HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 023Ilft'RODUCBD AS A BILL BY COUtfCILMAN DHORITY. BY AU'l'HORITY ORDINANCE NO. ll_. SERIES OP 1973 All ORDillAllCB AllDDINO SECTION 2. CHAPTER 5. TI'l'LE XIII. 1 69 E.M.C. • BY ADOPTING A NEW j •. SBC'l'I• CREATIRO A SPECIAL POND TO BE DOWN AS 'l'HB "SPECIAL REVENUE HOUSING AUTHORITY ·i ftJID", SPSCIPYINO '1'llB SOURCES 01' RECEIPTS 'l'llERBl'OR AHD THE PURPOSES OP EXPENDITURES ~ i'IWCOROll. l ~--.. VBBRBAS. Article x. Part II. Section 102 ot the City Charter ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, authorize• the Cit1 Council to establish special tunds for the C1t1 1 bf Ordinance, and requires the specitication therein or the source ot receipts to, and tbe purpoae ot expenditures trca. any such special tund so created; and VREREAS, the Cit1 Council tinds and determines that it is necessary and appropriate to eetablieb a special tund to be known as the "Special Revenue Housing Authority Fund" tor tbe object• and purpoeea herein set torth. ROW, TBBRE1'0RB, BB IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO, ae tollon: Seotion: 1. '!'bat Seotion 2 ot Chapter 5. Title XIII. or the 1 69 E.M.C. is hereby reenacted to re .. u tollon: 13-5-7 lfbia tund •ball be used to receive monies trom all sources tor and on behalf or tbe C1tf or Englewood, Colorado. Housing Authority and expended for authorized purposes ot aaid Bo.aa1ng AutboritJ. 1973. (a) llon1ea troa all sources shall be credited to the tund and the Department or •1nanoe •hall maintain a proper s1stem or accounting to adequately ru1- t1ll tbe requirements or &DJ Cit1. State. or l'ederal law tor the existence ot aucb tund. (b) Expenditures trom the said special tund may be made in the following manner and tor tbe following purposes: (i) Upon written authorization trom the proper otticer or the Bo.aaing AuthoritJ expenditures ID&J be made as directed by auch Housing Authorit1. Introduced, read in tull and passed on tirst reading on the 18th day or June. Publiabed as a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 21st day or June, 1973. Read bf title and passed on tinal reading on the 2nd day or July, 1973. Publiabed bf title as Ordinance No. 23. Series or 1973. on the 5th day or Julf, 1973. 111&1or A'ft'BST: ~~¥~ ex orr1c10 CltJ Clerk I, Karl Rollenberger. do herebJ certify that the above and foregoing is a true. accurate and complete cop1 ot the Ordinance passed on tinal reading and published by title u Ordinance Ro. 23, Series or 1973. ~~ ex orr1c10 c1ty-c1erk I I