HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 035DfRODUCBD AS A BILL BY COUMCILMAN DHORITY BY AUTHORITY ORDIHAlfCE NO. 35 , SBRIES OP 1973 All OltDDOCB SUBllI'l'TillO TO 'l'RB VO'l'E OP '1'BE QUALIIPIBD ELECTORS OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLCllADO, AT '!'RB OBllRAL MUNICIPAL BLBCTION TO BB HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1973, A PROPOSED ORDIRAJICB !IBQUIRIRO '1'llB CITY TO CONSTRUCT A SVDllINO POOL IN DARTMOUTH PARK.' VHBRBAS, Sections •5 and •6, &rtlale VI or the Charter or the City or Englewood, author!••• tbe aubll1aa1on or proposed Ordinances b7 Petition signed by qual1t1ed elector• equal in number to t1ve (51) percent ot the preceding gubernatorial ~t• 1n tb• c1t1, and tiled with the Ckt7 Clerk at least sixt1 (60) days prior to any general OI' mn1o1pal election; and VBBRBAS, on Septeaber 5, 1973, a Petition and Proposed Ordinance was filed with tbe C1t1 Clerk, bearins autt1o1ent signatures ot qualified electors thereon and in apt time to be placed on the Ballot or the General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 1973. •OW, 'IBBREPORB, BE IT\ ORDADIED BY '1'BE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. !'bat there 1• herebJ eubll1tted to the qualified electors or the City or Englewood at tbe General llun1o1pal Blect1on to be held on November 6, 1973, a proposed Ordinance to the 1969 Bngle1IOOd llun1o1pal Code ae follows: BY AUTHORITY PEOPLE'S ORDINAlfCE NO. 1, SERIES OP 1973 Alf ORDIRAlfCE REQUIRING '1'RE CITY TO CONSTRUCT A SWIMMING POOL IN DAR'l'llOU'l'R PARK. Section 1. A t\all e1se ews...ing pool with autt1c1ent area and depth to auppl.J and acaa odate the neighborhood with all facilities nece-•aarr tor 1te operation, shall be constructed in Dartmouth Park. Section 2. t'be Toting .. chin•• and paper ballots tor said election aball O&l'l'J the tollow1&g designation which shall be the submission olauae. IPOR -AGAINST PEOPLE'S ORDINANCE NO. 1 Shall the C1t1 construct or cause to be constructed a ew1-1ng pool in Dartaouth Park. And eaoh qualified elector voting in such election and desirous or voting tOI' or against said proposed People'• Ordinance No. 1 shall 1ndioate bi• choice b7 depressing the appropriate counter or the voting macb1nea which indicate the word "Por" or "Against," or by appropriate marking upon paper ballots where used. Section 3. The ballots caat at such election shall be canvassed and the result ascertained, determined and certified aa required by law. Introduced, read in tull and passed on first reading this 17th day or September, A.D.-, 19'3. Published ae a Bill tor an Ordinance this 20th da1 or September, A.D., 1973. Reaid bJ title and passed on tinal reading on the lat day or October, 1973. PUBLISBBD BY TITLE AS Ordinance No. 35, Series or 1973, on the 4th day or October, 1973. ~ffiiST: I, Karl Rollenberger, do hereb7 certit7 that the above and roreoging is a true, aoourate and complete cop1 or an Ordinance passed on t1nal reading and published bJ title ae Ordinance lo. 35, Series ot 1973. kt.1-rl~-yrc-.._ ex orr1c1o C1t7 CierR -Treasurer ••