HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 020I ; ~ -t I I ... •I AS A BIU. Br <XDCIUM IHltrH BY AD'l1llU.'l'r CllJlNAllZ ll>. 20 • SBRIES C. 19'73 All • 111 ' ' .. -CIWfl'Dll 'It) 'DE WJBCDle IEVEUBEHl' <XllPAN! A I.'DZNSE, RBVCCABIE Fat CAUSE, 'ID LAY SDE 'lNCIS Aiall RI> MRm BT IWtDUllil AVIRE AT APPIDDfA'1ELY !ClJ'lH SHC&DE swww• AS .. 1'0IU tl3SJCliB) iElhE1N AND Ml'lillJ a1l' <ZRTAD CXlfD1'1'IQll 'm EE l£T BY SAID LlUX& PRml '1t> 'DB lNSTAILA'l'IClf Ate> LAYDll fJI SAID '!NaCS. WEIEAS, Sect1cn 132 ot the~ Bame 1\11.e ChlrteJt JrOV1des that the City oa.n:n ~ bJ ~. pwrt; a 11cenee NVOCable tcr caw•• to 1aJ aide trackB am switches ataw er ww .v p.lblic ~.mm the appl1cat1cn tmretcr 18 aco:1•1>aniecl by tbe a11a& 1n W'itSrg ot the ~ ot tm-tldrda ot the ~ en each aide or the public •ibaroulbftn • i-t er i-t tJataot; md WEIEAS, the applioatlcn ot Mid Welboume ~ ~ has heretofore been reoeiwd fer tbe 1aaa1ce ot aid l1cenle at the approxS•te locale ot West Dartnmth Aveme at South Shoehane Sb Nt j and lll!IEAS, the Clt7 Ocu1cll has rev1ewd the applicatlcn ard hu found that license *'''d be 1-..d reVOOllble tcr oa1me, ad>Ject to certain ccnU.tia18 aa here1natter mre f\llly -fcrtb. IDf, 'IWWWUE, • rr IB9Cl»BD er 'DIE C1'1'! <XD£IL r. 'DE crrr a;i ooID«XD, OOUIWX>, • tollom: 8lotSm 1. 'Bat the C1tJ Council heNbJ gtWita a license, revocable tor cm•ae, to Welbourne Developnent 01•• ot ~. Cc>laNdo, to lQ a~ tnac1as ma Vest Dartmouth Aven.ie at a point approxi- ~ tm teet wt ot the wtem right-ot.....v line or South Shoehcne stz eet, as 8hoNn oo the plat p1m attacm4 t8'fJto md mrlcld aa Elh1b1t A and Dade a part hereot by this reference. s.ctS.cn 2. lffli&i': 'D8t the !-.... or aa2d l1cenle 1a apec1t1cally ll8de subject to the follow!rg ccn11t1ons: 1. 'lbe OClll)lete croea1rg cWdll\ ahall be 8AJl'Oved by the Flg1neering Department o~ the C1tJ ot ErgleHaod, 1nc1LIUrg but not lJmited to, the grades for the Cl'0881rg, the locatlcn ot the croea1rg mt ater1ala used 1n the crossirg, 1n wb1ch ahall be ut111ud Rlllber Cl'0881rg •ta. 2. 'lbe pr eemt drainage ahall be ll81nta1ned en both sides or existirg West ~Awrue. 3. __....,wtelJ rarty feet ot tcrty-ejght inch R.C.P. (Claaa V) shall be installed to ~ fer the 1\tture drainage ~ aa set tarth by the t1rm or Sen.rda a Orig, Oaneult!lg ~ tcr the C1tJ or~. am as.,. __ .. .....,. bJ the~ Departawnt or the City or~. Colorado. -· 'lbe ~ md ti. ot usage or the croea1rg shall be designatecl by nutual 111 • at betwm the Velboume Developnent ~ am the City or &gJ.~ Mt!lg bJ Ind tlrcugh 1ta 'lNtt1c D1v1a1on. 5. 'b ~ ot all ran aroeaSrg ahall be the reapona1bU1ty or the licensee ..Ver the CMm' or 01D1N or the PNP&l*tY tdd.ch the ran croesirg serves. 6. L1ceneee llball take such atepa aa are reucnab~ necessary to protect a twelve- Sncb -.. min that l1ee 1n West Dartmouth Awn.1e am n.rteen reet south or the ncrth rSPt-ot.....v line, mw IUCh mrk 18 to be done pursuant to the speciticatialS eet-et>''..., bJ the DJrectcr ot Utll1t1ee ot the City or Ergla«>od. 7. L1oemee lhall take IUCh atepe aa mJ be required by the Valley Sanitatiai matr1ot to protect a tumt,...cme inch ean1t817 sewer trunk line which lies at the IM*<" •wte center line or Vest Dartmouth A,,..,.. D£ridllOld, rm 1n f\all n palled on nrat rea''rw on the 4th da1 or June, 1973. l\lbl18t8I • a Blll ftr ., ~ on the 7th dQ or J\me, 1973. l\lbl18t8I -title aa ~No. 20, Serles ot 19'73, on the 21st~ or June, 1973. ~~- nQUI" I, trarl P. Nollelt>ezpr, do .._..,, cert11) that the above and taregoilg is a true and accurate mil OCtll>lete OGP.J or the~. pueed en nnai read1rg am published by title as ~ No. 20, Ser1ee or 1973. ~~~ ex om:c1o City Cl.ii'lf ;;.-'li'easurer I I ••