HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-17 (Regular) Meeting Agenda PacketAgenda for the Regular Meeting of the Eng lewood City Council Monday, August 17, 2009 7:30 pm Englewood Civic Center -Council Chamben 1000 Englewood Parkway Englewood, CO 80110
1. Call to Order. 7:44 p.m.
2. Invocation. McCnlln
3. Pledge of Alleglance. McCaelln
4. RolCGD.
Pment: Jefferson, Moore, Penn, Oakley, McCe:-.11t1, \'1i!ron, Woodward
AbMnt: None
5. Consideration of Minutes of Previous Session.
a. Mlnutes from the Regular City Council Meeting of August 3, 2009.
Motion: To approye the minutes of August 3, 2009.
Mcmd by: J lffef9on Seconded by: Penn
Vote: Motion Approved (summary. Yn • e No=0 Abstain •1 (Moore))
6. Recognition of Scheduled Public Comment. (Please llmlt your preHnlatlon to ten minutes.)
a. Martha Griego will be µresent to address City Counci l regarding Jason Park.
7. Recognition of Unscheduled Pubflo Comment (Please limlt your presenlltlon to five minute,.
T1me for unachedllled public comment may be lmited to 45 minutes, and n ~. shall be
continued to General Discussion.)
a. Laura Bar1nlck • ~
b. .<:teve Schalk • -Sign code (banne.,, sandwich boards, murals)
c. Lindi Counterman • .Jason Park
d. Robert Cony Jr., attorney• -ma~)uana and opposing eme,venoy ordinance
e. Laurett Barrentine -Englewood Citizens for Open Govemmen~ Issues with current
Council members, Jason Park
f. David Schmal• .Jason Pa'11
g. Kim Love • • Englewood Unleashed, Parks & Recreation meetin g
h. Alexia Gnego • • doesn1 lil(e dogs jumping on her
L Tracy ,'onn •. Pam and Rec:INllon meeting , paying taJcn, safety of park for children
ar, • the elderly, pmonal afl'rontllattacka, Juon Park, time schedule
J. Etta WIikinson . • dlsm,:ect shown by Council person, grandson, loote dogs at Jason
Continued prior to General Discussion (Agenda Item #12)
e. Communications, Proclamations, and Appointments.
a. A proclamation declaring the City of Englewood's commftment to partnering with the U.S.
Census Bureau to help enaure • full and accurate count In 2010.
Engrewcod Clly Counal Agenda Augusl 17, 2009 Page 2 Motion : To approve the proclamallon declaring Jhe City of Englewood's comm11ment to partnering wilh the US Census Bureau to help ensure a full and accurate count ,n 2010. Moved by: Penn Seconeled by Jefferson Vote Motion Approved (summary. Yes= 7 No= 0) b A proclamation decJanng September as National AICOhol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Motion: To approve the proclamal!on declaring September as Nahonal Alcohol and Drug Addicilon
Recovery Month
Moved by: McCaslln
Vole Motion Approved
Seconded by: Wilson
(summa,y· Yes= 7 No= 0)
9. Consent Agenda Items.
a Approval of Ordinances on Fnt Reading.
Motion: To approve Consent Agenda Items 9 b (1), and (i)
Moved by: Moore Seconded by: Wilson
Vote: Motion Approved (summa ry: Yes = 7 No = 0)
b. Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading.
Council Bdl No 33, approving an lntergovemmental Agreement authorizing a
ORD I 32 Mamorandum of Undefstandmg for the City of Englewood's participation In the
Denver Melro Auto Theft Team
ORD# 33
Council Bill No 34, approving an lntergovemmental Agreement authorizing a
Memorandum of Understanding with the Unijed States Marshals Service for the City
of Englewood's participation In the Adam Walsh Task Force
c. Resolutions and Motions.
10 Public Hearing Items (No Pubhc Hearing.)
11 Ordinances. Resolutions and Motions
a. Approval of Ordinances on First Reading
Council a,u No 36 -Recommendation from he Finance and Adm1nlstrat1ve
SeNices Department to approw lhe proposed blU for an ordinance amending
4-4-4-7C of the Englewood Municipal Code. per'1lning lo license for retailer and
vendor fees. STAFF SOURCE: Frank Gryglewlc1, Director.
Motion: To approve Agenda Item 11 a (ij
Moved by: WIison Seconded by: Peno
Vote. Motion Approved (summary: Yes = 7 r-. 0)
b Approval or Ordinances on Second Reading
Council Bill No. 35, an emergency blll lor an ordinance establishing a temporary
ORD# 34 suspension or moratonum on the establishment of new medical marijuana dispensing
and growing uses for a period ol six months.
Englewood City Counal Agenda August 17, 2009 Pagel Motion: To approve Agenda Item 11 b (1) Moved by: Wilson Seconded by Oakley Vote Motion Approved (summary Yes = 7 No = OJ c Resolut1ons and Motions, Recommt idation lrom the Human Resources Department to adopt a resolullon approving a Memorandum or Understanding amending the Collective Bargaining
RESO # 66 Agreemen t between th~ EnglewOOd Firefighters Association and the City ol
Englewood ror 2009-2011 , STAFF SOURCE: Sue Eaton, Olrector of Hu man
Motion: To approve Agenda Item 11 c (I)
Moved by : Oakley Seconded by; Mccaslin
Vole: Motion Approved (summary Yes= 7 No = O)
II. Recommendation 'rom the Llttleton/EnglewOOd Wastewater Treatment Plan t to
approve, loc.m21i2o, the purchase of one new ten-yard dump truck. Staff
recommends awarding the contract to Transwest Trucks in the amount of $99,746,
piggybacking on the City of Rine's contract STAFF SOURCE: Stewart H. Fonda,
UUlltl" Directo r and Jim Tallent, Operations Dlvl1ion Manager.
Motion: To approve A~nda Item 11 c (Ii)
Moved by: Oakley Seconded by: Mccaslin
Vote: Motion Approved (summary Yes = 7 No = 0)
7. UnSC'heduled Public Comment contmued
~. Matthew Crabtree • -dog parks
12. General otscussoon
a Mayo(s Choice
b. Council Members' Choice
Council Member Penn
Council Member Mccaslin
Council Member Moore
Council Member Oaki,ey
Council Member Wilson
Council Meml.!r Jefferson
'" City Manager's Report
14 Crty Attorney's Report
'5 Adjournment 1 0 11 p m
• Call lo Order
The regular meel,ng of lhe Englewood C,ty Councd was called to order by Mayor Woodward at 7 55 p m
2 Invocation
The Invocation was given by Council Member McCaslin.
3. Pledge or Allegiance
The Pledge of Alleg iance was led by Council Member Mccaslin
4. Roll Call
Absent. .I A quorum was present.
Also present.
Council Members Jefferson, Penn. Oakley, McCaslln . Wilson , Woodward
Council Member Moore
City Manager Sears
City Attorney Brotzman
Deputy City Manager Flaherty
City Clerk Ellis
Deputy City Clerk Bush
OireclOr Gryglewicl, Finance and Admirnstrative Services
Director Whrte, Convnunrty Development
Deputy Chlel or l'olice Collins
Police Commander Condreay
5. Consideration of Minutes or Previous Session
Mayor Woodward asked If there were any modifteations or correction;;. There were none
Vote results :
Motion carried .
Nays ·
Council Members Penn, Mccaslin , Woodward , Jefferson , Wilson, Oakley
Council Member Moore
6. Recognition of Schedu led Public Comme nt
• (a) Emme Putnam, an Englewood resident, sa id Mr. Sears , Mr . Woodward and City Council, I am
here to say a few th ings about the leashed .. or unleashed dog situation. First ol all , I want you all to know that t
love dogs I am not a non-dog person I have lived with do1s my entire life up untd a couple of years ago when
my sweet Bongo died My own parents got their first dog a week atter their wedding , but they waited five years
before they started having their fam ily of four children So , nave grown up with dogs . sometimes many dogs
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 2 My husband and I our golden retriever had 12 puppies In her first htler And also horses. cats and pet turtles and pet snakes and guinea p,gs and you gel the Idea Bui I wanted to make that clear I would like to read from the City Code on the subject of general off-leash guidehnes ·n.e person m control of the dog must carry a leash, keep the dc,g out of the playground and sheller areas Be respeclhJI of others who are enJoyIng the use of the parks and pick up after his or her dogs Be mindful that some people , Including those with leashed dogs, may feel threatened 1f approached by an unleashed dc,g • Those words sound wonderful. but there rs a real problem One 1s that they are impossible to enforce rm sure the C11y of Englewood can't afford an officer lo patrol each park 7124 But I am also convinced that Mr Love and others In his group are probably very
responsible dog owners But the problem Is. they are far out numbered by people who are not responsible and
so I donl think the guidelines, which 1s really au they are, they are unenforceable, pretty much I don't think
they work, frankly. Englewood Is unique In our park situation . We have Denver on the north and part of the
west and my understanding is t~at m Denver that people with unleashed dogs have been told fine, you raise
the money and build your own park . And then we have South Suburban Parks and Recreation around the rest
of us ... surrounded. But we hava ou r own Parks and Recreation Department and I think, frankly. our founders
and city planners d,J a really fine job of planning our parks We have a lot of beaubhJJ park space 1n lhis City
But I <lo belie-.. 1 thal those planner. meant the parks for c.bzens. And unbl a few years ago, that's the way ii
was , There were no unleashed dogs . I thin k building the Canine Corral is a smart Idea, but ii was costly II cost
a lot of n10ney with all that environmental study and everyth ing else that was involved But I am wondenng why,
pretty much at thl• sa'T\e bme, the City decided to have five of our parks be tumed into no-leash parks. Why did
w•· bulld the Canine Corral? II doesn't make a lot of sense to me. South Suburban, I know, has at least one
e,,,-losed park for dogs over on Bowles and Platte River Boulevard That is a big area over the1e I don't know
f • n you have seen thal They may have other no-leash parks as wel. But the ones that wOl1< for most of us
art tt,e ones that have fences. Parks like Centennial and Jason ... with all the ball fields, the playgrounds, the
picn;.,. areas and our park Centennial .. fishing areas and places where people play badminton, It is just an
lmposs,ble kind of pace to fence and t certainly WOOJld disapprove of any fence that fences in people Jnd that
would be a big win for the dogs. So. it see ms to rne that maybe ... l 'm not sure I'm picturing things right, but I
think we have a few parks that are more like greenways. maybe those parks where there would be no lntrud1n,,
into picnics and playground use, cou be unleashed dog parks. I'm not sure about Iha~ I haven'l lookt" •t
each park, but it is the dogs getting in the way of picnics and ptay1ng and playg rounds and ballgames and I'••.
seen loose dogs over at Brent Mayne Park and Centennial during a bali game. I know that some people feel
that dogs are hke my children I've heard people say that my dog IS like my child. And I relate lo that, btr.ause
we love our dogs, but as my good friend Dorothy said, I do know the difference between a dog and a child . I
think If somebody's chlld ... somebody else's child, pooped on a park bench and then your child accidently sat In
that poop that you would be furious and the child would be humiliated. Wei , that is exactly what has happened
in one of our parks and that child was humttiated . And I don't actually know the outcome of that, but It stwuld
never have happened In the first place My main point, however, Is that I am not sure of the dale when we
turned in our peUtions. was that two weeks ago? At any rate I think that was on a Monday. Anyhow the
Englewood Unleashed people had many, many names on their petition, but I believe that nearly 80% of them
were not Eng lewood residents The parks are public, bul they are Englewood parks and I believe that since
Englewood residents pay the taxes that maintain our parks, that we should be the only ones who have any real
influence on your dec,s,on mak,n,g We pay the bills, so I don't see how the people in Highlands Ranch really
have a right to try to be Influe ntial in helping you make your decisions. It makes me lhink, what would
Coloradoans do If the people of Kansas decided that they were going to teP us how to run our State Thal ,s
how I feel about our parks. I don't think non-Englewood residents really have any business tell1np us how 10 run
our parks. I thin k It Is Englewood .. you r constituents ... that mailer : know, or I'm prelly sure I j . "· that U·,e
only way this Issue is ever going to be resolved is If somebody on the Council m2~es a mobon :I then there Is
a vote And when that 1ay comes, I feel that if any Council members are or ever have been a part ol
Englewood Unleashed that they should recuse themselves from voling because It seems like a conll,., 'lf
Interest to me Council members should be accountable lo their constituents, as I jus t said It would be
inter.~t1ng to be able to take a referendum and gel a vote ot Englewood residents, you know, something you
could put on the ballot or not But, that would be an interesting thing to do 10 find out how everybody feels . That
1s basically what I have to say I do want to remind everybody though that we hve in a great city. I love it I love
Englewood I also IOve being a c,t,zen of the United States But do remember, that the Urnted Stales is a place
where people are expected lo behave with c1v1l1ty toward each othe r, even If they don 't agree and I hope that we
can do lhal In Englewood Thank you very much There was applause
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 • Page3 Mayor Woodward said than k you . Mayor Woodward said I am going to ask people lo refra in from clapping I understood or heard that I didn't do such a good job last meeting and I am go ing lo try to do a lot better this evening . I haven 't hea rd the recording , but I didn't th ink we had much clapping after the firs t person . (b) Dorothy Haeleli , an Englewood resident, said Mr . Mayor and City Council members I haven 't
much lo add 10 what Emme has said . I have the same feelings . Centenn ial Parl( was really quiet this past
week ... part of ii could ha ve been the weather and I think part of II is because of the fights about the dogs off.
leashes and I don'l lhink they are bringing them lo the park as much , because they don 't want to be
photographed . When I went around the Centennial Park ,-and our neighborhood , gathe ring signatures on the
peutions, I heard many comments on the inc idents that had happened and the ir wish that the park would be
turned back to a dog on leash only park , so that they could take their children and enjoy time at the p rk witho ut
feeling threatened . For safely and sanitary reasons , ju st because you have signs and dogs are not to be in
certain areas doesn't mean it always happens that way . Before the off-le ash dogs took over the grassy areas
on the southwest side of the park ... this is Centennial that I'm talking about... it was used by people of all ages to
play tenn is, badm inton, olher gar. ,es and to just lay around and read . In the win ier peop le of all ages used the
little hill lo sled and now th is area i. used lo play Frisbee with your dog . Just beca use you send the man lo
observe from the parking area , once in awhile , doesn 't mean he sees everything , In my petition signinp
excursion , I on ly ran into three people who wanted their dogs off-leashes ... 3 out of 100. I hope that tells you
someth ing . The dogs off-leash people can let their dogs play in their own backya rds and put them on le ash and
go for a walk at the parl( or use the dogs off-leash park. They can also spend the money they are talking about
spending on signage and other things to improve the dogs off-leash parl(, so the ir dogs can socialize and they
• can be comfortable. I feel that the people speak in g out... saying that the par~s in Englewood should say dogs
ofl-leash ... lrom other cities , should not have a say In the matter. Sure they are public parks, but they should not
be governed by the people from other cities . II their cities have an off-leash parl(, .. wa lk their dogs there .
Council members ... consider your own taxpayers and the peop le that elect you . According to TV, we are nol the
only parks having trouble with dogs off-leash ... Chalfie ld and Cherry Hill s State Parks are also having
problems ... now I saw this on Channel 4 . Please turn our parl(s back into dogs on-leash parks as soon as
possible Give us back our parks for the en joyment for all people who th ink thal a park is fo r the pleasure of the
people ... young and old . Jason Park was crawling with dogs off-leash a week ago when we visited there. Listen
to them about the ir big problem ... what a big problem they have . And thank you for your tim e and
consideration on th is matter .
Mayor Woodward sa id thank you .
7, Recognition of Unscheduled Public Comment
(a) Jerry Furman , an Englewood res ident , said I am running for District 2, so here is my th ing . If I
am reading the th ing rig ht. we are supposed to serve the peop le , for the people . Where is the City Council at
when people are tell ing you what to do and you guys are not doing it? l.ike the marijuana , I mea n the pot iss ue
today . You guys sa id, oh we will pul It on the back burner . Well no, ,o~ nee d to do it right now ... because we
voters voted it In and we are not do in g what we are supposed to do . l:ke tnese dog people are tc l:ing you, lhey
want their park back ... the parl(s are the people . Are dogs people? No . dogs are animals People are people.
You're serving the people . The people are pay ing your tax money for thP City and you all are guilty of not
serv ing the people .
Mayor Woodward sa id thank you .
(b} Tracy Jones , a Highlands Ranch res,, ~t. sa id I am here , obviously , for the Ja son Park :ssue
• aga,n and I was 1u s1 wo nde ring ii you guys have thought about what is go,ng to happen when you ... for the
reg istered sports li ke the T-ball, and volleyba ll. Where are they supposed lo play soccer and T-ball , ii you put
the fe nce up? That is the whole field on the north side of the park ... that Is where all the soccer players play,
thars where all the T-ball people piay and everyone who wants to just pick up a game of volleyball , that is where
they play or play Fnsbee I don't kno w ii you guys have thought about that And all their coaches are going to
have to walk through the fields and pick up as much dog poop as they can and . as far as I know , coaches , that
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 4 Is their second JOb so they are going to be rushing from their lull time job to the park to clean up the dog poop Everyone else will be crowding each other that are there lo have picnics on the south side of the park , with those people who want to play volleyball with their family and fr,ends 0< the young teams that want lo play catch 0< tag football. Save the money that ,t ,s going to cost to put the fence up and pul II toward a new dog park thal ,s meant JUst for dogs Th,s was rt is money well spen1 Dotl't squeeze off the lods by g,v,ng the dogs 60% ol lhe park Building a fence is going lo make people believe that Jason 1s a dog park and not a kids park Some people believe that kids shOUldn't be there, because their unpress10n ,s that ,t ,s a dog park Someone has a web page calling Jason Park, Jason Bark Park If you read the blog on 7News website, you will see that most
people believe lhal Jason ,s an actu~I dog park, not a ktd's park wilh off-leash privileges Speaking of 7News,
the lady who said she thought ii was a slap to Englewood's lace and lhought ,t gave Englewood a bad
reputation for being on the news, ,s wrong. The only way this would be a slap to Englewood's face is if Jason
continues lo be an off-leash park Maybe Englewood needs a slap lo the face to wake up and real,ze what Is
going on This issue has been bros, ~I up on three separate occasions in two years and nothing has been done
about 11 at least nothing good has been done about it Some Councilmen have been to Jason and they say
they have seen noth,ng Maybe next bme they go they can talk to the family who 1s there every Sunday to play
volleyoall 0< talk to the T-bal parents This way, you can hear first hand of all the trouble these people have had
at Jason Parlt. Don't let EngleW()()(1 gel a bad reputation just because of some dogs, Dogs should never take
priorrty over our kids or adults Dogs come and go, the kids are our future. Please listen lo the people ol
Englewood , especially those Who signed our petition , because these are the people who live around Jason
Park It Is not people who live on the other side of Broadway or down on Sherman, it Is people directly around
Jason Park. That Is their neighborhood park, that Is where they can walk to when the y want to have a picnic or
a good hme. And for the laSI lime we were here tbout this, the police officer said that there was only like 10
complaints or 15 complaints, something like that In two years. I think that Is because most people think It ,s
ndoculous lo have to call the police on a dog coming alter them aggressively or Jus1 steahng their food Who is
going to call the pohce because a dog stole your food? I wouldn'~ but maybe we need to start and I hope we
don't have to, because I'm sure Englewood police officers have much better things to do and worse cnmes to
take care of than to run to Jason Par1< over little complaints So, I think, 1usl stop an this nonsense with the dogs
runn,ng around, lak,ng prionty over our kids a nd wasting your guys' time up here fighting this dog issue. Don't
put the fence up; put the dogs on a leas~. It is pretty simple, That ,s all I've got for today I'm sure I will be
seeing you guys another week ... because you guys won't do a mohon on it.
Council Member Wilson said , , I'm sorry .. your name and address? Ms Jones said I am Tracy Jones ... I thought
everyone had that memonzed by now I live in Highlands Ranch Do you need th~ exact address? Ms Wilson
said they need it tor the minutes Ms Jones said she just told me no .. it's Highlands Ranch.
Mayor W<>OdWord said thank you
(c) Jaxine Hensley, an Englewood resident, said I live directly across from the park and have for 28
years I agree that the playgrounds, where they picnic and all that needs to be secure for the fam1l1es and stuff,
but I also feel that our sen,or citizens need to be protected One thing that gave my Dad ten more years ol life
was walking that park one or two times a day He had emphysema and COPD and the doctor said, if he didn't
walk like he did, then he wou ldn't have lived that long Now, our community, right in that area , has many senior
cl t,zens and I see them out there walking. A lot ol them take sticks with them , a lot of them have different other
things with them, so that they can ward off the dogs And I just feel that thek needs need to be tai<en into
conslderabon along with the little kids, along With the famll,es that are picnicking They should fael sale to go
ove, to the park and walk around •~ wtlhout having a lot ol dogs Jump at them or run towards them. And I know
~ does scare lhem, because I hslen to my mom and her fnends talk about ,t I hope you wift take that ,nto
conslderabon also. Thank you
Mayor Woodward said thank you
(d) Bruce Carter, an Aurora reside nt, said the reason that I am here to visit with the Counc,l Is me •
and my business partner, Dav,d Lopez, are opening a medical mari1uana cli nk: on Broadway, 4332 South
Broadway, Englewood, Colorado, 80113 And basically, the reason I came down here w~s lo be a lrtlle bit more
proactive than a lot of the otht'r dispensary 01Nners In town There are a few more d1spensdry owners"' the City
of Englewood and we are the only p<0act1Ve group that has come to this meebnp The reason that I came here
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 • Pag es is that I have a bunch or educational matenals to kind of, you know, give the Council a htlle b1l more educahon on medicinal cannabis. because ll ,s such a premature state right now and a lot of people don't know (a) what It is all about, (b) how to handle ,t. and that goes to show ror a lot of people In the commun,ty, whether It is communoty people, business owners, law enforc:ement. Judges, so on and so forth. They a~ are trying to f,gure out how to handle this and go about tax ing and making sure that these d1spensanes are doing what they are supposed to be and not selling other types or drugs In their d1spensanes ... 1t Is all medical cannab,s, making sure that they are not back-dooring medicine out of their back door. The type of business that we are running is a
legrtimale bus,ness and we do help lots or really UI people. Our dispensary Is aclually one of the only
d1Spensanes on Colorado that has a mlnOI' 1n our rosier. okay? This rrnnor IS actually 16 years old, lhe only
m,nor that is under 17 years old ... according lo the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Th,s young genlleman would have hked lo make II tonight, but he Just had rad iation today. He has leukemia and
he is fighUng il for the second time His Mom called me a month ago and asked me, you know, my son 1s really
struggl,ng with his second fight with leukemia, what can medical cannabis do for my son? And I sat '1own and
on my cell pnone and I talked with her for over an hour. It was an hour and 20 minutes And I talked W1th her
abo ut, you know, I educated her about everything from the 1rad1tlonal way of medicating, smoking, There is
newer methods of vaporizing, which Is a lot more heallhy ... not as many carcinogens and bad things that are ,
you know, lhe chemicals that are ,n the mafljuana, don't get transferred over through the vapor There are
edibles, there are dnnkables, there are topical creams. there are tinctures and we have medical pabenlS that
struggle with menstrual cramps really bad and what they do Is they take tinctures. Okay, and what a tincture Is,
it Is an actual llqu,d cannobls and what they can do Is they can heat up a glass of tea and they put a drop of th is
cannabis ,n their tea This relieves people that have f1bromyalgla, rheumatoid arthritis and a lot of chronic pains,
you know, 1ust to name a few things .traditional medicines don't really work with everybody A lot of people get
sick from traditional medicines ... throw,ng up or having trouble sleeping. I have an elderly lady that Is In her
seventies comes to my store an d she bu ys pounds of butter and she enjcys It and she thanks me every time.
And she goes home, we don't sef' her but maybe once every month . and she buys the butter and she makes
cookies and banana nut bread• •-,cl things that taste, you know, good for her Iha' ,he can take, relax. It helps
her sleep, and It helps her with he, rheumatOld arthnt1s She can barely make rt to my store sometimes ... ! have
to de liver It to her as well, So what we are ottering to the community is not only increased tax revenue, but we
are also Inviting everybody with open arms and open doors lo educate people and teach them about medical
cannabis and the cool things that tt does for a lot of people. I appreciate you guys having us here tonight and
leltJng us speak on behalf of medical cannabis
Mayor Woodward said thank you. He said did you have some materials that you wanted to leave with the
Clerk? Mr. Carter said yeah, I sure do actually I have all sorts of Information I have some signatures and so
forlh and letters from patienlS that can't make l to the meeting, so I've got all sorts of information. Do you mind
if I pass It to them? Mayor Woodward said you may pass tt nght to the Coty Clerk Mr Carter said thank you, I
appreciate that Thank you very much Council
Mayor Woodward said thank you
(e) Warren Edson. a Denver resident, said I am an attorney from Denver, Colorado. I am one of
the co-authors of Article 18, Section 14, or the Colorado Constitution, wh ich most people refer to as Amendment
20 I w,11 be Incredibly brief here. I'm just letting th.i City Counc1l know that I've worked with Natures Kiss.
amongst other dispensaries that are opening up In your C1ly, trying lo make sure they abode by the Consbluhon
and the regulatoons that come with 1t Urging them to obviously stay W1th1n lhe hm1ls of the Consbtut10n, pay
lhelr taxes and all that fun stuff. I hope the City Councils see fit to wo, k with these folks, amongst others, and try
lo figure out a way to allow these businesses lo reasonably open In the City lo provide their medical marijuana
services, as weU as their tax revenue to the City Particularly In light or the fact that we have had an enormous
growth ,n the patient numbers JUSI SlnCe the meeting With the Department or Health that was roughly whal I
guess 11 was two weeks ago I know that the Colorado Springs Gazette Indicated there were 2,000 new patienls
In 8 days after the hearing We have never had more than 1,000 patient appllcati011s In a month and we had
that many ,n 8 days So. the long and the short of It, we have an ever increasing number of patients They are
going to need to get med,cal man1uana from somewhere and d we donl have places hke these d1spensanes,
that means these folks are go,n~ to be back ,n the black market, you knc.N, add,ng to black market cnme and
everything that comes woth that And lhat 1s simply It. so believe 11 or not, these folks are welcoming an attempt
to work with the City and try to get thos done nght, so everybody can win In this situat,on Thanks
Englewood City Councll August 3, 2009 Page6 Mayor Woodwatd said thank you (f) Ella Willunson. an Englewood resident. sa,d good ewemng I l,ve by Jason Park and my grandsoo plays T-ball there and I think the people paf Iha iaxes. not the dogs I also take ca,• of an aubst,c gentleman that bves wdh me Part of my job for the State of Colorado is to g,ve h,m safety skil ls. to teach hm to go out on h,s own, to ctoss streets a~<' he hkes to swing ,n the park He has been atta<.• ad lwlCe al Jason Park and now he is scared to death to go to 11111 pa,1<. because there IS poop, dog, poop, ,J<,g, poop, dog You know
he 1s afraid, so we have to go the other way. I'm a taxpayer. rm a voter I'm a resronsibte obzen that likes
dogs loves dogs ano have always had dogs as wel, but when my 4 year old is on the playground and the dogs
are s.·•01.mdu,g h,m or I'm walking through the park and two b,g St. Bernards come up at me and the lady says,
oil they're nice, they're mce, they can be as nice as they want. tnat IS too much dog They need to be leashed,
not the children The childten are what our future Is I am here today .. I'm a grandma I'm a mom I'm
respoo51bfe and I 11"1~ So I really. really wo,,,d like to see a leash law Thank you.
Mayor Woodward said thank you
(g) Mochaef Wilklnsor,, an Englewood resident, said as my wife told you, we bve nght near the
park. .. tt IS right out our front door My grandson plays T-ball there al the !me I was riding my moton:yde down
the street not too long ago when a dog comes running out and almost knocks me off my motorcycle not on a
leash. I know It is no leash required r:Ne< there. but do any ol you have grandchildren that are going to play T-
baU In thal park? Do you want them sliding au over dog mess or the dogs chase the baU just ltke the kid The
kid is ruMing after the bait, the or ) knocks the kid over to get to the bal You know, I think they have their own
park. It 1s nght down around tr ~ t:lal we al paid taxpayers money lo build that other park for them I think
they belong down .t ... re MayL , Is so much dog mess down there lh1t they want to come up to the other •
park that they havenl destrOyed yet. Clean up thal park and send thern down there. Have a nice night
Mayor Woodward said thank you
(h) Dick Baty, an Englewood reSlden~ said I five diredly across from Jason Park There has been
an aw1ul lot of lhill9$ lo do with this park a tot of conversation You folks. I know. have spent an awful lot of
your time on this issue I have lived there, fike I sa,d, 42 years and before that it was a farm. WeU when you
guys turned it into a park that was the greatesl thing that you could do I understand that these people,
especlatly the people ,n apartments and stuff need a place to put their dog and exercise that dog, especially If
they w0l1I dunng the day If you come by these ton,ghl thal place is Ju$! oompletely packed with
people . \/Olleybal, T-bal What have you .hardly any place to park In there. I don1 think that what we need to
have ,s the dogs 111 this kind of a srtuabon Mr 0akley ,s In my dlSlrict and he had mentioned lenc,ng the n0l1h
part of the park from the playground and also to the east of the ball diamond Weli, they say that the people. the
dog park people, they have said lf we don1 have ft al. we don't want any ol L Wei, that is au welt and good.
There is something else that you folks might look at. a place that is very llttle used, which YIOUld be a pe,fed
place for these people and that ,s Rotolo Park. If you will dove by there, ,t ,s vacant iust about any Ume you
drive by lhele These people could have that and have that only for the1r own place I think you m,ght want to
talk that over 1f you don't care about Mr Oakley's idea, talk dover about Rotolo Park. which I llunk would be
very good Thanks lo, islen,ng
Mayer Woodward said thank you
(ij Diane Newton-Szalay, an Englewood resident said we have the oldest existing business 1n
Englewood (Newton's HaltslyWlg) olher than the post office. We are very established and I am here to welcome
and support any new businesses that will help boost our economy The only way we are go,ng lo help
ourselves IS to help other businesses get established We are ver, establi-hed. We probably have done your •
hair, or your mothers' hair or your children's hair We are Ol)&n 7 days a week. But I also wanted to get
educated on th,s top,c also. so I went down to what they caled, the Peace of Medlone Center. When I first
walked up there f 'Nas greeted by security I walked ., and met a man by t~e name of Kevin He WOfks with the
VA Hospital He IS the one that helps set everybody up With trying to get them off the opiates I don1 know how
many veterans we have here or how many that you know that are 111 the serv,ces but when I talk v.'llh them they
Eng lewood City Council Augus t 3, 2009 • Page7 have now ove< 8.000 people signed up and they only have 40 d1spensanes Wen where are these 8,000 people 90mg to go? And like our attorney says that we've got people s19n1ng up nght and left We have to have new businesses in Englewood to keep our economy 90109 We are one of the very established businesses that ~ave been here forever. I am speak ing on behalf of them . because I lhmk that they will baa very good estab lished business 111s something new that Is coming up and something that you are going to have to deal wit h on all aspects There ,s not a whole lot to draw to Englewood here, because you've got so many different shopping centers go,ng up What is gomg to keep people in Englewood? We have to have established businesses that
are gomg to stlci< around You should go to the other dispensaries We have them on Alameda between
Broadway and Santa Fe. We have them further down on Broadway and Warren They haven't had any
problems al all If you want to see Eng•ewood grow and you want to see your economy grow and you want to
see your newcomers and people grow. you are going to have lo open your eyes and see what you can do about
getting these new businesses established. Help us establish new businesses. so that we ca n keep ou r
businesses going. She Is from South Side Feed She's got a lot to say also She will be their new landlord, but
everything Is left up to you and we are going to keep our fingers crossed that you can open your eyes and bnng
some new revenue 11110 Englewood that wiN slick around Thank you.
Mayor Wooa,,ard said thank you
U) Jolie Baty, an Englewood resident, said we video taped some of the dogs at Jason Park and
I've noticed that there has been a lot of Incidents with them , so here is the video, [Clerk's rote· The video was
shown I
Mayor Woodward said thank you
• (k) Martha Griego, an Englewood resident, said good evening This ,s my third time to app,oach
City Council to have all dogs be on-leash at Englewood parks. so that the community can be in a safe and
hea lthy environment. I have read many anlctes regarding off-leash dogs and found many facts of like children
and dogs do not mix I continue to give you Information about this, but for some reason yo u guys are not
listen·ng to the facls I am Just curious how you can all sll there and judge about dogs being okay In the park
when you, yourselves, don't go to the park on a regular basis like most of us do I am not out to get any one of
you, but come on, what more do we have to do? Maybe some of you have a conflict of mterest since you were
or once was a member of the Unleashed Dog orgamzabon and conbnue to support this cause for your own
personal reasons . You are here to support Englewood residents and their ,ssues So far, I have not seen you
suppon the residents, nor their children for a safer and heallhy environment. The community does not want to
compromise any more. We already did that with the Englewood Unleashed by building a doggie park for them
and their canine, when Bates-Logan was shut down for unleashed dogs Englewood Unleashed continues to
want more parks for the canmes You, as well as Englewood Unleashed , have forgotten that Englewood parks
were built for Children and their famllles The owners and their canines have Infringed on our rights to be safe
We, the commumty, are comprom,sing alfeady by having the dogs conllnue to be at the parks. We are just
asking for a very simple thing and that ,s to put all canines on a leash. We are not trying to gel rid of a person's
animal We Just want our parks to be safe and enjoyable as It once was I don't think the community ,s ask1119
too much Instead of building a fence, why not put that money mlo making 3 to 5 sand volleyball couns to have
competitions al both parks This would bring in reven ue to Englewood People with kids could watch their kids
on the playground while playing volleyball, The news would spread and people would come here to play This
would also cul down the trampled grass from people already playing grass volleyball Wouldn't this be more
productive than splitting the park so that the canines can run free and cause more problems 10 the community
residents and their acl,vities? If this were a court case and you were the Judges, we would give you facts and
evidence for our cases .. so here are the facts We have presented pictures and video With people talking to
1nd1Cale what Is going on at the park 75% of Englewood's residents signed a peMion to testify that there Is a
problem al the parks with dogs You have people show up In person and say what Is going on at the park with
dogs and what happened to them personally. Written lellers by residents have been given to you You have
been given documents that indicate how bad feces Is In parks, caused by dogs Jason Park Is being cal led a
dog park If you look at the comments from 7News, the people are asking why would you bnng food and kids to
a dog park Take them to a ktds park There ,seven a web page called lhe Jason Bark Park Group now Now
the opponents side ·v,e know there 1s a problem and we Will post s,gnage up to help people with the rules
Thele are plctutes of how cute our dogs are and when they are playing A peht,on with the 41 % of the
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 8 Englewood residents want to keep the parks on-leash for the dogs We clean up lhe other people's dog poop of we find rt If dogs are aggressive we ask people not to bring them back We have fund ra isers We have people come ,n and lalk about theor dogs and how noce ot ,s to have these privileges The Olher Side is exaggerabng Our dogs ne,er gove us a problem and the dogs love the green grass They don't want to play on the dirt anymore and dogs running free sumulales theor menlabty" Now I leave n up to you. the )Udges. How will you vote now lhat you have heard the facts and seen the eVldence? I ask that you really lake this into cons,derallon .all facts that I have put on front of you I would hke to know which fudge will make the mobon to put dogs on a leash In all Englewood parks, so all people can en1oy the parks In a safe and healthy environment
or make the motio .r. have dogs continue to Infringe on human nghts, to bark, growl , jump on them. lake their
food, drink lrc.11 1, • ,h•nk1ng fountains. be in the pavilion and leave their waste behind . Please make that motion
tonighl ~~ ,,e, t~e -~mmunlty, will know how you Judge the residents of Englewnod and their children .
Rememt.!1 the pe:.uons were 75% Englewood residents and according to Kim Love from the Unleashed
orgamzallon, <hey &aid 'hey had 41% Englewood residents You know, I am not sure that is true 0< no~ but I
woolu like to kn:>w. I mcJn, I don't see Korn Love here and to me that is like they are goven SO<ne informatJon on
what II gomg on In hP·e and I think that IS a little biased because lo us, we are here to fight every Counof
meebng to get the ll, • :>ack on a leash. That IS an we are asking We are not askong to get nd of the dogs
We all love the doqs \le en)Oy them and I don't mind going up to a person that has a dog that has a leash so
we can goµ.:• •herr., 1,, I don't want a dog to Infringe on me or anybody else. II ls not right and lhal is what we
are here for. T:,~nk 'f"I.
Mayor Woodward salo than~ you .
(I) Ric• Gllh~ an Englewood resident, said thank you Mr Mayor Tonight I want to latk a 5tue bit
about the r.',g parks as well I actually spoke the fir1t time four six weeks ago, I cant remember, It was a
couple of Counal mee~ngs ago my concern about the animals around Belleview Parle. I didn't know that there •
was a group upset al Jason Park as much as I was at Be'levleW Park. I talked lo my neighbors. I kind of had a
little community meebng and asked them what they thought and my netghbO<s are very upset at what ls going
on even at Bellev1ew We do have the Canine Corral on the west side of Belleview Park and It just seems that
people are parking around the nice part of the park where there is all the grass. And I asked one of the
gentleman who has a real nice black lab and very friendly dog, but run ning everywhere, running up to kids, and I
asked him why don't you take him, you know there is a park back there, and he said yeah, have you been there,
that thing is full of crap. I guess there is feces everywhere, according to him. And there Is no water for the
dogs, so the dogs are en)Oylng the hlUe creek down the middle of Belleview Park So it tells me that we have a
need. Basically Councd, what your citizens ate looking for ,s your leadership. We have been lalking to you long
enough and not hearing anything I am sure that you guys are probably doscuss,ng It, 1t Just doesn't seem to be
v,sibte. But we want some actoon We want some leader1hip Somebody to say, you know whal we need to do
something about this and we need to show the cibzens that we understand theff concern And up to this point,
there has not been anything other than you hearing us complain I am asking that you provide ( 1) an
emergency moratorium on all off-leash parks. I know you guys know how to do an emergen~y m0<atonum so . I
think this needs to be studied before somebod\ gets hurt II would be a great Idea to get some good community
Input, maybe have a public meeting to just see .,ow the public rea ll y thinks about this. Like I sa id before, I have
pets I am a responsible ~el owner. I keep my pets In the yard and when I walk them they are on a leash They
are always with me So. the second thing we can do Is have visible enforcement from Whitaker, Upan ... Where
a lot of people park, 10 walk back to the Carune Corral There Is nothing visible of where the dogs can poop or
where the bags can clean up the poop II would be noce, I don't know d it ls the Englewood Unleashed that IS
901ng to do lhal but It would be nice d the City lakes some, you know, d they are go,ng to allow dogs to be off
the leash I'm not even sure d the Englewood park, as a whole, 1s aDowed to be off•leash I don't krow so I
don't want lo make a complaint If I'm J~st saying something It would be noce to have a sign that says, this IS an
unleashed area or this Is a leashed park, please keep your dogs on E~her way there Is nothing I spoke to my
neighbor who has two little dogs and they love to wa lk on a leash They said they are always worried about the
bigger dogs that come up to them, because they are little yappers and they want to bite the big dogs. They are •
alraod their htlle dogs are going to get in trouble for biting the big dogs . So there Is Just some concern And on
!he Canine Corral, I actually went back there and looked at 1t myself and it is not a pteasanl place. It Is dirty,
dogs are dirty I guess and they like to run around In the dirt, but that 1s why I think people a·e bnng,ng theor
an,mals and their pets 10 the nooe part of Belleview Park and the nooe part of Jason Park, because ,t ,s noce If
we a,e go,ng to have a Canine Corral. let's have a noce Canine COtTal Let's have some water there 10< the
• Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 9 pets, so that they don~ have 10 run down lo the stream and scare the IIIUe kids That is all I have to say I Just would realy support this Council doing something hk.e that It would be nice to go back to my neighbor$ who are expecbng me to report back to them and at least let them know that you guys are concerned and we are doing something. Thank you. Mayor Woodward said thank you
(m) Mark Craft. an Englewood resident, said thank you Mayor and Council. I live in the Simon
Center. I came lo speak in favor of having medical marijuana close by, because I have a defect in my kidney
and for the last 25 years ii has caused me to produce anywhere from 1 lo 11 kidney stones a day. I've gone to
f1Ve doctors, five uroiogists, and two nephrologists and nobody can do anything about ii... so I suffer. I've been
on narcotics tc, the last nine years It is getting to the point where narcotics don't help. My doct0< says l would
qualify for medical marijuana. If I do go to It, I would like to have someone close by. This new guy that spoke
about setting up a shop here on Broadway, I would like to go to him . He seems nice. I'm one of these that
needs it. I'm In chronic pain I'm having trouble sitting on these hard benches. I have carpe l tunnel from using
a computer 10< a number of years I've had six hernia repairs. l don't want to bore you with my problems, but I
think tt would help me ease my suffering So lhere are people out here that are testifying that do need
something. Thank you. Could the Ari Ro!ach bus be extended down lo the new theatre on Sanla Fe and
Hampden? Could you work out a deal with Shertdan? I know they are strapped for cash . It would give the
people in Simon Center something to do ... to go to the movies. Seve;al tenants have suggested It and I said I
would bring It up at Council. And maybe go Into Target I think tt would help the busl ~SSElS In Sherloan too and
Englewood. And give the people in Simon Center and OR:hard Place somewhere to i: And the kids when
they are on vacation somewllere to go to. to the moYies Thank you .
• Mayor Woodward said thank you .
(n) Elaine Hults, an Englewood residen~ said I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity of
addressOlg al of you . There has been an issue for quite some lime. I actually view many of these accidents that
happen beh ind the a 1rtments, because my apartment Is on the seventh ffoor and it laces due west I am
concerned with the action of traffic on the alleyway behind the post office, that runs between Girard and Floyd.
It is just one block east of Broadway. I, myself, Just last week, almost had an accident People are sUII entering
from Floyd Streei, because there Is no ... I would prefer that ft was a one-way alley, bec!IUse people enter fr0<n
Floyd and lhele are people exiting and enteMg from both ends of this alley. It Is a one-way street alley. I
almost got clipped, because some people who are also exttlng out from the post olfice, making a left hand tum
to go onto Floyd. I am coming out of that corner parking lot and I a1most got hit tt,at time , They come nylng out
from the back of the post office, on the side of the post olf,ce, And we have anoth~r problem. People are
entenng from the alley on Floyd and enterlrg a one-way, a designated one-way entrance, Into the post office,
which Is contraty to what the signs say. We have a jam problem. What I am concerned about is that somebody
Is going to be injured or killed. We have many people who are very disabled In our building, who go with
walkers, who also go with motorized equipment and v,heelchalrs. And If anyone cannot see them, especially if
the weather Is bad ... they do take the trip of going through the post office parking lot area to make their way
actoss Broadway or to catch the bus sometimes And people come nylng out of there and our par1<lng lot is
there trs really a very dangerous spot. We have talked to the trans4 diviston They did reissue the s,gn. They
put a very d1sbnct sign showing this to be a one-way. Everyth,ng ,s marked, ~ut people do not observe ll I think
something has to be done abOut making this alley one way or the other or sonXJbody Is 90mg to get kliled
Thank you so much.
Mayor Woodward said thank you
(o) Clint Wilson, an Englewood resident, said the reason thal I am here today is that I am the
director of Outreach at Wellspring Church We are located Just south of Hampden. We try to do a lot for the
community We have a ministry which reaches out weekly to about 100 homeless and low-Income families,
where we feed them, we give them groceries, and certainly ii any of you here would be 1n need of thal we hope
that you would come and participate But the reason that I am actually here ~ to just menllon that we are going
to be having a communit1 g~thering on Saturday, August 1511 and I wanted to mvite all you Council members
Pnd Mayor Woodward anl' onyone else here who wants to come We are go ,ng to be Just discussing Issues and
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 10 needs within the community and we want to reach out and do more for the community We want to come up underneath the community and serve In any way that we can And wl1at this meeting is not go in g to be, 1s some sort of meeting to promote particular theolog ica l perspectives or whatnot But what we are simp ly trying to do is to get together and create a dialogue and discussion, where we can have key playe rs and key community members come together and say hey you know we have this Is sue . Maybe it co uld be something fo r elderly citizens, wher~ they need their house painted or they need sta irs rebuilt or something like that. Someth in g which shortfalls the educational system , that we could help address . We could leverage resources . We have a netv.'Ork of churches and so we would love lo do that. If any of you would ,ike to come, I wou ld love to extend
that offer to you . Aga in, it's August 15", Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. t0 10 :30 a.m. at Wellspring Church . If
you have any questions , feel free to approach me after this. Council members , if you haven't already rece ived
one of these , I think you will, or an invitation of some form . Thank you again and I appreciate you li sten in g.
Council Membe r Mccaslin sa id can you repeat the address so everyone ... Mr. Wilson s~id the address of the
church , wh ich is actually where I live ... l live In the basement of the church ... ls 4300 South Lincoln Street. Do
you know wher~ the drive-through , walk -up Starbuck 's is? Broadway ... just south of Goodwill? It is one block
east of that. It is called Wellspring Church . We would love to have any of you come . so we could help serve
you in any way . Thank you .
Mayor Woodward asked i s this the location of the former Cornerstone Church? Mr . Wilson sa id yes . Mayor
Woodward said okay . Counc il Member Mccaslin sa id and It used to be Chsrrelyn Baptist? A long time ago .
Mr. Wilson said ye~.
Mayor Woodward sa id the last person that has signed up Is Rhonda Fie ld$. ',nd if there is anyone else after •
that, I'm going to hold them back until the end of the regularly scheduled r,,eeting and let them speak under
General Discussion , at that Ume .
(p) Rhonda Fields , an Englewood resident. sa id my granddaughter is 20 months old . And when
she comes to visit, I can't take her to the park , becau~e of the dogs off-leash . I fear for her safety . I had her
there one day and a dog came runn ii1 g up to her . a big dog , and th!.' lady says ... oh he won 't bite . But I looked
down and the dog's hair was stand ing on end . I could not pick her up fast enough and get her out of the park . II
is a shame that I have to cut my time with my gra~ddaughter short , in an out ing to the park that shou ld ~e fun ,
because of somebody else's dogs . This past weekend, my friend and I were going to go to the park and sit and
visit because they live In anoth~r state . I couldn 't do that because of the dogs running loose and the poop in the
grass . I grew up with Jason Parl<. I rem ~mber when it was a farm . And it is a shame that my granddaughter
cannot take advantage of tre same park that I had growing up . My paren ts have a small dog that I would love
to take for a walk on a lea sh , but I can't go anywhere near th~ park because he is a small dog and I'm afraid for
him wit h the bigger dogs. So , I mean , It 's ... I don't know what else to say . Yes , you r dog may be frie11dly , but
certain circumstances, something that that dog does not like: you may or may not be able to control him
ve1~ally . And If it is going to take somebody to get bit or mau led before you make the Englewood park a
leashed park , then that's a shame , because it's loo late . Thank you for lis ten ing .
Mayor Woodward said thank you .
Mayor Wood\•·ard sa1C: we are moving on with our regular agenda right now, and again , !here will be
opportun iti es for anybody else If they want to speak
8. Communications , Proclamations and Appolntmenl9
(a) A proc lamatio n in honor of the Englewood United Methodist Church 's 100'" t sar at its present •
loca tio n was considered .
Englewood City Co uncil August 3, 2009 • Page11 Ma yor Woodwa rd asked if there were any commenls Mayor Woodwa1d said I would hke to comment thal the United Methodist Church has been In ,ts current location they are celebraong ,ts too" year, as well as 119 years ,ts official anniversary as a church And ,t ,s holding an anniversary celebrat10n on Saturday, August 8" at 3 00 pm Church men.bers dnd neighbors celebrate the his tory of the church and its special place In the community I would also like to acknowledge Englewood United Methodist Ch•irch ,n recognizing as a commur.Ity partner, cotlaborabng with the City of
Englewood to help with and to t>t, a part of the community and its events The Crty wiShes to honor and
recognize the Englewood United Methodist Church 'JO the noteworthy occasion of this spec,al anniversary
Council Member Mccaslin satd I would hke to also say that when I was In Boy Scouts, Troop 92, that's where
we held all of our meebngs and get-togethers. 1t was a fantastic place I will be there It was a great place to go
Vot e resu lts:
Motion carried.
Ayes :
Coundl Members Penn, Mccaslin. Woodwa•d, Jeffe rson, WIison, Oakley
Council Member Moore
Mayor Woodward presented the proclamatJon to Police Comm;,'lder Gary Condreay Mayor Woodward said he
is a lay leader representing the congregation of the Englewooo United Methodist Church. He sa,d if you would
care to say a few words about the church, please feel free He said congratulations to you and your wife and
your congregation . Police Commander Condreay said thank you . I am the current lay leader of the
congregation for the Englewood United Methodist Church at 3885 South Broadway . I heard Cou ncil was
concerned about what I do when I am not wonung, so I wanted to make sure that I showed up for this. (There
was laughter.) He said Just a few of the fun facts. In 1890, the very first Methodist Sunday school was
or~anlzed, in what they called the new Englewood area In 1909, the church was moved to its current locat10n
at Mansfield and Broadway, on the 1 >rthwest corner. And after several different buildings, In 1963, the ground
was broken for the current sanctuary as ,t Is now. The cost was $250,000.00 and when it was teamed that the
stained glass windOws that you can see in-between the cemenl was going to cost another $80,000.00, the
congregahon stepped forward and all cf those windows were done by all of lhe members of the congregat,on
Each one of th em tells a separate bible slory Englewood United Methodist ~'•11ch continues to be involved In
miss10n work. We currently have had a children's learning center, at the chur,', ·or over 20 years and it
provides aflonlable day care for up to 80 children Last year they also opened an Infant room, within th(,
children's leam,ng .:enter. The second SaIurday of each month, the church hosts a dolhes closet a nd fJOd
~an try and on those Saturdays, several hundred members of the community come to obtain clot"ing ar.~ food
for their families As Mayor Woodward already announced , this Saturday August 8" from 3 lo 8 p.m., we are
going lo be celebfahng our 100 years at the same location The last hour, from 7 lo 8, there Is going to be a
srode show and hymn sings inside the church The slode show will talk about the history of the church We sent
out about 400 invitations and we've also dehvere<I flyNs throughoul the ne,ghborhood announcing th is occas,on
So, It Sh()uld be a fun time . There will be a lot of food , music, bouncy balloon things and all kinds of sluH So II
you have lime. I'd like to InvIte you by and we are also teaming it up with National Night Out Thank you very
Several Co1mc1I Members said congratulahons and thank you .
Mayor Woodward said I also want to mentJon that in the late summe· the1e's always a peach sale going on at
the church and ., the lal , thtre·s always the pumplun sale s01ng on ,t the church There's a very wel attended
day care center But again, congratulations to you and lhe congregation or Englewood United Method1St
• Church
9 Con.,ent Agenda
(a) Approval of Ordinances on F1:st Read ing
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 12 There were no addtt,onal rtems submitted for approval on first read,ng (See Agenda Item 11 ) COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON MOVED, AND COU NCIL MEMBER PENN SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 9 (b) (I). (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading (Q ORDINANCE NO 31, SERIES OF 2009 (COUNCIL BILL NO 32. INTROOUCED BY
Vote resulll:
Motion carrfed.
Council Members Penn, Mc1-•• 11n, ~1oodward, Jefferson, WIison, Oakley
Council Member Moore
(c) Resolutions and Motions
There were no additional resolutions or motions submllled for approval (See Agenda Item 11.)
10. Public Hearing Items
No publi(, hearing was scheduled before Council
11 . Ordinances, Resolution and Motions
(a) AJ>provat of Ord1na:ices on Fl/st Readong
(I) Deputy Chief of Police Collins pr~s Jnted a recommendation from the Police
Department to adopt a bill for an ordinance approving an intergovemmental Agreement authorizing a
Memorandum of Understanding for !he City of Englewood's partlcipabon WI the Denver Metro Auto Thell Team
(DMATT). He said I'll try lo mako thls fairly brief. DMATT, Denver Metro Auto Theft Taskforce, has asked us to
assist them, and essentially join them, In their efforts to combat the auto theft and the peoples that are Involved
in such-By passing this bit for an ordinance that will allow us to do so It would be on a PJlt-time bas;s and I
want to make sure that you understand that We would provide an Investigator to the tasklotce to attend
meetings, to assist them when necessary However, If we experience an issue that tests our abilities to handle
it, with our own resources, they wil! come In and assist us. That's essentially ii They reqwe an MOU to gel
this done
Mayor Woodward asked if there were any questions for Depu,~ Chief Collins. There were none.
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 • Page 13 Mayor Woodward asked 11 there were any con .menlS Mayor Woodward said I JUSt wanted 10 mention that t.ng1nally this goes back to 2005 when our membership started with the Denver Metro Auto Theft Team and I think. as I recall, hearing. I thin k the 2006 numbers. ,1 had been pretty successfu l In what they had been doing Mayor Woodward asked 1f there were any other comments or questoons There were none
Vote results:
Motion carried
Council Members Penn, McCaslon, Woodward, Jefferson, Wilson, Oakley
Council Member Moore
(ii) Deputy Chi ef of Police con,ns presented a recommendation from the Police
Department to a1op! a biH for an ordinance app,ov,ng an Intergovernmental Agreement authonz,ng a
Memorandum of Understanding with the Untted States Marshals ServlCe for the Coty of Englewood's
paruc,pation in the Adam Walsh Task Force. He said Ih1s is an important taskforce that is headed by the U.S
Marshall's office. FLAG and HIDTA They need permission from us to assist them when they come Into our
City, in dealing with matters related lo cnmes against children, and dealing with sexually violent predators.
Individuals that fail to reg ister as sex offenders In order for us to officially ass ist them, they require a
Memorandum of Understanding And again, this Is not a full Ume taskforca for anybody to assist them. They
generally have a roun.1-up once a year and occaslonnlly come into the City and ask for some or our resources to
ass,st them In finding people This w,U allow us lo officially do so .
• Council Member Mccaslin said when was this taskforce formed? Deputy Chief Collins replied It has been
formed for qulle awhile And In all honesti. when they come inlo the City, we do not shy away from helping
!hem But to be officially recognized as helping them , they do requ ire a piece of pape r with our slgnalure on IL
They have been around for quile a while. Council Member Mccaslin said 10 years, 15 years? Deputy Chief
Collons said I'm sorry I wouldn't throw out a number that I'd be guessing al
Mayor Woodward asked 11 there were any other quesllOns There were none
Mayor Woodward asked 11 there were further commenlS or doscusSK>n
Mayor Woodward said this has to do with high 1ntenslIy drug traffock,ng. fugII,ve localoon and apprehensoon
Vote rosults:
Moll<>n earned
Council Members Penn , McCashn, Woodward, Jellerson. WI ison, Oak ley
Council Member Moore
Eng lewood City Council Augu st 3, 2009 Page 14 Deputy Ch.er Collins said thank you Mayor Woodward and Councal Member Oakley said thank you (bl Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading There were no add itional items submllled for approval on second readi ng (See Agenda llem 9. Consenl Agenda) (c) Resolullons and Motions
(ij Mayor Woodward said Dlfector Gryglewicz WIU present a recommendation from the
Finance and Adminislrative Services Departmenl lo adopl a resolution authorizing a supplemental appropriation
to abate the property at 3750 South Cherokee. This Is property that we talke1 about in Study Session. Dlreclor
Gryglewicz said basically the Mayor said it all. Thi s Is a supplemenlal appropriation to the 2009 Budgel or
$20,000 00 The funds will come from the unreserved, undesignated fund balance that we used Ir, the
contingency for the abalement of the Cherokee property. That is at 3750 SOl'th Cherokee Street
Mayor Woodward asked If there were any quesllons for Frank. There were none
Mayor Woodward asked if there were any comments .
Mayor Woodward said again I think this is really supporting a neighborhood thal has had a traged1· In , .. to begin
with, and they asked us to do something, some llln8 ago, and unfortunately be.:ause of cin:umstances, ~ is
f111aly bme that we car f,nally get somethmg done So, I wil be sur~~ this
Mayor Woodward ~,ked ,r there were any other commenls There were none.
Vote raaulta:
Council Members Penn, Mccaslin, Woodward, Jefferson, Wil son, Oakley
Council Member Moore
Director Gryglewicz said thank you
12. Goneral Discussion
(Clerk's note. Mayor Woodward began General D•scuss10n with Council Members' Choice Agenda Item 12 (a)
• Mayor's Chooce follows the Council Membefs comme~ts )
(bl Councd M~mbers· Cho,ce
(i) Council Member Oakley
1. He said again, I would like to thank everybody who came and spo\e before us tonight II seems like
these d1scu1S100s are going to go on, bec3use theres a lot of reelin,, on bot h sides I hope that something WIii
come out of the recommendaltons from the Parks and Recreation ~t will help us With thlS in tne future We'0
Just have lo we1t and see how rt goes
• Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 15 2. He said I was notic,ng some ol the literature I/lat was handed out to us tonigh t, by lhe gentleman , I believe, lhal said he was opening the shop on South Broadway. One ol the reasons lhal I had staled was that I needed more he lp with this and more education certainly, and this is going to lake some time to gel this all done Because one or the handouts that he showed us, as I just quickly read II, basically wants lo legalize marijuana So, I know lhal there are both sides ol lhls and this is going lo lake us some 1,me to work it out. Mayor Woodward said thank yoo Wayne
(ii) Council Member Wilson:
1 She said yes. I want to thank everyone lo, coming on au of lhe issues I know lhal they are passionate
and mean a lot to lhe people who are here I also appreciate you commg from Welsp,,ng and you are bnnging
help to lhe City. I think that's great.
2. 'he said and we will look at the alley traffic and see W signage ,sup.
3. She said I would also like tL . If someone were lo approve Council Bill No. 35 , an emergency bill lor an
ordinance establishing a temporary ~uspenslon or moratorium on Ille establishment of new medical marijuana
dispensing and growing ut<e"J fo· a period of six monllls I would like lo see this go to P & Z, our Planning and
Zoning Department, an~ h:•v~ them look Into It and ma,,d recommendations back to us. This wou ld not affect
lhe ones that are alreaay in lhe City. It wou ld just atlect...have to do with the new ones
Mayor Woodward asked you are asking lor a motion to approve or are you making the motion. Council Member
Wilson asked can I go ahead and make the motion
ICleilt's note: Council Bill No. 35 was listed on the Agenda as ttem 12 (b) (1).)
Mayor Woodward asked ii there was any discussion .
Coonctl Member McCaslln said well, I'm glad yoo clanfied lhe existing .. how many do we have existing now,
citywide? Council Member Wilson answered I llllnk two. Council Member McCashn said we have two. From
lhe audience, Bruce Carter said !here ls actuaUy three and a fourth one opening up In probably anolher week°'
two Cooncil Member McCashn said so we have tnree oo,, Is that goi~• 'feet the fourth one so he cannot
open unbl .. ? Counol Member Wilson said I donHnow City Attome. .,izman said they have to be u,
operatton befo,e the second reading
Mayor Woodward said which would be August , .,.., which is in section two of lhe second side ol lhe page. He
said so they have pulled their permits and are they doing any tenants improvements or anything like that? My
concern would be that they are diligent~ doing lhelr work , this being a legal operation , diligently doing their work
and all or the sudd en, come August 17 , when thOy may not be complete, that we have cul them off because of
this does anybody know that? Alan? Diroctor White said I am not aware of any of these establishments
having current perm its that are In process
Mr Carter said I spoke to Cooncil earlier. He said there are 40 to 50 different dispensaries and there Is a calling
for a lot more to open VVhal ,s happening ,s that a lot of these dispensaries are pulhng their licenses and things,
saying that they are medical consulting e<. -npanies o, medical faCILtles "'Whatever They are kind of beabng
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 16 around lhe bush In telhng what they are do,ng, because lhey are shll kind or arrald or lhe stigma Wllh us . we actually went to the federal government and lhey know exacUy what we are d04ng We have our permits through lhem. through the State, and then, we pulled through lhe City of Englewood, as well The other dispensaries, I can·t speak for them and they obviously don't care enoug~ :o be here themselves. but when 11 comes to operahng a business lhat Is actually operating right now. I don't know how to answer that queshon for them Mayor Woodward said okay Th,s Is me speaking personalty, where I do not want to go Is to get ,nto a s,tuat,on
of taking. in anyway ... where, we as a government. are taking the abihty of a leasee or tenant or a landlord who
has leased somelhing to a business that Is lega l at this time and limit them to a dale where they are moving
forward wilh their legal business
Council Member WIison sa,d Isn't there some sort of penrntbng? Wouldn't they have to get a permR befOfe they
start or ... ? Mayor Woodward said well, I don't see anybOdy here that can tell us if there is a permit City
Allorney Brotzman said ·,e only th ing ... slnce we don't have a general business license ... and there . obviously
there isn't one for medk...1 marijuana. what you are going to be looking at Is have lhey pulled their sales tax
license? Mayor WoodWard said okay Council Me~iber Penn said and 11 they pulled their sales tax lcense by
the 17"', then lhey would be okay? City Morney Brotzman said then they would be fine. Mayor Woodward said
okay. That answers my question. Mr Carter clarified by August 17"', Is that what you are ... ? Okay Cool Mr
Carter continued and we have already gone through all of the steps to do that. We have actually even talked
with Sergeant Kelly Martin w11h the City or Englewood Police Department and we have estab lished
communicabOn there. They are very intetested ,n our business, wanting to make sure that we are legit and they
are checking with fellow business owners In the convnunity and everybody Is realty ex~ed for us
Council Membe r Penn said you might want to let your other friends know that they may have a deadline of •
August 17" to get the,r licenses taken care of. Mr. Carter replied In regards to them .•. we're ourselves . Councd
Member Penn said I understand Mr carter said what they do, Is what they do. I can't tell them how to
Mayor Woodward said d has been helpful and I appreciate your ,nfomnatlon Mr. Carter said !hank you Mr
Mayor and Council I really appreciate ~ Mayor Woodward said thank you
Mayor Woodward asked II there was any more discussion at this time.
Council Member Penn said I'm hke Wayne I don1 lhlOk we have enough knowledge nght now to make some of
these decisions I will be willing to suppoo this al this time, but really, I think we all have to get educated more
and bring in more information from our City departments. I think Jilt ls correct We send it to P & Z and see
what they do But II is going to be a learning curve for all of us, I truly believe.
Mayor Woodward asked Bob, did you have something Council Member McCashn said no. t lh.lOk that
genUeman wanted to say something and I didn't know If 11 was appropnate to say something now or II you
wanted them lo wait until afl'lr. Mayor Woodward said no We will have some more public comment r,ght
after. Council Member Mccaslin said sir, you can talk rlg hl alter this I just wanted to le t you know so that you
didn't think we were cutting you off or some'/ling
Mayor Woodward asked 1f anyone etse had any other comments
Council Member Jefferson said will we potent1ally revis it this before the six month per,od? Mayor Woodward
s.:ld as soon as 11 comes back from P & Z City Attornuy Brotzman said Community Development put together a
schedule and it's rather aggressive to get rt back to Council in six months Council Member Jefferson said okay
City Attorney Brotzman said so I tt,1nk you'A be seei,g zoning, the comma! aspects regarding licensing and our
current possess ion and accessory uses, coming back to you at the same IIme and you'll probably see
something on licensing at that time as well Council Member Je fferson said okay.
Mayor Woodward asked for any other comments There were none
Vote results:
Ayes : Council Members Penn, McCash n, Woodward. Jefferson, Wilson , 0akley
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 • Page17 Nays Absenl Mol,oo earned None Council Member Moore (••J Council Member Jefferson 1 He said you know I, loo, iusl wanl 10 lhank everybody for coming oul and lalking on lhe dog and medical marijuana Issues. Again, I know lhal lhey can be emollonal Issues for a lol of people, partlcula~y wilh lhe dogs.
Hopefully, everyone is aware ofwhal process we are going through now. We are going lhrough ... getting a
recommendation lhrough Parl<s and Rec so lhal Is why you wonl :ie seeing a motion lhls evening We al came
lo a consensus and agreed lhal we would waa for lhe results from lhe Parks and Rec Commission, a
recommendation before we make any sort of action on lhal issue.
2. He said I would agree lhal lhe inlersection behind lhe posl office Is having some Issues for some l ime
and so I don'I know If we need lo do a Council requesl or if lhal is just something Iha! you guys will jusl take a
look al and make sure that the appropnale s,gnage is up lhere and being enforced. City Manager Sears
responded Ne actually do have an ET AC boald, which also lakes a look al lnlersections or lakes a look al traffic
issues. Council Membef Penn said we have talked about lhls quije a bil a~eady. They are welcome lo come lo
lhe Transportation Committee again. I know lhal you guys have been lhere before.
3. He said I hope everyone ts aware of where we are going with lhe dog Issue and whal Iha process Is
going lo be. Like I sald, I lhtnk Ric.I< also made some sort of commenl about il .. exactly whal is going on. so
hopefully he can pass lhat along lo his neighbors oo exaclly where we are al wilh lhis process.
• (iv) Council Me mber Penn said I would )usl like lo lhank everyooe for coming oul lonlghl. f
appreciate lhelr words. And lhal's really all I have tonight Thank you .
(v) Council Member McCaslin:
1 He said I have the same thing. Uke lhal one lady said, II is very lnlimtdatmg to get up in fronl of Council
and lalk, so when you do get up, we appreclale it BecaJse any feedback thal we get Is very ,nformalive. I
know lhese decisions on marijuana and dogs ... lhey are lough ... lhey are emotoonal. I know lhe marijuana
lhlng .. lhere are people who really need It, so we don't wanl lo shun them , but we ' so want to make ii safe. I
would feel, as an o;>eralor, I wouldn'I want people snooping around and trying lo break In after hours or
somelhing. so I would be worried right there. But then, you guys have slepped folwald I appredale lhal Like
you say. you are lhe only one who showed up, so lhank you
2. He said dog peop le. we love you , I know lhal you are going to keep coming, so keep coming. Mrs
Gnego spoke from lhe audience saying we will . Council Me-nber Mccaslin said I know you will. There's no
doubl In my mind Bui I would ijke to thank you guys too I know ifs lough Thal's all I have.
(a) MayOl's Chooce
(I) Mayor Woodward said I would ltke lo also lhank all of lhe people who have come,"
the dl lferenl issues lonight. .. from dogs and lo the marijuana Issues.
(u) Mayor Woodward said I do wanl lo mention thal lornorrow. Tuesday the 4" is NalK.'fllll
N,ght Out Against Cnme There will be block parties throughoul lhe City If you don't have a block party or
aren'I going lo one, please parllclpale by putting your porch light on
(Ill) Mayor Woodward sa,d I also want to mention lhat a couple of weeks ago. two
Saturdays ago. a week ago from last Saturday. lhere was a garden lour within lhe City of Englewood or len
believe rt was ten private gardens I heatd a number of very positive and successful comments ~boul it
Some of lhese gardens I have seen I was not . I had other 1hIngs gou,g on, Coty things lhal day. and I dtdn, go
10 lhe garden tour Everyth ing I havt heard about It, ti was a total success It was sponsored by Keep
Englewood Beauhful . KEB . So congra lulallons to KEB and to lhe part,c,panl c,I,zens lhal had done that
Englewood City Council Augus t 3, 2009 Pago 18 (1v) Mayor Woodward said also In regard lo Emme Putnam's regarding membership with Englewood Unleashed and recusing one's se lf, I wi'I state he'e as I have stated to Martha and as stated to anybody that has asked ... I was a member of Englewood Unleashed for a couple of years I haven't owned a dog In well, persona lly I've never owned a dog My family owned a dog some 50 some years ago I do own cats, Englewood Unleashed has h~en a partner dots have a partnersh ip agreement with the City of Englewood Because of that, I did support Englewood Unleashed and their m1ss1on and whal they have done by being a member I was a member, I belle1·e, ,t was for two years. I also bought a bnck f0< the opening there
You will find my bnck ft ,s the one woth the cat on ot 11,s the only one with the cat on 1t So no I w~1 not recuse
myself beQuse of my part1c,pat,on or my help 0< support of Englewood Unleashed
M May0< Woodward said Do<othy. a~hough you are not here, I would JUSI loke to
menllon . and I have had th,s doscussoon woth others thal Englewood going back to an unleashed park ,s
something lhat isn1 beQuse Englewood Parks never were unleashed parks. In 2001 and 2002. when
Englewood was looking at going to a leashed law, an of the parks within Englewood were off-leash Now the
perceptoon may have been that they were on-leash, but the law was that they were off-leash .. that there was no
leash law. You had to be under control either off-leash or on-leash. And so to go back 10 an on-leashed park is
an Incorrect sta tement I appreciate Mrs Grtego·s talking about coming back to a children's and families parks,
which Is a change from just a chi ldren's park , because these are truly people parks, currently, woth dog
privileges Historica lly lhe five parks that were orig inally designated, whk:h did not Include Canine Corral
because that was not Initially even a dre am .. the fifth one was Bates-Logan. Nobody on that committee, back ,n
2001 and I happen lo be on that committee, regrelfully, nobody imagined whal this was going lo be. What was
going to happen al Bates-Logan. What was going to happen al Jason I think everybody on the committee just
Imagined things would go on as they were .. which WH lncorrecl People have gotten m0<e partners as dogs •
and that sort of thing and tt has changed. As Joe had mentioned. thos has been forwarded on t, the Parks and
Recreation Commission , which is an adviso,y board to Coty Counc,L Having served on that board, there are
people that are on that Commossion that have a lot ol experience woth thos One happened to be the fonner
manager of Cherry Creek State Pa rk and os now relired and knows an about off-leash dog parks Whoever
brought up about the two problems being on TV about Cherry Creek and Chatfoetd .. that Is true Of cou,se,
those are much larger parks We do not have the land in the City of Englewood, that I am aware of, that !l.e Coty
ol Englewood owns that we can designate another Just pure off-leash area. I don't know wt,ere It's at, ij we
have 11 Anyway, I wanted to make those comments and aga,n, thank everybody for coming out and voocong
their comments
(v1) Mayor Woodwa rd sa id the last otem that I did want to mention was regarding the Art
Shuttle The Art Shuttle was originally funded through grants from the federa l government and RTD for the Coty
of Englewood and going by the senior centers, downtown Englewood . all the way over to Kimberly Woods, by
Orchard Place, by Swedish Hospital and Craig Hospital and servicing the City or Englewood There has been
discussion woth the City ol Shendan, going back a number of years. regarding a shutt le thal would service, not
only River Pointe, but also the~ nev. development over there. Thal has to be done w,th RTD though, because
RTD is •.he partner and part of the funder with that The Art Shuttle os something that ,s Englewood and Is for
Englewood citizens that has grown by leaps and bounds every year rt tr,s ,-een opened, s,nce. I believe, 2004
And so I don't think the Art rt os not fuuded for that It's not appropr.ated Hopefully. something woll come from
Sheridan on that woth RTD
Council Member Wilson s..:J may I m,;ke one quock CO<nment? Mayor Woodward said you may Council
Member Wilson saod thank you I just want to ma ke It clear that yes I was on the task force f0< the dog park. I
was one of the founding members or fo und ing people or the Englewood Unleashed I have not been on I have
not belonged to Englewood Unleashed since I have been a Counci l member. And I do th ink that they ara a •
good group or people I do think they are partnered with the City they have stepped up 1n a lot or ways But I
won't recuse myself either because my offocia l dealings woth them I no longer have those So, I just wanted lo
let you know about my pos1t1on and where I've been with lhat
• Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 19 Mayor Woodward said nor 1s there any beneficial, cash benefit Councd Member Wilson said no, they are not paying me Mayor Woodward said so there 1s no conflict of Interest We do not gel paid for that Council Member McCaslin satd oh wait. Can I say one thing here? I'm sorry. I was very remiss about not talking about the garden lours, since t am 1he liaison for Keep Englewood Beautiful I did have the memo. I did
have the email here But this Is from Susan Bayless , who Is on our committee ... my son was In town from New
Yori\ and we had a big baby shower, so I only got to attend two of these, but 1t was wonderful. Just to give you
a little navor of the day, it says ·just want to thank you so much· ... and this eman was to all of the participants
and there were nine of them. ·,ust wanted to say thanks so much lo all of you for particlpahng In the garden
tour We had as many as fifty people at some of the homes for our first year. Whal a terrific success I even
heard that Dan was handing out lemonade to everyone What a great treat· And that's the one that I did hit. I
did gel lemonade and cookies. So, I got the right one . For just putting rt together. 11 was a great, huge success.
I think what we'll do, as she says In September or October, we will evaluate and see what we can do lo conbnue
this and make ii an even better event ror neltl year. So this will be, hopefully, an on-going thing. t thank you for
bringing It up. I did have ii here. I'm sorry.
Mayor Woodwa rcl said and the story about the elderly gentle man, blind gentleman, that's a gardener and I think
Tom did a story In the Herald about him. II was very, very good. He was as ked by a policeman, I think during
the evening hours, what he was doing out there In the dark. He lifted up his cane, moved II around and sa,d
what do you mean In the daril, or somelh lng like that There was laughter Bui he has one fantastic garden, I
understand. He has the help of his daughter. So these people are much to be admired and we as a
• community, going back weU over 100 years, have a heritage of agriculture and farming and orchards.
7. Recogni<lon of Unscheduled Public Comment Cont i nued
(q) Davi!! Lopez. an Englewood business co-owner, said I am part owner ol Nature's Kiss,
established nghl now on Broadway We covered a lot of things, but one thing we slighdy missed Is something
that Sergeant Kelly, KeDy Martin. that went to our shop. The main concern was safely for us and safely for our
patients. I just wanted to bring lo your auention that we do have off-site surveillance. We have cameras
th1oughout our building. If anybody feels like they are in danger or feels hke maybe something wrong is going
on, we do escort our patients to their car and make sure that they leave safely, securely. Obviously we're here
showing you guys that we are leg1Umale and we are going lo do thi ngs legal. He did mention that the officer, the
chief, was going to be here and to say ... lf you guys have any questions or any concerns , any of you guys, or
just want to co-ne by and see how we run our establishment, yo u guys are more than welcome lo come by. So,
that's all I wanted to say. Our main concern Is our safety for us and safety for our patients. Thank you very
Several members of Council said thank you
(r) Mayor Woodward said are you open now? Mr Carter said nght now we are getllng our building
permits and we gotng lo start c:onsllUCtlon. We do have our sales tax license and eve<ythlng, but we are starting
construct,on this week, so we are not open right now But we were sf,ghtty for the patients that we have been
serving for over a year and a hatt So yes and no Mayor Woodward sad thank you Mr. Carter satd thank
you guys agam
(s) Elaine Hults, an Englewood reslden~ said now I'm an eastern 91~. but I came 0<.,t here and I just
love Colorado and I love Englewood Let me tell you somethh1g . When I was In Florida, I woriled for a group. II
was for a chain of f111e rehab oen ters They were like country clubs, up and down the east coasl I was a
bookkeeper, but I had to deal with these poople because I was the gal who had 10 find out where the money
was I'm going lo tell you something . If we don't provlde ... because there are leglllmate people ... and I have a
medical background .. who really cannot toi.rate other types of drugs and this Is lhe safes! way to assist them
with pain And the poml I'm trying lo make Is II Ne don't provide II legally, then we are Just making a lot more
money for the guys that are taking In, bringing It in from Flonda and everywhere else And In my oponion, I think
this IS a good thing to be done I Just wanted lo te n you that
Englewood City Council August 3, 2009 Page 20 "· or Woodward and Counc,I Member McCasbn said thank 'fOU (I) Jerry Furman, an Englewood reSJden said I talked to Randy Penn aboul th,s Idea, bei;ause h,s L.oth er Ed Ed Penn .•• d,ed 1n the wa, And I dlln't see any names of the people who died ,n serving our country 1n our City When are we going to put their names 011 a wall or something here fo, eve ry body lo.now thf.re arr people who are honored In our City who needs to be put III fo, our country and our Crty I heard there "'ere 40 o, some more after lhal I thought ii was only him. So, if there Is more , why are we not pulllng
someth111g up to memorialize that? We r,ave a Ko,ean War sign thing and there 's no information who died In the
Korean War Why do we have that sign and not anything for our veterans? Our veterans fought for our country,
fought for our nghts, and I'm sorry about saying that you guys doo1 serve the people for the people You guys
do that because you look at what Is you And I'm sorry for saying that.
Council member Penn said sorry Jerry . We still like you
Mayor Woodward said thank you
13 . City Manager's Report
City Manage r Sears did not have any matters to bring before Council.
14. City Attorney'• Report
City Attorney Brotzman did not have any matters to bring before Council .
15. Adjournment
Sue Carlton-Smith • Fr~m : MMha Gnego (hotdan,m7@hotmall com)
Stnt: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1·06 PM To : SJe Canton-Smith SubJect: FW Voice Control Vs. leash Control Iii Sue
Can you please foward this or cop} this attachment to all the City Cowicii Members fo, their meet.ing on
the 17th.
I would greatly appreicate it. Thank you.
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 200'.) 13 :06:08 -0700
From: jennifor@k9counselor.rom
Subject: Voice Control Vs. Leash Control
To : l:!21s!PmmZ@h---2.l!Mi I &O.ffi
To /\I I Cowicil Members
I have decided to go to a dog expert regarding dogs bci1lg leashed or unleashed at public parks and th,
is what was given back to me. I hope you will have time to read this importo.nt information.
Thank you • Martha Griego
Voice Control Vs. Leash Co ntro l fo r dogs in pub lic parks
While very few would argue that dogs need exercise and $Orne of that exercise should include off-leash
romps, the question of safety o.nd the definition of 'control' must be addressed when it comes to leash
laws and voice comrol luws in public areas • particularly public parks.
The first thing to consider when ldlking about leash or voice control is safct_, • s:ifety of the dogs, as
well as safety of lhe people around the dogs. Regardless of being on a leash or not. many dogs are over-
stimulated by the activies of a normal city park. There we often children pla_;ing. balls and frisbees
nying. squirrels skin1:ring about. other dogs. and opponunities for stealing food from unsuspecting
picnic panics 10 name n few distractions.
When many (if not most) dogs encoun1cr these sons of temptations. the y simply follow instinct and do
what dogs do: They chase the children, squirrels, balls and frisbees. They anempt to steal food . They
jump on strangers in overly-friendly greetings. The) are only being dogs. but they arc not under
control. TI1crc!'.ire, they are more likely to cause u safety hamrd 10 themsel ves and those around them .
RII 212009
Again. I strc ,s ~iat this lack of contro l can and docs happen for dogs both ~n and off leash. I lowel'er. unless a dog is !.mu: \'Oice-controllcd ther,, is 110 q11<•.<1i1111 that a leashed dog i., s,ifer than a11 unleashed one, ll'lre11 faced with the 1_11,e of distractions mentioned abon·. Why can I say this so confidently? Quite simply because I have a dog trainer's experience and definition of 'voice control ' as opposed to a dog owner's definit ion of voice cor trol. Deji11itio1, of Vo ice Control Ask any professional dog trainer to define voice control. and he or she will expound on the dog's ability and willingness to respond to its handler from any distance, in the face of any distraction, with a single command.
Ask most dog owners what voice control is and they will po int to their trusty companion and say . "Fido.
come. Come! Come here, boy! Fido. Come. Get 0\'er here. Fido!!'" All the while the dog is romping
about joyfully with its new-found freedom . When finall y Fido tires of the game and returns to hi s owner
(after knocking down a few children , interrupting a local t-ball game, stealing some food and a fri sbee).
it becomes hard to argue whic h definition of voice control really should apply in a pub lic situation.
Ow11er Respo11sibility a11d Traitii11g
Since it's impossible to please all of the people all of the time, finding a solution is 1ricky.
Banning all voice-controlled parks? This only serves to alienate dog owners, and does seem unfair to
the few dog owners who truly do have voice control.
Increasing patrols and tickets to those owners who don't have voice con trol? Whi le this is a great idea •
on paper, it increases the strain on already busy animal control oflicers and thei r adminstrative offices.
Continuing 011 with the status quo? This on ly serves to alienate non-dog owners and other residents who
are tired of having softballs and fr isbecs and picnic lunches stolen, amongst other issues.
While I don't have an answer for this issue. I can say with the utmost assurance that dog owner
education is a great fi rst step to so lving this problem, Encouraging true voice control increases the
enjoyment of the parks by all . Whi le allowing dogs to run at large without it only encourage s trouble.
Jenn ifer Hime.
Front Range KO Academy
6719 W. 44th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, CO 800 33
720-839-110 2
I lcrc arc the facts that we re presented to Park s and Rec Meeting Thursday, August 131h. 2009 . There arc health issues -people who a rc allergic 10 dogs. Ca nines smell with their noses an d thi s leads to a greater chance of oral-fecal contami nation , •vhich is the way most intestinal parasites are propogoted.
Dogs like to infringe on people's rights -they like to bark, growl, take food,
hang out in pavilions, leave their waste behind , hang out on :lie playground ,
and chase people.
Children and toddl ers should not be penn itted inside the dog park and of
course food must never be at a park for fear that a dog might want a snack
and may help himself to your food .
Pet owners should also remove any collars or restraints that may be of
hazard to prevent any wounds to other dogs while they are playing.
Have a daily usage fee for dog owners who use the parks, this will help pay
for seeds, shrubs, fencing and other maintenance that will be needed to
maintain the beautiful grounds.
Maybe have dogs run through voice com mand tests with both si des judging
these dogs. Voice command always works at home but being in an open
_.nvi ronment changes the rules for dogs, some owners have not caught on to
that one yet.
Havi ng an enclosed play area for dogs,, preve nts off leash dogs from
infringing on the rights of other community residents and park users, such as
joggers, runners, small children and those who arc fearful of dogs.
"Who is going to monitor that th is happens -will it be the cod·
enforcements du ty, or the citizens?
Donlin of Parks and Recreation from Tucson, AZ states. "dogs love dirt.
Who are we putting the su rface in for -the dogs or the humans?"
Apparently here at Canine Corral. we are doing it for the human s and not for
the dogs. I don't think owners like to give their canines a bath.
This arti cle a:so indicates "effort s should be made to find locations which are not planned for other recreational development. .. I'm think they are talking about t-ball , soccer , picnics, etc ., but who am I to assume that. Here is something else to think abou, We have two major parks, Cherry Creek and Chatfield that are rethinking of changing their leash policies. We are talking two parks that have more than IO acres than we do, and ye t they
are indicating the following: Areas have suffered damage over the course of
the past 7 years; I 0-12 foot wide trails are now 20-30 foot trails due to high
dog off leash traffic; volume of user.; have increased; some have suggested
dog impact fees , dog licensing, etc. to control the volume. Some have
suggested eliminating the dog off leash area.
Martha Griego
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1 {I.. H/.:})O0{J( Cf!Ml l A-J i!A NiJ:!JJ!C /c_ >r -r AUoN -1'1,.J.-~~../ 1 e M 19 We conclude that those ordinances were without effect. because the chuncr ofa home rule city I, effectively its constitution and its ordinances may not conflict with its charter. <Jle1rn1111d /'11.11 ,, CiryofGlem,~wdSpring.r, 731 P.2d 761, 762 (Colo. App. 1986).
~AMBERT V. CA LIFORNIA. 355 U.S. 225 (1957) •• US Supreme Court Cuscs from Ju ... Pugc I of'4 US Suortmt Court C,n11r> US Suprfffit CSMJ Cf:111 & 09!0!9DP ~ > LA~8E.Rl V CAUFOA~A 355 U S 2~ (19$1} LAMBERT V. CALIFORNIA , 355 U. S. 225 (1957) 5<m<nbt IO Cls,t lhat c.te JSS U S 225 W:li)
Search Cases
Freo Cobrandlng of th e US Supreme Coun Center
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Unk lo the Full Tell of Case: http:Jlsup<eme jusba com/ys/3551225/case htni
U.S. Supreme Court
Limbert v. C■llfornll, 355 U.S . 225 (1957)
Lambettv, California
Argued Aprll 3, 1957
Rest°'9d to the docket f or ,.arg_. June 3, 1957
Rurgued October 16-17, 1957
Deckled December 16, 1857
A Los Angeles municipal ordinance makes II an offense for a person who has been convicted ol a ;r: 110 r',niahable
felony 10 remain in lhe City 01 mOIB than five days wilhoul regisleling with lho Chief of Police On apoeal from I con
Held: when applied lo a person who.has no actual knowledge of his duty to register, and where no showing II madE
such knowledge, lh,s ordin ance violates the Due Process Clause ol the Fourteenth Amendment. Pp. 355 U S, 226-
h11p://suprcmc.justia .com/us/355/22S/casc.html?fricndurl•hnp:/lwww.audiocasefilcs.com... 7/28/2009
!.,AMBERT V. CALIFORNIA. 355 LI . S. 225 ( 1957) -· US Supreme Coun Cases from Ju ... Page 2 of 4 Reversed <>a ge 355 U S ::6 MR . JUSTICE DOUGLAS delivered lhe opI nI on of the Court Section 52 38(a) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code defines "convicted person · as follows : "Any person who . subsequent to Janu, -y 1. 1921 . has been or hereafter Is conv icted of an offense punishable as a of California , or who has been or who Is he,eaner convicted of any offense in any place o1her than the State of Ca li f of committed in the State of Cahfom1a , would have been punishable as a felony ."
Section 52 .39 provides that it shall be unlawful for ·any convicted person· to be or remain In Los Angeles for a peric
days wilhout registering; it requires any person having a place of abode outs ide 1he city to register if he comes into I
occasions or more during a 30-day period ; and It prescribes the information to be furnished the Chief of Pol ice on re
Section 52 .43(b) makes lhe failure to register e contInuIng offense . each day's failure constituting a separate offens,
Appellant, arrested on suspic ion of another offense , was charged with a violation of this registration law. : The evid1
she had been, at the time of her arrest, a resident of Los Angeles for over seven years . Wilhin lhat period , she had t
Los Angeles of the crime of forgery , an offense which California pun ishes es a felony . Though convicted of a crime t
felony, she had not, at the time of her arreat. reglslered under lhe Munic ipal Code . At the triel . appellant
Page 355 U S. 227
asserted that§ 52 .39 of lh& Code den ies her due process of law and other righls under the Federal Constitution um
enumerate . The trial court denied this objection . The case was tried to a jury , which found appellant guilty . The cour
placed her on probation for three years . Ap~lant, renew ing her constitutional objection , moved for arrest of judgrm
This motion was den ied . On Jppea l, the constitutionality of the Code was again challenged . The Appellate Oapartm
Court affirmed the judgment, holding lhere waa no merh to Iha claim lhat 'he ordinance was unconstitutional. The Cl
appeal. 28 U.S.C. § 1257(2). We noted probable jurisdiction , 352 U.S 914, and designated amicus curiae to appea
appellant. The case having been argued and rHrgued, we now hold lhat the registration provisions of Iha Code as
here violate the Dua Process requirement of lhe Fourteenlh Amendmenl
The reg istration provision, carry ing criminal penalties , applies If I person has bean convicted "of an offense punish,
the S1ata of California" or, In case he has been convic1ed in another State, If the offense "would have been punishal
it been committee in California . No element of willfulness ,s , by terms . included In the ordinance , nor read into tt by I
as a condition neces~ary for a conviction .
We must assume lhat appellant had no actual knowledge of the requirement 1h11 1he register under this ordinance,
of this defense , which was refused . The question Is whether a regislrahon act of this character violates due process
to a person who has no actual knowledge of his duty 10 register . and where no showing Is made of Iha probability cl
Page 355 U. S 228
We do not go with Blackstone in saying that "a vicious w,11• Is necessary to constrtuta a cnme . 4 Bl Comm '21 , for c
without regard to lhe intent of the doer, is often sufficient. There Is wide latitude In Iha lawmakers to dec lare an offer
elements of knowledge and diligence from its defin ition . See Chrcago. B & 0 R Co v Untied States , 22 0 U S. 55
we deal here with conduct that is wholly passive -mare fa ilure to register II la unlike the comm IssIon of acts , or the
circumstances that should alert the doer to the consequences of his deed . Cl Shovlin-Carpenter Co v. M,nnesola,
Stales v. Ba/ml. 258 U. S. 250 : Un ited States v. Dotterwe,ch. 320 U S 277. 320 U S 284 The rule that "ig norance
excuse· (She vlin -Carpenter Co v. Minnesota , supra , at 218 U S 68\ lo deep In ou, law . as is the principle that , of£
loca l governme nt . the police power is ·one of lhe least limttabte." 0,5/r,c/ ol Columbia v 13,ooko. 214 U S t 38, fil
other hand , due process p•aces some limits on its e-ercise Engra ined In our concept of due process Is the requlren
is sometimes essential so lhat the cttizen has the chance to defend charges Notice is requ ired before property inte,
before assessments are made. before penalties are assessed . Notice ,s reqwed in a mynad of situations where a f
http://s uprcmc .justia .com/u s/3551225/case.html 'l fricndurl -"http ://www .nudiocnSl'.lilc s.co nt ... 7 _8/2009
[.AMBERT V. CALIFORNIA. 355 U.S. 225 ( 1957) -IJS Supreme Coun Cases from Ju ... Pngc 3 of 4 might be suffered for mere failure to act Recent cases illustrating the point are Mu/;dne v. Centro/ Hanover Bank & i22:Coveyv TownotSorne~.351 U S 141 ,Walkorv C,tyo/Hutchmson.35;:U S 112. These casesonvolvedc interests ,n CM1 libgabon But the principle is equaly app,opnall where e person, whofty pass,ve and unaware of an brought to the bar of Justice for condemnellon in e criminal case. Page 355 U S ~29 Registration laws are common, end their range Is wide. Cl Now Yorl< et rel. Bryan/ v. Zlmmerman. 278 U S 63. u, Harms. 3'7 U S 6]2. United Sia/es v Kahnget. ;MS U. S 22 Many such laws a1eakin lo ~censing statutes in Iha regulation of business activities. But the p,esent O!dinance Is entirely d,ffentnt. Violation of Hs provisions is unaccorr activity whatever. mere presence in the city being the test Moreover. clrcumst3nces wh ich might move one lo inqui necessity of registration are completely lldtlng. N. most. the o,dinance Is but a law enforceme,,t technique dulgne<
convenience of law enforcement agencies through which a Nst of the names and addresses of felons then residing I
Is compiled . The disclosure Is merely a compilation of former convictions already publicly recorded in the jurisdictlor
Nevltllheleu, lhis tppeltan~ on ~t be(Offling awa,e of her duty lo register, was gfvcn no opportunity lo comply wit
its per,aly. even though her deflult wat entirely lnnocenl She could but suffer the c'lnsequences of lhe ordinance.
with the Imposition of heavy criminal penalties then111nder. We believe that actual knowledge of the duty to register,
probablfity of such knowledge and subsequent faifute to comply are necessary before a conviction under the O!dlna
Holmes wrote In The Co,nmon Law.
"A law which punished conduct which would not be bltmewonhy In the average memller of the community woold bl
c.ommunily to bear:
Id. at 50, Its severity lies in the absence of an opportunity either to avoid the consequences of the law or to defend•
btought under ll Where a peiwon did not kn-of the duty lo registef, and where there was no p,oof of the probabilt
knowledge . he may not be convicted t 11n1l1tentty
Page 355 U S. 230
with due p,ocess. Were ft otherwise. the evil would be as great as ~ ls when the law is written In print too fine to rea,
fulelgn to the co,nmunity.
MR JUSTICE BURTON . dissents because he believes that. as applied lo this appeHant. the ordinance does not v,o
constitutioMI righta.
·Fora recent co,nprehenslve review of these registration laws, see Nole, 103 U of Pa.L.~ev 60 (1954).
The l)f8Sent laws of the Untted States and of the forty-eight States are lhlclt with provisicnl that commend that som,
and others be done. although persons convicted under such piovision1 may have had no awareness of what the Ir,
what lhey did was wrongdoing. The body of decisions sustaining such legislation. Including Innumerable reg istration
volurrinous as the Jegosfation Itself. The matter Is sunvnanzed In Umted Stales v Bahn/, 258 U S. 250. ~
"Many Instances of this are to be found In regulatory measures In the exercise of what is callftd lhe police power, wt
the statute Is evidenUy upon achievement of some social betterment rather than the punishment of the crimes H In , ..
Surely there can hardly be a dlffentnce aa a matter of fairness . oi hardlhlp, Of of Justice, ff one may Invoke ii. betw.
person wholly Innocent of wrongdoinv, In the sense that he wat, not remotely conscious of violating any law. who Is
years for conduct relating to narcotics, and the case of another ,oerson who is placed on probation for three years 01
pay $250, for failure, as a loca l resident, convicted under locallaw of a felony . to register under
Page 355 U S 231
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4 AMllERT V. CALIFORNIA , 355 U.S. 225 ( 1957) •· US Supreme Court Cases from Ju ... Page 4 of 4 a law pa1Sed as an ex erase of lhe Slale's ·police power: 355 U S naturally enough. 10 annbute to a sta!Ule lhe re cenain menial element -some consciousness of WIOOgdo,ng and knowledge of the lew's command -as a mailer c consuucllon. Then loo. a etuelly dispropofllonale relebon belween what lhe law reqU11es and the sanction ror rts dJSo const•ute a violation of lhe c,ghlh Amendment H • cruel and unusual punishment, and , m respect 10 lhe S1a1es, ev Proeeu Clause of Iha Fourteenth Amendment Bui what the Court here does Is to draw a constitutional 6ne between a State's requirement of doing and not doing. relum to Year Book distinctions belween feasanee and nonfeasance -a dlstinctian lhal may have significance In 1h common law notions of liability, but is Inadmissible as a line belween conslilutionallty and unconstitutionality. One c:; Mr, Justice Holmes would have been the laal to draw aueh e line. What he wrote about "blameworthiness" Is worth, "It ,s no! Intended lo deny lhat criminal liability , as wel II civil. is founded on blameworlhlness. Such• denial would
sense of any civilized community; °'· to put k anolhet way, a law which punished conduct Which would not be blamE
aver.ge member of Iha =unity would be too severe for that community to bear."
(This passage
Page 355 U S 232
mu1t be reed In lhe setting of lhe broader d1scuu 10n of Which l is an essential part Holmes, The Common Law al•
II the generalization that unde~i&s, and ,tone can justify, this decision ware to be given Its relevant scope, a whole 1
States Reports would be required to document In IJai.11 the legislation in this country lhat would fall or be impaired. 1
entering upon a consideration of such leglslabon , and adjudications upon h, because I feel confidant lhat tho prese"
out 10 be an Isolated deviation from lhe strong current of precedents -a derelict on tho waters of the law. AccordinE
wlth dl11e~ting.
• This casa does nol involve a person who, convicled of a crime in another jurisdiction, must decide whether ho has
crime lhat 'Would have been punishable as • felony" had ij been committed in Calilomla. Appellant committed forge
was convicted under Califomil law. Funhermore, she was convicted in Los Angeles itsaff, and therw she resided for
belo<a the ,rrest leading lo lho present proceeding,.
Search Cases
US Suoreme Cout1 Cases l ~I~ Oxtz Supreme Court Mu1!1mtd 1a I l&a.J.u I ~ I US Fedu11 Court I
D!e'o• FM Cgn1htut1ona1 Law PodCHtt 1 0111 waSe 11ch com Consrnuteoru11 L•w Bloat I LIWYIC aQd Lee•I Aid & Serv,ce•
Copynght O Ju1111 & Oyoz & Fonn, Worl,Flow Term, of SeMCI Pnvtcy Pol,cy Havu Happy Day l
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ECOG JA RJJ f R.Om lAiiizt-tr MeRtAJ r I AJ E--,4-,-M {JIJif 11; ).f;tff e C-Ill tf;
~lcwood CitUcru for Open
W\\ ~ cnglcw,11:'likuU"~·°'l
PROCLAMATIOK \\'HEREAS. an accunue .:eruus coun1 is ,,1al 10 our c<'mmuruty and res1den1s· "ell•bcmg b~ helping plaMcrs detffllune "here 10 locale schools. d.ly .:are cenlers. roads and publl(' 1ranspona11on, hospnals and ol~er 1ae1h11cs, and aclueving an accural< a.'!<! :omplcte coum or 1hc nauon · s growini; and changing populauon; and
WHEREAS, more than S300 b1 I hon per year tn (cdcral and stale funding ts allOC-'tcd to states
and communities based. in pan, on census data: and
WHEREAS. census dlua help determine ho"· many scats each state "'II have in the U.S .
House of Rcprescmath es and often is used for the rcdistric1ing of s1a1e legisla1urcs. COW11)' and
ci1y council and voung d1s1nc1s: and
WHEREAS. !he 20 IO Census crea1cs jobs thai stimula•c economic grD\\1h and increase
cmplo)'lllem: nnd
WHEREAS. 1hc informntion collected by the census is confidential and proteclcd by law:
NOW THEREFORE, I, fames Woodward. Mayor of 1hc Ci ty of Englewood. Colorado. hereby
proclaim 1ha1 the Ci1y of Englewood. Colorado is committed 10 pannering wi1h the U.S. Census
B11rcau to help en.sure o full God G~~11ratc ~ol!O• in 20 I 0,
The Mayor and City Council of1hc City of Englewood. Colorado proclaim the necessity of
and reaffirm our commitment as a 2010 Census panner. the City of Englewood will:
I. Suppon the goals an1 ideals for the 2010 Census and disscmina1e 2010 Census
mfonna1ion 10 encourage those in our community 10 panicipa1c.
2. Encourage people m the Cny ofEn~lewood to place an emphasis on the 2010 Census
and panicipatc m C\'ents and inuiativcs that will raise overall and ensUtt a run and
&CCUrato census.
3 Suppon census take,;; :I! 1hC\' hr!~ our commuruty complete an accurn1e count.
4. Create or seek oppon1111111es to collaborato wnh other hk••mindcd i;roups 111 our
community b)' p:1n1c1potmg in Complete Coum Comnuuces nndior uulizm~ h1~-
profilc. 1rus1ed ,oices 10 ad\'ocate on behalf ,>fthe 2010 Census.
GIVEN under m)' hand and seal this 17th day of August. 2009.
James K. Woodward. Mnyor
8b t~ •~-•-~"M""'~=:::::.om,,,-,.,.P,S ~ offer a renewed outlook on life for those IA'ho are addicted and their family members: and WHEREAS. substance abuse impacts ~.2 null100 people aged 12 or older in the Uruted Stales (9.2~. of the populauon). which as more than the number of people living ,.~th coronary hean disease. cancer or
Alzheuncr' s disease combined; and
WHEREAS, people who receive treatment for substance abuse can lead more productive and
fulfilling hvcs, personally and professionally: and
WHEREAS , s1udics have consistently found that individualized trcatmcm 1s essential for people 10 be
successful in their path of recovery; and
WHEREAS , real stories of long-term recovery can inspire 01hers to ask for help ond improve their
0\\11 lives, the lives of their families, and the entire community; and
WHEREAS, ii Is critlcol that we educate our community members that subs1ancc abuse Is n 1rcn1able.
yet srrious hrallh core problem. and by trea1ing ii like other chronic diseases, we can improve the quality
of life for tbe entire community: and
WHEREAS, 10 help achieve this goal, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 1l,e
Substance Abuse and Mento) Health Services Administration. the White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy, invite oll residents of the City of Englewood, Colorado 10 pan1cipate m National Alcohol
and Drug Addiction RecovCI)' Month -September, 2009: and
\\IHEREAS, on behalf of the cit:zcns of the Cny of Englewood, Colorado, I nm pleased to celebrate
September 2009 as Nauonal Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in the Cit) of Englewood.
Colorado; and
NOW THEREFOR£. I. James K. Wood\A'anl. Mayor of the City of Enj;lewood, Coloraoo, ?,oteby
proclaim the month of ept~mber 2009 as.
in the Cu> of Englewood, Colorado. I urge all of our residents to "JOIN THE VO ICES FOR
RECOVERY : TOGETHER WE LEAR!\, TOGETHER WE HEAL" by supponins men. "omen and
youths who ore in drug and alcohol addiction treatment and recovery.
GIVEN wider my hond and seal this 17~ day of August. 2009.
Jomes K. Woodward, Mnyor
WHEREAS, lhc City Council or the Cuy or Englewood authorized an Memorandum of
Und=tanding v.i!h lhc Denver MCU'O Auto Theft Team (OMA TT) by the passage of Ordinance
No . 9. Series of200S: and
WHEREAS. the number of auto thefts throughout the Denver Metro area have increased
significantly; and
WH EREAS, it has been recognized that a large number of these thefts are committed by
individua ls or groups of individuals who arc not restricted in any way to committing these offenses
within the jurisdict.ion of a single agency: and
WHEREAS. the Denver Metro Auto Theft Team (DMA TT) was formed as an investigative and
enforcement group of lhe Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority: and
WHEREAS. lhc purpose o( lhc OMA TT is to <'Ombat auto thefts and vehicle insurance fraud by
sharing bolh pcrsoMcl and capital resources and by taking an organized approach 10 investigating
lhesc cnmcs; and
WHEREAS. this Intergovernmental Agreement will formalize the relationship between lhc
panicipa1ing agencies of the DMATT for po licy guidance, planning. training, public relations and
media relations in order to maximize inter-agency coopera tion: and
WHEREAS, each panicipating agency agrees lha1 its law enforcement personnel and/or its
equipment may be used in conducting oven and coven investigations involving organized or multiple
motor vehicles !hefts. chop shops ond fencing o( stolen motor vehicles and/or motor vehicles pans:
WHEREAS !his ln1ergovcrnmm11I Apccmcnt prO\idcs for the sharing of scnices or functions by
political subdivisions of lhc State of Colorado. specifically authorized by CRS 29-1-203 (204):
~ The lntcrgovcmmcntal Agreement "Memorandum of Understanding" relating 10 the
Denver Metro Auto Theft Team, anached hereto as Exht1>it A. is hereby accepted ond approved by
the Englewood City Council .
9 b I
~ : The (1uef of the Engl<Miod Pc,hce Dq,anmcm and the C ll) C'lcrt are authonzcd 10 • execute and aucsl s111d Agreement for and on behalf <>f the CII)' of 1:nglewood. l01mduced. rCM m full. and passed on first reading on the 3rd day of Au~I. 2009. Published as n Bill for an Ord,nance m the Cuy'~ <>fficial newspaper on the 1• dny of Au~'\JSI. 2009. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the Cn)'·s official website be~Ming on the 5th day of August, 2009 for thiny (30) days.
Rend by title and passed on final reading on the 17th dny of AUl,!IJSI. 2009.
Published by title in the Cuy's official newsp:iper as Ordinance No._. Sencs of1009. on
the 21st day of August, 2009.
Published by 1i1l e on the Ci ty's official website bcgiM ing on the 19th day of
August. 2009 for thiny (30) days.
James K. Woodward, Mayor
Loucrishia A. Ellis. Cit)' Clerk
I, Loucrishia A. Elhs. City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado. hereby eenify that the
above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinnnce passed on final reading and published by
title os Ordinance No._, Series of 1009.
Loucrishin A. Ellis
MEMORANDUM of UN DERSTANDING Denver Metro Au to Theft Tea m This Memorandum of Understanding (MOll ) is entered into by the Sheriffs, Chiefs o Law Enforcem1:nl Agenc) Director (or their designees) of the agencies who subsequent~ agr~f 10 the 1enns of this MOU.
Pu r pose: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is 10 outline the overall mission of
the Denver Metro Auto Theft Team (OMA TT) and delineate the responsibilities between
the panicipating member agencies listed above and any additional agencies that ha1e
agreed to this MOU.
This MOU will formalize relationship between pamc1pa1ing agencies for policy
guidance, planning, training, publ ic relations and media relations in order 10 maximiie
inter-agency cooperation. This will also create a cohesive unit capable of addressing the
emerging organized auto theft problem facing Colorado Law Enforcement agencies
statC\\~de .
E.ach paniclpating agency ogrees that its law enforcement personnel and/or its equipment
may be used in conducting oven and coven investigations involving organized· or
mul1iple-motor vehicle thefts, chop shops and fencing of stolen m01or vehicles and/or
motor vehicles pans.
This Memorandum of Understanding provides functions or services. including the
sharing of services or functions by political subdivisions of the State of Colorado,
spccilically authorized by CRS 29-1-203 (2004).
In addition this MOU sets forth the intent of the signatories 10 participate hereto in this
organii.ation (DMA TI). This MOU is not a legally binding document and is oot
inten ded to confer r emedies on a ny party in the even! of its brea ch .
l\lisilon: TI1e mission of1hc Ocn,,er Metro Aut o Theft Team is 10 combat auto thefts and vehicle
insurance fraud. This will be accomplished by thoroughly investigating organized group ,.
repeat offenders and those indi,1iduals, groups and or organizations that benefit from or
suppon this type of criminal activity.
• DMA Tf will work closely with prosecutors in preparing cases in which 1hr
Colorado Organized Crime Control Act (COCCA), if appropriate, can be
implemented . • DMA TT will be proactive in the use of ·'sling" operations, bai t vehicles and
infonnanls 10 penetrate organized groups of aulo thieves.
• DMATT will also be proacti ve by enforcing the "Doily Business Record" statute • for tow companies, auto salvage yards and auto repair businesses . • DMA TI. upon r.:qucst. will assist member agencies with large. andior organized multi-jurisdictional au to theft related inl'estigations . • OMA TI will participate with other Federal. Suuc or Local Law Enforcement Task Forces that request our assistance on auto theft related issues. • DMA TI will work closely with the Colorado Auto Theft lnvestiga1ors (CA TI) organization 10 educate the public and provide introduc!or)• and advanced auto theft training 10 other Law Enforcement agencies.
Initially, it is anticipated that for at least the firs1 year the DMA TT will be a part-lime
organization designed to facilitate complex vehicle crime investigations. It is not intended
10 be a full-time task force, requiring assignment of personnel at this time. OMA TT will
be activated when a member agency has a multi-jurisdictional auto theft investigation and
requires additional manpower to properly investigat.e the case.
Agencies requesting activation of OMA TT must be able 10 assign a minimum of one
Investigator or Detective 10 participate in Te•.?r. operations and that member agency's
personnel "ill serve as case agent am! may make available a co-supervisor for the Team
for the purpose of operational plan reV1ew and field supeT\rision during search and arrest
warrant execution within that jurisdiction.
Agency heads or designees are invited 10 quarterly briefings from the Project Director.
Such briefings "ill also serve as a forum 10 address any issues of mutual concern to the
partici pating agencies.
OMA TT will consist of a combined law enforcement body from the agreeing agencies
with the Colorado State Patrol as the lead agency. In addition, any ndditional
participating agency that subsequently agrees 10 the terms of this MOU will support
OMA TT. Each participating agency agrees 10 provide manpower 10 allow D?-.-IA TT to
accomplish its mission.
Specific control of Tean1 members shall be retained by the respective participating
agency heads or designce. who will be kept informed of all investigative developments
b; their respective subordinates.
The primary OMA TT supeT\~sor will be the CSP Sergeant or other designated officer as
assigned by the Colorado State Pa1r0l 10 supervise the Team .
Each pir icip~:;ug agenc) acknowledges that applicable Colorado State laws govern
liabi lity fc.r negligent or \\Tongful acts or omissions commi11ed by its employees while
they are participating as a member of DMA TT. Liability for negligent acts or omissions
are the ~le responsib11i1~ Clf each of lhe pan1cip,11ing agencies or cmplCI, ces and none of lhe agencies or employee< waive the benefits or obligations ,, the Colorado Govemmemal Immun ity Act: C.R.S. 24-10-101. Panicipating agencies t111d individual team members agree they will not be responsible or liable for acts perfom1ed by personnel of olher member agencies while perfonning DMA 1T activities. Each panicipating agenc)' will be provided wilh a CClp)' of 11,e Operational Guidel ines for l11e Team. Each Team member will be required 10 follow lhe ru les and regulations of their
parent agencies unless Team guidelines are more strict
Each panicipating member remains an employee of !heir parent agency and each agency
is responsible for salary, worker"s compensation, and other benefits afforded lheir agenc y
Salary/O,•ertim e:
The Colorado Stale Patrol will issue purchase orders lhat aulhorize lhe reimbursement of
ovenime incurred in furtherance of team objectives as outlh:ed in the Denver Metro Auto
Theft Team Operationlll Guidelines.
Assignment of Cues:
All cases assigned or developed by lhe Team will be jointly investigated by lhe DMA TT .
The development of teams wilhin the DMA 1T may be necessary 10 effectively
accomplish lhe mission. Such teams will consist of a Team member from the requesting
agency and a Colorado State Patrol Investigator and any additional detectives as needed .
It is agreed !hat unilaternl actions on lhe pan of one agency will not be under-taken, as
such actions run contrary 10 lhe multi-jurisdictional spirit if !he Colorado Auto Theft
Prevention Aulhority (CATPA) legislation. All law enforcement actions will be
coordinated and ,;ooperatively carried out
L'sc of Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) Watch
Center is mandatory for DMA 1T operat.ions to avoid connicts with another agency or
task force operation.
All Team in,•estigativc records will be maintained in a secure location h)' the initiating
agency. Copies of all documents generated by lhe Team with respect 10 a Team
investigation shall be provided to DM/\lT unless prohihited by that agency's regulati ons,
and/or applicable Slate or Federal law,
Classified infonnation and/or documents containing infonnation that identifies or tends to
identify a OMA TT infonnant shall be maintained by the initiating agency in accordance
with that agency's policies regarding intelligence and confidential infom1unt handling .
Proseculions: The detective. supervisor, appropriate district anomcy nnd the Colorado Anome y General Office will make a dctcnninotion. on a case-by-case basis, whether tht filing of a specific Team im estigation should be filed with the District Anomey or the State Anomey General's Office. The determination will be made at the earliest possible time based on the evidence obtained and a consideration of which level of prosecution would be of the greatest benefit 10 the overall objectives of the Team.
Inci dents involving T eam Membe rs:
Should a Team member be involved in 11 "critical incident'' (dead!)' force encounter)
relating to and in the scope of Team duties, established critical incident teams will be
utiliud. Jm,estigation of critical incidents that occur in areas without a critical incident
team will be investigated by the agency having jurisdiction. Investigative assistance may
be requested from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations as needed. The agency of the
member involved in the incident will be responsible for conducting their own internal
investigation. Should Team members from more than one agency become involved in an
incident, participating agencies in this MOU agree to conduct independent investigations
unless it is determined by the appropriate supervisor that a joint investigation would be in
the best interest of the agencies involved. Any critical incident involving the use of
deadly force occurring in the City & County of Denver will be investigated under the
direction of the Crimes Against Persons Bureau under the most recent version of the
guidelines set forth in the Denver Police Department's Operations Manual.
However, if it is agreed that the agencies involved in an incident will conduct their own
investigation, it is agreed that each agency will conduct their respective investigation in a
manner that doesn't interfere with or hamper the investigation(s) of other agency(s).
The Denver Metro Auto Theft Team permanent supervisor will notify the parent agency
supervisor in any instance of a complaint against a Team member arising from Team
duties. The parent agency is solely responsible for administrative investigations and
complaint resolution for their employee and any disciplinary or corrective action will be
the prerogative of the team member's agency .
Jnvestigatin Methods:
The majority of the Team cases will be prosecuted on the State level. Therefore, the
participants of the Team agree to conform to State standards concerning the collection,
processing and storage of evidence nnd electronic surveillance. ln addi tion, the use of
other investigative methods (search warrant, intercepts of oral communication, etc ... ) and
reponing procedures in connection therewith will be consistent with the policy and
procedures of the State of Colorado and each participating agency. Evidence will be
m.antained and processed by the initiating agency under that agency's established
• l' nderconr Optrllliuns: l\11 Team opcra1io11s will be conducted and reviewed in accordance with Team guidelines and applicable State and Federal laws. Informants: lnfonnant handling and documentation will be conducted in accordance with the initiating agency's policy. lnfonnants >Aili need to be rei;istcrcd with DMA TT and obtain a OMA TT number for tracking purposes.
No documents will be prepared or disseminated outside the Team that would identify or
tend 10 identify a Team in fonnanl \Vhen possible, the i:1fonnant will be referred 10 by a
code name or number so as not 10 reveal his/her identity.
If any information on a confidential infonnant {Cl} becomes the subject of a discovery
motion or court order in any State, Federal or Local proceeding, all participating agencies
agree that they >Aill notify each other prior to disclosure. Each agency >Aili anempt to
protect the interest of the other participating agencies in addition to its own interests and
those of the Cl.
Each agency's designated superv isor will oversee all aspects of infonnant de,,elopmcnt,
control and management in furtherance of the Team investigations.
• Vebiclcs :
All participating agencies agree to supply their Team members ,\ith a vehicle for use by
their employee. All vehicles assigned 10 a Team member, except in emergency, will be
driven by thBI agency" s personnel. Expenses related 10 the operation of that agency
vehicle shall be the responsibility of that agency.
Property and equipment of the Team will be properly maintained and cared for by
members. Any equipment on loan to the Team, by a participating agency, that is damaged
while in use during a Team OJX,mtion "ill be repaired or replaced at Team expense.
Medill Rela tion s:
The DMA TT commander or his /her dcsignee has the responsibility to coordina.te the
release of information 10 the news media and 10 the public through the Public lnfonnation
Officer of the in\'Olved jurisdiction and the Colorado State Patrol Public Affairs Section.
Media inquiries made to individual participating agencies shall be referred to the
OMA TT commander. Al major crime scenes or follo>Aing major incidents. the DMA TT
commander or designee will coordinate with the Public lnfonnation Officer of the
jurisdiction{s) involved to ensure appropriate and accurate news releases arc made. The
OMA TT commander or designee will ensure that each member agenc~· receh es equal public recognition for publicized Team operations. Duration: The tenn of this MOU is for the duration of the Team· s operation. Any pai1icipating agency may withdraw from the Team at any time by \\nnen notification to the Team commander at lea.~t 30 days prior to withdrawal. Upon termination of the MOU. all equipment provided by the OMA TT will be returned to the Team.
This agreement may be modified at any time by wrinen consent of all panicipating
agencies through the Team Commander. Modifications to this MOU shall have no force
and effect unless such modifications are reduced to \\TIiing and signed by an authorized
representative of each participating agency.
The agency filing the criminal case will be responsible for processing assets seized for
forfeiture in conjunction with Team operations. Asset forfeitures will be conducted in
accordance with rules and regulation set for1h by the Federal government or the Swe of
Colorado and OMA TT Operational Guidelines. Panicipating agencies agree that any
recoverable forfeiture, anribu1able to a Team investigation, will be donated to the •
Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Auth'>rity under the ;;uidelines established in C.R.S. 42-
5-112 (4)(a).
The Team Commander will assure that OMA TT has the equipment, training and support
necessary 10 carry out its mission. The Project Director wiU be the authorized signer for
issues related to the DMA TT organization and operation.
The permanent Team Supervisor (CSP Sergeant) will have field supervisory
responsibility of all team members during DMA TT activities and will ensure that
OMA TT Operational Guidelines arc followed.
The Colorado Anomcy General Office will serve as legal ruh~sor to OMA TT.
Parci cipating A gen~ slgnal ur t{s) By signing this Memorandum of Underslanding your agency agrees to conditions set forth in the memorandum and the Operational Guidelines for lhe Denver Mccro Auto The!\ Terun.
City of Engl ewood
Agency• Police oepactrn"ot
Please prinl Agency Name
Au1horl2ed Signaiure
Thomas E. Vander mee
Chief -,f i?olice
Colonel James Wolfinbarger
Cb1ef-Colondo Sooe Patrol
Date-_ /_/ 2009
WHEREAS . !he operational coordination and oversigh1 of the 1ask force will be lhe rcsponsibili1y
of the United States Marshals Service (USMS); and
WHEREAS. lhe Adam Walsh Task Force -Colorado was formed as a multi agency-task force
focusing on the identifica1ion . investigation. location and apprehension of non-<:omplian1 sex
offenden. for possible state or federal prosecutions under lhc authorily and umbrella of the High
lntensily Drug Trafficking Area (H .I.D .T.A.). Fugitive Loca1ions and Apprehension Group
(F .L.A .G.) Task Force; and
WHEREAS. each panicipa1ing agency agrees 10 assign a1 least one inws1iga1or and/or analysl 10
lhe task force to provide inves1iga1ivc support to the group and to serve as a liaison for !heir
respec1ive agencies for investigative and operational support; and
WHEREAS , the passage of this ordinance authorizes 1he City of Englewood tv panicipa1e in lhe
Adam Walsh Task Force an.J tc assisl them while conduc1ing inves1iga1ions within 1he City of
Englewood ;
Sec1ion 1. The lmcrgovcmmental Agreement "Adam Walsh Task Force -Colorado
Memorandum of Undemandi11g ". anached herelo as Exhibi1 A. is hereby accepled and approved by
the Englewood Cily Council.
Seclion 2. The Chief of !he Englewood Police Department and 1he City Clerk arc authorized 10
execu1e and an est said Agreemenl for and on behalf of the Ci1y of Englewood .
ln1roduced. read in full, and passed on fin.I reading on the Jrd day of August . 2009 .
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance in the Ci1y"s official newspaper on the 7'' day of Augusl,
2009 .
9b ii
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the City's official website be¢nning on the Sth day of August. 2009 for thirty (30) days. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 17th day of August, 2009. Published by title in the City's official newspaper as Ordinance No ._, Series of 2009. on the 21st day of August , 2009.
Published by title o.n the City's official website beginning on the 19th day of
August. 2009 for thirty (30) days.
James K. Woodward. Mayor
Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk
I. Loucrisliia A. Ellis. City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby cenify that the
above and foregoing is• true copy of the Onilnancc passed on fmal reading and published by
title as Ordinance No._. Series of 2009.
Lvucrishia A, Ellis
This Memorandum of Undemanding (MOU) is entered into by the panicipating law
enforcement agency and the United Stales Marshals Service (USMS). District of Colorado for
the pwposes of panicipating in the Adam Walsh Task Force -Colorado. This is a multi agcncr •
taSk force focusing on the identification, investigation, location and apprehension of non•
compliant sex offenders for possible state or federal prosecutions under the authority and
umbrella of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (H.l.D .T.A.), Fugitive Location and
Apprehension Group (F.L.A.G.) Task Force.
Operational coordination and oversight of the task force will be the responsibility of the
Each task force officer will, for administrative pwposes, repon directly to their agency
supervisor. Supervision of the persoMel assigned to the task force , and their conduct. will be the
responsibility of the supel'\~sors of each panicipating ~ency.
Each participating agency agrees to assign at least one investigator and/or analyst to the
task force. They will work in their capacity to provide investigative suppon to the group and to
serve as a liaison fo r their respective agencies for investigative and operational suppon.
Each member agency will be responsible fo r compensation and wages. to include overtime
pay, for its 0 \\11 persoMel.
Apprehension team members from local, state, or county law enforcement agencies must
be officers who have been deputized as Special Deplll)' U. S. Marshal . Special Deputations of
task force law enforcement officers will be effective only when they are assigned to the task force
and pcrfonning work for the wk force .
Each participating agency is responsible for maintaining the case files of investigations
generated by cbeir particular agency .
All cases refemd to the task force \\ill be submi11ed on a USM -Form 560. This form will be submincd to the USMS Task Force Coordinator for use in statistical. informational and tracking purposes. All cases that have been opened will be entered into the USl\li· .!Jee Detainee lnformation System (ID IS). USE OF FORCE: Each member of the task force will comply with their agency"s guiddines concerning the
use of force.
Media inquiries regarding the Task Force will be referred to the United States Marshals
Service. A press release may be issued. and a press conference held, but only upon agreement by
the participating agency head(s). All press releases will make reference to the taSk force with
emphasis of the combined efforts of the task force .
Each agency wiU be responsible for the acts or omissions of its employees. Participating
agencies or their employees shall not be considered as the agents of any other panicipating
agency. Nothing herein waives or limits sovereign immunity wider federal or state statutory or
constirwional law.
This MOU is intended to remain in effect indefinitely. However, participating agencies
may withdraw their participation at any time after a thiny day writ1.eo noti ce to the U.S. Marshal.
District of Colorado.
This document consisting of three (3) pages is agreed to this _______ day of
_____ 200_.
United States Marshal
District of Colorado
United States Attorney
District of Colorado
Law Enforcement Agency Head
_________ (Agency)
La" Enforcement Agency Head _________ (Agency) Law Enforcement Agency Head _________ (Agency)
Law Enfo rcement Agency Head
_________ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
_________ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
Law Enforcement Agency Head
_________ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
_________ (Agency)
La\\ Enforcement Agency Head _________ (Agency) Law Enforcement Agency Head _______ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
________ {Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
________ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
________ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
________ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head
________ (Agency)
Law Enforcement Agency Head (S i!!llature and Printed Name} '.i.1hornas r.. Vand~rmt:e, Ch1~f or Po.lice City of Englewooa Poli ce Chief Agency
COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date: Agenda llem: Subject: August l i. 2009 11 a I Bill for an Ordinance making changes to 4-4-4-7C of the Code, reducing the Vendo r Fee from .5 percen t to .25 percent Initiated By. I Staff Source:
Department of Rnance and Administrative Services Frank <,;ryglewicz, Director
This proposal was discussed with Council at the Study Session held August 3. 2009; at thal rime
Council agreed to go forward wllh a fifty percent reduction in the current fee of one-half of one
percent (.5%) to a quarter percenl (.25%).
The ve nd or fee was established by Ordinance No. 32, Series of 1961 Section 12. RETAILER
RESPONSI BLE FOR PAYMENT OF TAX, which prov ided a five percent vendor fee to cover lhe
vendor's expense in lhe collection and remittance of sales tax. This fee has been reduced sinc e i ts
Initial rate of five percent to 2.5 percent by the passage of Ordinance 32, Serles of 1968, to 1.6
percent by the passage of Ordinance 27, Series of 1970, and to its current rale of .5 percent by
Ordinance 58, Series of 2002.
Staff recommends Council approve the proposed bill for an ordinance amending 4-4-4-7C of the
Englewood Municipal Code.
The Code allows a vendor filing a timely sal es tax return to the City of Englewood to retain one-hal f
of one a percent (.5%) of the taxes 1equlred to be collected. City staff recommends reducing this
fee 10 a quarter of a percent (.25%). This action will preserve Ciiy funds that can be used to
maintain staffing and provide necessary services to the community.
The estimated savings for 2010 is approximately S48,000.
• Proposed Bill for an Ord,nance
WHEREAS. the Englewood Chy Council au1horizcd 1hc cs1ablishmcn1 ofa \'endor fee which
provided a five pcn:cnl ,-cndor fee 10 cover the vendor's expense in the co1Jec1ion and rcminancc
of sales 1ax by the passage of Ordinoncc No. 32, Series of 1961; and
WHEREAS. the passage of Ordinance No. 32, Series of 1968 reduced the fee from the initial
ra1c of five percenl 10 2.5 perccn1; and
WHEREAS. the passage of Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1970 reduced the fee 10 1.6 pcrcen1;
WHEREAS. the passage of Ordinance No. 58, Series of 2002 reduced the fee 10 .5 pcrcen1; and
WHEREAS, 1he passage of this Ordinance will reduce 1hc Vendor fee from .510 .25 perccn1 in
order to preserve Ci1y funds tha1 can be used 10 main1ain s1affing and provide necessary services 10
the community;
~-The City Council of the City of Englewood. Colorado hereby authorized amending
Title 4, Chapu:r 4, Section 4, Subsection 7(C). of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, entitled
"Sales Tax Returns" to read as follows:
4-4-4-7: Sales Tax Returns.
A. Every person required to obtain a sales lllJ( license pursuant to th~ provi51ons of Section 4-
4-4-4, shall file a sales 1ax return. with payment of 1ax owed, if any, upon the s1andard
Municipal sales and use taA reponing form as adopted by the Execu1ive Director of the
Colorado Depanmenl of Revenue, not la1er 1han 1he 1wen1icth day of each month for the
rrccedingcalcndar month; provided, however. tha1 if the accoun1ing methods regularly
employed by 1he licensed retailer in the transaction ofhislncr business, or other condi1ions,
are such tha1 reporu of sales made on a calendar mon1hly basis will impose unnecessary
hardship, the Director may, upon request of said retailer, accept reporu al such intervals as
will, in his/her opinion. be11er suil the convenience of the toxpayCT, and will nol jeopardize
the collcc1ion of thew .
B. The retwns so filo:J slUIII conU1in such mforma1ion as may enable 1he Oirec1or 10 accura1ely • de1cnnine the am.iun1 of lllll collected by the person filing the return. bul mall cases shall contain 1hc following infonna1ion: I . The amoun1 of l!IOSS 1axable sales made by the retailer during the period for which thc rerum is filed, !. The 101al sales price of all propcny returned by the purchaser as a rcsuh of a return of goods sold by the retailer. provided. the original sale was a Wable uansaction:
3. The total fair marke1 value of any propeny rec~ived by the retailer as a resuh of an
exchange of property; provided the propmy so received as held by the rc:tailer to be
sold or leased to a user or consumer in the n:gular course of his/her business;
~. The 101al amount of retail sales which are excmp1 from the tax imposed by Section 4•
4-4-2 by reason of the provisions of Section 4-4-4-3 ;
5. The total amounl of sales made on credit, the obliga1ion for which is 1101 secured by a
conditional sales contract. chauel mongage or other sccuri1y insuumen1 entitling the
mailer to rq,osscss the item sold, which are found to be wonhless and which may be
deducted as bad debts on the retailer's Federal income Wt rClurn.
C. The return shall be accollljllllied by an amount equal 10 the sales w required to be
collected by the rClliler but which, in no case, shall be less than the amount aClllally
collec1ed, no, less than three and one-half percent (3.5%) of the figure derived by
subtracting from the gross IAXable sales, as reflec1ed on the relUm, the 101al sales described •
in subsection B2, 3. 4 and 5 above, u reflected on the rClurn; provided. however, the
retailer may deduct from the total IIX due an amount equal to --if~ percent
{o.&Q ~of the sales tax required to be collected, which may be retained by the
retailer as a fee for collecting said tax. If the rClum or thew rcmiriance is filed later than
the twentieth day of each month or as prescribed bv the OtreClor. the -W ~
percen1 (~ ~ vendor's fee allowance shall be forfciled and added 10 the amount of
the deficiency.
0 . All otherpenons shall pay to the Director the amount of any tax due Wider the provisions
of this Section 4-4-4-7, not later 1han fifteen ( 15) days after the date tha.t said tax becomes
~-Safety C)auscs. The Ci1y Council hereby finds, dctennincs, and declares that this
Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Ci1y of Englewood, 1ha1 ii is
promulgated ,or the health, safety. aod welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is ncccssa,y
for the preserva1ion of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and
welfare . TI,c City Council funher determines 1ha1 the Ordinance bears a ra1ional rcla1ion to 1he
proper legislative object sough1 to be obtained.
~ SeverabiliJY. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or pan of this Ordinance or the
application lhercof 10 any person or circumstances shall for any rcoson be adjudged by a court of
competent jurisdicuon invalid. such judgment shall not affect, impa.ir or invalidate the remainder
of this Ordanance or it applicat,on to otha' persons or circumstances. •
~ lnconsisteQl Ordillllnces. All -Other Ordinances or ponions thereof inconsistent or c-0n0tcting with Ibis Ordtrumce or ao:· ponion hereof nre hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency or conOict. ~ Effect of rg,eaJ or modjijcatjon. The repeal or modification of any provision of the Code of the City of Englewood by this Ordinance shall not release, extinguish, alter, modify. or change in whole or in pan any penalty. fo rfeiture, or liability, either civil or criminal. which shall have been incurred under such provision. and each pro,ision shall be treated and held as still remaining in force for the purposes of swtaUlll1il any and all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and prosccut.ions for the enforcement of the penalty. forfeiture, or liability, as well
as for the purpose of susllining any judgment, decree. or order which can or may be rendered,
entered, or made in such actions, suits. proceedings, or prosecutions.
~ ~ The Penalty Provision of Section 1-4-1 EMC shall apply to each and
every ,iolation of this Ordinance.
Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 17th day of August, 2009.
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance in the City's official DeMJ!Bpcr on the 21• dav of August.
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance OD the City's official website beginning OD the 19th day of
August. 2009 for lhiny (30) days .
James K. Woodward, Mayor
Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk
I. Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Cleric of the City of Englewood. Colorado, hereby cenify that the
above and foregoing is a true copy of a Bill for an Ordinance. introduced. read in full, and passed on
first reading on the 17th day of August. 2009.
Loucrishia A. Ellis
WHEREAS, it has been brought to Council's attention that the current Unified Development
Code does not adequately define or limit medical marijuana dispensing and growing uses ; and
WHEREAS , City Council has directed staff to review. create and revise. ifnc0 essary, pro vi sions
concerning medical marijuana dispensing and growing ; and
WHEREAS, staff will need sufficien: time to review and coordinate the pro · ·•sions relating 10
Medical marijuar.n dispens ing and g:"Owing in the Code; and
WHEREAS , City Council deems it necessary to coordinate the revi ew of the Unified
Development Code and finds it appropriate 10 prohibit the establishm ,,u ,ii ,1~• medical
marijuana dispensing and growing in the City until the review by the s1 s .f ~•:.'-City Council ; and
\VHF.REAS, the moratorium would temporarily stop additional busin.esses ; and
WHEREAS. tho se uses already in business would not be affected; and
WHEREAS . the eme rgency ordinance contemplates a prohibit ion on the estahli shment of ,.·,
bus!ness not in operation by second reading ; and
WHEREAS , in order for the Cit y to comply with equal protection issues . the moratorium vi
temporary suspension must apply to all zone districts unless specific exemptions can be
legitimately set forth due to a fin ding that a panicular zone district should be excluded: and
WHEREAS, the revisio,,s to the Unified Development Code and the updating of the uses
allowed in all zone districts will help protect the public health. safety and welfare by preserving a
safe , healthy, and sound environment within the City ; and
WHEREAS , the citizens of Englewood and the Ci1y Council have de'lermined that further
revi sion s to the Unified Development Code are necessary 10 promote , coordinate . and implement
a high quality plan 10 produce well balanced zoning in the City; and
WHEREAS , the current listing of uses is not meeting the above criteria; and
WHEREAS. the City Council finds that a six month moratorium or temporary suspension of
1he establishment of all new medical marijuana dispensing and growing uses is neces sary to
implement the revisions to the Unified Dc1'eiopment Code .
11 bi
NO\\', T HEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED B\' THE Can COUNCIL OF TIii-. rm· OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO.THAT A MORA TORIU~I OR TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF ALL NEW MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSING AND GROWING USES FROM AUGUST 17. 2009 TO FEBRUARY 17. 2010. SIIALL BE ESTABLISHED. ~-By reason of the fact tha: the Englewood Unified Development Code does not adequatel) define or limu mcd1cal marijuana dispcnstng and gro,.ing uses and for the 1mmed1atc pre.servauon of the public property. health. peace and safety. 11 is hereby declared that an emergency exists and that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage.
~-Said moratorium er temporary suspension shall be for any medical marijuana
dispensing and growing uses within the City of Englewood not on operation by Au.,ust 17, 2009.
~ The City COW1Cil directs City staff to develop appropriate rccommcndauons to
Council, within six months, 10 be consistent with this Ordinance and to provide for an updating
of the Unified Development Code relating to medical mariJuana dispensing and growing uses.
~ The City Council fiods •be provisions of this Ordinance arc tcmpor n nature
and are intendeJ to be replaced by subsequent legislative enactment so that the ~. 1,.i, an or
temporary suspension as specified in this Ord,nan.:c: shall temunatc on Februar 17, 2010
Introduced. read in full, and rasscd Oil fim reading as an Emrrgcncy Ordinnr,c~ nn the ,"' day
of August. 2009 .
Published as an Emergency Bill for an Ordinanc,: OD tbc Cny's official website beg.nning on the
5th day of Au.,ust. 2009 for tluny (30) days. •
Published in fu ll as an Emergency Bill for an Ordinance in the City"s official newspaper on the
14• day of August. 2009.
Read by title and passed on final reading 11$ an Emergency Ordinance OD the 17th day of
August, 2009.
Published b) :itlc as an Emergency Ordinance No. __ . Series of 2009. in the City's official
newspaper on 1!,e 21st da:· of August. 2009 .
Published by title as an EmCl!\!en<:Y Ordinance on theC'ity's official website beginmng on the 19th
day of August, 2009 for thin )' (30) days.
ATTEST: James K. Woodward. Mayor
Loucrish1a A Elli~. City Clerk
• I. I nucn h1a A. Elli~. C11y Cieri: of the Cny of Englewood. Colorado. hereby cemf> th~• 1hc
above and forc~Oln!l 1s a IJ\IC co,y of the Emergency Ordinance passed on final reading and pubhshcd b}' 111lc as Ordinance No _. Scncs oP009. Loucnslua A. Elhs
WHEREAS. it bas been brought to Council's anention that the CUtTent Unified Development
Code does not adequately define or limit medical marijuana dispensing and growing uses: and
WHEREAS. Cny Council bas directed staff to review, .rcate and revise, if necessary. provisions
concerning rucd1cal marijuana dispensing and growing; and
WHEREAS, staff will need sufficient time to miciA• and coordinate the provisions relating to
Medical marijuana dispensing and growing in the Code; and
WHEREAS, City Council deems it necessary to coordinate the review of the Unified
Development Code and finds It appropriate 10 p1olubit the establishment of new medical
marijuana dispensing and growing in the City until the review by the saff and City Council: and
WHEREAS. the moratorium would temporarily stop additional businesses: and
WHEREAS, those uses already in business would not be affected; and
WHEREAS, the emergency ordinance contemplates a prolubition on the establishment of any
business not in operation by second reading: and
WHEREAS, in order for the City to comply with equal protection issues, the mortuonum or
temporary suspension must apply to aU zone districts unless specific exemptions can be
legitimately set forth due to a finding that a panicular zone distnct should be excluded; and
WHEREAS. the revisions to the Uruticd Devclopmcnt Code and the updating <'f the uses
allowed in all zone districts will help protect the public health, safety and welfare by prcscrvmg •
safe. healthy. and sound environment within the City: and
WHEREAS , the citizens of Englewood and the City Council have dctennined thnt further
m-isions 10 the Unified Developmen1 Code arc necessary 10 promote. coordinate. t111d implement
n high quality plan to produce well balanced zoni ng m the Cuy; t111d
WHEREAS, the CUtTent hsung of uses IS not mcctmg ~ above cri . ..:na; and
WHEREAS, the Cny Council finds that a six month moratorium or temporary su~pension of
the cstnblishment of all new medical morijuana dispensing and gr,,,,·L~g '.lSCS 1s necessary to
implement the revisions 10 the Unified Development Cl-de.
11 bi
NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO, THAT A MORATORIUM OR TEMPORARY !:t.:SPENS IO'I OF ALL NEW MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSING AND GROWING USES FROM AUGUST 17, 2009 TO FEBRUARY 17. 2010, SIIALL BE ESTABLISHED. ~-By reason of 1hc fact tha1 1hc Eni:lewooo Unified Devcl ~pmem Code docs not adcqua1cly define or hmil medica l marijuana dispensing and growing uses ond for the immedia1e preservation of the public propeny, health, peace and safety, it is hereby declared tha1 an emergency exists and lha1 1h1s Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon us final passage.
~-Said moratonum or temporary suspension shall be for any medical marijuana
dispensing and growing uses within the City of Englewood not in operation by August 17, 2009.
~liQD)~ The City l-Ouncil directs City •taffto develop appropriate recommendations to
L11u11cil, within si~ months, to be consistent with this Ordinance and to provide for an updating
nf 1ne Unified Dcvdopmem Code relating 10 medical marijuana dispensing and growing uses.
~!L?L• The C11y Council finds the provmons of this Ordtnancc arc temporary ID nature
and an i • :, ~ 10 be replaced by subsequent legislative enactment so that the moratoriwn or
tcmpo,ary s,•,p,i,sion as specified in this Ordinance shall 1crmina1c on February 17, 2010.
lJ H ., • .:ed, read in full, and passed on firsl reading as an Emergency Ord inance on the 3"' day
of .~C.l\lSl, 2009.
Published as an Emergency Bill for an Ord .,nee on the City's official wcbsiie beginning on the
5th day of August, 2009 for th1ny (30) days.
Published in full as an Emergency Bill for on Ordinance in the Cily's official newspaper on lhe
14,. day of Augusi, 2009 .
Read by title and passed on final reading as an r,mcrgcncy Ordinance on the 17th day of
August, 2009.
Published by title as nn Emergency Ordinance No._, Senes of 2009, in the C'i1y's official
newspaper on Ilic 21 sl dny of AUb'IISI, 2009.
Publi shed by tillc as an Emergency Ordinance on 1hc City's official wcbsi1e hcgmning on the 191h
day of August, 2009 for tluny (30) days.
AlTEST: James K. Woodward, Mayor
Loucrlshia A. Ellis, C'uy Clerk
I. Loucrishia A Ellis. Ci1r Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hercb> cen,fy that the above and forego ing 1s a true copy of the Emergency Ordmanc:c passed on final reading and ruhhshed by tule as Ordinance No _. Series of2009. Loucnshia A . Ellis
COUNCIL COMMUNI CATION Date: Agend a Item: Subject: August I i, 2009 11 c I Memorandum oi Understanding amending the Collec ti ve Bargaining Agreement between the City and the EFFA fo r 2009 · 2011 Initiat ed By: I Staff Source:
Human Resources Oepanmen1 Sue Eaton, Director of Human Resources
The Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Englewood Firefighters Association was apprO\ ed by
Council for 2009-2011.
Staff requests Council's approva l of a Memorandum of Undel}tandlng amending the 2009-2011
Collect,\ e Bargaining Agreement with the Englewood Firefighters Assotlatlon (EFFA ) .
Per the City's collective bargaining agreement for 2()()9.2011 \\ith the EFFA, wage increases are to
be Implemented on January 1, 2010 based on the results of the annual salary survey t.o be
conducted In 2009. In anticipation ol revenue shortfalls the City requested that the EFFA defer any
wage Increases in 20 l 0.
Summarized, the Memorandum of Understanding sta tes:
• No adjus tments 10 2009 wages will be made on January I, 2010.
• The wage increase (If any) indicated by th e 2009 salary survey wil l be applied on Ju ly 1,
20 IO if the sales tax revenues from January 1, 201 0 through lune 30, .201 0 meet or exceed
those from the same period in 2008.
• The City intends to maintain current fire department staffing.
• No bonuses \\ill be considered /awarded to department directors or the City Manager
unless the sales tax revenues meet the criteria 1n bullet two. above.
The total financial ,mpact of the memorandum of understanding will not be known unul the
completion of the 2009 salary survey In November, 2009 .
RESOLUTION NO SERIES OF 200'I A RESOLlJl'JON AUTHORIZING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WHICH AMENDS THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN Tl-Ile ENGLEWOOD FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL NO. 1736 AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE YEA.RS 2009. '.!010 AND 201 I. WHEREAS. the Cuy of Englewood and the Englewood Firefigh1crs Local No. 1736 emcrcd imo negotia1ions in May. 2008 in nccordance wuh the Englewood Ci1y Home Rule Chari er; and
WHEREAS. the members oftbe Englewood Firefighters Local No. 1736 duly raufied. by a
maJonty of the members. the Collcct1vc Bargauung Agrccmcnt for the years 2009 through 20 I I:
WHEREAS . EFF A and 1he City recognize the projected revenue shonfalls anticipo1ed by 1he
Ci 1y for fiscal year 20 I 0: and
WHEREAS. 1be City has rcques1ed that concessions be made b) 1be EFF A 10 connecuon
with ponions of1he panics· Collec1ive Bargaining Agrccmcnt dunng 1he period ~f January I.
20 IO through December 3 I. 20 I 0: and
WHEREAS. EFFA and the City now desire 10 amend their Agreement with respect 10 those
concessions: and
\\'HER.EAS. 1f the economic fat'lors of this Memorandum ofUndcrs1anding ha,·e been met.
Council inlends 10 look a1 a simili• •~lary augmen1ation. for all employees of the C11).
Section I. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby approves the
Memorandu m of Undemanding amending the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the
Englewood Firefighters Local No. 1736 and the City of Englewood for the Years 2009, 2010 and
201 l. auachcd hereto as Exhibit A.
~-The Mayor and the Cit)' Clerk are hereby authonzcd to sign and attest the
Memorandum of Understanding amending the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the
Englewood Firefighters Local No. t 736 and the City of Englewood, Colorado. for the years 2009.
2010 and 2011.
ADOPTED AJl.1) APPROVED this 11• day 11f August. 100</
James K. Woodward. Mayor
Loucrishia A. Ellis. Cily Clerk
I. Loucnsh,a A. El11S. Cny Cieri. for lhc Cny of Englewood. Colomdo. hereby cen,fy the above ,s a true copy of Resolution No. __ . Series of 2009 . Loucrislu3 A. Ellis. City Cieri. •
MEMORAN DGM OF Ul\DERSTAND ING This MEMO RAN DUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU") 1s made lllld emeretllll0 by the Englewood Firefighters Association, Local 1736 ("EFFA") and the Cln OF ENGLEWOOD ("the Ci~~•). WHEREAS , EFFA and the City entered into a Collective Bargaining Agre11ent effective January J, 2009 through December 3 D, 201 I ("the Agreement"), which was ratilll by the members ofEFFA and approved by a resolution adopted by the City; and
WHEREAS , EFF A and the City rec.ognize the projected revenue shonfalls antidolled
by the City for fiscal year 2010, and
WHEREAS, the City has requested that concessions be made by the EFFA in conn::tion
with portions of the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement during the reriod of JanitY l,
20 IO through December 31, 20 JO; and
WHEREAS, EFF A and the City now desire to amend their Agreement with respecllQ
those concessions;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefiis and advantages berdl
contained, and funher in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hemnal\er rore
specifically set forth, the parties hereto do STIPULATE AND AG REE as follows :
I . Article 8, Section C of the Agreement is amended 10 read as follows :
C The schedule rn "A" above will be not be adjusted on January J, 2110 10
reflect the 20 IO ''market median" as determined by the 2009 Salary
Survey. Rather, the compensation paid to members of the bargainilg unit
commencing January I, 2010 will be equal to that paid 10 membetl as of
January !, 2009; however this provision shall have no effect m the
previously established agreement regarding class increases for Firdigbter
IV through Firefighter I.
The City nonetheless agrees that on or before November I, 2009, t)e City
will conduct a 2009 Salary Survey to determine the "market median" of
the 2010 median wage of top grade Firefighters at Aurora, Boulder,
Denver, Littleton, south Metro, West Metro and Westminster. The
survey will be conducte.d in the 4lh qunner of 2009 by the tluman
Resources Department, with the concurrence of the EFFA. The City and
the EFFA will meet by November I, 2009 to approve the swvey and
finalize the amount, if any, that the 2009 Salary Survey differ.; from that
determined in 2008 for calendar year 2009 .
In July. 2010. the panics shall meet to dctenninc if the Ci ty"s year lo date • sales tax rew:nues (January I, 20 10 through June 30, 2010 meet or exceed sales tax reveiiues from the so.me period in 2008 . If the sales tax revenues do meet or exc. ~ sales taJ< revenues from the sam e period m 2008. the City agrees 10 award the wage increases (if any), as established in the above paragraph. These wage increases (if nny) will be effective July I, 20!0. 2. In recognition of the concessions made by all City employees 10 assist in meeting
the projected revenue shortfalls for 20 I 0, no bonuses for department directors or the City
Manager v.~11 be granted until the above mentioned revi ew of revenues on Jul y I, 2010. If
revenues are sufficient I< ir,ant wage increases 10 the EFFA employees, wage increases will be
considered for all other t ,; . employees.
3. The p:irties recognize the staffing on fire apparatus is critical 10 the safety of
firefight ers and their abih~· 10 protect the citizens. In recognition of these facts , it is the City's
intent to maintain the cur : ' .ninimum fire department staffing of 14 persons per shift. The City
commits 10 use its be~\ e1. •rts to maintain this staffing level for the duration of this MOU.
If the City intends 1, redui~ the minimum department staffing, the EFFA will be notified in
advance and consulted.
4 . Ex,ept ~: amended b;-this MOU, the Agreement of the parties remains •
unchanged and m hill force and effect and is affinned and ratified in each and every particular.
5. This MOU upon ratification by the memb,ership of the EFFA and the approval of
an adopting resolution by the City shall be effective Jo.null!')' I , 2010 through December 31.
Dated this ____ day of ______ , 2009.
B~---------larnes K. Woodward , Mayor
Loucrishia A. Ellis, Clerk and Recorder,
COUtKIL COMMUNICATION Date : Augusl 1 7, 2009 f-------Initiated By: I Agenda Item : 11 cii L/E INWTP Supervisor) Committee I Subject: Operalions 1 Q-V· :d Dump Truck Purchase Staff Source : Stewart H. Fonda. Ulililies Director Jim Tallent, Operations Division Manager
Council approved the capital replacement of one, ten-ya rd dump truck in 1he 2009 budget.
The action recommended is to approve, by motion, the purchase of one new len-ya rd dump tr uck,
wilh stainless sleel dump body, from Tran swest Trucks, Inc . in the amounl of $99,746.
Ten ya rd dump tr ucks are used to 1ransport grit and debris, removed from the L/E W111rrP
waslewa ler influenl flow, lo a landfill fo r di,posal. This purchase is re commen ded lo ,.-place one
1 O ya rd dump lruck according to the current rep lacemen t schedule .
Quo tes were oblained us ing a City of Rifle , CO vehicle bid through Transwes1 Trucks, Commerce
City. CO . A steel dump body is availab le for under lhe budgeled amoun t. however a (304)
slainless sleel dump b Jy oplion is als o available and recommended for purchase. The City of
Englewood has changed its genera l dump tru ck specification lo include a slainless sleel dump body
for two main reasons:
1. Modern engine techno logy allows for longer vehicle service Ille . Since mosl of the vehicle
wear Is ty;,ically in lhe dump bod1•, slainless slee l is less corrodible 1han sleel. allowing for
longer vehicle life . Vehicle replacement schedule is now sel al I 2 years (from 7 yea rs ) using
stainless sleel dump bodies.
2. Financially , th is results in saving the purchase of one vehicle over the course of the current
replacement schedu le (2 units are rep laced in th e span where 3 are normally purchased).
The cos t of th is expe nditure will be sha red 50/50 by the Cities of Englewood and Littleton, The
recommended vehicle is $9,746 above th e budgeted amount of $90,000; howeve r, there is
suif,c1en1 capital funding on the Operations budge! to cover 1he excess cost Piggybacking on 1he • Rifle, Colorado award contrac~ the to1al purchase price of S99,746 is a better price lhan what we would be able 10 gel 1h,ough our own indi\idual bidding process. UST OF ATTACHMENTS Recommendation for Purchase Capilal Olltiay Request Bid Quo1e
TO: Dennis Stowe, Plant Manager
FROM: Jim Tallen1 Operations Division Manager
DATE : July 16, 2009
SU BJECT: Recommendation for Purchase of one I 0-Y ard Dutip Truck
Ten yard dump rrucks are used to transport grit and debris, removed from the l/E WWTP wastewater
influent flow, to landfi ll for disposal. This purchase is recommended to replace one IO yard dump truck
according to the current replacement schedule.
A.Quotes w~ obtain~ usin,g a City of Rifle, CO vehicle bid through Transwest Truck~, Commerce City, CO.
W' steel dump body ts available for under the budgeted amount, however a (304) sta,nleSs steel dump body
option is also available.
The City of Englewood has changed its general dump truck ,;,ecificarion to include a stainless steel dump
body for two main reasons :
3. Modem engine technc,logy allows for longer vehicle service life. Since most of the vehicle wear is
typically in the dump body, stainless steel is less conodible lhan steel, allowing for longer vehicle
life. Vehicle replacement schedule is now set at / Z years (from 7 years) using stainless steel dump
4. Financially, this results in saving the purchase of one vehicle over the cowsc of the current
replacement schedule (2 units are replaced in the span where 3 are norrntllly purchased)
Llased on th:. bid and technical review, I recommend purchase of one ten yard dump trUck. with stainless
st~t 1!llnp bod)•. from Transwcst Trucks, Inc. in the amount ofS99.746 .00.
Please char~e this purchase to account number 90-1704-61401 for the 1/E WWTP.
Cc Pat \Vhile, Fleet Administrator • Aliciu Stutz, Purchasing Administrator
OPERA TING CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Ocpanmcnt; L"EW\\TP I Fund'Division: 90-1704-6 I 40 I • Description of equipment or ot>jcc1 expcndirorc: IO yard dump truck (Must bt mort thin SSOO aod ltss than SS,000) &planauon o( necessity or benefits of this expenditure: Dump truck is used 10 haul grit and rags 10 landfill disposal -scheduled rcpla~cmcnt of unit #84 76 Total costs of placing equipment
in full oocration:
Estimated Costs Uni1Cos1 T01alCost
Purchase Price 90.000 90.000
Total 90.000 90.000
Less Trade-In
Total Net Cost
Annual Oneratlng Cost
Total First Year Cost •. 000 90,000
Is this expenditure necessary because of increased personnel?
Rocommendalion for equipment displaced:
Approximate date of purchase:
Summcr2009 • List and describe similar equipment in dep!lltment :
2 similar units are cwrently tn operation
Purchuing ,\gent"s Comments:
City Manager's Review: Approved: __ Not Approved: __
Jim Tallent "a: White Tnu~1. Apnl 1~. 2009 • ;3', Pt.I JIM Tallln: SubJe•t: FW : ChHII!> and Dump 3o:i•ti :}uotff Albchmenl!>: City of :ngltwooc 13 fl Dump :i:>::A.frtd 6~ Qu:M.n: Gcdw111 S:>ec.:r. KOS O,o:e for ".n;le.'1000.pdl Jim, Ata:hed are lhe quoits for me 1en y.vd durr.: lrJ:k. Kev,n •5 ~1t.,~ J le1tt1 so we can get lM stt-gear oro;riMmed n10 1he other INCk .
F,om: koMn Wright (111111lm:lcwrighttoansweru:om]
Sent Thursda~·, A;Yil 16, 2009 1:28 Pt-!
SIi ',jct: FW: Olnss ind Dump 8odieJ ~s
Ok hffl we go
I . 13ft Quote willl Cott Body is ~.!>e3.00
2. 13ft with AIIN!d S11111tss Sael G5, 11 B.OD
3. 1311 Kois ~lnless SINf Qll,740.00
~ GPfl?YOslmz• GPfllPrgdO J mn 4ere IS me link 10 Co.: webSILe They R.; ICClll ~
out of Slll111g Colo~do.
Allrtd So:ly quor. plus !hf. GoawW\ Spt: sllff1 ,s for the seocnd oplion
/11',d ~ P• I Nkt no ua.ises ii was ""I fault if>t lmng l\'5 go en so lllng. If you na.... any question
pit-lffl -to~--
T tanANst T Nels
Dirtct 303-301-7418
:.m,il kwriphl(tlranswut.con1
7116 '2009