HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 048I
.&.aa'NU11 Ml U A Bll.L BY cxxmcIUIAll .. : ' ........ .
BY AD'IB>llI'l'Y
C>m>DUICB .O. 48, SBUBS ar 1973
U Oll>l..:S Alml>DQ IBCrIO. 8, CllU'1'D 1, 'll'ILB II, OP 'l'llB 1969 B.11.C. RBIA'l'ING TO FIREMEN'S PENSIOO
....., c:cmanurmm. Am ADDDG A .. SBC'II<* AU'l'HOltIZDI; 'lllB CBNIIml ar A SJIECIAL POND !'OR '1'HE REPAY-
--Cl l'IM-'8 aa:mmlMl'ID cowntDUU<m 'IO SAID SPBCIAL rm1> Wl'l'B 'l'HB Dl'l'BRES'l' 'l'HEREON UPON TBRMINA-
~ Cl alPID!lmm Wl'l'll 918 Cl'l'Y PI• DBPAUlmlll', AllD DBCt.UlDG All zmatZRCY.
-l'I om.Im> BY TBS CrrY CCXMCIL ar 'lllB Cl'IY ar lllQLPIOOO, OOIDMDO, •• follows:
SectiaD 1.
'!bat 8ectioD 8, Cba,ptar 1, 'litl• II of the 1969 s.11.c. la hereby amended to read as follows:
2-1-e a.tllIBU'flm "°ms l'I--•'• Pmim rum
Ccm 1ncing an JAmaRY 1, 1974, there 8ha11 be deducted fraa the
llGDtbly •lary of •cb and ewry 8'4 a mr of the Englewood
l'in ~a .. eqaa1 to l'IYB AllD C*B-MU' PBJCmrl' (Sit•)
of •id a be.r'• 11C1Dthly •lary panuant to Article so, aiapter
139, Section 5-5 (4), Colorado 8eviaed Statut:e8, 1963, •• wnded,
which aua aball be clepoeited in the City Piremen'• Penaion Pund.
lectiaD 2.
Section 3.
2he 1969 B.11.C. ia hereby a.ended by ad41ng a ••ctian, to be numbered 9, which section reads as
2-1-9 -BPADIBll'.r -SPECIAL !'UND
(a) Sftz7 paid a ar of the BDglwood Pin Department who •hall resiqn
or be •HechaZ994 frcm the Departaent prior to becad.ng elible for
any ntir-.nt, diaability or other benefit u provided by Colorado
Rev1aed Stabat:e8, 1963, 0.pter 139, Article 50, a• amended, shall be
entitled to a refund of bi8 accn••l•ted contributions to the City's
Pirz I" •• Pwion Pund.
•&cc-•11Ated contribationa• aball wn the 81a of .. id Firemen's
cantribatiaaa to the City'• Pirza1n'• Pension Pund, together with
lntarat, if any, thereon u •hall be deterained by the Board of
'lmsteu of •id l'und.
ftaere ia hereby Mtabllahed a apecial fund to be known as the
'Pirza1n'• Accn•1lated Contribationa Pund• for the puzpoae of refunding
acc••1>ated contribationa to thoae finMD ccming within the provisions
of tbia Mction.
(c) The City shall make contribationa to .. id •Pir-.i '• Accumulated
CODtribationa Punct• of one and one-half percent (111•> of total
Pir "'• •lariM 11C1Dthly to finance the benefit •• herein
(4) :ID adllltion to the powiars and obliC)&tiana tapo•ed upon th• Board of
'lmsteu of the Englewood Fire PenaiOD Board by Article SO, Chapter 139,
COlomdo a.viaed Statute•, 1963, u .-ided, •id Board •hall have all
JIO'MR W!e8Mry to npervi.M ud a4111niater the tema of thia •ction.
:ID addition, thereto, •id Board •hall have the power fEOa time to time,
and •• the need .. Y ariae, to transfer any aurplua llCIDiM reaulting in
•id "l'irw • • Acct•1l•ted COntd.bationa Punct• to the •Firemen• a
Pmaion PmMt• of the City.
Zna-.cb u th• abaft -n1i1Hnt9 to the 1969 E .11.c. wt take effect on the lat day of January,
1974, the Coancil hereby :find8 that an wqency exiata and paaaage of thi• Ordinance is necessary for
'the t 1'wa pr•enation o:f the pablic health, peace and aafety, and thia Ordinance •hall take effect
on Jawn 1, 1974, following final publication.
%DtzodDc:ed, zead in full, and paaed OD firat r.cting on the 3rd day of December, 1973.
Pabliabed in full u a Bill for an orcU.nance on the 6th day of December, 1973.
-4 by title and paauct OD fiml r.ding on the 17th day of December, 1973.
Publiabed by title •• orctimnc. 110. 48, s•ri•• of 1973, an the 20th day of December, 1973.
I, Jrarl llollenberger, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and
CQllPlete copy of the Ordinance, pa8 .. d on final reading and publiahed by title as Ordinance No. 48,
SeriM of 1973.
ex officio City Cll'rk -'l'reaaurer