HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 030Ilft'RODUCED AS A BILL BY COUNCILMAN SCHWAB.
VHBREAS, tbe Urban Drainage and Plood Control District, tbe ~city or Englewood,
Colorado, Arapahoe Count1, Colorado, 'l'he CitJ ot Littleton, Colorado, the City ot
Gremwood Village, Colorado, Douglas Count1 Colorado, and V'l'N Colorado, Inc. are
4ea1roua ot entering into an agreement by which V'1'N Colorado, Inc., a proteaaional
engineering corporation, shall provide certain plane and services relating to drainage
ot~Blg DrJ Creek; and
VllBREAS, V'1'N Colorado, Inc. aball receive the sum ot $25,640~00 .tor such plans
and aenicea.
COLORADO, aa follows:
Section 1.
!'bat t• Cit1 ot Inglewood, Colorado, aball enter into an agreement with the
Urban Drainqe and •J'lood Control District, tbe•Ci tJ ot Englewood, Colorado, Arapahoe
Countr, Color..So, tbe CitJ ot Littleton, Colorado, tbe CitJ ot Greenwood Village,
Colorado. Douglaa Coant1, Colorado, and V'l'R Colorado, Inc., according to the provisions
ot that certain written instl'Wlent captioned "Agre•ent, Jla.1or Drainageway Planning on
Big DrJ Creek (Arapahoe Count1," which ia attached hereto, consisting ot titteen
(15) t~ ... iteen pages, and i• bereb1 incorporated bJ reterence herein. Said instru-
IMllt proYidea:
(a) !'be emplopent ot Y'l'N Colorado, Inc., aa engineer to prepare drainage
.. ater planning ot 7.5 ail•• of Big Dr1 Creek and 7.8 miles or rlood
plain delineation of Big DrJ Creek.
(b) Tbe development ot alternate plane by V'1'N Colorado, Inc. tor drainage and
tlood control ot tbe Baain bJ working in tull coordination with start
aellbera ot the various parties and withotbel'\~ublic and 'pecialized
(c) Development ot a benetit coat anal1sia or a total basin drainage control
plan tor each partJ to this Agreement.
(d) Preparation or reports and all other necessary documents •Y VTN Colorado,
Inc., to C&rl'J out the drainage plan recommendations.
(e) VTN Colorado, Inc. shall receive a total or $25 1 640.00 or which that share
ot tbe CitJ ot Englewood, Colorado shall be $3,~70.00, and VTN Colorado,
Inc. eball provide to all parties herein protective insurance and indemni-
tication tor ite activities.
Section 2.
!'be C1tr Council ot the C1t1 ot Englewood, Colorado, hereby authorizes the Mayor
ot the Cit1 of Englewood, Colorado, to subscribe his name to said Agreement on and in
bebalt of the CitJ Council and tbe CitJ or Englewood, Colorado.
Section 3.
Ina811Ucb ae tbe developaent ot proper rlood control and drainage or Big Dry Creek
i• eaaential tor tbe eafet1 trom rlooding or the citisens or the City ot Englewood,
Colorado, tbe Cit1 Council herebJ rinds and determines that an emergency exists and that
tbe enactllent of tbe foregoing ordinance is neceasar1 tor the immediate preservation ot
public bealtb, peace, aafet1 and good order; thererore, this Ordinance shall become
effective upon publica,ion tollowing rinal publication. ,
Introduced, read 1n tull and passed on til'st reading on the 20th day or August, 1973.
Publ1abed ae a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 23rd da1 ot August, 1973.
Read bJ title and passed on rinal reading on the -th day or September, 1973.
Publ1abed bJ title ae Ordinance No. 30, Series or 1973, on the 6th day or
Septellber, 1973.
I, Karl Rollenberger, do berebJ certitJ that the above and foregoing .is a true,
accurate and 00111>lete cop1 ot an Ordinance paaaed on tinal reading and published by
title aa Ordinance Ro. 30, Serie• ot 1973.
t!o..1, Ai6-t.C,_£:~
ex ott1o1o CitJ Clerk--Treasurer
'IRIS AGR•DIBll'l', made tb1a 2lat d&7 ot Se,teaber, 1973, by and between the
1JRBAll DIAillAOB AID IPLOOD COll'l'ROL DISTRICT, (here natter called "DIS'l'RIOT"); THE CITY
(bere1natter called •ARAPAHOE"); '1'llB CITY OP LI'l"l'LE'l'ON, COLORADO (hereinafter called
•LI'ft'LllTCll"); '1'llB CI'!'! OP ORBERVOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO (bereinatter called "GREENWOOD");
proteaa1onal engineering corporation (bereinatter called "ENGINEER");
VI'l'llBSSB'l'll THAT:
VBBRBAS, DISTRICT baa previoual1 established a Work Program tor 1973 which
1ncludea tbe drainage probl-ot Big DrJ Creek; and
VBBRBAS, DISTRICT, in a PolicJ Statement previouslr adopted (Resolution No. 14,
Serles ot 1970), expreaaed an intent to assist public bodies which have heretofore
enacted flood plain soning aeaaurea; and
llllBRBAS, DISTRICT baa beretotore instituted an Urban S1stems Engineering
Dellonatrat1on Progl' .. (Resolution Ro. 19, Series ot 1970), to identitr drainage basins
and aub-baaina and the drainage problems connected therewith within the DISl'ftICT; and
to engage BllOIRBBR to render certain technical and professional advice and to compile
inf'ol'll&tion, evaluate, atud1 and to recommend design solutions to such drainage problems
wbicb are in tbe beat interests ot involved parties and agencies;
ROif, TllBRBPORB, 1n consideration ot the mutual promises herein contained, the
Parties hereto a-ree aa tollows:
and DOUGLAS here61 aaree to engage EIOIRBBR and EROIHEER herebJ agrees to perform the
••rYicea bereinatter aet torth.
2. ARIA. BRUIIBBR aball pertora or supplJ all necessarr services provided
under tbia Aiii .... nt 1n connection with and t1reapecting the following drainage basin:
Big~ Creek. '!'be work will consist ot 1.5 •ilea ot drainage master planning in ENGLEWOOD,
LITl'LBTOR, ORBBllVOOD, and ARAPAHOE and flood plain delineation only tor 7.8 miles in DOUGLAS
CountJ aa defined 1n Attaclment A.
]. SCOPI OP ssmm -DRADAOE JIAS'l'BR PLANRING. A drainage master plan will :
be developed tor approxe1 f .5 iiiea ot Ilg Dii creek 1n ENGLEWOOD, LITTLETON,
ORIBlrtfOOD and ARAPAHOE aa shown on Attaolaent A. The Scope ot Work is divided into
Pbue A and Pbaae B.
A. DeYelopaent ot Alternate Plana -PHASE A
It i• conaldered eaaent1al that the proposed work include the compilation or
eziatlns data, nec•••&rJ tield work, development ot and consistent evaluation
ot all teaalble alternates ao that the beat drainage and tlood control plan
tor the Baaln oan be detel'llined and justitied. Consideration shall be given
to coat-benetita (including intangible benefits in an approximate j •nd reason-
able 11&Dner, reduced to a dollar value and appropriately explained and justi-
tled); exlatlng and proposed land use; open apace benefits; and legal require-
.. nta. Baalc conceptual plane will be developed in oonjunction with experts in
Y&rioua tlelda, tull coordination will be ettected with start members or
DISTRIC'l', EJIOLBVOOD, LrrTLBTON, GRBDWOOD and ARAPAHOE and the artected public
and apeoiali•ed consultant• who .. , be .. p101ed directlr by BNGINEER. A general
description ahall be given to the environmental impact ot each or the three
aeleoted alternates. Baaic conceptual and alternate plans will be prepared in
aucb a aanner that each plan in complete 1n ita entiret1 and so outlined that
comparison ot ocaponent parts ot the several plans is possible with a j.miniaum
ot ettort. In addition, tbe plan will be so presented that sequential work
it ... will tollow 1n a logical order, interdependence one upon the other will
be clear. and where an alternate eziata on anr item, it will be speciticallJ
pointed out. The work ot ENGINEER tor Phase A is specirically defined as
Speoltic Description ot Work Iteaa
(1) BlllIIBER aball aeet initiallJ and periodicallr thereafter as requested bJ
and with th• representative• ot DISTRICT, ENGLEWOOD, LIT'l'LETON, GREENWOOD,
(a) Inaure compliance with the services required by this agreement.
(b) Obtain eziating data and general information trom participating
entities wbo will provide tull assistance.
(o) Solicit desire• 1n order to develop alternate plans.
(d) Procure current intornaation relative to development plans in the basin.
(e) Prooure intormation relative to right-or-way limitations and potential
hasarda due to flooding.
(t) Avoid dupl1oation ot ettort whenever possible by utilizing existing
intol'll&tion ava1•1able trom other agencies.
(2) EllODIBBR •ball contact U.S. Corps ot Bngineera and U.S. Geological
aurYeJ peraonnel and &DJ other individual or agency having know-
ledge and an interest 1n the area under consideration to obtain any
pertinent information.
(3) EROillBBR •ball utilise the storm drainage criteria or the DISTRICT,
taking into conaideration the regulations ot ENGLEWOOD, LITTLETON,
(-) J174rological atudiea aball be performed in autticient depth and detail
to detel'lline tbe peak rate or runott and volume ot runott tor the
baa1n and each aub-baain in order to dewelop plans on a dependable
b74rolog1cl baaia. 'l'hia intol'lll.tion will detine the tlood magnitude
on 10. 25. and 100-year recurrence interval runotta. These various
tlooda will be ezpreaaed in the torm ot tlood hydrographs and reduced
to tlood plains in order to provide intol'ID&tion regarding existing
land uae and projected land uae tor the channel under these various
tlood trequenciea.
(5) BtlJDlllR •11 evaluate pouible methods en a reach by rach basis ld11ch might provide
alleviation to the existing tlood hazard problems associated with the
basin. Ot these alternate plans, the beat three as determined by coor-
dinated ettort between interested parties, will be presented schematically
on topographic base mapping. The alternates considered will, at the least,
include tbe following:
(a) A natural type waterway tor the Gulches toll.owing the general
b1atoric channel ot the stream, such historic channel being
deterained trom old aerial photographs, old mapping~, and from
local records.
(b) 'l'he inatallatlon ot ll&jor underground conduits along the general
courae ot thia historic stream channel, using local ~ight-ot-way
wherever possible.
(c) Relocating channel to routes other than historicl channel.
(d) '!'be uae ot lined tlood channels in order to reduce right-of-way
(e) Combination or any ot the above.
(t) The uae or tlood plain zoning only.
(g) Other.
(6) J174raulic calculations shall be provided 1n a logical and sequential order
tor the development ot alternate plans. These calculations shall be complete
to the eztent or attaining at the least:
(a.) Det1nit1on and Juatitication or the proposed improvements.
(b) Capacity and general condition ot existing conduits, bridges, reser-
volra, channel levees, etc., but not including structural integrity.
Juatitication ot the damage potential estimates, to include calculations,
tor each trequency. Derivation ot costs and dollar figures will be clear
and appropriately tabulated tor eaee or checking.
Detel'llination or required right-ot-way.
Relationahip ot the coat or each i alternate to the direct and indirect
Consultation and decision on legal matters as set forth in Item 10.
Production or maps showing the extent or flooding for each or the
three alternates tor 10, 25, and 100-year frequencies at a scale or
l". 1000'.
(7) Consideration will be given by .ENGINEER to Pederal Housing and Urban
Development Administration flood policy.
(8) ENOINEBR shall consider the operation and maintenance aspects or each or
tbe three alternate plane, relative to :
(a) Erosion Control
(b) R .. oval ot debris
(c) Repair ot structures
(d) Shoaling ot channel
(e) Re-seeding and planting or grassed areas
(t) Bank stabilization
(g) Rip-rap
(h) ~ccess to entire length or gulch
(9) lllOillEER •hall be generally cognizant or the soil characteristics or the
Creek. Detailed soil analysis, it needed, will be provided by the DISl'ftICT.
(10) 'l'er,.t•• will be reviewed with an attorney who is expert in Colorado
dralt~• law. '!'he attorney will be personally familiar withthe field problems
!nwolwed, aa well aa with the general flood magnitudes and ,~hazards .involved.
~ a''ol'ft•J will provide ENGINEER with a specific legal opinion on each
alterna'•• which will clearly define the liabilities involved under each plan. !twr•• oplnlona will also cover matters such as right-or-way acquisition problems,
po .. r or ea!nent domain, responsibility or channel maintenance, the uae or a
p~aorlbed rlgbt-or-way tor improvements by virtue or the channel having pre-
dated urban developaent, and the liability involved with a major flood larger
•,ban that uaed tor design purposes where the channel was over-topped, resulting
ln ...... to adjacent property.
(11) -lllm ahall conduct a benefit-coat analysis, which will be capable or:
,., lbowlng benefit-coat ratios tor the improvements in ENGLEWOOD, LITTLETON,~
OPISlfifOOD and ARAPAHOE and tor the total basin tor each or the three
alternate plana.
the monet&rJ coat and benefits with the intangibles, which bave been
reduoed to a dollar figure.
(o) Preaenting a recOJmDendation or responsibility for payment and which party
real!••• resulting benefits.
(d) letlecting the latest advancements towards the measurement or intangibles
utlllsing valid scales or measurement.
(12) EJIOINBBR shall prepare an interim written report which will include the
(a) A brief statement to clarity the conaultan'ts obligations under this
Agre ... nt and any action taken by the local governments involved that
modified, limited or expanded such obligations.
(b) A .. P depicting the subject gulch drainage basins, sub-basins, channel
by reaches, typical channel cross sections, and jurisdictions involved.
(c) A aunwary or preliminary data obtained from the local governments involved.
(d) Acknowledgement or preliminary storm drainage criteria, data and other
information obtained from the U.D. & P.C.D.,·U.S. Corps or Engineers, U.S.
Geological Survey and/or others.
(e) Su•ary ot findings.
(t) Pertinent charts, graphs, and material utilised.
Subaittal or typical aaaplea trom the hydrologic and hydraulic study,
including bydrographs and b7draulic calculations aaaeabled in an orderly
taab1on, and a11-r1sed at convenient atagea, relating to specific reaches
ot the atreaa (or other aatiatactory relationship), which will enable the
local government starts to interpret them effectively.
A list or problem areas aa disclosed by hydrological and hydraulic calcu-
lations per each frequency.
A 911-ry or coats associated with the channel improvements; street
croas1nga; engineering estimates or right-of-way acquisition; operation
and maintenance considerations; and others. (Include representative
present da1 unit coats and percentage or contingencies utilized.)
A brief explanation or the soil and rationale tor recommendations relative
to treat•ent or channel aide slopes, channel base, and other related items.
A brief explanation or the benefit-coat analysis, including lite and
interest rates aa well aa charts and maps tor all alternatives according
to agreement. Explain which intangible benefits were considered and how
dollar values were assigned.
Show the •elationahip or the coat or each alternate to the benefits
derived. Suwnarize all factors involved and make a comparative analysis
ot parallel tactora under each condition studies. Show overall benetit-
coat ratio ot the recommended pl.an.
Elaborate on operation and maintenance aspects or recommended plan, as
per item 8 above.
(n) BROIRBER'S recOlllllendations as .to the moat advantageous, economical and
ett1cient plan to be adopted. Rationale tor arriving at recommendations.
Statements to the errect that each reach can or cannot be considered
independently troa the overall plan. Statement to indicate compatibility or reco..ended plan w1th upstream development.
(o) Reterenoe to all calculations and materials used by ENGINEER to consummate
the entire ettort. The 1ntormat1on will be sequential, orderly, and presented
oral briettng by BNGINBER.
(p) lf'he lntvia written report la to. be ver1'1ed and e-~ned· bt
prlnolpala ot the conaulting engineers.
(q) t'WentJ (20) coplea ot the interill report shall be provided. The
EllJillEER ahall .. ke two tor11&l verbal presentations in connection with
Pbaae A. In addition. the ~BllODIBBR will meet intormally upon request
ot the DIS'l'RICT.
B. Prellalnary Design -PHASE B
Vben a decision is reached regarding the adoption or a specitic plan, the
DIS'l'RIC~ •hall turniah the BlfOINEER with written authorization to proceed
with that plan. BllOillBER shall undertake the necessary work in orcler to
prepare a Pre111l1n&rJ Design tor the subject drainage course to~ that plan.
It tbe Engineer detel'lllnea atter lurther exaalaation that the alternative
•elected 1n Pbaae A ia not teaaible in terms or implementation, he will bring
tbla to the attention ot the DIS'l'RIC'l', BNOLBWOOD, LI'l"l'LE'l'ON, GREBNWOOD, and
ARAPAR<m, and another alteraative will be selected. This Preliminary Design
•ball be 1n adequate detail to permit DISTRJCT. EHOLEWOOD, LITTLETON, GREENWOOD,
and ARAPAHOE to properl1 plan bridges and culverts tor new vehicular tbo~ovah
tare conatruction. '!'he plan shall also be in adequate enough detail to permit
tbe acquiaition or needed channel right-ot-way and to permit the planning or
new aubdiviaiona and buildings with tull knowledge or tuture channel and flood
plain leoationa and characteristic a. The drawings shall also show the plan· I.and
protile or the l00-1ear tlood plain and boundaries or the 100-year tloodway under
exiatlng and tuture channel conditions tor tully developed tlow1, in enough detail
to pel'lllt soning. The work is apeciticallJ detined as tollowa:
(1) Delineation or the drainage basin and appropriate sub-basins.
(2) Pinal h7drologic and hJdraulic studies shall be prepared to determine
tbe magnitude or tlood runott and volume or detailed tlow to be sub-
aequentl1 used tor the prelimin&rJ design or tacilities under the selected
plan and the l00-1ear storm. This intol'll&tion will be presented in
b7drograpb torm.
(3) AnJ aurve1ing deemed neceaaar1 bJ the EHOINEER shall be done using the u.s.o.s. datum.
(-) Mapping shall be provided by the DISTRICT at a scale of l" • 100' with a
contour interval or 2', and printed on plan and protile mylars.suitable
to the DOINEER.
(5) Prepare prelialn&rJ design or drainage racilities using applicable intor-
.. tion derived in ItflllS 2 and -above.
(6) Prepare coat eatlllatea to include all maintenance aspects. Itemized coats
should be developed and ••parated to the extent or 1dent1tying the coat or
tacilitiea relating to drainage; park development; street crossings; and
other benetita.
(7) Prepare tl&•ter plan drawings on 22" x 36" plan and protile mylar in ink
baaed on .. pping deacribed in it• -using a horizontal scale of l" • 100'
and a vertical scale as neceaaar1. The completed drawings will depict:
aisea, tJpea, capaoit1 or trickle channels (it necessary); location or all
11 ~;
other utilities in the general area determined trom available utility location
.. pa which could interfere with the implementation or the proposal; generalized
soil characteristics ot channel; adjacent bank elevations; water surface profiles
tor the design storm and the l00-1ear storm atter improvements; waterr surtaces
profile tor the l00-1ear storm tor existing channel conditions; limits or the
tlood plain• tor the design atorm and the l00-1ear storm before and after
1aproY ... nta; and the lillits ot the l00-1ear storm tloodway (as defined in
Section 11.10 ot Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regulation No. 11,
Series or 1970). The plan shall show rigbt-ot-wa1 required tor acquisition
but aball not include aurve1 descriptions or parcel locations. Typical sections
and special details will be shown •ttber .on the same plans and/or on separate
drawings at appropriate scales and properly cross referenced and all other
design details appropriate to storm drainage facilities.
At the completion ot the above work, the BNOINEER shall prepare a written
report wblch will restate the decision reached in Phase A, with a brief
aupporting explanation ot the highlight• ot subsequent activities. This
report will contain copies ot all major graphical studies, plans, etc., used in
arriving at the tinal recOllllllendat1on, tJPical calculations, charts, and
apeoial atudies (scouring, maintenance, soils, etc.), including the preliminary
design drawings described in Item 38 (7). In addition, this ~eport will
contain reference to all calculations and materials used by the consultant
to conaW1111&te bis stud7. The 1ntormat1on in the report will be sequential
orderl1, and presented to ENGLEWOOD, LI'l"l'LB'l'ON, GREENWOOD and ARAPAHOE along
with the DISTRICT, tollowing oral briet1nga as required by and to the assembled
group under the auspices ot the DISTRICT. The report will consist ot two
•oluaea; one containing narrative deacript1on and the other consiting or plan
and prot1le drawing• reduced to 11" x 18".
One cop1 or all pertinent calculation• and references to materials used
aball be turniahed to the District. I
'· SCOPE Oii SERVICES -P'LOOD PLAIN DELINEATION. The tlood plain will be delineated
tor approx11latei1 f .8 ilies or Big Dri Creek In bOudLls aa shown on Attachment A. The
Scope ot Work la described below.
'l'be work in DOUOLAS will conaiat or definition or (lood plain. The work or
BROIRBBR ia apeciticallJ detined aa tollowa:
Specific Description or Work Items
(1) ENGINEER shall meet initiallJ and periodicallJ therearter as requested
bJ and with the repreaentativea or DISTRICT to:
(a) Insure compliance with the services required by this agreement.
(b) Obtain existing data and general intormation.
(c) Procure current information relative to development plans in the basin.
(2) ENGINEER •ball contact u. s. Corpe ot Engineers and u. s. Geological Survey
personnel and &nJ other individual or agenc1 having knowledge and an
interest in the area under consideration to obtain any pertinent information.
(3) EJIODtBER •ball utilise tbe storm drainage criteria or DISTRICT.
(-) lfJdrological atudiea shall be pert~.in autticient detail and depth to
detel'lline the peak rate ot runott and volume ot runott tor the basin and
eacb aub-baain in order to develop a dependable hydrologic basis. This
int'ormation will define tbe flood 11&gnitude tor tbe 100-year recurrence
interY&l runott. Thia tlood will be baaed on projected land use tor the basin.
(5) lfJdraulic calculations shall be provided in a logical and sequential order for
tbe developaent ot alternate plane. 'l'beae calculations shall be complete to
tbe extent or at,ainiag at the least, tbe capacity and condition or existing
conduits, bridges, reservoirs, channel levees, etc.
(6) Rapping •ball be provided by DISTRICT at a scale or l" • 100' with a contour
interval or 2•.
Prepare tlood plain delineation maps on 22" x 36" plan and profile mylar in
ink baaed on .. pping described in It .. 6, using a horizontal scale or l" -100'
and a vertical scale aa necessary. The completed drawings will depict adjacent
bank elevations; water surface protile; limits or the 100-year flood plain;
11aita ot tbe 100-year tloodwaJ (aa defined in Section 11.10 or Urban Drainage
and •lood Control District Regulation No. 11, Series or 1970); elevation or
bridge deck and :top or waterway under bridges; profile of stream bed; and flow
rate and velocity at periodic intervals tor l00-1ear storm. These plan and
profile drawings will be included in tbe aame volume referred to in Paragraph
38 (8) reduced to 11" x 18".
A written report shall be prepared and included as part of written report
referred to in paragraph 38 (8). Thia report will include typical calculations;
reference to all calculations uaed to consW11Date study; table listing, velocities,
flows, stre .. bed elevations, 100-year water surface elevation at periodic loca-
tion• referred to tbe plan and profile drawings; table listing bridges and cul-
verts, stream bed or culvert invert ·elevation, l00-1ear water surface elevation,
road bed or deck elevation referenced to plan and profile drawin1s; and other
1ntormation or a descriptive nature that will assist implementation or flood
plain regulations.
(9) One copy of all pertinent calculations and references to materials used shall
be turniabed to the DISTRICT.
A. BROiltKBR repreaenta that it will uae in the minimum the following personnel
1n perforlling the aervicea under thia Agreement. ·-Daael B. Ball.ark, P.E., L.S.
O. R. Deeds
Jlax Johnson
Project Manager, M.S.
Project Engineer
Senior Engineer
8. ALL of tbe aervicea required hereunder shall be performed by ENGINEER'S
personnel, and all personnel engaged in the services shall be tully qualified
and aball be authorised under State or Local law to perform such services.
c. Rone of tbe aervicea covered by thia Agreement shall be subcontracted without
tbe prior approval or DISTRICT.
6. TIM! OP PERPOllllARCE. Item A or the Scope or Services shall be completed and
BllOillBBR aball be ready tor presentation or the material within ninety (90) calendar days
rollowing receipt of mapping.
It .. B or tbe Scope or Services shall be completed and submitted to District within
ninety (90) calendar d~• following the notice to prooeed with any one alternate.
During tbe course or the work, ENGINEER ahall be available at the request of
tbe DIS1'RICT to conf'er with otticiala who need apecitic tlOdd channel information
related to particular atreet crossings, utilitJ cro••inl•, or tor subdivisions up for
apprOYal which 111.gbt be attected bJ the proposed Prel1a1narf Design Plan. Additional
requirellenta requested over and above those 1dentit1ed 1n this Agreement shall be nego-
tiated at the tille tbeJ are identified.
A. DGIDBR aball subait tbe work <,e&lled tor in Paragraphs 3 and 4 to
DIS'l'RIC'l' tor written approval bJ DISTRICT'S Executive Director or his
deaignee. In caaea where no written report 1• required hereunder, ENGINEER
•ball turniah DISTRICT with written atat .. enta concerning work accomplished
at tbe appropriate tlmea. DISTRICT will provide approval or the reasons tor
the laok thereof within titteen (15) ctara atter each such submittal.
8. EllOIRBBR shall provide an up to date progress chart in the form of a detailed
CPll or equivalent on no leas than a 110nthl1 basis. Initial chart to be pro-
vided to DISTRICT (tor approval) within th1rt1 (30) days or notice to proceed
with Phase A.
A. Notwitbatanding anrv ot the proviaiona ot this Agreement, the Executive Director
ot DISTRICT shall be tbe onl1 individual authorised to redirect the ettort on in any way amend
or modif7 tbe terll8 or this Agreement. All such redirection shall be transmitted in writing
and directed to BNOINBBR'a Project Manager, and shall be subject to the provisions of the
cbangea 1n Paragraph (NO. 13) or this Agre•ent.
8. DISTRICT shall appoint D.J. Gianola as Project Director who shall represent
the Executive Director in the technical phases or the work.
C. ENGINEER ah&ll appoint Daael Hallmark as Project Manager who shall direct
ENGINEER'S work under this Agreement.
D. DISTRICT shall be responsible tor coordinating information with ENGLEWOOD,
LI'l"l'LB'l'ON, ORBBNWOOD, ARAPAHOE and DOUGLAS during the performance of this
AGREBM!lft'. In the event that the Executive Director is not available, a duly
authorised person shall be appointed to assume the responsibilities or the
Executive Director pertaining to this Agreement.
~ IDIJIRBBR 'l'went1-Plve Thousand Six Hundred and Porty ($25,640.00) Dollars for the above
10. llE'l"'BOD OP PAYMBN'l'. BNOINEER shall receive as tull and complete payment for
all work pertor11id under Item I or the above Scope ot Services the amount or Fifteen
Thousand Seven Hundred 'l'went1 ($15,720.00) Dollara.
BNGINBBR shall receive as tull and complete paflllent tor the work under
It .. 8 or the above Scope ot Services, the amount ot Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty
($9,920.00) Dollars.
'l'be coat to be assigned to each portion or Phases A and B or the Scope or
Services, 1n order that DIS'l'RICT may contract tor onl1 apecitic portions of the Scope of
Services, are aa tollowa:
1. 2000 7. 160
2. 200 8. 160
3. 100 9 • 1000 .. . 2000 10. 1000
5. 11100 11. 2000
6. 2000 12. 1000
Total Phase A: $15,720.00
1. 120 6. 2000
2. 1000 1. 3600
3. --8. 1000 ... -9. 1000
5. 1200
Total Phase 8: $9,920.00
P&J11ent tor apeoitic portions or eaoh Phase shall be made upon approval as
set tortb 1n Paragraph 7. The ENGINEER shall receive monthly partial payments tor work
ccmpleted 1n the proceeding par period, baaed on a percentage or the amount or work
ccmpleted at the tiae or 'illlng reterenced to the above numbered tasks (Item 10) and mutually
agreed upon bJ DISTRICT and BNIINBER.
11. COll'l'RIBUTION AMONG LOCAL BN'.rI'l'IES. 'l'be lelqth ot creek traversing the local ,j,. .
entities ia: l
~-Jurisdiction Stream Miles Cost to Jurisdiction
Englewood 1.9 $ 3,870
Greenwood Village 0.5 1,020
Littleton 0.5 1,020
Arapahoe Count1 4.6 5,350
Douglas County 7.8 -0-
District ---14~0
15.3 $25,640
A. DISTRICT shall contribute mapping at 2' contours and l" • 100' horizontal
scale tor the 15.3 miles ot Big DrJ Creek.
B. DISTRICT shall contribute Pourteen Thoueand Three Hundred and Eighty ($14,380.00)
Dollars, DOLBWOOD shall contribute Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy
($3,870.00} Dollars, LI'l"l'LETON aball contribute One Thousand Twentf ($1,020.00)
Dollars, OREBNWOOD shall contribute One Thousand Twenty ($1,020.00) Dollars
and ARAPAHOE shall contribute Plve Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty ($5,350.00)
Dollars tor engineering per this Agreement.
12. OWNERSHIP OP DATA. The ownership or data, drawings, and information acquired,
collected and documented under this Agreement shall at the option t ot District be vested
aolel1 with DISTRICT. A total ot aevent1 tive (75) ot the completed report and design drawings
aball be turniahed to DISTRICT tor further distribution.
13. TERMINATION OP AOREBMBMT. Thia Agreement m&J be terminated by· DISTRICT or
BRODBBR upon seven dQa 1 written notice. In the event or termination, ENGINEER sha:Ll be
paid tor services performed to termination date aa mutuallJ determined solely and exclusively
111. CllAJfOBS. DISTRICT ma.1, trom time to time, request changes in the scope of
aervicea ot EROiiiiR. Such changes, including &nJ increase or decrease in the amount or
BROIRBBR'S coapenetion, which are mutuallJ agreed upon bJ and among DISTRICT, ENGLEWOOD,
GRBIDIVOOD, ARAPAHOE, LI'1".l'LB'l'ON, and DOUGLAS shall be incorporated in written amendments to
this Agre•ent.
15. INSURAHCE. During the performance ot this Agreement, ENGINEER shall keep in
tull torce and ettect and maintain Workmen's Compensation Insurance and public liability and
property damage insurance with limits commensurate with the hazards and risks of the work
nor*ooD, LI'l"l'Li!TUN, dRikWOOb and DOUGLAS harmless from and against all claims, denufnds,
11abliit1ea, damages, auita, actions, or causes ot action, or every kind or nature which may
be brought or asserted against DISTRICT, ARAPAHOE, ENGLEWOOD, LI'l"l'LETON, GREENWOOD and DOUGLAS
or against &Jl7 ot them on account or by reason or or caused by the negligence or breach or
contract or ENGINEER, together with any liability alleged to accrue against DISTRICT, ARAPAHOE,
BRGLBVOOD, LI'l"l'LETOR, GREENWOOD and DOUGLAS on account thereof.
17. ASSIGNABILITY. Thia Agreement ia tor the expert professional services of the
pereonnel or ENO!Ri!R, ana la not assignable, save and except with the consent of DISTR~CT,
ARAPAHOE, LI'l"l'LETON, BNOLEWOOD, GREENWOOD and DOUGLAS, who may withhold their consent at
their option, with or without reason.
/a/ Prank Cordot
/a/ _Karl Nollenberger
/a/ Marjorie Page
/a/Janet G. Harrison
/s/ .Jme
By /a/ Steven Mccutcheon
Title President
Date July 9, 1973
By /a/ Milton s. Senti
Title Mayor, City or Englewood
Date September 6, 1973
By /a/ John J. Nicholl
chill'lt&n, Board or County Connnlssioners
Title Arapahoe County
Date July 16, 1973
By P. Vaughn Gardinier
Title _Ma~y_o_r ______ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Date ~8-_8~-~7-3--.~~~~~~~~~~~~
BJ /s/ Harold H. Patten, Jr.
Title Mayor
Date 9-19-72
BJ /a/ Carl H. Winkler
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