HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 012IITBODUCID AS A BILL BY COUICILllAN SCHWAB. BY AUTHORITY ORDINAJICI NO. 12 , SERIES OF 1973 - .&JI OBDIIAICI AKEllDINO SECTION 3(a) ENTITLED •OVERTDll WORK" CHAPTER 7, TITLE V, or !Bl 1 69 E.M.C., Bl AUTHORIZING OVERTIME COMPENSATION FOR ALL CLASSIFIED ~J.OYKES or TllB CITY, NOT EXlllPT, FOR DUTIES PERFORlllD OVER AND ABOVE THE NORMAL WORK .SC~ULK. WHEREAS, Lettera ot Underetandin1 between tbe Cit7 ot Englewood and the :lnclewood Fireti1btera AaaociationJ En1lewood Municipal laplo7ees Association; and Polio• Benetit Aaaociation, aet torth tbe ti•• and one-halt compensation to be paid to ola••itied ••plo7•••J and IBEllEAS, tbe Letter• ot Underetandin1 require aaending legislation to t.pl .. ent th••• chana•• a1reed upon. IOW, TBIRIFORI, 81 IT ORDAINED BY THI CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLOJllDO, a• tollowa: Seotion 1. hat Section l (a) entitled •overti•e Work,• Chapter 7, Title V of the ''9 M.M.C., ia hereb7 .. ended to read as rollows: 2-7-l • Section 0Yertia• Work (a) • Exoept a• hereinafter provided, dutie• pertoraed over and above tbe aaai1ned work achedule, or on holida7s, shall be considered oYertiae tor all •onthl7 ••plo7eee other than tiremen, and employees whoa• work acbedul• provide• a da7 ott in lieu ot any holiday. Fir•••n •hall receive overtime tor duties performed over and above the aaei1ned work week ot titt7-six ('6) hours, with the hourl7 rate co•puted in tbe .... aanner in which forty (40) hour per •••k .. p101••• have their hourl7 rates coaputed. 0Yertia• •ball neither be coaputed nor co•pensation alloted upon previoual7 accrued overtime. The appointin1 authority and the Career Service Board are hereby authorised to eatabliah by a1ree•enta specific positions which will be conaidered exeapt tro• overti•• pay or compensatory time. That all Ordinance• and part• ot Ordinance• in conflict herewith are ezpr•••l7 repealed. Introduced, read in tull, and passed on tirst reading on the 16th day of April, 1973. Publiahed aa a 8111 tor an Ordinance on tbe 19th da7 or May, 1973. Bead b7 title and passed on tinal readin1 on the 7th day of May, 1973. Publiahed b7 title as Ordinance No. 12, Series or 1973, on the 10th day ot May, 1973. ~~· lla7or ATTEST: ez I, larl Nollenber1er, do hereb7 certir7 that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and coaplete copy ot the Ordinance, passed on final reading and publiahed •1 title as Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1973. ~""~~ ex orrlclo----c-It7 Cler~ I I