HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 Ordinance No. 024' • • • INT RO DUCED AS A BILL BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON BY A'ff .!)ORITY ORDINANCE NO. , SERIES OF 1974 0 DI ANGE AMENDING TITLE VI, (HEALTH AND SANITATION) OF THE 1969 E .M.C., BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER THERETO, TO B ~ NUMBERED CHAPTER 8, ENTITLED 'NOISE CONTROL'. NO W, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF E NGLE\.X>OD, COLORADO, as follows: Section 1. Th at Title VI of the 1969 E.M.C. is hereby amended b y adding a new chapter thereto to be numbered Chapter 8, e nt i t l ed "Noise Control", which Chapter reads as follows: SE CTI N 6-8 -1 --2 6 -8 -3 6 -8 -4 6 -8 -5 6 --6 6 -8 -7 6 -8 -8 CHAPTER 8 NOISE CONTROL SUBJECT Declaration of Policy T rritorial Limits Definition and Standards Gene ral Prohibition Specific Prohibitions Quie t Zones City Related Activities Maximum Permissible Continuous Sound Pressure Levels -1- • • • SE CT ON SUBJECT 6 -8 -9 Dis tr i ct Boundaries 6 -8 -0 Nois es Permitted -Emergencies 6-8 -1 Undue Hardshi p 6 -8 -1 2 Public Events 6 --13 Me t h od of Enforcement -Violation -Penalty 6 -8 -14 Manner of Enforcement 6 -8 -5 Ad ditional Remedy -Injunction 6 -8 -16 Se parability 6 -8-1 DECLARATION OF POLICY I t i s found and declared that: (a ) Th e ma k ing and creation of excessive, unnecessary o unus ua lly l oud noises within the limits of the City of E l wo od i s a condition which has existed for some time n t he e x t e nt and voltnne of such noises is increasingi (b) The making, creation or maintenance of such exc ss i ve , unnecessary, unnatural or unusually loud noises hich a re p ro l onged, unusual and unnatural in their time, pl a ce a nd u s e affe ct and are a detriment to public health, c mf o rt , c o n ven i e nce, safety, welfare, and prosperity of t h re s ide n t s of the Ci ty of Englewood; and (c) The necessit y in the public interest for the pro- vi ion s and p rohibitions hereinafter contained and enacted, is de c l ared as a matter of le gfslative determination and 'ublic poli cy, and it is further declared that the provisions a n d p r ohibi tions hereinafte r contained and enacted, are in u r su ance o f and for the purpose of securing and promoting the publi c health, 'comfo rt, convenience, safety, welfare a n d po sperity and the peace and quiet of the City of Englewood and i ts inh abitants . -2 - • • 6--2 TE RRITORIAL LIMITS )'hi s ordinance s hall apply to all property, both pu lie and private, located within the corporate limits of the City o f En g lewood, Colorado. 6-8 -3 DEFINI TION AND STANDARDS All technical terminology used i n this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, shall be defined in acc ordanc e with the American National Standards Institute (ANS I) Publication Sl.1-1960, Revised 1971, or successor public ations o f ANSI, or its successor bodies. Fo r the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and phra ses use d herein are defined as follows: (a) "A" WEIGH TE D SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL -The sound ressure level as measure d with a sound level meter using the "A" we ighting ne twork. The standard unit notation is dB(A). (b) AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL -The sound pressure level of the all encompassing noise associated with a given environ- m nt, be ing us ua lly a composite of sounds from many sources. Th -weighted sound pressure level exceeded 90 percent of e time b ase d on a one-hour period. (c ) BUSINE SS DI STRICTS(S) -Shal l mean any dis- trict z oned a s B-1, B-2, and B-3 as defined in the Englewood Comp r e hensive Zoning Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1963, as am nd d . (d) CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES -Any and all activi t y · cid n tal t o the erec t ion, demolition, assembling, altering, inst alling o r equipping of buildings, structures, roads or a purtenances thereof, including land clearing, grading, xc avating and filling. (e) CONTINUOUS NOISE -A steady, fluctuating, or impact noi s e which exist s , essentially without interruption, for a perio d of one hour, or more. -3- • • • (f) CYCLICALLY VARYING NOISE -Steady, fluctuating or i mpulsive noise which may or may not contain a pure tone, hich v ar~es in sound pressure level such that the same level is o bt ained repetitively at reasonably uniform intervals of t ime . (g ) DEVICE -Any mechanism which is intended to, or which act:Ually, produces audible sound when operated or handled . (h ) DISTURBANCE -Any sound which annoys, disturbs, o r pe rtur bs reasonable persons with normal sensitiveness; or hi c h ·njur s or endangers the comfort, repose, health, hearing pea e or s a f ety of other persons. (i ) DYNAMIC BRAKING DEVICE -A device used, primarily on t rucks , to convert the motor from an internal combustion en ine to an air compressor for the purpose of vehicle braking. (j ) EME RGENCY WORK OR VEHICLE -Work made necessary o e s o re pro perty to a safe condition following a public c a am ity , work required to protect persons or property from a ·nnn ·nent expos ure to danger. A motor vehicle used in r sp se t o a pu b l ic ca l amity or to protect persons or p ro p r y f r om a n imminent exposure to danger. (k ) FLUCTUAT I NG NOISE -The sound pressure level f a f l uctuat i ng noise varies more than 6 dB(A) during the r iod of obse rvation when measured with the slow meter ch r cteris t i c o f a sound level meter, and does ·not equal h p r e v iously ex isting ambient noise level more than once ur i n g t h e perio d of observation. (1) IMPULSIVE NOISE -A noise containing excursions u l y les s than one second, of sound pressure level 20 dB(A) r h amb ient sound press ure leve l , u s ing the "fast" mete r char ac t ristic. (m) INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT(S) -Shall mean any district zo ned as I -1 , I -2 or I-3 as defined in the Englewood Com- prehensive Zo n ing Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1963, as amended . -4- • • • (n ) pr sur e level th l e v el .that L 0· LE VEL, TENTH PERCENTILE -The A-weighted sound that is exceeded ten percent of the time, or is exceeded 6 minutes in one hour, is denoted (o ) LEVEL, NINETIETH PERCENTILE -The A-weighted sound p r ess ure level that is exceeded ninety percent of the t ime , or the level that is exceeded for 54 minutes in one h o ur, i s denoted Lgo. (p ) MOTOR VEHICLE -Any vehicle such as, but not l'mi ted to , a passenger vehicle, truck, truck-trailer, trailer o s emi -trai l er, propelled or drawn by mechanical power, and h 1 include motorcycles, snowmobiles, mini-bikes, go-carts a n d n y othe r vehicle which is self-propelled. (q) MUFFLER -Any apparatus consisting of baffles, m rs , or ac oustical absorbing material whose primary pur- os is to tra nsmit liquids or gases while causing a reduction in sound emission at one end. To qualify, such an apparatus m s cause a r eduction in sound pressure level of at least (A) u p n i n s ertion into the system for which it is intended. (r) NOI SE -Any sound which is unwanted or which au e s or tends to cause an adverse psychological or physio- 1 c 1 e f fec t on h uman beings. (s) PE RSON -Any individual, firm, or corporation or ro up o f pe o p le. (t) PLA INLY AUD I BLE -Plainly audible shall me an that he information content of sound is unambiguously trans- fe rr d to the a ud itor, such as, but not limited to, under- t ndi ng of spoken speech, comprehension of rai sed or normal voice , or com prehension of musical rhythms. (u ) PROPERTY BOUNDARY -An imaginary line exterior t o any e n cl osed structure, at the ground surface, which s a ates the real property owned by one person from that owned by another person, and its vertical extension . -5- • • • (v) PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY -Any street, avenue, bo u l vard, highway, alley or public space which is owned or contrqlled by a public governmental entity. (w) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT(S) -Shall mean any distric t zoned R-1-A, R-1-B, R-1-C, R-2-A, R-2-B, R-3-A, R-3 -B, R-4, and P-D as defined in the Englewood Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1963, as amended. (x) SOUND AMPLIFYING EQUIPMENT -Any machine or de vice used for the amplification of a human voice, music, o r any other sound, or by which the human voice, music, or a ny ther sound is amplified. (y) SOUND LEVEL METER -An instrument or apparatus, ·ncluding a microphone, an amplifier, an output meter, and we ight ing networks for the measurement of sound pressure. The o utput meter reads sound pressure level when properly c a librated, and the instrument is of type two or better, as spe cified in the American National Standards Institute Pub- icat ion Sl.4-1971, or successor publications. (z) SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL -Sound pressure level mean 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ra of the root mean square pressur~ of a sound to the ref r nc pres sure, which is 20 X 10-Newtons per meter s are d. (aa) STATIONARY NOISE SOURCE -Any equipment or fac ·l ity , fixed or movable, capable of emitting sound beyond t h e property boundary of the property on which it is used. (bb) STEADY NOISE -The sound pressure level of a ste ady noise remains essentially constant during the period -obs ervation, i.e., it does not vary more than 6 dB(A) en me asured with the "slow" meter characteristic of a sound level meter. (cc) UNNECESSARY NOISE -Any excessive or unusually oud sound or any sound which disturbs the peace and quiet of any nei h b orhood or which does annoy, disturb, injure or en- l l ng r h comfort, r pose, health, hearing, peace, or safety f any person, or causes damage to property or business . -6- • • • --4 GENE RAL PROHIBITION It shall be unlawful for any person (persons) to a e , cont inue or cause to be made or continued any excessive, c s sary or unusually loud noise or any noise which either an o , disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, he a lth, pe ace or safety of others within the limits of the Ci y. 6 --5 SPE CI FIC PROHIBITIONS The following acts are declared to cause unnecessary i se s in violation of this Ordinance provided however that the f o l l owing enumerations shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (a) HORNS AND SIGNALLING DEVICES -The sounding of a y horn or sig nalling device on any truck, automobile, motor- ~) l , eme rgency vehicle or other vehicle on any street or ub ·c pl ace of the City except as a danger warning signal r ovided in the vehicle code of the State of Colorado; e c re ation of, by means of any such signalling device, a so nd i n excess of 90 dB(A) at 50 feet from the front of the v h·cle; the sounding of any such signalling device for any unne s ry and unreasonable period of time, under the con- ~ tins then and there existing. (b ) RADIOS, TELEVISION SETS, PHONOGRAPHS, AND SIMILAR DEVICES -It shall be unlawful for a y pers on to use, operate or permit to be played any radio ce iv·n set , mus ical instrument, television, phonograph, r n r th r machine or device for the production or reproduc- tion of sound i n such a manner as to cause to be made or con- tinued any unne cessary noise as heard without measurement or a· e rd and measured in the manner described in Section 6-8-8 f th ·s Chapter . The operation of any such set, instrument , c l evis ·on , phonograph, machine or other device at any time ch a manner as to be plainly audible at either the perty line or plainly audible through a party wall with- n a ui lding or plainly audible at 25 feet from such de- vice whe n operated within a vehicle parked on a public right- o f way, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this s ec tion . -7- • • • (c ) COMMERCIAL LOUDSPEAKERS -Using or operating a l oud speaker or sound amplifying equipment in a fixed or mov able position or mounted upon any sound vehicle for the purpose of commercial advertising, giving instructions, di rections , talks, addresses, lectures, or transmitting mu s i c to any persons or assemblages of persons in or upon any stre e t, alley , sidewalk , park, place or public property without first ob taining a permit therefor. (d) LOADING OPERATIONS -The loading, unloading, ope ning or otherwise handling boxes, crates, containers, garbage c o ntainers or other objects in such a manner as to cause a disturbance; the loading of any garbage, trash or compactor truck, or any other truck, whereby the loading, unloadin g or handling boxes, crates, equipment or other objec ts is conducted within a residential district nor within 300 fee t of any hotel or motel between the hours of 10:00 P .M. and 7:00 A.M. (e) CONSTRUCTION WORK -The operating, or causing to be u sed or operated any equipment used in construction activities in any residential or connnercial district between the ho urs of 9:00 P.M. of one day and 6:00 A.M. of the fol- lowing day . Construction projects shall be subject to the max imum permissible noise level specified for industrial d istric ts for the periods within which construction is to be c ompl eted pursuant to any applicable building permit. (f ) MACHINERY, MOTORS, FANS, AIR CONDITIONERS AND OTHER MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT -Operating any mac hine r y , equipment, pump, fan, air conditioning apparatus or simi l ar mechanical device within the City shall be subject t o t he maximum permissible sound pressure level for the dis- tric t i n which the source is located. (g ) IX>MESTIC POWER EQUIPMENT -No person shall ope rate o r permit to be operated on private property or bn t e public wa y within any residential or cotmnercial district(s) any powe r e quipment rated five horsepower or less and used for home or building repair or grounds maintenance between the hours of 10:00 P.M. of one day and 7:00 A.M. of the next day or opera te or permit to be operated between the hours of -8- • • • 7:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. any such power equipment which emits a noise sound pressure level in excess of 80 decibels in the "A" weighting network dB(A). Such power equipment shall include, but not be limited to, lawn mowers, garden tools, snow removal equipment, electric or chain saws or any other powe r equipment used for home or building repair or grounds maintenance. Noise sound pressure levels shall be measured at a distance of 25 feet from the noise source. (h) COMMERCIAL POWER EQUIPMENT -No person shall oper at ~ on any property within a residential or commercial dis trict(s) or on any public way within a residential or comme rcial district(s) any power equipment rated more than five horsepower, excluding construction equipment used for const ruction activities, such as but not limited to chain saws , pavement breakers, log chippers, riding tractors, pow ered hand tools, between the hours of 10:00 P.M. of one d ay and 7:00 A.M. of the next day or within residential, comme rcial or industrial noise districts between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. which emits a noise level in exc ess of 88 decibels, in the "A" weighting network dB(A). Noise sound pressure levels shall be measured at a distance of 25 feet from the noise source. (i) VEHICIE REPAIRS AND TESTING -The repairing, building, rebuilding, or testing of any truck, automobile, mo torcycle, or other motor vehicle within the City shall be sub jec t to the maximum permissible sound pressure level for the district in which the source is located. (j) RACING EVENTS -Operating or permitting to be operated any motor vehicle racing event at any place in such a manner as to cause disturbance, without first obtaining a pennit. (k) DYNAMIC BRAKING DEVICES -No person shall operate any motor vehicle with a dynamic braking device engaged which is not properly muffled. (1) DEFECT IN VEHICLE OR LOAD -The operating, or causing or permitting to be operated or used, any truck, automobi le, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle so out of -9- • • • repair, or so loaded in such a manner as to cause distur- bance. · (m) ANIMALS AND FOWLS -No person shall keep, have in his possession or harbor any animals which, by frequent or habitual howling, barking, meowing, squawking or other noise, shall cause disturbance. The provision of this section shall apply to all pri.vate or public facilities, including any animal pounds, which hold or treat animals. 6-8-6 QUIET ZONES The creation of any unnecessary noise is prohibited within the vicinity of any school, institution of learning, church or court while the same are in use or session, which unreasonably interferes with the workings of such institution, or within the vicinity of any hospital, nursing home or home for the aged, or which disturbs or unduly annoys patients in the hospital or residents in the nursing home or home for the aged, provided conspicuous signs are displayed in adjacent, surrounding or contiguous streets indicating that the same is a school, hospital, nursing home, home for the aged, church or court. 6-8-7 CITY RELATED ACTIVITIES Any written agreement, purchase order, or instrument whereby the City is connnitted to the expenditure of funds in return for work, labor, services, supplies, equipment, mater- ials or any combination of the foregoing, shall not be entered into unless such agreement, purchase order, or instrument con- tains provisions requiring that any equipment or activities which are subject to the provisions of this code will be operated, constructed, conducted or manufactured without causing violation of the code. 6-8-8 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONTINUOUS SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS The maximum permissible sound pressure levels at the property line of any stationary, fluctuating, or continuous source of sound shall be as herein provided. This includes, but is not limited to, sound from such activities as production, -10- • • • proces sing, cleaning, servicing, testing, operating or repair of e ither vehicles, materials, goods or products or devices. Sound pre.ssure levels in excess of those established for the use d istricts and times herewith listed shall constitute prima facie evidence that such noise is a public nuisance. Use Di strict Res idential Comme rcial Indust rial SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL LIMIT dB(A) 7:00 A.M. -10:00 P.M. (Day) 55 60 75 6-8-9 DISTRICT BOUNDARIES 10:00 P.M. -7:00 A.M. (Night) 50 55 70 When a noise source can be identified and its noise measured in more than one use district, the sound pressure level limi ts of the most restrictive district shall apply. The provisions of this section shall not apply to motor vehicles operating on public rights of way; any bell or chime or any device for the production or reproduction of the sound of bells or chimes from any church, clock or school ; the loading of any truck, domestic power equipment except as provided in Section 6-8-5(g) and commercial power qu·pme nt except as provided in Section 6-8-5(h). 6 --10 NOISES PERMITTED -EMERGENCIES Noise created in the performance of emergency work fo r the immediate safety, health, or welfare of the commu nity r ind ividuals of the comnunity, or to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity shall not be s ubjec t to the provisions of this ordinance. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit law enforcement, ambul ance, fire or other emergency personnel to make excessive noise in the performance of their duties when such noise is learly unnecessary . -11- • • 6 -8 -11 UNDUE HARDSHIP ·Applications for a permit for specific periods of time from relief from the provisions of this chapter on the b asis of undue hardship, may be made to the City Manager or hi s duly authorized representative. In granting such r elie f, consideration shall be made of the time of day, durati on, loudness relative to the required limits, whether intermi ttent or continuous and the extensiveness of the noise , and whether it is technically and economically pos- sible to bring such noise in conformance with this chapter. 6 -8-12 PUBLIC EVENTS Applications for a permit to hold a public event which may violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be made t o the City Manager or his duly authorized representative. Such p ermit shall be valid only at the specific times and on the spe cific dates noted in the permit . 6 -8 -13 MEnlOD OF ENFORCEMENT -VIOLATION -PENALTY Any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $300.00 or be imprisoned for a pe riod not exceeding 90 days, or by both such fine and im prisonment. Each day such violation is committed or permi tted to continue or exist shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such. 6-8-14 MANNER OF ENFORCEMENT Violations of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be prosecuted in the same manner as othe~ violations of the City Code; provided,however, that in the event of a violat i on of any of the provisions of this chapter, a writte n notice of intention to prosecute may be given the allege d violator not less than 5 calendar days prior to the issuance of a S\DllDOns and complaint. No complaint shall be issue d in the event the cause of the violation ls removed, condi tion abated or fully corrected within said 5 day period. -12- • • • • 6-8-15 ADDITIONAL REMEDY -INJUNCTION . As an additional remedy, for the operation or maintenance of any device, instrument, vehicle or machinery in violation of any provision hereof, and which causes dis- comfort or annoyance to reasonable persons of normal sensi- tiveness, or which endangers the comfort, repose, health or peace of residents in the area, shall be deemed, and is de- clared to be a public nuisance and may be subject to abate- ment sUI1111arily by a restraining order or injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. 6-8-16 SEPARABILITY If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and in- dependent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. Introduced, read in full and passed on first reading on the 3rd day of June, 1974. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 6th day of June, 1974. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 15th day of July, 1974. Published by title as Ordinance No. ;;4 , Series of 1974, on the 18th day of July, 1974. ~~/.Q~ MAYOR I __./' ATTEST: ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer -13- I, Karl Nollenberger, do hereby certify that the abov a nd foregoing is a true, accurate and complete copy of the Or~inance, passed_~p final reading and published by title a s Ordinance No. ~, Series of 1974. ex officio City Clerlt!~urer -14-