HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 017I II I IITRODUCBD AB A BILL BY COUNCILMAN DHORITY BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 17 , SBRIIS or 1973 ~ Al ORDIIANCI AIDNDING SECTION 2, CHAPTER 2, TITLE III, 1 69 E.M.C. ENTITLED, "UNIFORM BUILDING CODI,• BY ADDING A NEW SECTION NUMBERED 1807 THERETO; RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION MEASURES FOR HIGH RISI STRUCTURES IN GROUP H AND GROUP F DIVISION 2, OCCUPAJICIBS. Bl IT ORDAINED BY THI CITY COUNCIL OP THI CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, a• follow•: Section 1. Tha t Section 2, Chapter 2, Title III or the 1 69 l.M.C. be amended by adding a new aection to the Unitora Building Code, 1970 Edition, Volume 1, as follows: l-2 -2 Specific Chances in Adopted Codes (a) The follo•illl apecitic changes, aodlticationa, additions and amend- aent• are hereby aade in the provisions ot the Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, Voluae L, hereinabove adopted. 9.1 New Section 1807 added as tollowe: 1807 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR HIGH RISI GROUP H OCCUPANCIES AND GROUP F DIVISION 2 OCCUPANCIES (a) Soope These requireaenta apply to buildin1a housing Group F Division 2 Occupancies and to Group H Occupancies. Such buildings have tloore used tor Human Occupancy located aore than 65 feet above the 1rade at the lowest level or Fire Departaent vehicle access shall conform to the requirements ot this Section in addition to other appli- cable requireaenta or this Code. (b) Coapartaentation (See Sub. Sect. (•)) 1. Coapartaentation shall be provided in every building to provide areas or retu1e tor the buildin1 occupants. Thia aay be provided by: (a) Installation or a horisontal exit dividing a story into two areas ot approxiaately the same size not exceeding 30 1 000 square reet. (b) Sub-dividin1 the buildin1 into S story compart- aente by interruptin1 the etairahatt with smoke barriers every 5tb floor or through the use or aaokeproot enclosures tor all stairways or any other aetbod which wil.· protect against the movement ot aaoke troa one coapartaent to another. 2. Openin1a in exterior wall• located vertically above one another shall be protected by approved flame barriers either extendin1 30 incbea beyond the exterior wall in the plane ot the floor or by ). Horizontal exit walls used tor coapartmentation of buildin1 shall have no openin1 which permit transferal ot aaoke trom one coapartaent to the other except tor required exits. (c) Fire Alara (d) A aanual tire alara box shall be located adjacent to exits into stairway shafts and in every elevator lobby. The box shall be connected to the Central Control Station and to the voice coaaunication ayatea as required by Sections 1807 (f) and (g). The ayatea shall be deai1ned in accordance with UBC Standard No. 18-1 (to be baaed upon applicable provisions of NFPA 71, 72A or 72B). Fire Detectors An approved ayatea which will provide tor automatic detection of products ot combustion other than beat aball be installed in every aechanical equipaent rooa and in the return air portion of every air conditionin1 and aeobanical ventilation system that serves floors other tban tbe floor on which the equipmen~ is located. Detectors set to operate within the limitations of UBC Standard No. 43-6 or tor 1reater sensitivity shall be located at each openin1 into tbe vertical abaft. · t be on a super- reporting all ot the ·City or An7 auppreaaion or detection device vi••d tire alara ayatea, terainatint aucb alaraa to the co .. \lDlcatlona Center ln1lewood. (e) Yolo• Alar• Syatea Both the detection ayatea and the tire alarm system shall activate a voice alara a7atea capable ot being operated troa the Central Control Station on both a general and selective basis and dependent upon the coapartaentatlon involved. The alara shall be designed to be beard by all occupants within the building or designated portions thereof, as specified for the public voice co .. unication ayatea. The elevator lobby detector required by Chapter 'l shall be connected to the aystea. (t) Voice Coaaunicationa S1atea There shall be two separate approved continuously electrically supervised voice co .. unlcatlon ayateaaJ one tor Fire Department coaaunlcation ayatea and the other a public voice coommunication (address) a7atea between the central control station and the tollowin1 areas: 1. llevatora, elevator lobbies, corridors and stairways. 2. In ever7 ottice area exceedln1 1 1 000 square feet in area. ). In each dwelling \lDit and hotel guest room. 4. When approved, the tire departaent system may be combined with the public voice coaaunlcation and voice system. (1) Central Control Station A central control station tor Fire Department operations shall be provided in a location approved b7 the Fire Department. It shall contain the voice coaaunlcatlon a7ateaa panel; fire detection and alara ayatea panel•J status indicators and controls for elevators and air bandlln1 a7ateaaJ aJpublic telephone and sprinkler valve and water tlow detectors and standby power controls. (b) Saoke Control Natural or aecbanlcal ventilation tor the removal or the products or ooabuatlon shall be provided ln every story and shall consist or one or aore or the tollowlnc: 1. Panela or window• in the exterior wall which can be opened troa an approved location other than the tire floor. Such ventlnc tacllltlea aball be provided at the rate of 20 square teet per 'O lineal teet ot exterior wall in each story, which- ever la 1reater, and diatrlbuted around the perimeter or not aore than 'O-toot interval•. Such panels shall be clearly identltled aa required by the Fire Department. 2. Teapered 11aaa aay be uaed in lieu or openable panels. ). When tire sprinklers are installed ln compliance only Section 1807 (a), the aechanlcal air bandlln1 equipment may be designed to aaalat aaoke reaoval. Under tire conditions, the return and exhaust air shall be aoved dlrectl7 to the outside without recirculation to the other sections ot the building. 4. A abaft tbrou1h which aaoke and beat can be mechanically vented to the outdoors. The alse ot the abatt shall be uniform through- out .and ot such diaenaiona aa to provide 60 air changes per hour in the lar1eat coapartaent served anywhere in the building. Openln1a into tha •batt shall be protected with an automatic ain1le piece abutter located as blab ln the room as possible and designed to vent the entire coapartaent. '· Any other deai1n which will produce equivalent results. (1) Elevators At least one elevator, in each bank, available tor Fire Department acceaa to an7 floor shall be provided. The elevator shall open into a lobby, which aa7 serve additional elevators, and shall be separated troa the reaainder or the buildln1 by construction as required for corridors. An elevator aa7 be within a amokeproof enclosure. See chapter 'l tor additional requireaenta. (J) Standb1 Power and Licht A peraanentl7 installed stand-by power 1eneration system confo x·ming to UBC Standard No. 18-1 (to be baaed on NFPA 70-1971) shall b e provided. The aystea aball be equipped with suitable means tor I I I ~1 aut011aticall1 starting the generator set upon failure ot the normal electrical service and tor automatic tranarer and operation ot all required electrical functions at tull power within aixt1 seconds ot such normal service tailure. S1atea supervision with manual start and tranater teaturea, shall be provided at the Central Control Station An on-premise ruel aupplJ autticient tor not less than two hours tull demand operation ot the a1atem shall be provided. All power, lighting, signal, and coamunication rac1lities provided under the requirements ot this section shall be tranaterable to the atand-bJ power a1stem. The power requirementllhall be determined so as to provide service to, but not limited to the tollowing: 1. Pire alarm s1stem. 2. Exit and other emergenc1 lighting. 3. Pire protection equipment. 4. Required mechanical ventilation. 5. Pire Department elevator. 6. Voice c011111W11cation s1atem. (k) Seiaaic Conalderationa (1) (•) In Seismic Zones 2 and 3, the anchorage or the following mechanical and electrical equipment recau1red bJ the section shell be designed 1n accordance with Section 231-tor a lateral rorce based on a "Cp" value or 0.5 unless data substantiating a lesser value is turniahed. 1. Elevator drive and suspension a1atema. 2. StandbJ power and lighting tacilities. 3. Pire pumps and other tire protection equipment. Exits All atairw&J doors shall be capable ot being unlocked remotely and automaticallJ upon a signal trom the Central Control Station. Bmergenc1 telephones shall be provided at not less than every titth tloor in each required atairw&J. Pire Sprinkler Alternative Sprinkler protection ma1 be provided as an alternate to compart- aentation: (See Sect. 1807 (b)). 1. It the sprinkler s1atem is bJdraulically designed using the parameters set torth in UBC Standard No. 38-1, Section ••• (to be baaed on Chapter 8 ot NPPA 13-1972 and the following: (a) Shut ott valves and watertlow devices shall be provided on each tloor. In addition to actuating a local alarm on the tloor upon which the water flow is detected, such valves shall be supervised by a continu- oual1 manned control station or bJ a central station. (b) The sprinkler e1atea shall be looped between standpipe risers at the bottom, top and midheight or all buildings with a maximum or 20 stories served by any loop. At each loop level there shall be check valves. (c) Piping 11&1 be copper or steel with no minimum size or pipe required. Solder connections may be used if not lea~ than 95 percent tin and 5 percent antimony. (d) Pitching ot lines ia not required. (e) A minimum or 2 tire pumps independently driven shall be provided and sised tor the sprinkler demand and for a minimum 500 gallons per minute Pire Department standpipe operations. (t) An on-site aupplJ ot water equal to a 20-minute demand or 15,000 gallons on a combined sprinkler and standpipe, whichever is the smaller, shall be provided. This supply shall be available automaticallJ it the principle supply tails. (g) Operation ot the sprinkler 111tem shall activate the voice cOllllun1cat1on 1r1t ... 2. When the automatic sprinkler s1stem described above ia installed, the tollowing reductions trom this code are permitted: • (a) The tll'e-resiative tiae periods aet torth in Table No. 17-A 11&1 be reduced bJ one hour tor interior bearing walls, exterior bearing and non-bear.ing walls, roots, and the beams supporting roots provided the1 do not trame into columns. All ottice building partitions required to be or one- hour tire-resistive construction bJ Table No. 17-A and Section 3304 (h) ma1 be or non-combustible construction without a tire-resistive time period except that openings in corridor walls shall conform to Section 330• (h). In Group H Occupancies. corridor and dwelling unit or guest room separations 11&1 be reduced to one-halt hour. (b) The one and one-halt inch hose lines and nozzles lll&J be omitted. (c) Travel distance to a horizontal exit or to an enclosed stairw&J .. , be 300 teet. (d) Smokeproot enclosures 11&1 be eliminated it each required stairwa1 is pressurized as provided in Section 3309 (h) to .15 inches or water column. (e) Spandrel protection required bJ Section 1807 (b) ..., be omitted. Introduced, read in tull and passed on tirst reading the 14th day or May, 1973. Published as a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 17th da1 ot May, 1973. Read bJ title and passed on tinal reading on the 4th day or June, 1973. Published bJ title as Ordinance No. 17, Series ot 1973, on the 7th day or June, 1973. 11&1or A'l"l'BST: I, Karl Nollenberger, do hereb1 certitJ that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and complete cop1 ot the Ordinance, passed on tinal reading and publisbed bJ title aa Ordinance No. 17, Series ot 1973. ~nl.;,~.~' ex orrlclo Clt1-Clerk -Treasurer I