HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Ordinance No. 065•· --''t :• ,. ' ORDINANCE NO. (/)$ SERIES OF 1981 BY AUTHORITY 1(1_ COUNCIL BILL NO. 68 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FITZPATRICK AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A COLLECTIVE BARG~INING AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AND THE ENGLEWOOD POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1982 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1983, APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE 1980-81 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND THE ENGLEWOOD POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, a tenative agreement dated July 13, 1981 by and between the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Benefit Association has been executed by representatives of each of said parties and Addendum to the 1980-1981 Contract Between the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Benefit Association dated July 13, 1981 has also been executed by representatives of each of said parties; and WHEREAS, said tenative agreement was duly ratified by a majority of the members of the Englewood Police Benefit Association and said Addendum was duly ratified by a majority of the members of the Englewood Police Benefit Association; and WHEREAS, Section 5-10-lO(c), as amended, requires that the tentative agreement and addendum be approved by Ordinance duly passed by City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That the tentative agreement dated July 13, 1981 and addendeum dated July 13, 1981 by and between the City of Englewood, Colorado, and Englewood Police Benefit Association, effective January 1, 1982 through December 31, 1983, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the Mayor of the City of Englewood is hereby authorized and directed to execute the collective bargaining agreement and addendum between the City of Englewood and Englewood Police Benefit Association dated July 13, 1981, and the Director of Finance, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer, shall attest the same. Section 3. The Agreement between the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Benefit Association dated July 13, 1981 generally provides as follows: ' • • ,. The agreement between the City of Englewood and the Englewood PolicA Benefit Association consists of 19 typewritten pages and is titled "Contract Between The City Of Englewood And The Englewood Police Benefit Association." Duration of the Agreement is from January 1, 1982 to and including December 31, 1983. The Agreement recognizes the Englewood Police Benefit Association and defines those employees included and excluded therefrom. Employee rights are defined, hours of work, lay-off procedure, overtime work, callback procedures, standby time, probationary period, personal leave provisions, disability/temporary procedure is established, on-the-job injury/disability procedure is established, leave of absence procedure, grievance procedure, dues deduction, association activity, authority of City to establish rules and regulations, merit increases, responsibility to testify, acting pay, base salary, retirement benefits, tuition refund, bidding procedure for holidays, vacation and shift assignment, letter of warning, and the exclusive of agreement protection is provided for in the Agreement. Longevity compensation, promotion, annual leave, personal leave, life insur- ance, dental insurance, health insurance, and holidays are provided for in the Agreement. Compensation is provided for at the rate of 10% effective January 1, 1982. The provision for 8% in 1983 is provided for; however, if necessary, a wage adjustment in the excess of 8% shall be made for 1983 based upon a wage survey of certain municipalities and the increase of wages in said communities. The foregoing is only a sununary of said Agreement and does not intend to interpret, replace or substitute for the provisions in the Agree- ment, said Agreement being adopted in full by this Ordinance. Section 4. That the Mayor of the City of Englewood is hereby authorized and directed to execute an addendum to the 1980-1981 contract between the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Benefit Association dated the 13th day of July, 1981 and the Director of Finance, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer, shall attest the same. Section 5. That the addendum to the 1980-1981 contract between the city of Englewood and Englewood Police Benefit Association generally provideE for an· increase in present wages of police officers, first, second, third, and fourth class, as well as an increase in sergeants pay of 6% effective July 1, 1981. The fore- going is intended only to be a sununary and is not for the purpose of interpreting, replacing or substituting for the provisions of said Agreement, said addend~ being fully adopted hereby. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 3rd day of August, 1981. -2- • • I. • Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 5th day of August, 1981. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 17th day of August, 1981. Published by title as Ordinance No. ~, Series of 1981, on the 19th day of August, 1981. ~ .. ;C_t!2t: r Eug.,re L. -Ofls, Mayor Attest: . ex ~ic9ct(~ ~rer I, Gary R. Higbee, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and complete copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No. ~ , Series of 1981. (¢1~·~ -3- • ,. • CONTRACT BETWEEN 'DIE CITY or ENGLEWOOD AND 'DI& ENGLEWOOD POLICE BlllUIT ASIOCUTION y' ', ·-,V' ' ~ . ' . '--....."'-4 ... ..---/ / This Contract entered into by th• City of lnalevood, Colorado and the Englewood Police Benefit Aaaociation baa u ita pu~o•• th• promtion of harmonious relations between the City of 1D1i.tood and it• B111>loyeea, a fair and peaceful procedure for the reaolution of difference•; tbe eat.J>liahment of rates of pay and hour• of work, and other coaditiou of employment. Except where limited by expr••• proviaioaa ela•h•n iD thi• Contract, nothing in this Contract shall be conatrued to re.trict, 1111:1.t or impair the rights, powers and authority of th• City -araated to it by coutitutional provision, statute, ordinance, charter or apecial act, the exclua:Lva power, duty and right• to; A. Determine the overall miaaion of the City u a unit of govam•nt. B. To maintain and improve the efficiency and effectivaneaa of City operations. c. To determine the service• to be rendered, the operations to be performed, the technolo&Y to be util:L .. d, or th• matter• to be budaeted. o. To determine the overall •thoda, procauu, •au, job classifica- tions or personnel by which City operat:Lona are to be conducted. E. To direct, supervise, hire, prom>te, tranafer, aaaian, schedule, retain or lay-off employees. F. To suspend, discipline, discharae, and demote for cauae, all full- time permanent classified employees. G. To relieve employees from duties becauae of lack of work or funds, or under conditions where the City dattl'lline• continued work would be inefficient or nonproductive. H. To take whatever other actions may b• necessary to carry out the wishes of the public not otheIWise specified herein or limited by a collective bargaining agreement. I. To take any and all actions to carry out the lliaaion of the City in cases of emergency. J. Nothing contained herein shall preclude th• Cit)' from conferring with its employees for purpose of developina polici .. to effectuate or implement any of the above enumerated riahta• • Page 2 • • ARTICLE I. DURATION OF AGREEMENT A. This Contract shall take effect on January 1, 1982 and ahall continue in force to and including December 31, 1983. B. This Contract, or any part of it, may be terminated or renegotiated at any time by mutual consent of both parties. c. If any article or section of this Contract should be held invalid by operation of law or the District Court, or if compliance with or enforcement of any article or section should be restraiaed by •uch District Court, the remainder of this Contract shall not be affected thereby and thia Contract shall remain in full force and effect, and the parti .. shall promptly~maet and confer for the purpose of attempting to arrive at a 1111tually satisfactory replacement for such article or section. o. The parties agree and understand that proviaiona relating to employees covered by this Contract shall in no way displace or .,dify present or future statutory or case law of the State of Colorado. E. The parties acknowledge that durina naaotiationa which resulted in this Contract, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter appropriate for aaet and confer discussions and that the understandin&• and aar .... nt• arrived at by the parties after this exercise of that right and opportunity are aet forth in this Contract. All benefits agreed to in previous Memorandums of Understanding and not addressed in this Contract will continue. ARTICLE II. RECOGNITION The City recognizes the Englewood Police Beaefit Aaaociation as the employee organization certified by the Career Service Board of the City of Englewood as the exclusive representative for the Police employees within the following bargaining unit: Included: All full-time, classified employ .. • of the City Police Department. Excluded: All others who may be determined by the career Service Board prior to or during the life of this Contract .. provided under the City Charter. ARTICLE III. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS A full-time classified employee who is not a confidential employee. a managerial employee, or a supervisor ahall have th• right: A. To form. join. support or participate in, or to refrain from forming, joining. supporting. or participating in any employee organization or its lawful activities; and B. Bargain collectively through their certified employee representative. • • • Page 3 c. No employee shall be interferred with, reatrained, coerced or discriminated againat becauae of th• exerci•• of th•• ri&hta nor shall the right of an individual employee to diacuaa •llPloymnt concema with the City be infringed upon. ARTICLE IV. HOURS OF WORK The Police Department shall observe office and. working houra necessary for the efficient transaction of their reapectiv. aervic... Such have been determined for emergency employees as foll.ow•: A. All employees covered by thi• Contract ahall be •cheduled at leaat an average of forty (40) hour• work per week in •even (7) day cycles. The work week shall conaiat of five (5) ei&ht (8) hour ahifta, four (4) ten (10) hour shifts, or other work •chedulu u determined by the Police Chief with approval of the City Manaaer. Lunch mid other breaka will be scheduled at the discretion of the Police Chief during the work schedule. ARTICLE V. LAYOFF Whenever there is lack of work, lack of funda, or under conditions where the City determines continued work would be inefficient or nonproductive, the appointing authority shall designate the po•itiona in which the layoff is to be made. Employees on layoff shall be recalled in the order of relative length of service. Those recalled must have the demonatrated ability and same qualifi- cations to perform the available work as determined by the City. Any employee in a higher rank if laid off may transfer to hi• previous lower rank provided the employee had permanent status in the lower rank. Any employee so transferred shall have the first right of refusal to the former higher level position that the employee had held. The recall list shall terminate after eighteen (18) months. ARTICLE VI. OVERTIME WORK A. For all employees covered by thi• Contract except Sergeants, duties performed over and above the assigned work schedule shall be considered overtime. Overtime shall not be computed nor compensation pay allotted on previously accrued overtime. Sergeants shall receive overti .. only for court, staff and administrative meetings when required by & a uperior and aaaigned training. B. All personnel, as defined in thi• Article, shall be compensated for overtime work at the rate of one and one-half (lit) times th• normal pay rate. c. The City retains the right to asaign overtime work to any employee qualified to perform the work. Overtime work will be offered on a voluntary basis first. If the required number of employees necessary ·to perform the overtime work can not be found, employees shall be assigned and obligated to work such overtime. • • • Pa~e 4 ARTICLE VII. COMPENSATION A. Effective January 1, 1982, employ-covered by tbia Contract shall receive a ten ( 10) percent wage increue on their bue wap. B. Employees covered by thi• Contract aball receive an eight (8) percent wage increase on their base wage effective January 1, 1983. In addition, if necessary, a waa• adjuat .. nt in exceas of the eight (8) percent wage increase will be made. Thi• waa• acljuataent will be baaed upon a wage survey of the position of Police Officer lat Claa• or equivalent in the following cities: Aurora Arvada Denver Lakewood Littleton Northglen Thornton Wheat Ridge The base wage for Police Officer lat Clua or equivalent in each of the above cities as of January l, 1982 and January 1, 1983 will be determined. The percentage increase between January 1, 1982 and January 1, 1983 will then be computed for each City. Thea• percent&&• iDCnu• will then be added topther and divided by eight (8), resulting in th• averqe increaae for all of the above. If this average increase exceeds eight (8) percent, the amount in excea• of eight (8) percent shall be added to the 1983 bue waae. If the av.raae increaae ia eight (8) percent or less, no adjustment over the eight (8) percent base wage shall be made. ARTICLE VIII. CALL BACK An employee on off-duty status who i• called back to duty ahall be credited with a minimum of two (2) hour• of pay at the rate of one and ona-half ( l'V ti_. the regular hourly rate. Call back ahall include other duty related function• such as staff and administrative meutin&•• training, piatol rang•, monthly qualifications, etc. ARTICLE IX. STANDBY An employee assigned to standby duty aball be credited with eight (8) straight time hours of pay for each full week of atandby duty. ARTICLE X. LONGEVITY COMPENSATION In addition to an employees monthly salary, the employee shall be eligible for longevity compensation based upon the number of year• of continuous service with the City and shall be deriv~d from the following schedule. •• • ,. Page S Years of Service Amount of Compemation 0-4 None 5-9 $12 per month for $144 per yMr, axc:apt for tho.• employees who haw not completed 6 full years of continuom •ervice on DacUlber l of any year, which employees shall receive an UIOUDt equal to $12 for each full month of completed continuoua ••rvice after completion of 5 year• of continuous service up to December 1. · 10-14 $24 per month for $288 per year, except for tho.• employees who have not completed 11 full yeara of continuom ••rvice on Decellb•r 1 of any year, which employeu ·•hall receive $144 plm m aount equal to $12 for each full month of completed contlnuoua ••rvice after completion of 10 year• of continuoua •ervic• up to Dacellb•r 1. 15-19 $36 per month for $432 per year, except for tho•• employee• who have not completed 16 full year• of continuoua ••rvica on December 1 of any year, which employee •hall receive $288 plua an amount equal to $12 for each full month of completed continuom •ervice after completion of 15 years of service up to Decellber 1 • 20 or more $48 per month for $576 per year, except for thom• employees who have not completed 21 full year• of continuoua ••rvic• on December l of any year, which employee shall receive $432 plua an amount equal to $12 for each full month of completed continuom •ervic• after completion of 20 years of continuoua ••rvice up to Dacellber 1. ARTICLE XI. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES 'nle probationary period for all newly appointed Police 4111Ployees ahall not be less than twelve (12) month9 fro• the date of hire. After completion of the probationary period, the employee •hall be eli&ibla for permanent atatua. ARTICLE XI I. PRO!«>TIONS A. A promoted employee covered by tbi• Contract •hall aerve a twelve (12) month probationary period in an., po•ition. After completion of aix (6) mo nths in the new position, the Olief at hi• di•cE9tion .. y E9command permanent status to the appointing authority. Should th• appointing authority approve .permanent status for the employee at the expiration of the probationary period, the employee shall be coD8idared to have permanent •tatua. B. Any permanent employee covered by thia Contract upon being promoted to a new position in the career Service Sy•te• aball haw probationary status a s se t out above in any po•ition to which be vu promoted, but ahall retain p ermanent status in his previoua cluaification and .. y voluntarily transfer back to the previous po•ition at any ti•, or be returned to that position by t he ~?pointing authority durin& the probatioD8ry period. :• • • P.ige 6 ARTICLE XIII. ANNUAL LEAVE A. Employees covered by this Contract ahall accUllUlate annual leave monthly at the following rates. Length Hours Haun of Service per Month per Year 0-4 8 96 5-9 10 120 10 and above 13.33 160 Annual leave shall not be granted to any employ .. until after completion of twelve (12) months consecutive aervice with the City unl•• otherwiae authori.zed by the Chief. In order to qualify for annual lea,,. ct8dit durln& the S>nth. the employee must have worked for at leu t one-half (It) of the working days of that month excluding authori .. d paid le.,,.. B. The maximum accumalation of aanual lea,,. ahall be u follows: Length of Service 0-4 5-9 10 and above Hours 192 240 320 c. Annual leave shall neither be authori .. d nor computed for any purpose after the maximum accumulation has been reached. 'Ole schedule for use of annual leave shall be determined by the need• of th• depart .. nt. Annual leave shall be taken at a time convenient to and approved by the Police Chief. Employees shall not lose accumulated annual leave after the maximum haa been reached if the employee has requested uae of annual leave prior to maximum accumulation, and has been denied use of annual leave. Annual Leave Pay Tile rate of annual leave pay shall be the e111>loyees regular straight time hourly rate of pay for the employee• reaular job and charaed on a working hour basis, excluding regular days off. Annual leave shall be allowed only to the total hourly amount accumulated at the beainning of the leave, as verified by the Police Chief. Employees may receive their annual leave pay no earlier than three (3) days prior to the start of their annual leave, provided the employee makes a written request to their aurarviaor fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the start of their annual leave. Work During Annual Leave If after the employee baa begun their annual leave and the City 1·eq ·:-'.1"e& the employee to work during the scheduled annual leave period, the employee shall be compensated as follows: A. The employee shall be paid for all hour& worked at the overtime rate. li. The employee shall not be charaed with vacation time fo r: the number oi hours worked. • Page 7 • • Minimum Usage There shall be a one-week minimum OD uae of annual leave time, unless otherwise authorized by the Police Chief. ~ual Leave Pav Upon Separation Any employee who is separated from th• aervic• of the City, i.e. retirement, termination or layoff, shall be compenaated for the .unused annual leave time accumulated at the time of separation. In the caae of voluntary separation, the employee shall be required to give two (2) week8 notice to the City. How Charged Annual leave for employees shall be charaed OD a working hour basis excluding regular days off. ARTICLE XIV. PERSONAL LEAVE Beginning January l, 1982, all employeu covexed by this Contract on an eight (8) hour shift shall be granted 48 peraonal leave hours with pay and those on a ten (10) hour shift shall be granted SO peraonal leave hours with pay which an employee is entitled to use for the following purposes: A. Time lost as a result of illneaa/injury to the employee or the employee's immediate family. B. Attend personal business. C. Leisure time. For any eq>loyee who has not used the 48 or 50 personal leave hours ending December 31, of each year or any portion thereof, the City will compensate said employee for the unused time at the employee'• regular wage rate to be paid the first pay period of January of the succeeding year. Personal leave time shall not exceed the 48 or 50 hours as designated above nor shall it be accumulated or carried over from one year to the next. Personal leave shall be scheduled and administered wtder the direction of the Police Chief for personal business and leisure time. In the event of illness/injury in which personal leave is requested, the employee shall notify their supervisor at least one (1) hour prior to their scheduled reporting time. ARTICLE XV. DISABILITY -TEMPORARY (NON JOB &ELATED) Definition Tcmpordry disability !~ J.eave grantod for non-service CQfinected injury or illness of an employee which disabi:ity prevent• the emplcyee from performing his/her duties as a City employee. .l'agt! 8 Provision January 1, 1982, the City aaraea t o provide tampora'Q' dlaability leave with pay for employee& ab .. nt U a n8Ult of U1-a/injUEY at tlla rate of 100% of the employee's regular vaa• up to 120 calalMlar day• of diaability. Temporary diaabillty laa,,. aball not ba ....,_.iativa .,..,.pt that on Janu&EY 1 of each year the City shall r .. ton 1001 of th• number of day• used by an employee during the preceeding year up to a maxl.IMlll of 60 days. Utilization A. Authorization for tempor•EY di•ahility leave with pay shall only be granted after the first day of diaability. B. Authorization for temporary diaability shall only be granted for the following reasons: 1. Personal illna•• or injury not aarvice connected, including maternity. Sick Leave Option All sick leave accrued by per1UDent employees prior to JanuaE)' 1, 1980 • ahall wst with the employ .. , and .ay ba ,..d in the following mmmer: A. After the 120 days as described above have been U11•d unless the employee is entitled for retirement .. a result of disability. • B. By cashing in all accrued sick leave acc\Dulated under the previous plan upon normal or disability retire•nt froa the City at the rate of one hours pay for each two hours of accrued sick leave or one hours pay for each four hours upon separation fro• the City. C. By cashing in accrued sick leave under the previous plan, once each year at the conversion rate of four (4) hours sick leave for one (1) hour pay, not to exceed a conversion of more than 400 hours each year. Reporting of Temporary Disability 'lbe employee or a member of the employee's household shall notify the employee's supervisor at least 30 minutes prior to the employee's scheduled reporting time. No temporary disability leave will be granted to an employee who fails to notify their supervisor prior to the beginning of the employee's work schedule unless circumstances beyond the control of the employee would not permit. Verification of Disability An attending physician'• statement will not be necessary until after three (3) days of disability, except when required by the Chief of Police. If the Chief requires the physician's statement before the three (3) days of disability requirement, the City shall bear the cost of such physician's statement. Abuse of Temporary Disability Abuse of temporary disability occurs when an employee misrepresents the actual reason for requesting temporary disability or when an employee uses Page 9 • temporary disability leave for unauthorized purposes. An employee who makes a false claim for temporary disability leave shall be subject to disciplinary a c tion. ARTICLE XVI. O•TH&-JOB INJURY -DISABILITY A. For any on-the-job injury which causes any employee to be abse~t from work as a result of such injury, the City shall pay to such employee his full wages from the first day of his absence from work up to and including the 90th calendar day of such absence, less whatever sums received by the. eq>loyee as disability wages under workmen's compensation. '11\e City reaerves the right to require any employee on injury or disability leave to submit to an examination(s) by City- app ointed physician(&) at the City's expense or under the provision of workmen's compensation or the retirement/penaion provisions as provided under State Statute. B. All injuries that occur during working hours shall be reported to the employee's supervisor within 24 hours of the injury or before the employee leaves their department of employment unless circumatances beyond the control of the employee would not permit. ARTICLE XVII. LIFE INSURANCE • Term life insurance will be provided by the City for employees covered by · his Contract of $20,000 for each employee. A conversion privilege upon retire- ment of 50% coverage payable by the employee will be made available by the City for said retired employee. ARTICLE XVIII. DENTAL INSURANCE During the life of the Contract, the City shall pay 100% of the premium cost for the City Dental Insurance Plan or other plan which may be selected by the City as a substitute for the City Dental Plan for each single and dependent policy holder. Employees shall asawae any premium rate increase during the life of this Contract in excess of $35 per month. A. Tile City agrees to continue to provide each employee covered by this Contract the same level of dental benefits as provided to them as of January l, 1980, except the City shall improve said benefits according to industry standards each year and for the duration of this Contract. B. Any dispute concerning the interpretation of application of benefits under the Dental Plan shall be subject to the dispute resolution procedure only. (It is expressly understood that this Article is a non-grievable item under this Contract.) c. In order to promote a better underst.nding of the City's procedure • for resolving eq>loyee disputes concerning the interpretation and application of the City's health and dental insurance program, the following procedures · shall be ut i lized in those instances where an employee feels that their health or dental insurance claim has not been proceaaed or paid in a •nner consistent with the City's insurance plan. Page 10 ,. 1. If an employee feels that his/her health or dental claim has been incorrectly paid or denied, the employee shall first contact and inform the City's Benefit Coordinator in the Employee Relations Department at City Hall. ,. • 2. If the disputed claim can not be reaolved by the Benefits Coordinator, the claim will be resubmitted to the inaurance administrator for futher r e view and consideration. 3. If the claim can not be resolved to the satisfaction of the e~loyee by the insurance administrator, the claim will be fol'Warded with all pertinent information to the City's insurance consultant for further review and investigation and who shall attempt to resolve the dispute t hrough information and mediation. 4. 'nle written decision of City's insurance consultant concerning claim disputes involving out-of-pocket expena88 to the employee of $50 or less shall be final. Claim disputes involving out-of-pocket expenses to the employee of more than $50 unless resolved by City's insurance consultant to the satisfaction of the employee shall be forwarded to the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care for a complete review of the pertinent facts giving rise to the dispute and shall submit to the City a written decision which shall be final. 'nle coat for employing the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care shall be paid for by the City. ARTICLE XIX. HEALTH INSURANCE -EMPLOYEE/RETIREES A. During the life of this Contract, the City shall pay 100% of the premium cost for the City Health Insurance Plan or other plan which may be selected by the City as a substitute for the City Kealth Plan for each single and dependent policy holder. Employees shall aasume any premium rate increase during the l i fe of this Agreement in exceMs of $150 per month. B. The City agreea to continue to provide to each uiployee covered by this Agreement the same level of health benefits aa provided to them as of January 1, 1980 except the City shall improve said benefits according to industry standards ea ch year and for the duration of this Aareement. c. An y dispute concerning the interpretation or application of benefits provided und e r the Health Inaurance Plan shall be aubject to the dispute resolution procedure only. (It ia expreaaly underatood that thia Article is a non-grievable item under this Agreement.) D. Ret i rees prior to January 1, 1980 will be provided health insurance coverage by the City on a non-participatina baaia. The coV9rage will coordinate with Medicaid and Medicare vh•rever appl!cabla. ruture retireea will be guaranteed conversion privileges to the Health Insurance Plan availabla through the City. 'nle Ci t y will pay 50% of th• coat of coveraa• of the conVDraion plan up to a maximum o f $50 per month • E. In order to promote a betb!r understanding of tho City's procedure for resolving e mp loyee di~puteM concerning the interpretation and application of the City's health and dental insurance program. the following procedures shall b e u tili ~e d i n those instance& whe1·e an employee feels that their. health or dental i n su rance claim baa not been processed 01· paid in a manna~ r;rJn&is tent wi th the Ci ty's in.-.untnr" 'ltan. • • • Page 11 1. !f an employee feel• that t.ia/ber hMlth or dental claim has been incorrectly paid or denied, the employee •hall firat contact and inform the City's Benefit Coordinator in th• lllploy• lalatiaaa Department at City Hall. 2. If the disputed claim can not be r .. olvecl by the lenefit• Coordinator, the claim will be resubmitted to the iaaurmace adlliniatrator for further review and consideration. 3. If the claim can not be reaolv.d to the aatiafaction of the employee by the insurance adminiatrator, the claim will be forwarded with all pertinent information to the City'• iD8uranca conaultait for further re- view and investigation and who •hall atte11Pt to reaol'V9 the diapute through information and mediation. 4. The written decision of City'• iaaurance conaultant concerning claim disputes involving out-of-pocket expen•• to the employee of $SO or leaa shall be final. Claim diaputu involvina out-of-pocket expenau to the employee of more than $SO unlaaa ruolwd by the City'• iuurance conaultant to the satisfaction of the employee ahall be forwarded to the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care for a complete revi., of the pertinent facts giving rise to the dispute and ahall aubait to the City a written decision which shall be final. The coat for eaployiq the Colorado Fowidation for Medical Care shall be paid for by the City • ARTICLE XX. MILITARY LEAVE A. Any permanent or probationary employee who enliata or is inducted into the military, naval, air or other armed service• of the United States in time of war shall be entitled to a leave of absence without pay for the duration of such war or until honorably discharged, whichever occur• firat, and for one (1) year thereafter. B. Any employee who ahall be a member of the National Guard or any other component of the military forces of the State, now or hereafter organized or constituted under the State or federal law, or who shall be a member of the reserve forces of the United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under federal law, shall be entitled to leave of absence froa his employment without loss of pay, seniority, status, efficiency rating, vacation, aick leave or other benefits for all the time when he is engaged with such organization or component in training or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for State or federal purposes, but not exceeding fifteen (15) days in any calendar year. Such leave shall be allowed in case the required military service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established. c. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee returns to his public position immediately upon being relieved from such military service and not later than the expiration of the time herein limited for auch leave, wiles& he is prevented from so returning by physical or mental diaability or other cause not due to his own fault or is required by proper authorities to continue in such military service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. D. Subject to provision A, B, and C above, the City shall provide full pay to an employee Kranted military leave, less whatever wages the employee may have received hv the military for such service. :• • • Page l:l ARTICL E XXI . FUNERAL LEAVE The appointing authority shall grant leave with pay to an employee to attend the funeral of a member of the employee's family. 'l'he n\llber of days granted shall be governed by the circumstance• of the cue, but in no event ahall they exceed seven (7) calendar days. For th• purp08U of thi• aection, "employee's family" shall mean the employee'• apouae, or the children, grandchildren, parent•, grandparents, brothers and sister• of the employee or of th• employee'• apouae. ARTICLE XXII. JURY DUTY Leave may be granted to an employee for aervin; on jury duty. He shall be entitled to the difference between his regular compensation and the fees received for jury duty. ARTICLE XXlll. HOLIDAYS Employees covered by this Contract ahall be acheduled for ninety (90) hours off with pay at the discretion of the Police Olief or his designee. Scheduling will be dependent on manpower need• and the Q\ief, with the approval of the City Manager, may pay the employee in lieu of the time off. If after the employee has begun their holiday and the City requires the employee to work during the scheduled holiday period, the employee shall be compensated as follows: A. The employee shall be paid for all hours worked at the overtime rate. B. The employee shall not be charged with holiday time for the number of hours worked. ARTICLE XXIV. UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE A. The City shall furnish, or bear the coat of uniforms, including leather gear, insignias, shoes and clothing, required while on duty, and shall pay all costs of maintenance, repair and cleaning thereof. All employees assigned to the non-uniform division for a period of thirty (30) days or more and not required to be in unifo rm during work, shall receive a monthly clothing allowance of $40. The City shall provide the necessary cleaning. '11le employee shall be responsible for all lost or stolen items identified above or damage to same as a r esult of n~gligence or deliberate act. B. The City will reimburse an employee 50% of the cost for the purchase of a bullet proof vest (flack jacket) up to a maximum of $75.00. Reimbursement shall only be made once every five (5) years and the employee auat retain possession of the jacket during the five (5) year period • ARTICLE XXV. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (WITIIOUT PAY) Eligibility PE::tr!k. •• ent employet?s covered by this Contract may be granted a leave of absence without pay for rea!lons of education which i3 allied to the duties of Page 13 • the City, settlement of an estate, child cate, serious illness of a meai>er of the employee's family, but shall not be used for the purpose of obtaining employment elsewhere. Leave without pay shall not exceed •ix (6) months of any year but nay be extended upon requeat for an additional aix llODtba. 'lhe total leave time shall not exceed one year. Upon retum from approved J.aaw, the employee will be restored to their former position if available or to a poaition comparable for which the employee is qualified. During periods of uapaid leave, employees shall not continue • • to accrue service credit, or be eligible for my City benefits. Application for Leave A request for a leave of absence without pay ahall be aubmitted in writing by the employee to the Police Qiief. 'Dle requ .. t •hall indicate the reason the leave of absence is being requested and the approximate length of leave time requested. Consideration of Leave lleguest The Police Chief may grmt or deny leave requeau, taking into consideration the department's work force, work load and the 911Ployee'• request. Failure to Return If an employee f aila to retum by the date of leave expiration, the employee shall be considered to have voluntarily r .. ianed fro• the service of the City, unless the appointing authority determinee that unusual circU11Stances exist • ARTICLE XXVI. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A grievance i• defined as an alle&ed violation of a specific provision of this Contract. The employee and the Association ahall be required to follow the procedure aa ••t out below. Step l If the employee/Association is unable to settle the arievance or diapute orally and informally throu&h hi•/her ilmftdiate auperviaor within five (5) work days of the date of the occurrence of the arievance, or the •llPloyee's knowledge of it, the employee may within th• eucceedina five (5) vork days file a written grievance with his/her supervisor. 'lhe auperviaor ahall attempt to adjust the matter and shall respond in writing to th~ employee within five (5) work days. Step 2 If the grievance still remaina unadjusted, it shall be presented by the employee to the Police Chief in writing within five (5) work days following receipt of the supervisor's response. 'nle Police Chief ahall respond in writing within five (5) work days. Step 3 If the grieva,1ce still remaiw; unadjusted, it shall be presented by the employee to the City Manager in writing within five (5) W(ll'lt days following receipt of the Police Chief's response. 'lbe City Hanaaer or his/her designated repr esentative shall respond in writing within ten (10) work days. • P a g~ 11-• Step 4 If the grievance is a till unsettled, the employee within ten ( 10) work days after the reply of the City Manager or hi.a/her deaignated representative, may by written notice request the matter be heard by the Career Service Board. The Career Service Board or ita deaignated hearina officer ahall be requested to issue a decision within thirty (30) daya after cmcluaion of testimony and argument. Each party shall be reaponaible for companaation to its own repre- sentatives and witnesses. If either party deaire• a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be .. c1e, provided it pays for the record and makes copies available without char&• to· the other party and to the Career Service Board or it• deaignated hearina officer. Failure by an employee or the Association to comply with any ti.lie liaitation ahall conatitute a settle- ment of the grievance. Should th• employer not reapond within the prescribed time, the grievance will automatically proceed to the next atep. Authority of career Service Board 'lbe Career Service Board or its designated officer shall have no power to add to or subtract from or change the terms of thi• Contract. '11le written decision of the Board or its designated hearing officer shall be final and binding upon the parties. 'lbe Board or its designated hearing officer ahall limit its decision strictly to the grievance submitted which bas b .. n properly processed through the grievance procedure outlined. • Processing Grievance During Workin& Hours Grievances may be investigated and proceaaed by the employee during working hours within reasonable time limits without loaa of pay .provided notice is given • and the work load permits. ARTICLE XXVII. DUES OEDUC'l'ION A. The City agrees to deduct the Aaaociation dues once each month from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing that such deductions be made, subject to the garnishment laws of the State of Colorado. lbe amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the City Finance Director by the Treasurer of the Association, and the aggregate deductiona of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the Treasurer by the 15th of the succeeding month, after such deductions are made. 1.'he authorization shall be revokable during the term of the Contract, upon a thirty (30) day written notice by the employee to the City Finance Director. B. Deduction shall be made from only one payment of wages each month, except that if no wages are paid an authorized employee on the last payday of a given month, deduction for that month will be made from any wages which may be paid to him/her on the next succeeding final monthly City payday. It is expressly understood that the City assumes no liability and shall not be liable for the collection or payment to the Association of any dues during any time that an employee is not actually working for the City and actually on the payroll of the City. In the event of error on the checkoff list, the City will not be responsible to neke adjustments, until notified by the Treasurer of the Association. • Page LS c. n1e Association shall indemnify and hold the City harmless again& t any and a ll c laims, suits, orders, or judgments brouaht or issued against the City as a res•1lt of any action taken or not taken by the City under the provision of this • • Articl•. o. Chan&• in the dues amount to be deducted shall be limited to two (2) change• each year, and provided a thirty (30) day written notice is provided the City Finance Director. E. Should the change in the deduction a..,uat ·or method require a computer programming change, the Association shall be r .. poaaible for that cost of such change or changes, at $30 per hour with a four (4) hours mu:haum. Payment from the Association shall be made to the City Finance Director within ten (10) days of receipt of billing. ARTICLE XXVIII. ASSOCIATION AcrIVITifS The City agrees that during workina hour• on tba City premiaea and without loss of pay, Association representatives .. y be allowed to: attend Aasociation- management meetings; post Association noticea; aolicit Aaaociation aielllberahipa during employee's non-work time; and repruent uiploye• OD &rievancea • ARTICLE XXIX. RULES AND REGULATIONS Except as limited by the express terms of tbia Contract, the City retains the right to promulgate reasonable rules, reaulatloaa, policiu, procedures and directives. Said rules, regulations, pollci•, and procedur es and directives which are an alleged violation of this Contract ahall be aubject to the grievance procedure. ARTICLE XXX. MERIT INCREASE.5 The wage increaseti provided for Police Officer 4th Cl-throu&h lat Clue shall not be considered automatic, but rather b ... d upon .. ritorioua aervice. Said merit increase may be granted or denied to any individual Police Officer upon recommendation of the Police Olief and with the approval of the City Manager upon written notice to such individual Police Officer. '1'h• date in which the merit increase is approved shall determine th• n., aerit anniversary date. ARTICLE XXXI. DUTY TO TESTIFY Should any employee be required to testify before any court or departnental administrative hearing as a result of his or her official duties with the City, the time spent by such employee in providing auch teatimony shall be considered to be wo rk time. If such appearance for testimony is at a time when the employee would otherwise be off duty, he or she shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours at the overtime rate. 'nle employee shall pay to the City all witness fees, and other c ompensation paid to the employee in conjunction with so testifying excluding mileage fees. An employee who is called for witne•• duty shall present to their supervisor the original au111110ns or subpoena fro• the court or at the conclusion of su~h ~uty, shall provide a signed atat8118Dt fro• the clerk of the court, or other evidence indicating the amount of time hiM/her peraon was required. When he ia • PagL' 16 subpoenae d as a witness in private litigation to teetify, not in his official capacity but as an individual, the time absent by reaeona thereof shall be taken as annual leave or leave without pay. ARTICLE XXXII. ACTING PAY A. All acting positions will be compenaated at 100% of the pay for the position in which he is acting ae approved by th• Qlief of Police. 'lbe employee must be in the position for a period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days before said employee becomes eligible for acting poeition compensation. Such pay will be retroactive to the first day of said employee assumes the responsi- bilities of the position. ART! CLE XXXI II • BASE SALARY For the purpose of determining an employ• .. baa• wage, the employees regular straight time wage rate and longevity shall be used, excluding all other forms of employee compensation. ('lhe above proviaion •hall be used only for the purpose of determining pension benefits under th• City and State pension plan.) ARTICLE XXXIV. llE~IUMENT BENEFITS ~ Retirement benefits shall be provid•d for •• •tipulated under State Statute. In addition, the City shall continue to provide the aame level of benefits as provided for in the Englewood Municipal Code. • Employee contributions will not be increaeed above the 5% to employees hired prior to April 8, 1978 and 8% for employe .. hired after April 8, 1978 contribution levels unless required by State Statute. ARTICLE XXXV. TUITION REFUND Upon recommendation of the Police Olief and after prior approval of the City Manager, the City of Englewood shall reimburse a permanent, full-time police officer upon successful completion of an approved course or courses in education or vocational training. 'nle course or training must be related to the work and be designed to improve competence in the job, and be of value to the police officer's service to the City. 'nlis shall include all tuition, and required texts. ARTICLE XX.XVI. BIDDING PROCEDURES FOR HOLIDAYS, VACATIONS AND SHIFT ASSIGNMENT A. Seniority applicable to the seniority bid process will be determined in accordance with the total length of continuous employment as a Police Officer with the City of Englewood. Prio~ City ~mployment in oth~r than a Police Officer capacity will not apply toward senluri'Y· Probationary emp~oy~f:S will u~c be include d in the bid process. Sergeants' seniority will be determined by their last promotion date and not total time as a Police Officer. Only the time as a Sergeant since his most recent prnmotion will be applied toward seniority for bid procedure. •• • •• Pa1:L' I 7 Bi ddin g fo r Watches and Days Off B. The seniority bid system will be applicable to personnel assigned to the un i formed patrol division only and will notb•,authorized in any other divis i on. The uniformed patrol division commander will develop and post a schedule prior to each year for a six-month period atartina November 1 and ending April 30. The uniformed patrol division commander will develop and post a second schedule prior to May 1 each year for a aix-llODth period starting May 1 and ending October 31. · The patrolmen in the uniformed diviaion will bid twice a year. Each bid process will consist of two (2) three (3) month interval•. The first bid each year will be for November 1 through January 31 and Pebruary 1 throuah April 30. The second bid each year will be for May 1 throuah Auauat 31 and Auauat 1 through October 31. There will be ten biddable poaitiona OD each watch. The bidding proceaa will begin with the most aenior police officer biclclia& the poaition of hi• choice. In tbe descending order of aeniority each r ... inin& officer will have a choice of th~ remaining biddable poaitiona. All apecialiaed positions such as motorcycle officer, , crime prevention officer, mounted patrol officer, etc. will not be open to bid. 11'9 apecialiaed aasignment• along with any no bid positions on a watch will be in addition to the ten biddable positions on each watch. Officers may request non-biddable poaitiona and an att .. pt will be made to accoDD11odatethem, but such positions will be ... 1...-s at the diacretion of the patrol division commander. If an officer fails to submit their bid in accordance with tho bidding procedure they will relinquish their oppo»tunity to bid by aeniority and will be assigned at the discretion of the patrol diviaioa cOllll&nder. The sergeants in the patrol division will bid by seniority in the following manner : There will be one-biddable position on each watch established by the patrol d i vis i on commander. The sergeants in the patrol division will bid the remaining biddable position from the most senior sergeant on down. Sergeants may request non-biddable positions and an attempt will be .. de to accoamaodate them, but such positions will be assigned at the discretion of the patrol division commander. Sergeants will follow the same bid schedule proc••• as patrol officers. The s e rgeants will bid two (2) three (3) month watche• at a time. Sergeants will not be allowed to bid the same shift more than two times in a row. Officers or sergeants assigned to other diviaion• and who are reassigned to the patro l division will occupy the position vacated by the person they are replaci ng. If other positions are available, they may request assignment to s uch position, but may only be assigned at the discretion of the patrol division conunan<ler. These personnel will then be allowed their seniority for bid at the n e xt bid proces~. • • • Page 13 It is further understood that a schedule chanae for unforeseen emergency circum!:itances arise, officers and sergeant• may be a•aigned by the patrol division commander from one shift to the other to handle whatever emergency situation exists during the duration of the emergency. The officers or aergeanta in descending order of seniority will be asked if they want the assignment change from their assigned watch during the duration of the emergency. If it is necessary to assign officers or aergeant• after tbi• procedure has been done the least senior officer on the watch will be selected first to change assign- ments by the patrol division coaaander. Thi• proce•• will continue until the division commander has met the needs of the emeraency aituation. c. Bidding for Vacations and Holidays Vacations will be bid by seniority. Vacation• will be bid by seniority only one time during the year November 1 through October 31. An officer or sergeant will bid for vacation accordina to the bidding schedule. He will be able to bid during the firat six (6) month bid process November through April 30 or the second six (6) llODth bid process May 1 through October 31. Vacations other than his .. niority bid vacation will be on first- requested basis. All vacation requests will be sianed and dated by the receiving supervisor on the date of receipt. Any vacation requested after the bid process closes will be on a first-requested basis • Vacations are expected to be scheduled in aood faith by each employee and shall specify the exact dates desired. In the uniformed patrol division not more than four officers or one sergeant per watch will be scheduled for vacation or holiday leave at the same time, unless approved by the patrol division commander. Not 110re than two officers or one sergeant within other divisions will be scheduled for vacation at any one time unless approved by their division coaaander. Vacation• within the investigations and administration divisions will be scheduled by their division commander according to seniority. Holidays will be bid after all vacation• have been bid by seniority with vacations taking precedent over holidays. The bid ti.. for holidays is the same as vacations according to bid schedule except that any holidays not scheduled or used by August 1 of that year will be aaai&Jled. The schedule process for bidding will be aa follows. The bidding process will take place in October for November . 1 throuah April 30 and April for May 1 through October 31. Holidays will then be bid. Watchea and days off will be bid first along with a seniority preference for vacation if so desired. Holidays will then be bid by seniority. More than one holiday at a time may be taken as long as the requirement of four per watch ia .. t • ARTICLE XXXVII. LETTER OF WARNING It is agreed that a copy of any letter of reprillaftd which is placed within an employee's personnel file will be furnished the affected employee. TI1e employee retains the right to respond in writing to the letter of reprimand which response shall also be placed in the employee'• personnel file. • • Page 19 • - • The employ ee also retains the right to requeat an administrative review of the letter of reprimand. 'lbe Q\ief of Police •hall develop this administrative review procedure which shall at a minimum coaaiat of a board with equal repre- sentation of command staff and Aasociation llmlbera. Thi• board •hall be advisory to the Chief of Police, and it• finding• ahall be placed in the employee's personnel file. 'Ibis Article shall not be ariev.mle under this Contract. ARTICLE XXXVIII. EXCLUSIVENESS OF AGREDl•T The City and the Association agree that the term and provisions herein contained constitute the entire Agreement between th• parties and supercede all previous conaunications, repruentation• or aarewnta. either verbal or written, between the parties with respect to the •ubject •tter herein. 'lbe City and the Association agree that all negotiable iteaa have been di•cusaed during the negotiations leading to this Agre ... nt and, therefore. aaree that negotiationa will not be reopened on any item durina the life of thia Agreement except by mutual agreement of the parti ... In Witness Whereof, the partiea have cauaecl tbia Contract to be signed by thelrl respecthe /Ypreaentativ•, and their •ipatuna pl•ca thereon, on this /3 li#i"' day of . T.J , 1981 at Enalawood, Colorado. r • CITY OF ENGIBJOOD · 11.L./J. ~ ·1==-· .. ,,, '/,7/c.f &1l.i~t;C • • • • • ADDENDUM TO THE 1980-1981 COllTIACT BE'IWEEN THE CITY or DIGLIWOOD AND THE ENGLEWOOD POLICE llNIPIT ASSOCIATION This Addendum to the 1980-1981 Contract entered into by the authorized City representatives and the Englewood Police Benefit j9aociation ahall be a mutual request of the above-named parties that the Bna1-food City Council modify the current 1980-1981 collective bargaining contract to reflect that effective July 1, 1981 a ten ( 10) percent wage differential be eatabliahed between the cl.asses of Police Officer and a twenty (20) percent waaa differential between the position of Police Officer First (1st) Class and the rank of Sergeant. In addition, a six (6) percent wage adjustment will be added to the position of Police Officer First (1st) Class and the wage differential daacribed above will be applied. As a result of this understanding and aare ... nt, the following salary schedule will · be established. Police Officer 4th Class Police Officer 3rd Class Police Officer 2nd Class Police Officer 1st Class Sergeant Present $1,333 1,482 1,605 1, 706 2,035 7/1/81 (Including a· 6% wage adjustment & differential $1,359 1,495 1,644 1,808 2, 170 'nle parties respectfully request this modification and by th~ respective representatives have placed their signaturea thereon, on thi• r> day of July, 1981 at Englewood, Colorado. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD /7 L/1 I L Jtf1p~~ft.,.-~~ ~)// &1) ~f--- / /,.''.{L ~_< '1/l,;