HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-14 (Special) Meeting MinutesSPECIAL MEETING:
Sept .. ber 14, 1981
The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe
County, Colorado, met in special aeaaion on September 14, 1981,
at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Otis, presiding, called the meeting to order.
The invocation waa fiven by Council Member Fitzpatrick.
The pledge of allegiance waa ed by Mayor Otis.
Mayor Otia aaked for roll call. Upon a call of the
roll, the following were present:
Council Me•bera Hifday, Neal, Fitzpatrick, Keena,
Bilo, Bradahaw, Ot •·
Absent: None.
The Mayor declared a quortm preaent.
* * * * * *
Aleo preaent were: City Manager Mccown
Aaaiatant City Manager Wanuah
City Attorney DeWitt
Director of Community Development
Power a
Deputy City Clerk Watkins
* * * * * *
HEARING. Council Me•ber Bilo seconded the motion. Upon a call
of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows:
Council Members Higday, Neal, Fitzpatrick,
Keena, Bilo, Bradshaw, Otis.
nie Mayor declared the motion carried.
Mayor Otis stated the purpose of the public hearing
was to allow the owners of the aaaeaaed properties to speak to
Council about the propoaed aaaeaaments.
* * * * * *
Sept .. ber 14, 1981
Page 2
Suaan Powere, Director of eo .. unity Development, ap-
peared before Council and pre•ented the special i•provement dis-
trict incluaive of hiatorical background. Me. Power• atated the I
preaent plan include• a parking lot to acco .. odate 134 apacea and
a walk-through over to South Broadway. The coat of project is
to be funded by contribution• fro• the City, the Englewood Down-
town Development Authority, and asseas•enta of properties within
the defined district.
* * * * * *
Rick Kalua, Office Engineer, appeared before Council and
explained the •ethod of co•puting the assesa•enta. Mr. tcahm stated
the information wa• duplicated in written form in packets which
were available at the front of the room. Mr. Kahm stated the dis-
trict waa divided into a two zone• -pri•ary and secondary. The
project conaiated of a parking lot to be aaeesaed on a parking
deficiency ba•i• and a walk-through to be assessed on a square
footage baaia of land owned. Mr. Kahm presented the project coats
for both the parking lot and the walk-through as $675,427.31 of
which the City would contribute $219,559.54, the Englewood Down-
town Development would contribute $96,000.00, and the property
aaaea .. enta would contribute $359,867.77. Mr. tcahm stated the
City and EDDA picked up the property aaaeasments of those assess-
•enta in exc••• of $40,000, in other words no assessment would
exceed $40,000. Mr. Kalua noted an error that was made in one
aaaea .. ent for which the City picked up the difference.
* * * * * *
Ma. Power• appeared before Council. She defined a
deficient parkinl apace aa the difference between what would be
required if the nflevood Zoning Ordinance standards were applied
and what waa actua ly provided on the site right now when the
property i• owned by the aame owner as the building. Parking
apace• were only counted if they were on the same property or
were within 400 feet of the property and owned by the same per-
aon. lo credit• were given to a property owner who was leasing
•pace for parking ••inly because that was a situation that could
be ended at any ti••· Property owners were given credit for
umaarked lot• if a lot waa properly graded and approved by the I
City lngineer. Ma. Power• stated in buildings with more than
one uae auch aa ahared office apace, the aquare footage of the
C09llOll area waa not counted into the total square footage when
the parking require•ent waa figured becauae this benefited more
than one buainess and it waa felt to be unfair to apply the
atandard to all the buainessea within it.
* * * * * *
September 14, 1981
Page 3
Mayor Oti• noted the receipt of aeven letters of pro-
CORD THE LETl"EllS OF PROTEST. Council Member Bilo seconded the
•otion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows:
Council Member• Higday, Heal, Fitzpatrick,
Keena, Bilo, Bradshaw, Otis.
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
* * * * * *
Mayor Otis aaked for ce>1111enta from the audience. Mayor
Otis stated any queationa that could be anawered would be; other-
wise a letter of reply would be sent out later.
David Peters, 7878 Wadaworth, Arvada, appeared before
Council. Mr. Peters stated he was a co .. ercial real estate broker
appearing on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Scott, owners of 3458 -70
South Lincoln. Mr. Peter• atated the Scotts were protesting the
aaaea .. ent becauae their property would not benefit from the park-
ing lot. Their property waa on the east side of Lincoln Street.
They owned and operated an apartment building and the tenants
were between 61 and 62 years of age. Lesa than half of the ten-
ants owned care and would uae the parking lot behind on private
property. The walk-through would not benefit the property owner
either because moat of the tenants would walk to the corner leas
than 40 feet away. Mr. Peters stated 1 1/2 spaces did not seem
necessary. The coats would have been better served if paid out
of general monies rather than special aaaeaamenta. Mr. Peters
stated it vaa unusual to him that an aaaeaaaent is computed before
project co•pletion. Mr. Peters stated there was apace available
to juatify additional care (compact care) which would reduce the
deficient parking aaaeaament for the Scotts.
* * * * * *
Jon F. Sanda, attorney for ·Tracy Laignelot, appeared
before Council. Mr. Sanda stated Tracy Laignelot was the owner
of 7-9-11 West Hampden. Mr. Sanda asked hie first witness to
come forward.
Jack Fruran, 6475 Brentwood, Arvada, appeared before
Council. Mr. Fruran atated he was Chief Appraiser for Capital
September 14, 1981
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Federal Savings. Under questioning from Mr. Sanda, Mr. Fruran
testified that he was familiar with the property. He identified
a letter dated November 19, 1980 addre••ed to Pat Gill who waa I
a joint tenant with Ma. Laignelot. Mr. Fruran •tated the letter
e•timatea the market value of 11 West Hampden aa $232,000 as of
November 19, 1980. Mr. Fruran stated baaed upon hie experience
aa a real e•tate appraiser, it wa• hie opinion that Ma. Laignelot's
property would not be more valuable after the development of the
parking lot.
Mr. Sands called his next witness.
Glenn Novinger, 728 York Street, Denver, appeared be-
fore Council. Under questioning from Mr. Sanda, Mr. Novinger
te•tified he wa• familiar with the subject area. Mr. Novinger
•tated he ha• been working on the sale of property at 11 West
Hampden. Mr. Novinger stated it waa hie opinion that the loca-
tion value did not appear to have increased with the improve-
ments proposed. Mr. Novinger stated M•. Laignelot leaaed park-
ing acroaa the street.
Under que•tioning from City Attorney DeWitt, Mr. Novinger
an•wered affirmatively that a neighborhood in which a property is
located haa a significant effect on property value. Mr. DeWitt
a•ked if an increa•e in the foot traffic in this area would in-
crea•e the value of the property. Mr. Novinger replied that foot
traffic ha• an effect on the value of property.
Mr. Sands called hie next witness.
Tracy Laignelot, 3275 South Marion, appeared before
Council. Under questioning from Mr. Sanda, Ma. Laignelot stated
her qualification• aa a profeaaional real eatate agent. She stated
abe waa the sole owner of 7 -11 West Hampden. Ma. Laignelot
•tated the property is of mixed uae -office and residential.
She had not received complaints about not enough parking in the
area. Most of her tenants do not have cars. M•. Laignelot
stated ahe currently rent• four parking spaces from Key Savings.
She stated the improvement• to the parking lot would not in-
crea•e the value of her property.
Mr. Sand• gave closing remarks. Mr. Sanda stated the
aaaeaamenta were made on zoning lava and were unconstitutional.
'lbe Colorado Supreme Court baa stated aaseaamenta can be upheld
if they are baaed upon a direct benefit -a special benefit of
the property being aaae•sed. Mr. Sanda stated Ma. Laignelot'•
aaaeaament waa not baaed on direct benefit.
• • • • • •
Sept .. ber 14, 1981
Page 5
Fred Kaufman, 2800 South Broadway, appeared before
Council. Mr. Kaufman teatified he waa the owner of Kaufman's
Men'• Wear, 3395 South Broadway. Mr. Kaufman stated he was
a former chairman of the Englewood Downtown Development Dis-
trict and was instrumental in setting up the parking lot. Mr.
Kaufman stated the community waa surveyed on what was moat
needed in downtown Englewood. 'lbe co11111Unity'• reply was park-
* * * * * *
Fred Dransfeldt, Box 16, Parker, appeared before
Council. Mr. Dranafeldt stated his assessment was excessive
and unreasonable. Mr. Dransfeldt stated the only fair method
would be to aaaeas square footage of the property owned dia-
regard ing the parking lot. Mr. Dranafeldt stated the building
waa built in 1922 and parking waa not a problem then. He felt
Council could not enforce an ordinance that would 1et parking
atandarda which were not in effect when the building was built.
* * * * * *
J. J. Petrock, attorney for the owners of the Odd
Fellows Building -the lOOF Building Investment Company, ap-
peared before Council. Mr. Petrock stated the highest and best
uae of the building waa not taken into consideration. 'lbe
aaaeaamenta are unequitable and there were other uaea which
would vaatly generate more parking apace requirement• than the
Odd Fellows Building. 'lbe benefits are not in accordance with
the a•••••••nta for the properties located on the west aide of
South Broadway.
Mr. Petrock called his first witness.
Lee Laffoon, real eatate appraiser, appeared before
Council. Mr. Laffoon stated he has fiven testimony on behalf
of the City in the paat concerning: ) the highest and beat
uae of real property in the City of F.nglewood; and 2) the fair
•arket value of real property in the City of F.nglewood. Under
queetioning from Mr. Petrock, Mr. Laffoon testified he had
occaeion to make a cursory inspection of the subject area of
the apecial i11prov .. ent diatrict. Mr. Laffoon stated he was
f .. iliar with the zoning in the area which was mostly B-1 zon-
ing. Mr. Laffoon stated he had diacuaeed the method of asaeaa-
••nt• with City staff ... bera of the Co111111nity Development De-
part••nt. He stated had aleo exa•ined the zoning ordinance
which has been used to determine the parking apace deficiency
for the Odd Fellows Building. Mr. Laffoon stated it was his
underatanding that these private parking standards with some
Septe•ber 14, 1981
Page 6
li•itation• were the one• being applied to the Odd Fellows Build-
ina. Mr. Laffoon atated he exa•ined the building across the
atreet at 3400 South Broadway which waa on the east side and I
which waa aaaeaaed the •a•• a110unt a• the Odd Fellows Building
at $40,000. Mr. Laffoon atated the highest and beat use of the
building would take extenaive re110deling. Mr. Laffoon stated in
hia opinion the Odd Fellow• Building would not be benefited equal
to the 3400 South Broadway buildi~g.
* * * * * *
Mayor Otis declared a receaa at 8:25 p.m. Council
reconvened at 8:40 p.m. Mayor Otis asked for roll call. Upon
a call of the roll, the following were present:
Council Me•bera Hifday, Real, Fitzpatrick, Keena,
Bilo, Bradshaw, Ot •·
Absent: None.
Mayor Otis declared a quorwn present.
* * * * * *
At the request of City Attorney DeWitt, Mr. Laffoon
appeared again for further questioning. Under questioning,
Mr. Laffoon stated he had not prepared a written report con-
cerning the property only a abort letter to Mr. Petrock stat-
ing the problems with some limited opinions. Mr. Laffoon stated
it waa difficult to tell if the property waa being used to its
beat uae now because it might coat 110re to put it at its high-
est and beat uae than it would be worth. Mr. Laffoon stated
appraising waa not an exact science only a aupported opinion.
Mr. Laffoon stated he had not done an appraisal of the property.
Mr. Petrock called hie next witness.
Altha Williamson, 2728 South Bannock, appeared before
Council. She stated ahe waa affiliated with the Odd Fellows In-
vestment Building Co11pany aa Secretary/Treasurer. She was affili-
ated with the Odd Fellow and Rebecca organization who meet at the I
Odd Fellows Building. 'l'he •••tinge are held at 8:00 p.m. twice
a month. Her husband attended the Odd Fellows organization twice
a month also. 'l'here were other organizations that used the build-
ing and which were affiliated with the Odd Fellows order. Mrs.
Williamson stated neither ahe nor the other members would use the
parking lot at night.
Karl Kerzic, 4790 South Lipan, appeared before Council.
Mr. Kerzic testified he waa a tenant of the Odd Fellows Building
September 14, 1981
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and operated Houae of Upholatery. Mr. Kerzic stated Englewood
needed additional parking but he did not and did not want to be
aaseased for it.
Mr. Petrock gave cloaing remarks. He stated there has
been a lack of information in calculating the assessment. As far
a• the Odd Fellow• bnildinf vaa concerned joint use of the park-
ing lot vaa not given cone deration. The uae of the building is
at night and the vol\9e vaa minimal. There was no relationship
to parkinf apace deficiency. The aaaessment was inequitable as
far a• th s particµlar property related to another property across
the atreet. There are no comparable benefits on the west side of
Broadway to the east aide of Broadway. Lodge members never use
the parking lot.
Mr. Petrock aaked for the opportunity to cross examine
the staff who were involved in processing the assessments.
City Attorney DeWitt stated there would be time later
in the meeting.
* * * * * *
Bill Pendleton, 5745 South Monaco, Greenwood Village,
appeared before Council. Mr. Pendleton testified he was employed
with the First National Bank of Englewood. During hie employment,
he ha• notice a decline in certain Englewood areas. He stated
he waa a board member of the Enflewood Downtown Development Au-
thority, and aupported the park ng lot development. He stated
the development aolvea one of the problem• that is a constant
complaint of people on Broadway. Mr. Pendleton stated the tangi-
ble reaults may not be seen i .. ediately; however, over the years
the benefit will be a proven inveatment.
City Attorney DeWitt aaked Mr. Pendleton on the tangible
reaults to which he referred.
Mr. Pendleton atated the bank was not far from Broadway
and he frequently walked downtown because parking was difficult. He
atated he talked to aeveral buaineaamen and one of the things that
ha• been a problem in getting potential buaineaaea to locate on
Broadway waa the parking situation.
* • * * * •
Maurice Lubow, repreaenting Jerry Feather who owns a
buain••• at 3460 South Broadway, appeared before Council. Mr.
Lubow atated Mr. Feather'• attorney, Keith Vandeburg, was also
preaent. Mr. Lubow adopted the teati11<>ny relative to that given
September 14, 1981
Page 8
by other witneaaea. He atated Mr. Feather's business would re-
ceive no direct benefit from the proposed development. Mr. Lubow
requeated a letter from the City staff regarding why the method I
of aaaeaa•ent waa uaed and why the boundariea were drawn. Mr.
Lubow argued the power• and proviaiona of aetting up the district.
Mr. Lubow atated he felt Council did not have the authority to
issue bond• or levy the aaseaa•ent.
* * * * * *
Gordon Cloae, 2607 South Depew Place, Lakewood, ap-
peared before Council. Mr. Cloae teatified he operated a busi-
neas at 3451 South Acoma. He atated he waa president of dba/
Englewood who aupported the parking lot project and offered con-
tinued aupport in improving the downtown area. In response to
a queation fro• City Attorney DeWitt, Mr. Close stated several
merchants feel reatricted because of no parking. Mr. Close
believed the walk-through would assist businesses and hoped that
aafety would not be a factor. In response to Council Member
Higday'a queation, Mr. Cloae stated the dba/Englewood repre-
aented about 501 of the buaineases.
* * * * * *
Steve Erhart, attorney for Saleem Diwan owner of 3400
South Broadway, appeared before Council. Mr. Erhart suggested
eli•inating the walk-through and looking for other ways to finance
the project.
Mr. Erhart called Mr. Diwan forward aa a witness.
Salee• Diwan, 15708 Eaat Grand Avenue, Aurora, appeared.
Mr. Diwan teatified there waa a need for parking; however, most
people do not want to park behind buildings. Parking would be
•ore appropriate in the front or on the aide. Mr. Diwan stated
the parking lot did not have an effect on the success of his busi-
* * * * * *
Barbara Holthaua, 3483 South Acoma, appeared before I
Council. Ma. Holthaua atated ahe vaa the current Chairperson of
the Englewood Downtown Develop11ent Authority. Ms. Holthaus stated
ahe aupported the parking lot and walk-through project and wanted
to create a permanent lot before loaing the property to a pri-
vate company. Ma. Holthaua atated the walk-through waa designed
to go with the parking lot and vaa to give acceaa to senior citizen
parking and provide green openapace that would benefit the entire
area. Ma. Holthaua atated everyone ahould pay part of the cost.
* * * * * *
Sept .. ber 14, 1981
Page 9
Mor•• Clayton, 3·200 Weat Bowles, Littleton, appeared
before Council. Ma. Clayton atated ahe waa co-owner of 3484 -
3486 South Broadway. Ma. Clayton stated ahe had questions on
the accuracy of the mea1urement of her building. She requested
an appointment with ataff to diacuaa thia matter. Me. Clayton
atated the profect waa needed but waa concerned about the fair-
neaa in aaaeaa ng the coata.
Arrangement• were made for Ma. Clayton to meet with
Mr. Kahm and Ma. Powera on the following day.
* * * * * *
Mike Haviland, 2104 Dartmouth Circle, Director of the
Englewood Downtown Development Authority appeared before Council.
Mr. Haviland testified the EDDA purchaaed property from the Public
Service Company for the parking lot. He stated the proximity of
the parking lot and becauae it ace••••• the buaineaa area increases
the value of property. Mr. Haviland atated the funding of the
project ae .. ed lofical. 'ftle development provided benefit to resi-
dential areaa. P ana are to make the walk-through aafe and will
be well lighted. Mr. Haviland noted moat of the proteata have
been on the aaaeaamenta and not the project itaelf.
* * * •· * *
City Attorney DeWitt aaked questions of Ma. Powers. She
reaponded to the benefits received by both the eaat and west sides
of South Broadway. Ma. Powers atated any downtown without park-
ing will fail. Ma. Power• atated the improv .. ent plan will beauti-
fy the downtown area and attract more people to ahop downtown.
Mr. Petrock aaked queationa of Ma. Powers. In reaponae
Ma. Power• atated staff m .. bera measured the Odd Fellows building
and the parking requirement waa baaed on the count. Ma. Powers
atated ataff m .. bera were aware of the building's uae. Aleo, the
owner of a building would have acceaa to the parking lot but not
control over it• uaea. Multiple-use aa applied to parking apace
would not apply in this caae and would not apply in any others
becauae there la a atipulation that the uses can not conflict.
A joint uae haa to be made by contract and approved by the Plan-
ning co .. iaaion and doea not apply in this case.
Mr. DeWitt objected to additional queationinf from
Mr. Petrock on joint use of the building as being irre evant.
In reaponae to additional queationa from Mr. Petrock,
Ma. Powers stated the City did not make studies as to the amount
Sept .. ber 14, 1981
Paa• 10
of parking •pace required at night as opposed to daytime use. Mr.
Petrock •tated th• parking lot had 122 vacancies at 6:30 p.m. on
thi• night.
* * * * * *
Steve Erhart appeared again to ask questions of staff.
Mr. Erhart a1ked where legal title of the land purchased by the
City from th• Public Service Company wa• held. Ma. Powers re-
1ponded that legal title wa• held by the City.
Mr. Erhart a1ked Mr. Kahm about the 61 increase that was
picked by 1taff in relationehip to original e1timates. Mr. Kahm
re1ponded the original a••••••ents given out a year ago were based
on data put together by 1taff for comparison purposes. 'lbe 61 figure
i1 controled by 1tate law which i1 the maximum that can be assessed
over original e1timate.
In re•pon•• to City Attorney De~ltt's question, Mr.
Kah• 1tated there are nuaeroue a11e11ments where errors were
found and a••••••ent• were increa•ed by 61 with the City pick-
ing up the balance. Mr. Kah• •tated no one was increased more
than 61 permitted by •tatute.
* * * * * *
Maurice Lubow appeared to a•k question• of Ma. Powers.
Mr. Lubow a1ked why credit wae given for parking spaces owned and
not lea1ed. M•. Power• •tated there existed a po•sibility that
lea••d •pace• could be terminated quickly and the business would
not have u1e of the epace. Mr. Lubow argued the ownership of
the building could terminate juet a• quickly. M•. Powers stated
it •• .. •d more logical that a property owned today would stay
owned tomorrow. Mr. Lubow a1ked how many lot• were owned by the
per1on that owned the buein••• for which the City gave credit
and how •any were lea•ed. M•. Power• •tated •he did not have
the information but would let Mr. Lubow know.
Mr. Lubow directed qu••tion• to Mr. Kahm as to how many
buein••••• were effected by the over $40,000 assessment. Mr. Kahm
anevered there were two buain•••••·
'lbere no further co .. ent• at this time.
'Dle hearing wa1 left open. Mayor Otis adjourned the
•••ting without a vote at 9:55 p.m. . ~
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