HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 040Ilft'RODUCBD AS A BILL BT COURCILVOllAR BEDDO BY A11'1'110Rrl'! ORDIRAllCB RO. ,0 , SBRIBS OP 1973 All ORDIIWICB VACA'l'Dll '1'llB SOOTlllAS'l' CORIBR OP SOU'l'll ZURI S'l'RBBT AND WEST COLLEGE AVDUK, cm OJI KlllLBVOOD, COONfi OP ARAPAHOE, S'l'A'l'B OP COLORADO. tlmllrAS, tbe racliua la not needed tor street rlght-ot-way; and VBBRBAS, tbe Y&catlon or tbla radlua .ould not Ylolate the Comprehensive Plan; and VRBRBAS, no properties will be deprived or acceas to any public roadway by tb• .acation; and VBBRBAS, tbeee are no utilities or easeaenta eziat1ng in this portion or the atreet; and VBBRBAS, tbe Plann1ng and Zoning COllllliasion ot the City or Englewood has hereto- fore recommended tbat tbat certain radiua or South Zuni and West College Avenue be vacated~ mlf, 'fllBRDClll, BB I'r ORDAIDD BY 'l'llB CI'l'Y COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS l'OLLOIS: Seotion 1. '!bat tbe following described atreet located within the City or Englewood, Ar&Dabo• Countr, Colorado, be and tbe saae ia bereb1 vacated, to-wit: !'bat portion or Lota one (1) and two (2) or Blook 21, Southlawn Gardena, aore partlcularl1 deaoribed aa: . cc eno!nc at a point 30 teet eaat or tb8 Sout ... at OOl'fter ot Section 28, 'l'ownab1p ' S., Rans• 58 v or the 6tb P.K.; aaid point being on tbe Soutb 11n• ot aa1d Section 28 and on the south 11.ne ot 8&1d Lot one (l); tbenoe north on a line ti•• teet eaat ot, and parallel with, tbe weat line ot aa1d Lot one (1) 167 .36 teet :.to the true point ot beg1nn1ng; thence continuing north along aaid 11n• 100.00 teet to a point on the north 11n• ot Lot one (l); tbence eaat along the said north 11n• ot Lot one(l), extended; alao being the aoutb llne or v. College Avenue 95.00 reet to a point on the aaid aouth line or w. College Avenue, tdlicb lies 33.98 teet west or the nortbeaat corner ot Lot two (2); tbence aouthwesterl1 along the arc or a curve bav1ng a 100-toot radius, a delta angle or 710,8 1 18•, and an arc length or 125.32 teet to tbe true point ot beginning. Said parcel contain• 1750.62 square teet, or ;,o,o acres. Introduced, re..S :.in tull and paaaed on rtrat reading on tba 20th day or Auguat, 1973. Publiabed aa a 8111 tor an Ordinance on the 23rd da1 or August, 1973. Read br title and paaaed on t1nal reading on the -th day or September, 1973. Pu•liabed bJ title aa Ordinance No. •o, Serie• or 1973, on the 6th day or September, 1973. A'ft'BS'f: I, Karl Rollenberger, do hereb1 certit1 that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and complete cop1 or an Ordinance paaaed on tinal reading and published by title aa Ordinance No. •o, Series or 1973. :I . ,_ I