HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 044DnCIDU(XO AB A B%LL BY C:OmK:ILMH BIOlll BY AU'l'HOJUTY Oll>DIUICB HO • ...!!._, SBRIBS OP 1973 All Oll>DalCB An.,.UAS'Im .. m Pea ALL .. ICIPAL PURPOSP.S IN '1'HE CI'l'Y OP BNGLDfOOD, COLORADO, IN m nec:AL ma -.nmnm .-.an 1, 1974, AllD mmnm DBCDmBR 31, 1974 I CONSTITUTING WHAT IS TERMED .... '11Fal An ... UAnm aiu. POR lfllE PDCAL UAR 1974. BS rt a.aim> BY TBB CITY CX>WCIL OP THE CITY OP BNGLBllOOD, COIDMDO: !totiap 1. That there be and there 1a hereby appropriated from the revenue deriving from taxation in tile City of Bngl..ao4, Colorado, from collection of licenae feu and from all other sources of revenue 4'adng the ,_r beginning January 1, 1974, and ending Deceilber 31, 1974, tbe aaounts hereinafter set fod:b for the abject and parpoee apecified and ••t oppo9ite thereto, apecifically as follows; to-wit: GDIBML P1H> Legialation and C0u0 ••1 ••9•••nt Pi•nce and Record Pablic won• Pin Police Pazb and a.creation 0 •nity Dneloi-ent Library - PUBLIC IllPROVBllBll'l' Ptam Conatruction and/or reconatruction of •jor capital projects tlN1'BR D'l'ERPRISB PUllD Total Water Bnterpriae Fund SBWBR Blfl'BRPRISB Pt&> IJ!otal Sewer Enterprise Pund Tot.al Recr•tion Pund TM18IT BM'l'BRPRISB PUii> Total Tranait Enterprise Pund $ 134,664 ·327,762 639,090 956,731 897,821 1,292,062 581,461 299,013 225,978 10,052 $5,364,634 $3,215,384 $2,154,095 $2,498,096 $ 264,363 $ 90,758 Section 2. '!be far990ing appzopriationa ahall be conaidered to be appropriatiOD8 to groups within a pzogma or depa1tment within the fund indicated, bat •hall not be conatrued to be appropriations to line 1~ within any gmup, even though auch line i~ •Y be ••t forth in the adopted budget for the f iwl ,_r 1974. 8ecUon 3. '!hat all llODiu in the twndw of the Director of Finance or to come into his hands for the fiscal ~ 1974 •Y be a51Plied on the outatanding clailla now due or to become due in the said fiscal year of 1974. 8ecUon •• Tbat all mappzopriated .ani• that •Y cc:me into tbe handa of the Director of Finance during the ,_r 1174 •Y be ao tiatrlbated a.ang the reapective fund• herein as the City Council may deem best under •acb control u ia provided by law. 8ecUon 5. '!bat dlaring or at the cloae of the fiacal yMr of 1973, any aurplus money in any of the respective fmada, after all clalmm for 1973 •CJ&inat the .... have been paid, •Y be distributed to any other fund or aand• at ·the diacntion of the City Council. Xntzoduced, read in full and paaaed on firat rMding on the 19th day of November, 1973. Pabliabed u a Bill for an Ordinance on the 2lat day of November, 1973. -.! by tlU. and paued on fiml reading on the 3rd day of Decaber, 1973. Publiabed by title aa ordimnce llo. 44, Seriu of 1973, an the 6th day of December, 1973. ~~· Mayor -officio Clq Clerk -TrMmnr I, Karl llolleabeEVU', do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and CC111Plete 0oW of the Odimnce, paaaed on fina1 reading and publiahed by title as Ordinance No. 44, &eriea of 1173. /(..;...I\{~ _ex ___ o_f_f~i-c~i-o_C_i_t-~....w-le_r_k~-~T-rea~a-u_r_e_r~~~~~~- I ,,