HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 039I I Ilft'llODUCBD AS A BILL BY COUlf CILVOIWf RENtfIRO BY AU'l'RORI'l'Y ORDIRANCE RO. .lL_, SERIES OP 197 3 U ORDDWICB DCBPTIRO '1'HE PURCHASB OP A 1250 GPM (GALLONS PER MINUTE) DIESEL REPLACEMEN'r PIRB PUllPBR JPR<lll RORllAL PURCHASING PROCEDURE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . VBBRBAS, tbe CitJ ot Englewood deai~ea to purchase one 1250 GPM diesel replace- Mnt tire pumper; and VllBRBIS, tbe CitJ ot Englewood baa set aside the sum or Pitty-Tbree Thousand ($53,000.00) Dollar• 1n tbe Publio Iaprov .. ent Pun4 Budget tor this replacement pumper, and VllBRBAS, 1n 1970 tbe Pire Department established a set ot basic specifications tor auob equi,..nt wb1ob neoeeaarilJ liait• the nuaber ot oompaniea that may bid on this partioular equipment. BE IT ORDAillBD BY '1'llE CrrY COUNCIL OP '1'HE CI'l'Y OP ENGLEWOOD, as follows: Seotion 1. '!'be CitJ ot Englewood will negotiate to purchase the tire pumper from Pierce Jlanutaoturing Cmp&1l7 and Veetern Pire Equipment Compan-, Inc., and waive the requirements ot bidding prooedure. Section 2. Inaamuoh ae the purcbaee ot euoh equipment ie immediately necessary tor proper provlaion ot tire protection tor tbe oitisene ot Englewood, Colorado, City Council hereby tlnda andi deteralnea tbat an eaergeno1 exiets and that the enactment or the roregoing Ordi.nanoe i• neoe••&rJ tor the illlediate preeervation ot public health, peace, safety, and good order, therefore, tb1• Ordinanoe •hall beoome ettective immediately upon passage. 1973. Introduoed, read in tull and passed on tirat reading on the 17th day or September, Publiabed ae a Bill tor an Ord1nanoe on the 20th day ot September, 1973. Read bJ title and paaaed on t1nal reading on the lat day or October, 1973. Publiebed bJ title aa Ordinance No. 39, Series ot 1973, on the 4th day or Ootober, 1973. 111&7or AftBS'l': 0~~ I, Karl Rollenbe~ger, do herebJ oertitJ tbat the above and foregoing is a true, aoourate an4 oomplete oop7 ot .an Ordinance No. i39, Series ot 1973. );{,, ~ . ex~rJh,,~ -Treasurer