HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 048I I 'I .&.aa'NU11 Ml U A Bll.L BY cxxmcIUIAll .. : ' ........ . BY AD'IB>llI'l'Y C>m>DUICB .O. 48, SBUBS ar 1973 U Oll>l..:S Alml>DQ IBCrIO. 8, CllU'1'D 1, 'll'ILB II, OP 'l'llB 1969 B.11.C. RBIA'l'ING TO FIREMEN'S PENSIOO ....., c:cmanurmm. Am ADDDG A .. SBC'II<* AU'l'HOltIZDI; 'lllB CBNIIml ar A SJIECIAL POND !'OR '1'HE REPAY- --Cl l'IM-'8 aa:mmlMl'ID cowntDUU<m 'IO SAID SPBCIAL rm1> Wl'l'B 'l'HB Dl'l'BRES'l' 'l'HEREON UPON TBRMINA- ~ Cl alPID!lmm Wl'l'll 918 Cl'l'Y PI• DBPAUlmlll', AllD DBCt.UlDG All zmatZRCY. -l'I om.Im> BY TBS CrrY CCXMCIL ar 'lllB Cl'IY ar lllQLPIOOO, OOIDMDO, •• follows: SectiaD 1. '!bat 8ectioD 8, Cba,ptar 1, 'litl• II of the 1969 s.11.c. la hereby amended to read as follows: 2-1-e a.tllIBU'flm "°ms l'I--•'• Pmim rum Ccm 1ncing an JAmaRY 1, 1974, there 8ha11 be deducted fraa the llGDtbly •lary of •cb and ewry 8'4 a mr of the Englewood l'in ~a .. eqaa1 to l'IYB AllD C*B-MU' PBJCmrl' (Sit•) of •id a be.r'• 11C1Dthly •lary panuant to Article so, aiapter 139, Section 5-5 (4), Colorado 8eviaed Statut:e8, 1963, •• wnded, which aua aball be clepoeited in the City Piremen'• Penaion Pund. lectiaD 2. followas Section 3. 2he 1969 B.11.C. ia hereby a.ended by ad41ng a ••ctian, to be numbered 9, which section reads as 2-1-9 -BPADIBll'.r -SPECIAL !'UND CPDBD (a) Sftz7 paid a ar of the BDglwood Pin Department who •hall resiqn or be •HechaZ994 frcm the Departaent prior to becad.ng elible for any ntir-.nt, diaability or other benefit u provided by Colorado Rev1aed Stabat:e8, 1963, 0.pter 139, Article 50, a• amended, shall be entitled to a refund of bi8 accn••l•ted contributions to the City's Pirz I" •• Pwion Pund. (b) •&cc-•11Ated contribationa• aball wn the 81a of .. id Firemen's cantribatiaaa to the City'• Pirza1n'• Pension Pund, together with lntarat, if any, thereon u •hall be deterained by the Board of 'lmsteu of •id l'und. ftaere ia hereby Mtabllahed a apecial fund to be known as the 'Pirza1n'• Accn•1lated Contribationa Pund• for the puzpoae of refunding acc••1>ated contribationa to thoae finMD ccming within the provisions of tbia Mction. (c) The City shall make contribationa to .. id •Pir-.i '• Accumulated CODtribationa Punct• of one and one-half percent (111•> of total Pir "'• •lariM 11C1Dthly to finance the benefit •• herein pmri.ded. (4) :ID adllltion to the powiars and obliC)&tiana tapo•ed upon th• Board of 'lmsteu of the Englewood Fire PenaiOD Board by Article SO, Chapter 139, COlomdo a.viaed Statute•, 1963, u .-ided, •id Board •hall have all JIO'MR W!e8Mry to npervi.M ud a4111niater the tema of thia •ction. :ID addition, thereto, •id Board •hall have the power fEOa time to time, and •• the need .. Y ariae, to transfer any aurplua llCIDiM reaulting in •id "l'irw • • Acct•1l•ted COntd.bationa Punct• to the •Firemen• a Pmaion PmMt• of the City. Zna-.cb u th• abaft -n1i1Hnt9 to the 1969 E .11.c. wt take effect on the lat day of January, 1974, the Coancil hereby :find8 that an wqency exiata and paaaage of thi• Ordinance is necessary for 'the t 1'wa pr•enation o:f the pablic health, peace and aafety, and thia Ordinance •hall take effect on Jawn 1, 1974, following final publication. %DtzodDc:ed, zead in full, and paaed OD firat r.cting on the 3rd day of December, 1973. Pabliabed in full u a Bill for an orcU.nance on the 6th day of December, 1973. -4 by title and paauct OD fiml r.ding on the 17th day of December, 1973. Publiabed by title •• orctimnc. 110. 48, s•ri•• of 1973, an the 20th day of December, 1973. ~~ Mayor AftBB'la I, Jrarl llollenberger, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and CQllPlete copy of the Ordinance, pa8 .. d on final reading and publiahed by title as Ordinance No. 48, SeriM of 1973. ~"~)-\9- ex officio City Cll'rk -'l'reaaurer