HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 034I I D'l'RODUCBD AS A BILL BY COURCIUWf BLBSSIRO BY AU'l'RORITY ORDIRANCB NO. l!_, SBRIBS OP 1973 AR ORDIJWICB APPROVIllO AR AORDllBR'l' BETllBN 'l'llE CITY OP BNOLBWOOD, COLORADO AND THE CITY OP Llftl.n'Oll, COLORADO RBLA'l'Im '1'0 CORS'l'RUC'l'ION OP AN ANIMAL SHBL'l'BR AND PROVIDING FOR I'IS PA!llDT DD USE, AllD DECLARING AN EDROBNCY. VllBRIAS, the CltJ or Inglewood, Colorado and the CitJ ot Littleton, Colorado, are d .. lroua ot entering into an Agre .. ent providing tor the construction or additional rao111t1•• tor the ezlatlng anlllal •helter belonging to th-CitJ ot Englewood, Colorad- and tor partial ~nt ot auoh addition bJ the Cit1 ot Littleton, Colorado, which shall entitle aaid Clt1 to tbe ••• or it• tao11it1ea, and VllBRIAS, the Clt1 or Inglewood, Celorado •ball receive the sum or Twelve !'bouaand (tl2,000.00) Dollar• fDOll the Cit1 or Littleton, Colorado. NOV, 'l'llEROORE, BB IT ORDAIRBD BY '1'llB CI'l'! COUNCIL OP 'l'HE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, aa tollowa: Section 1. '!'bat the Clt1 ot Englewood, Colorado aball enter into an Agreement with the City ot Littleton, Colorado, aooording to the proviaiona ot that certain written instrument cap- tioned •Agre ... nt•, wbioh la attached hereto, conalatlng or rive (5) tJPewritten pages and 1• bereb1 incorporated bJ reterence herein. 8aid inatrument provides: Section 2. (a) The Cit1 ot Englewood, Colorado aball provide an animal shelter tacilit1 which aball include construction or an addition thereto which will aerve the rollowing purposes: (1) caging and confinement ot an1mala; (2) the proper care and diapoaition : ot auch animals (3) the uaount and method or reiabura•ent to the City or Inglewood, Colorado bJ the CltJ or Littleton, Colorado tor the uae or auch racilitiea; and (-) tbe provision tor cancellation ot auch Agreement by either part1. 'l'be CltJ Council ot the Cit1 ot Englewood, Colorado, hereb1 authorizes the Mayor ot the Clt1 ot Inglewood, Colorado to subscribe hil naae to said Agreement on and in behalt or tbe Cit1 Council and the Clt1 ot Englewood, Colorado. Section 3. Ina811Uch aa the development ot complete animal shelter tacilities shall enhance the ablllt1 ot the Cit1 ot Englewood, Colorado to tullJ provide tor the control ot animals within ita boundaries, the Cit1 Council hereb1 tinda and determines that an emergency exists 237 and that the enactaent ot the roregoing ordinance la neceaaar1 tor the immediate preservation ot public health, peace, aatet1 and good order; theretore, thia Ordinance shall become ettective upon publication tollowing tinal publication. Introduced, read in tull and paaaed on rtrat reading on the -th day or September, 1973. Publl•bed aa a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 6th da1 ot September, 1973. Read bJ title and paaaed on tlnal reading on the 17th da1 ot September, 1973. Publlabed bJ title as Ordinance No. 3•, Seriea ot 1973, on the 20th day or Sept•ber, 1973. 11a1or A'l"l'BS'l' : I, Karl lollenberger, do hereb1 certlt1 that the above and toregoing is a true, accurate and complete oop1 or an Ordinance paaaed on tinal reading and published by title aa Ordinance No. 3-. Seriea ot 1973• ~Noc.Ch~ ex orr1010 c1t1 Clark -Treasurer AOREEllDT !BIS AOllBB.1IBlft', entered into this 17th daJ ot September, 1973 by and between tbe cm 01' DOLBVOOD, COLORADO, a llWlicipal corporation, hereinafter reterred to as •gngt .. ooct• and tbe CI'1'! 01' LI'l"l'LBTON, COLORADO, a llUlliclpal corporation, hereinatter reterred to u •Littleton." VI'l'llESSETll: VllBRBAS, the CitJ or Englewood, a IUfticipal corporation, baa and will enlarse 1n tbe near future, an anillal shelter and dlapoaal tacilitiea incident thereto; and VllERBAS, tbe CitJ or Littleton, alao a aunicipal corporation, baa expressed its desire to participate in the use or said tacilitiea; and VRBRBAS, both municipalities tind it 11Utuall7 desirable under the provisions or Cbapt»er 88, Article 2, C.R.S. 1 63, aa amended, entitled "Contracts tor Governmental Services," to enter into this Agreeaent. NOV, 'l'llBRBPORE, it ia agreed bJ and between the parties hereto as tol!ows: I. That the CitJ or Englewood, Colorado shall provide an animal shelter tacilitJ and service incident thereto consisting ot the tollowtag: 1. A modern atructure with autticient anillal rune and cages to acc0111odate tbe contineaent ot doge and amaller animals. 2. AdJacent to the building, there •ball be tenced an area adequate to contine larger animals, being horaea, donkeys and animals ot such larger ai•••· 3. . ·A eutMnaa1a cbaaber or auttlclent •1•• to euthanize larce, lledlua and amall doge or other a111.ll anillala. '· A gaa tired incinerator autticient to cremate all dogs and -ller an111ala. 5. !'be entire pound area aball be tenced and public parking provided. 6. Englewood shall receive, house, teed and otherwise care tor these anillala ordered iapounded bJ Littleton. z. At all ts.ea the animal •helter •ball be kept clean and all animals received trom Littleton aball be properlJ ted, cared tor and treated b11Mnel7. The standards aball be those adopted by the Society tor tbe Jrevention ot Cruelt1 to An!laal• and other appropriate government agencies. 8. Englewood aball aooept tr011 the proper otticera or wardens or Littleton all an111al• delivered to lt tor care on a seven (7) day per week baala. 'twelve (12) boura on weekda7a and two (2) hours on S&turdQa, SundQ•, and hol14Q•• In the event or an emergency situation, Englewood asr••• to cooperate with Littleton in making the tacllittea available to proper authorised otticera or wardens ot Littleton. 9. The •helter aball be open to the public tor claiming or animals or other purpoaea tor tour (II) boura on weekda7a and two (2) hours on Saturdara, Suncta1• and holid&J•· A apecitic schedule established bJ Englewood •ball be turniahed to Littleton. 10. Englewood aball provide telephone tacilitiea and accommodate Littleton bJ releasing animals, collecting Littleton charged tees and tines, and •ball r .. lt all tees and tines to tbe proper Littleton office monthly. However, release or disposal or illpounded Littleton animals must be authorised bJ Littleton or ita authorised otticera or wardens prior to release or disposal. 11. All Littleton animals ordered disposed ot shall be disposed or by Englewood. Disposal •1 be through adoptiong, tranater to a research agenc1, or eutbanlsed and cr-ted. 12. Receaaarr illpoundllent tol'ID8 and administrative procedures shall be ••••bliahed aa mutually agreed to between Englewood and Littleton. II. Littleton •ball: 1. Reillburae the CitJ or Englewood at the rate or One Dollar ($1.00) per daJ per animal but shall guarantee a minimum tee ot Three Hundred Plttr Dollars l•350.00) per month. Such tee shall be tor the receiving, bouaing, teeding, care and other administrative services pertormed by Englewood, and such tees aball be paid to Englewood monthly. However, Englewood will credit Littleton in the amount ot Two Hundred Dollars <•200.00) aonthlJ during the duration or this contract, to ottaet the 'ftrelve Thousand Dollar <•12,000.00) p&JJDent made to Englewood on the lid d&J or October, 1973, to ottaet the coat or expanding the Englewood iiirmal shelter. such credit will be made against the total monthly bill aubaitted bJ Englewood to Littleton. 2. Par to Englewood an additional tee ot One Dollar ($1.00) per animal tor all such animals disposed ot bJ euthanasia anG cremation. Such tees shall also be paid aonthl7. Englewood shall have tull claim tor any tees collected tor animals adopted or tranaterred to research agencies. I II/· .. 11 ' , \_ I I I I 3. Eatabliah and provide to Englewood, regulations, procedures and red911Ption tee schedules covering all impounded Littleton anillala. III. Terma and conditions or this Agreement shall be in torce and effect tor a period or .tlve (5) 1eare comaenc1ng Januar1 1, 1974, through December 31, 1978. '1'b1a Agre .. ent 11&1 be cancelled bJ either or the parties hereto on the lat d&J ot Janu&rJ ot &nJ subsequent 1ear during the term or this Agre ... nt upon n1net1 (90) daJ• prior written notice to the other party. However, 1n tbe event ot such cancellation, the tollowing penalties shall be illpoaed against the Jur1ad1ct1on requeatlng auch caneellation: Penal.tr: Cancellation date ettective January 1, 1975 -fifty percent (561) of the total coats pald bf Littleton tbe previous year. January 1, 1976 -tb1rt1-tive percent (351r ot the total coats paid by Littleton 1n the previous 1ear. Janu&rJ 1, 1977 -titteen percent (151) of the total coats paid bJ Littleton in the previous year. January 1, 1978 - no penalt1. DI VI'l'llBSS VBBREOP, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals on tbe 18tb daJ ot September, 1973. A'l"l'Bft: . I•/ Karl RollenberKer DiiletiOOd Director or-Plri&Dce AftEST: /a/ Janet o. Harrison c1t1 crerk CITY OP DOLEWOOD, COLORADO By ~ Milton s. Senti 1or CITY OP LI'l"l'LE'l'ON, COLORADO By "/ I'. Vaughan Gardinier yor .. '