HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 028I I DiiiODUCBD AS A BILL BY COUNCILMAN DBORI'l'Y. BY AU'l'llORrrY ORDINANCE NO. 28 , SBRIBS OP 1913 - All ORDIRAllCE AllBNDillO CBAP1'BR 8, TITLE XI, ENTITLBD "Ol'lPSNSES INVOLVING CHILDREN" fa '1111 '69 B.11.C. BY ADOPrillO A REW SECTION MAKIM9 IT A VIOLATION OP THE CODE TO UllLAWULLY BARBOR llIRORS. BB IT ORDAIRBD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP '1'BE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS tollowa: Section 1. !hat Cbapter 8, Title XI or tbe •69 E.M.C. ia hereby amended by adding a new section 11-8-12 entitled "Unlalrtul Harboring or Minors." 11-8-12 Onlawtul Harboring ot JUnora It aball be unlawtul tor &nJ person to knowingly harbor, keep secreted, cohabit w1tb 9 or proYide abelter, tor &nJ un11&rried person under the age or eighteen (18) ~ara w1tbout tbe coneent or the parent, guardian or other person having legal custody or auob person. (a) It aball be unlawtul tor &nJ person to harbor, keep secreted, cohabit witb, or provide shelter, tor any \unm&rried person under the age ot eighteen (18) years when such person knows such minor person to be a parole violator or a tugitive trom legal process. Provided, however, that tbia section shall not apply to any organization recognized by appropriate resolution or the City Council ot the City ot Englewood wh1cb is providing counseling services tor any such minor and provided 1'lrther, that such otticially reeognized organization shall not provide abelter, or harbor such llinor tor more than torty-eight C•8> hours or aball tbe1 aheolter or·.barbor such minors atter demand bas been made on tb .. bJ tbe Englewood Police Department tor delivery ot such minor to tbeBnglewood Police Departaent. (b) AnJ person tound guiltJ ot a violation ot this Section shall, upon conYictloatbereot, be tined in the sum or not leas than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or more than three hundred··C$300.00) dollars or be illpriaoned tor a period or not leas than thirty (30) days or more than n1net1 (90) da1a or both such tine and imprisonment. Introduced, read in tull and passed on tirat reading on the 1th day or Auguat, 1973. ,.bliahed aa a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 9th day or August, 1973. Read bJ title and passed on tinal reading on the 20th day or Auguat, 1973. Published bJ title aa Ordinance No. 28, Series ot 1973, on the 23rd day ot Auguat. 1973. ~~, 11a1or A'ft'BS'f: ~' ex ol'l'iclo Clt~ Clerk I. Karl Rollenberger, do herebJ certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and COllPl•t• cop1 or the Ordinance, passed on tinal reading and published bJ title aa Ordinance Ro. 28, Serie• ot 1913. ~rJ~~~ ex ottlclo City Cllrk-