HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Ordinance No. 050lftJa)CM *' • Al A BILL BY COO.:llall Bl.BSSDIG BY AUl'llOIUTY Oll>DIAllCB 11>. _l!L, 8BRIBS 0. 1973 All Oll>DIMICB APPll>YIHG All AGIBDIBlft' BB'ftldlf '1'llB Crl'Y al EllGinOOD, COIDMDO AND 'l'HB CI'l'Y OP SHERIDP.N, COIOMDO MLM'IHG lf'O 'l'llB P.WIBIOll al All AlllaL SllBVl'Bll All> l'ACILI'l'IBS All> PBOVIDDIG POR ITS PA YMElfl'. Wll•A.B, the City of BncJlawood, COlorado and the City of Sheridan, Colorado are desirous of entering into an A9r••••nt wbenin the City of BncJlewood •ball provide animal ahelter,and facilities for the use of the Ciq of Sheridan Vl'OI' ,.,.._ of atipalated -for aai4 ue • .. , 'l'RZJSfOlm, 8B rr ~DIBD BY '1'HB Crl'Y COURCIL 0. '1'HE Cl'l'Y OP BRGLBllOOD, COIDRADO, as followa: aeatiaD 1. ftat the City of ID9l•DOd, COloracSo ahall enter into an Aqrewnt with the City of Sheridan, Colorado acoozdiag to tbe pmri.aiana of t.bat certain written inatmment ~tioned •Aqrewnt," which is attached hereto, caneiating of foar typewrittm 119999 and la hereby incorpozated by nference herein. Said instrument providess (a) City of Bngl~, COlorado ahall provide animl shelter facilities to Mrw tbe fo11.awiDcJ parpo9U in behalf of the City of Sheridan, Colorado: (1) cacaing and conflD•••nt of aiala1 (2) Proper care and cliapoaiticm of nch aniala, (3 > 'lb• uoant and mtbod of reiabar•••nt in the City of Englewood, COlorado by the City of Sheridan, Colorado for the uae of such facilit1M1 and (4) '!'be pzovlaiaa of cancellation of nch agr•••nt by either party. 8ectiaD 2. The City Coancil of th• City of BnCJlewood, Colorado hereby authorize• the Mayor of the City of Bnglwd, COlozado to 8ab9cribe hi.a na.. to aaid Aqra1•1nt on and in behalf of the City Council and the Ciq of .Bngleuoo4, COloracto. IDtrodll'Ced, na4 in full and paaect on first r•cling on the 19th day of November, 1973. PabJ isbed as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 21st day of Mcwrzher, 1973. -.41 by title and paaHd on final reacling on th• 3rd day of December, 1973. Pabliehed by title u Ordinance No. 50, Seriea of 1973, an th• 6th day of December, 1973. ~~ llayor AiiiST1 ex officio City Clerk -Tnaaanr x, JC&rl lloll....,.Eger, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing la a true, accurate and mmpleta can of the Ordinance, passed on final reacling and publiahed by title as Ordinance No. SO, Sert.a of 1973. . ~>J.,~~J ~ ex officio City l:lerk -Treasurer I ' 11 I II !I··· I ,. A G RB B II B ·H '1' ftD M21 1 •m, •terecl into tbia day of , 1973, by and between the C1ft CJr ma-xm, CX>uaDO, a amlcipal corporation, hereinafter referred to a• "Englewood" and the CI'l'Y OF ••urru, c:oumoo, a amici&lal corporatian hereinafter referred to u "Sheridan." W:d'W&'fta and will enlaqe in the near future, an ..U-1 •helter and clsposal facility Sheridan bu apruud iu duin to participate in the use of said facilities, and •••MU, botb amtcilaliti• find it matually de8irable under the provisions of Chapter 88, Article 2, c.a.a. •6J, u uulled, .UtW •eontract:a for ~tal Servic•," to enter into this agreement • .. , ~-. it ia atr••&t by and betueen the parti•• hereto a• followaz I. 'lbat Bnglwood 8ba11 provide an animal 8helter facility and service incident thereto consisting of tbe fol.1awinga 1. A modem •tractun with •ufficient an1-l8 run• and cage• to acc:omodate the confinement of docJa and -'ler a.nt•l.8. 2. Adjacent to tbe bailding, then aball be fenced an area adequate to confine larger animals1 being, borw, dankeya, and ant•l• of auc:h larger •iz••· 3. A eatbanaaia c+eeber of aafficient •ise to mthanise large, -dium and small doqs or other ant ml•. '· A gas-find incinerator aafficient to cr-te all docJa and wller animals. 5. t'be entire 1NNDd area 8hall be fenced and public parking provided. 6. Dagl•raa&t aball Eeeeift, hCUM, feed and othervi8e can for tbo8e aniaals ordered impounded by Sheridan. 7. At all ti•• tbe ant•l shelter 8hall be kept clean, and all animals received from Sheridan •hall be properly fed, cared for, and treated hwnely. 'l'he •tandards shall be those adopted by tbe Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and other appropriate government agmci•. a. 1tn91euaod alMll accept frca the proper off ic:en or wardw of Sheridan all animals delivered to it for care an a 899en(7) day per week ba•h1 twelve (12) hours on weekdays and two (2) baara an 8atazdap, Sundays, and holidays. In the event of an ... rgency, Englewood agrees to cooperate vitb Sheridan in •king the facilitiea available to proper authorized officers or wrdeu of Sheridan. 9. The abelter shall be open to the public for claiaing of animals or other purposes for four (4) baDra an w1kdays and two (2) hours on Saturday•, Sundays and holidays. A specific 8dledaale ahall be •tabliabed by Englewood and furnhhed to Sheridan. 10. 1tn9l.,ood aball prori.de telephone facilitie• and acc:omodate Sheridan by releasing animals, collectincJ Sheridan charged f-and fine8, and •hall reait all fees and fines to the proper Sheridan office monthly. However, releaae or dhpomal of impounded Sheridan animals must be aatboriaed by Sheridan or iu authorised officer• or wardens prior to release or disposal. 11. All 8heridan antml• ordered diapo•ed of 8hall be dhpo•ed of by Englewood. Disposal may be tbraagb adaption, transfer to a reaeazch agency, or euthanized and cremated. 12. ..cea•ry i'IP'Un'Lllllent foma and adllini.trative procedure• shall be established as mutually avr..S to bebf11n Bn9lewood and Sheridan. II. Sheridan 8halli 1. aetetiarae tbe City of Englewood at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) per day per animal, but shall guarantee a •tnt. .. of fifty-dollars ($50.00) per month. Such fee ahall be for the receiving, hoaaincJ, f11ding, care and other adllini.trative ••rvice• performed by Englewood, and such fees 8ball be ..u to Englewood llCDtbly. 2. Pay to Bngl..aod an additlaaal f .. of one dollar ($1.00) per animal for all such animals dispoaed of by eatbanaaia and crwtion. Such fees aball al•o be paid monthly. Englewood shall have full claill for any f_. collected for animal• adopted ot transferred to research agencies. 3. BR.abliab and provide to Englewood regulationa, procedure•, and redemption fee schedules covering all t..,.1Mled Sheridan antmi.. DI. Tum and ccmdltioaa of tb1a 19n1•1nt ahall be in force and effect for a period of five (5) years c 1ncing Ja._ry 1, 1974, tbzoagb Dectaher 31, 1978. 'l'bi• Agn•ent •Y be cancelled by either of tbe ,artiM be~ on the ft.rat day of January of any 8\lbaequent year during the term of this A4Jr1•1nt apm niDety (90) day prior written ~ice to the other party. However, in the event of aaab eanoellation, tbe following penalti• Mall be tBPO"ed against the jurisdiction requesting aaab canoellationa Pemltya C.ncellatlon date Janmry 1, 1975 -fifty percent (50') of the total 009ta .-w by 8heridan the prerioaa year, January 1, 1976 -thirty-five (35') percent of the total C09ta i-J.d by Sheridan the pnvioaa year, January 1, 1977 -fifteen percent (15') of the total costs i-id by Sheridan the pnvioua year, January 1, 1978 -no penalty. D WlftlB88 .,..__., tbe partie• hereto haw hereunto •et their hands and •eals on the day and year flat abowa vritt.. -- I I 0 u 8 .. I .. ~ B ... I J e. Cl) !s I ~ E ~ E ~ u u 0 ~ .. .. ii a ! a ~I ~ Ji. ! B u .9 I 1t11 .. ~ I I :s 0 Bili I