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted '• follow•: Raj•: ·.council Meabel'• Bigda)', Rea!, Fitrzpatric:ll, Keen.r, Bild, Brad•ha1', 'Otf-. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. 'O&DIRA•CI RO. Sl&IIS ·or 1981 * * * * * * IY AUTHORITY '.COUKCIL BILL 10. 62 IITRODUCID BY 'COUKCIL MBMBIR BRADSHAW 'Jul7 e. 1981 Paa• 15 A IILL PO& A• 'O&DI•A•CI APPIOVI•C £C&lllllRT llTVlll THI '.CITY 10F l•CLIVOOD, I '.COISO&ADO, A•D STATI DIPA&Tlll•T'OF BICBVAYS, DIVISl09'0F BIGBVAYI, PO& TBl ·CO•IT&UCTl09'0f BA•DICAP &AllPS TOI IAST'GI&A&D AVl9UI II Tll 'CIT!10r IRCLIVOOD, STATI ·or QOEO&ADO. '.COURCIL 1111111& BRADSHAW llOVID TO PASS '.QOURCIL BILL 10. 62, SIRIIS 'OP 1981, row PIRST RIADIIG •. Council lleaber Fiospatrick aeconded the aotiod. ·.council lleaber Keena a•k•d if the State Departaeat ·of Bi1hwa7a ha• addr••••d th• •••••·of diffiaulti•• created for th• blind when they build ra•f• for the handicap. II,. Kaana·atated aoae citie• have "•tartad testurin1 the raafa becaeaa the blind are dependent ·upon the curl-. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r•aultad •• follow•: ·.council lleabet• Biadat, 9aa!, fiOspatricll, Keen.-, lild, lrad•ha11, 'Otf,. •on•. The lla7or declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * .CitJ Attorney DaVitt"atated in reference to th~ water tower c••4, the · court of Appeal• h•• decided not to plac~ the aatter on the accelerated docker. Therafor4, the c••• fa es- pactad to•• heard late thi• 7ear·or earl7 next 7aai. * * * * * • . CitJ Attoraa7 DeVitt 'atated h• w•• ·atill working on on the tr••P••• and ·unlawful entry ordinance with Police 'Chief Bola•-· * * * * * * .CitJ Attorna7 DeWitt 'atated David &o••iit,, ·apecial laaal coudaa!, rapr•••ntin1 the ·.cit7 on th~ water qualitJ con- trol coaai~aion appeal of th•"•tandard• for South Platt• &iv•'• ha• inforaad hi• that a rahaarin1 ha• ••en arantad. Tb• hear- ing waa 1rantad var•all7 •ut II~. &obbfda expected to receive written approval"•hort11• * * * * * * 'July e, 1981 Pase 16 .City Attorney DeWitt :•tatecf, at the reque•t of '.Council in put•uant to"•taff'• recoaaendatiod, heh•• prepared an appeal on the decf•ion that the ·.career Service loard aade in the"•ergeant'• fi•ue. Mr. DeWitt ••ked for approval of the appeal • . couaCIL NINll& RICDAt NOVID !O AUTRO&IZI TRl \CITY ATTO&•IY TO APPIAL TBI DICill0•1 or TBl 'CA&ll& Sl&VICI BOARD OOaCIR•I•C TBI SIRCIA•T'I IllUE. Council Neaber Keena·•ec- onded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote re•ulted •• follow•: Ay••= ·council Neabet• Bi1da1, •ea!, Fi•zpatric•. Keen.,, lilct, lracf•ha1', !Otf•· The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * .City Attorney DeWitt df •ou•••• the c••e ·of ·•Jay·'Jay Ltd. •-· the '.City of ln1lewood. Mr. DeWitt ••ked for authority to"•et- tle the c••e accordin1 to the ter•• of th•"•tipulatiod. The plan- tiff would brin1 the park •up to codtf, the '.City of ln1lewood would pay approsiaately •7,000, the id•urance coapan~ would pay t2,000, and the •eI•od• would pay •2,000. The c••e of the Aaerican In- •urance · Coapany •-· the '.City ·of ln1lewood would be df•afi•ed with- ·out chars• to the .City of ln1lewood. ·~ou•CIL MIMllR IIDO MOVID !O AUTBORIZI '1'0 TAKI TRI •ICISIA&Y STIPS TO ·.cno11 TRIS CAii. Pi•zpatrick •econded the aotiod. Upon a call of vote re•ulted •• follow•: TRl '.CITY AT'!ORRIY Council Meaber the roll, the ·.couacil Meabet• Bt1da1, •ea!, Pi•zpatric•, Keen.r, lilct, lracfeha1', '0tf•· •at•= •on ... The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * * * * .City Attorney DeWitt inforaed 'Council that in a c••• ia •••port, abode l•land, where a lower court hacf awarded puni- tive daaaa•• in a 1983 action aaaid•t the offical• of the 'City of •••port; the Supreae ·court h•• recently decided that no puni- tive da••1•• are 1oia1 to be 1••ued aaaid•t official• for their bad faith acttod-. Ia other wordi, Mr. D•Witt :•tated, there will be no punitive daaa1•• in 1983 actiod9. Ni. DeWitt :•tated the •July e. 1981 Pase 17 ·.city currently ha• one pendina aaafll•t the ·.ci tJ -Le yd on va. ·.Ci tJ ·of ln1lewood. Re"•tated the ".CitJ had aoved previqu•ly for di•- afa•al of that action and would re-aov4. * * * * * * .City Manaaer Mccown pr4•ented a ·.council ',Coaaunication froa the Director of Finance concernin1 a r••olution ••tabli•h- in1 fe•• and charae• for the lnalewood Aniaal Sheltet. Mt. Mccown recoaaended tabling the re•olution•until aore inforaation wa• availabltl • . COUKCIL MIMlla laADSRAW MOVID 10 TAILI TRI MATTI• u•- T?L TRI PiaST MllTIWC IW AUGUST• 1981. '.Council Meaber lilo "•ec- onded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll. the vote r••ulted •• follow•: Raj•: ·council Meabet• Ri1da1. Ji•spatricl, Keen.r. lild. lrad•batt, 'Otf•· ·.counc i 1 Meaber Real. The Mayor declared the aotlon carried. * * * * * * .Ci tJ llana1er llcCown pr4••nted a · Council '.Coaaunication froa the Director ·of ·coaaunity Developaent concerning the Arapa- hoe .County fafr'Cround lannef. -.cou•CIL lllMlla •&AL llOVID !O APPaOVI TRI RARGIRG !OP A IA•••• ·ovaa IOUTB ••OADVAY A••ou•CI•C TRI AaAPABOl '.OOUWTY PAIR. ·council Meaber Piospatrick·•econded the aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r4•ulted •• follow•: •at•: '.Council lleabet• Ri1da1, •ea!,· Piirspatricl, Keen.r, lild, lrad•hatt, 10tf•. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. * * * • • • Ci tJ llana1er llCCown pr4••nted a '.Council '.Coaaunication concernin1 ·career Service loard ordinance revf•io6• that are neceti•ary to enact th• recent ·.charter aaendaenfi. Ml". Mccown •tated hf•'•taff h•• not be able to aake an in-depth view ·of the ·•July 8, 1981 Pase 18 re•f•iod• becau•e of tiae inYolYed in labor neaiotatiod9. Nd. Mccown recoaaended that ·council direct the'.City Attorney to pre- pare a bill for an ordinance on th• aaendaene•. If there are chan1•• after"•taff h•• re•i•••d the•, they could be aade at the ti•• of cod•ideratiod. ·.council Meaber Keena "•tated there were '••••ral con- cerd• ~•h• had re1ardin1 the r••f•iod9. lh•~•u11••t•d that they be df•ou••ed at a·•tudy ••••ton prior to th• preparation of a bill for an ordinanc4. ·.council Neaber ••al ·•u11••t•d the re•f•ioll• be df•- ou••ed at the·•aae·•audy ••••ton·council ••• ha•in1 with the ·.career Service Board. 'COURCIL MIMBIR Kll•A NOVID TO ACCIPT TBI PIOPOSID RIVISIO•s. ·council Neaber Pioapatrick·•econded th• aotiod. Upon a call of the roll, the vote r••ulted •• follow•a Raj•: '.Council Neabet• Biada1, •ea!, fitrapatricl, Keenaf, Bild, lrad•ha1', 'Otfll. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. '.Council id•tlfucted the '.City Manaaer to aake arran1e- ••nfa to dfaou•• the re•faiod• at the'July 14th'••udy ••••ton with·.career Ser•ice Board. ·Council a!•o ·•t•t•d they_ were not especttn1"•taff'• analy•f•·of the re•f•iolla to be ready for the "•tudy ·••••iod. If the arrana•••nf• could not be aade for the 14tH, then·•o•• later ti••"•uitable to all part14~ would be arran1ed. · Council espre•••d appreciation and ·Coancil Neaber Keena '•u11e•ted it be in writin1 to the loard for 1•ttfn1 the revf•iod• done expeditioua11. * * * * * * ·.ct ty Nana1er Mccown reported th• action taken re1ard- in1 the incident in•ol•in1 two fireft1hteta 1•ttfn1 into a h•••le o•er at lwedf•h Bdapital. ·one w••·•u•p•nded for 10 -ahtfe• and the other w•• reprf aanded. * * * * * * ·.ct ty Nana1er Mccown ·atated thf• aorning a cryogenic •unit broke down at the •••er plane. At thi• tiae the extent of repait• are ·unknown. N~. NcCown'atated the problea could cau•• "•o•• odot. * * * * * • ·•JulJ e, 1911 Pase 19 .Council Me•ber lrad•hav •tated durina break Sergeant Le7don indicated to her that he thouaht the ·.career Service Board abould be aiven a tentative location in c••e·aoae eaployeea want to attend the"atudy •e••iod. ·.council decided the location would be deterained prior to the aeetina when they ••• how aany eaplo7eea are ther4. * * * * * * ·.council Me•ber Keena aaked that the early, warning in- dfcatota be available at the budget retread. * * * * * * There ••• no further bu•ine•• to be dfacu••ed. * * * * * * .COUWCIL MIMllR BIGDAY MOVED TO ADJOURB TBI MllTIBQ. Ma7or'Otf• adjourned the ••eting without a vote at 10:05 , ....