HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 038DTROIJUCD AS A am BY COVJICILIWf BLBSSilfO BY AUTRORI'l'! ORDIIWfCE NO. l!._, SERIES OP 1973 All OJIDDMCB AmDDO '1Tl'LB XI (POLICE REGULATIONS) °' 'l'llB . OPPICIAL CI'l'Y CODE BY ADDING J····'·'". A DV CllAP1'BR '1'ii&RHO !O 8B ll'l'rl'LBD •BURGLARY PRBVD'l'ION" CHAPTER 14, REQUIRINO SECURITY i DBVICBS D CBM'ADI BUILDDGS USBD IPOR BUSINESS PURPOSES AND MULTIPLE PAMILY STRUCTURES, i Alm PROVmDO IPOR TD Dl'ORCDIBRT 'l'HBRBOIP. 1. .. '-,- BB I'1' ORDAIDD B! TRI CIT! COUNCIL OP 'l'HB CIT! OP ENOLEWOOD, COLORADO, as tollowa: Section 1. '!'bat Title XI ot the 1 69 B.M.C. ia hereb1 amended by adding a new chapter thereto to be D\lllbered Cbapter 111, which cbapter reads aa follows: CHAPTER 111 BURGLARY PREVBRTIOH 11-111-1 -CClllBRCIAL BUILDINGS -SBCURI'l'! RBQUIRBMEN'l'S All ezlatlng and future buildings in the City ot Englewood Colorado used bJ aft7 peraon tor the purpose ot conducting, managing, or carrying on any bualneaa, wltb the exception ot those hereinafter described, shall, when unattended, be ao aeoured aa to prevent unauthorized entr1, in accordance with specifications tor p~a1cal aeourlt1 ot exterior accessible openings as provided in Sections 11-14-6 through 11-111-13 ot thi• chapter. A cOlmllercial building shall be considered unattended when not occupied bJ a watcbllan, maintenance personnel, or other authorized peraona during the period that preaiaes are closed to business. Any building used tor Group •A• or •a• public aaaemblJ occupanc1, as defined in the Uniform Building Code ot tbe Clt1 or Inglewood, aa well as those buildings used tor Group "P" occupancy ot tbe tJPe requiring exit doors to be equipped with panic hardware locks, shall be ex911Pt troll the provisions hereof relating to exterior doors. Those buildings uaed tor Group •c•, •o•, and "I", and "J" occupanc1 shall be exempt from the proY1alona bel'eot. 11-111-2 -CCIUllRCIAL BUILDINGS 11-111-3 - 11-111-11 11-1--5 11-111-6 'l'be Cb1et ot Police la hereb1 autborl•ed and directed to administer and enforce tbe proYialona ot thl• code relating to phJalcal security requirements tor c011merclal building• and aultlple faallJ dwellings within the City ot Englewood. '!'be reaponalb1litJ tor COllpllanoe with the specifications set forth in Sections 11-111-6 through 11-111-13 ot this chapter concerning physical security tor exterior openings or buildings used tor business purposes and subject to the prov1a1ona bereot ahall be aa follows: (a) When aald cOlllllercial business does not share the use ot exterior openings with anr other buainessc eitablishment, tbe person operating said business shall be responsible. (b) When two or more businesses share the use ot the same exterior openings of &n7 cOllllercial building, the owner ot •aid building or hi• designated agent shall be responsible. RO'l'IPICA'l'ION TO PERSON RBSPORSIBLB 'l'be Cblet or Police shall examine, or cause to be examined, the accessible exterior openings or ever1 cOlllllercial building, or part tllereot, which is aubJect to tbe provisions hereof. Where accessible exterior openings exist wb1cb do not aeet tbe requireaents hereof,. notice in writing shall be given to the reaponalble person setting forth the deticieaeies which are to be corrected, and tbe period within which same shall be completed. Failure to complete corrective action in the period or time specified shall constitute a violation ot tbi• aect1on. RIGB'l' OP Blft"R! R .. bera ot the Police Department designated by the Chief ot Police shall have tbe right, and the1 are bereb1 authorised and empowered, to enter or go upon or about Aft7 building or premises used tor business purposes at any reasonable hour tor the purpose ot 1napect1ng tbe phJsical aecuritJ or exterior accessible openings ot such building or prelllaea, or tor 1.n7 other purposes consistent herewith. Such members aball be given pl'Ollpt access to &n7 area ot the building or premises upon oral not1t1cat1on to the responsible person, and upon exhibiting a badge or other evidence or tbelr identit1 and autborit7. BURGLARY PRBVBll'l'ION All exterior accessible openings of anr building used tor business subject to the provisions hereof and which are not otherwise protected by approved photo- electric, ultrasonic, or other intrusion detection devices, shall be secured as herein, and 1n Sectiona:,11-111-7 through 11-111-13 provided. II I . I ll-1--7 I 11-1--8 I Provided, however, exit doors serving an occupant load of more than ten, and serving basardoua rooms or areas, shall be openable from the inside without the use of a keJ or &nJ special knowledge or e-tort; and any additional looking device on such doors shall be required only after the approval of the Pire Departaent • l'ROMT DOORS -SBCURI'l't llBASURBS -LOCltDfO DEVICES All exterior aa well aa interior entry doors ot any buildingol':~remises used tor buaineas and subject to the provisions hereof shall comply with the following requirements: (1) 'l'ellpered glaaa doors, wood or metal doors with tempered glass panel, solid wood or .. tal doors shall be secured aa follows: (a) A single door shall be equipped with either double 01linder dead lock that unlocks from both the outside and 1.nalde bJ ke1, or with CJllnder dead look that unlocks from tbe out1lde bJ ke1 and 1n11de b7 .turnpieoe, handle, or knob, or with dead locking latch having guarded bolt that unlocks trOll the outside by keJ and inside by turnpiece, handle, or knob. (b) On double doors the active leaf shall be equipped with a tJPe ot look aa prescribed tor single doors above and the inactive leat shall be equipped with flush bolts at head and toot. (2) Doore with glass panels not of tempered glass and doors that have nont911Pered glaaa panels adjacent to the door traae, shall be secured as follows: (a) Aalngle door shall be •quipped with cylinder dead lock that unlocks trom both the outaide and inside by a key. (b) On doubld doors the active leaf shall be equipped with c1l1nder dead lock that unlocks from both the outside and lnaide bJ a ke1 and the inactive leaf shall be equipped with tluab ·bolta at bead and toot. (3) Rolling OYerbead doors that are not controlled or locked by :electric power operation shall be equipped on the inside with the following protective devices: (a) llanually operated doors shall be provided with slide bolts on the bottom bar. (b) Chain operated doors shall be provided with a cast iron keeper and pin tor securing the band chain. (c) Crank operated doors shall be provided with a means tor aecuring the operating abaft. (-) A 1011d overhead, awinging, eliding, or accordion garage-type door aball be secured with a c1linder lock, padlock, and/or metal slide bar, bolt, or croaa bar on the inside when not otherwise controlled or locked by electric power operation. It padlock is used, it shall be of hardened steel shackle with minimum tour pin tUllbler operation. In the event that this type of door provides the only entrance to the tront ot the building, a CJlinder lock or padlock may be used on tbe outside. (5) Metal accordion grate or grill-t71>e doors shall be equipped with metal guide track at top and bottOll and a 01linder look arid/or padlock with hardened 1teel 1baokle and llinimwD tour pin tUllbler operation. (6) °"1talde binges on all tront doors shall be provided with nonremovable pine. Sucb binge pins ll&J be either welded, flanged, or secured by a screw. RBAR, smB ARD BASEllBN'l' DOORS -SECURITY MEASURES -.LOCKING DEVICES All acceaalble rear, aide and basement doors ot any building or premises used tor buaineaa purposes, and subject to the provisions hereof, shall comply with the following requir ... nts: (1) All doors ot the types listed below shall comply with the requirements ot Section 11-1•-z tor tront doors. (a) Tellpered glass doors, wood or metal doors, with t91lJ>ered glaaa panel. (b) Metal doors. (c) Rolling overhead doors. (d) Solid overhead, swinging, sliding, or accordion ~e-type doors. (e) Metal accordion grate or grill-type doors. (2) Doore with gla1a panels and doors that have glass panels adjacent to tbe door traae shall be secured as follows: (a) The glaaa panel shall be covered with iron bars of at least one-halt inch round or 1" x 1/-" flat steel .. terial, •paced not more than 5" apart, or ll-1'-1 (b) Iron or steel grill• or at least 1/8" material ot 2• aeah. (c) It the door or glass panel barrier ls on the outalde, lt •ball be secured wlth rounded head tlush bolt on the outside. (d) It tbe r911&1ning portion or a door panel exceeds a• x 12• (excluding door traae), 1• or wood, but not ot aolld core conatructlon,, or 1• leas than 1-3/8" thick, aald portion shall be covered on the inside wltb at least 16-gauge abeet steel attached with screws. (3) Vood doors, not ot aolld core construction, or with panels therein less tban 1-3/8• tblck, •ball be cOTered on the inside with at least ·16-gauge sheet ateel attached with screws. <•> Locking Devices. (a) A alngle door •ball be equipped with either double cylinder dead look that unlooka tram both the outside and inside by key, wltb crllnder dead look that unlocks trom the outside by key and lnalde bJ turnpleoe, handle, or knob, with dead locbing latch baYlng guarded bolt that unlocks trom outside by kep and inside bJ turnplece, handle, or knob, or with approved slide bar bolt, croaabar, and/or padlock. It padlock ls used it shall be or hardened steel abaokle, wltb 111n1-... tour pin tUldller operation. (b) On double doors the active leat shall be equipped with a type ot look •• preaorlbed tor alngle doors above and the inactive leat •ball be equipped wltb tluab bolts at bead and root. (5) OUtalde blngea on all rear, aide and basement doors shall be provided wltb nonrmovable pine. Such hinge pine may be either welded, flanged, or aeoured bJ a screw. ROOP DOORS -SBCURI'l'! lllWIURBS -LOCKIJfO DBVICBS All doors that exit onto the root ot any building or premises used for bus~­ neaa purpoaea, and aubjeot to the provlalona hereot shall comply with the tollow- ing requireaenta: (1) Doore wltb glass panels and any glass panels that are adjacent to the door traae •ball be protected as tollowa: (a) The glass portion shall be covered with iron or steel grills ot at leaat 1/8" .. terlal or no more than 2" mesh securely fastened. (b) It tbe door or glass panel barrier ia on the outside, it shall be secured with rounded head tlush bolt on the outside. (o) It the r ... inlng portion or a door panel exceeds 8" x 12" (excluding door tralle) and 1• ot wood, but not or solid core construction, or ls leas than 1-3/8" thick, aald portion shall be covered on the r:inside wltb at least 16 gauge sheet steel attached with screws. (2) Vood doors not ot solid core construction, or with panels therein less than 1-3/8" thick, shall be covered on the inside with at least 16 gauge aheet steel attached with screws. (3) All root door• aball be provided with a lock that will permit the door to be opened trca tbe inside without the c.uae or a key or any special knowledge or ettort. (-) OUtalde binges on all root doors shall be provided with nonremovable plna. Such binge pine ~ be eitber welded,tlanged, or secured by a screw. ll-1--10 GLASS VDmOWS -SIDB OR REAR, SECURITY JIBASURES -LOCKING DEVICES ~ Cbiet ot Police shall, with the approval or the Pire Chief, determine the eatent of protection, lt any, that will be required tor accessible glass wlndowa at the aide or rear ot buildinga. Olaaa windows shall be deemed access- ible 1t leaa than eighteen (18) teet above around. In making bis determination be shall ooneider whether the aide ot tbe building tronta on a street, the area, looatlon, oooupano1 and contents tbereot, and whether such openings are protected bJ intrusion detection devices. · (1) The Cblet ot •ollce may require aide and rear glass windows with a pane exceeding nlnetr-six (96) square inches in area, with its smallest dllaenalon exceeding 6", to be protected in the tollowing manner: (a) Inside or outside iron bare or at least one-halt inch round or l" x 1/-• tlat steel material, spaced not more than 5• apart, aecurel1 tastened, or (b) Inalde or outside iron or steel grille or at least 1/8" .. terial or 2" mesh securely taatened. (o) It window barrier ls on the outside, it shall be secured with rounded bead tlush bolt on the outside. I . . ' I ' ! I I (2) It the aide or rear window ia ot the ·tne that can be opened, it aball, where applicable, be aeoured on the inside with either a glide bar, bolt, croaabar, and/or padlock with hardened steel ahaokle, and ainillua tour pin tuabler operation. (3) outside binges on all side and rear glass windows shall be pro•ided with non-r•ovable pina. Such binge pins may be either welded, flanged, or secured bJ a screw. 11-1'-ll ACCBSSDLE TIWISOllS, SBCURI'l'r MEASURES -LOCICIRO DEVICES All exterior trana01111 exceeding 8" x 12" on tbe side and rear or any building or pl'elliaea uaed tor business purposes, and subject to the provisions bereot •ball be protected bJ either or the tollowing: (1) OUtaide iron bars ot at least 1/2" round or l" x 1/-" tlat steel •terial, spaced no aore than 5" apart, or (2) OUtaide iron or steel grill• or at least 1/8" material but not 110re than 2•,•ah. (3) !'be window barrier shall be secured with rounded head tlush bolts on tbe outside. 11-1•-12 ROOI' OPmDll -SBCURI'l'Y MEASURES -LOCICINO DEVICES A. All glaaa alqlighta on the root ot &nJ building or premises used tor buaineea purpoaea, subject to the provisions hereot, shall be provided with: (1) Iron bars ot at least 1/2" round or l" x 1/-" tlat steel material under tb~ •kJlight and aecurelJ taatened, or (2) A ateel grill ot at least 1/8" material or 2" mesh under the sky- light and aecurelJ fastened. 8. ·All batobw&7 openings on the root ot &nJ building or premises used tor· buaineaa purpoaea, and tor multiple taailJ dwellings, and subject to the pro- viaiona bereot aball be secured aa tollowa: (1) It the batch1f&7 is or wooden material, it shall be covered on the inaide with at least 16 gauge sheet steel attached with screws. (2) The batohnJ aball be secured trom the inside with a slide bar or elide bolts. The uae ot crossbar or padlock is unauthorized, unless approved bJ the Pire Chier. (3) outside hinges on all hatchway openings shall be provided with non- re80vable pins. Such hinge pins Ila)' be either welded, tlanged, or secured bJ a acrew. c. All air duct or air vent openings exceeding 8" x 12" on the root ot any building or preaiaea used ~or business purposes, and subject to the provisions bereot aball be secured bJ covering the same with either or the following: (1) Iron bar• ot at least 1/2" round or l" x 1/-" tlat steel material, spaced no aore than 5" apart and securel1 fastened, or (2) A steel grill or at least 1/8" material ot 2" mesh and securely taatened. It the barrier ia on the outside it shall be secured with rounded head flush bolts on tbe outside. 11-1•-13 BURGLARY PRBVBRTION -IN'l'RUSION DBTBCTION DEVICES 11-1•-1• It it ia detel'llined bJ the Ch1et ot Police that the security measures and looking deYicea preacribed 1n aeotiona 7 through 12 ot this chapter do not adequatel1 aeoure the building, be 8&7 require the installation and maintenance ot photoelectric, ultrasonic, or other intrusion detection device. In exercising hi• diacretion he aball consider whether: (a) Tbe business establislllent ha• experienced·& high incidence or burglar1 in the paat, or (b) '1'be tne ot aerchandiae and i*•· ·inventor1 value require added aeouritJ protection. It be detel'llinea that such installation is required, notice in writing shall be given to the responsible person setting torth the installation to be made and tbe period within which aaae shall be completed. Pailure to complete the installa- tion 1n tbe tiae apeoitled shall be a violation or this section. llJLTIPLB-Jl'AllILY DVBLLIROS -DEAD-BOLT LATCH HARDWARE All exterior aa well aa all interior entry doors tor multiple-family dwell- inga ahall be equipped with dead bolt latch hardware. llaaltiple-taa11J dwelling• tor the purpoaes ot this section shall mean three (3) or aore dwelling unite. 11-1•-15 APPEAL l'RCll lWHWSION DB'l'BC'l'ION DEVICE RBQYIRBMBN'l'S. Seot1on 2. V1tb1n ten (10) 4&7• after the receipt of written notice from the Chier or Police requiring the 1nstalaltion and aaintenance ot photo-electric, ul•~aaonic or otber 1ntrua1on detection device, tbe person responsible tor compliance there- with 11&7 appeal 1n writing to tbe Board ot Ac13ustaeata and Appeals. In tiling such notloe ot appeal, the appeallant aball aet torth the apecltic grounds wherein it is 01as=ec1 tllere was an error or abuse ot d1acret1on by the Chier or Police, or wherein tbe 1aauance ot said written notice was not supported by proper evidence. Upon receipt ot such appeal, the Board aball set said matter tor hearing and cauae not1oe thereot to be given to the appellant and to the Chief or Police, or bla authorised repreaentative, not leas than tive (5) days prior to the date aet tor aald bearing. At such hearing the appellant shall show cause on the grounds apeo1t1ecl 1n tbe Rotice ot Appeal 1fh7 the action ezcepte4 to should not be affirmed. !be Board 11&1 attirll, reverse, or mo41ty the decision or the Chier or Police, ~ requiring tbe 1natallat1on and maintenance ot a photoelectric, ultrasonic, or other 1ntrua1on detection device. It said decision la att1rme4 or moditied by the Board, tbe appellant •ball be given written notice thereot bT,\1 the Chier ot Police setting tortb tbe 1netallat1on to be made and tbe period ot time within which the same shall be completed. In no event shall tbe period be leas than that originally granted appellant. Pailure to COllJ>lY witb the Board'• decision shall be a violation or this aeot1on. '!be deo1a1on of tbe Board:ssball be tinal subject to review by a Court or competent Jur1act1ot1on. Aa to tboae eziatlng structures only, this Ordinance shall be in tull force and etteot ah (6) montba ~er date or publication following tinal passage. Intl'Oducecl, read 1n full and paased on tirat reading the 17th day or September, 1973. Publ1abecl aa a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 20th day or September, 1973. Read bJ title and passed on tlnal reading on the lat day or October, 1973. Publiabed bJ title as Ordinance No. 38, Series ot 197,3, on the 4th day or October, 1973. Aft'llJT• ~~.ta..~~ u olTIO~o ci-ir Clerk -Treasurer ~~- 11&7or I, Karl Rollenberger, do hereby oert1ty that the above and foregoing is a true, aoourate and c~l•t• oop1 ot an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and published by title as Ord1nanoe llo. 38, Serles or 1973. 0~~ ez orri-c---i-o-CitJ Clerk ~ Treasurer I I