HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 Resolution No. 020• • • RESOLUT IO N0 ,,,.10 SE RIES OF 2009 -- A RESOLUTI O I REAPP OLNTI NG CYND I KRIEGE R TO TH E PL ANN ING AND ZONING OMM ISS JON FO R TH E CIT Y OF ENG LEWOO D, COLO RADO. WHEREAS , the Englewood Pl anning nnd Zo ning Commi ss ion make~ rcc ommcndnttons to Cit y Coun cil rega rding th e master plan , the compreh ensive zonin g ordina nce , propo sed subd iv isions and ca pi ta l improvement s; and WHERE AS, Cyndi Kriege r is a current member of the Englewood Plannin g and Zo ning Co mmi ss ion; and WHEREAS , Cyndi Kri eger's current tenn exp ired February I, 2r09; and WHEREAS , Cyndi Kri eger ha s applied for rea ppointment lo th e En glewood Planning and Zonin g Co mmi ss ion; NOW , TH EREFO RE, BB IT RESOLVED BY TH E CITY COUN Cil., OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , THAT : Secti on I. Cyndi Krieger is hereby reappointed to the Englewood Planning and Zoning Commi ss ion . Cyndi Krieger's term will be effective immediatel y and will expire February I, 2013 . ADO PTED AND APPROVED thi s 2nd day of Febmnry, 2009. 1, Loucri stc a A. Elli s, City Cl erk for th e Cit y of Englewood, C above is a tru e co py of Resolu tion No. ~0 , Series of 2009 . rado, hereb y ce rtify the -~ 8 q