HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 018I II I Ilft'RODUCBD AS A BILL BY COUNCILMAN BLESSING BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 18 , SERIES OP 1973 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH 'l'llE CITY OP LITTLETON, COLORADO. TO JOINTLY C CllS!'RUC'l ARD OPERATE A WASTE WATER TREA'l'MBNT PACILITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. VHERBAS, the CitJ Councils ot both the C1tJ ot Littleton, Colorado, and Englewood, Colorado, have de .. ed it necessari to expand racil1t1es tor waste water treatment; and WBERBAS, the Cit1 Council or each Cit1 ha• adopted a Resolution approving the concept ot combining said facilities into one plant at one location; and VBEREAS, both cities are Home Rule Cities operating under Charters pursuant to Article XX or the Constitution or the State or Colorado; and VRBREAS, the power to contract with each other is within the scope or the basic p011ere or both cities and within the specitic provisions or an amendment to C.R.S. 18-2-1, -2, -3. and -• aa enacted bJ the State Legislature, in 1971; and VBEREAS, considerable planning and negotiations, involving the appropriate repreaentativea ot each Clt7, have resulted in a proposed contract to jointly construct and operate a waste water treataent tacllit7. NOV, THBREPORB, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO, aa follows: Section 1. That the Cit1 ot Englewood shall contract with the City or Littleton, Colroado, according to the provisions or the written instrument, captioned "Agreement Between the Cities ot Littleton and Englewood, Colorado tor Joint-Use Waste Water Treatment Pacilitiea,• which i• attached hereto, conaieta or nine (9) typewritten pagea, and ia hereb1 incorporated bJ reference. Said instrument generally provides that: a) b) c) d) e) t) g) h) Section 2. The joint tacllit1 shall be located on land in the vicinity ot the present Englewood sewage treatment plant, The character or ownership shall be tenancy in common, Tbe initial capacit1 or the plant shall be approximately twent1 llillion gallons per day, Batillated construction coats ahall be approximately 13.5 llillion dollar• with each Cit1 to par 1/2 the coats and have 1/2 ownership, A tive-... ber Superviaori Collmlittee shall oversee const- ruction and operation ot the tacilitJ, Allocation ot operating coats shall be determined by apecitied formulae, Subaequent plant enlargeMnt shall tollow described guide- lines, Pinanc1ng, aervi-e area, and contingency procedures shall be aa detailed therein. '!'bat the Ma1or ot the City ot Englewoodtahereby authorized and directed to execute the instrument incorporated by reterence in Section 1 and that the Director ot Pinanoe, ex officio CitJ Clerk -Treasurer, shall duJy attest said execution. Section 3. Ina811Uch aa it la essential to submit plans and apecitications for bidding w1tb1n the illlediate future, City Council hereb1 finds and determines that an ... rgenc1 exiata and that the enactment ot the toregoing Ordinance is necessary for tbe ' ediate preservation or public health, peace, aatety and good order. therefore tbia Ordinance shall beco•e ettective upon publication following final passage. Introduced, read in tull and paseed on t1rst reading on the 4th day or June, 1973. Published as a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 7th day ot June, 1973. Read by title and paaaed on t1nal r6sdlng on the 18th day of June, 1973. Published by title aa Ordinance No. 18, Series ot 1973, on the ~1st day or June, 1973. Mayor A'1"1'Bft: ~~ I, Karl P. Nollenberger, do hereby certiry that the above and foregoing la a true, accurate and complete copy or the Ordinance, passed on final reading, and publlahed by title aa Ordinance No. 18, Serles or 197.3. ~No<fLJl..,~ ex ottlclo City clerk-~-Treasurer I I