HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 049DIUOOJICft• Al A BIU. BY comr:IUIUI 8CIDIM:JCBtmBi.;
ON>DIAHCB HO • ....!!....• SERIES OP 1973
M..'T%m BY, Tllll>UGH All> POil '1'llB ms Of' l'1'S 8QIUI) OP WA'1'BR CXWISSIONBRS, A PBRMl'l '1'0 CONSTRUCT AND
-n omanmo BY., .. CI'l'Y CX>1KIL OP '!'HE Cl'IY OP nwca•ooo, COLORAD01
8eftim 1.
Upan the canditiona hereinafter Mt forth, there i• hereby granted to the City and County
of o.wer, a amicillal corporation of the State of Colorado, •ometille• hereinafter referred to as
•oe.rw.r• for the 1189 of ita Board of Water C01Wi••ioner•, •011etiae• hereinafter referred to as "the
Boad•, a pemit to constract, operate and maintain, an eight-inch wter -in under and across certain
banimfter clacribed mada, atneta and property in the City of Englewood, Colorado, sometimes herein-
after nfernd to u •Bnglewooct,• to-vita
In Soatb Sbosbone Street frcm W..t Playd Avenue to West Dartmouth Avenue.
ID Daztlioutb &venue from South Shoabone Street to 260' + ••t of South
Sbollbaae Su.et.
lectiGD 2.
in. ~regoing right, pemit and licenM i• granted only upon the followinq express terms and
conditiana, to-vita
A. All riAJbta hermnder shall be wrcised in such manner a• to cause the least
poaaible inconvenience to thoee entitled to make use of the streets or avenues
lnw»lftd, and the 1~ possible ob8tzuction to travel in and alonq said streets
or a,,...•. To thia end, the Board shall, wherever poa•ible, always .. leave open
at lMat one-half of roads, •treets or avenues adjacent to or crossinq the exca-
•tiana and construction work of the Board and shall take all possible precautions
to preftDt accidents an4 injuriu in connection with any of its work alonq the
av.nae• and atEeeta bereimbon-..ntioned. ID no event, during the process of
cautmctian and layincJ of said condait, or the •intenance thereof, shall any
public or private 81:net, alley or right-of--y be obstructed to travel for a
contilmaua period of llOZ'e than four (4) days. During the construction and
•in~0ce of Mid conduit, there •ball, at no time, be stored or left on the
nrfaoe of the stEeeta, alleys or other rights-of-wy of the City of Englewood,
any pipe, •teriala or eqaiJment uaed in constzuction and maintenance of said
cantiait for a period of more than two (2) veeka at any one location before puttinq
lbaalcl it bee~ necMMJ:Y for th• Board, during the excavation for, or the
inatallation or •intenance of, the Mid conduit, to disconnect any house service
linea from any linea presently in place in aaid atreet• or avenues, the Board
aball caw tbe --to be done in such a •nner u to cauae the least possible
delay and incanvenience to tae wter uaen thereof, and the interruptions in
•tar Hn1ce to any property shall, in no case, exceed a period of six (6)
baan. All diaconnectiona and re-connection of any such water service lines
.._11 be done in a good and vodman-like manner, and all expenses incurred
therein ahall be the sole responsibility of the Board.
c. All excavation and construction, installation and -intenance work which the Board
aball undertake parsuant to this pemit shall be aubject to the inspection by a
ccmpetat and qualified Inapector who shall repr•ent the City, and the Board
apeea to cmply with all reascmabl• requests thereof in the perfo~ce of said
won. All nch work shall be perfor.ed so a• not to interfere with, or damaqe any
utility lines awned by the City or private utilities existing within such street.
After •ch exca•tion, tbe street shall be refilled1 the upper eleven inches of
tbe f W aball conaist of eight inchu of good quality compacted gravel base-
caane and three inches of asphaltic concrete •urfacing, surfacing to apply where
uiating surfacinq is diatuzbed. All of the aforeaaid work •hall be free from
Httl1•1nt arising oat of any excavation and perforaed within the limits of the
tzmch ... wtion. 'l'here shall be properly duigned concrete encaaaaents
reqairecl at •ch pipeline croesing of sanitazy sever linu and water lines so as
to •U•tmte foreign preaure an4 strusu upon the Englewood Sewer and Water
Iaatallations. The foft(Joing shall be aubject to the appmval of a representative
of the Director of Public Worka of the City of Englewood, Colorado.
D. 'lb• City of Englevoocl pl•ns to install a 48-inch atom •ewer line (with three feet
of conr) in Daztlioutb &venae apprmdaately twelve feet south of the centerline of
Dadaaatb1 therefore, the eight-inch wter line approved hereby should be ten
feet deep to top of pipe in this location. There is to be installed a railroad
apar juat ... t of Sboebane and croeaing Dartmouth Avenue, and the Denver Water
8oazd a~ to protect their line from any posaible damaqe from the rail spur.
Dellftr ancl the Board, ita succeasor• and usigns, shall, at all times, save and keep
haml•••, the said City of Englewood and ita City Council and other officers and
.. loyw f ma any and all damages that -y in any manner arise from the qranting
of this puait and the exerciM of any rights qranted hereunder, provided, however,
tbat the Boazd, ita successors and assigns, •ball not be •o held liable unless given
full opportanity to defend any such claims.
aeaUma 3.
llotb1ag benila ... 11 be CGD8tned u granting to Deaver or the Board any righta other than the
pelllit baniD up1wl7 defined and Mt forth, nor aball anything in thi8 ordinance be con•trued as
pantl.Dg an aclmiw privilege to Denftr or the Board, it being undentood that the right of Englewood
to pant tbe m of ita EOad9, atreeta, avenue•, alley• and other public rights-of-way to others for
pablic aad priwate pazpoe• 18 tally r•ened to Bnglewood, CCD8i8tent, however, with the full exercise
of n.,bta panted by tbJ.a pemit.
aectiaD '·
A oapy of tbu C>rcU.mnce, •19ned by the Mayor and City Clerk-'l'r•nrer of the City of Englewood,
Colomclo, .._11 be aafficiat nidence of the pemit herein gmnted. 'l'he acceptance of this permit by
neolftian by tbe Baard, a oopy of wbicb abal.l be duly certifjad to by the Clerk of the City of Englewood,
Colmado, 8ball be oanclmlw evidence of the acceptance by the Board of all the tema and conditiona of
tbia Odl•"O", and the Board a.,rw to perfcma 8Uoh tem. and oonditicn8.
aectiaD 5.
It ia aprwly andentood and agzaad that the gzanting and acceptance of this permit is and
._11 be witbaat prejaclloa to any rigbta or obligation of the City and County of Denver, Colorado, or its
8oazd of Water C taal.onen, or the City of £D9lwood, COlorado, or any inhabitanta thereof.
!!!tie '·
In tbe apt.ntan of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this ordinance is necessary
for tbe ~tian of Plblic property, health, peace or Mfety in that the City and County of Denver,
COloado, acting by and tbraugh ita daly conatituted and appointed Board of Water Coaaissioners is urgently
in need of the ritbt-of-..ay benin panted for the coD8truction of the w.ter conduit herein set forth,
and ~ Odlmace aball mu effect apclll i-••99·
IDt.zaclaced, read in fall and JUHd an fint r•ding on the 3rd day of December, 1973.
Pabli•bed u a Bill for an ordlmnce on the 6th day of December, 1973.
~ by title and .... ect an fiml r•ding an the 17th day of December, 1973.
Publi8bed by title u Ordinance Mo. 49, Serie• of 1973, on the 20th day of December, 1973.
• officio City Cl.en -Tnuarer
I, Karl llollenberger, cSo hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate
and ...,.1-. copy of the OrcH.mace, paaaed an fiml Z9&ding and publi•hed by title as Ordinance
llo. ,,, ~iM of 1973.
ex officio City Clerk~~ 'l'rea•urer