HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 036I I I DftRODUCED AS A BILL BY COUNCILMAN BROWN BY AUTHORITY ORDDfARCB NO. l!,, SERIES OP 1973 All ORDIIWICB SUmlliilJm '1'0 '1'llE VO'l'B OP '1'llB QUALIPIBD ELECTORS OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. A'f !'BB CIDBRAL llURICIPAL ELBC'l'ION 'l'O BB BBLD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1973, A PROPOSED ORDIIWICE 'PROllIBITDO 'ftlE USB OP CI'l'r PONDS 'l'O C88S'l'RUCT, MANAGE, MAIN'l'AIN OR OPERATE A GOLi' COORSB. ' VBBRBAS, Sectiona -5 and -6, Article VI ot the Charter ot the City ot Englewood, autbor1••• tbe aubll1aa1on ot proposed Ordinances bJ Petition aigned by qualified electors equal 1n amber to five (51) pe-oent of the preceding gubernatorial vote in the Cit1, and riled with tbe Cit1 Clerk at leaat aixt1 (60) ~· prior to &n1 general or munie~pal election; and VllBREAS, on September 5, 1973, a Petition ancttropoaed Ordinance was tiled with the c1t1 Clerk, bearing auttioient aignaturea ot qualified electors thereon and in ap~ time to be plaoed on tbe Ballot of the General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 1973. NOV, 'l'llEREPORB, BE IT ORDAINED BY '1'HE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Seotion 1. !'bat there ia berebJ aubllitted to the qualitied electors or the City ot Englewood at tbe 9enaral ""'1.oipal Election to be held on Noveaaber J 6, 1973, a proposed Ordinance to the 1969 Bngle110od Jllunioipal Code aa follows: BY AU'l'BORI'l'r PEOPLE'S ORDINANCE NO. 2, SERIES OP 1973 All ORDIRAJICE PROllIBI'l'INO 'l'BB USE OP CITY IPUNDS TO BUILD A OOLP COURSE. Section 1. llo CitJ t\anda derived troa the taxation or property shall be uaed to oonatruot, acquire, ll&ll&ge i aa1ntain or operate a golf oourae aa a 11UDicipal or reoreational enterprise. 'l'bia Ordinancetirepeala all Ordinances, Resolutions, and llotiona in opposition thereto. Section 2. The voting machines and paper ballots tor said election aball O&rrJ the tollow1ng designation which shall be the aubll1aaion clause. POR AGAINST - PBOPLE'S ORDINANCE NO. 2 Sball Cit1 Punda be uaed to construct, 11&11age, maintain or operate a golt course? And each qualitied elector voting in auch election and desirous of voting tor or aga1nat aaid proposed People's Ordinance No. 2, shall indioate bis choice bJ depreaaing the appropriate counter or the voting .. chine• which indicate the wol'd ~Por• or "Against", or by appropriate marking upon paper ballots where used. Section 3. !'be ballots cut at auob eleotlon shall be canvassed and the result uoertained, detel'llined and oertified aa requireci·· by law. Introduced, read ln full and paaaed on tlrat reading this 17th day or September, 1973. Published aa a Bill tor an Ordinance tbia 20th d&J or September, A.D., 1973. Read bJ title and paaaed on final reading on the lat ot October, 1973. Publ1ahe4 bJ title aa O&tdinance No. 36, Serie• ot 1973, on the 4th day or October. 1973. /a/ JUlton s. Senti lliL1or A'l'!'BS'l' : Ne&~,~ I, Karl Rollenberger, do berebJ certl(7 that tbe above and foregoing is a true, aoourate an4 OOllJ>lete oopJ ot an Ord1nanoe No. 36, Series ot 1973. 1~ "'&~8-'~ ex orr1c10-~---Clerlc: -Treasurer