HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 041I II I lmll>DUCllD AS A BILL BY comcIUllUI DR<la1TY BY ¥J'lll>RI'l'Y Om>DIUICB .:> • ...!!,_, SBllIBS ~ 1973 All OIDJaEB Fmm m nx UNY DI llILIS UPm BACH DOLIAll ~ 'lllB ASSBSSBD VALta'l'ION OF ALL TAXABLE ..... I Wl'fBDI.,.. cm ow BmrafOCI>, COLOltADO, POR'lllS ma 1974. WllBaBM, it 18 the ctaty of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, under the a.rter of •14 City and Statutes of the State of Colorado, to Mke the annual levy for City purposes for the ,_r 1973 dae and 119,able in 19741 and m..,.., the City COUncil baa dlaly conaidered the utimated valuation of all of the taxable ~ witbin the City and tbe nee4• of the City for •cb of •14 levie•, and bas determined that tbe lerie8 •• hereinafter Ht forth an praper and wiH • .. , 'l'lmlmfOB, aa rr o-.DIBD BY 'l'BB CITY COUMCIL OP 'l'HE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COIDRADO: Section 1. 'l'bllt tbeze be and then i• hereby levied for the year 1973, due and payable as required by tbe Statatea in the year 1974, a tax of 1.95 aill• on the 4ollar for the General Pund of the City of Snglewaod, Colorado. Section 2. 'l'bllt then be and then 18 hereby levied for the year 1973, due and payable as required by the Statatea in the year 1974, a tax of .51 of a aill an the dollar for the Firemens• Pension Pund of the City of Bnglauood, Colorado. Section 3. tftlat there be and then 18 hereby levied for the year 1973, due and payable in the year 1974, a tax of 1.50 •ill• an tbe dollar for the Public Section ... That there be and then 18 hereby levied for the year 1973, due and payable as required by the Statatea in the ,_r 1974, a tax of .Ol of a aill on the dollar for the Water Pund for the purpose of JlaJ at of baDite4 ~edw• and inter•t thereon. Seotian s. That •ch anCI eveE)' levy hereinabove •et forth 8hall be levied upon each dollar of the assessed 11alaatian oL all t.•hle property within the corporate liaita of the City of Englewood, Colorado, and the Mid l8YiM 9ball be certified u by the law required. xatrodlaced, read in fall and paa..S on fint reading on the l•t day of October, 1973. Pabliabed in full u a Bill for an ordinance on the 4th day of October, 1973. -d by title and 11& .. ed on final reading on the 15th day of October, 1973. Serie• of 1973, on the 18th day of October, 1973. ~~, ... Mayor ~w' a officio City Clirk -'1'reUurer I, ltarl llOllenbe.Eger, do hereby certify that the aboft and for9CJ0ing 18 a true, accurate and ccmplete copy of the ordinance, pa•Hd on final r•dlng and published by title a• Ordinance No. 41, Seri• of 1973. ~~/\~ a officio City Clerl-l-Treasurer